Saint Bede The Venerable 8200 South Kostner Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60652 Parish Staff Pastor Assoc. Pastor Resident Assoc. Parish Deacon Fr. Esequiel Sanchez Fr. Robert Krueger Fr. Robert Behnke Deacon Ramiro Serna The Baptism of Our Lord January 11, 2015 El Bautísmo del Señor 11 de Enero, 2015 School Staff Principal Mrs. Kelly Johnson Assistant Principal Mrs. Michelle Edwards Admin. Assistant Mrs. Nancy Goc Religious Education Staff Religious Education Coordinator Religious Ed. Asst. Mrs. Marisol Ferrer Mrs. Marilu Gonzales Pastoral Staff Youth Ministry Music Ministry Mr. Guillermo Tejeda Ms. Teresa Scalise Mr. Benny Rios St. Vincent de Paul Mr. Tom Donegan Bereavement Ministry Mrs. Winnie Donegan Rectory Office Staff Business Manager Bulletin Editor/Secretary Parish Secretary Bilingual Secretary Mrs. Sheila Bauschelt Mrs. Marianne Cook Mrs. Kathy Hood Mrs. Faviola Anaya Parish Directory Rectory Office Rectory Fax 773-884-2000 773-582-0026 Religious Ed. Office 773-884-2037 (Located in school building) 773-884-2038 (Localizado en el edifício del escuela) School Office 773-884-2020 School Fax 773-582-3366 Parish Website: St. Bede Mass Schedule: Monday thru Saturday: 8:30 AM Saturday (Vigil Masses): 5:00 PM English 6:30 PM Spanish Sunday: 8:00 AM & 10:00 AM English 12:00 PM Spanish 7:00 PM Bilingual Confession Schedule: Thursdays/Jueves: 9:00 AM to 9:45 AM Fridays/Viernes: 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM A Letter from Fr. Bobby... My dear St. Bede Family, Estimada Familia Parroquial, The Christmas Season officially concludes with today’s feast of the Baptism of the Lord. Decorations are put away, lights taken down, diets begun, and life seems to return back to normal. And yet, the Gospel call us to anything but normal! Jesus stands side by side with all of us sinners, immersed in the waters of the Jordan River. The Spirit descends in the form of a dove and a voice is heard from heaven, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” At Christmas, God forever linked Himself to mankind, joining Heaven and Earth in the birth of our Savior. Through Baptism, though, Jesus links Himself to each and every one of us individually. What the Father says of Jesus, He now says of each of you: “You are my beloved son. You are my beloved daughter.” If we take the words of the Gospel seriously, Baptism means that life is never ordinary. You and I have each been adopted into the palace of the King. We are coheirs to the throne. “You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood,” St. Peter reminds us. At least on the level of the spiritual, every day you and I live as princes and princesses. It’s not storybook — it’s reality! The constant challenge for the Church (and for our parish) is to keep that evangelizing character at the core of our identity. Sometimes we get so caught up with in-fighting among the royal family that it detracts from our effectiveness in bringing others to life. But a focus on mission, and on its radical impact keeps us about the work of introducing the world to its Savior until He comes again in glory. La temporada de Navidad oficialmente concluye con la celebración hoy del Bautismo del Señor. Guardamos las decoraciones, quitamos las luces, comenzamos la dieta, y la vida vuelve a lo normal. Pero el evangelio no nos llama a lo normal. Jesús se para al lado de nosotros pecadores, sumergido en las aguas del Río Jordan. El Espíritu desciende en forma de una paloma, y una voz se oye del cielo, “Tú eres mi hijo, mi amado. En ti me complazco.” En la Navidad, Dios se enlaza con los hombres, uniendo el cielo y la tierra con el nacimiento del salvador. Por el bautismo, Jesús se enlaza a cada uno de nosotros individualmente. Lo que el Padre dice de Jesús, ya dice de cada