Saint Bede The Venerable 8200 South Kostner Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60652 Parish Staff Pastor Assoc. Pastor Resident Assoc. Parish Deacon Fr. Esequiel Sanchez Fr. Robert Krueger Fr. Robert Behnke Deacon Ramiro Serna School Staff Fourth Sunday of Advent December 21, 2014 Cuarto Domingo de Adviento 21 de diciembre, 2014 Principal Mrs. Kelly Johnson Assistant Principal Mrs. Michelle Edwards Admin. Assistant Mrs. Nancy Goc Religious Education Staff Religious Education Coordinator Religious Ed. Asst. Mrs. Marisol Ferrer Mrs. Marilu Gonzales Pastoral Staff Youth Ministry Music Ministry Mr. Guillermo Tejeda Ms. Teresa Scalise Mr. Benny Rios St. Vincent de Paul Mr. Tom Donegan Bereavement Ministry Mrs. Winnie Donegan Rectory Office Staff Business Manager Bulletin Editor/Secretary Parish Secretary Bilingual Secretary Mrs. Sheila Bauschelt Mrs. Marianne Cook Mrs. Kathy Hood Mrs. Faviola Anaya Parish Directory Rectory Office Rectory Fax 773-884-2000 773-582-0026 Religious Ed. Office 773-884-2037 (Located in school building) 773-884-2038 (Localizado en el edifício del escuela) School Office 773-884-2020 School Fax 773-582-3366 Parish Website: St. Bede Mass Schedule: Monday thru Saturday: 8:30 AM Saturday (Vigil Masses): 5:00 PM English 6:30 PM Spanish Sunday: 8:00 AM & 10:00 AM English 12:00 PM Spanish 7:00 PM Bilingual Confession Schedule: Thursdays/Jueves: 9:00 AM to 9:45 AM Fridays/Viernes: 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM My dear St. Bede Family, Throughout the Advent season I have been preaching and teaching that Christmas is not just about remembering the first coming of the Messiah, but also his second coming. Can you imagine how wonderful it would be to have the Lord’s Kingdom finally fully realized; that the Lord would come in Glory as promised and take away all tears and evil from our lives. This was the message of the Apostles and the early church bishops; that the coming of God’s kingdom has already begun. The problem most people had with this message was that they were ready to believe that Jesus is the Lord, but couldn’t see how he has made any difference. There is still pain in the world. There were still wars, crying, hunger, hatred, etc. If Jesus is Lord, then where is this Kingdom? All the apostles could say was that you can see the coming of the kingdom by looking at the way they have already begun to live. It wasn’t the eloquence by which the disciples preached that convinced most people to believe in Jesus, but how they as a community loved one another. They took care of each other and shared all that they had. They were nonviolent, kind, patient, caring, hopeful, long suffering, truthful, hard working, and faithful. The Kingdom is to be established in love; the love of God and the love of neighbor. Today, we share in that tradition of charity and caring. The celebration of Christmas is never about how wonderful we are, but how wonderful God is. We must announce the coming of the Kingdom of God and be a visible sign that this Kingdom has already begun to enter our world. If Christ were to return today, would he find us patient, loving, caring, long suffering, faithful, hopeful, etc.? Will he find a community that loves one another and cares for the poor? Will he find faith in our neighborhood and city? Throughout the Advent season I have been renewing my appeal for a gift of $100 as a Christmas gift for St. Bede. Our church is God’s house. This house of prayer is for all our brothers and sisters who desire to worship and be strengthened by the love of Christ. This gift will help support Christ’s mission here at St. Bede in terms of helping us meet our financial obligations. The parish needs your help and generosity since we are totally dependent on financial caring of faithful Catholics. Christmas is the day we remember and honor the birthday of Jesus. Let’s