Old North State Council, Boy Scouts of America October/November, 2014 The Old North State News Special points of interest: Eagle Scout Breakfast Whitney Young Service Award STEM Merit Badge College 2015 Summer Camp Inside this issue: Popcorn Update 2 Commissioner’s Corner 2 Scout Executive’s 3 Message 2014 Scouting Recruitment Update: Scouting recruitment is beginning to wind down, but do not stop trying to recruit new boys! Many people believe that if they miss the sign up night, they miss the opportunity to join Scouting. Continue to reach out to your schools with programs like Adopt-aSchool, have the boys wear uniforms on meeting days or even host an ice cream social for the boys and try to get them to sign up for Scouting, it’s never too late. Once you get a b o y recruited into your unit, it’s everyone’s responsibility to deliver on the promise of shooting BB guns, Bows and Arrows, making S’mores and having fun in the outdoors. Remember, let’s give every boy a chance to become a Scout! Our youth need Scouting more than ever! Bobcat Fast Start New Scouts that earn their Bobcat will receive a special Bobcat Fast Start Patch and Packs who qualify will be entered in a drawing for a Pack Pizza Party! See details on page 13! Council Calendar 4 Training New Eagles 5 6 Council News 6-7 Dist. News 8-12 OA News 14 Bullying in all forms has become a serious national problem, with over half of adolescents and teens having been subjected to cyber bullying. Cyber bullying can take place online, through texting, or through social media. About 1 in 3 youth have been threatened through cyber bullying. Bullying in all forms has long term negative effects not only on the target, but also on the bully and those who witness or are aware of the bullying. There is no place in Scouting for bullying of any kind. It is important for us, as leaders, to help our Scouts understand that bullying is not “cool” and is in opposition to the Scout Law that we teach our Scouts to live by. STEM Merit Badge College Page 4! Like us on Facebook! Vol. 42 Number 6 USPS 215-580 In June of 2013, the Boy Scouts of America launched the Cyber CHIP for Scouts. More and more, our youth are depending on digital media in school, for fun, and for socialization. BSA teamed up with NetSMartz, which is a part of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, to develop the program. The Cyber CHIP is age specific, with programs for Cub Scouts in Grades 1-2 and 4-5; Boy Scouts, Varsity Scouts, Venturers, and Sea Scouts in Grades 6-8 and 9-12. Some of the topics Scouts can learn about are cyber bullying, cell phone use, texting, blogging, gaming, and identity theft. Unit leaders can access information on the Cyber CHIP program and program materials for use in your units from the BSA website at www.scouting.org/cyberchip or www.netsmartz.org. Special patches and pocket cards are available through the Scout Shop or from ScoutStuff.org. Council President Bill Goebel Council Commissioner Rob Kennerly Scout Executive Rodney Carpenter Dir. of Field Service Travis Rubelee Development Director Lori Cranford Program Director Ann Jones Page 2 The Old North State News The Focus of the Unit Commissioner Popcorn: Last issue, I reported to you about the important roles that Unit Commissioners assume in helping the success of a Unit. These roles inCOMMISSIONER’S CORNER cluded being a Friend, Representative, Doctor, Teacher, and Counselor to the Units they serve. In assuming these roles, Unit Commissioners are tasked with several primary areas of focus to help service each of our Units. Two very important areas of focus for the Unit Commissioner include Supporting On-Time Charter Renewal, and Supporting Unit Growth in the Journey to Excellence Criteria. Every year, each of our Units along with their Chartered Organization is required to renew their charter with the Boy Scouts of America. Timely renewal of the Unit’s Charter is very important in maintaining the continuous uninterrupted service that BSA provides to the youth in a Unit, including advancements and recognitions, as well as, accident insurance coverage while participating in a scouting activity. Unit Commissioners are tasked with helping Units as they move through the renewal process, and to provide assistance as needed in support of a Unit’s efforts in retaining their membership. The charter renewal process requires each Unit to assess their performance characteristics over the previous year through completion of the Journey to Excellence form. Very different from the old “Quality Unit” recognition, the JTE assessment is intended to be means to Recognize the success of a Unit; to provide Units a constructive framework for Planning; and to be a source for Guidance. Unit Commissioners are tasked with providing support for a Unit’s growth through JTE Popcorn is going great so far this year! Scouts are selling an amazing amount of popcorn, so keep it up, it’s only going to help fund your entire Scouting program. The pickup will be on Friday, November 21 in your district. Stay tuned to the Kernel’s Blast and contact your District Executive and District Popcorn Kernel for more information. If you need help with your order, please contact Travis Rubelee at travis.rubelee@scouting.org. Don’t Miss Out On FISH CLUB!!! For the upcoming popcorn sale this fall, Scouts who reach $750 in sales will be admitted to the exclusive FISH CLUB! Membership includes: A patch A limited edition BSA fishing lure Your own rod & reel An invitation to the annual Fish Club event at Woodfield Scout Preservation Adopt a School A great way to establish working relationships with the schools in your community if for units to adopt a school. In the Adopt A School program, Units partner with a school and provide valuable service hours for different projects addressing the needs of the school. Units can also earn a patch for completing 4 different projects during the year. This program is not limited to Packs. Troops and Crews are encouraged to participate also! Find details at details at: www.bsaadoptaschool.org Find bsaadoptaschool.org assessment, and if needed, assist a Unit in moving to a higher level of JTE success. The Old North State Council is beginning to prepare for the upcoming season charter renewals. Beginning in 2015, all of the Units in our Council will renew in the months of January and February. Mailings for the 2015 charter renewals will begin in October. It’s not too early to reach out to your Unit Commissioner, and begin to seek his guidance for a successful and ontime completion of your Unit’s Charter Renewal. Rob Kennerly Old North State Council Commissioner Pictured is Pack 65 in Alamance completing an Adopt-a-School project! Page 3 The Old North State News Reality Check This January will mark my 20th anniversary as a professional Scouter and I will tell you that not once during those 20 years have I ever had to revoke the membership of a youth member. That is until this past summer. Without getting into details, I will simply tell you that today's Message from the technology played a huge part in what Scout Executive happened to this young man. In this particular case, I felt I needed to break the news in person. So I made arrangements to meet the Scout and his parents at their home. As I explained