uno de ustedes: “Tú eres mi hijo amado. Tú eres mi hija amada.” Si tomamos en serio las palabras del Evangelio, el bautismo significa que la vida nunca es ordinaria. Tú y yo hemos sido adoptados en el palacio del Rey. Somos coherederos del trono. “Son una raza escogida, en sacerdocio royal,” nos recuerda San Pedro. Por lo menos al nivel espiritual, cada día tú y yo vivimos como príncipes y princesas. No es un cuento — es la realidad! La solemnidad del Bautismo también nos pone en modo misionero. Las últimas palabras de Jesús en el evangelio son, “Vayan, hagan discípulos de todas la naciones, bautizándolos en el nombre del Padre, y del Hijo, y del Espíritu Santo.” Evangelizar es, simplemente, invitar a los demás a entrar en una relación viva con la Santísima Trinidad, a hacerse partícipes en esta gran herencia que hemos recibido. Por eso bautizamos a nuestros bebés — aún antes de que ellos puedan consentir a la fe, queremos que reciban tan don excepcional. Cada año en la Vigilia Pascual, la Iglesia espera con ansiedad el bautismo de los catecúmenos adultos, los de otras religiones o de no religión quienes han visto brillar la luz de Cristo y quieren responder a su invitación. Tantos de nosotros hemos sido invitados a servir como padrinos través de los años para ser mentor en esta nueva vida de gracia. Y deberíamos permanecer despiertos en la noche soñando de otras maneras creativas y efectivas para abrazar al mundo y acercar especialmente a los que se queden más lejos del Señor. Dios no quiere que estemos tacaños con nuestros dones; hay salvación más que suficiente para todos! El desafío más fuerte para la Iglesia (y para nuestra parroquia) es mantener ese carácter evangelizador como el núcleo de nuestra identidad. A veces nos perdimos en peleas entre la familia que empaña nuestro eficaz en traerles a todos a la vida. Pero con un foco de misión, y de su impacto radical, nos mantenemos sobre la tarea de introducirle el mundo a su Salvador hasta que venga en su gloria. Father Bobby Krueger Padre Bobby Krueger The Feast of the Baptism is also meant to launch us into missionary mode. The last words of Jesus in the Gospels are “Go, make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” To evangelize is simply to invite others to enter into a living relationship with the Holy Trinity, to become sharers in this great inheritance which we have received. That’s why we baptize our babies — even before they can assent to the faith, we want them to receive such a remarkable gift. Every year at the Easter Vigil, the Church anxiously anticipates the baptism of adult catechumens, those from other faiths or no faith who have been drawn to the light of Christ want to respond to His invitation. So many of us have been asked to serve as godparents and sponsors over the years so that we can mentor others into this new life of grace. And we ought to be kept awake at night dreaming up other creative and effective means to reach out to the world and draw in especially those who are furthest from the Lord. God doesn’t want us to be stingy with our gifts; there’s plenty of salvation to go around! Mass Intentions / Intenciónes de Las Misas DATE INTENTIONS MASS TIMES MONDAY, January 12 8:30 AM Virginia Denney, Father Marion TUESDAY, January 13 8:30 AM Juan Alberto Rico Torres WEDNESDAY, January 14 8:30 AM Larry Muszynski-Anniversary of Death, Lydia Hervas Villarico-1st Anniversary of Death THURSDAY, January 15 8:30 AM (E) John & Eleanor Kirby FRIDAY, January 16 8:30 AM Michael Keaty SATURDAY, January 17 8:30 AM 5:00 PM (E) William Cronin & Family Ed Grucella, Frank Nowak, Cornelius Ryan, Martin J. Quinn St. Hilary, Bishop and Doctor of the Church St. Anthony, Abbott 6:30 PM (S) 8:00 AM (E) Boblak Family SUNDAY, January 18 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 