make sure that the first gift this Christmas is always given to Christ who never stops giving to us. Merry Christmas to all! Fr. Esequiel Sanchez Estimada Familia Parroquial, Durante las cuatro semanas de Adviento hemos predicado sobre el sentido de la navidad. La navidad no solo es un tiempo para recordar el nacimiento del Señor sino esperar en su retorno en Gloria. ¿Se pueden imaginar que maravilloso seria si el Reino de Dios llegara hoy? ¿Que ya no existiera el dolor o las lagrimas o el mal en el mundo? Este fue la Buena Nueva que los apóstoles y los primeros obispos de la Iglesia predicaban; que el Reino de Dios está por llegar y está, desde a hora, en marcha. El problema que ellos encontraron con la gente recibir este mensaje es que muchos estaban dispuestos a creer en Jesús como el Mesías, pero no pudieron ver el Reino que los apóstoles les predicaban. En el mundo todavía existía el odio, el rencor, la violencia, la guerra etc. ¿Si Jesús es el Señor, entonces donde esta sur Reino? Los apóstoles anunciaron que el Reino de Dios se puede ver a través de conocer como la comunidad de creyentes han comenzado a vivir. Lo que convencía a la gente para creer en Cristo, no era la elocuencia de los discursos de los apóstoles, sino se fijaban en que tanto se querían los cristianos. Ellos se cuidaban, compartían todo lo que tenían, no eran violentos o ruidosos, eran cariñosos, respetuosos, trabajadores, valientes, fieles, pacientes etc. El Reino de Dios, era entendido, es establecido en el amor; amor a Dios y al prójimo. La celebración de la navidad se trata de establecer el amor y la justicia. Nosotros tenemos que anunciar la buena nueva y ser una señal visible que el Reino de Dios esta por llegar. ¿Si Cristo regresaría hoy, nos encontraría pacientes, amorosos, cariñosos fieles, etc.? ¿Encontraría a una comunidad que verdaderamente se quiere, cuida a los pobres y comparte sus bendiciones? ¿Encontraría fe en nuestro pueblo y nuestra ciudad? En estas semanas yo les he hecho una petición de regalar a nuestra parroquia de San Beda un regalo navideño de $100. Nuestro templo es la casa de Dios y casa de oración para todo cristiano que desea ser fortalecidos por el Señor. Este regalo navideño nos ayudará cumplir con nuestras obligaciones financieras que se requieren para llevar acabo la misión de Cristo. La parroquia necesita de su generosidad puesto que dependemos totalmente en fieles católicos como ustedes. La navidad es el día donde celebramos el cumpleaños de Jesus Cristo. Aseguremos que el primer regalo navideño sea para Cristo que nunca se cansa de bendecirnos. ¡Feliz Navidad! Pbro. Esequiel Sanchez Mass Intentions / Intenciónes de Las Misas MASS TIMES DATE INTENTIONS MONDAY, December 22 8:30 AM William & Mary Lynch & Family-Anniversary, Michael & Margaret Lynskey & Family-Anniversary TUESDAY, December 23 8:30 AM Carol Mitchell, Adam Chwajol, Bob Ritchie St. John of Kanty WEDNESDAY, December 24 Christmas Eve THURSDAY, December 25 The Nativity of the Lord 4:00 PM (E) Midnight (BL) 10:00 AM (E) 12:00 PM (S) 8:30 AM FRIDAY, December 26 St. Stephen, The First Martyr For all Parishioners and Friends of Saint Bede For all Parishioners and Friends of Saint Bede Ann Merritt & Edward Bud Smith, Tony Mostek, Bob Ritchie SATURDAY, December 27 Mary Ginger Andretich 8:30 AM 5:00 PM (E) Richard Von Wahlde, Roy Merritt, Virginia Poproch 6:30 PM (S) Maria Trinidad Gomez-Barrera-2nd Anniversary SUNDAY, December 28 8:00 AM (E) Cselaw Hanusiak-10th Anniversary, John Lally The Holy Family 10:00 AM (E) Jerome & Marie Hahn, Helen Kolodziej, Mary Lynch 12:00 PM (S) Maria del Carmen Fernandez Garza-Anniversary, Adilene Duarte-Birthday, Maria Trinidad Nevarez-1st Anniversary of Death 7:00 PM (BL) Healing Intention for Elvira Moreno DATE CELEBRANT LECTOR EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS SATURDAY Dec. 27, 2014 5:00 PM