Cover Sheet for Proposals (All sections must be completed) e-Learning Programme Name of Call Area Bidding For (tick ONE only): Call I: Transforming Curriculum Delivery Through Technology (JISC funded) X Call I: Transforming Curriculum Delivery Through Technology (Becta funded) Call II: Assessment demonstrators Call III: Course description and discovery Name of Lead Institution: University of Bristol eBioLabs A personalised virtual environment to support laboratory-based bioscience. Department of Biochemistry, University of Bristol Name(s) of Project Partner(s): Department of Chemistry, University of Bristol Learning Science Ltd Full Contact Details for Primary Contact: Name: Dr Gus Cameron Position: Research Fellow Email: Address: Department of Biochemistry, University Walk, University of Bristol, Bristol, BS8 1TD Tel: 0117 331 2139 Fax: 0117 331 2168 Name of Proposed Project: Length of Project: 24 months Project Start Date: October 2008 Total Funding Requested from JISC: Project End Date: September 2010 £199,439 Funding Broken Down over Financial Years (April - March): April 08 – March 09 April 09 – March 10 £45,705 £99,720 Total Institutional Contributions: April 10 – March 11 £54,015 £161,134 Outline Project Description This project aims to transform the delivery of laboratory-based courses in the biosciences by deploying and evaluating a personalised learning space. Today’s larger and more diverse learner cohort coupled with the decreasing unit of resource has tended to make laboratory sessions more facile and “cookbook”-like so it is no surprise that learners say that practical classes are long, boring and tedious and are one of the least popular parts of the curriculum. It is the aim of this project to transform the delivery of laboratory-based courses and realise their potential to be some of the most active, discovery-led sessions learners encounter in their university careers. eBioLabs will achieve this by building on the experience and expertise gained by the AIMS and ChemLabS CETLs to provide learners with tools that allow them to interact with and contextualise the tasks to be accomplished within a multilayered virtual environment. As well as possessing an electronic assessment functionality, the environment will contain an individualised repository for learners to record and reflect on their achievements, as well as tools to allow learners to interact with each other and with their instructors. This rich functionality will facilitate the redefinition of laboratory classes from sessions where learners are passive consumers to ones where they can interact more positively with the subject material, each other and staff. I have looked at the example FOI form at Appendix B and YES included an FOI form in the attached bid (Tick Box) I have read the Circular and associated Terms and Conditions YES of Grant at Appendix D (Tick Box) eBioLabs. A personalised virtual environment to support laboratory-based bioscience. Withheld Information Form We would like JISC to consider withholding the following sections or paragraphs from disclosure, should the contents of this proposal be requested under the Freedom of Information Act, or if we are successful in our bid for funding and our project proposal is made available on JISC’s website. We acknowledge that the FOI Withheld Information Form is of indicative value only and that JISC may nevertheless be obliged to disclose this information in accordance with the requirements of the Act. We acknowledge that the final decision on disclosure rests with JISC. Section / Paragraph No. Relevant exemption from disclosure under FOI Justification eBioLabs. A personalised virtual environment to support laboratory-based bioscience. 1. Fit to programme objectives and overall value to the wider community. 1.1. Introduction. The learning aims and objectives of laboratory sessions in any discipline include instilling the skills required to work safely and confidently in the laboratory and gaining experience in how to use a specific piece of equipment and/or how to carry out a specific technique. These sessions are intended to illustrate and supplement material delivered in a lecture, tutorial or workshop where there are manual skills that cannot be acquired without hands-on practice. As well as being vital tools for subjectspecific areas of the curriculum, laboratory sessions help to teach “softer” skills such as teamwork, communication and time management. Laboratory sessions are a time when learners and staff can interact in a less formal environment and act as catalysts for group cohesion. 1.1.1. Although development of the curricula is an ongoing process the essential laboratory skills required in the biosciences have changed little over the last twenty years and are not expected to change radically in the near future. The same cannot be said of learners. Today’s cohort is more diverse and has greater expectations than ever before and the laboratory curriculum must reflect this. So it is worrying to report that one of the biggest challenges facing university-level educators is how to efficiently deliver laboratorybased courses to an increasingly diverse student body. 1.1.2. Learners entering degree-level bioscience courses today come from a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences and not all have had access to the appropriate resources or opportunities required to equip them for effective learning in the laboratory. This is especially apparent in the biosciences where the cost/benefit ratio of teaching laboratory-based skills has been brought into sharp focus by the change in the set of skills required by graduates, large numbers of who leave the biosciences on graduation, coupled with the decreasing unit of resource available for each student1. Learners entering HE today have a wider range of knowledge, skills, motivations and aspirations than was previously the case and this, coupled to the reduced experience of practical work in school, may contribute to year 1 students being ill-prepared for the experience of practical sessions at university2,3. As a result of these factors the amount and type of laboratory work carried out and the engagement of learners with practical work has been identified as one of the key issues in teaching bioscience courses4; it is widely recognised that far too many students engage in passive learning behaviour during what should be some of the most active, interesting and discovery-led sessions in their university careers. 1.1.3. The aim of this project is to enhance the learning experience by making the learning outcomes of laboratory sessions more explicit, more relevant, and by reducing the “cook book” approach to practical work that the decreasing student/staff ratio has encouraged. We will achieve this by changing the delivery to include a personalised learning space that will allow instructors and learners to interact with the subject matter and each other in a deeper and more productive manner than is currently possible. The University of Bristol is uniquely positioned to accomplish this goal as we will be building on the experience of the ChemLabS and AIMS CETLs both of which can show significant achievements in some of the areas addressed here (, 1.1.4. We intend to radically alter the assessment regime from the current system of pro-forma scripts handed in by learners sometime after the end of the laboratory session to one where diagnostic, formative and summative pre-laboratory assessment of the skills and knowledge required to succeed is an integral part of the experience. These pre-laboratory learning opportunities will be made available to learners online via a personalised Moodle 2.0 based interface. This interface will allow the archiving and retrieval of data by learners and staff and be used as an e-portfolio of laboratory experience. Sitting alongside these learning assets will an on-line laboratory manual containing the contextualised information required by the learner to succeed. 