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36455 N. Wilson Road, Ingleside, IL 60041
November 9, 2014 • Dedication of the Lateran Basilica • Church website: www.stbedechurch.com
2 — Dedication of the Lateran Basilica · November 9, 2014
From the Administrator, Fr. James Merold
My Dear People,
On November 9, we celebrate the Feast of the Dedication of the Basilica of St. John Lateran.
This Lateran Basilica is one of the four major Basilicas in the City of Rome. The other three are:
St. Peter’s, St. Paul Outside the Walls, and St. Mary Major.
St. John Lateran is important to the universal Church because it is the Cathedral Church of the
Pope as the Bishop of Rome. It was dedicated on this date in 324 A.D., and it has been called
the “Mother and head of all churches of Rome and in the world.” When we observe this day with Pope Francis we are
joined together with him in our Catholic faith. We pray for the Pope at every Mass to remind us of our solidarity with
him and with every believer throughout the world.
This is also a special time for us to give thanks for the gift of our parish church here at St. Bede. We all take comfort
from our faith as we gather to worship and celebrate the sacraments within this sacred space. We treasure the gift of
this House of God. It truly helps us to focus our faith on our belief as God’s people. For all of us are living stones that
build up the temple of God in our world.
This faith of ours is so precious that it is surprising that Mass attendance is decreasing all over our country. The
average attendance at Sunday Mass is (at best) only 20% of people who describe themselves as practicing Catholics.
I want to share with you our own numbers for weekend Mass attendance over the last month:
October 4/5
5:00 PM
7:00 AM
9:00 AM
11:00 AM
October 25/26
October 11/12
5:00 PM
7:00 AM
9:00 AM
11:00 AM
5:00 PM
7:00 AM
9:00 AM
11:00 AM
November 1/2
October 18/19
Enrollment @11 AM
5:00 PM
7:00 AM
9:00 AM
11:00 AM
5:00 PM
7:00 AM
9:00 AM
11:00 AM
We are going to track Mass attendance each week to see if there are any trends that emerge.
Could I suggest that each one of us invites another person to come and worship with us each week. We all know
someone that is Catholic and has not been with us for awhile. Perhaps, there are some of our family members whom
we could invite as well. We have so much to share as followers of the Lord and His holy Catholic Church.
In Christ,
Father Jim Merold
St. Bede Church · Ingleside, IL — 3
Mass Intentions
Please Pray
for the sick
and homebound
of our parish...
Dolores Allred
David Barnes
Marcia Beake
Rich Becmer
Barbara Bernardi
Phil Bickford
Reggie Bolan
Eric Brown
Patricia Bulauski
Dolores Clausen
Lynn Cook
Bob Conway
Mary Conway
Joy Cortesi
Theresa Dietz
Everett Donarski
Robert Fairman
Pat Fernandez
Brigid Finan
Fr. Fitzpatrick
Peri Freund
Laurel Fritz
Tanya G.
Deborah Glen
Rosemarie Hadley
Jorie Hamsin
Linda Hausen
Jeanette Hill
Barbara Hudson
Frank Jiracek
LaVerne Jorgensen
Frank Keenan
Margaret King
Rita Kurash
Diane Labriola
Tim LaCreta
Debbie Laurie
Charlee Lawson
Patsy Leonard
Don Manthei
Sharon Marchetti
Jake Mosansky
Jim Mueller
John Mueller
Mary Ann Nelson
Veronica Olson
Joe Palkoner
Sharon Palms
Pat Pawlis
Mary Pejril
Melissa Powell
Rosemary Ptak
Kayla Radtke
Lydia Reca
Gretchen Renlund
Daanish Rizwan
Joan Roden
Paul Roden
J.J. Rodriguez
Helen Rosing
Julienne Scheibe
Christine Schultz
Bill Shafer
Scott G. Stafort
Roger Swiss
Ron Teufel
Heather Van Daele
Kindi Warren
John Wells
Elizabeth Wold
William E. Wollmuth
Florence Wrobel
Jason Zdon
…and for all whose names are written in our parish book of
intentions. Please call the rectory at 847-587-2251 if you or
your family member needs to be added to or removed from
the prayer list.
Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
Saturday, November 8
5:00 PM People of the Parish
Sunday, November 9
7:00 AM Purgatorial Society
9:00 AM Fred Dietz, req. by Family
Ted Matthei, req. by Joyce Matthei
Michael Domingo, req. by Barrett Family
11:00 AM Thomas Kavilaveettil, req. by son, Tom
Kavilaveettil & Family
Monday, November 10 — St. Leo the Great
8:15 AM Cyndi Dobson, req. by St. Bede Parish Family
Tuesday, November 11 — St. Martin of Tours
8:15 AM Edward Govekar, req. by Govekar Family
Wednesday, November 12 — St. Josaphat
8:15 AM Father’s Day Intentions
Thursday, November 13 — St. Frances Xavier Cabrini
8:15 AM Jack Flory, req. by Janet & Jennifer Solar &
Drabek Family
Friday, November 14
8:15 AM Joe Diedrich, req. by Friends
Saturday, November 15
8:15 AM Regina Grabowski, req. by daughters
Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Saturday, November 15
5:00 PM Robert Hines, req. by Betty Hourihan
Jeff Bronken, req. by Hebein Family
Pat Jankovsky, req. by George Jankovsky
Sunday, November 16
7:00 AM Margaret Schuenemann, req. by Michael &
Susan Laubach
9:00 AM Ralph & Bernice Wagner, req. by Chuck & Marilyn
Michael Domingo, req. by Barrett Family
11:00 AM Margaret Buchino, req. by Family
Lorraine Wilson, req. by a friend
Readings for the Week
Ti 1:1-9; Ps 24:1b-4ab, 5-6; Lk 17:1-6
Ti 2:1-8, 11-14; Ps 37:3-4, 18, 23, 27, 29; Lk 17:7-10
Wednesday Ti 3:1-7; Ps 23:1b-6; Lk 17:11-19
Phlm 7-20; Ps 146:7-10; Lk 17:20-25
2 Jn 4-9; Ps 119:1-2, 10-11, 17-18; Lk 17:26-37
3 Jn 5-8; Ps 112:1-6; Lk 18:1-8
Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; Ps 128:1-5; 1 Thes 5:1-6,
Mt 25:14-30 [14-15, 19-21]
We pray for the repose of the souls of all those
who have died. May They Rest in Peace.
Our Sympathy
We offer our sympathy and Christian support to the
family of Shirley Magenta, 87, who died on October 30.
Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated at St. Bede
on November 4 by Father Merold.
May her memory be eternal and her dwelling place
be with the Lord in glory.
4 — Dedication of the Lateran Basilica · November 9, 2014
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) has come to the aid of communities nationwide for over
forty years in an effort to eradicate poverty. During World Youth Day, on July 25, 2013, Pope Francis told us, “Never
tire of working for a more just world, marked by greater solidarity.” The CCHD puts these words into action by
funding housing, education, the development of job opportunities and other social-justice initiatives.
Projects supported by the CCHD go beyond providing for basic needs. They work to build healthy, sustainable futures
for communities. For example, for several years now, the Precious Blood Ministry of Reconciliation (PBMR) has been
transforming the way communities engage in restorative justice practices to develop a culture of nonviolence in
Chicago’s South Side. The PBMR has also developed a strong leadership model for at-risk youth to facilitate peace
circles in areas of high conflict. In addition, the PBMR assists families to address unjust legislation surrounding
juveniles without parole. The heart of the PBMR is about building human relationships; it carries on Christ’s mission
“to bring glad tidings to the poor...liberty to captives...sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free” (Luke 4:18).
This Collection is the primary source of funding for the CCHD’s anti-poverty grants and education programs.
Collection funds offer new hope each year to those living in poverty throughout the Archdiocese of Chicago. Fifty
percent of the Collection’s proceeds stay here in our archdiocese to fight poverty in our communities and defend the
dignity of our neighbors, and the other 50 percent go to funding programs nationwide.
This year, the Appeal Weekend for the CCHD is November 15 - 16, and the Collection Weekend is November 22 - 23.
Please help us defend human dignity and show Christ’s charity to those in need. To learn more about the CCHD in the
Archdiocese of Chicago and the groups it funds, please visit www.ChicagoPeaceAndJustice.org/CCHD. Thank you for
your generosity and for your lives of faith. You and those you love are in my prayers; please keep me in yours.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I.
