What is the evidence for paediatric dental sedation? Review L.L. Matharu ,

JJOD-1030; No of Pages 19
journal of dentistry xxx (2006) xxx–xxx
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What is the evidence for paediatric dental sedation?
L.L. Matharu a,*, P.F. Ashley b
Unit of Paediatric Dentistry, King’s College London, Dental Institute Bessemer Road, London SE5 9RW, United Kingdom
Unit of Paediatric Dentistry, UCL Eastman Dental Institute, 256 Gray’s Inn Road, London WC1X 8LD, United Kingdom
article info
Article history:
Background and rationale: Sedation can be used to relieve anxiety and manage behaviour in
Received 7 June 2006
children, unfortunately it is difficult to determine from published research which agents,
Accepted 8 August 2006
dosages and techniques are effective.
Objective: To evaluate the relative efficacy of the various conscious sedation techniques and
dosages for behaviour management in paediatric dentistry.
Design and key methods: Relevant databases and reference lists from articles were searched
Systematic review
up to December 2005. Studies were selected if they met the following criteria: randomised
controlled trials of conscious sedation comparing two or more drugs/techniques/placebo
undertaken by the dentist or one of the dental team in anxious children up to 16 years of age.
Results: Sixty-five studies were included with 3372 subjects in total. Overall quality of
studies was found to be disappointing with poor reporting often the main problem.
Conclusions: Authors were not able to reach any definitive conclusion on which was the
most effective drug or method of sedation used for anxious children due to issues with the
quality and validity of published studies to date.
# 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Caries levels of children living in industrialised nations have
dropped substantially over the last few decades. Unfortunately a significant proportion of children still have dental
decay and much of it remains untreated.1,2 Reasons for this
lack of treatment are complex, one significant barrier will be
fear of the treatment itself.
Historically this has been overcome in children by use of
general anaesthetic (GA). It is now recognised that GA should
be avoided wherever possible due to the associated rare risk of
death. General anaesthesia is also costly as it requires the use
of specialist facilities and staff such as anaesthetists and
specialist nurses.
An alternative is for individuals to have treatment under
local anaesthesia and sedation. Views of what constitutes
sedation differ between clinicians, however any definition
should seek to differentiate sedation from general anaesthesia. A widely used definition of sedation is as follows.3
‘‘a state of depression of the central nervous system which
reduces anxiety thus enabling treatment to be carried out
satisfactorily. During sedation the patient will be able to
independently maintain an open mouth, and respond sensibly
to verbal commands. In addition, the patient will retain
adequate function of protective reflexes such as the laryngeal
reflex. The drugs used should carry a margin of safety
sufficient to render unintended loss of consciousness extremely unlikely’’. It is important to distinguish this from so
called deep sedation3 which brings with it the risk of
unintended loss of consciousness.
Sedation is a widely used technique to facilitate provision
of dentistry for children and adolescents so like any other
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 20 7737 4000x2417.
E-mail address: liege.matharu@kcl.ac.uk (L.L. Matharu).
0300-5712/$ – see front matter # 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article as: L.L. Matharu, P.F. Ashley, What is the evidence for paediatric dental sedation?, Journal of Dentistry (2006),
JJOD-1030; No of Pages 19
journal of dentistry xxx (2006) xxx–xxx
clinical procedure high quality evidence is required. Therefore,
we carried out a Cochrane review of the literature4 to determine
which sedative agents were effective for behaviour management in children receiving dental care. This highlighted
significant issues with the research to date and a summary of
this review is presented below. This paper is based on a
Cochrane review most recently substantively amended in The
Cochrane Library 2006, issue 1 (see http://www.thecochranelibrary.com for information). Cochrane reviews are regularly
updated as new evidence emerges and in response to
comments and criticisms, and The Cochrane Library should
be consulted for the most recent version of the review.
Materials and methods
Types of studies
Randomised controlled clinical trials.
Types of interventions
Test group
Any sedative agent via any route of admission. Studies that
reported induction of deep sedation were excluded.
Control group
Placebo (including no intervention) or alternative sedation
agent or different dosage of the same agent.
Types of outcome measures
(1) Completion of treatment (yes/no);
(2) Difference in behaviour between test and control groups;
(3) Adverse events.
Methods of the review
Selection of papers suitable for inclusion was carried out by
two assessors (LM and PA). Disagreements were resolved by
Assessment of methodological quality
All studies meeting the selection criteria were included in this
review regardless of quality.
Data extraction was carried out on a specially designed
form independently by two assessors (LM and PA) blinded to
each other’s data. Disagreements were resolved by discussion.
Assessors were not blinded to the journal of publication or the
author’s names on the papers.
Types of participants
Children and adolescents aged 0–16 years of age having
restorative treatment or extractions with local anaesthesia.
were also contacted for any unpublished data. The search
attempted to identify all relevant studies irrespective of
language. Non-English papers were translated.
Search strategy for identification of studies
Detailed search strategies were developed for each database.
Databases searched were: The Cochrane Central Register of
Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) (The Cochrane Library, December
2005); MEDLINE (OVID) (up to December 2005). EMBASE (OVID)
(up to December 2005); system for information on grey
literature in Europe (SIGLE) (up to December 2005).
World Wide Web (Google) and the Community of Science
Database were also searched for additional relevant trials.
The following journals were handsearched by the authors
for the period 2000–2005: International Journal of Paediatric
Dentistry; Dental Update; Pediatric Dentistry; Journal of
Dentistry for Children; American Academy of Pediatric
Dentistry; Journal of American Dental Association; British
Dental Journal.
The reference lists of all eligible trials were checked for
additional studies. Specialists in the field known to authors
Description of studies
One hundred and forty-eight studies potential studies were
identified and 65 of these fulfilled the criteria of the review.
Lindsay and Yates5 paper was classified as two separate studies,
Lindsay 1985a and 1985b. Reasons for exclusion were mainly
because non-relevant outcome variables were used or the study
was not a prospective randomised trial. Only one study could be
excluded because deep sedation was stated as being used.6
Dates of publication ranged from 1966 to 2005. Studies were
from 15 different countries with the greatest proportion of
studies (n = 32, 49%) from the USA. The majority of studies
(34%) were published in Pediatric Dentistry. Age of patients
ranged from 1 to 16 years but in at least 27 of the studies all
subjects were 6 or under (only 40 studies gave minimum and
maximum age ranges). Mean age (approximation) for all
studies was 4.6 years. The mean number of participants was
51.9 (standard deviation (S.D.) = 96.3) with 3372 in total.