1.1.5. The on-line laboratory manual will contain information about the laboratory session (currently delivered in printed booklet form) but will have the immense advantage of being dynamic, interactive and searchable with contextual links to further information. Where appropriate the manual will include featurerich multimedia such as interactive animations and videos to illustrate skills and techniques so the learners can arrive in the laboratory feeling confident about the task to be accomplished. In designing the manual we will build upon know-how gained by the ChemLabS CETL which has developed and successfully deployed something similar for the chemical sciences. 1. Brown, C.A., Calvert, J., Charman, P., Newton, C., Wiles, K and Hughes, I.E. (2005) Skills and Knowledge needs among recent bioscience graduates – how do our courses measure up? Bioscience Education electronic Journal volume 6, available at 2. 3. Save British Science (2004) SBS Survey of Secondary School Science Teachers, available at Save British Science (2003) Skills and knowledge of students entering higher education. 4 The Higher Education Academy Centre for Bioscience (2008) HEA Biosciences Biochemistry Report. eBioLabs. A personalised virtual environment to support laboratory-based bioscience. 1.1.6. In addition to pre-laboratory user-driven on-line assessments and post-session on-line submission of work we aim to carry out short viva voce assessments in the laboratory. This procedure has two main advantages over existing arrangements. Firstly as an assessment technique it is rich, individual and accurate. It provides immediate feedback while being immune to plagiarism. Secondly the viva voce will empower a second community of stakeholder, the postgraduate instructor or demonstrator. 1.1.7. Postgraduate instructors currently receive very little formal training and may feel little responsibility towards the learners. We intend to challenge this by involving demonstrators more fundamentally in the learning and discovery process and we will achieve this partly by making them responsible for named learners. We will develop a demonstrator training course using material similar to that designed for the undergraduate learners but extended into specific areas required for them to succeed as instructors and assessors. Although our research indicates that simply making tutors responsible for direct and individualised learner assessment encourages them to engage more deeply with the material and the learners, the instructors will be required to complete the relevant course prior to the laboratory session. Successful completion of the instructor course will contribute towards their postgraduate skills training portfolio ( 1.1.8. Prior to and during the laboratory session staff will be able to check the results of the pre-laboratory assessments from a networked device to identify particular areas where learners are experiencing difficulty. This will inform the instructors in real time of any remedial action required by the learner or learners. Of particular note here are any issues of laboratory safety – these can now be identified before the start of the session with obvious benefits. Learners may be inputting data acquired during the experiment directly into their e-portfolio using devices located in the laboratory or may be recording data for input at a later date. 1.1.9. After the session has finished learners may take part in group activities such as the sharing of results and preparation of reports. These activities will be facilitated by the Moodle-based system that will take advantage of “e-learning 2.0” constructivist features to enable efficient peer-to-peer collaboration. Learner created material will be placed into individual e-portfolios for on-line assessment by staff. This will greatly assist in the reduction of the administrative burden placed on staff at present – in the School of Medical Sciences alone we estimate that 20,000 individual pieces of student work per annum derive from laboratory sessions. At present this work is marked and returned to the learners by hand with the almost inevitable yet deeply unsatisfactory result that occasional pieces of work go missing. 1.1.10. Feedback will be delivered to the learners via their e-portfolios which will give them an opportunity to respond and reflect at a time best suited to them. Results of the assessment and learner reflections will be immediately available to staff which will allow them to engage in high level analysis of the outcomes of the laboratory sessions in a way barely possible at present due to the difficulties inherent in collating handwritten feedback from multiple instructors. eBioLabs. A personalised virtual environment to support laboratory-based bioscience. 1.1.11 Flow chart / timeline. 4. Learner uses eBioLabs to revisit areas causing difficulty. 5. Learner uses eBioLabs to communicate with peers and plan session. 3. Learner checks knowledge and skills using diagnostic selfassessments. 2. Learner logs into eBioLabs and uses the material to research the upcoming laboratory session. 7. Instructor check results of pre-lab assessments before and/or during the lab session. Pre-Lab 6. Learner enters lab session with confidence having assessed their knowledge and skills. In-Lab 8. Instructor identifies learners having problems with the material and takes remedial action. 9. Learner uploads experimental results into their e-portfolio during and after the lab session. 1. Curriculum design and implementation team place background material and assessments into eBioLabs. 13. Senior instructor engages in high level analysis using data export tools within eBioLabs. Modifications are made to the curriculum as necessary. 10. Learners use eBioLabs to share data and analyse experimental results. Post-Lab 11. Learner completes the laboratory report and emails their personal instructor. 12. Instructor logs on to the e-portfolio, assesses the work and leaves feedback. 1.2. Community Value. It is our firm belief, backed up by published reports5 and conversations with colleagues from academia and industry that our problem is not unique to Bristol and that the solutions that we propose have value to any course that is reliant on laboratory or field work. The technological and procedural systems that we will develop, deploy and evaluate during this project will be transferable to many courses, not just within Bristol and not just within the Biosciences. Colleagues from areas as diverse as engineering and modern languages have stated to us that our approach could be used to improve parts of their curricula. For example colleagues have reported that learners are often underprepared for modern language workshops. It is possible to see how placing material required for the tasks within an eBioLabslike framework would allow the learners to more easily research the subject matter, test their skills prior to the workshop and record their findings afterward for on-line assessment. 