Archbishop of Chicago
Archbishop Quigley Center * 835 North Rush Street * Chicago, IL 60611-2030 * 312-534-8230 * Fax: 312-534-6379
St. Bede Church · Ingleside, IL — 5
Join St. Bede’s Youth Ministry - 5th thru 9th Grades
as we participate in the Fox Lake Christmas Parade!
Saturday, November 29th
Line up for the parade is at Grant High School at 10:30 AM.
Parade begins at 11:00 AM sharp.
Theme for the Parade is “It’s a Musical Christmas!”
Parade ends around 12:30 PM at the Fox Lake Towne Center Shopping Plaza.
After the Parade, we will head to Fox Lake Theater
for a Pizza Lunch (12:45 PM - 1:45 PM) and a movie,
“The Penguins of Madagascar” which starts at 2:15 PM.
Student pickup is at the Fox Lake Theater at 3:30 PM.
Registration and payment are due by Monday, November 24th,
and can be dropped off at the rectory, in the collection basket or St. Bede School.
No late registrations will be accepted.
Youth Ministry (5th thru 9th Grades) Christmas Parade & Movie REGISTRATION FORM:
Student Name(s) & Age ___________________________ Age___;
______________________________ Age____
Student Name(s) & Age ___________________________ Age___;
______________________________ Age____
Student Name(s) & Age ___________________________ Age___;
______________________________ Age____
Parent Name ___________________________________________________ Phone # ________________________
Parent Email ___________________________________________________________________________________
Choice of Pizza:
No. of Cheese_____
No. of Sausage_____
Cost is $6.00 per student/Check or Cash.
Parents must drop off and pick up their student(s).
No. of Pepperoni_____
For more information,
please contact Niki Warden
at denike.warden@gmail.com
Signature of Parent/Guardian__________________________________________________________________
6 — Dedication of the Lateran Basilica · November 9, 2014
Advent Calendars
A sweet tradition —
and a daily anticipation —
for the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
The First Sunday of Advent:
November 30, 2014
Advent Season:
A Family Faith Tradition
Advent Calendars
IN EACH WINDOW, there is a piece of gourmet milk chocolate
along with a Bible text that tells a part of the Nativity story.
Name: _________________________________________________________________________
Phone: ____________________ Email: _____________________________________________
I will pick-up on Sunday, November 30 after Mass: ____________
Number of Calendars ____________ x $5 each = ______________ Check No. ______________
Please place your order in the collection basket or via mail, rectory or the school.
Payment can be made to St. Bede. Thank You!
St. Bede Church · Ingleside, IL — 7
The stained glass window of Saint Margaret of Scotland was
donated by the Mitchell F. Stanton Families. It was renovated
in loving memory of Margaret Glassman by the Prosser, Sales
and Sauer Families.
Saint Margaret was canonized in 1250 by Pope Innocent IV, in
recognition of her personal holiness, fidelity to the church,
work for religious reform, and charity. Her feast day has
changed many times but now remains on November 16, the
day of her death.
You can read about Saint Margaret of Scotland in the
Dictionary of Saints or Ordinary People, Extraordinary Lives
located in our Spiritual Library in Coleman Hall.
Firewood For Sale
Adult Confirmation
Are you an adult who has not celebrated the
sacrament of Confirmation? Adult Confirmations will
be held during the spring months throughout the
Archdiocese. Preparation groups are forming now. To
register or for information, please call 312- 534-8032
or go to www.catechesis-chicago.org.
Come Join Us!
Pictured is a group of children who played instruments at
the Family Mass at 11:00 AM on October 26th.
Also pictured are members of the Children's Choir singing
at the Mass. We would love to have more children in the
parish participate in this wonderful ministry. Interested
parents and children should contact Loretta Jelinek Lieske
at jelinek661@comcast.net.
Yes, it is that time of year for Firewood… The Knights
have begun collecting dropped trees and selling
seasoned wood. The cost of a face cord is $95.00—
free delivery if within 5 miles. Stacking will be an
additional $5.00. We will also have 6 to 8 pieces at
the back of our chambers for $5.00 a bundle.
If you would like wood delivered, please call Leo at
847-909-4259 or Ed at 708-304-7215. Thank you for
your past donations and hope to hear from you again
this year.