A total of 35 different drugs or combinations of drugs were
used and delivered orally, intranasally, intravenously, rectally,
intramuscularly, submucosally or by inhalation depending on
the type of drug and experimental aims. In 24 of the studies
(37%) all participants were administered supplemental nitrous
oxide/oxygen and papoose boards were used in 31 of the
studies (48%). Sixteen of the studies (25%) compared a drug
regimen to a placebo, 11 of the studies (17%) looked at the
effect of varying dosages or mode of delivery of the same agent
and the remainder compared different drugs or combinations
of drugs (58%).
Dental treatment was poorly described and all subjects
appeared to have some sort of restoration under rubber dam or
extraction with local anaesthetic.
Outcome measures varied widely with measures of
behaviour or level of sedation most commonly used (Houpt
or modified Houpt Scale used most frequently (n = 30, 46%)).
Thirty-four different types of measurement scales for behaviour or sedation were used.
Please cite this article as: L.L. Matharu, P.F. Ashley, What is the evidence for paediatric dental sedation?, Journal of Dentistry (2006),
JJOD-1030; No of Pages 19
Study ID
Sample size
and age (years)
Intervention and
mode delivery
Did all patients
complete treatment?
Evans et al.36
n = 75
Group 1 chloral
hydrate 15 mg/lb;
group 2 placebo; all oral
No significant difference
between groups for manageability
or emotionality ( p > 0.05)
All participants
completed treatment
Flaitz et al.37
n = 12; mean age
(age range) 3.75 (2–6)
Group 1 placebo; group 2
diazepam 0.6 mg/kg;
all rectal
Significantly less
interfering responses in diazepam
group ( p < 0.0001)
All participants
completed treatment
Gallardo et al.38
n = 60; age range = 4–8
Group 1 flunitrazepam
0.5 mg/kg; group 2
diazepam 0.5 mg/kg;
group 3 placebo; all oral
Change in
manageability and
categories between
first and second visits
Interfering and
Total patient
and operator
Overall sedation;
mental attitude;
hypnotic effects.
Motor activity;
ease of treatment
All participants
completed treatment
Gallardo et al.39
n = 32; age range = 4–10
Group 1 midazolam 7.5 mg;
group 2 placebo; all oral
Flunitrazepam significantly better
than placebo ( p < 0.001) in all
categories. No significant difference
between diazepam and placebo
( p > 0.05) except for ease of treatment
category (dental treatment
more difficult in placebo
group, p < 0.001)
Midazolam significantly better
than placebo ( p < 0.001) in all categories
Houpt et al.40
n = 19; mean age
(age range) 2.49 (1.6–3.4)
Group 1 chloral hydrate
50 mg/kg + nitrous
oxide/oxygen 50:50%;
group 2 placebo; all oral
All participants
completed treatment
Kapur et al.41
n = 40; age: younger than 4
Group 1 midazolam
0.5 mg/kg
group 2 placebo
(same volume)
Significantly less movement
( p < 0.05) in chloral hydrate
group at 60 min point. Significantly
less crying ( p < 0.05) in chloral
hydrate group when mouth
prop inserted, rubber
dam placed and at
60 min point. Significantly
more ( p < 0.05) patients
drowsy/asleep in chloral
hydrate group. Overall
evaluation of sedation
significantly better
( p < 0.05) for chloral
hydrate group
Significantly better sedation
in group 1 compared to group 2
( p < 0.01). Eight completed
group 1 vs. seven group 2 ( p < 0.01)
Overall sedation;
mental attitude;
hypnotic effects;
motor activity;
ease of treatment
Sedation score,
completion, time
All participants
completed treatment
journal of dentistry xxx (2006) xxx–xxx
Please cite this article as: L.L. Matharu, P.F. Ashley, What is the evidence for paediatric dental sedation?, Journal of Dentistry (2006),
Table 1 – Summary of placebo studies
All participants
completed treatment
Intervention and
mode delivery
Did all patients
complete treatment?
Lima et al.7
n = 11; mean age
(age range) 3.3
Group 1 placebo; group
2 midazolam 1 mg/kg;
group 3 midazolam
0.75 mg/kg +
2 mg/kg; all oral
All participants
completed treatment
Lindsay and Roberts8
n = 24; mean age
(S.D.) 8.6 (3.8)
Group 1, 50:50 nitrous
group 2 placebo;
all inhalation
Child’s obstructive
clinician supporting
Lindsay and Yates5
n = 27; mean age
(age range) 7.9 (4–12)
Group 1 diazepam
0.2 mg/kg;
group 2 placebo; all oral
All participants
completed treatment
Lindsay and Yates5
n = 17; mean age
(age range) 8.7 (4–13)
Group 1 diazepam 2 mg
given evening before,
0.2 mg/kg morning
of procedure,
0.2 mg/kg given 1 h before
procedure (pm);
group 2 placebo; all oral
No significant differences
( p > 0.05) between groups
All participants
completed treatment
McKee et al.42
n = 60, 15 each group;
mean age (S.E.)
from 3 (0.2) to 3.7 (0.2)
Group 1 placebo;
group 2 meperidine
0.25 mg/lb;
group 3 meperidine
0.50 mg/lb;
group 4 meperidine
1 mg/lb;
all intramuscular
Co-operation and
stress rating;
of child;
clinician management
amount of work
Co-operation and
stress rating;
of child;
clinician management
amount of work
Modified Houpt;
behaviour scale;
behaviour scale.