1.2.1 The immediate scope of this proposal is to deliver between four and six laboratory sessions in biochemistry to a cohort of around 230 year 1 students and 18 instructors. Once we have the initial results of our evaluation (early in 2010, see Workplan) we will be in a position to consider extending the scope in other directions. We have various plans - expanded upon later in this document – that will ensure we maximise the appeal of our approach and ensure sustainability. But please note especially the attached letter of support from the HEA Centre for Bioscience Subject Centre endorsing our bid and seeking to extend our approach to all of the 26 disciplines they support. 1.2.2. An important yet under-recognised feature of laboratory sessions is the opportunity they provide for social interactions. Not only do they enable the community of learners to interact constructively with each other, they also provide a rare chance for year 1 learners to interact with members of staff in a relatively informal setting. These interactions can have major benefits in terms of peer-to-peer learning and group cohesion and is something that we intend to formally recognise and encourage. We will do this partly by assigning each learner a personal named instructor but also by designing collaborative working, assisted by the technology, into the curriculum. 5 1. Brown CA et al, Bioscience Education eJournal, 6-2, 2005. eBioLabs. A personalised virtual environment to support laboratory-based bioscience. 2. Workplan 10-8 Q1 1-09 Q2 4-09 Q3 7-09 Q4 10-09 Q5 1-10 Q6 4-10 Q7 7-10 Q8 Review of current practice Understand and define challenge Plan curriculum delivery Management group meetings Web presence System development / support Pilot new practice Staff training Project goes "live" to learners Evaluation Dissemination Embedding / sustainability Progress report 2.1. Planning. The first three months of the project will include a review of current practice and activities to help us understand and define the challenge. During this we will identify the skills and techniques that are currently taught and which of these will most benefit from delivery using an interactive laboratory manual and which are better learned using more traditional methods. We will continue this process until we have identified the learning assets required for between four and six three-hour laboratory sessions. During this process we will lean heavily on our experience gained running the large-scale e-learning activities pioneered by the AIMS and ChemLabS CETLs (, 2.1.1 The nine month process of planning the curriculum delivery will help to develop the timetable with IT partners. During this time techniques will be trialled and decisions made about which methods of delivery will be used (examples might be asynchronous activities such as learner-created wikis, instructor–created static web pages, Flash animations, video etc or synchronous activities scheduled during the laboratory session, or a mix of the two). More detailed plans of the development of the individual elements will be drawn up, usually in the form of meetings of key staff to storyboard the information flow between learners and learners and instructors. During this stage focus groups made up of learners, postgraduate instructors, staff and other stakeholders will be formed to increase our understanding of the task. The management group will contain experts from outside the curriculum area and Institution (see below) in order to maximise the utility of the project to others. 2.2. Piloting New Practice. A single laboratory technique and associated pedagogical assets including a statement of learning objectives, assessments (electronic and otherwise) and learner scenarios will be developed, evaluated and reviewed by to the management group within the first six months of the project. The pilots will then gradually increase in scale until the project goes live in October 2009. This process will be invaluable in helping us assess our progress and will be vital in helping us to train instructors. 2.3. Web Development. Web development will commence immediately after the review phase. The largest proportion of this work will be in the period leading up to October 2009 (when the project will ‘go live’ with the students) but will continue in a minor way until the end of the project. 2.4. Full-Scale Trial. The project will go live in October 2009 to a cohort comprising 230 year 1 Biochemistry students and 18 instructors. eBioLabs will deliver between four and six three-hour laboratory sessions between October and early 2010. By this stage the new course will contain material designed to give the student the skills required to undertake the laboratory tasks with confidence. This will include online material germane to the session and tools, such as on-line diagnostic assessments, designed to help instil learning alongside materials intended to help postgraduate instructors’ understand their duties and responsibilities. Appropriate collaborative tools available in Moodle will be used and developed to support reflective learning. For example, a likely scenario is the development of on-line collaborative activities for learners to share and present data they have collected during the laboratory sessions. Systems would be put in place to allow on-line feedback to be given to the learners and for them to respond and reflect on their learning. 2.5. Management Group. The management group will oversee and guide the development of the project. It will meet formally every quarter and will include scientists and e-learning experts, including eBioLabs. A personalised virtual environment to support laboratory-based bioscience. suitably qualified people from outside the University of Bristol to ensure the wide appeal of our approach is maintained. See section 5.2.7 for details of membership. 2.6. Evaluation & Measure of Success. Evaluation will commence with the pilot and will continue throughout the project, feeding back into the development process. Evaluation design will begin right at the start and will draw from the model put forward by JISC ( Learner-centric measures of success will be evaluated against statements like, ‘An increased number of Bristol students continue their education at PhD and masters levels as a result of inspirational laboratory courses’ (tangible) or ‘we make biochemistry more fun and more relevant’. Where possible, tangible measures of success will be sought but it is expected that many measures, such as the students’ attitude towards the laboratory, are less tangible and evidence of success will be more anecdotal. By the end of the project we will have developed between four and six new laboratory sessions and tested the system “live” on a cohort of around 230 Biochemistry students and 18 instructors. Thus one measure of success (from the instructor viewpoint) will be whether we were able to successfully assess the outputs of between 920 and 1380 laboratory sessions in 230 individual e-portfolios. Successes will be measured in many ways, but our ability to train staff in the new system and ensure a seamless transition from the current paper-based system to an electronic one will be evaluated using interviews and focus groups and through forums such as the staff Teaching Committee. 2.7. Risks. Risk Probability (1-5) 2 Severity (1-5) 3 Score (P x S) 6 Technical aspects too complex. Partnership fails to work effectively. 