8 — Dedication of the Lateran Basilica · November 9, 2014
News from the St. Vincent
de Paul Food Pantry
Parishioners! If you know of any individual, family or
friend who is in need of food, please have them contact
the St. Bede Society of St. Vincent de Paul at 224-3602562. All information is kept confidential.
Also, we welcome them to attend our community
dinner in Coleman Hall (church basement) on the 3rd
Sunday of every month. The doors open at 3:30 PM and
the dinner is from 4:00 - 5:30 PM.
Our current Food Pantry needs:
Canned Chicken, Chili, Beef Stew
Thank you and God Bless you for all you do to help
those in need in our community.
Just a reminder that the needy in our community
depend on your donations. The St. Vincent de Paul
poor boxes are located at the exits of the church.
Thank you!
Looking for Work?
We might be able to help! Please visit the St. Bede Parish
website at www.stbedechurch.com.
On the left side of the homepage, place your cursor on
the “Resources” tab. Then scroll down and click on
“Career Opportunities.” You will find job listings in our
area as well as out of state.
New Parishioner Registration
or Change of Address
Place in the collection basket to receive a registration form.
You are registered when that form is returned to us.
If you are changing your address, check here
Name _________________________________________
Address ________________________________________
City ________________________ Zip ________________
Apt. # ________ Phone # __________________________
Week at a Glance
Monday, November 10
• Girl Scouts — 6:30 - 8:30 PM, FFC
Tuesday, November 11
• ‘Prime Timers’ Senior Group Meeting —
11:00 AM - 2:00 PM, Coleman Hall
• 6th & 7th Grade Boys Basketball Games, St. Bede vs.
St. Joe — 6:00 & 7:00 PM, Gym
• Bible Study — 6:30 - 7:30 PM, Knights’ House
• Finance Council Meeting — 6:30 PM,
Conference Room
• Boy Scout Troop 85 Meeting — 7:00 - 8:30 PM,
Fitzpatrick Hall
• Cub Scout Pack 111 Meeting — 7:00 - 8:00 PM,
Coleman Hall
Wednesday, November 12
• School Mass — 8:15 AM, Church
• Religious Ed, 1st - 8th Grades— 6:30 - 8:00 PM, FFC
• St. Vincent de Paul Meeting — 7:00 PM, Library
Thursday, November 13
• 5th Grade Boys Basketball Tournament —
5:00 - 9:00 PM, Gym
• St. Bede Choir Practice — 7:00 - 9:00 PM, Church
• Knights of Columbus Business Meeting — 7:30 PM,
Knights’ House
Friday, November 14
• 5th Grade Boys Basketball Tournament —
5:00 - 9:00 PM, Gym
• Kids Night Out — 6:00 - 8:00 PM, Coleman Hall
• CRHP Training — 6:30 - 8:00 PM, Library
Saturday, November 15
• 5th Grade Boys Basketball Tournament —
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM, Gym
• High School Confirmation Meeting — 12:00 - 2:00 PM,
Conference Room
• Parents’ Association Bake Sale — After 5:00 PM Mass,
Coleman Hall
Sunday, November 16
• Parents’ Association Bake Sale — After all Masses,
Coleman Hall
• Religious Ed, Pre-K - 6th Grades —
9:30 - 10:40 AM, FFC
• Children’s Liturgy during Mass — 11:00 AM
• Parents’ Association Sponsored Mother/Son Bowling —
12:00 - 1:30 PM, Raymond’s Bowl, Johnsburg
• St. Vincent de Paul Community Outreach Dinner —
4:00 - 5:30 PM, Coleman Hall
St. Bede Church · Ingleside, IL — 9
From the Business Manager
As we hope you know, St. Bede accepts online gifts
through GiveCentral.org.
You can donate by using your credit or debit card OR
checking or savings account. You may make either a
one-time or recurring donation. Please consider
enrolling yourself, or have the Business office help you.
Regardless of the enrollment process used, you can
always visit the GiveCentral site to make changes to
your donations or personal information.