Fr. Robert Behnke A. Edwards A. Goggin W. Donegan F. Pastewski SATURDAY Dec. 27, 2014 6:30 PM Fr. Esequiel Sanchez L. Corzo M. Fonseca SUNDAY Fr. Esequiel Sanchez A. Perez S. Perez SUNDAY Dec. 28, 2014 10:00 AM Fr. Bobby Krueger SUNDAY Dec. 28, 2014 12:00 PM SUNDAY Dec. 28, 2014 7:00 PM Dec. 28, 2014 8:00 AM SERVERS MUSICIANS J. Sandoval B. Sandoval A. O’Brien V. Lowczyk K. Ruiz B. Garza R. Garza Coro de Carismàtico L. Delaney N. Fearon S. Gonzalez M. Hughes C. Estrada J. Estrada T. Scalise D. Hahn A. Malec D. Santiago S. Corrales M. Gutierrez M. Bruckner M. Lynch S. Sandoval I. Vazquez M. Ochoa Choir Fr. Bobby Krueger J. Marin M. Escutia D. Puma G. Garcia-Zapata J. Santillan J. Camarena A. Godoy E. Gonzalez X. Torres Coro de Alabanzas Fr. Esequiel Sanchez M. Muñiz A. Muñiz M. Aguilar I. Vazquez J. Vazquez A. Alcala Coro de Alabanzas Aida Perez R. Vale C. de la Torres M. Vargas This Week at a Glance....December 22 thru December 28, 2014 Monday December 22 Tuesday Wednesday December 23 December 24 9:15 AM: Senior Exercise - PH 9:00 AM: Quilters - PC 8:30 AM: Mass 6:30 PM: Spanish Choir practice - C 6:30 PM Bible Study– PC 4 PM: Christmas Vigil Mass English Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday December 25 December 26 December 27 December 28 Christmas Day Masses: 8:30 AM: Mass 2:00 PM: Baptisms (English) - 10: 00 AM-English 6:30 PM: Youth 12:00 PM-Spanish Group - PH 6:30 PM: Christian 6:30 PM Spanish Midnight: Christmas Formation - AER Choir Practice – C Mass-Bilingual No RE classes 7:00 PM: Carismatic Choir – PC 11 AM: Baptisms (Spanish) - C Mass Times: 5:00 PM (E) C Mass Times: 8:00 AM (E) 10:00 AM (E) 12:00 PM (S) 7:00 PM (B) 6:30 PM (S) C - Church PH - Parish Hall AER - Adult Ed. Room S - School SL - School Library HEALING INTENTIONS For all those suffering from illness, especially: Alzira Ganz Carmela Ochoa Tim Goc La prόxima clase pre-bautismal se llevara a cabo el: MIÉRCOLES 21 DE ENERO, 2015 Elvira Moreno A las 7:00 PM en el salón de la iglesia. Fran Feltz Por favor tenga en cuenta lo siguente: Patricia Arvio Luz Maria Acevedo-Martinez Margaret Mohlfeld Bob Marshall G - Gym R - Rectory PC - Parish Center PL - Parking Lot AC– Adoration Chapel Maricela Almanza Emiliana Perez ADORATION CHAPEL Perpetual Adoration builds Christian Community as the Eucharist is the greatest unifying force on earth. Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament encourages, enables and empowers us to love on another as he has loved us, with “Heartfelt Mercy,” compassion; love and humility. Our Adoration Chapel is open from 6:00 AM to 10:00 PM daily. Sunday Collection Information Collection information for Sunday, Dec. 14th will be posted next weekend due to early bulletin deadline. Thank you for your continued support. Gracias por su continuo apoyo. ESTA REUNIÓN ES PARA LOS PADRES Y PADRINOS SOLAMENTE. ES IMPORTANTE REGISTRARSE UNA SEMANA ANTES DE LA REUNIÓN. Por favor de llamar a la oficina de la rectoria al 773.884.2000. St. Vincent de Paul Christmas Food Drive St. Vincent de Paul Society will be collecting food, such as hams, turkeys, vegetables, etc. and/or monetary donations TODAY. Baskets will be put together and distributed to those in need for Christmas dinner. Thank You for your continued generosity. Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year. For Our Beloved Dead May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in eternal peace with the Lord. Que sus almas y las almas de todos los fieles difuntos descansen en paz eterna con Nuestro Dios. We Believe. Creemos. We Achieve. Obtenemos. We Succeed. Logramos. St. Bede the Venerable SchooL Newsletter Noticias de la Escuela de San Beda From All of Us to All of You… Merry Christmas and Feliz Navidad! All I want for Christmas are my two front teeth! Looking Ahead…… Dec. 20 - Jan. 5: Christmas Vacation Dec. 25: Merry Christmas! Jan. 1: Happy New Year! Jan. 5: Back to School Jan. 25-30: Catholic Schools’ Week Could it be Santa Guerin?!!! St. Bede School Gift-Giving Tree Mirando Hacia Delante…. 