1 4 4 2 4 8 Timescales 2 4 8 Low learner engagement 2 5 10 Low stakeholder (non-learner) engagement 2 5 10 Over ambition 3 2 6 Solution becomes subject or institution specific 2 5 10 Staffing issues Action to prevent and/or mitigate risk Most key staff are already in post. Expertise is widespread and replacements are available if necessary. Technology being used is well-understood and similar to previous work. We will seek appropriate and pragmatic solutions. Effective project management techniques will be used to ensure difficulties are resolved and targets are met in a timely manner. The project will follow an iterative model to ensure any problems are addressed at the earliest opportunity. User functionality will be the priority. However, the team’s track record of meeting deadlines is excellent. Effective consultancy at all stages of the project. Close monitoring of material delivery and staff training programme. Effective consultation throughout the project lifespan coupled to the resolute and professional dissemination of a shared vision. This project will only tackle a limited and defined area of the curriculum. The management group will need to be aware of the potential for scope creep. Stakeholders from other subject areas and institutions will be included on the management team and consulted throughout. 2.8. Indicative Deliverables. • A reusable model for providing personalised, portable, flexible tools to assist with the delivery of laboratory courses in biochemistry, but adaptable to other subject areas that are reliant on laboratory or field work. • Enhancements to Moodle to support this model. • Reports and case studies detailing our findings eBioLabs. A personalised virtual environment to support laboratory-based bioscience. o o o Evidence for whether this model provides a more engaged learner cohort with a better understanding of practical science and skills that will help them develop as proactive lifelong learners. Evidence of tangible administrative benefits: a reduced administrative burden with fewer marking and recording errors. Postgraduate instructors with better developed transferable and interpersonal skills. 2.8. Time Commitment. This project engages with support services for ICT at the University level, though the Education Support Unit and at Faculty level though the e-Learning Support Officer and also draws upon more specific expertise from within the University. An appropriate proportion of staff time has been allocated. 3. Engagement with the Community 3.1. Identification of and engagement with the community. We are committed to identifying and engaging with key stakeholders and communities, including those in other subjects and institutions in order to ensure the project’s long-term success. 3.1.1 We will spend the initial planning period of the project identifying key stakeholders and establishing relationships with key partners in relevant areas. The size and importance of the problem we are tackling does mean that we will engage stakeholders’ attention relatively easily. For example note the attached letters of support from 1) Dr Snowden, Vice President at GSK, the largest pharmaceutical company in the world and one of the largest employers of bioscience graduates in the UK, 2) Dr Adams, Head of the HEA Subject Centre for Bioscience and 3) students who have seen something of what we are attempting to do following exposure to the ChemLabS CETL. As this project will go live in October 2009 we will have the opportunity to fully evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of eBioLabs and produce a final system that caters to the needs of various types of stakeholder. 3.1.2. The Departments of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Bristol are committed to the JISC Support and Synthesis project and will release staff at all levels to allow them to contribute 35 and 25 days to the project in years 1 and 2 respectively. 3.2. Dissemination. Dissemination will begin early in the lifespan of the project in order to inform colleagues of the upcoming changes to the year 1 laboratory course. Internally this will be through awareness and training events at Departmental, Faculty and University level. To engage with the wider community we will draw upon the outreach experience of the AIMS and ChemLabS CETLs, using media such as newsletters and events organised by HEA Subject Centres, professional bodies such as the Academy of Medical Sciences and conferences such as Alt-C. We will also produce publicity material for distribution to colleagues both within and without the university but especially to departments at other Universities with whom we have a good measure of influence. Interested parties will be driven to the project website which will include a demonstration version of e-learning elements and pedagogical approaches. The fact that this project will have a very tangible output that will be showcased in a highly visible manner year after year will make dissemination easier. See section 3.1 for how we will identify key stakeholders and communities. 3.3. Embedding and Sustainability. Sustainability means that changes to curriculum delivery must be embedded into current practice and become a permanent change. We believe that the project as proposed is consistent with this ideal as the tangible output of the project will be a self-contained delivery vehicle requiring no further development. We fully expect that eBIoLabs will quickly become an integral and indispensable part of the first year experience 3.3.2 The cost of maintaining and supporting the hardware and software is being met by the University of Bristol. The School of Medical Sciences has made a commitment to e-learning that includes the creation of a new permanent post that will support this project for the foreseeable future. 3.3.3. The changes we are proposing to postgraduate instructor training makes this community an important stakeholder in eBioLabs and there is an increasing pressure from funders to provide evidence of transferable skills in this group. We will investigate ways of matching these two observations in order to extend the development of eBioLabs. We will also look into including learner-generated content, a practice which is already being successfully piloted in the Department of Physics and at the Veterinary School at the University of Bristol. eBioLabs. A personalised virtual environment to support laboratory-based bioscience. User Community Learners Instructors and staff Initial Stakeholder Mapping Need Proof of concept of the flexibility of this approach. Ease of integration. Evidence that transferable skills are being learnt. Quantifiable benefits. To be enthused about the material. A clear understanding of the experiments’ aims and objectives. To maximise their study time before the experiment takes place. A flexible and personalised ways to interact with the subject material. To be challenged on their understanding. Individual feedback, both from formative and summative assessment. To be able to reflect on their achievements. To develop transferable skills. High quality information about learner achievement. A stable, reliable and intuitive platform. Responsiveness and flexibility To “buy in” to the concept Good training 3.4. Summary of Benefits of eBioLabs to the Lead Institution. Quantitative benefits include a reduction of the administrative burden associated with assessing laboratory work; although the total quantity of assessment will remain approximately the same, placing the work on-line will streamline the process for staff. The opportunity to participate in the Synthesis project, attend conferences and meetings is welcomed. 