Parish Stewardship Report
Weekend of November 1/2, 2014
13 via Give Central
193 envelopes
Loose cash
Sunday Collection Total:
2nd Collection: Debt Reduction
2015 Fiscal Year (18 Sundays)
Average per Sunday is $9,549.30
2014 FY (18 Sundays)
Average per Sunday was $9,479.88
$ 171,887.39
$ 170,637.78
1. Go to www.stbedechurch.com and click on the GiveCentral icon, then sign up.
2. Type St. Bede in the box next to Organization and then “View Events.”
3. Click on the “Select” box for the donations you wish to make and indicate the amount and frequency. Then click
4. Create your online giving profile. The fields marked with asterisks are required. Then click “Continue.”
5. Enter you credit card or checking account information, then click “Continue.”
6. Confirm the payment method you wish to use for each event by accepting the Terms & Conditions. Click “Submit”
to submit your payment selections.
Not comfortable on the computer? Call Fred in the business office at 847-587-2251. He will ask you to provide your
payment information and donation choices and set up your account login for you.
If you are using GiveCentral and wish to no longer receive church offertory envelopes, please let us know—you’ll still
receive regular church mailings, but NOT the offertory envelopes. If you donate via GiveCentral but would still prefer to
place an (empty) envelope in the collection basket, simply check the “electronic donation program” box on your
envelope and leave the amount blank. Please contact the business office with ANY questions at 847-587-2251.
Thank you for your generosity and support. Your contributions are greatly appreciated!!
10 — Dedication of the Lateran Basilica · November 9, 2014
Kids Night Out (K through 6th grade)
Dinner and Movie
Friday, November 14, 2014
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM in Coleman Hall
$4 Admission (Pre-Registration) or $5 Admission at the Door
$4 Pizza, Fruit Snacks, Water or Juice box
Other Choices Include:
$1 Water/Soda/Fruit Juice
.50 Candy/Chips/Fruit Snacks
Pre-Registration Information for Kids Night Out - Friday, Nov. 14th:
Name(s) of Child(ren): ______________________________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Name: _____________________________________________________________________________
I would like to be a volunteer: _____yes
Emergency Contact:_________________________________________________________________________________
Admission ($4 ea.)
_____ Snack Pack ($4 ea)
_____ Extra Snacks
= Total Amount_________________
Please return registration & admission cost to St. Bede Religious Education Office. It can also be dropped off at
the school office. If you would like to volunteer, please call Mr. Buckley at 847-587-2301.
Please donate your pop tabs and bring them to the St. Bede School/Religious Education office.
We have been collecting and donating to Ronald McDonald House for the benefit of families with
children in local children’s hospitals for the past few years. This is an ongoing program so save them
up and bring them in. Your pop tabs are translated into funds that allow families to stay close to their
children in these hospitals. Please put them in a plastic bag and bring them to the school or RE office
and we will box them up and deliver them to one of our local businesses. Thanks again for your donation.
St. Bede Church · Ingleside, IL — 11
Have you missed any Sacraments and want to receive them?
Would you like to become a Catholic?
R.C.I.A. —
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is a process for adults interested in learning more about the
Catholic faith in order to receive the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. This process is
for all women and men who are not baptized or baptized in another Christian church but in need of
further instruction or initiation, or those baptized in the Catholic Church but needing more instruction
to complete the sacraments of initiation. Persons never baptized are referred to as catechumens, while those previously
baptized are called candidates.
1. You’re marrying a Catholic. (Sharing and practicing your faith together is a great foundation to marriage.)
2. You’re already married to a Catholic and your children are being raised Catholic. (It’s natural to want to share in the
sacramental experiences of your loved ones.)
3. Your children are being raised Catholic and you just want to learn more about the tradition without actually
becoming Catholic. (Please join us, but you might be surprised at what happens.)
4. You’ve lived in a “Catholic World” all of your life. (This program is for people of all ages. Every year someone joins
us whom everyone in the parish assumed was already Catholic.)
5. You don’t know much about Catholicism but you have a friend or neighbor who has inspired you to learn more.
(Actions speak louder than words.)
6. You’ve suffered through personal loss and are seeking to improve your faith life. (“Blessed are they who mourn,
for they shall be comforted.”)
7. You don’t know why, you just feel something calling you to the Church. (It’s the Holy Spirit...listen to him.)
Classes will begin soon in the Faith Formation Center Library.
For more information, please contact Deacon Larry Spohr at 847-587-2251 or Mark Buckley at 847-587-2301.
