First Sunday of Lent March 9, 2014 LITURGY SCHEDULE & INTENTIONS Saturday, March 8 5:00 p.m. – Helen Vuksta req. by Ralph J. & Laura M. Andreotta Sunday, March 9 8:30 a.m. –George Bak req. by Jack & Pat Zayac 10:00 a.m. – Thomas A. Morgan req. by Carol & Michael D’Anton Monday, March 10 12:00 – Tom Butts req. by Bud & Teresa Vosler Tuesday, March 11 12:00 p.m. – Frank J. Wach Jr. req. by Ann & Mike Stefanik Wednesday, March 12 12:00 p.m. – Ruth C. Profit req. by the Hopler & Profit families Thursday, March 13 12:00 p.m. – Mary Ezzi req. by the Hopler & Profit families Friday, March 14 8:00 a.m. – Dorothy Ryzner req. by her husband, John & family 7:30 p.m. – Stations of the Cross Saturday, March 15 5:00 p.m. – Emma M. Andreotta req. by Ralph J. & Laura M. Andreotta Sunday, March 16 8:30 a.m. – For the Intention of Margaret Tironi’s 100th birthday req. by Cheryl Allaman & family 10:00 a.m. – Ann Burke req. by Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. O’Mahen Helen & Charles Vasey Requested by their daughter, Ethel Gorman Collection for March 1&2:$2861.00 Parish Pay Electronic Giving: $1903.88 (February) Collection from last year: $3345.00 PARISH PAY: Have you thought about automating your giving? No more writing checks! You decide the amount and the frequency. Sign up today for automatic contributions to Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish. Go to the Parish Pay link at or call 866-727-4741. PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR PARISHIONERS IN THE MILITARY Major Mike Cherry PFC Michael DaSilva, SGT Zhenya Killeen Airman 1st Cl. Andrew Mistkowski, 1st Lt. Jessica L. Rotile Rudo Kenneth Rudo, Warrant Officer,1 PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS: Irene Schreiber,Rosemary Woodring, Jim Boyle, Doug Bansch, Jaxon Teck, Kevin McGuire, Maria Acevedo, TJ Schoudel, Capt. Adam Cowan, USA, George Riedel, Julio Soto, Ellen Forbes, Adriana Pagano, Jean Weber, Ben Marvilla, Frances Murphy, Michelle Monslave, Bob Kamenetz, Tom Hull, Theodora Maulbeck, Kiana Rodriguez, Enid Osorno, Marion Cunic, Theresa Cicerchia, Bobby Wong, Loretta Joyce, Brian Lawless, Patricia Martinelli. PARISH POLICY – PLEASE NOTE - All Catholic families living within the parish boundaries are encouraged to register as members. Registration as a parish member has many benefits, and in particular, facilitates any arrangements for baptisms, marriages, sponsors, etc. Please contact the Parish Office at 973-627-0422 First Friday Communion Calls: A priest will be making “First Friday” visits to those who are homebound. These visits will be made by one of our priests who will distribute Holy Communion. He will also be available for the sacraments of penance and anointing of the sick. Please call the rectory at 972-627-0422 to register your name for this monthly visit by one of our priests. Prayer: You are invited to pray the Rosary every Sunday at 9:30am. Bring the intentions deep in your heart to Our Lady. For Lent, maybe you can make a commitment to pray with us each Sunday. Rosary beads and instruction sheets are available. Why Catholic: Are you excited about going to Mass each Sunday? Come join a group of Sacred Heart Parishioners to discuss the richness and beauty of the Mass as well as other topics of interest every Monday from March 10 to April 7 7:00 p.m.-8:30 p.m. For location and more information contact Chris Simonetti at 201-4006791 or ATTENTION ALL ALTAR SERVERS: Saturday, March 15, at 10:00 a.m. a general training and meeting will take place in the church. Your participation is very important because we will have a few changes in our serving. The meeting will be done by 11:15 a.m. Thank you for being a part of this ministry-Fr. Marcin! Partners in Faith Partners in Faith Goal: $205,000 Cash received as of December 31, 2013: 27,679.00 25% of cash received up to parish goal: $6,919.75 60% of cash received over parish goal: n/a December 31, 2013 Partners in Faith Rebate received: $6,919.75 Thank You!! Daylight Saving Time