3.4.1 More qualitative benefits include increasing the number of learners who more fully achieve the learning outcomes of the laboratory sessions which will allow subsequent learning to take place more efficiently. There is also the opportunity to have a positive impact on laboratory safety and group cohesion. We believe that synergy, kudos and partnerships will result from increased interactions with colleagues in AIMS and ChemLabs as well as dissemination and outreach activities with the wider community. The greatest beneficiaries of eBioLabs however, will be the learners and instructors passing through the laboratories who will enjoy a greatly enhanced learning experience. It is for these reasons that the institutional contributions have been set at 45% for this project. eBioLabs. A personalised virtual environment to support laboratory-based bioscience. 4. Budget Institutional contributions are indicated in red April 08March 09 April 09 March 10 April 10 – March 11 TOTAL £ Total Directly Incurred Staff (A) £22,462 £49,009 £26,546 £98,018 Non-Staff April 08March 09 April 09 March 10 April 10 – March 11 TOTAL £ Travel to conferences, focus groups and JISC meetings. Synthesis Project events. £1,100 £2,400 £1,300 £4,800 Team laptop £1,000 £0 £0 £1,000 Dedicated web servers and software licences £5,000 £0 £0 £5,000 Server support £688 £1,500 £813 £3,000 Moodle 2.0 architecture and design £4,667 £8,000 £3,333 £16,000 Implementation £5,500 £12,000 £6,500 £24,000 Content conversion and development £4,583 £10,000 £5,417 £20,000 Awareness raising and training events x 6 £275 £600 £325 £1,200 Total Directly Incurred Non-Staff (B) £22,813 £34,500 £17,688 £75,000 C. Directly Incurred Total (A+B=C) £45,275 £83,509 £44,234 £173,018 Directly Allocated April 08March 09 April 09 March 10 April 10 – March 11 TOTAL £ £24,499 £53,453 £28,954 £106,906 Directly Incurred Staff Project Manager Project officer E-learning Officer Project Consultant Travel and expenses Hardware/software Consultancy (Learning Science) Dissemination and evaluation Staff Management team time Contribution to Synthesis project Staff training time Estates Directly Allocated Total (D) Indirect Costs Indirect costs Total (E) £80,649 Total Project Cost (C+D+E) £82,631 £180,287 £97,655 £360,573 Amount Requested from JISC £45,705 £99,720 £54,015 £199,439 Institutional Contributions £36,927 £80,567 £43,640 £161,134 JISC % Partners % Total % 55 45 100 Percentage Contributions over the life of the project eBioLabs. A personalised virtual environment to support laboratory-based bioscience. 5. Previous Experience 5.1. Scope of the project. The task involves transforming the delivery of techniques and skills currently taught in bioscience laboratories onto an interactive e-learning platform. The scope is this project is to meet the very diverse needs of the large student body in year 1 Biochemistry. This represents a small portion of the bioscience laboratory curriculum and excludes, for example, explaining apparatus that is specific to a particular piece of equipment to allow us to focus on generic skills. 5.1.1. The scale of the task is exceptionally well understood because key partners have developed similar resources (AIMS and ChemLabs CETLs). The consortium can thus be confident that estimations regarding staff time and web development are accurately realistic. 5.2. Key Staff. The team we have assembled includes practicing scientists who have decades of experience teaching and practicing laboratory-based science (and who all have experience developing elearning material), and e-learning specialists who have the relevant technical expertise and scientific background. The team have had previous experience in managing projects of this nature or larger. 5.2.1 Dr Gus Cameron (Research Fellow, Department of Biochemistry, University of Bristol). Gus will be project coordinator. Before taking up his post at Bristol Dr Cameron taught a diverse learner cohort at South Bank University for five years. This was in addition to spending three years teaching at a FE college where he developed and delivered a highly successful and innovative Biochemistry course to learners from non-traditional backgrounds. Dr Cameron has been intimately involved in course management and curriculum redesigns and has an on-going commitment to widening participation. Dr Cameron has recently held a faculty-wide e-learning role while still remaining active in his research laboratory. Dr Cameron has years of experience as project manager of a multinational public-private drug discovery project whose members spread across two countries and three sites. He can justifiably claim to have an excellent understanding of the needs of the many types of stakeholders impacted by this project. 5.2.2. Dr Paul Wyatt (Director of Bristol ChemLabS). Paul will act as senior consultant on the eBioLabs project. As well as being involved in laboratory design, IT hardware and laboratory infrastructure, Paul’s major role has been in the educational design of the new labs. He chaired a Working Party which considered the skills students needed, the experiments they needed to do, the timetable and the integration of the different years, the new role of demonstrators and the modes of assessment. For the first time, representatives from different Sections of the School literally sat round a table to discuss what was wanted for the students’ laboratory experience in what was the most significant root-and-branch rethink of practical laboratories that the School has ever undertaken. Dr Wyatt was responsible for the pedagogic shift that has been made in the School of Chemistry This radical, integrated, rethink started with considering the skills the students needed to have by the end of each year. The period when students think about the experiment was reconsidered (to be before rather than after the lab) as was the period when students are assessed (to be during rather than after the lab). These approaches now ensure that the student gets the most from the lab and is assessed on the work they do rather than their ability to write up after the event. 5.2.3. Dr Tom Podesta (Teaching Laboratory Manager, School of Chemistry, University of Bristol). Tom will coordinate the skills mapping required to convert the current laboratory curriculum into the eBioLabs vision. Dr Podesta is an expert in the design and implementation of practical science classes and an integral member of the ChemLabS CETL team. He was a key member of the working party responsible for the recent redesign of the Bristol BSc Chemistry curriculum. As well as advising the group on all aspects he was responsible for coordinating the output from the groups to produce a selection of practical courses. He was involved in all aspect from writing the experiments, resourcing the equipment through to training the demonstrators. He has also been deeply involved in the design and production of electronic teaching material. 5.2.4. Suzi Wells (e-learning Support Office, Faculty of Science, University of Bristol). Suzi will bring pedagolical e-learning expertise to the project. Suzi is the e-Learning Officer for the Faculty of Science at the University of Bristol, a post she began in November 2006. Her work involves promoting and supporting e-learning within the science faculty at Bristol. Before working at Bristol she was a consultant / project manager at Futuate, a company specialising in the use of e-learning and web technologies. Her work at Futurate included project management for clients including the Association for Learning Technology and the South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Agency, being on the evaluation team for the JISC Distributed eLearning Tools strand and usability consultancy for the Museums Libraries and Archive Council and the Natural History Museum. 