Feeding critically ill patients: What is the optimal amount of energy? Renee D. Stapleton, MD, MSc; Naomi Jones, RD, MSc; Daren K. Heyland, MD, MSc Hypermetabolism and malnourishment are common in the intensive care unit. Malnutrition is associated with increased morbidity and mortality, and most intensive care unit patients receive specialized nutrition therapy to attenuate the effects of malnourishment. However, the optimal amount of energy to deliver is unknown, with some studies suggesting that full calorie feeding improves clinical outcomes but other studies concluding that caloric intake may not be important in determining outcome. In this narrative review, we discuss the studies of critically ill patients that examine the relationship between dose of nutrition and clinically important outcomes. Observational studies suggest that achieving targeted caloric intake might not be necessary since provision of approximately 25% to 66% of goal calories may be sufficient. Randomized controlled trials comparing early aggressive use of enteral nutrition compared with delayed, less aggressive use of enteral nutrition suggest that providing in- C ritically ill patients are often hypermetabolic and can become malnourished (1). Malnutrition has been associated with increased morbidity and mortality in acutely ill patients, particularly in the surgical population (2). Therefore, the generally accepted goals of nutritional delivery in critically ill patients are to provide nutritional therapy consistent with the patient’s condition, prevent nutrient deficiencies, avoid complications related to delivering nutrition, and improve patient outcomes (3). However, many questions about the appropriate assessment of nutritional status and the appropriate substrate, timing, route, and From the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, WA (RDS); and the Clinical Evaluation Research Unit, Department of Medicine, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada (NJ, DKH). Drs. Stapleton and Heyland and Ms. Jones have not disclosed any potential conflicts of interest. For information regarding this article, E-mail: rstaplet@u.washington.edu Copyright © 2007 by the Society of Critical Care Medicine and Lippincott Williams & Wilkins DOI: 10.1097/01.CCM.0000279204.24648.44 Crit Care Med 2007 Vol. 35, No. 9 (Suppl.) creased calories with early, aggressive enteral nutrition is associated with improved clinical outcomes. However, energy provision with parenteral nutrition, either instead of or supplemental to enteral nutrition, does not offer additional benefits. In summary, the optimal amount of calories to provide critically ill patients is unclear given the limitations of the existing data. However, evidence suggests that improving adequacy of enteral nutrition by moving intake closer to goal calories might be associated with a clinical benefit. There is no role for supplemental parenteral nutrition to increase caloric delivery in the early phase of critical illness. Further high-quality evidence from randomized trials investigating the optimal amount of energy intake in intensive care unit patients is needed. (Crit Care Med 2007; 35[Suppl.]:S535–S540) KEY WORDS: nutrition; critical illness; feeding; hypocaloric feeding; enteral; parenteral; calories; intensive care unit; caloric debt; caloric deficit amount of nutritional support in critically ill patients remain understudied, particularly in medical patients. One important unanswered question that has recently become more prominent in the critical care literature pertains to dose or amount of nutrition. There is a general consensus that excessive hypocaloric or hypercaloric feeding should be avoided, but controversy exists over what the feeding target should be. Some authors advocate for the provision of energy below actual requirements to avoid accentuating the metabolic adaptive response to injury or stress (4, 5). In clinical practice in the intensive care unit (ICU), patients commonly fail to receive adequate calories to meet prescribed targets, with studies reporting average energy intakes of 49% to 70% of calculated requirements (6 –12). Reasons for failing to achieve adequate intake include fasting for procedures and gastrointestinal intolerance (13). Consequently, we are faced with a question: Is struggling to achieve goal calories during the course of critical illness a worthwhile strategy that will affect clinically important outcomes? It is the intent of this review to discuss the evidence for and against the practice of hy- pocaloric feeding in clinical care. Given the heterogeneity of studies providing evidence on this topic with regard to route of delivery (enteral vs. parenteral), timing (early vs. delayed initiation), and dose (full vs. partial feedings), it is difficult to interpret the literature. However, with a systematic approach to the available data, one can arrive at conclusions about the evidence and the obvious need for further research. Although our goal is to determine the optimal amount of energy to feed the critically ill, we will not discuss the relationship between protein intake and outcomes. In contrast to the purported benefits of energy restriction, protein restriction is associated with worse clinical outcomes in both animal models and clinical studies (14, 15). Observational Studies on Hypocaloric Nutrition in Critically Ill Patients Over the past decade, several observational studies have examined the association between caloric intake and clinically important outcomes in critically ill patients. A recent prospective