25 de diciembre: ¡Feliz Navidad! 1 de enero: ¡Feliz Año Nuevo! 20 de diciembre - 5 de enero: Vacaciones de Navidad 5 de enero: Regreso a la Escuela! 25 - 30 de enero: La semana de las escuelas Catόlicas IMPORTANT NEWS AND UPCOMING EVENTS NOTICIAS IMPORTANTES Y PRÓXIMOS EVENTOS CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR MASS SCHEDULE WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 2014: Christmas Vigil Masses 4:00 PM - ENGLISH and 12:00 MIDNIGHT MASS - BILINGUAL THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2014: Christmas Day Masses 10:00 AM - ENGLISH and 12:00 PM - SPANISH CONFESSIONS/RECONCILIACIONES: NEW YEAR’S EVE - DECEMBER 31, 2014 9:00 AM UNTIL 6:30 PM WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2014: Solemnity of Mary (Vigil Mass) 7:00 PM - Bilingual THURSDAY, JANUARY 01, 2015: Solemnity of Mary (Holy Day) 10:00 AM - English and 12:00 PM - Spanish Congratulations to St. Bede Alumnae I wanted to share this good news with you about St. Bede Alumnae……Mc Auley High School has awarded 32 scholarships this fall, ranging from $500 - $5,100 (or half tuition cost). The amount of money awarded to our students totals nearly $93,000. Two of these scholarships are newlyestablished and renewable for four years: the Berens Scholarship, which was awarded through the Archdiocese of Chicago to five freshmen for $2,500; and the Haerther Charitable Trust Scholarship, which was awarded to 12 students, three from each grade level, who completed an essay as well as an interview before receiving this award for half tuition. Congratulations to the two following St. Bede alumnae who have received a scholarship: Vianney Valadez ’18 – Berens Scholar Mia DePatie ’16 - Haerther Charitable Trust Scholarship recipient Sincerely, Maura Moran | '07 Marketing & Communications Assistant Mother McAuley Liberal Arts High School 3737 W. 99th St. Chicago, IL 60655 St. Bede Alumnae News Queen of Peace High School is pleased to share good news about the students who are members of our parish and/or graduated from our grammar school. This semester they have achieved recognition on the Queen of Peace Honor Roll. Emma Horath Jessica McCarthy Jada Tobin Lauryn Walker Kelly Bongiorno Hayley Hoffman Julia Rosak Sara Sandoval Ariel Thompson Megan Thompson Congratulations Saint Bede Alumnae Leo High School Reunion Leo High School, class of 1965, is having their 50th Reunion on April 24, 2015, at the Lexington House in Hickory Hills. Please contact Bob Werner at: or by phone at (708) 6369183 for more informa on. SAINT BEDE THE VENERABLE RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM We pray that your Christmas and New Year are spent sharing love and companionship with your family and friends. May your New Year bring you many blessings as we all pray for peace around the world. OUR CHRISTMAS BREAK WILL START ON DECEMBER 20. WE WILL RETURN TO CLASSES ON: JANUARY 10 (FIRST COMMUNION) JANUARY 11 (CONFIRMATION) PROGRAMA DE PRIMERA COMUNIÓN Y CONFIRMACION Rezamos que su Navidad y Año Nuevo sea llena de amor y compañerismo con su familia y amigos. Que su Nuevo Año les traiga muchas bendiciónes en lo que rogamos por la paz alrededor del mundo. NUESTRAS VACACIONES DE NAVIDAD COMIENZAN DICIEMBRE 20 REGRESAREMOS A CLASES: ENERO 10 {PRIMERA COMUNIÓN} ENERO 11 {CONFIRMACIÓN} “We are st. bede” Ad Book Advertisement Rates Full Page………………….$ 200.00 Half Page………………….$ 100.00 Business Card…………….$ 50.00 Friend of St. Bede………..$ 25.00 “ROAR” ……………………$ 10.00 Examples of a “ROAR”: Roar to our veterans who have served us so bravely! Roar to my first grade teacher, Ms. Brady, for teaching me how to read! ST. BEDE MEMORY……..