connect DOMINICAN Why do we preach the rosary? In this issue...

March 2014
From the Vocations Office of the
Irish Dominican Friars
Why do we preach the rosary?
A parishioner in Dublin once told me
in an uncomfortable tone that he
really didn’t understand the point of
the rosary with all its repetitious
prayers and that, perhaps, it was time
for the Church to drop it completely.
He didn’t realise, I think, how
fervently our Order promoted the
rosary in times past and that we were
even charged with doing so by a Pope!
Tradition has it that the rosary was
given to St Dominic by Our Lady and
that from then on the “new” prayer
was promoted and preached by us.
Various forms of repetitive prayer
certainly existed before St Dominic
founded our Order in the thirteenth
century and it took some time to
standardise the rosary we have today
with its groups of five decades.
Repetition of prayers as if they have
no deep sense or meaning is definitely
not the point of the rosary, however.
In being a simple repetition of short
but meaningful prayers well known by
Catholics it is certainly accessible to all
and it gives us a concrete pattern to
follow and a typical length of time to
pray, not too long, not too short. Being
predictable in its spoken prayers, it
gives us a period of time, it even
pushes us into a period of time, where
our mind naturally wanders. We are
free and even encouraged to bring
what is on our mind before the Lord
and Our Lady without putting our
petitions or praise into words. The
name “rosary” comes from its role as
being an offering of a kind of spiritual
bouquet of roses to Our Lady (the
German name “Wreath of Roses”
“Rosenkranz”), a bouquet which we
can offer without a lot of complex
cultivation of words.
But it is much more than this which
the Dominicans have preached in the
centuries gone by. We preach the
meditative side of the rosary, the part
nobody can see and which takes place
in hearts, souls and minds. We preach
meditation, just imaginative thinking
about the so-called “mysteries” of the
rosary while we say the simple and
In this issue...
● Rosary Vigil in Kilkenny
● Book Launch in Rome
● Dominican Family Vocations
● Aquinas Institute Summer
● Featuring...
Fr Stephen Tumilty OP
The icon of St
Dominic is at St.
Dominic’s Parish
church, Tallaght for
the next number of
repetitive prayers. The mysteries are
simply the more important events in
the life of the Lord Jesus and his
Mother, events which are “mysterious”
because they had significance for all
people although it did not seem so at
continued on page 2
6th Annual Dominic
Family Vocations
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Dominican Family Vocations Day
Saturday 5th April, at St Saviour’s Priory, Dublin, from 9.30am to
5.00pm. If you are interested in learning more about the different
branches of the Dominican Order with a view to joining one (friars,
contemplative nuns, apostolic sisters, lay Dominicans), contact our
vocations director (see back page).
continued from page 1
the time and it might not seem to
those who do not reflect upon them.
What are these mysteries? First
there are the events around the
birth of Jesus: the announcement to
Mary that she would conceive and
her acceptance of it (“Be it done
unto me”); Mary’s visit to her
cousin Elizabeth who was pregnant
with John the Baptist; the birth of
presentation of the baby Jesus in
the Temple and encountering the
prophets Simeon and Anna; the
finding of the child Jesus in the
Temple when he was about 12 years
old. These are significant because
they are concerned with the mystery
of our faith called the “Incarnation”
– that God became man in Jesus,
living among us, taking on human
nature to heal and save us.
Then there are the events around
the death and resurrection of the
Lord which we know so well. The
suffering and death of the Lord before
Easter (The Agony in the garden, the
Crowning with thorns, the scourging
at the pillar, the carrying of the cross,
his crucifixion and death) and his
resurrection and related events
(Resurrection, Ascension, Descent of
the Holy Spirit on the Apostles,
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin
Mary into heaven, her Coronation as
Queen of Heaven and Earth).
The death and resurrection of the
Lord is the central mystery of the
Christian faith – the “paschal
mystery” – through which eternal life
is made accessible to us. In Our Lady
assumed into heaven we see what we
are called to – full life with God. In
meditating on these events while
saying the rosary we can grow in
appreciation of their significance for
us and even change our attitudes and
lives accordingly.
Dominicans have preached the rosary
because it’s a simple way of praying
which brings our hearts and minds
close to the central events in the life of
the Lord Jesus, the events which were
key in how God choose to make
eternal life open to us. In recent times,
and encouraged by Vatican II, the
Church has sought “to return to the
sources”, the Bible, the liturgy, the
teaching of the early bishops and
theologians of the Church. But the
rosary is also a “return to the sources”
because it has the same centre – Jesus
Christ and the key events of his life,
death and resurrection.
