Bulletin Cover Sheet Church Name: Saint Charles Parish 990 Saturn Blvd. San Diego, CA 92154 Bulletin No.: 160900 Contact Person: Fabiola Telephone No.: (619) 423-0242 Comments/Information: Saint Charles Parish South San Diego/ Imperial Beach 990 Saturn Boulevard San Diego, CA 92154 Phone: (619) 423-0242 Fax: 423-1966 Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:30AM-12:00PM & 12:30-5:00PM Friday 8:30AM-12:00PM & 12:30-4:00PM Saturday 8:30AM-12:30PM Web Site: http://www.saintcharles.org Bishop: Most Rev. Robert H. Brom Pastor: Fr. James Bahash Assoc. Pastor: Fr. Arnold Tadena Fr. Burt Boudoin June 2, 2013 The Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) (C) Deacons: MASS SCHEDULE Saturday: Sunday: Weekdays: Holy Days: 8:00 AM & 5:00 PM (Vigil Mass) 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 AM, 11:30 AM (Spanish), 1:00 & 5:00 PM 7:30 AM & 5:30PM 5:30 PM DEVOTIONS Monday-Friday: Liturgy of the Hours (Morning Prayer 7:00AM; Evening Prayer 5:00PM) Tuesday: To the Blessed Mother after 7:30 AM Mass. First Friday: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament after 7:30 AM Mass until 5:00 PM Benediction. Grupo de Oración at 7:00 PM. RECONCILIATION (CONFESSIONS) Contact the Parish Office. Pre-baptismal classes are required for Parents and Godparents. MARRIAGE Contact the Parish office. Nine-month notice required. 429-3580 429-0716 575-1914 423-0242 423-0242 423-0242 Saint Charles School: Steve Stutz, Principal 423-3701 Saint Charles Catechetical Center: 575-2240 Alicia Policarpio, Director Paul Lopez, Coordinator of Hispanic Ministry Reyna Sanchez, Administrative Assistant Elena DeLaRosa, Coordinator of Children’s Ministry Marci Morrison, Youth and Young Adult Ministries PARISH RELATED GROUPS & MINISTRIES For more information please go to http://www.saintcharles.org Saturday: 3:30 - 4:30 PM & other days by appointment BAPTISM Seodello (Sam) Martinez Mick Dennison Ken Montoya Raul Hernandez Bob Barretto David Lewis OFFICE STAFF Lulu Corp Fabiola Gonzalez Elvigia Habana Veronica Kuehn Secretary Secretary / Bulletin Editor Financial & Resource Analyst Facilities Manager St. Charles Parish San Diego / Imperial Beach Page Two FROM THE PASTOR Goodness we’ve got a lot of news to share. First and most important, after five marvelous and dedicated years of service to the people of St. Charles, Bishop Brom has assigned Father Arnold Tadena as associate pastor of St. Joseph Cathedral in downtown San Diego. He’ll also be taking care of Immaculate Conception Parish in Old Town. Fr. Arnold is a great friend and priest and he will be sorely missed. As soon as we get all the details on his new assignment we’ll plan a nice party for him. Congratulations on the new assignment Fr. Arnold! Second, Fr. Burt Boudoin has been named full time associate pastor here at St. Charles. Fr. Burt currently is chaplain to the Veteran’s Home next to Sharp Hospital. Welcome to full time ministry at St. Charles Fr. Burt! Both Fr. Arnold and Fr. Burt begin their new assignments on July 1, 2013. Third, this is Bazaar weekend. I’d like to offer a word of thanks to all who have worked and are working for the good of our parish. Please stop by after the Masses for some great food, good fun, and lively entertainment. Fourth, this past Sunday we made another appeal for the Capital Campaign. Currently, 343 families have pledged over $900,000! I’d like to extend a profound word of gratitude to all who have made a pledge to the Capital Campaign. Your support is greatly appreciated. If you have not made a pledge please consider doing so. Any amount is greatly appreciated. Pledge cards can be found in the church pews or at the parish office. Fifth, we offer thanks to God for our newest priest, Father Ricardo Pineda. When you see him, you may remember that Father Ricardo, along with his brother and sister, used to sing in our parish choir. After graduating from