$ 10.00 Examples of Memory: My favorite memory of St. Bede is playing in the annual Turkey Bowl at Durkin Park with my long-time friends. You are cordially invited to join us at OUR ANNUAL GALA CELEBRATION “We are st. bede” Dinner and Auction Dancing to the Music of Sean & Charlie Saturday, January 31, 2015 Beverly Country Club 2345 West 87th Street 6:00 PM Cocktails - 7:00 PM Dinner Reservation and ticket purchase required $75 per person Includes Dinner & Open Bar Please contact Nancy Goc at 773.884.2020 or to place an ad in our ad book or to receive additional information. 773.884.2000 Bienvenidos todos a celebrar Las Posadas Domingo/ Sunday Las Posadas son la representación de la Sagrada Familia (María y José) en su 21 búsqueda de posada en Belén. Las posadas son tradicionalmente celebradas Clausura de por nueve días conmemorando los nueve meses de embarazo de la Virgen MaPosadas con ría. Por ello, Por favor acompáñenos a la iglesia cada tarde para juntos rezar el Pastorela 8:30 PM rosario y cantar villancicos navideños mientras esperamos la venida del niño Jesús. “Posadas” are the reenactment of the Holy Family’s (Mary and Joseph) search for lodging in Bethlehem. Posadas are celebrated over nine days to commemorate the nine months of Mary’s pregnancy. Please join us as we gather at the church hall this final evening to pray the rosary and sing Christmas Carols as we wait for baby Jesus. !!! ATTENTION !!! !!! SUPERBOWL RAFFLE !!! Attention All: St. Bede Holy Name Society is hosting a Super Bowl square raffle for the AFC vs. NFC game on February 1, 2015. If you would like to join in on the fun it’s really easy to do so because the raffle is hosted online. Each square will be $25. Please follow the steps below to enter the raffle. 1) 2) 3) 4) Go to Enter Authorization Code: 1234 Create your own username and password. Choose Your Squares If you have any questions or concerns please email us at: $25 Per Square Payouts 1st QTR: $500 2nd QTR: $500 3rd QTR: $500 4th QTR: $750 Hear Us Roar! As everyone can imagine, St. Bede School has been extraordinarily busy as we celebrate Advent and anticipate the joy that Christmas brings. As you experience your own children and grandchildren eagerly awaiting Jesus’s birthday (and a visit from Santa), imagine waiting with 400 children. The squeals begin at 7:50 A.M. and continue until 2:30 P.M.! Our annual Family Movie Night was a wonderful success. School families were invited to watch The Polar Express in the comfort of our church hall. Snacks were available, and even I could not pass up the hot chocolate station. Roar to Miss Marshall, Miss Merrill, and Miss Nicola for yet another fun activity planned by St. Bede Student Council. This year’s seventh and eighth grade student council members have proven to be exceptional role models for all of our younger students. The successes of our kindergarten through eighth grade students were recognized at an awards assembly, and because there were so many recipients, the assembly lasted ninety minutes! I was so proud of the accomplishments of our students, ranging from perfect attendance to honor roll status to modeling the character traits of honesty, responsibility, respect, and peacemaking. Roar to all St. Bede Tigers! Finally, please enjoy a blessed Christmas filled with family and friends, and may your New Year be filled with the gifts of peace and joy! Kelly Johnson, St. Bede Principal R. J. TILL & SONS PLUMBING & SEWERAGE Thank You For Your Patronage 3rd Generation of Service Sump Pumps - Blocked Drains MAPLE-N-JAMS 5624 W. 82nd St. • Auto • Home • Life • Health • Business Insurance Se Habla Español CAFE Free Estimates - 24 Hr. Service - Lic #058-019951 708-636-6966 Serving Breakfast & Lunch 7 Days, 7am to 3pm GARAGE DOORS AND OPENERS 6814 W. 87th St. Family Owned & Operated Since 1947 ALL MAJOR BRANDS CUSTOM GLASS SECTIONS SALES & SERVICE FREE IN HOME ESTIMATE 708.458.2345 