5.2.5. New Appointment (e-Learning Developer). A new position is being funded by the School of Medical Sciences, University of Bristol, to help accelerate the development of e-learning projects. The eBioLabs. A personalised virtual environment to support laboratory-based bioscience. incumbent will spend 50% of their time on the eBioLabs project developing and delivering material and mapping the present curriculum onto the eBioLabs vision. 5.2.6. Dr John Eastman (Learning Science Ltd). John will lead the technical design and implementation of the system. John has previously worked with us on the ChemLabS CETL and has a background as a research chemist and in e-learning systems development. John is an expert in the design and scripting of Moodle-based e-learning systems. 5.2.7. Management Group. The Department of Biochemistry will be responsible for managing the project. The management group will include Dr Pete Lund (Deputy Head of Academic Programmes, School of Bioscience, University of Birmingham). Dr Gus Cameron (Project Coordinator, Biochemistry, Bristol), Dr Paul Wyatt (Director of Bristol ChemLabS), Suzi Wells (e-Learning Support Officer, Science, Bristol), Gill Clarke (Director of Education Support Unit, Bristol), Prof. Judy Harris (Professor of Medical Science Education and co-director of AIMS CETL) and Dr John Davis (Academic Director of e-learning, School of Engineering, Bristol). We believe that having a spread of people from differing academic areas and locations will be a valuable evaluation and dissemination tool. 5.3. Previous successes. Central to the project is the experience gained by the two University of Bristol CETLs, AIMS ( and ChemLabS ( The projects pioneered by these two groups are inter-related and aim to deliver technological solutions to less tractable problems in science education. AIMS has developed a virtual microscope to deliver histology teaching and assessment online and runs a Mobile Teaching Unit to facilitate a range of outreach activities. Their sophisticated Human Patient Simulators have allowed the vertical integration of pre-clinical and clinical years. The ChemLabS project developed a prototype of the laboratory manual proposed here, combining online content with new laboratory space to help transform the way students related to practical work. The ChemLabS project is now in its third year and has expanded the manual to the second year students, with the third year due to come online in October 2008. Senior staff from both CETLs will help to manage eBioLabs. 5.4. Alignment with University objectives. The University is committed to excellence in teaching and is explicit in its objectives. The University’s overall intention is to offer a rewarding student experience. It will provide students with: • An opportunity to engage with the latest thinking and research in their subject area • Excellent and creative teachers • A stimulating and supportive environment in which to learn 5.4.1 The Education Strategy includes key objectives and two particular examples relevant to this project are: • To build on good practice in learning, teaching and assessment, and related administrations, in a co-ordinated way that supports quality and efficiency • To respond to student needs in all aspects of university life and to ensure students’ views, and also the views of those who deliver the teaching, are taken into account in academic, social and cultural matters 5.4.2. Of particular relevance is the University’s e-Learning Strategy. All the fundamental principles in this strategy are congruent with the proposed project: • Delivering student-centred teaching and supporting student learning • Implementing appropriate and sustainable us of e-Learning in an integrated, blended educational framework • Ensuring effective and efficient formative and summative assessment. • Ensuring that our students are regularly updated on their own learning progress and that teaching is informed by student feedback • Encouraging self-directed learning and peer-support • Being sufficiently flexible to suit the needs of a diverse student population 5.4.3. Additionally, several objectives for delivering the above principles are aligned with the proposed project: • Enabling academic staff to take the lead in embedding e-learning in our teaching and learning • Providing high quality, appropriate e-Learning tools and resources • Ensuring e-learning is accessible to all students whatever their individual circumstances 5.4.4. Relevant projects and initiative. The university is currently rebuilding the Faculty library to include more social learning space with improved group learning and IT facilities. This project will provide learners with ideal spaces in which to interact with the pre- and post laboratory material. The faculty has also agreed to appoint a full time e-learning specialist who will spend 50% of his/her time working on the eBioLabs project. JISC, Northavon House, Coldharbour Lane, Bristol, BS16 1QD 31 July 2008 Professor Avril Waterman-Pearson PhD, BVSc, FRCVS, DVA, DiplECVA, MRCA Pro Vice-Chancellor Senate House Tyndall Avenue Bristol BS8 1TH T +44 (0)117 331 7089 F +44 (0)117 930 4263 Our Ref: AWP/gc To whom it may concern eBioLabs: a personalised virtual environment to support laboratory-based bioscience This proposal has the University’s full and formal support. It builds on innovative development in one of the University’s two Centres for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETLs) by extending a new way of teaching practical laboratory science to the biosciences. The proposal meets our criteria for dissemination and sustainability of the Bristol CETLs, which include communicating outcomes and outputs internally and externally, and taking inter- and multidisciplinary approaches to sharing effective practice wherever possible. The Dynamic Laboratory Model (DLM) developed in the ChemLabS CETL is already improving student learning, both at undergraduate and A level (an A level version of the DLM designed to meet needs of all the A level exam boards in England is already available to schools). Early evaluations of the effectiveness of the DLM for students in laboratories show both better academic achievement and increased enjoyment of learning. The University welcomes this opportunity to secure external, matched funding that will enable transfer of knowledge and through DLM model to other laboratory-based programmes and plans further dissemination, eventually leading to wide use of the DLM across all STEM subjects. Yours sincerely Professor Avril Waterman-Pearson Pro Vice-Chancellor Room 9.15 Worsley Building • University of Leeds • Leeds LS2 9JT Tel: 0113 343 3001 • Fax: 0113 343 5894 • Email: JISC, Northavon House, Coldharbour Lane, Bristol, BS16 1QD 28th July, 2008 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN A personalised virtual environment to support laboratory-based bioscience The Centre for Bioscience strongly supports the bid by Dr Cameron and colleagues to develop a dynamic laboratory manual for biochemists. Recently, the Centre for Bioscience, along with AstraZeneca and BBSRC, organized a workshop on the theme of First Year Practicals in Bioscience Programmes in Higher Education. During the workshop, members of the Bristol ChemLabS Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning described their impressive on-line Dynamic Laboratory manual for chemists. An excellent precedent for the proposed dynamic manual for biochemists has therefore clearly been established in Bristol. Indeed the proposed manual will extend elements of the ChemLabS