Notre Dame, Father Ricardo joined the Fathers of Mercy in Auburn, Kentucky. Thanks be to God he was ordained two weeks ago and will be offering a Mass of Thanksgiving on June 8th at 12:00 pm here at St. Charles. There will be a reception to follow in the Nutrition Center and you are all invited to attend. Please join us for Fr. Pineda’s first Mass in San Diego! Finally, this is the Feast of Corpus Christi, the Most Holy Body of Christ. We are so very blessed to have the opportunity to receive Christ into us that we might be consumed by him. I encourage you to make frequent visits to the Blessed Sacrament when you can and to receive Communion only in a state of grace. If something in life is keeping you from worthy reception of the Eucharist please come and see either me, Fr. Burt, or one of the deacons. We’ll work with you so that Jesus may sanctify you through Holy Communion. JUNE 2-8 SUN 2 7:00AM 7:00AM 8:30AM 8:30AM 10:00AM 10:00AM 11:30AM 11:30AM 1:00PM 1:00PM 5:00PM 5:00PM MON 3 7:30AM 7:30AM 5:30PM 5:30PM TUE 4 7:30AM 7:30AM 5:30PM 5:30PM WED 5 7:30AM 7:30AM 5:30PM 5:30PM THU 6 7:30AM 7:30AM 5:30PM 5:30PM FRI 7 7:30AM 7:30AM 5:30PM 5:30PM SAT 8 8:00AM 8:00AM 5:00PM 5:00PM Good Health of Margot Gonzalez All Souls in Purgatory +Felipa & Felix Javier +Ciriaca & Jose Medina +Santiago & Marcelina Noble +Erlinda B. Silva Good Health Victor Manuel Johnson +Olga Kim For the Intentions of Our Parishioners +Marcelino Malixi +Omawas Caridad +Felicitas M. Lastimoza Happy Birthday Dionilita Paje +Frank Wurzbacher +Bernardo Cardenas Thanksgiving Adrian & Thea Zosa +Alfonso D. Liwanag Sr. Thanksgiving Cynthia Enciso Happy Birthday Gabby delaCruz +Max Homer Benham Special Intention of Marion Leslie +Annabel Rodriguez +Trinidad Valerio Happy Birthday Robin Alegre +Eusebia & Irenio Mogote +Mariano & Irenia Mogote +Jimmie O’Neal +Artemio & Luisa Estrella +Rogelio Quileza +Marites Funte +Bertha E. Rojas +Braulio & Fausta Pega The Promotion of Life Happy Birthday Barney Blas Happy Birthday C.J. Holt +Yvonne Marie Smith Our Parishioners in Poor Health; John C. Fabiano Sr., Perse Macawile, Josue Bigornia, Larry Onia, Romeo Veniegas, William Jacob Murray, Dolly Suico, Rosellie McCarthy, Mary Martinez, Raul Martinez, Matilde Zeiss, Jose Luis Montaño, Francisca Santos, Andres Elizares, Delia Elizares, Aida Elizares, Mariana Tadena, Lurdes Pecundo, Maria Fralick, Victoria Gadiano, Jacqueline Hall, Elena Martinez, Julito Dompor, Salvador Valencia, Jannise Stone, Emiliano Ritua, Victor Manuel Johnson, Rebecca McCarthy, Milagros Vandiver, Frederick Weber, Robert Reid, Cathy Reid, Kazimerz Chalupa, Mahur Sirin, Chris Lichocici, Mary Peterson, Gloria Fabiano, Rose Reynolds, Josie Alzate, Ramon polante, Bryan O’Donell, Jose Lopez, Paul & Mary Odermatt, Brian Beck, Fely Lasala, Edmundo & Olga Braga, and Deacon Sam Martinez. Page Three The Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ St. Charles School News St. Charles Catholic School will have an information booth set up at the Parish Bazaar. Please feel free to stop by and ask any questions you might have regarding our school. Information booklets will be available for your convenience. No bake sale bazaar weekend. The Youth & Young Adult Ministry will host the Bake sale, Sunday June 9th, at the West Patio. Bond with fellow parishioners over a cup of coffee, delicious baked goods and other delicious foods. The Parish Office will be closed TOMORROW, Monday, June 3, 2013 We resume normal business hours on Tuesday June 4th. COINS AND CAN WEEKEND is this weekend. All Coins received in the offering will be made available to the Pastoral Charity Account to meet special needs of Parishioners of St. Charles Parish. Food and baby items brought to the church will be distributed to the people of our own parish or given to BIRTHLINE to help expectant mothers in need. God bless you for your consistent generosity. June 2, 2013 