Global rating scale
Significantly more sleep in
group 3 compared to placebo
( p = 0.018). Significantly less
movement in group 1 compared
to group 2 ( p = 0.018), significantly
less crying in group 2 compared
to group 3 or 1
( p = 0.025). Overall
group 2 significantly
better than 3 or 1
Total number of obstructive
activities and time to complete
treatment significantly less in
nitrous oxide group. Clinicians
supporting activities less
frequent per minute and less
numerous throughout whole
session for nitrous oxide ( p < 0.01)
No significant differences
( p > 0.05) between groups
All doses of meperidine were
significantly better than placebo
( p < 0.05) for values of global
sedation scale. All three
scales significantly
contributed to
overall MANCOVA
One participant
from 0.25 mg/lb
group and one
from 0.5 mg/lb
group became
and treatment
was not completed
All participants
completed treatment
journal of dentistry xxx (2006) xxx–xxx
Sample size
and age (years)
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Please cite this article as: L.L. Matharu, P.F. Ashley, What is the evidence for paediatric dental sedation?, Journal of Dentistry (2006),
Table 1 (Continued )
Study ID
Nathan et al.20
n = 35; age range = 4–6
Primosch et al.31
n = 27; mean age
(age range) 7.3 (5–9.7)
Veerkamp et al.19
n = 56; group 1 n = 27;
group 2 n = 29;
age range all
subjects 6–11 years
Yanase et al.13
n = 25; mean age
(S.D.) 3.7 (1.25)
Group 1 placebo;
group 2 chloral
hydrate 20 mg/kg;
group 3 chloral
hydrate 40 mg/kg;
group 4 chloral hydrate
60 mg/kg; all oral
Group 1 no intervention;
group 2 placebo; group 3,
20–50:50 nitrous
oxide/oxygen; inhalation
Group 1 placebo; group 2,
40:60 nitrous oxide/oxygen;
all inhalation
completion of
Significant difference
( p < 0.05) seen between
placebo and 60 mg/kg chloral
hydrate group. No significant
differences between placebo
and other groups
All participants
completed treatment
Venham; parental
screening instrument
Ohio State University
rating scale (OSUBR)
Significantly lower anxiety
and behaviour ratings in
nitrous oxide group ( p < 0.05)
All participants
completed treatment
All participants
assumed to have
completed treatment
Group 1 behaviour
group 2 up to
40:60 nitrous
oxide/oxygen; inhalation
Group 1 diazepam
0.3 mg/kg;
group 2 placebo; all oral
Venham scale
Use of nitrous oxide
significantly reduces the
risk of adverse patient
behaviours and increased
the incidence of quiet,
co-operative behaviour ( p < 0.001)
Significantly less anxiety
( p < 0.05) in nitrous oxide group
Significantly lower behavioural
scores ( p < 0.01) in diazepam group
All participants
completed treatment
Behaviour score
All participants
completed treatment
JJOD-1030; No of Pages 19
n = 60, 15 each group;
mean age from 3.3 to 3.9
journal of dentistry xxx (2006) xxx–xxx
Please cite this article as: L.L. Matharu, P.F. Ashley, What is the evidence for paediatric dental sedation?, Journal of Dentistry (2006),
Moore et al.43
Study ID
Intervention and mode delivery
Outcome results
Did all patients
complete treatment?
Al-Rakaf et al.44
n = 38; group 1 (n = 12),
group 2 (n = 13),
group 3 (n = 13);
mean age (S.D.) 3.75
(0.75)–4.3 (0.65)
n = 50, 25 per group;
mean age (S.D.)
group 1: 5.4 years
(1.7); group 2: 5 years (1.5)
Group 1 midazolam 0.3 mg/kg;
group 2 midazolam 0.4 mg/kg;
group 3 midazolam
0.5 mg/kg; all intranasal
Seventy-nine percent of
0.3 mg/kg, 96% 0.4 mg/kg
and 100% 0.5 mg/kg
completed treatment
Group 1 midazolam
(oral) 0.5 mg/kg;
group 2 midazolam
(rectal) 0.35 mg/kg
Acceptance application
sedation and LA, operating
conditions, amnesia
Group 1 temazepam
0.3 mg/kg;
group 2 temazepam
0.5 mg/kg; all oral
Group 1 midazolam
0.2 mg/kg;
group 2 midazolam
0.3 mg/kg; all intranasal
Significant difference in
general behavioural scores
between groups ( p = 0.0001)
with behaviour improving
with increased dose of midazolam
Poorer acceptance application
sedation in group 2
(8% poor group 2 vs. none poor
group 1, p < 0.05). No other
significant differences
between groups
No significant differences
in behaviour between groups
Group 1 chloral hydrate
75 mg/kg;
group 2 chloral hydrate
50 mg/kg + promethazine 25 mg;
group 3 chloral hydrate
50 mg/kg; all oral
Group 1 chloral hydrate
50 mg/kg;
group 2 chloral hydrate
75 mg/kg; all oral
Aydintug et al.21
n = 22; mean age
(age range) 4.1 (2–4)
Fuks et al.46
n = 30; mean age
(age range) 2.7 (1.7–3.5)
Houpt et al.47
n = 21; mean age
(age range) 2.7 (1.2–3.7)
Houpt et al.48
n = 17; mean age
(age range) 2.6 (1.7–3.8)
Treatment abandoned
in three participants in
low dose group
No significant differences
in overall behaviour
between groups
(mean scores general
behaviour group
1 = 4.4 S.D. 1.0;
2 = 4.66 S.D. 1.1; p > 0.05)
No significant
differences between
groups (mean overall evaluation
group 1 = 4.71; group 2 = 4.76;
group 3 = 4.63; p > 0.05)
All participants
completed treatment
Less crying (mean rating group
1 = 2.15; group 2 = 2.82) and
movement (mean rating group
1 = 2.57; group 2 = 3.48) in the
higher dosage group, however
this was reported as being
significant at the 0.5 (?) level.
Eighty-two percent of low
dose administrations rated
bad or very bad, 75% high
dose administrations rated
good or very good. Reported
as being significant at the 0.5 level?
Four participants from
the low dose group
did not complete
compared to one
participant in the
high dose group
All participants
completed treatment
journal of dentistry xxx (2006) xxx–xxx
El Magboul et al.45
All participants
completed treatment
JJOD-1030; No of Pages 19
Please cite this article as: L.L. Matharu, P.F. Ashley, What is the evidence for paediatric dental sedation?, Journal of Dentistry (2006),
Table 2 – Summary of dosage comparison studies
Group 1 midazolam
0.2 mg/kg intra-muscular;
group 2 midazolam
0.2 mg/kg intranasal
Lee-Kim et al.17
n = 40 (20 per group);
mean age (S.D.)