the consequences of his actions, tears ran down his face and his fathers as well. As I left, the Scout apologized for putting Scouting in a bad light. He was truly remorseful and he was sincere. As I walked to my car my heart was heavy after what had just transpired. At that moment in front of their home I had a reality check. That reality check was this, we as leaders and adults must change how we look at today's youth and how we interact with them. We cannot continue to ignore technology and the role it plays in the lives of our Scouts. The fact is, cell phones, tablets, computers, and video games play a significant part in the lives of young people. Sadly, many of them turn to it for attention and an increasing amount of parents are depending on technology to help raise their children. While we can keep technology out of our meetings and from our outings, it is becoming increasingly more challenging to do so. So what can we do? I believe we first must trust, admit and acknowledge the role technology is playing in the lives of our youth. We have to stop ignoring it and start addressing the issues and responsibilities related to it. As a leader of your unit, are you stressing the importance of parents of new Scouts to review the parent guide book on youth protection? Are you checking to make sure it has been done? Have you talked to your Scouts about bullying and bullying on the internet, texting, sexting, etc....I would encourage all leaders to adopt the C.H.I.P program (Article in newsletter). Have you talked about youth protection and shared the accompanying videos? The council is currently working on some additional supplemental materials to address bullying that should be ready by December. In it, there will be a challenge for you to conduct a training in your unit. I hope you will be brave enough to take this challenge. The life lessons that Scouting has delivered over the last 104 years is still relative today. We have to adapt to technology to better understand our youth, to better communicate with our youth, and to better protect our youth. If we don't, I am fearful that a youth in your unit may be the next Scout that I have to visit and quite frankly, one is one too many. Know that you are greatly appreciated and know that together we can and do make a difference. God Bless you and may God Bless Scouting, Rodney Carpenter Check Out Our Blog: SCOUTING IN THE OLD NORTH STATE COUNCIL http://bsaonsc.wordpress.com/ Supporters of the Old North State Council already know what a worthy organization we have in the Boy Scouts of America. There are many stories, experiences and examples of how Scouting has made a difference; and we would like to share those with the Old North State Council family. We hope you will enjoy the stories, be inspired and proud to be a part of this great Council! Please feel free to share your scouting stories, Email Tina Carroll at tcarroll@bsamail.org Tributes & Memorials In Memory of Walter “Buster” Brown III Bill & Connie Poovey Rose Anne Gant Larry & Cornie Warlick Betsy Black Bob & Betty Saffelle Joe & Zelma Higgins Harold & Patti Bates Bill & Sally Brackett In Honor of Steve Norris Chester & Martha Brown In Memory of George Milton West Jacqueline Ackerman & Family Whitney M. Young Service Award Luncheon The Whitney M. Young Award recognizes individuals and organizations who have provided outstanding services in the development and implementation of Scouting opportunities for youth from rural or low-income backgrounds. On Thursday, October 16, 2014, the Community Outreach Committee will honor the late Mr. Donny Brown, Mr. Bob Purvis, the North Carolina A&T State University, and the committee’s own chairman, Mr. Doug Thorne. The event will be held at the Khalif Event Center, 2000 E. Wendover Ave. at 11:30am. If you would like to support this worthy event, please contact Dist. Exec. Dara Campbell at dara.campbell@scouting.org. Page 4 The Old North State News 2014 Old North State Council Calendar October 3 Sporting Clays Fun Shoot, Cherokee 3-5 OA Ordeal, Cherokee 4 Fundamentals of Training, Scout Office, 8 AM 6 Shooting Sports Committee, Scout Office 6:30 PM 8 Program Committee Meeting, Scout Office, 6 PM 10-12 WoodBadge II, Cherokee 10-12 Introduction to Outdoor Leadership Skills Training, Hagan Sea Base 14 FOS Leadership Training, Scout Office, 7-9 PM 15 Cub Scout Camping Committee, Scout Office, 6:30 15 Commissioner’s Meeting, Scout Office, 7 PM – 8 PM 16 Whitney M. Young Service Award Luncheon 18 First Aid, CPR/AED 8:30 AM, Scout Office 18 Fundamentals of Training, Scout Office 20 Facilities Committee Meeting, Scout Office, 7-8 PM 21 Membership Committee Meeting, Scout Office, 7PM 21 STEM Committee Meeting, Scout Office, 7-8 PM 23 Council Officer’s Meeting, Scout Office, 5:30 PM 24-26 Council Venturing/Shooting Sports Weekend, CSR 28 Marketing Committee Meeting, Scout Office, 6 PM November 1 Cub Leader Pow Wow 1 Webelos Camp 2015 Sign-up at Pow Wow Event 2 OA Executive Committee Meeting, Scout Office 7 Popcorn Sales End 7 OA Stew Sale 7-9 OA Fall Fellowship, Cherokee 8 Cherokee Directors Interview, Cherokee 8 BB Gun and Archery, Woodfield 8 Webelosree at Cherokee Scout Reservation 9 Rangemasters Clay Shoot, Cherokee 11 Popcorn Orders Due, Prize Orders Due 11 Eagle Alumni Breakfast 12 Risk Management Meeting, Scout Office, 6:30 PM 14-16 Wilderness and Remote First Aid, Woodfield 18 Outreach Committee Meeting, Scout Office, 6–7 PM 19 Training Committee Meeting, Scout Office, 5:30 PM 19 Council Commissioner’s Meeting, Scout Office, 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM 19 Council Boy Scout Camping Committee Meeting, Scout Office, 7 PM – 8 PM 19 Council Aquatics Meeting, Scout Office, 7 PM–8 PM 20 Council Board Meeting, Scout Office, 7 PM – 8 PM 22 STEM Merit Badge College, A&T University 22 Popcorn Pickup 22 First Aid, CPR/AED Adult, Child, Infant, 8:30 AM, Scout Office 22-23 BSA/NRA Instructor Training at CSR 27-28 Office Closed December 5 Award of Merit Nominations Due 6 District Key 3 Training, Scout Office, 8:30 AM– 12 6 Council Charter Rep Training, Scout Office, 1–2 PM 9 Council Membership Committee Meeting, Scout Office, 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM 9 Council STEM Committee Mti, Scout Office, 7-8 PM 11 Council Exploring Meeting, Scout Office, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM 12 Popcorn Money Due 24-26 Office Closed 27 Rangemasters Christmas Clay Shoot, Cherokee STEM Merit Badge College: November 22, 2014 NC A&T University Registration has opened for the STEM Merit Badge College at NC A&T University on November 22, 2014! Along with the merit badges being offered for Scouts, there will be a training for leaders to learn about the mechanics of the Nova awards. The Early Bird deadline to receive a discount is October 17th but we have already had over 50 Scouts registered and classes are filling up! This will be an exciting event so please do not hesitate to send in your registration form! Unit STEM Coordinator Training Leaders who want to learn more about the new STEM Nova awards and how to implement them in their unit should plan to attend the STEM Unit Coordinator training on October 8th at the Scout office from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Registration is required and