10:00 AM (E) Dennis Kissane, Aloysius Mikrut 12:00 PM (S) Santos Muñoz, Juan Muñoz, Maria Muñoz 7:00 PM (BL) Lydia Hervas Villarico - 1st Anniversary of Death DATE CELEBRANT LECTOR SATURDAY Jan. 17, 2015 5:00 PM Fr. Robert Behnke P. Brayley SATURDAY Jan.17, 2015 6:30 PM Fr. Bobby Krueger A. Navarrette SUNDAY Fr. Bobby Krueger R. Lopez SUNDAY Jan. 18, 2015 10:00 AM Fr. Esequiel Sanchez G. Tejeda SUNDAY Jan. 18, 2015 12:00 PM Fr. Bobby Krueger R. Alvarez M. Andrade SUNDAY Jan. 18, 2015 7:00 PM Fr. Esequiel Sanchez S. Nava Jan. 18, 2015 8:00 AM EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS SERVERS MUSICIANS C. Kristich V. Hernandez A. O’Brien V. Lowczyk L. Benitez L. Cervantes L. Corzo I. Cervantes J. Cervantes A. Cervantes Coro de Carismàtico L. Delaney N. Fearon S. Gonzalez A. Lopez R. O’Neil N. O’Neil T. Scalise A. Tejeda S. Tejeda R. Cahill S. Corrales M. Gutierrez J. Sandoval B. Sandoval E. Mata Choir D. Puma E. Gonzalez A. Gonzalez K. Prado Coro de Alabanzas Y. Rubio R. Rebollar X. Torres Coro de Alabanzas L. Centeno W. Donegan M.A. Davis J. Gonzalez J. Sangillan J. Torres G. Garcia-Zapata E. Gallarzo M. Muñiz This Week at a Glance…....January 12 thru January 18, 2015 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday January 12 January 13 January 14 January 15 January 16 January 17 January 18 9:15 AM: Senior Exercise - PH 9:00 AM: Quilters - PC 9:15 AM: Senior Exercise - PH 9:00AM: Confessions in Church 8:30 AM: All School Mass - C 9:00 AM: RE classes - S (English) - 11 AM: Baptisms (Spanish) - C 5:00 PM: Confirmation Class- PH 6:30 PM: Christian 2:30 PM: Troops Formation - SL 20135 - PC 6:30 PM: SPRED Meeting – PC 4:00 PM: Server Training – R/C 6:30 PM: Youth Group - PH 7:00 PM: Grupo Carismatico - C 7:00 PM: Holy Name Mtg.- PH 7:00 PM: Confirmation Mtg.– PH 4:00 PM: Daisy Scouts Mtg.– PC 6:30 PM: Reconcil- Mass Times: 5PM (E) 6:30 PM (S) iations – C 6:30 PM Bible Study– PC 7:00 PM: Spanish Choir practice - C 7:00 PM: Carismatic group– C 7:00 PM: Carismatic Choir – PC 7:00 PM: Carismatic group– PC 7:00 PM: Scottsdale Homeowners Mtg. – PH HEALING INTENTIONS For all those suffering from illness, especially: Alzira Ganz Elvira Moreno Gabriel Olmeda Tom Donegan Tim Goc Patricia Arvio Luz Maria Acevedo-Martinez Margaret Mohlfeld Bob Marshall Maricela Almanza Emiliana Perez C - Church PH - Parish Hall AER - Adult Ed. Room S - School SL - School Library 2:00 PM: Baptisms C Mass Times: 6:00 PM: Mother/Son Dance - PH 8:00 AM (E) 10:00 AM (E) 12:00 PM (S) 7:00 PM (B) G - Gym R - Rectory PC - Parish Center PL - Parking Lot AC– Adoration Chapel BAPTISMS/ BAUTISMOS The following children have been baptized at St. Bede Church by Deacon Ramiro Serna: ]tçwxÇ YA i|ÄÄtÜÜxtÄ aÉt{ TÄxåtÇwxÜ ZâxÜÜxÜÉ La prόxima clase pre-bautismal se llevara a cabo el: MIÉRCOLES 28 DE ENERO, 2015 A las 7:00 PM en el salón de la iglesia. ADORATION CHAPEL Por favor tenga en cuenta lo siguente: Perpetual Adoration builds Christian Community as the Eucharist is the greatest unifying force on earth. Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament encourages, enables and empowers us to love on another as he has loved us, with “Heartful Mercy,” Compassion, Love and Humility. ESTA REUNIÓN ES PARA Our Adoration Chapel is open from 6:00 AM to 10:00 PM daily. Sunday Collection Information Sunday, December 28, 2014……………….$ 21,015.28 Sunday, January 04, 2015………………….$ 10,512.56 Christmas to date….…………………..…....