group 1 = 3.4 (0.9);
group 2 = 3.2 (0.8)
n = 37;
age range 1.5–7 years
Group 1 midazolam
0.7 mg/kg oral;
group 2 midazolam
0.3 mg/kg intranasal
Group 1 midazolam
0.5 mg/kg;
group 2 midazolam
0.6 mg/kg;
group 3 midazolam
0.75 mg/kg; all oral
Sullivan et al.32
n = 25; mean age
(age range)
group 1 = 4.1 (2.5–5.5)
Sleep, body movement,
head/oral resistance,
crying, verbal,
overall behaviour
n = 20; mean age
(age range)
2.5 (1.7–3.2)
Group 1 ketamine
8 mg/kg + diazepam
0.1 mg/kg;
group 2 ketamine
10 mg/kg + diazepam
0.1 mg/kg; all oral
Group 1 chloral
hydrate 25 mg/kg; group
2 chloral hydrate 50 mg/kg;
group 3 chloral
hydrate 70 mg/kg; all oral
Marshall et al.24
Frankl and modified
behaviour scale
Ohio State University
behaviour rating scale
Level of sedation deeper for
group 1 (2 vs. 1.45, p = 0.015)
however significant
differences for global
evaluation of sedation
only seen for one observer
(5.08 vs. 3.91—individual
values for two observers
not given, p = 0.04 for
observer 1, p = 0.056 for
observer 2)
No differences in sleep,
movement or crying
All participants
completed treatment
Significant correlation
between an increase
in Frankl scores and
dosages greater than
0.5 mg/kg and success
of treatment in most
cases (mean change
in Frankel scale group
1 = 1.18, group
2 = 1.55, group 3 = 1.28)
No significant differences
in any behavioural
category or overall
behaviour (success
rate group 1 = 24%;
group 2 = 43%)
Significant differences in
crying and quietness
between 25 and 70 mg/kg
(mean % crying group
1 = 45.7 S.D. 23.6,
group 2 = 34.9 S.D. 23.2,
group 3 = 18.6 S.D. 21.7,
mean % quiet
group 1 = 47.6 S.D. 26.5,
group 2 = 54.3 S.D. 25.4,
group 3 = 74.2 S.D. 29.2)
Treatment abandoned
in three participants
in low dose group
JJOD-1030; No of Pages 19
n = 23; group 1 n = 12;
group 2 n = 11;
mean age
(range) 5.13 (2.9)
All participants
completed treatment
Nine aborted treatments
per group
Treatment completed in
all participants
journal of dentistry xxx (2006) xxx–xxx
Please cite this article as: L.L. Matharu, P.F. Ashley, What is the evidence for paediatric dental sedation?, Journal of Dentistry (2006),
Lam et al.16
Intervention and
mode delivery
Outcome results
Did all patients
complete treatment?
Abrams et al.50
n = 30 (10 per group);
age range = 1.4–5.1
Group 1 ketamine 3 mg/kg;
group 2 midazolam 0.4 mg/kg;
group 3 sufentanil 1 mg;
group 4 sufentanil
1.5 mg; all intranasal
Sedation scoring
Groups 1–3 had sedation
score of 4 (acceptable
sedation), group 4 had
sedation score of 7
(heavy sedation)
Alfonzo-Echeverri et al.51
n = 40 (20 per group);
mean age (S.D.)
group 1 = 3.4 (0.8);
group 2 = 3.1 (0.9)
Modified Houpt
No significant difference
between groups ( p = 0.07).
Data reported as individual
Avalos-Arena et al.52
n = 40 (20 per group);
mean age (S.D.)
group 1 = 2.3 (0.2);
group 2 = 2.4 (0.3)
Group 1 ketamine
6 mg/kg;
group 2 meperidine
2.0 mg/kg + promethazine
0.5 mg/kg; all oral
Group 1 chloral hydrate
70 mg/kg; group 2 chloral
hydrate 70 mg/kg + hydroxyzine
2 mg/kg; all oral
One participant
untreatable in
midazolam group,
one participant
untreatable from
sufentanil 1.5 mg group
Dental treatment
aborted in four
children receiving
All participants
completed treatment
Averley et al.28
n = 65 (20 group 1,
22 group 2, 23 group 3);
mean age (S.D.)
9.3 (2.2) years
to 9.9 (2.2) years
Primary: completion of
treatment; secondary:
level of co-operation
during treatment,
recovery time,
perception of anxiety
and pain and parent’s
Averley et al.29
n = 697 (174 group 1,
256 group 2,
267 group 3);
mean age 9.1 (2.7)
years to 9.6 (2.5) years
Group 1 midazolam (IV)
0.5 mg/min + air (nasal
inhalation); group 2
midazolam (IV)
0.5 mg/min + nitrous oxide
40% (nasal inhalation);
group 3 midazolam (IV)
0.5 mg/min + nitrous oxide
40% (nasal inhalation) +
sevoflurane 0.3%
(nasal inhalation)
Group 1 midazolam
(IV) 0.5 mg/min + air
(nasal inhalation);
group 2 midazolam (IV)
0.5 mg/min + nitrous
oxide 40%
(nasal inhalation);
group 3 midazolam (IV)
0.5 mg/min + nitrous
oxide 40%
(nasal inhalation) +
sevoflurane 0.3%
(nasal inhalation)
No significant difference
( p > 0.05) for overall
behaviour evaluation
(mean values reported
at seven different time
intervals). Crying and
movement evaluations
significantly better ( p < 0.05)
at 45–60 min after application
of rubber dam for group 1
Significantly more
completed ( p = 0.07)
in group 3 (group 1:
10, group 2: 16,
group 3: 19)
Significantly more
( p < 0.001) in
group 3 (group 1: 54%,
group 2: 80%,
group 3: 93%)
Fifty-four percent
completed group 1,
80% group 2, 93%
group 3
Primary: completion
of treament; secondary:
level of co-operation
during treatment,
recovery time,
perception of anxiety
and pain and parent’s
Ten completed group 1,
16 group 2, 19 group 3
journal of dentistry xxx (2006) xxx–xxx
Study ID
JJOD-1030; No of Pages 19
Please cite this article as: L.L. Matharu, P.F. Ashley, What is the evidence for paediatric dental sedation?, Journal of Dentistry (2006),
Table 3 – Summary of drug comparison studies
Group 1 chloral
hydrate 50 mg/kg;
group 2 diazepam
0.3 mg/kg or diazepam
0.6 mg/kg; all oral
Bui et al.54
n = 22 (11 per group);
mean age (S.D.) group 1 = 2.8 (0.5);
group 2 = 2.7 (0.6)
Group 1 ketamine
(10 mg/kg) + promethazine
(1.1 mg/kg); group 2 ketamine
(10 mg/kg); all oral
Dallman et al.55
n = 31; mean age (S.D.) 3.5 (0.9)
Group 1 midazolam
0.2 mg/kg intranasal;
group 2 chloral hydrate
62.5 mg/kg + promethazine
12.5 mg; oral
Downs et al.56
n = 10; age range = 2–4
Group 1 midazolam
0.2 mg/kg;
group 2 meperidine
2 mg/kg + promethazine
1 mg/kg;
all intramuscular
Haas et al.57
n = 23; mean age
(age range) 6.8 (3.5–10.7)
Group 1 midazolam
0.6 mg/kg;
group 2 chloral hydrate
50 mg/kg; all oral
Modified Houpt
No difference in overall
behaviour between groups.