the flier is available on the council website. Please make sure that at least one leader from your unit is in attendance at this session! Old North State Council STEM on Facebook To stay up to date on everything happening with STEM in the Old North State Council, please visit Facebook and “Like” our STEM page at www.facebook/com/ onscstem. All news, announcements, and events related to STEM in the Old North State Council will be posted on this page. Please share it with your fellow leaders and parents! Webelosree Nov. 8, 2014 @ CSR We are excited about the 2014 Webeloree for the 2nd year Webelos of the Old North State Council! Webelos, come and experience what it’s like to be a Boy Scout. See and experience Native American tradition, make catapults and be introduced to pioneering skills that are learned when joining Boy Scouts. Lots of fun activities are planned! The Webeloree will begin at 9:30 am and run until approximately 3:00 on Saturday Nov. 8, consisting of lunch and a round robin of activities. This is a rain or shine event. Where: Cherokee Scout Reservation Yanceyville, NC Cost: $5 per person (youth and adult)(Includes lunch and the weekend patch). Register by Oct. 30th to be guaranteed a patch and craft materials! Register at www.bsaonsc.org How: Scouts can Attend with their Den (Webelo Leaders should try to attend) or you can attend individually along with a parent/guardian. Page 5 The Old North State News TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES Visit www.bsaonsc.org to register October 1 & October 10-12 Intro to Outdoor Leadership Skills Both Sessions Required! Wednesday (10/1) will be at Scout Office, the weekend outing will be held at Hagan Sea Base! Intro to Outdoor Leadership Skills (IOLS) teaches the basics of camp fire management and construction, meal planning for camping trips, basic backpacking, the essentials of map and compass, lashings and knots, as well as wood chopping safety and other outdoor skills to pass on to your Scouts. October 4 Fundamentals of Training held at the Scout Office. Cost is $5, which includes lunch. Scout leaders desiring to improve their training ability should attend this training. Contact James Jordan for more information at 336 545-5806. Nov. 1 Cub Leader Pow Wow Training opportunity for new and experienced Cub Scout Leaders and Pack Committee Members. This event includes a variety of seminars to help you provide a quality Cub Scout program. Cost is $10 if you preregister, $12 at the door. Lunch is provided. It will be held at Muirs Chapel United Methodist Church at 314 Muirs Chapel Road in Greensboro. Nov. 14—16 Wilderness First Aid The “wilderness” is a “remote geographical location more than 1 hour from definitive medical care.” (Wilderness First Aid: Emergency Care for Remote Locations, 2008) Definitive medical care would be an emergency clinic, hospital emergency room, or your personal healthcare provider. This definition of wilderness relates to most of the programs we participate in with our Scouts, including our Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venturers, and Sea Scouts. The Guide to Safe Scouting says: “Depending upon the event or activity planned, it may be required that at least two adults or youth (though three or more is preferable) in each touring group have current training in WFA and CPR, know how and when to put this knowledge to use, and thoroughly understand the limitations of their knowledge.” BSA currently requires at least one person attending a BSA National High Adventure Base be trained in wilderness first aid. Beginning in 2016, BSA will require at least two people attending to have wilderness first aid. The Old North State Council requires all adults attending a BSA National High Adventure Base with a council contingent be trained in wilderness first aid. Wilderness First Aid training will be held at Woodfield Scout Preservation the weekend of November 14-16, 2014. This course is appropriate for all leaders taking Scouts on activities in the out-of-doors. The course is also open to youth age 14 or older, on the recommendation of their unit leader. Units are responsible for maintaining Youth Protection requirements in leadership in regards to two-deep leadership and co-ed participants. Registration deadline is Thursday, October 16, 2014. No registrations can be accepted after that date. Mandatory pre-requisites include adult CPR/AED and first aid. If you need to earn your CPR/AED and first aid certifications prior to the Wilderness First Aid course, there are courses coming up on September 27 and October 18. If you need this training, register early, as courses fill up very quickly this time of year. You may register for Wilderness First Aid prior to taking your CPR/AED/First Aid training. Note on the WFA Registration form the date you will be taking your prerequisites. For any questions, contact Nita Grubbs at nita.grubbs@scouting.org or 336.378.9166. Nov. 22 First Aid, CPR/AED-Adult & Child 8:30 AM Scout Office. Cost is $25. Youth participants must be at least 14 years of age. Boy Scouts and Venturers under age 18 must attend with a buddy or appropriate adult partner to meet BSA Youth Protection guidelines. Youth needing transportation home will contact a parent prior to end of course testing. Scouts cannot be left without adult supervision. Pre class study is not required, but knowledge of first aid skills in the First Aid Merit Badge Book or Boy Scout Handbook may be helpful. Class size is limited, register early. Lunch is on your own. For more info., contact Nita Grubbs at nita.grubbs@scouting.org What Makes a TRAINED Leader? Adult leaders in units are considered trained, and eligible to wear the official Trained emblem, once they have completed Youth Protection Training and the training courses outlined below, or have completed Youth Protection Training and a previous basic training course when it was current. Youth Protection Training* is a joining requirement for all registered adults and must be retaken every two years! CUB SCOUTING: Leader-Specific (by position)* BOY SCOUTING: Leader-Specific (by position)** Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills*** VENTURING & SEA SCOUTS: All adults in Crews: Venturing Leader Specific All adults in Ships: Sea Scout Adult Leader Basic VARSITY SCOUTING Varsity Scout Leader-Specific (all Team adults) Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills*** * E-Learning page at www.myscouting.org ** Troop Committee Challenge* is the position specifics for troop committee members *** Not required for committee positions + Chartered Organization Representatives take This Is Scouting*, and Chartered Organization Representative Training Common sense tells us training is important, and research shows the importance of trained leaders. A trained leader is knowledgeable and more confident in the role being performed. Trained leaders exhibit a knowledge and confidence that is picked up by people around them. Trained leaders impact the quality of programs, leader tenure, youth tenure, safety, and a whole lot more. A trained leader is better prepared to make the Scouting program all it can be! Page 6 The Old North State News CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR JULY & AUGUST EAGLE SCOUTS Eagle Scout Troop & District George H. Anderson Jr. 781 Cherokee Don Gray Angell III 732 Uwharrie Harris Mclean Billings 230 Guilford Chase Tyrin Blackwell 999 Cherokee Ryan S. Cain 72 Akela Charles Campbell Catherine 216 Guilford William Poston Clontz 101 Guilford Shawn Christian Collins 72 Akela Ryan Michael Federico 42 Akela Jacob William French 733 Cherokee Kevin Patrick Hogan 368 Guilford Seokgyu (James) Hong 107 Guilford Charles Wallace Hutchison 216 Guilford Karl Thomas Kassel 575 Uwharrie Tyler Scott LaPlaca 142 Akela Jacob Aleksei Leatherman 101 Guilford Evan James Moorefield 372 Cherokee Benjamin David Perez 72 Akela Justin Dale Price 1 Akela Nickolas Chase Younts 221 Uwharrie Noah Michael Zawadzki 600 Guilford ATTENTION 2014 EAGLES: INTERESTED IN A PHILMONT SCHOLARSHIP? Ben T. Ward Applications for the 2015 Old North State Council Philmont Trek are due by November 30. Visit bsaonsc.org for details. This summer the Burlington City Council, assisted by Tom Steele, Eagle Board Chairman recognized the Aug. 2013-July 2014 Eagle Scouts at their Council Meeting. Old North State Council Scout Tribute/Memorial Fund ___ In Memory of ___Graduation ___ Birthday ___New Eagle Scout___Anniversary ___ Get Well ___ Other _________________________________ Your Name: _________________________________ Your Address: _______________________________ In Honor of: Name:___________________________ Address: ___________________________________ Today’s date: ______________ Amount: $ _________ Please mail to Old North State Council, Scout Tribute/Memorial Fund 1405 Westover Terrace Greensboro, NC 27408 Eagle Scout Breakfast (Hosted by the Old North State Council, BSA) You are invited to join Eagle Scouts from around the Piedmont Area for the 8th Annual Eagle Scout Alumni Reunion. Eagle Scout Roy Carroll, Founder, Chairman and CEO of the Carroll Companies will be our guest speaker. Date: Tuesday, November 11, 2014 Time: 7:30am—Breakfast will be served Have You Earned One of These? Royce Reynolds Family Scout Office 1405 Westover Terrace Greensboro, NC Space is limited to the first 130 Eagles and you must RSVP no later than Monday November 10, 2014 to reserve your spot. Please contact: Dale Florence Phone: 336/378-9166 or by email at: dflorenc@bsamail.org Page 7 The Old North State News Silver Beaver Nominations Membership Ring Out: Silver Beaver Nominations are due by January 1, 2015. With so many youth joining during the month of September, it’s necessary to ensure all have been registered. Hel p reco gni z e our dedi ca te d volunteers that have been active in Scouting during the last 10 years or more and has shown extraordinary service to the Old North State Council and their community. We will be conducting our semi-annual Membership Ring Out in all of our units. It’s quite possible that your Scouts aren’t registered in the BSA. If that’s the case, he will be or is a victim of the following: No BSA insurance No BSA Liability coverage No BSA advancement Boys Life subscription problems And there are many more problems! We ask all units to submit a copy at the October Roundtable or email or fax of your internal unit roster to be checked against the roster we have in our system. If we do not receive your roster, we will be contacting the key leadership to go over it via the phone on October 30th. Thanks for your help! Alfred Giles & Dan Dobbins Honored at WSP On September 6 a dedication service was held at Woodfield Scout Preservation in honor of Dan Dobbins and Alfred Giles, whom retired from the Old North State Council December, 2013. The Ranger’s Office at Woodfield is named in Alfred’s honor and the Camp Office at Woodfield is named in Dan’s honor. Thank you both for your years of service. Change in Unit Registration Status Be Prepared for Changes in TRAINING STATUS to take place in 2015 & 2016 Effective at your 2015 Charter renewal date, all Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Crew Advisors, Team Coaches and Ship Skippers must be trained for the position they hold within their units in accordance with the BSA National definition of the term “trained”. Effective at your 2016 Charter renewal date, all Assistant Scoutmasters, Den Leaders, Webelos Den Leaders and Assistant Crew Advisors must be trained for the position they hold within their units in accordance with the BSA National definition of the term “trained.” Pictured: (Left) Alfred & Dan (Top) Alfred & his wife Shirley (Bottom) Dan & his wife Tracy GUIDE TO SAFE SCOUTING SPOT LIGHT WILLIAM D. BOYCE NEW UNIT ORGANIZER AWARD The William D. Boyce New-Unit Organizer Award is presented to recognize volunteers who organize one or more traditional Scouting units. The award may be worn on the adult uniform. The award is a square knot placed over the three colors representing the three phases of the BSA program - Cub Scouting, Boy Scouting, and Venturing. A volunteer can earn the knot by organizing one traditional unit, and a program device can be earned for up to three additional units organized. Go to our Website: www.bsaonsc.org and Subscribe to the ONSC E-List to receive announcements and updates! Each newsletter highlights a portion of the Guide to Safe Scouting. Every unit should have a copy of the Guide to Safe Scouting. It can also be viewed and printing by going to our council website at www.bsaonsc.org . Highlighted is the BSA National Council "Sweet Sixteen" of BSA safety procedures for physical activity. These 16 points, which embody good judgment and common sense, are applicable to all activities and will continue in the next few editions: 3. Buddy System. The long history of the “buddy system” in Scouting has shown that it is always best to have at least one other person with you and aware at all times of your circumstances and what you are doing in any outdoor or strenuous activity. The “Safety Zone Newsletter is published quarterly. Be sure to check out the July/Sept. Issue on our Web Site—www.bsaonsc.org Page 8 The Old North State News AKELA DISTRICT (Serving High Point, Thomasville, Jamestown, Wallburg, Archdale, Trinity, and all points between) District Chairman District Commissioner District Executive Bob Paxton Steve Allred John McPhail 812-3438 431-5801 378-9166 Akela District Calendar October 2 Dist. Committee Mtg., 6:30pm, Wesley Memorial UMC 9 Commissioner’s Meeting, 6 pm, Wesley Memorial UMC 9 Roundtable, 7:00pm, Wesley Memorial UMC 13 Eagle Board of Review, 7pm, Wesley memorial UMC 17-19 Fall Camporee, Woodfield West 24-26 Cub Family Encampment, Woodfield November 2 Dist. Committee Meeting, 6:30pm, Wesley Memorial UMC 10 Eagle Board of Review, 7 pm, Wesley memorial UMC 13 Commissioner’s Meeting, 6:00pm, Wesley Memorial UMC 13 Roundtable, 7:00pm, Wesley Memorial UMC boys, for all the hard work and dedication! Thanks to all the committed leaders of Troop 72 as well for all their time and energy. If you ever have an event you would like me to attend, never hesitate to contact me. I look forward to serving as your District Executive in the coming months and years. Sincerely & Respectfully, John McPhail Akela District Banquet Mark your calendars for our 2014 banquet on January 23, 2015 at Archdale Friends Meeting (114 Trindale Rd, Archdale, NC 27263). Thank you to Troop and Pack 25 for agreeing to host us! Cub Leader Trainings EVERY YOUTH