approach by embracing new technologies and incorporating other interesting and innovative approaches. The Centre for Bioscience is keen to coordinate the development of the dynamic manual approach for all of the 26 broad disciplines we support. The work undertaken by the Bristol team will prove invaluable as a basis for future projects which should lead to a greatly enhanced learning experience for students studying biosciences in UK higher education institutions. Yours faithfully, David J. Adams Director, Centre for Bioscience Supporting teaching in higher education to improve student learning across the biosciences Subject: Endorsement for your dynamic laboratory manual initiative From: Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2008 09:13:00 +0100 To: Return-Path: <> Gus, Hope this will help with your important initiative It is vitally important that today's graduates emerge from University able to operate confidently and safely in the modern laboratory. With this in mind I am writing to express my strong support for the development of an interactive and dynamic laboratory manual in Biochemistry as proposed by Dr Cameron and colleagues. The approach suggested will provide an excellent resource for students and staff and one that can be applied wherever practical laboratory skills need to be taught. Kind Regards, Dr Mike Snowden Vice President, Screening & Compound Profiling GSK External (0)1279 622812 Internal (7/8) 784 (Harlow) 2812 Mobile (07920) 568708 ----------------------------------------------------------This e-mail was sent by GlaxoSmithKline Services Unlimited (registered in England and Wales No. 1047315), which is a member of the GlaxoSmithKline group of companies. The registered address of GlaxoSmithKline Services Unlimited is 980 Great West Road, Brentford, Middlesex TW8 9GS. ----------------------------------------------------------- Subject: Grant From: L Sheng <> Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2008 15:42:36 +0100 To: Return-Path: <> Received: from ([unix socket]) by groucho (Cyrus v2.2.12) with LMTPA; Tue, 29 Jul 2008 15:42:36 +0100 Dear Gus, Regarding the idea of changing the lab system for biochemistry first year students to a more interactive one, I completely support it. First year lab is an important intermediate connecting theories taught in lectures to practical work. Experimental techniques taught there are invaluable for all biochemists. As a first year student I learnt a great deal from lab myself. However, I felt that due to limited amount of stuffs/demonstrators and large number of students, not many people would have gained as much attention as they would liked and many still leave labs perplexed. With the new system, pre-lab would give a feel on how students should do certain things so students would walk in labs with more confidence. Also by explaining exclusively the lab techniques online students would understand each step rather than just blindly follow protocols. Further more, post-lab work can be all uniformed formatted making it easier for marking as well as feedback. The current system of feedback is quite inefficient as works are just piled all together on shelves and they can are easily lost - I was unable to find a few of my lab work feed backs. Your sincerely Lili ---------------------L Sheng Subject: 1st Year Labs feedback From: L Hodgson <> Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2008 15:38:51 +0100 To: Return-Path:<> Received: from ([unix socket]) by groucho (Cyrus v2.2.12) with LMTPA; Tue, 29 Jul 2008 15:38:51 +0100 Dear Gus, First year labs were a useful introduction to Biochemistry work and practical's, however, I personally think that the proposed new interactive system would be a big improvement. A similar idea was used in our first year Chemistry labs. The online pre-lab work ensured that you came to the practical knowing what you were going to be doing and generally more confident about the work, and the post-lab online write up made life much easier for handing in work. If pre-lab work and online interactive tutorials were used before labs, then first year students would come to labs feeling more confident and prepared, and this would therefore save a lot of time, as the basic techniques and ideas will have already been explained online. If this proposal is accepted, then in my opinion it can only be beneficial to first year students. Best wishes Lorna ---------------------L Hodgson From: "Rosamund Ellis" <> Date: 29 July 2008 13:26:39 BST To: "Paul Wyatt" <> Subject: Re: Letter of Support Dear Dr Wyatt, Here are some comments on the DLM: I am currently a third year Chemistry student and have been using the DLM for the last two years. It has made laboratory classes a lot more interesting and less daunting as it provides useful information to help one prepare for the experiments beforehand. Previous to the DLM there was less pre-lab preparation which meant it was easy to carry out an experiment without fully understanding why we were performing certain steps. The features of the DLM which I found most helpful were the interactive demonstrations in topics such as how to carry out a recrystallisation or the theory behind IR spectroscopy. These boosted your confidence in trying a new technique which meant you relied less on the demonstrators. There were also introductions to each experiment and pre-lab quizzes which were a good way to make sure you understood key points before starting the experiment. Overall I found that the DLM was a very useful aid to my learning and improved my knowledge of lots of laboratory techniques. I would recommend its introduction in other departments. I hope this is useful, if there is anything else you'd like me to talk about then just let me know. Best wishes, Roz Ellis JISC Northavon House Coldharbour Lane Bristol BS16 1QD Professor Judy Harris AIMS CETL Co-director Department of Physiology & Pharmacology School of Medical Sciences University Walk BRISTOL BS8 1TD Tel: +44 (0117) 331 2294 Fax: +44 (0)117 331 2288 31st July 2008 To Whom It May Concern I am writing to express my strong support for the "Transforming Curriculum Delivery Through Technology" project bid submitted by the University of Bristol. The initiatives contained in the bid will provide considerable benefit to biosciences and biomedical students in the area of laboratory teaching and learning, which is of fundamental importance to all such degree programmes. The resources described will complement many of the laboratory-based initiatives being developed within the Applied and Integrated Medical Sciences (AIMS) Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL), of which I am Co-director, and I am very pleased to have been invited to join the eBioLabs Management Group should the bid be successful. The two Bristol CETLs maintain close links and I have been impressed by the Dynamic Laboratory Manual that has been developed by Bristol ChemLabS, and upon which the eBioLabS project will be able to build. The present proposal has potential benefits for students, not only in the Department of Biochemistry, but throughout the Faculty of Medical and Veterinary Sciences and the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, as well as the wider biosciences and biomedical community. I therefore give this bid my unreserved support. Yours faithfully, Judy Harris Head of Teaching, Physiology & Pharmacology Co-director, AIMS CETL Timothy Gallagher, Head of Department Professor of Organic Chemistry Chair, Board of Bristol ChemLabS CETL School of Chemistry Cantock’s Close Bristol BS8 1TS PA: Rosemary