YEAR OF FAITH PILGRIMAGE: Seven (7) Cathedrals in California 5-Days from August 6 to 10, 2013. All parishioners are invited to explore and experience the beauty and grandeur of Catholic art and culture by visiting 7 Catholic Cathedrals from San Diego to San Francisco under the spiritual direction of Fr. Jim Bahash. It will also include pleasure stopovers at the Ronald Reagan Library (Simi Valley) and the Hearst Castle (San Simeon). The reservation fee is $550 which includes bus transportation and lodging. Seats are limited. For more details, please contact the Catechetical Ministry at 619-5752240 x104, or Josie Francisco at 619-690-2558. ALL parishioners are invited to attend a Diocesan Institute class, “The Pentateuch”, to be held at St. Charles Parish Hall every Mondays starting June 10 through July 15, 2013 from 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM. The presenter will be Bernadeane Carr, S.T.L. She will explore the exegesis of selected passages and development of specific themes: creation, covenant, sin, exodus, liberation. Registration fee is $30.00 for St. Charles parishioners ONLY. For more information, please contact the Catechetical Ministry Center. BAZAAR NEWS 2013 The CONSTRUCTION CREW needs help to tear down: on Sunday, June 2nd, starting at 7:00 PM. If you have any questions please call Kevin at 9977327. Please remember to return your Raffle Tickets at the Grand Prize Booth during the Bazaar. Congratulations to this year’s Saint Charles Holy Name Society Essay Contest Winners! This annual contest is open to all Saint Charles School 6th, 7th and 8th graders. This year we had over 80 entries. The topic of the essay is“What the Holy Name of Jesus Christ Means to Me”. Please join us in congratulating First Place Winner: Brenda M. Arenas; Second Place: Fernando Alcocer and Third Place: Nubia T. Alvarez. The winners were recognized and awarded their prizes at the school assembly on May 5. SAVE THE DATE . . . FUND RAISING EVENT CASINO BUS TRIP TO VALLEY VIEW CASINO Sponsored by the Saint Charles Holy Name Society Saturday, July 13, 2013. 12:30pm. Cost: $25.00 p/p (includes bus transportation and a snack on the bus). Each bus tour guest will receive $15.00 in “More Play” from Valley View Casino upon arrival. Seating is limited. Call Denise Brown at 619-733-6427 to reserve your spot. Collection Report for May 26, 2013 $16,359.49 May God bless you more for your sacrificial gift and ever generous support of St. Charles Parish. Please donate a cake for the CAKE BOOTH you can drop it off on Sunday. Thank you!! LOST and FOUND Please if you find any items that were left behind by a fellow parishioner in the church or around the grounds please turn it in to one of the ushers at church or in to the parish office so that it may be placed in the lost and found. Thank you! Donate from your smart phone! Saint Charles Catholic Parish now offers a mobile version of our online giving page to make it easy for you to give anytime from your smart phone. Simply scan the image you see here using your phone’s Quick Response (QR) code reader! Page Four El Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo DEL PASTOR Que bárbaro, tenemos muchas noticias para compartir. Primera y más importante, después de cinco años maravillosos y dedicados al servicio de las personas de San Carlos, el Obispo Brom ha asignado al Padre Arnold Tadena como pastor asociado de La Catedral de San José en el Centro de San Diego. El también cuidará de la Parroquia de la Inmaculada Concepción en Old Town. El Padre Arnold es un gran amigo y sacerdote, lo extrañaremos mucho. Tan pronto como nosotros tengamos todos los detalles de su nueva posición, le planearemos una agradable fiesta de despedida. ¡Felicitaciones en la nueva posición Padre Arnold! En segundo lugar, el Padre Burt Boudoin ha sido denominado pastor asociado de tiempo aquí en San Carlos. El Padre Burt es