DESERVES A TRAINED LEADER! Visit http://www.scouting.org/training/adult.aspx With any questions regarding training, please contact Kathy Medlin at Kathy@medlin.biz Popcorn Dates: 9-15 9-27 11-7 11-7 Show and Sell orders due Sale Starts Show and Sell Product Return: UNOPENED ONLY! Show and Sell invoice settlement date 11-11 Take Orders received from Units 11-22 Popcorn distribution to Units 12-12 Final invoices settlement date Note from the DE: I am excited to be a part of the Akela District and fortunate to have such a great group of volunteers. There has been a tremendous amount to learn and I appreciate all the guidance the District leadership has provided. We are in the midst of School Night for Scouting and anticipate a successful recruiting event. Many thanks to the volunteers who give their time to ensure our community boys can become Scouts. A special thanks to Eric Medlin who orchestrated all the coordinators and kept me on track! Popcorn is upon us as well. We have done a great job in the past promoting the benefits of supporting Scouting through popcorn purchases. A special thanks to Chip Haas who worked with all the units to coordinate our popcorn efforts! Lastly, I would like to thank Erika Pennington who asked me to participate in an Eagle Court of Honor for Troop 72. It was an amazing event to witness and of which to be a part. It is quite an accomplishment to have one Eagle Scout; however, Troop 72 had five Eagle Scouts! Under the guidance of Denis Pennington, Ryan Cain, Shawn Collins, Seth Pennington, Benjamin Perez, and Brain Stanley, all earned their Eagle. Congratulations, 2014 Cub Family Encampment Military Appreciation October 24-26 Woodfield Scout Preservation Page 9 The Old North State News ALAMANCE DISTRICT (Serving Burlington, Saxapahaw, Snow Camp, Mebane, Graham, Elon College, Union Ridge and all points between) District Chairman: Tom Steele, Jr. District Commissioner: Jean Chandler, 213-8244 Dist. Executive: Philip Stewart 336 378-9166 Alamance Calendar October 2014 8 District Committee/Commissioner Meeting, First Presbyterian Scout Hut: 6:15 PM 9 Roundtable, Shiloh Presbyterian Church: 7 PM 9 OA Chapter, Shiloh Presbyterian Church: 7 PM 13 Eagle Board, First Presbyterian Church Scout Hut: 7PM 17-19 Cub-o-Ree, Woodfield 24-26 Boy Scout Camporee 30 Membership Ring Out November 2014 10 Eagle Board, First Presbyterian Church Scout Hut: 7 PM 12 District Committee/Commissioner Meeting, First Presbyterian Scout Hut: 6:15 PM 13 Roundtable, Shiloh Presbyterian Church: 7 PM: RECHARTERS 13 OA Chapter, Shiloh Presbyterian Church: 7 PM 21 Popcorn Pick Up: Location TBD Start off on the RIGHT foot with Training! s’mores on the campfire. Start some memories with your Cub Scout and see what the excitement is about. For more information, please contact Travis Crabtree at TCrabtree@townofcarrboro.org. District Camporee It’s been a while since the District has had a Fall Camporee and Troop 64 is going to be the host of this year’s event. It will be a throwback to Scouting skills from fire building, First Aid, relays and navigation. Please make sure your Troop gets signed up because this is one not to miss! It will be held on October 24-26, 2014 at 4515 Fleet Isley Trail, Burlington, NC 27215. For more information, please contact Wayne Isley at wisleyfloors@yahoo.com. Awards Remember to turn in your Silver Beaver Applications to the Old North State Council Office or by the December Roundtable. Also District Award of Merit Nominees are to be submitted no later than the December Roundtable. For information on scheduling a presentation for your unit, contact Philip Stewart at (336) 378-9166. Cub Scout / Boy Scout Roundtable & Order of the Arrow Chapter Meeting Remember that Roundtable is on the second Wednesday of the month. The church is located at 2638 Grand Oaks Blvd, Burlington, NC 27215. It is a combined Cub/Boy Scout/Venturing Roundtable and if you are interested in finding out what other Packs/Troops/Crews in the area are doing for programs don’t hesitate and show up! This is also the meeting place for the District Order of the Arrow Chapter! If you are an arrowman, youth or adult, you are welcome to attend. Now that you have a unit full of new parents, it’s time to start them off on the right foot! Although all of your parents may not be leaders, yet…it’s the perfect time to send them to training. Make sure your leaders get registered and create a myscouting.org account. There is quite a bit of training they can take online. Also remember the Recharter requirements, every unit’s top leader Friends of Scouting must be trained in order to recharter. Our Friends of Scouting campaign is about to kick off and Ring Out it is very important to the Old North State Council. This Last Spring our “ring-out” uncovered over many UNREG- fundraising campaign provides money for the council to ISTERED Boy and Cub Scouts in our district. UNREGIS- offset the increase in youth so that every boy can have TERD Scouts are NOT insured, CANNOT advance, WILL the opportunity to join Scouting and the expansion of programs and activities to ensure the greatest Scouting NOT get Boys Life and CANNOT become Eagles. experience that we can offer. This is not a donation, but To prevent these problems, this Fall we will conduct our rather a sound investment in the Scouting program and Fall Ring-Out during the month of October. During this our youth who are the future leaders and the best there time, you are strongly encouraged to send a copy of is to offer. For information on scheduling a presentation your unit’s roster by fax or deliver to the council at (336) for your unit, contact Philip Stewart at (336) 378-9166. 378-9169 or email to either Travis Rubelee travis.rubelee@scouting.org. Also, you may bring a copy Wanting to Help? to the October Roundtable. If we do not receive a copy Has your son received his Eagle and is no longer active, during this time frame we will contact you on October are you a former Scoutmaster or Troop Member, but you 30th to review your roster via phone. Thanks for your still have the Scouting Bug inside you? All you need is a help. For more information or questions, please contact love of Scouting and to make a difference in a young Travis Rubelee at (336) 378-9166. man’s life! If so, we have a place for you to stay involved with Scouting! Please call Philip Stewart at (336) Cub-o-Ree 378-9166. The Great Race is coming to Woodfield Scout Preserve for the Cub Scouts in the Alamance District on October 17-19! Registration must be submitted by pack by October 10th. Don’t miss out on the excitement of Cub Scout activities of BB guns, bows and arrows and cooking Page 10 The Old North State News CHEROKEE DISTRICT (Serving Reidsville, Eden, Ruffin, Madison, Mayodan, Stoneville, Roxboro, Yanceyville & all points between) District Chairman-Neal Bowes-336-599-8200 District Commissioner – Dan Foster (336) 349-3428 District Executive – Chip White 540-819-5137 Cherokee Calendar October 2 Roundtable, 7:00 PM 9 District Commissioner’s Meeting, 7:00 PM 16 District Committee Meeting, 7:00 PM, CSR HQ 18-19 Fall Family Encampment, Cherokee 24-26 Fall Camporee November 6 Roundtable, 7:00 PM 13 District Commissioner’s Meeting, 7:00 PM 20 District Committee Meeting, 7:00 PM, CSR HQ District Nominating