cohort study in Switzerland followed 48 critiS535 cally ill patients for the duration of their ICU stay (16). Their weekly caloric balance (defined as calories received minus calories targeted) was calculated. After adjustment for Simplified Acute Physiology Score II (17), Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score (18), body mass index, and age, cumulative energy deficit was associated with longer ICU length of stay (p ⫽ .0001), more days on mechanical ventilation (p ⫽ .0002), and more complications (p ⫽ .0003). As a sensitivity analysis, the authors examined cumulative energy debt during the first week of the patients’ ICU stay and found the same associations of an increasing caloric debt and worse clinical outcomes. These associations were further examined in another study exploring the link between caloric intake and increased risk of bloodstream infection (12). This was a prospective observational cohort study of 138 medical ICU patients who had not had any food intake by mouth for ⱖ96 hrs after medical ICU admission, 92% of whom were receiving mechanical ventilation. Daily caloric intake was recorded during the entire medical ICU stay, and patients were grouped into quartiles based on percentages of caloric need as recommended by the American College of Chest Physicians in its 1997 guidelines (3). Simple Kaplan-Meier analyses found that patients in the lowest quartile of caloric intake (less than approximately 6 kcal/kg/day) had a higher risk for bloodstream infection than all other patients. After multivariable Cox proportional hazards analysis adjusting for severity of illness (Simplified Acute Physiology Score II) at medical ICU admission, patients who received an average of ⱖ25% of their recommended caloric intake had a significant reduction in the risk of bloodstream infection (relative hazard 0.27, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.11– 0.68). It is difficult to infer causality since patients who cannot tolerate greater caloric intake might be the same patients who are more ill and at higher risk of infections. Alternatively, receiving ⬍25% of prescribed energy requirements may put patients at high risk of infectious complications. Krishnan et al. (10) performed a prospective cohort study of 187 critically ill patients who were categorized into tertiles according to percentage of American College of Chest Physicians-recommended levels of caloric intake (3) achieved during the ICU stay of ⱖ4 days in duration. The authors found that patients in the highest tertile (receiving S536 ⱖ66% of recommended calories) were less likely to be discharged from the hospital alive and to achieve spontaneous ventilation before ICU discharge compared with patients in the lowest tertile. Patients in the middle tertile (33% to 65%), however, were more likely than patients in the lowest tertile to be discharged from the ICU breathing spontaneously. We performed a similar analysis (19) using cross-sectional survey data from the follow-up phase of a previous cluster randomized trial of dissemination of Canadian Clinical Practice Guidelines for nutrition support (20). According to mean daily caloric intake from enteral nutrition (EN) as a percentage of calories prescribed, 669 patients from 59 Canadian ICUs were divided into tertiles. After adjustment for confounding variables (age, admission category and diagnosis, gender, body mass index, timing of initiation of EN, and presence of the acute respiratory distress syndrome), we found that caloric intake was not associated with risk of death. Greater caloric intake was associated with longer lengths of stay in the ICU and hospital. Compared with the lowest tertile, patients in the middle and highest tertiles stayed in the ICU an average of 4.8 days (p ⫽ .01) and 8.2 days (p ⬍ .001) longer, respectively. Patients in the middle and highest tertiles also stayed in the hospital a mean of 4.5 days (p ⫽ .02) and 8.0 days (p ⬍ .001) longer, respectively. However, one probable interpretation of these results is that higher rates of EN were achieved in patients with longer length of stay because there were more days in the ICU or hospital to meet goal intake. Finally, in a recent nonrandomized trial, 150 mechanically ventilated patients in a medical ICU were assigned to treatment groups on alternating days (rather than by random allocation) to evaluate early aggressive EN compared with delayed EN (21). Patients in the early group were scheduled to receive their targeted amount of EN on day 1 after enrollment, while patients in the delayed group were scheduled to receive 20% of their caloric needs on days 1–5, with full calorie EN starting on day 5. During the first 5 days of mechanical ventilation, patients in the early group received 28% of their estimated caloric needs (average of 474 kcal/day), while patients in the delayed group received 7% of their caloric needs (126 kcal/day). Enteral nutrition in this trial was given using gastric bolus feeding delivered every 4 hrs. Patients in the early-feeding group had a statistically greater incidence of ventilator-associated pneumonia (49.3% vs. 30.7%; p ⫽ .02), longer ICU length of stay (13.6 days vs. 9.8 days; p ⫽ .043), and longer hospital length of stay (22.9 days vs. 16.7 days; p ⫽ .023). Hospital mortality was not different between the two groups. Since both these groups were truly underfed and were near or below the 25% goal calorie threshold set by the previous analysis (12), it is difficult to interpret these findings. The use of bolus feedings, which may increase risk of