12 — Dedication of the Lateran Basilica · November 9, 2014
Liturgical Ministry Schedule for November 15/16
4 PM Confessions
5:00 PM
Fr. Merold
Fr. Merold
Eucharistic Ministers
G. Schoenberg
S. Hansen
L. Benes - Captain,
B. Erber, C. Magnine,
J. Hebein, H. Le, J. Lukemeyer,
C. Rice - Alternate
7:00 AM
Fr. Merold
W. Schumacher
B. Obenauf
K. Hoxie - Captain,
D. Jakes, M. Obenauf, C. Bartz,
G. Patryn, S. Schumacher,
W. Schumacher - Alternate
9:00 AM
Fr. Kinn
A. Wach
E. Barrett
M. Fischer - Captain,
S. Hay, L. Johnson, D. Jurinak,
J. Jurinak, B. Meudt,
E. Portalski - Alternate
11:00 AM
Fr. Merold
RE Student
K. Patterson - Captain,
J. Pecora, J. Redmond, B. Tilli,
J. Sacramento, R. Swiss,
P. Vavrina - Alternate
Ministers of Care Schedule for November
Paradise Park
Lakeland Apartments
Nov 14
Nov 21
Nov 28
Nov 16
Nov 23
Nov 30
Ann & Frank Wach
Gregg Zeifert
Ed Portalski
Ed Portalski
Jacqui Hebein
Gregg Zeifert
Meat Raffle at
Four Coyne’s Grill & Bar
Tickets are 4/$1.00
Come and take a chance on winning your choice of meat
every Saturday at 2:00 PM at Four Coyne Grill & Bar in
Round Lake. All proceeds are donated to St. Bede by one
of our parishioners, Tom Coyne.
The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
November 9, 2014
The LORD of hosts is with us;
our stronghold is the God of Jacob.
— Psalm 46:8
Winner is selected each Saturday at 2:00 PM and given
the choice to choose from steaks, roasts, chops, ribs
and/or chicken. Also, after the meat raffle there is a
drawing for 2 free drinks. All are invited to stop by for
some good times, food and a chance to win from a
selection of great meats.
Four Coyne’s Grill & Bar
302 Nippersink Road, Round Lake
St. Bede Parish Mission Statement
“St. Bede Catholic Church is a welcoming spiritual community
where sacraments, education and evangelization lead us to Jesus Christ.”
Pastoral Staff
Rev. James Merold, Administrator (jmerold@stbedechurch.com)
Rev. John F. Krebs, Pastor Emeritus
Rev. Robert J. Fitzpatrick, Pastor Emeritus
Rev. James W. Kinn, Weekend Assistant
Phil Bertolani, Deacon (Holly)
Jack McMahon, Retired Deacon (Marge)
Larry Spohr, Deacon (Fran), Pastoral Minister
Gregg Zeifert, Deacon (Eileen)
Loretta Jelinek Lieske, Music Director
Niki Warden, Youth Ministry Coordinator
Mark & Louise Wolski, Youth Ministry Coordinators
Parish Office Staff
Fred Konopasek, Business Manager
Elaine Kavanaugh, Parish/School Bookkeeper
Jane Nischan, Administrative Assistant
Parish Office: 847-587-2251/Parish Fax: 847-973-1765
St. Bede School & Religious Education
36399 N. Wilson Road, Ingleside, IL 60041
Charlie Pinto, Principal
School Office: 847-587-5541/School Fax: 847-587-2713
Mark Buckley, Director of Religious Education
Mary Richards, Religious Ed Administrative Assistant
Religious Education Office: 847-587-2301
Weekly Mass Schedule
Monday thru Saturday: 8:15 AM
Saturday Evening: 5:00 PM
Sunday Morning: 7:00, 9:00 & 11:00 AM
Holy Day Masses
As scheduled in the Bulletin.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday: 4:00 to 4:30 PM in the Church.
Second & Fourth Sundays of the month at 12:30 PM.
Registration is necessary by phone or at the Rectory.
Preparatory instruction for parents is required.
Call the rectory at least 4 months in advance.
Communion for Homebound
Call the rectory at 847-587-2251.
New to the Parish? Welcome to St. Bede
Please call parish office to register yourself and/or your family.
Parish Pastoral Council: Bob Fesus, President
Market Day, Audrey Mathis: 847-587-7251
Web Address: www.stbedechurch.com
Parish Email Address: stbedemail@stbedechurch.com