Significantly more children
( p < 0.05) were asleep in the
chloral hydrate group when
compared to both diazepam
Behaviour significantly
better in group 2 (mean
score 4.27 S.D. 0.5) than
in group 1 (mean score
3.12 S.D. 0.29) ( p < 0.05)
Significantly more
participants were asleep
in the chloral hydrate/
promethazine group
(no p value given). No
significant differences
between groups for any
other measure ( p value
reported as p < 0.05,
21 subjects good or
excellent in group
1 and 22 in group 2)
Significantly less sleep
( p = 0.001),
more movement ( p = 0.0268)
and more crying ( p = 0.0251)
in midazolam group. No
significant difference
for overall rating of
behaviour (mean rating
overall behaviour group
1 = 3.9, group 2 = 4.6, p = 0.31)
Significantly increased
level of sedation prior to
administration local
anaesthetic in midazolam
group ( p < 0.015). No
significant differences
between groups for any
other parameters
(mean overall behaviour
group 1 = 4.4 S.D. 0.28,
group 2 = 4.27 S.D. 0.35)
JJOD-1030; No of Pages 19
n = 30; mean age
(age range) 2.8 (1.7–4)
All participants
completed treatment
Dental treatment
aborted in one
participant from
group 1 due to
violent physical
movement and crying
All participants
assumed to have
completed treatment
All participants
completed treatment
journal of dentistry xxx (2006) xxx–xxx
Please cite this article as: L.L. Matharu, P.F. Ashley, What is the evidence for paediatric dental sedation?, Journal of Dentistry (2006),
Badalaty et al.53
All participants
assumed to have
completed treatment
Intervention and
mode delivery
Outcome results
Did all patients
complete treatment?
Hartgraves and
n = 100 (50 per group);
mean age (age range);
group 1 3.1 (1.5–5.7);
group 2 3.2 (1.5–5.9)
Presence or absence of
sedative effect; completion
of treatment
No significant differences
between groups. Relevant
data not given
Two participants
did not complete
treatment in each group
Hasty et al.58
n = 10; mean age
(S.D.) 3.1 (0.5)
North Carolina
rating scale (NCRBS)
More favourable
for chloral
hydroxyzine regimen
( p < 0.01)
All participants
assumed to have
completed treatment
Houpt et al.59
n = 24; mean age
(age range) 2.6 (2.1–3.7)
No significant
differences between
All participants
completed treatment
Jensen et al.60
n = 90 (45 per group);
median age (age range);
group 1 = 2.7 (1.5–3.7);
group 2 = 2.4 (1.2–3.6)
Group 1 midazolam
0.2 mg/kg nasal;
group 2 midazolam
0.5 mg/kg + hydroxyzine
25 mg; oral
Group 1 chloral hydrate
50 mg/kg + hydroxyzine
25 mg;
group 2 meperidine
1.5 mg/kg + chloral hydrate
50 mg/kg + hydroxyzine
25 mg; all oral
Group 1 diazepam
0.5 mg/kg + 50:50 nitrous
oxide for the first 20 min
treatment; group
2 diazepam
0.5 mg/kg + 50:50
nitrous oxide after 20 min
treatment; diazepam oral;
nitrous oxide inhalation
Group 1 diazepam
0.7 mg/kg; group
2 midazolam
0.3 mg/kg; all rectal
Wilton’s sedation scale;
acceptance of
treatment (Holst)
Lahoud and Averley23
n = 411 (170 group 1,
241 group 2);
mean age (S.D.)
group 1 = 6.2 (1.9);
group 2 = 6 (1.7)
Group 1, 40:60 nitrous
oxide/oxygen; group 2,
40:60 nitrous
oxide/oxygen + 0.1–0.3%
sevoflurane; all
Venham scale level of
sedation and failure rate
No difference in
acceptance of dental
procedures ( p = 0.07). At 1 h
significantly more
children agitated in
the diazepam group
( p = 0.006)
Sevoflurane significantly
better ( p < 0.0001) than
nitrous oxide as
recorded by Venham
scale (% relaxed group
1 = 32, group 2 = 67).
Significantly less failure
in group 2 (11% failed
compared with 48% group 1,
p < 0.0001)
Some children did
not complete
treatment however
it is not possible to
extract exact numbers
as this data was only
presented as bar chart
Eighty-nine percent
sevoflurane group
completed treatment
compared to 52% of
nitrous oxide group
journal of dentistry xxx (2006) xxx–xxx
JJOD-1030; No of Pages 19
Please cite this article as: L.L. Matharu, P.F. Ashley, What is the evidence for paediatric dental sedation?, Journal of Dentistry (2006),
Table 3 (Continued )
Study ID
Lo¨kken et al.61
n = 24; mean age
(S.D.) 4.4 (1.4)
McCann et al.62
n = 20; mean age
(age range) 3.7 (3–4.6)
Group 1 chloral hydrate
50 mg/kg + meperidine
1.5 mg/kg + hydroxyzine
25 mg oral;
group 2 chloral
50 mg/kg + meperidine
1.5 mg/kg + hydroxyzine
25 mg
(all oral) + 50:50 nitrous
oxide/oxygen inhalation
Group 1 midazolam
0.3 mg/kg;
group 2 midazolam
0.3 mg/kg + ketamine
1 mg/kg; all rectal
Level of sedation.
Sedation outcome
Group 1 chloral hydrate
40 mg/kg + hydroxyzine
2 mg/kg (oral) + 50:50
nitrous oxide/oxygen
group 2 chloral hydrate
40 mg/kg + hydroxyzine
2 mg/kg (oral)
Ohio State University
behaviour rating scale
Feasibility of dental
treatment; anxiety;
drowsiness; pain;
dentist preference
Sedation significantly
‘deeper’ in nitrous oxide
group (mean level of
sedation group 1 =
2.2 S.D. 0.6, group 2 =
2.9 S.D. 0.8, p < 0.04).
Significantly better sedation
outcome in nitrous oxide
group (data presented as
individual frequencies
p = 0.035)
Sedation was difficult in
five participants in
midazolam group
compared to one
participant in
group. No significant
difference in anxiety
or pain (e.g. mean change
in anxiety from baseline at
30 min group 1 = 23 S.D. 40,
group 2 = 8 S.D. 47, p = 0.08,
mean pain on injection
with local anaesthetic
group 1 = S.D. 9, group
2 = 8 S.D. 17, p = 0.21).
Significantly more
patients ( p = 0.04) drowsy in
group at 15 min time point
(mean change in drowsiness
from baseline group
1 = 21 S.D. 15,
group 2 = 31 S.D. 12).
No significant difference
in dentist preference
No significant
differences between
groups (multiple values
for crying, movement,
quiet, struggle
reported at eight
different time points)
JJOD-1030; No of Pages 19
n = 19; mean age
(age range) 3.4 (2.2–4.6)
Three patients
aborted treatment
at first visit however
treatment groups
not specified
All participants
completed treatment
journal of dentistry xxx (2006) xxx–xxx
All participants
assumed to have
completed treatment
Please cite this article as: L.L. Matharu, P.F. Ashley, What is the evidence for paediatric dental sedation?, Journal of Dentistry (2006),
Leelataweewud et al.30
Intervention and
mode delivery
Outcome results
Did all patients
complete treatment?