$ 40,610.05 Thank you for your continued support. Gracias por su continuo apoyo. LOS PADRES Y PADRINOS SOLAMENTE. ES IMPORTANTE REGISTRARSE UNA SEMANA ANTES DE LA REUNIÓN. Por favor de llamar a la oficina de la rectoria al 773.884.2000. For Our Beloved Dead May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in eternal peace with the Lord. ARTHUR E. HAYNES Que sus almas y las almas de todos los fieles difuntos descansen en paz eterna con Nuestro Dios. We Are St. Bede! Principal’s Page ~ January Newsletter Dear St. Bede Families, Happy New Year to everyone! Our Catholic Schools’ Week committee members are planning wonderful activities for the week of January 25th through January 31st. Our celebration begins with 10:00 A.M. Mass on Sunday, the 25th, and the week culminates with St. Bede’s 3rd Annual Gala, which is being held on Saturday, January 31st. All parents and their guests are invited to attend the gala, which is our school’s primary fundraiser for the year. This year’s “dinner and dancing” event will take place at Beverly Country Club, located at 87th & Western, and tickets are available through the school and the rectory. If you are unable to attend the gala, please consider trying your luck in the raffle. Tickets are $10.00 each (or two for $15.00), and the grand prize is $2,500.00! (The winner need not be present at the gala.) There is a lot of excitement about a new activity that we have scheduled for this month’s Catholic Schools’ Week. On Friday, January 30th, we have a special morning planned for our “grandfriends”. Students are encouraged to invite their grandparents (or a special friend, mentor, or role model) to join us for 8:30 A.M. Mass, which will be followed by a light breakfast, entertainment by the St. Bede School Band, and a tour of our school. Lastly, as we brace ourselves for the worst of winter, in the event of extremely inclement weather, we will abide by the recommendation of our local public school district, Chicago Public Schools, and the Archdiocese of Chicago to determine if St. Bede School will close. Fortunately, St. Bede’s location on an arterial street (and the close proximity of most of our faculty members’ homes) allows us the luxury of remaining open when other local Catholic schools may choose to close for the day. I do love the occasional “snow day” just as much as everyone else, but no one is happy in June when we are still in school, rather than enjoying our summer vacation! Wishing everyone the best of health and fortune in 2015! Sincerely, Kelly A. Johnson Kelly A. Johnson, Principal St. Bede Calendar Looking Ahead…… Jan. 14: Confirmation Parent Meeting Jan. 17: Mother-Son Dance (5th thru 8th Grade) Jan. 19: Martin Luther King Day - No School today Jan. 25-30: Catholic Schools’ Week Jan. 31: Annual Gala Dinner Dance - School fundraiser Mirando Hacia Delante…. 14 de enero: Confrimación Reunión de Padres 17 de enero: Baile Madre e Hijo (quinto a octavo grado) 19 de enero: Día de Martin Luther King - No hay Clases En 25 a 30: Semana de las Escuelas Católicas 31 de enero: Gala Cena/Baile Recaudaciόn de Fondos SAINT BEDE THE VENERABLE RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS First Communion Program Welcome back to classes! Our classes are back in session as of January 10, 2015. Here are a few reminders for the month of January: First Communion Parent Mee ng on Monday, January 19 at 7 p.m. in the church hall. At least one parent and Godparent/ s must a end. Please call the RE office with any ques ons regarding this mee ng. FIRST COMMUNION / PRIMERA COMUNION January / Enero 10 – Class/ Clase - 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. 17 – Class/ Clase - 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. 19 – Parent Mee ng / Reunion de Padres Church Hall at 7 p.m. / Sotano Iglesia a las 7 p.m. 24 – Class/ Clase - 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. 31 – Class/ Clase - 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Confirma on Classes Our classes are also back in session as of Sunday, January 11, 2015 at the regular time of 5 p.m. Please remember to arrive on time {4:50 p.m.