begins March 9th, clocks spring ahead one hour! Please support the Food Certificate program. They can be purchased at the table after Mass. Thank You! . Lector March 15 @ 5:00 pm March 16 @ 8:30 am March 16 @ 10:00 am Jack Cunic Bob Martinelli Chris Simonetti Ministers of Communion Jeff Meudt Joanne Gula Anne Marie Hopler Mark Howarth Denis Corbisiero John Moore Altar Server Liam Orr Logan Orr Luke Foth Marc Winowski/D Berlin Nicholas Schreiber Richie Lazar Nicholas Sannito/J Sannito Maggie Farrelly DJ Farrelly Copies of the schedule are available in the sacristy and rectory office. All serving ministers, please sign in. Thank you! Dear Parishioners, “Be merciful, O Lord, for we have sinned,” is what we sing in the Responsorial Psalm on this, the Lord’s Day and the First Sunday of Lent. The Lenten season is one in which we are invited to respond to the Lord’s call to conversion and repentance. This time before the Easter celebration is one in which the faithful are called upon to approach the sacrament of penance for the forgiveness of sins. Going to confession becomes a challenge for many people. Generally, we all think we are so good: we haven’t killed anyone and have not engaged in any criminal behavior, so why go to confession? Besides, why not just tell God “I’m sorry” and that be enough! We know that that is not enough and that the Lord Jesus gave the authority to forgive sins to His Apostles. This authority is present among us today when we confess our sins to the priest. Confession frees us and allows us to move forward in life accompanied by God’s grace. At his General Audience in Rome on February 19th, our Holy Father Pope Francis said: “If you haven’t been to confession recently, don’t wait! One may walk into the confessional with a heavy heart, but forgiveness brings freedom and lightness….If a lot of time has passed, don’t even lose one more day. Go, the priest will be good, Jesus will be there and he’s even nicer than the priest!” The Holy Father went on to say: “Some say…I’m ashamed (to go to confession). Shame is good; it’s healthy to have a bit of shame, because shame makes us more humble. Sometimes when you are in line for confession, you feel all sorts of things, especially shame, but when your confession is over, you’ll leave free, great, beautiful, forgiven, clean, and happy – this is what’s beautiful about confession.” Our Bishop had introduced a number of years ago the WELCOME HOME initiative in the Diocese of Paterson. This means that every Monday evening during Lent from 7 to 8:30, in every parish of the diocese, the sacrament of penance is available (other than Monday of Holy Week). This is a wonderful opportunity for the entire family, parents and children, to celebrate the sacrament of God’s forgiveness. Father Marcin, Father Jesus and I have made arrangements so that the young people in our parochial school and religious education program will go to confession during Lent as per our tradition. The children who will be receiving their First Holy Communion in May went to the Sacrament of penance for the first time on Saturday. Let us sing with the Psalmist: “A CLEAN HEART CREATE FOR ME, O GOD, AND A STEADFAST SPIRIT RENEW WITHIN ME!” Let’s not forget about PRAYER, FASTING and ALMSGIVING during these days of Lent!!! Father Zig If you are getting married in 2014, please be advised that the next Pre-Cana class will be held on Saturday, April th 5 . For more information and to make a reservation for this class, please call 973-627-0422. LENTEN LUNCHEONS – The Ecumenical Clergy Association of Rockaway will once again sponsor the weekly Friday luncheons at the First Presbyterian Fellowship Hall. The event begins at noon with lunch and a meditation delivered by one of the clergy. The program begins on Friday, March 7th with Holy Trinity Lutheran Church hosting the event. The schedule which will follow is: March 14-First Presbyterian Church; March 21-St. Cecilia Roman Catholic Church; March 28-St. Simon the Apostle Roman Catholic