Meyer et al.18
n = 40 (20 per group);
mean age
(age range)
group 1 = 3.7 (1.7–6.1);
group 2 = 3.5 (1.9–5.3)
Group 1 triazolam
0.02 mg/kg;
group 2 chloral
40 mg/kg + hydroxyzine
25 mg; all oral
All participants
assumed to have
completed treatment
Moody et al.25
n = 30 (10 per group);
mean age 3.2–3
Modified Barker
overall quality
Musial et al.63
n = 20; mean age
(S.D.) 3.8 (0.7)
Myers et al.9
n = 20; mean age (S.D.) 4 (0.7)
Quiet, crying,
struggling and
movement (similar
Mean percent behaviour
significantly different
( p < 0.0001) between
groups (group 1: quiet 62,
crying 5, movement 6,
struggling 27; group 2:
quiet 84, crying 2,
movement 4, struggling 10)
Twenty completed
group 1, 19 group 2
Pisalchaiyong et al.10
n = 13; mean age
(range) 8.68 (5.8–14.7)
Group 1 chloral
hydrate 50 mg/kg oral;
group 2 chloral hydrate
50 mg/kg rectal; group
3 chloral hydrate
30 mg/kg + 25 mg
hydroxyzine oral
Group 1 midazolam
1 mg/kg; group
2 midazolam
0.5 mg/kg + meperidine
1 mg/kg; all oral
Group 1 chloral
hydrate (oral)
50 mg/kg + placebo
(oral submucosal
group 2 chloral
hydrate (oral)
50 mg/kg + midazolam
(oral submucosal injection)
0.2 mg/kg
Group 1 diazepam
0.3 mg/kg; group 2
0.5 mg/kg; all oral
No significant
differences between
groups (mean overall
behaviour group
1 and group 2 the
same with a value
of 4.3 S.E. 0.4354)
Forty percent chloral
hydrate (oral) group
classified as good or
excellent compared
to 70% of chloral
hydrate (rectal) or
chloral hydrate/hydroxyzine
Data presented
no p values given.
No differences reported
All completed treatment
Poorman et al.11
n = 40 (20 per group); mean age
(age range) group 1 = 3.5 (2–5);
group 2 = 3.2 (2–5)
Group 1 chloral hydrate
40 mg/kg + hydroxyzine
25 mg/kg; group 2 chloral
40 mg/kg + hydroxyzine
25 mg/kg + meperidine
0.5 mg/kg; all oral
Overall value for
sedation was 77%
good/very good in
group 1 and 100%
good or very good
in group 2 ( p < 0.02)
No significant
between groups
(mean overall
group 1 = 4.3 S.E. 0.3032;
group 2 = 5 S.E. 0.3032)
All completed treatment
All participants
assumed to have
completed treatment
journal of dentistry xxx (2006) xxx–xxx
Modified OSUBR
All participants
assumed to have
completed treatment
JJOD-1030; No of Pages 19
Please cite this article as: L.L. Matharu, P.F. Ashley, What is the evidence for paediatric dental sedation?, Journal of Dentistry (2006),
Table 3 (Continued )
Study ID
Group 1 metoclopramide
5 mg/kg + hydroxyzine
3.7 mg/kg; group 2 hydroxyzine
3.7 mg/kg; all oral
Reeves et al.14
n = 40 (20 per group);
mean age (age range)
group 1 = 4 (2.7–6.1);
group 2 = 3.5 (2.2–5.8)
Modified Houpt
Roelofse et al.64
n = 100 (50 per group);
mean age (S.D.)
group 1 = 4.3 (1);
group 2 = 4.3 (1.1)
Group 1 chloral hydrate
50 mg/kg + hydroxyzine
25 mg; group 2 midazolam
0.5 mg/kg + acetaminophen
10 mg/kg; all oral
Group 1 ketamine
5 mg/kg + midazolam
0.35 mg/kg; group
2 midazolam
1 mg/kg; all rectal
Roelofse et al.65
n = 60 (30 per group);
mean age (S.D.)
group 1 = 4.8 (1.3);
group 2 = 4.9 (1.3)
Anxiety level of
sedation movement
crying overall
Roelofse et al.66
n = 100 (50 per group);
mean age
(S.D.) = 4.1 (1.3);
group 2 = 4 (1.2)
Group 1 0.5 ml/kg of
trimeprazine 6 mg/ml +
physeptone 0.4 mg/ml;
group 2 ketamine
12.5 mg/kg; all oral
Group 1 ketamine
5 mg/kg + midazolam
0.35 mg/kg;
group 2 trimeprazine
3 mg/kg + methadone
0.2 mg/kg; all oral
Sams et al.67
n = 24
(13 group 1,
11 group 2);
mean age (S.D.)
group 1 = 2.6 (0.7);
group 2 = 3 (0.9)
Group 1 chloral hydrate
50 mg/kg + promethazine
1 mg/kg; group
2 meperidine
1 mg/kg + promethazine
1 mg/kg; all oral
Modified Houpt
Ramsay sedation
score movement
Overall sedation and
Modified Houpt,
Ramsay sedation
No significant differences
between groups (mean
overall behaviour group
1 = 4.4, group
2 = 4.6, p > 0.05)
Subjects in chloral
group were in
a significantly
deeper sleep ( p < 0.05)
Significant differences
in level of sedation
with 71% subjects
in group 2 ‘orientated
and calm’ compared to
14% group 1. Significantly
less movement and
crying ( p < 0.05) in group
1 (58% no movement at all
compared to 14% group 2)
Sedation was significantly
‘better’ in the group 2
(10% rated as poor
compared to 33% in group 2)
All participants
completed treatment
Significant differences
( p < 0.05) in level of sedation
with 48% participants in
group 1 ‘orientated and calm’
30 min after drug
administration compared to
88% in group 2. Sedation
rated as poor in
significantly more
children in group 2
(24%) than group 1 (6%)
Chloral hydrate/
promethazine group
significantly ‘better’
( p < 0.05) for overall
evaluation at 4 of the 10
measured time intervals
(e.g. mean overall behaviour
15 min post-injection
group 1 = 5.2 S.D. 1.1, group
2 = 4.4 S.D. 1.3, p < 0.05)
All participants
completed treatment
JJOD-1030; No of Pages 19
n = 30; mean age
(age range) 2.4 (1.6–3.3)
Dental treatment
aborted in one
participant from
chloral hydrate/
hydroxyzine group
Dental treatment
aborted in two
participants from
All participants
completed treatment
journal of dentistry xxx (2006) xxx–xxx
All participants
completed treatment
Please cite this article as: L.L. Matharu, P.F. Ashley, What is the evidence for paediatric dental sedation?, Journal of Dentistry (2006),
Ram et al.12
Intervention and
mode delivery
Outcome results
Did all patients
complete treatment?