regurgitation and aspiration, further limits the inferences that can be drawn from this study. Integrating across all these aforementioned studies, it would seem that the optimal dose of EN would be ⬎25% but ⬍66% of goal calories. However, as acknowledged by many of their authors, these observational studies have an obvious and common bias in the critical care nutrition literature: Sicker patients are more likely to stay longer in the ICU and more likely to be difficult to feed enterally, and longer exposure to the ICU increases the chances of complications. Thus, observational research cannot reliably answer our question: Does achieving goal calories during the course of critical illness affect clinically important outcomes? Many unmeasured factors likely play a role in clinicians’ decisions to deliver nutritional support to individual critically ill patients (such as the patient’s expected length of stay and perceived nutritional status), and even the most carefully performed observational study might still be limited by residual confounding. To truly find the answer, we need to seek evidence from randomized controlled trials (RCTs). One group of RCTs to consider includes those trials comparing EN with parenteral nutrition (PN) (22–34). In these trials, patients in the PN groups achieve target caloric intake rapidly after initiation while patients in the EN group usually have a substantial caloric debt. Four meta-analyses—two in critically ill patients (35, 36) and two that also included hospitalized patients (37, 38)—all concluded there is no difference in mortality rates between patients receiving EN or PN, but fewer complications are associated with EN than with PN. If we accept that EN is the preferred route of delivery, despite the fact that it usually underdelivers calories compared Crit Care Med 2007 Vol. 35, No. 9 (Suppl.) with PN, then two important additional questions arise: Are greater amounts of EN more beneficial than less EN? Is providing supplemental PN to EN in order to meet caloric goals beneficial? Close inspection of additional RCTs providing evidence in three different areas can help answer these questions: 1) RCTs comparing higher vs. lower doses of EN; 2) RCTs comparing early vs. delayed EN; and 3) RCTs comparing EN alone vs. EN plus supplemental PN. RCTs Comparing Early Aggressive vs. Early Lower Dose Enteral Nutrition Three RCTs have linked increased caloric intake from EN begun early in the course of critical illness with improved patient-centered outcomes. The first was an RCT by Taylor et al. (39) that investigated the effects of early enhanced EN on clinical outcomes in patients with severe head injury who were receiving mechanical ventilation. Eighty-two head-injured patients with Glasgow Coma Scale score ⬎3 were randomized to receive either standard early EN or enhanced early EN. Enteral feeding was started within 24 hrs of the injury in both groups. In the control group, patients received EN starting at 15 mL/hr, which was increased incrementally as tolerated according to a predefined protocol. In the intervention group, patients received EN starting at the rate that would meet their full caloric needs. During the first week after head injury, patients in the enhanced EN group received significantly more calories than patients in the control group (59.2% vs. 36.8% of caloric goal, p ⬍ .001). There was no difference in mortality between the two groups (12.2% in the intervention group and 14.6% in the control group). There was a trend toward improved neurologic outcome 3 months after injury in the intervention group (proportion with good neurologic recovery 61% vs. 39%, p ⫽ .08), but this difference was not apparent at 6 months, thus suggesting that the aggressively fed group had a faster time to recovery. Patients in the intervention group also had fewer overall complications, including infections, up to 6 months after the initial injury (37% vs. 61%, p ⫽ .046). The second RCT evaluating “dose” of nutritional support was a multicenter cluster-randomized clinical trial of algorithms for critical care enteral and parenteral therapy (ACCEPT) (40). This clusCrit Care Med 2007 Vol. 35, No. 9 (Suppl.) ter-randomized trial at 14 Canadian hospitals investigated the impact of the implementation of evidence-based feeding algorithms on nutrition practices and patient outcomes in the ICU. Patients ⱖ16 yrs of age who were expected to stay in the ICU ⱖ48 hrs were enrolled in the study (n ⫽ 499). At the sites assigned to the intervention group, in-service education sessions, reminders, and academic detailing (i.e., one-to-one education) were performed to implement the evidence-based nutrition support recommendations. Hospitals assigned to the control group did not receive any of the interventions. Patients at both the intervention (n ⫽ 248) and control (n ⫽ 214) sites were similar with the exception that more patients at the intervention hospitals were admitted from the operating room. Although not statistically different, patients at the intervention hospitals received more calories per day than those at the control sites (1264 kcal vs. 998 kcal; p ⫽ .25) and received significantly more days of EN per 10 days (6.7 vs. 5.4; p ⫽ .042). This increased amount of EN translated into a large improvement in clinical outcomes as patients in the intervention hospitals had a significantly shorter length of hospital stay (25 vs. 35 days; p ⫽ .003) and trended toward reduced mortality (27% vs. 37%; p ⫽ .058). However, length of ICU stay was not different between the two groups (10.9 vs. 11.8 