} and prepared {Bible and Folder} for class. Confirmation Parent Meeting on Wednesday, January 14 at 7 p.m. in the church hall. At least one parent and Godparent/s must attend. Please call the RE office with any questions regarding this meeting. CONFIRMATION / CONFIRMACIÓN January / Enero 4 – NO CLASSES - New Year’s Weekend Fin de semana del Año Nuevo 11 – Class/ Clase - 5 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. 14 – Confirma on Parent Mee ng – 7 p.m. Reunion de Padres {Class of 2015 Only} 18 – Class/ Clase - 5 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. 25 – Class/ Clase - 5 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. *Would you consider being a Catechist? Please consider the Catechetical Ministry and please pray so that the Holy Spirit sends more disciples who are willing to share their faith with our children. This is such an important role in our parish, since these children are the future of our parish and our Church. Please contact Marisol Ferrer if you are interested at 773-884-2037 or email her at: Important reminders For information regarding emergency closings, please tune in to WGN or WBBM radio, or watch channels 2, 5, 7 or 9, Fox or CLTV news. Emergency closings may also be checked online at Programa de Catecismo Bienvenidos a clases! Nuestras clases empezaron otra vez el sábado, Enero 10, 2015. Aquí hay unos recordatorios para el mes de Enero: Reunión de Padres de Primera Comunión el lunes, Enero 19 a las 7 p.m. en el sotano de la Iglesia. Por lo menos un pariente y los Padrinos deben de asistir. Por favor de llamar a nuestra oficina con preguntas sobre esta reunión. Clases de Confirmación Nuestras clases empezaran otra vez el lunes, Enero 11, 2015. Reunión de Padres de Confirmación el miercoles, Enero 14 a las 7 p.m. en el sotano de la Iglesia. por lo menos un pariente y el Padrino/Madrina debe de asistir. Por favor de llamar a nuestra oficina con preguntas sobre esta reunión. * Consideraría usted en ser Catequista? Por favor considere este Ministerio de Catecismo y por favor rezar para que el Espíritu Santo nos mande a más discípulos que sean disponibles en ayudar a compar r nuestra fé con nuestros niños. Esto es un papel tan importante en nuestra parroquia, ya que estos niños son el futuro de nuestra parroquia y nuestra Iglesia. Por favor de comunicarse con Marisol Ferrer si está interesado al 773-884-2037 o por correo electronico a Recordatorios Importantes: Por si acaso tengamos que cancelar las clases de doctrina por causa de la temporada, por favor de ver en la televisión en los canales 2, 5, 7, 9 o las No cias Fox. Información también se puede obtener escuchando a la radio en las estaciónes WGN o WBBM o en el Internet: IMPORTANT NEWS AND UPCOMING EVENTS NOTICIAS IMPORTANTES Y PRÓXIMOS EVENTOS Multicultural Night January 23, 2015 Please consider helping us highlight some of the different types of food that represent the St. Bede Community. Make your best dish or select an item from below. If you can donate any of the following items, please return this form by January 14th via: Saint Bede School Saint Bede Rectory Saint Bede Collection Basket Food: _____ Rice (Filipino, Asian, Spanish, Mexican, P.R.) _____ Beans (Any region of the world) _____ Egg rolls, Pancit (Filipino, Asian) _____ Flautas, Tostadas, Tamales, etc. _____ Orange chicken/Fried Chicken/etc. _____ Italian sausage, meatballs, hot dogs, etc. _____ Pasta (lasagna, mac & cheese, raviolis, etc.) Baked goods: _____ cake_____ conchas _____ pastries _____cookies Your name: ___________________________________ Phone/email: __________________________________ Please contact Angie at 773-592-0338 with any questions. Multicultural Night January 23, 2015 Por favor considere ayudar a demonstrar los diferentes tipos de