Document 241154

Tschipey Achtu Lodge
Seneca Waterways Council, BSA
Volume 4, Issue 3
August 2014
What is the Order of the Arrow?
Interesting Articles...
What is the OA?
NOAC 2015
Calendar of Events
Scan this QR code and register
for ArrowTour Today!
Boarding Pass Number: 915167
The OA: Scouting’s National Honor Society
The Order of the Arrow was founded by Dr. E.
Urner Goodman and Carroll A. Edson in 1915
For more than 95 years, the Order of the Arrow at the Treasure Island Camp of the Philadelph(OA) has recognized Scouts and Scouters who ia Council, Boy Scouts of America. It became
best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their an official program experiment in 1922 and was
daily lives. This recognition provides encourapproved as part of the Scouting program in
agement for others to live these ideals as well. 1934. In 1948 the OA, recognized as the BSA's
Arrowmen are known for maintaining camping national brotherhood of honor campers, betraditions and spirit, promoting year-round and came an official part of the Boy Scouts of
long-term resident camping, developing leadAmerica. In 1998, the Order of the Arrow beers, and providing cheerful service to others.
came recognized as Scouting's National Honor
OA service, activities, adventures, and training Society when it expanded its reach beyond
for youth and adults are models of quality lead- camping to include a greater focus on leaderership development and programming that en- ship development, membership extension, adrich, support, and help to extend Scouting to
venturous programming, and broader service to
America's youth.
Scouting and the community. Today, its service, activities, adventures, and training for
youth and adults, are models of quality leaderThe mission of the Order of the Arrow is to fulfill ship development and programming that enits purpose as an integral part of the Boy
rich, support, and help extend Scouting to
Scouts of America through positive youth lead- America’s youth.
ership under the guidance of selected capable
The OA has over 171,000 members in lodges
affiliated with more than 290 local BSA counAs Scouting’s National Honor Society, our pur- cils.
pose is to:
•Recognize those who best exemplify the
The Order of the Arrow membership requireScout Oath and Law in their daily lives and
ments are:
through that recognition cause others to conduct themselves in a way that warrants similar •Unit leader approval. To become eligible for
election, a Boy Scout or Varsity Scout must be
•Promote camping, responsible outdoor adven- registered with the Boy Scouts of America and
ture, and environmental stewardship as essen- have the approval of his unit leader prior to the
tial components of every Scout’s experience, in election. The unit leader must certify his Scout
spirit (i.e., his adherence to the Scout Oath and
the unit, year-round, and in summer camp.
•Develop leaders with the willingness, charac- Law and active participation in unit activities).
ter, spirit and ability to advance the activities of The unit leader must also certify that the nomitheir units, our Brotherhood, Scouting, and ulti- nee meets all specified requirements at the
time of this annual election.
mately our nation.
•Crystallize the Scout habit of helpfulness into Youth membership qualifications. All members
a life purpose of leadership in cheerful service of, or candidates for membership in, the Order
of the Arrow who are under 21 years of age
to others.
shall be considered youth members or candidates for youth membership, subject to meeting
(Continued on page 3)
One of five hand-made Gustowas from our Fellowship Induction Weekend, June 13-15. Join us this Fall!
The Rack
Page 2
NOAC 2015
If you don’t know what all the hype is about
or if you are interested in getting more information about the Centennial Celebration
2015 National Order of the Arrow Conference (NOAC) or want to join the our Contingent to go to NOAC 2015, PLEASE Join
us! Tuesday August 19, 2014 @ 7:00 PM.
There are a lot of plans that we need to
work out and we are looking to have at
least 55 members attend, but there is no
limit. Registration has begun. Pizza and
drinks will be provided. Bring a friend and
receive a free gift. See Attachment for
more details.
What is NOAC?
The National Order of the Arrow Conference (NOAC) is the premier event of the
Order of the Arrow, and is Scouting's second-largest national event. Over 10,000
Arrowmen from across our nation gather
for an inspirational and unforgettable experience full of fellowship, training, adventure,
and fun!
During NOAC, Arrowmen will participate in
a six-day conference which includes top
notch training sessions, cool recreational
opportunities, evening shows full of theatrics and special effects, and exciting pro-
The 2015 NOAC will be held from August 3
-8, 2015 at Michigan State University in
East Lansing, Michigan, and will celebrate
the 100th anniversary of the Order of the
Arrow. The conference fee is $475 and includes housing, food, and program activities. It does not include travel costs. Arrowmen can travel to NOAC with a contingent
from their lodge, or as a staff member supporting the thousands of Arrowmen attending in the conference.
In the coming months you will find everything you need to know about NOAC 2015:
how to go, what exciting opportunities await
you, and the plans for the conference.
Arrowmen attending the 2015 National Order of the Arrow Conference will get a once
in a lifetime souvenir, a special edition red
sash. These sashes will differ from those
currently worn in that the colors will be reversed, with a white arrow emblazoned on
a red sash. The rarity of the sash is noteworthy, as only those present at NOAC
2015 will receive them. Any extras produced will not be sold.
Don't miss out on NOAC in 2015, because
the next one won't be until 2018!
ArrowTour—Coming Soon to a Scout Camp (or office) Near You!