The question which began this
reflection has been answered I think.
Now I would like to pose a second:
“Would you preach the rosary?”
Fr Fergus Ryan OP is a member our
community in Rome and is pursuing
doctoral studies at the Pontifical
Liturgical Institute.
Book launch in Rome
Cork readers will be especially interested to learn of a book launched
at our priory in Rome, Italy, in February. Canon Sheehan of Doneraile
1852 - 1913: Outlines for a Literary Biography, by Mongisnor James
O’Brien, was launched at Collegio San Clemente by Cardinal Pell,
the archbishop of Sydney, Australia. Monsignor O’Brien, a priest of
the diocese of Cloyne who works at the Holy See, had his first book
on Canon Sheehan published in early 2013 called The Collected
Letters of Canon Sheehan of Doneraile, 1883-1913 and a third is due
to be published in the not too distant future.
At the booklaunch Fr John M. Cunningham OP, prior of San Clemente,
Cardinal George Pell, Monsignor O'Brien.
Courtesy of Fr Pius Pietrzyk OP.
Rosary Vigil @ Black Abbey
A rosary vigil was held for road crash victims and their families at
our church in Kilkenny, the Black Abbey, on Saturday 9th February
last. The Kilkenny Gospel Choir participated in the event.
Biblical Institute Achievement
Sr Mary T. O’Brien PBVM was
conferred with a doctorate from
the University of Limerick on 24th
October last. Dr Mary’s doctoral
thesis on St Paul’s Letter to the
Romans was written under the
direction of Fr Tom Brodie OP,
former moderator of the
Dominican Biblical Institute,
Limerick. Students at the Institute are attending lectures on the
Gospels of Matthew and Mark by the new doctor who also teaches
at St Patrick’s College, Thurles, County Tipperary.
Upcoming Events
Forthcoming Priestly Ordinations
Dominican Connect has the joy of announcing the priestly
ordinations of three of our brothers this coming summer: on
5th July at St Saviour’s Church, Dominick Street, Dublin 1, of
Brothers Luuk Jansen OP & Colm Mannion OP, and on 2nd
August at St Finbar’s Church, Port of Spain, Republic of Trinidad
& Tobago. Please pray for the ordinandi as they approach
Imposition of hands at ordination of Fergus Ryan OP, Easter
Saturday 2010, by the bishop of Cork & Ross, John Buckley.
Lourdes (11th-16th June 2014) staying at the Hotel Padoue.
Cost €719. Director: Fr Frank Downes OP. Telephone: 08720.59.092.
Fatima (2nd-9th Oct 2014) staying at the Hotel Tres
Pastorinhos. Ex-Dublin. Cost €799.
Director: Br Michael Neenan OP. Telephone: (01) 40.48.100.
Aquinas Institute of Ireland
Summer School
From 21st to 28th June,
participants in the
summer school will
study the moral
theology of St Thomas
in the Irish Dominican Summer Camp at Knockadoon, East
Cork. While the week will include a small number of lectures,
most study will be done together by students and tutors in
two morning sessions of 75 minutes each. The only
requirement for attendance is willingness to participate; the
course is not reserved to students of philosophy and theology.
The full board rate for the week (single rooms) is only €200
(family rate of €420). Mass will be celebrated daily in the
camp oratory and there will be ample opportunity for
personal prayer time. Consult the institute’s website for
further information and to apply to attend the course.
Applications should be made as soon as possible, certainly
before the beginning of April.
The Aquinas Institute was founded by a group of young Catholic
Christian academics wishing to promote the study of the
writings of St Thomas Aquinas. The goal of the Institute is to
introduce the thought of Aquinas to a wider audience, towards
a deeper study of his texts by students of theology and
philosophy, and also to introduce his works to others interested
in exploring these areas of human knowledge. The specific area
of study for this year’s summer camp is St Thomas’ Summa
Theologiae, Prima Secundae, questions 1-21.