Shapira et al.68
n = 19; mean age
(age range) 3.1
Crying alertness
No significant
difference between
‘‘success’’ and ‘‘failure’’
within groups (mean
overall behaviour group
1 = 5.4 S.D. 0.83, group
2 = 4.7 S.D. 1.06, group
3 = 5.1 S.D. 0.99, p > 0.07)
Dental treatment
aborted in four
participants from
group, one from
oxide group and one
from nitrous oxide group
Shapira et al.15
n = 29;
age range = 2–4
Group 1 hydroxyzine
50 mg/kg oral + 50:50
nitrous oxide/oxygen
inhalation; group 2
hydroxyzine 50 mg/kg
oral + oxygen inhalation;
group 3 placebo oral + 50:50
nitrous oxide/oxygen
Group 1 hydroxyzine
3.7 mg/kg oral; group
2 midazolam
0.2 mg/kg nasal
Modified Houpt
One patient aborted
in midazolam group
Shapira et al.69
n = 28; mean age
(age range)
3.0 (1.7–4.6)
Singh et al.70
n = 90 (30 per group);
age range 3–9 years
Group 1 midazolam
0.5 mg/kg; group
2 midazolam
0.3 mg/kg + hydroxyzine
3.7 mg/kg; all oral
Group 1 midazolam
0.5 mg/kg; group
2 triclofos 70 mg/kg;
group 3 promethazine
1.2 mg/kg; all oral
Modified Ohio State
University behaviour
rating scale (OSUBR);
overall behaviour
(similar to Houpt)
Degree of sedation.
Ease of treatment
No difference in
general mean
behaviour evaluation
(group 1 = 4.44 S.D. 1.47,
group 2 = 4.62 S.D. 1.37)
No difference in general
behaviour. No p value,
data presented graphically
All participants
assumed to have
completed treatment
Songvasin and Pasavorakul71
n = 14; mean
age = 3.9 years
Tsinidou et al.72
n = 20; mean age
(age range) 3.2 (1.7–5)
Group 1 chloral hydrate
50 mg/kg + promethazine
1 mg/kg; group
2 hydroxyzine
1 mg/kg + diazepam
0.25 mg/kg; all oral
Group 1 chloral hydrate
50 mg/kg + hydroxyzine
25 mg; group
2 temazepam
0.3 mg/kg; all oral
Sedative scores ‘‘best’’
for group 1 (mean 4.7
S.E. 0.12), followed by 2
(mean 4.93 S.E. 0.11)
and 3 (mean 5.27 S.E. 0.09)
p < 0.001 between groups
1 and 2, p < 0.05 between
groups 2 and 3. Treatment
most ‘‘convenient’’ for group
1, then group 2 and group 3.
Data presented graphically.
p < 0.01 between groups
1 and 3, p < 0.05 between
groups 2 and 3
Significantly less ( p < 0.05)
crying and movement
and ‘better’ overall sedation
in group 2
No significant
differences between
(rated as ‘‘good’’
or ‘‘excellent’’ for
11 cases group 1 and
12 cases group 2)
Dental treatment
aborted in five
participants in
temazepam group
and three in chloral
All completed treatment
All participants
assumed to have
completed treatment
journal of dentistry xxx (2006) xxx–xxx
JJOD-1030; No of Pages 19
Please cite this article as: L.L. Matharu, P.F. Ashley, What is the evidence for paediatric dental sedation?, Journal of Dentistry (2006),
Table 3 (Continued )
Study ID
JJOD-1030; No of Pages 19
journal of dentistry xxx (2006) xxx–xxx
All participants
completed treatment
Group 1 nitrous oxide
30% nasal inhalation;
group 2 midazolam 0.5
mg/min (max 5 mg) IV
n = 40; mean age
(age range) 13.2 (12–16)
Wilson et al.27
Houpt sedation level
(Britkopf + Buttner);
Frankl patient
Group 1 midazolam
0.5 mg/kg oral; group 2,
30:70 nitrous
oxide/oxygen inhalation
n = 46; mean age
(age range) 12.5 (10–16)
Wilson et al.26
Houpt Frankl
level of sedation;
level of behaviour;
patient preference
No difference
in overall behaviour
(Houpt) and treatment
(no p value given,
data presented graphically).
Fifty-four percent of
participants preferred
More sedated in group
2 but not significant
(no data or p values
reported, data presented
Dental treatment
aborted in one child
from each group
Methodological quality of included studies
Twenty-eight of the studies used a parallel design (43%) with
the remainder being cross-over trials. Only 19 studies were
scored as adequate with regards to allocation concealment. In
the majority of studies (n = 51) method of randomisation was
not recorded. In the remainder it appeared to be adequate
(random number table, computer generated, tossed coin,
sealed unmarked envelopes).
Blinding was complicated in studies of this due to the
nature of the equipment and drugs involved. Data regarding
blinding are presented in the following hierarchy (best
possible combination is first, worst is last).
(1) Operator/outcome assessor and patient blind (n = 44);
(2) Outcome assessor and patient blind, operator aware7–13
(n = 7);
(3) Outcome assessor and operator blind14,15 (n = 2);
(4) Outcome assessor only blind16–19 (n = 4);
(5) Patient only blind20 (n = 1);
(6) No blinding21–27 (n = 7).
Intention-to-treat analysis was used in only two studies,28,29 one of these was a pilot to calculate a sample size
for the other.29 There were no sample size calculations given
in any of the other studies. Outcome variables were
predominantly ordinal (e.g. five-point scale for increasing
movement) or categorical in nature (e.g. success/failure).
Methods used for statistical analysis included both nonparametric (x2, Wilcoxon matched pairs, Kruskal–Wallis,
Mann–Whitney U, Fishers Exact test, non-parametric two
factor ANOVA, McNemar test, sign test) and parametric tests
(t-test, ANOVA, Tukey’s range test, Friedman two-way
analysis, method of least squares).
Drop outs were poorly reported and it was difficult to
determine whether or not they had occurred. In the majority
of studies it was assumed that all subjects completed the
treatment regimen. Seven studies did explicitly state that
there were drop outs28–30,5,31,32,27 with reasons given being
patient refusal.
In the majority of studies (n = 51, 84%) subjects were
reported as being unco-operative or anxious at the beginning
of the study (only measured in 19 studies (32%) using the
Frankl scale).