Committee We are coming up on our yearly Nominating Process, where our district Nominating Committee selects and recruits the volunteers needed to serve on the District Committee. The committee has begun to form and Rockingham County Sheriff Sam Page has volunteered to be our Nominating Committee Chair. We are thrilled to have his help in leading our district into next year! If you have any suggestions for the Nominating Committee please send them to Cherokee District Executive Chip White at Chip.White@scouting.org or (336) 378-9166 ext 105. Please remember that these people should be well connected, and willing to help recruit members of the Cherokee District Committee. FACEBOOK Join our district on Facebook! Search for “Cherokee Scouters” to stay up-to-date on the latest events. Boy Scout Fall Camporee Our Fall Camporee this year will be held at Farris Park in Mayodan on October 24th-26th. This year’s theme is Emergency Awareness! We will have demos from the Sheriff’s Office K9 Units, the Madison/Mayodan Rescue Squad, and more! For more information about the Camporee please contact Stephen Williams at (336) 280-1176 or sewilliams1952@yahoo.com. Cub Fall Family Encampment Fall Family Encampment is coming quickly! Be a SUPER SCOUT! We will have FUN events geared towards SUPERHEROS!! We will have a great time fishing, shooting, doing arts and crafts, and learning how to be a SUPER SCOUT! This year we will be having the Camp out at Cherokee Scout Reservation on October 18th & 19th. Friday night Camping is available. For more information please contact Terri Felder at tscouter@rocketmail.com. Popcorn Popcorn sales are coming soon! It is time to start preparing for the Trail’s End Popcorn Campaign that helps so many boys pay for registration, summer camp, advancement, camping equipment, and other scouting fees. If you have not already talked to your leader about all of the benefits of selling Popcorn it isn’t too late! Please contact Chip White at Chip.White@scouting.org to learn how to sign up today! Cub and Scout Leader Trainings EVERY YOUTH DESERVES A TRAINED LEADER! Visit http:// www.scouting.org/training/adult.aspx. This month we are highlighting Roundtables! Our district Roundtables are a meeting that is open to all leaders as a GREAT opportunity to learn about the Scouting program. We cover all of the different ways that you can make a positive impact on your unit for that month! As always, there is a list of training opportunities available on the Council website. If you have any questions regarding training, please contact Terri Felder at tscouter@rocketmail.com or Chip White at Chip.White@scouting.org. Venturing Do you have older Scouts in the troop that like to do high adventure activities such as Whitewater Rafting, Rock climbing, or snowboarding? Do you have older Scouts that still want to stay involved after earning the rank of eagle? A Venture crew could be for you! We have a lot of activities planned such as the Davy Jones Rendezvous in the fall where your crew or ship can spend the weekend at Hagan Sea Base and Raven Point Sea Base participating in events on High Rock Lake! Sign up’s will begin during the summer so keep an eye out for the registration form! We also partner with Kersey Valley Zip lines where Crews and Post can fly through the tree tops! If you have any questions on starting a Venture Crew to partner with your existing Troop please contact Jonathan Clapp at 336-378-9166 or email at joclapp@bsamail.org Exploring Are you a middle or high school student interested in learning more about certain careers out in the work force such as Police, Firefighting, EMS, or Aviation? We have recently started a Sports Post with the Thomasville HiToms!! Exploring is your way to get introduced in different career fields and learn all about a particular career that you might be interested in! We have different posts all over the council to help you learn more about different career fields that excite you! For more information please contact Jonathan Clapp at 336-378-9166 or email at joclapp@bsamail.org Page 11 The Old North State News GUILFORD DISTRICT (Serving the greater Greensboro area) Chairman: Janet Mintz mintz@canterburygso.org Commissioner: Scott Spillmann sjspillmann@triad.rr.com District Director: Colin Lemon 336.653.8203 Colin.lemon@scouting.org District Executive: Dara Campbell 336.378-9166 Ext. 118 Dara.campbell@scouting.org Guilford Calendar October 2 3-5 9 10-12 14 16 20 Roundtable, 7:00 PM, Scout Office Cub Family Campout #1, Woodfield Scout Preservation District Committee Meeting, 7:00 PM, Scout office Cub Family Campout #2, Woodfield Scout Preservation District Eagle Board, 7:00 PM, Scout office OA Chapter Meeting, 7:00 PM, Scout office District Commissioner’s Meeting, 7 PM, Scout office November 6 11 13 13 15-16 Roundtable, 7:00 PM, Scout office District Eagle Board, 7:00 PM, Scout office Annual Business Meeting, 6:45 PM, Scout office District Committee Meeting, 7:00 PM, Scout office Webelos/Boy Scout Camporee, Cherokee Scout Reservation District Commissioner’s Meeting, 7PM, Scout office OA Chapter Meeting, 7:00 PM, Scout office District Nominating Committee It’s time again for the District Nominating Committee to perform its most important function, select and recruit the volunteers needed to serve as District Committee members and chairs. We need volunteers to serve on the District Committee. The committee is made up of people from all backgrounds in and out of Scouting who work to plan our camping events, recruitment, training, fundraisers, and activities. With a full committee of hard -working volunteers, our events will be planned well ahead of time and our packs, troops, and crews will have plenty of time to prepare their Scouts for participation. If you have suggestions for the District Committee, please forward them to the Guilford District Director, Colin Lemon, at colin.lemon@scouting.org or call 336378-9166. Nominations for members of the District Committee will be accepted through October 30, 2014. Those selected will be elected as District Officers at the Annual Business Meeting on November 13, 2014. Current District Committee Members and Chartered Organization Representatives make up the voting body at this meeting. Family Friends of Scouting As 2015 draws near, it is time to sign your Scout unit up for a Friends of Scouting presentation! The best time to 17 host this presentation is at a Cub Scout Blue and Gold 20 Banquet between January and April or a Boy Scout Court of Honor in November or December. These events highGuilford Recharter light the work our Scouts have completed and have 2015 will bring new and exciting changes to your council great attendance from families. in order to serve our units and youth better. All Guil- Friends of Scouting is our most important source of supford District units will be required to recharter be- port in the Old North State Council. Without its support, fore January 31, 2015. Please make sure that all lead- Scouting would not be possible in these eight counties. ers are current in their required training and that all Please contact Dara Campbell to schedule your presenScouts are registered BEFORE January 15, 2015. All top t a t i o n as soon as possible as leaders (Cubmaster, Scoutmaster, Crew Advisor) MUST