comida cuales representan la comunidad de San Beda. Puede preparer su major platillo o seleccionar uno de abajo. San Beda Escuela San Beda Rectoría San Beda Canasta de Colecciόn Comida: _____ Arroz (Filipino, Asian, Spanish, Mexican, P.R.) Holy Name January Meeting All men of the parish, 21 years of age and older, are welcome to join the men of the Holy Name at their next meeting. It will take place on Tuesday, January 13th at 7:00 PM in the Parish Hall. After the business meeting, join us for a bowl of Obie’s famous chili, hot dogs and tamales. _____ Frijoles (de cualquier region) _____ Egg rolls, Pancit (Filipino, Asian) _____ Flautas, Tostadas, Tamales, etc. _____ Pollo (Adobado, frito, rostizado) _____ Salchicha Italiana, Albόndigas, hot dogs, etc. _____ Pasta (lasagna, mac & cheese, raviolis, etc.) Baked goods: _____ pastel _____ conchas _____ gelatinas _____galletas Your name: ___________________________________ Phone/email: __________________________________ Por favor llame a Angie al 773-592-0338 por más info. Feeling Lucky ? Please Help Support St. Bede School St. Bede Gala Raffle tickets will be on sale beginning in January. For $10 ( 2 for $15) you will have the chance to win anywhere from $250 to $2500 dollars! Tickets will be on sale after Masses as well as at the Rectory & School offices. The winners will be drawn at the Gala on Saturday, January 31, 2015. (Winner need not be present) All Gala proceeds go towards helping our school meet the operating budget. Se siente con Suerte? Por favor, apoye la Escuela de St. Bede Boletos para la rifa de la Gala anual de San. Bede estarán a la venta en enero. Boletos $10 o (2 por $15), tendrá la oportunidad de ganar entre $250 a $ 2,500 dólares! Boletos estarán a la venta después de todas las misas, así como en la Rectoría. Los ganadores serán elegidos en la Gala el sábado, 31 de enero de 2015. (El ganador no necesita estar presente) Todo los ingresos de la Gala van a ayudar a nuestra escuela cumplir con el presupuesto operative. “We are st. bede” Ad Book Advertisement Rates Full Page………………….$ 200.00 Half Page………………….$ 100.00 Business Card…………….$ 50.00 Friend of St. Bede………..$ 25.00 “ROAR” ……………………$ 10.00 Examples of a “ROAR”: Roar to our veterans who have served us so bravely! Roar to my first grade teacher, Ms. Brady, for teaching me how to read! ST. BEDE MEMORY……..$ 10.00 Examples of Memory: “My favorite memory of St. Bede is playing in the annual Turkey Bowl at Durkin Park with my long-time friends.” Please contact Nancy Goc at 773.884.2020 or to place an ad in our ad book or to receive additional information. Please join us in honoring the following parishioners receiving special awards at our Gala Celebration. This year’s Honorees are as follows: St. Bede First Grade teacher Marge Griffin & Family dedicated to St. Bede School for 21 years The James Muting Family, including St. Bede second grade teacher, Mrs. Sue Hahn and St. Laurence Principal, Mr. Jim Muting Mr. Walt Bruckner, lifelong St. Bede parishioner and volunteer and proud graduate of St. Bede. You are cordially invited to join us at OUR ANNUAL GALA CELEBRATION “We are st. bede” Dinner and Auction Dancing to the Music of Sean & Charlie Saturday, January 31, 2015 Beverly Country Club 2345 West 87th Street 6:00 PM Cocktails - 7:00 PM Dinner Reservation and ticket purchase required $75 per person Includes Dinner & Open Bar 773.884.2000 SPRED Program There is a wonderful opportunity for people with developmental and intellectual challenges to grow in their faith. We would like to help these families become aware of the SPRED program for their child, adolescent, young adult or adult with developmental and intellectual challenges, autism spectrum disorders, learning problems, cerebral palsy with a developmental delay. We need