days; p ⫽ .7). Admittedly, it is difficult to understand how such a small difference in dose of EN is associated with such large changes in clinical outcomes. Nevertheless, the observations are consistent with the message that it is worthwhile to try to increase EN delivery. The third RCT in this group, published only in abstract form (41), randomized 53 critically ill mechanically ventilated patients to receive tight caloric balance control or standard diet prescribed using the Harris-Benedict equation for energy expenditure (42). Patients in the tight caloric balance control group had their resting energy expenditure measured daily and their nutritional support adjusted according to the results. The tight caloric balance control patients had less cumulative energy debt (⫺1353 kcal vs. ⫺9199 kcal, p ⬍ .01) and significantly fewer complications, including less renal failure and need for dialysis. However, length of stay, duration of ventilation, and mortality were not different between the two groups. Summarizing these three studies, there appears to be some evidence, albeit weak, that increased amounts of EN or less energy deficit is associated with improved clinical outcomes. RCTs Comparing Early vs. Delayed Enteral Nutrition Since the mid-1970s, 19 RCTs of early vs. delayed EN in critically ill patients have been performed (39, 43– 60). Eight of these trials were in elective surgery patients (43–50); the remainder were in trauma, head injury, and burn patients (39, 51– 60). In these trials, patients in the early EN groups generally received more total calories (average of 1713 kcal) than patients in the delayed groups (average of 910 kcal) since their EN was initiated earlier. These RCTs have undergone two meta-analyses. The first metaanalysis included only mechanically ventilated patients (35) and concluded that early EN is associated with trends toward a reduction in both mortality (risk ratio [RR] 0.65, 95% CI 0.41–1.02, p ⫽ .06) and infectious complications (RR 0.78, 95% CI 0.60 –1.01, p ⫽ .06) (Figs. 1 and 2). The second meta-analysis included all trials (61) and found that early EN was not associated with mortality but was associated with a significantly lower risk of infectious complications (RR 0.45, 95% CI 0.30 – 0.66, p ⬍ .001) and reduced hospital length of stay (mean reduction of 2.2 days, 95% CI 0.81–3.63, p ⫽ .004). Consistent with the observations from the randomized trials presented earlier, these data support the notion that more aggressive initiation of EN with increased amounts of EN provided is associated with improved clinical outcomes. None of the previously mentioned studies that achieved greater success with EN achieved 100% of goal calories. Rather, they increased the provision of goal calories from the 25% to 66% range toward 100% of goal calories. How close to 100% of goal calories from EN or how much above 66% represents a shift from benefit toward harm is unknown. RCTs Comparing Enteral Nutrition Alone vs. Enteral Nutrition Plus Supplemental Parenteral Nutrition Five RCTs have compared combined EN and PN vs. EN alone, all of which started both regimens simultaneously (25, 62– 65). Patients in the groups supS537 Figure 1. The effect of early vs. delayed enteral nutrition (EN) on infectious complications in critically ill patients. Reproduced with permission from www.criticalcarenutrition.com. RR, risk ratio; CI, confidence interval. Figure 2. The effect of early vs. delayed enteral nutrition (EN) on mortality in critically ill patients. Reproduced with permission from www.criticalcarenutrition.com. RR, risk ratio; CI, confidence interval. plemented with PN likely achieved full caloric intake more rapidly and thus had less caloric debt. However, caloric debt can only be calculated from one of these studies (65) where the prescribed calories were 25 kcal/kg/day, the combined EN and PN group reached 98% of goal calories with 24.6 kcal/kg/day, and the ENonly group received 57% of prescribed calories with 14.2 kcal/kg/day. A metaanalysis of these five trials found that the combination of EN and PN has no benefit with regard to mortality (RR 1.27, 95% CI 0.82–1.94, p ⫽ .3), infectious complications (RR 1.14, 95% CI 0.66 –1.96, p ⫽ .6), length of hospital stay, or days on mechanical ventilation (66). Therefore, although some observational data suggest S538 that a caloric deficit may be associated with poor outcomes, there is no evidence that minimizing caloric deficit with supplemental PN in addition to EN will improve clinical outcomes. CONCLUSIONS Observational studies examining the association between amount of caloric intake and clinical outcomes suggest that providing somewhere in the range of 25% to 66% of calculated energy requirements is optimal. These observations are supported by animal studies showing that restrictive energy intake is associated with decreased inflammatory cytokines, improved metabolic profiles, and better survival compared with more liberal amounts of energy (67). However, stronger inferences can be made from existing RCTs comparing different routes of delivery and timing of feeding. Evidence from these RCTs suggests that early aggressive EN, with increased amounts of EN provided, is associated with improved clinical outcomes, and that using PN in preference to EN, or supplementing EN with PN, does not confer any additional benefits. Consequently, given the inadequate provision of energy to critically ill patients in our ICUs, strategies to achieve goal calories with EN should be adopted. 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