ArrowTour: Our National Centennial Experience is different than any program the OA
has ever hosted. In the summer of 2015, a
caravan of Order of the Arrow representatives will visit local councils throughout the
season. The caravan will consist of national
and regional officers, section chiefs, as well
as other Order of the Arrow leaders. During
their trip the staff will share the message of
our Order’s century of service and the
plans we have for our next century! The
caravans will stop at 1 to 2 councils per
week and conduct an afternoon and evening program that will engage participants in
our centennial celebration. ArrowTour
stops will incorporate help from local lodges and councils and will be tailored to meet
the uniqueness of each locality. Program
will include an interactive walkthrough of
World, Scouting, and the Order’s history;
fun hands-on activities, and a thematic
closing program.
Visit the ArrowTour web site by scanning
the QR code above or by visiting this URL:
Complete the form and click “REGISTER
PASS” and
then use
915167 as
a Tschipey
Achtu participant.
Prizes are
being given
away to
who register in advance for
so complete your
pass soon!
The Rack
Page 3
Calendar of Events
August 19
August 24
September 14
September 19-21
October 19
November 1
November 16
May 29-31
June 12-14
August 3-8
NOAC Meeting, 7pm, Scout Office
LEC at 2pm, Scout Office.
LEC at 2pm, Scout Office.
Fall Fellowship Induction Weekend
LEC at 2pm, Scout Office.
LEC at 2pm, Scout Office.
Section NE-3A Conclave
Spring Fellowship Induction Weekend
NOAC 2015
What is the OA, continued
(Continued from page 1)
the following requirements:
•Be a registered member of the Boy Scouts of America.
•Hold the First Class rank of the Boy Scouts of America, as
a minimum.
•After registration with a troop or team, have experienced
15 days and nights of Boy Scout camping during the twoyear period prior to the election. The 15 days and nights
must include one, but no more than one, long-term camp
consisting of six consecutive days and five nights of resident
camping, approved and under the auspices and standards
of the Boy Scouts of America. The balance of the camping
must be overnight, weekend, or other short-term camps.
Candidates for youth membership shall be elected by other
youth members in accordance with policies set forth by the
national Order of the Arrow committee.
lodge’s local council. Only one lodge charter is granted per
council. The OA lodge helps the local council provide a
quality Scouting program through recognition of Scouting
spirit and performance, youth leadership development, adventurous programming, financial support, and enhanced
membership tenure.
An Order of the Arrow section consists of lodges within a
geographic area of the region. Annually, representatives of
lodges in the section come together for a conclave to share
in fellowship, skills, and training. In addition the section creates a monitoring/mentoring relationship with its lodges, provides leadership development opportunities, fosters understanding and adherence to national OA policies and procedures, and coordinates OA administrative and program
functions. A section is led by three elected youth officers the section chief, vice chief, and secretary - who are advised
Ordeal Membership
by an adult section adviser and a professional section staff
The induction process, called the Ordeal, is the first step
toward full membership in the Order. Upon completion of the adviser.
Ordeal and its ceremony, the member is expected to
strengthen his involvement in the unit and encourage Scout Region Leadership
The region chief is the youth OA leader of the region elected
annually by the section chiefs of his region. This election is
held in conjunction with an annual national OA planning
Brotherhood Membership
meeting attended by the approximately 50 section chiefs
After 10 months of service as an Ordeal member and after
from around the country. In addition to representing the nafulfilling certain requirements, a member may take part in
tional chief, the region chief conducts national leadership
the Brotherhood ceremony, which places further emphasis
on the ideals of Scouting and the Order. Completion of this seminars and national lodge adviser training seminars in
their respective regions. The region chief is advised by an
ceremony signifies full membership in the Order of the Aradult region Order of the Arrow chairman and a professional
region staff adviser.
Vigil Honor
National Leadership
After two years of exceptional service as a Brotherhood
The national chief and vice chief are youth Arrowmen electmember, and with the approval of the national Order of the
Arrow committee, a youth or adult Arrowman may be recog- ed to one-year terms by the section chiefs attending the annual national OA planning meeting. They serve as members
nized with the Vigil Honor for their distinguished contributions to their lodge, the Order of the Arrow, Scouting, or their of the national Order of the Arrow committee, providing
youth involvement in decisions affecting national OA policy.
Scout camp. This honor is bestowed by special selection
and is limited to one Arrowman for every 50 members regis- They serve as the presiding officers for national OA events,
and are advised by the adult national Order of the Arrow
tered with the lodge each year.
chairman and the professional OA team leader. In addition,
each year the national chairman appoints approximately 50
Arrowmen to serve on the national Order of the Arrow comAn Order of the Arrow lodge is granted a charter from the
mittee to oversee the OA program.
National Council, BSA, upon annual application by the
Tschipey Achtu Lodge
Seneca Waterways Council
2320 Brighton Henrietta Town Line Road
Rochester, New York 14623
Phone: (585) 244-4210
Fax: (585) 244-9403
Current Resident
Look for us on the web at
Contact Us
Lodge Chief: Forrest Gertin
Genesee Crossroads Chapter Chief: Tyler Borrelli
Vice Chief for Program: Matt Cmelko
Light House Chapter Chief: Sean Hannon
Vice Chief for Inductions: Curtis Sewar
Mohawk Chapter Chief: Nolan Yarger
Vice Chief for Service: Chayton Baxter
Towpath Chapter Chief: Josh Fess
Vice Chief for Communication:
Matthew Deane
Seneca Chapter Chief: Isaiah Keyes
Treasurer: Brenden Weed
Bay Waters Chapter Chief: Thomas Hoitt
Black Creek Chapter Chief: John Miller
Lodge Advisor: Jim Russell
Lodge Staff Advisor: Mike Catalano