your help! We have four adult volunteers and only need four more - men and women. SPRED is a program that provides a place for these people to grow in faith in a way specially designed for them. For each person with special needs there is a one on one friendship with an adult volunteer. We are looking for only four more adult volunteers. No experience with people with special needs is necessary. If you are a person who enjoys meeting people, growing in friendship, sharing faith, then look into SPRED. Parents and interested people can hear more of the details on Wednesday, January 14, 7:00 PM, in our Parish Center. Come and discover SPRED and how you can be a part of this journey! Training is offered in February/March so you are comfortable with this program. SPRED is not a classroom model, but a small faith community made up of eight adult volunteers who welcome our friends, no more than six. There are no lesson plans or homework. Hay una oportunidad maravillosa para personas con discapacidades del desarrollo e intelectuales para que crezcan en su fe. Nos gustaria ayudar a estas familias a volverse más conscientes del programa de SPRED para sus sus niños, adolescentes, adultos jόvenes y adultos con discapacidades del desarrollo, intelectuales, síndrome de Down, autismos, parálisis cerebral con retraso mental o con problemas de aprendizaje. Necesitamos su ayuda. Tenemos cuatro voluntarios y necesitamos cuatro más, hombres o mujeres. SPRED es una programa que proporciona un lugar para que estas personas crezcan en su fe de una manera especial con un adulto voluntario. Buscamos cuatro adultos voluntarios más. No se require experiencia. Si usted es una persona que disfruta reunirse con los demás, crecer en la amistad, compartir la fe, entonces SPRED es para usted. La fecha de la reuniόn está 14 de enero, a las 7:00 PM en el centro de la parroquia. The Mother McAuley High School Mothers Club Graduation and Prom Dress Resale Saturday, January 17 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Annex Community Room Gently-worn graduation and prom gowns will be available for purchase. Do you have a graduation or prom gown you would like to donate to the sale? Dresses may be dropped off to the McAuley Main Office or MAC’s Ltd. during normal school business hours, 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., through January 14. Bridesmaids, party or short dresses will not be accepted. More information, including seller information forms, can be found at !!! ATTENTION !!! !!! SUPERBOWL RAFFLE !!! Attention All: St. Bede Holy Name Society is hosting a Super Bowl square raffle for the AFC vs. NFC game on February 1, 2015. If you would like to join in on the fun, it’s really easy to do so because the raffle is hosted online. Each square will be $25. Please follow the steps below to enter the raffle. 1) 2) 3) 4) Go to Enter Authorization Code: 1234 Create your own username and password. Choose Your Squares If you have any questions or concerns please email us at: $25 Per Square Payouts 1st QTR: $500 2nd QTR: $500 3rd QTR: $500 4th QTR: $750 R. J. TILL & SONS PLUMBING & SEWERAGE Thank You For Your Patronage 3rd Generation of Service Sump Pumps - Blocked Drains MAPLE-N-JAMS 5624 W. 82nd St. • Auto • Home • Life • Health • Business Insurance Se Habla Español CAFE Free Estimates - 24 Hr. Service - Lic #058-019951 708-636-6966 Serving Breakfast & Lunch 7 Days, 7am to 3pm GARAGE DOORS AND OPENERS 6814 W. 87th St. Family Owned & Operated Since 1947 ALL MAJOR BRANDS CUSTOM GLASS SECTIONS SALES & SERVICE FREE IN HOME ESTIMATE 708.458.2345 Ask For Parishioner Discount 708.237.1600 773-581-0844 8516 S. Pulaski Rd Chicago, IL 60652 24 Hour Good Neighbor Service ® EDMUND N. SAJEWSKI Attorney and Counselor at Law 10200 S. Cicero