Church; April 4-Tebo United Methodist Church; April 11-Rockaway United Methodist Church. The theme for this year’s gathering is “Journey from life to death.” STATIONS OF THE CROSS – Please join us for Stations of the Cross every Friday during Lent at 7:30 in the evening. Church Regulations- Regarding Fast and Abstinence: Abstinence from meat (beast or fowl) is to be observed by all Catholics fourteen years old and older on Ash Wednesday and on all the Fridays of Lent. This obligation prohibits the eating of meat, but not eggs, milk products, or condiments of any kind, even though made from animal fat. Fasting means limiting oneself to one full meal on a given fast day. Catholics who are eighteen years of age but not yet fifty-nine are obliged to fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. On fast days, two additional smaller meals are permitted if necessary to maintain strength. However, the two smaller meals together may not equal one full meal. However, eating solid foods between meals on fast days is not permitted. This Lenten season, each Catholic parish in the Diocese of Paterson will have confession available every Monday evening from March 10th to April 7th from 7:00 pm—8:30 pm. If you have been reluctant to come to the Sacrament, have been away for some time of just found it difficult to get to a Saturday afternoon Confession time, this is a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with Christ and His church. Don’t be afraid! Information will be provided. Ask the priest to help you. Experience the gracious mercy of God! Please join the Morris Catholic Crusader Challenge 5K Road Race. Saturday March 15th 9am. 200 Morris Ave, Denville, NJ. Information and registration forms are enclosed in the bulletin, at the rectory office or at Proceeds to benefit Morris Catholic scholarship and athletic programs and the Denville Public Assistance Fund. MARK YOUR CALENDARS! CORNED BEEF AND CABBAGE DINNER (Sponsored by the St. Monica Guild) Saturday, March 15, 2014. Eat In or Take Out - Hayes Hall - Pick up from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm -$15.00 Per Person Includes: Corned Beef and Cabbage, Potatoes,Carrots, Irish Soda Bread, Dessert, Coffee,Tea, Lemonade, Iced Tea -For Reservations or Questions:Call: Pat Zayac - 973-625-4572 -Lee Ann Mackin - 973-627-5222 ST. JOSEPH NOVENA - The Saint Joseph Novena begins on Tuesday, March 11 in preparation for the solemnity of Saint Joseph on March 19. Novena prayers will be said at the conclusion of the 8:00 am Mass at St. Cecilia’s. On Wednesday, March 19, the Saint Joseph Table will be blessed in Hayes Hall following the 8:00 am Mass at St. Cecilia’s. All are welcome for a “Saint Joseph Pastry” and coffee. Morris Catholic High School will be holding its 24th Annual Spring Auction on Saturday, March 22, 2014 at the Hanover Marriott. $75/person provides you dinner and an evening of fun and entertainment, including one sheet of tickets (a $60 value), live auction items and a sneak peek performance of the upcoming Spring Musical. Gather friends and host a table of ten! (Hosts receive additional basket tickets.) Dress code is business casual or cocktail. For more information please contact the Morris Catholic Advancement Office at 973-627-6674 ext 134 or register online at The College of Saint Elizabeth will host a performance by the Jazz Ambassadors, the official touring big band of the United States Army on Saturday, March 15, 7 p.m. in The Annunciation Center’s Dolan Performance Hall, 2 Convent Road, Morristown, N.J. The event is free and open to the public. Tickets are available online through:; or by calling 973-290-4378. Questions, email Congratulations to the following parishioners who attend Morris Catholic High School and have made the honor roll during the second quarter. First Honors: Francesca Catan, Timothy Doyle, Marc Anthony Novillo, Dylan Nunez, Molly Royek. Second Honors: Patrick Green, Isabel Rodriguez.
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