Ask For Parishioner Discount 708.237.1600 773-581-0844 8516 S. Pulaski Rd Chicago, IL 60652 24 Hour Good Neighbor Service ® EDMUND N. SAJEWSKI Attorney and Counselor at Law 10200 S. Cicero an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA MABENKA RESTAURANT FAMILY EYE CARE CENTER Dr. Christina Marchione FUNERAL LUNCHEONS Eric R. Johnson, DDS 10% OFF 3637 W. 83rd Pl. CATERING $10 OFF FREE DELIVERY Chicago IL 60652 CATERING ORDER FOR 20 OR MORE 7844 S. CICERO BURBANK 3900 W. 95th St. Lic# 055-026066 $$ Parishioner Discount $$ 773-471-1444 Attorneys • Abogados • Derecho de Familias • Inmigración • Derecho Penal • Consultoría de Negocios 708-423-7550 • AUTO • CASA • VIDA • SALUD Monica Torres-Linares Abogada / Attorney At Law E BEFOR Parishioner Discount Attorney At Law Real Estate • Wills • Trust • Probate 773.585.7111 4422 W. 63RD St., Chicago, IL 312-498-6319 AFTER PLUMBING & SEWER CO. LAURA JEAN NALEPKA Llamar al 773-585-0123 3949 W. 83rd Pl. Chicago, IL Best Work • Best Rate Satisfaction Guaranteed As We Do All Our Own Work Diseases of the Skin Laser Surgery 773.268.6000 Cell: 773.405.6393 647 W. 43rd Street, Chicago LIC#13458 Ofrecemos Servicio Completo Para Toda La Familia Niños Menores de 9 Años Pagan $8.00 708.423.7679 ED THE PLUMBER ED THE CARPENTER DERMATOLOGY OLIVER H. DRABKIN, MD, SC (708) 424-8889 New Patients Welcome 9236 S. Roberts Road, Hickory Hills ◆ 430-5700 Beatriz Lira AGENT, Parishioner Ashburn Dental Associates (773) 767-4030 Affordable Family Dentistry A Complete Service Including Steel Casket • Eye Exams • Glasses • Contacts Adults & Children 708-499-2020 5520 W. 79th St. Oak Lawn, IL 60453 (708) 499-2800 OPEN 7 DAYS FOR BREAKFAST - LUNCH - DINNER $4390.00 Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 Gaylord Nelson Ins Agcy Inc MERRY CHRISTMAS and a BLESSED NEW from YEAR Lawn Funeral Homes —MENTION ST. BEDE’S AD— You’ll earn 5% REBATE for the school 3363 W. COLUMBUS • 773-471-0801 CHICAGO, IL 60652 Life Insurance, Annuities & Medicare Supplement Raymond J. Kozicki (708) 670-3083 A way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. PICK UP OR DELIVERY COUPON $3.50 OFF X-LG PIZZA $2.50 OFF LARGE PIZZA Sports & Orthopedic Physical Therapy Thomas G. Mulvey, M.S., P.T. 708-424-4047 708-424-4025 4114 Southwest Hwy., Hometown $10 Off Catering order of $100 or More not valid w/other offers 3751 W. 63RD St. 7730 W. 95th St. Hickory Hills Open 6am-3pm 708.233.0333 708.233.0344 fax 773.585.5002 DR. KATHLEEN MATHES RESTAURANT AND BAR PODIATRIST - FOOT SPECIALIST 5331 W. 79 ST. BURBANK 708.636.4022 7750 W. 95th Street, 708.599.2333 Open 11am-2am TH WILLS TESTAMENTOS POWERS OF ATTORNEY - PODERES PROBATE CASOS DE PATRIMONIO ■ Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. 8705 S. Ridgeland Oak Lawn Open 24 Hrs 708.599.7990 708.599.9824 fax ■ 773.599.4020 8544 S. Cicero Avenue Se Habla Español NOTRE DAME FAMILY CENTER Rev. James Watzke, Ph.D. Depression - Anxiety - Stress Family - Separation - Divorce Sub Abuse - Medicare - Español 630-691-1114 708-687-7474 BROKEN DENTURE? Full Dentures Repaired WHILE-U-WAIT Celebrating 102 Years in Business Family Owned & Operated By: Bob & Jim Sheehy 708-857-7878 4950 W. 79TH STREET, BURBANK 000806 St. Bede the Venerable Church You Deserve The Best when it comes to your car General Dentistry Bennett Auto Rebuilders SCOTTSDALE DENTAL CLINIC Over 45 years of quality service 2300 W. 79th Street 773-434-0181 Mike Mc Cann - Parishioner GEORGE’S Plumbing & Sewer Flood Control Specialist Lic# SL574 • All Plumbing & Sewer Problems Corrected • Pumps Serviced & Installed • Frozen Pipes Corrected • Bathrooms Remodeled & Installed 30 Years Experience 5319 S. Keating Ave. (773) 585-1893 David A. Nelson, DDS 4651 W. 79th St., Ste. 207 (773) 284-6723 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
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