an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA MABENKA RESTAURANT FAMILY EYE CARE CENTER Dr. Christina Marchione FUNERAL LUNCHEONS Eric R. Johnson, DDS 10% OFF 3637 W. 83rd Pl. CATERING $10 OFF FREE DELIVERY Chicago IL 60652 CATERING ORDER FOR 20 OR MORE 7844 S. CICERO BURBANK 3900 W. 95th St. Lic# 055-026066 $$ Parishioner Discount $$ 773-471-1444 Attorneys • Abogados • Derecho de Familias • Inmigración • Derecho Penal • Consultoría de Negocios 708-423-7550 • AUTO • CASA • VIDA • SALUD PLUMBING & SEWER CO. Parishioner Discount LAURA JEAN NALEPKA Attorney At Law Real Estate • Wills • Trust • Probate 773.585.7111 4422 W. 63RD St., Chicago, IL Llamar al 773-585-0123 3949 W. 83rd Pl. Chicago, IL Best Work • Best Rate Satisfaction Guaranteed As We Do All Our Own Work Diseases of the Skin Laser Surgery Monica Torres-Linares 773.268.6000 Cell: 773.405.6393 647 W. 43rd Street, Chicago LIC#13458 Ofrecemos Servicio Completo Para Toda La Familia Niños Menores de 9 Años Pagan $8.00 708.423.7679 ED THE PLUMBER ED THE CARPENTER DERMATOLOGY OLIVER H. DRABKIN, MD, SC (708) 424-8889 New Patients Welcome 9236 S. Roberts Road, Hickory Hills ◆ 430-5700 Beatriz Lira AGENT, Parishioner Ashburn Dental Associates (773) 767-4030 Affordable Family Dentistry A Complete Service Including Steel Casket • Eye Exams • Glasses • Contacts Adults & Children 708-499-2020 5520 W. 79th St. Oak Lawn, IL 60453 (708) 499-2800 OPEN 7 DAYS FOR BREAKFAST - LUNCH - DINNER $4390.00 Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 Gaylord Nelson Ins Agcy Inc Abogada / Attorney At Law 312-498-6319 Strength in family service since 1962. BURBANK 7909 State Rd. (708) 636-2320 ORLAND PARK TINLEY PARK 7732 W. 159th St. (708) 429-3200 17909 94th Ave. (708) 532-3100 W W W. L AW N F H . C O M AFTER E BEFOR —MENTION ST. BEDE’S AD— You’ll earn 5% REBATE for the school 3363 W. COLUMBUS • 773-471-0801 CHICAGO, IL 60652 Life Insurance, Annuities & Medicare Supplement Raymond J. Kozicki (708) 670-3083 A way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. PICK UP OR DELIVERY COUPON $3.50 OFF X-LG PIZZA $2.50 OFF LARGE PIZZA Sports & Orthopedic Physical Therapy Thomas G. Mulvey, M.S., P.T. 708-424-4047 708-424-4025 4114 Southwest Hwy., Hometown $10 Off Catering order of $100 or More not valid w/other offers 3751 W. 63RD St. 7730 W. 95th St. Hickory Hills Open 6am-3pm 708.233.0333 708.233.0344 fax 773.585.5002 DR. KATHLEEN MATHES RESTAURANT AND BAR PODIATRIST - FOOT SPECIALIST 5331 W. 79 ST. BURBANK 708.636.4022 7750 W. 95th Street, 708.599.2333 Open 11am-2am TH WILLS TESTAMENTOS POWERS OF ATTORNEY - PODERES PROBATE CASOS DE PATRIMONIO ■ Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. 8705 S. Ridgeland Oak Lawn Open 24 Hrs 708.599.7990 708.599.9824 fax ■ 773.599.4020 8544 S. Cicero Avenue Se Habla Español NOTRE DAME FAMILY CENTER Rev. James Watzke, Ph.D. Depression - Anxiety - Stress Family - Separation - Divorce Sub Abuse - Medicare - Español 630-691-1114 708-687-7474 BROKEN DENTURE? Full Dentures Repaired WHILE-U-WAIT Celebrating 102 Years in Business Family Owned & Operated By: Bob & Jim Sheehy 708-857-7878 4950 W. 79TH STREET, BURBANK 000806 St. Bede the Venerable Church You Deserve The Best when it comes to your car General Dentistry Bennett Auto Rebuilders SCOTTSDALE DENTAL CLINIC Over 45 years of quality service 2300 W. 79th Street 773-434-0181 Mike Mc Cann - Parishioner GEORGE’S Plumbing & Sewer Flood Control Specialist Lic# SL574 • All Plumbing & Sewer Problems Corrected • Pumps Serviced & Installed • Frozen Pipes Corrected • Bathrooms Remodeled & Installed 30 Years Experience 5319 S. Keating Ave. (773) 585-1893 David A. Nelson, DDS 4651 W. 79th St., Ste. 207 (773) 284-6723 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
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