Study outcomes
Meta-analysis of the available data was not possible for several
reasons. The variety of drug regimens compared made it
difficult to isolate classes of drugs that were sufficiently
similar to allow comparison. Where groups of studies were
isolated, then differing outcome measures made their metaanalysis impossible. Results of individual studies are presented in Tables 1–3. Studies have been separated into three
groups; placebo studies (any drug versus a placebo); dosage
comparison studies (same drug, different dosage); drug
comparison studies (any drug or combination of drugs versus
any drug or combination of drugs).
Data on adverse effects was poorly reported, vomiting and
nausea (31%) and sleep and drowsiness (44%) were the most
Please cite this article as: L.L. Matharu, P.F. Ashley, What is the evidence for paediatric dental sedation?, Journal of Dentistry (2006),
JJOD-1030; No of Pages 19
journal of dentistry xxx (2006) xxx–xxx
common adverse effects reported. The most serious adverse
effect was obstructive hypoxaemia which was seen in three
studies involving chloral hydrate. There did not appear to be a
clear association with any particular drug and any particular
side effect, most drugs were involved with most side effects at
some point.
The results of a Cochrane review can be interpreted
differently, depending on people’s perspectives and circumstances. Please consider the discussion and conclusions
presented below carefully. They are the opinions of review
authors, and are not necessarily shared by The Cochrane
In common with the findings from many other systematic
reviews, reporting was poor with data such as method of
allocation and randomisation frequently not recorded. Samples were poorly described with important information such
as gender, weight or baseline anxiety often missing and little
information provided on types of dental treatment.
Numbers of subjects were small and studies likely to be
underpowered, sample size calculations were the exception
rather than the norm, this will have had an adverse effect on
quality.33 Cross-over designs were frequently used, whilst this
may have overcome some problems such as recruitment of
sufficient numbers, etc., the effect of ‘‘carryover’’ is unknown.
It is possible that anxiety and behaviour could be influenced by
previous treatment and experience of sedation. Age ranges
were broad with no obvious attempt to classify patients into
age bands (as recommended by the British National Formulary
(BNF) when prescribing drugs to children; groups are: from 1 to
6, from 6 to 12 and over 12) to establish which sedative might
be more effective for a given age group.
Statistical methods used varied widely between studies
even though outcome measures were sometimes similar. In
some instances these tests were arguably inappropriate for
the type of ordinal data usually produced by these studies.
Blinding was appropriate in the majority of studies however in
eight of them the outcome assessor was aware of the agent in
use, this must be considered a powerful source of bias.34
Interpretation of outcome data related to behaviour was
difficult. Over half of the studies used the Houpt or modified
Houpt scoring system to record behaviour (the remaining
studies used a wide variety of methodologies), however even
within the Modified Houpt Scale there was a variation in
scores used from three up to six. Behaviour was recorded in
some studies for the whole episode and in others at a series of
discrete points, e.g. application of local anaesthetic. Furthermore, many of the outcome measures used relied on
observations of movement, yet in a large proportion of studies
patients were restrained in a papoose board. This variation in
outcome measurement greatly complicated the analyses of
the data and was one of the reasons why a meta-analysis
could not be carried out. Interestingly participants often
completed treatment regardless of which group they were
assigned to (n = 43, 66%). This might reflect a lack of baseline
anxiety in all participants which then begs the question as to
why they were included in the study. Alternatively given the
use of papoose boards and supplemental nitrous oxide oxygen
perhaps it is not surprising.
Supplemental nitrous oxide/oxygen was used frequently,
particularly in studies from North America and would be
expected to increase the overall level of sedation. Whilst there is
nothing inherently wrong in using supplemental nitrous oxide/
oxygen very few studies explicitly stated it was used either in
the title, introduction or aims. Papoose boards were also used
often but again there use was often not specified clearly from
the outset. This has the potential to mislead as results from a
study comparing (for example) chloral hydrate to midazolam
may be very different if in one case supplemental nitrous oxide/
oxygen and a papoose board used and in another it is not.
Only one paper was excluded because it described the use
of deep sedation, however in many of the included studies
participants were reported as falling asleep and mouth props
were used, suggesting deep sedation was occurring. This
highlights the importance of reaching a consensus definition
of conscious sedation, or at the very least using the definitions
already available. Without this information it is impossible for
researchers or clinicians in countries where the existing
regulatory framework does not permit deep sedation to make
appropriate use of published data. Alternatively the definition
of deep sedation should be abandoned, as it is not used.
The initial aim of this review was determine those sedative
agents that had the greatest effectiveness with regard to
behaviour management. Due to the strength of evidence
presented and multiplicity of agents investigated, a clear
statement of implications for practice is difficult, we would
refer those interested in further information on individual
studies to the Cochrane review.4 It could be argued that
evidence supporting the use of these sedative agents exists
within the medical literature, however medical and dental
procedures are clearly very different and the requirements
from sedative agents therefore different also. There are safety
issues to consider as well, what might be considered
appropriate delivered by an anaesthetist in a hospital
environment would be highly inappropriate delivered by a
dentist in his surgery.
What were our conclusions? Aside from being unable to
recommend a specific drug or drugs for dental sedation in
children, there were two clear issues with studies selected for
this review: quality and validity. Quality of study reporting,
and to an extent conduct, was on the whole poor with perhaps
one exception.29 As stated previously this is a common finding
of systematic reviews, it is hoped that greater awareness and
use of the CONSORT guidelines35 will go some of the way to
resolving this. Other issues with regard to quality that need to
be tackled include the use of predominantly small trials33 and
ensuring that at least the outcome assessor is blind to the
intervention.34 Issues of validity may be more difficult to
address, of particular concern though are the wide variety of
outcome measures used in these studies and there relevance
to successful outcome of treatment.
The authors would like to thank the two translators,
Pati Pungchanchaikul and Jens Poppen, and the help and
Please cite this article as: L.L. Matharu, P.F. Ashley, What is the evidence for paediatric dental sedation?, Journal of Dentistry (2006),
JJOD-1030; No of Pages 19
journal of dentistry xxx (2006) xxx–xxx
assistance of the Cochrane Oral Health Group—in particular
Sylvia Bickley.
1. National Centre for Health Statistics (NCHS). Third national
health and nutrition examination survey (NHANES III) reference
manuals and reports [CD-ROM]. Hyattsville, MD: NCHS, US
Department of Health and Human Services, Public
Health Services, Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention; 1996.
2. Pitts NB, Evans DJ, Nugent ZJ. The dental caries experience
of 5-year-old children in the United Kingdom. Surveys
coordinated by the British Association for the Study of
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Please cite this article as: L.L. Matharu, P.F. Ashley, What is the evidence for paediatric dental sedation?, Journal of Dentistry (2006),