Email if website application is problematic:
Monastic Vocations Weekends
At the Dominican nuns’ monastery, County Louth, have been
organised as follows:
March 14th - 16th
May 9th - 11th
September 12th - 14th
October 17th - 19th
November 14th - 16th
Other times are possible by arrangement.
continued on page 4
Events continued from page 3
Fr Stephen Tumilty OP
I was the first-born into a family of five
in Chapel Street in Newry in March
1945. I can remember vividly at around
the age of five preaching to an
imaginary congregation and by the age
of twelve I made a solemn promise to
God that I would study hard and pass
all my examinations in order to become
a priest, and by age thirteen I had
written to the vocations director for the
Dominicans indicating that I wanted to
join the Order because I wanted to
become a preacher. He wrote back
saying that to become a preacher was a
very good reason for wanting to become
a Dominican.
A little earlier than this I had summoned
up the courage to ask Fr Stephen
Murphy OP to ask if I could become an
altar server in the Dominican church of
Saint Catherine in Newry. This request
was granted. Fr Murphy and another
Dominican, Br James Philips OP,
subsequently played a large part in the
formation of my vocation to become a
Dominican. Both were inspiring and
gifted men.
I concluded my academic examinations
on June 21st, 1963 (the day of the
election of Pope Paul VI) and shortly
after I made the journey to the
Dominican novitiate in Cork. I received
the habit of the Order on September 14,
1963 and given the name Stephen. After
the year-long novitiate, I spent six years
in the studentate in Tallaght, County
Dublin and I was ordained a priest in
Saint Patrick’s College in Drumcondra
on July 5th, 1970.
My first assignation was to San Clemente
in Rome where I studied for a degree in
theology in the University of Saint
Thomas, ‘The Angelicum’. I particularly
liked celebrating the weddings of Irish
couples in the church of Santa Anna in
the Vatican. From there I was assigned
to Saint Mary’s priory in Cork where I
Residential Vocations
Remaining Vocations Weekends of 2014 for
men interested in becoming Dominican
friars (priests and lay brothers)
11th – 13th April – Cork
16th – 18th May – Cork
Contact the Vocations Director – Fr Gerard
Dunne OP - see below for details.
Fr Stephen Tumilty OP
completed a degree in English, Italian
and psychology. I began a ‘folk Mass’ in
the church and between 700-800
attended each Sunday where I took the
opportunity to preside and preach. It
was a great joy to minister in this way to
so many young people. I became
involved in working with the Simon
community, the Saint Vincent de Paul
society and did a lot of church work
along with being assistant novice
master for two years.
Having finished studies in Cork I was
then assigned to Newbridge College as
teacher, dean of students, subprior and
other duties. It was exceptionally busy
there. I was then transferred to Dundalk
with its busy apostolate in the church
and youth centre. During my time there
I was struck down with a severe form of
clinical depression which hospitalised
me on many occasions. It was a cause of
intense suffering for approximately
fourteen years, during which time I
ministered in Waterford city.
Thankfully I have been stable now for
the past sixteen years – wonderful
years, most of which have been fruitful
and happy in Newry, my native town. As
I look back on my life, I find myself
crying out a resounding ‘Thanks be to
God.’ Like Edith Piaf who sang with
great gusto, ‘je ne regrette rien!’ I too
regret nothing (except my sins!). Maybe
you too could have a life of no regrets!
Please pray for Dominican Vocations
Lord Jesus, as once you called Saint Dominic to preach the Gospel,
so now send new preachers into your harvest. Give them courage,
wisdom and grace to make them witnesses of your death,
resurrection and return in glory. Through the intercession of Mary,
patroness of the Order, may they bring true faith and light to
brighten the darkness. You who live for ever. Amen.
Easter Triduum Retreat
Ennismore Retreat Centre, Montenotte, Cork
17th - 21st April (Thursday to Monday).
Telephone: (021) 45.02.520
Holy Week & Easter
Triduum Retreats
Variety of options
Tallaght Retreat Centre
Telephone: (01) 45.02.307.
in the
Contact the vocations director
Address: Fr Gerard Dunne OP,
St Saviour’s Dominican Priory,
3-11 Upper Dorset Street, Dublin 1.
Email: Telephone: (01) 889 76 13
Twitter: @frgdop
Facebook: Irish Dominican Vocations
Other branches of the Dominican Order Contemplative Nuns:
Apostolic Sisters:
Dominican Laity:
All design and content, text and images, unless
otherwise stated, are copyright, the Irish Dominican
Province. Media may reproduce the text of articles on
condition that they be fully credited to both the author
(if given) and to Dominican Connect – from the
Vocations Office of the Irish Dominican Province.