dara.campbell@scouting.org. have completed the required training! Membership Rosters Please note that ON February 1, 2015 if your unit has not completed and turned in their recharter with the re- During this season, we recruit a LOT of new Scouts into quired fees, your unit cannot receive advancement and our amazing program. In that process, it can be easy to have an application slip between the cracks. It is imporawards or participate in scouting activities. tant that we make sure that all of our Scouts are propLet’s be proactive for the sake of our boys and have erly registered with the BSA. We need your help! Every things in order when the time comes! week, your unit takes attendance of the Scouts at your meetings. Please send a copy of your attendance roster Popcorn Season to colin.lemon@scouting.org by October 17th. We will Popcorn season is here! The sale began on September compare your attendance roster to our official roster for 27th and will continue through Friday, November 7th. Re- your unit. Any Scouts we find that are not officially regmember how important it is to have a good popcorn sale istered we will communicate to you so we can make sure in your unit when thinking about the cost of uniforms, they are receiving advancement and credit for their summer camp, and any other activities your Scouts and work, as well as making sure they are covered by BSA leaders have planned. Scouting does not have to be ex- insurance. If we do not receive your unit’s roster by Ocpensive, it just takes some fundraising to provide the full tober 17th, we will be contacting you over the phone the Scouting experience for every youth we serve! If you following week to go over the roster verbally. have questions about the 2014 popcorn sale, please don’t hesitate to contact Colin Lemon at Guilford District on Facebook colin.lemon@scouting.org or Travis Rubelee at Please join our group on Facebook to hear about upcomtravis.rubelee@scouting.org. ing events and news! Stay in touch easily by following us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/groups/ guilfordbsa. Please share it with your fellow leaders and parents! Page 12 The Old North State News UWHARRIE DISTRICT (Serving Asheboro, Randolph , Davidson & Davie Co.) District Chairman: Brad Grimes-336 787-4380 District Commissioner: Jaime Swicegood—336 853-7316 District Executive: Jason Powers- 336-880-8785 Committee will be accepted through October 31, 2014. Those selected will be elected as District Officers at the Annual Business Meeting in November. Current District Committee Members and Chartered Organization Representatives make up the voting body at this meeting. It is important that we keep our District strong with great volunteers at all levels. October CUB LEADER TRAINING 2 8 As we kick off another great program year, we need to remember every boy deserves a trained leader. The BSA has done a great job providing online training for our leaders to ensure they are trained in their current roles along with Youth Protection. If you are having difficulty or questions about what training is needed, get with your Cubmaster or your Pack trainer. 14 17 27 24-26 31 Roundtable, 6:45 PM at Woodfield Training Center District Committee Meeting/Commissioner’s Staff meeting, 6:45 Woodfield Training Center Davidson/Davie County Eagle Board, Project Approval at 6:30 PM, Eagle Candidates at 7:00 PM, Shiloh UMC in Lexington Registration Due for Boy Scout Fall Camporee Unit Rosters Due! Email to District Executive District Boy Scout Camporee, Woodfield East Last Day for Door to Door Popcorn Orders November 3 6 12 Last Day for Popcorn Prize Orders Roundtable 6:45, Shiloh UMC (Council Key 3 will attend) District Committee Meeting/Commissioner’s staff meeting, 6:45 Woodfield Training Center Family Friends of Scouting Presenter Training Popcorn Pickup for Davidson/Davie County Units Popcorn Pickup for Randolph County Units November Business meeting is still being scheduled. More information will follow. With Re-charter around the corner, start looking at when your leaders Youth Protection expires. If your volunteers are going to expire within the next 120 days, go ahead and have them redo their training, so there are no delays in January. BOY SCOUT CAMPOREE We are having our fall Boy Scout camporee on the weekend of October 24—26. The committee is meeting 13 now to plan this event and we will be sending out details 14 as they become available. Our them this fall will be “Are 15 you Smarter than a Scoutmaster?” Every fall and spring TBD we hold a Boy Scout camporee and they are very popular so we look forward to seeing your Boy Scouts and second year Webelos this fall. Registrations needs to be POPCORN SEASON through your Troop along with Med forms Parts A & B, Popcorn season is here! The sale began on September and Roster of attendees. 27th and will continue through Friday, October 31st. Please check the calendar above for the rest of the im- ROUNDTABLE portant popcorn dates and deadlines. Remember how Roundtable is a monthly event that is NOT just for leadimportant it is to have a good popcorn sale in your unit ership. All parents and volunteers are strongly encourwhen thinking about the cost of uniforms, summer aged to attend. Our Commissioners are working very camp, and any other activities your Scouts and leaders hard to develop meaningful and worthwhile material at have planned. Scouting does not have to be expensive, every event we do. With such a spread out District, I it just takes some fundraising to provide the full Scout- understand that we sometimes wonder about driving 1 ing experience for every youth we serve! hour to attend, but I can tell you that it DEFINITELY is worth the trip. Roundtable is a great opportunity to find DISTRICT NOMINATING COMMITTEE out what is happening within the District as well as getIt’s time again for the District Nominating Committee to ting new and fresh ideas from other leaders, volunteers, perform its most important function, select and recruit and parents, and to strengthen the relationship within the volunteers needed to serve as District Committee the District. I encourage everybody to attend roundtamembers and chairs. The District Nominating Committee ble, regardless of its location, each month to keep this is forming now and a we are still recruiting our Chair and District strong. the other members of the nominating committee. We need volunteers to serve on the District Committee. The committee is made up of people from all backgrounds in and out of Scouting who work to plan our camping events, recruitment, training, fundraisers, and activities. With a full committee of hard-working volunteers, our events will be planned well ahead of time and our packs, troops, and crews will have plenty of time to prepare their Scouts for participation. If you have suggestions for the District Committee, please forward them to the Uwharrie District Executive, Jason Powers, at jason.powers@scouting.org or call 336880-8785. Nominations for members of the District Like us on Facebook! www.facebook.com/uwharrie district roundtable Page 13 The Old North State News BOBCAT FAST START PROGRAM Fact: Statistics show that Scouts who earn their Bobcat by their first pack meeting stay in the program twice as long as those who do not. What