actualmente capellán en la Casa del Veterano junto al Hospital Sharp. ¡Bienvenido al ministerio de tiempo completo en San Carlos Padre Burt! Ambos Padre Arnold y Padre Burt empiezan sus nuevas tareas el 1 de julio del 2013. En tercer lugar, es el fin de semana del Bazar. Querría ofrecer una palabra de gratitud a todos los que han trabajado y están trabajando para el bien de nuestra parroquia. Por favor acompáñenos después de las Misa, hay deliciosa comida, buena diversión, y entretenimiento en vivo. Cuarto, el domingo pasado hicimos otra apelación para la Campaña Capital. ¡Actualmente, 343 familias han prometido más de $900.000! Querría extender una palabra profunda de gratitud a todos los que han prometido a la Campaña Capital. Su apoyo es muy apreciado. Si usted no ha prometido por favor considere hacerlo. Cualquier cantidad es muy apreciada. Las tarjetas de promesa pueden ser encontradas en los bancos de la iglesia o en la oficina de la parroquia. Quinto, damos gracias a Dios por nuestro más nuevo sacerdote, el Padre Ricardo Pineda. Cuando usted lo vea, podrá recordar al Padre Ricardo, junto con su hermano y hermana, cantaban en nuestro coro de la parroquia. Después de graduarse de Notre Dame, el Padre Ricardo se unió a los Padres de la Misericordia en Auburn, Kentucky. Gracias a Dios él fue ordenado como Sacerdote hace dos semanas y ofrecerá una Misa de Acción de Gracias el 8 de junio a las 12:00 de la tarde aquí en San Carlos. Habrá una recepción a seguir en el Centro de Nutrición y están invitados todos asistir. !Por favor acompáñenos a la primera Misa del Padre Pineda en San Diego! Por último, es la Fiesta de Corpus Christi, El Santo Cuerpo de Cristo. Somos muy bendecidos al tener la oportunidad de recibir a Cristo en nosotros que quizás seamos consumidos por él. Les animo a hacer visitas frecuentes al Santísimo Sacramento cuando pueda y recibir la Santa Comunión sólo en un estado de gracia. Si algo en la vida le mantiene de no poder recibir dignamente la Eucaristía venga por favor y vea a cualquiera a mí, al Padre Burt, o a uno de los diáconos. Trabajaremos con usted para que Jesús le pueda santificar por Santa Comunión. 2 de Junio de 2013 MINISTERIO CATEQUETICO HISPANO 575-2240 Horario de Oficina: Lunes-Viernes 9-12:00 & 12:30-5PM Oficina cerrada: Sábados y Domingos Favor de visitar nuestra pagina de internet para el horario de clases y para mas información www.saintcharles.org La Oficina Parroquial estará cerrada, Mañana, Lunes 3 de Junio. Resumiremos horario de oficina normal El martes 4 de Junio, 2013 No habrá Bake Sale— Día del Bazar. El Grupo de Jóvenes & Jóvenes Adultos tendrán venta de Pastelitos y comida en el patio, el próximo domingo 4 de Junio del 2013. Noticias del Bazar 2013 El Equipo de Construcción necesitara ayuda para derribar los puestos: el domingo, 2 de Junio, comenzando a las 7:00PM. Si tiene alguna pregunta favor de llamarle a Kevin @ 997-7327 Recuerden por favor regresar sus Boletos de la Rifa en el puesto de la Gran Rifa durante el Bazar. Usted puede donar un pastel para el PUESTO de PASTELES, lo puede entregar el domingo. Gracias !! Este fin de Semana es de Monedas & Latas, todas las monedas recibidas serán facilitadas para la Cuenta de Caridad Pastoral, para poder ayudar en las necesidades especiales de los parroquianos de San Carlos. La comida, y los artículos para bebe que sean traídos a la iglesia serán distribuidos a personas de nuestra parroquia o dados a Birthline para ayudar a mujeres embarazadas con necesidades. Por favor sean generosos con sus monedas. Habrá junta para Ministros Extraordinarios de la Santa Comunión Sábado día 8 de Junio del 2013 en el Centro de Nutrición a las 8:30 am. Por favor de ser puntual. Colecta del 26 de Mayo, 2013 $16,359.49 Que Dios los bendiga por sus generosas ofrendas y su eterna generosidad para la Parroquia de San Carlos.
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