is the BOBCAT FAST START program: The program encourages all packs and dens to have all of their new Scouts earn their Bobcat no later than October 31, 2014. To accomplish this Cubmasters and Den Leaders will need to work on the Bobcat Requirements at their first meetings. Recognition: Each Pack who has more than 75% of their new Scouts earn their Bobcat by October 31,2014 will be presented with a Bobcat Fast Start Ribbon for their pack flag. Cubmasters, Tiger Den Leaders, Den Leaders and Webelos Leaders who have more than 75% of their new Scouts earn their Bobcat will receive a special Bobcat Fast Start Patch. All packs who qualify by October 31, 2014 will be entered in a drawing for a Pack Pizza party. Packs will also be highlighted in the council newsletter. Qualification: The Bobcat Advancement Form, which can be found at www.bsaonsc.org must be turned into ONSC Scout Shop no later than October 31, 2014. Once the percentages have been confirmed, your unit will be notified to send a representative to your district’s next Roundtable where your representative will be awarded the ribbon and patches. Drawing for Pack Pizza Party will occur in mid November and the winner of the drawing will be notified. Volume 42 Number 4 Page 14 Cherokee Scout Reservation Good day! While the 2014 summer camp season has only just ended, the 2015 season is already upon us! Reservations have been running hot for 2015 campsites; 80% of all campsites have been reserved at this point. If your troop has not reserved a campsite yet for 2015, the time is now! You can expect a lot of changes to programming and new programs added for our Scouts along with the incredible staff and food you remember from 2014. I encourage all of you to visit the camp in the off-season for troop camping and please join us in May, 2015 for our Beaver Day so we can prepare camp for the 2015 summer camp. Thank you for choosing to support Cherokee Scout Reservation by bringing your Scouts out to experience what we have to offer. There are Scout camps all over the area and it means a lot to us that you chose to spend a week (and in some cases, more than one week!) with us. I am very excited about what the 2015 summer camp season will bring. We’ll see you there! Yours in Scouting, Colin Lemon 2015 Camp Director Induction Weekends The Ordeal ceremony is the first thing new members experience in Order of the Arrow, and we’re dedicated to making sure it is best experience possible! We provide much needed service to our camps and have a good time doing it. Only two Ordeal opportunities remain for our new candidates! The next one will be held on October 4-5 at Cherokee Scout Reservation near Yanceyville, NC. This Ordeal will be limited to 150 new members. The Final opportunity will be during our May Brotherhood Weekend which is the first weekend in May at Cherokee Scout Reservation. Registration forms and further detail is presented on our Lodge web site at www.lodge70.org and will be available soon. Parents are always welcome to attend the Ordeal ceremonies. The Saturday ceremony is normally held after dinner, but if the weather is a concern it may be held before dinner. The ceremonies take place away from the main part of camp and do require walking in the woods at night. Please check with the Scout office or the website before the Ordeal for additional information. You may also email us at lodge70@lodge70.org for more information or questions. Visit the Scouting Museum at Cherokee Scout Reservation Be sure to stop by and tour the Scouting Museum located below the Alan “Doc” Lewis Order of the Arrow Lodge located beside the Commissary. The Museum will be open at scheduled times during Lodge Events at CSR. We have lots of Scouting exhibits from the past and the present. We are always looking for new items, if you or someone you know has a collection you would like to loan or donate please let us know at lodge70@lodge70.org and we will get you in touch with our Curator David Pugh. Convert to Brotherhood The Lodge will be conducting Brotherhood Ceremonies during each of our inductions weekends this fall. For more information on converting to Brotherhood email us at lodge70@lodge70.org. Membership dues need to be current before going through the Ceremony and can be paid at Camp, annual dues are $10.00. Are your Dues Current? OA’s $10 membership fee is due June of each year. In order to remain active and receive emails and mailings, dues must be current. Also to remain active in the Lodge a current BSA registration is required. NOAC 2015 The National Order of the Arrow Conference will be August 2 - 9, 2015 on the campus of Michigan State University. This will be OA’s 100th Anniversary, a special event for all who attend. We currently have 76 signed up to attend, the lodge’s goal is to take 100 delegates and staff. The estimated cost is about $800 but several fund raising activities have been under way to help reduce cost. A special Early Bird patch is being offered to those who sign up soon. Please check out the National Website WWW.oa-bsa.org and our own site www.lodge70.org for added information and registration forms. 2014 Fall Fellowship Our Annual Fall Fellowship will be held November 7–9 at Cherokee Scout Reservation. The Lodge will also hold it’s annual fund raiser stew sale. Tickets are now available and is on a pre-sale basis. We have lots planned for the weekend and we will also be hosting the Webelos-Ree during the morning on Saturday. Please check our website, www.lodge70.org for more information. Webelos-Ree Tsoiotsi Tsogalii Lodge is pleased to once again host Webeols-Ree 2014 at Cherokee Scout Reservation on Sat., Nov 8t. Details have been mailed to Cubmasters and Webelos Leaders. Find out more at www.lodge70.org. Page 15 The Old North State News Mark your calendars—next year will be here before you know it. Camp Dates Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Campsites are filling up fast! June 21—27 June 28—July 4 July 5- July 11 July 12—July 18 July 19—July 25 July 26—August 1 80% are already assigned! Have your unit leader contact the Scout Office for your reservation. Check out the camp video at www.bsaonsc.org/csr See you at camp The Old North State News (USPS 215580) is Published bi-monthly by the Old North State Council, P O Box 29046 Greensboro, NC 27429. Periodical Postage paid at Greensboro, N.C. Postmaster send change of address to: Old North State Council, Post Office Box 29046, Greensboro NC 27429-9046 1-336-378-9166 · 1-800-367-9166 · FAX 1-336-378-9169 E-Mail: council70@bsamail.org www.bsaonsc.org “The Old North State News” is mailed to those who have requested to receive a copy by mail bi-monthly. Contact the Scout Office if you would like to subscribe to our newsletter. We encourage members to visit our Web site for an electronic copy at www.bsaonsc.org PLEASE CONTACT THE SCOUT OFFICE IF YOU OR ANY MEMBERS OF YOUR UNIT HAVE A CHANGE OF ADDRESS Woodfield Scout Preservation 2015 Webelos Summer Camp Sign up for Webelos Camp At POW WOW on November 1, 2014 at Muirs Chapel UMC 314 Muirs Chapel Rd., Greensboro, NC EVERY WEBELOS SHOULD EXPERIENCE CAMP! Camp Dates Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 June 21—25 June 28—July 2 July 5—9 July 12—16
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