Currer Email: Telephone: +44 (0)117 928 8158 Fax: +44 (0)117 925 1295 Email: Web: 30 July 2008 JISC Northavon House Coldharbour Lane Bristol BS16 1QD Dear JISC I am writing to confirm my full support for the "Transforming Curriculum Delivery Through Technology" project that is aiming to develop a rich virtual environment to support laboratorybased teaching in the Department of Biochemistry. The School of Chemistry has extensive experience in developing innovative e-learning methods via Bristol ChemLabS, the only chemistry-focused HEFCE funded CETL in the UK. We are actively working to disseminate the good practice that we are developing and it is important to us that we are able to achieve our dissemination goals both within the University and beyond. This current project offers us an excellent opportunity to share both good practice and the benefits that students in the School of Chemistry have enjoyed through Bristol ChemLabS. We are pleased that our expertise and the lessons we have learned in developing our online teaching tools will be put to good use in this venture, and given the number of students passing through the Biochemistry laboratories, we expect that the impact made by incorporating new and innovative methods will be profound. As well as delivering one of the School of Chemistry’s aims, this project fits well with the University’s overarching e-Learning Strategy which is committed to, amongst other things, providing high quality and appropriate e-learning tools and embedding e-learning into teaching and learning. Bristol ChemLabS is by any measure an outstanding success and the opportunity to learn and develop further the methods that we have developed must be seized. Yours faithfully Professor Timothy Gallagher Grants and Policy Manager JISC, Northavon House, Coldharbour Lane, Bristol, BS16 1QD Professor Clive Orchard Dean-elect Faculty of Medical and Veterinary Sciences School of Medical Sciences University Walk Bristol BS8 1TD Tel (secretary): +44 (0)117 331 1437 Tel (direct line): +44 (0)117 331 2228 E-mail: 28th July 2008 To Whom It May Concern I am writing to provide the strongest possible support for the "Transforming Curriculum Delivery Through Technology" project. The Faculty of Medical and Veterinary Sciences is strongly committed to innovation in teaching and learning, as witnessed by its Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL), which has provided several new platforms for the provision of excellent teaching and learning, in addition to an active outreach programme, and its active development of e-learning and assessment. The present proposal will further benefit students, not only in the Department of Biochemistry, but throughout this Faculty and the wider biosciences community. There is clearly a major need for this resource, and I support it without reservation. Yours faithfully, Clive Orchard Professor of Physiology Dean-elect, Faculty of Medical and Veterinary Sciences 24th July 2008 Professor George Banting Head of Department Department of Biochemistry School of Medical Sciences University Walk Bristol BS8 1TD Tel: Fax: E-mail: +44 (0)117 33 12164 +44 (0)117 33 12168 JISC, Northavon House, Coldharbour Lane, Bristol, BS16 1QD Dear JISC I write to express my extremely enthusiastic support for the submission and delivery of the "Transforming Curriculum Delivery Through Technology" project. I believe that the outcomes of the project will be of immense value not only to the thousands of learners who pass through our teaching laboratories each year, but also, and more importantly, to the wider biosciences community. There is clearly a major demand for this resource; it has my wholehearted support. Yours sincerely Professor George Banting Professor of Molecular Cell Biology and Head of Department of Biochemistry Dr John P Davis University of Bristol Academic Director of e-Learning Education Support Unit and Reader in Engineering Systems University of Bristol Queens Building University Walk Bristol BS8 1TR Thursday, 14 March 2002 eBioLabs The eBioLabs project is a very important pioneer for the transformation of the delivery of laboratory based subjects. In a time of resource constraint, the efficient, effective and economic use of laboratories has become a crucial issue. If this project can demonstrate a sustainable approach to the use of labs which enhances the student experience and improves utilisation it will be of great benefit across UK Higher Education. We have had an international leadership in this area. Visiting Erasmus students speak glowingly of the opportunities they have here which are not available back home. The BioLabs project is a way to sustain that position. The proposal has the full support of the University – it has a direct fit with our strategies in IT, Education and e-Learning. I will be personally supporting the initiative because of its broad applications. Yours sincerely, Dr John P Davis JISC Northavon House Coldharbour Lane Bristol BS16 1QD Re: University of Bristol Biochemistry Dynamic Laboratory Manual I am writing in support of the bid by the University of Bristol’s Biochemistry Department for funds to develop the delivery of their laboratory based curriculum through the use of ICT. The plans for transforming the student experience through the use of ICT systems to provide pre-laboratory exercises, opportunities for learning and reflection, and peer-to-peer support will raise the attainment and engagement of the student body in this important scientific discipline. Learning Science Ltd is committed to working with the department to put this in place and I wish them every success in their bid. Dr. John Eastman Managing Director Learning Science Ltd University Gate East, Park Row, Bristol, BS1 5UB Tel: +44 (0)117 9151272 Fax: +44 (0)117 9039001 Learning Science Ltd is incorporated and registered in England and Wales. Company number 6181843 Short C.V. Gus Cameron Department of Biochemistry, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK, BS8 1TD 0117 331 2139 Professional Experience: 2005 Present 2001 – 2005 1999 – 2001 1997 1999 1996 1999 1993 1997 1991 1993 1988 – 1989 Research Fellow, University of Bristol, UK. E-learning officer, School of Medical Science. Course Director, BDS Dentistry. Research into molecular chaperones. Project Manager, Medicines for Malaria Venture, University of Bristol, GSK and LSHTM. Responsible for day-to-day running of a multinational public-private partnership with a remit to use structure-based ligand design in the search for new anti-infectives. Up to fifteen reportees at any one time. Personally responsible for the computational biology, crystallography and enzymology teams, and the contact point and coordinator for the medicinal chemistry, PK, ADMET and in vivo teams. Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Louisiana State University Medical Centre, New Orleans, USA. Senior post-doc. Over ten original publications in two years. Collaborations with industry (TPIMS) led to US patent. Extensive experience with KO mice colonies, immunobiology and neuroscience. Lecturer (Biochemistry), South Bank University, London Promoted “from the floor”. Developed excellent communication skills within a challenging position. Course Director (Biochemistry) (p/t), Morley College, London. Teaching post. Responsible for design, validation and delivery of a very successful course that is still running today. Research Assistant, South Bank University, London. Industrial partnership with Russian biotech company characterising proteolytic enzymes from the fishing industry. Pilot Plant Manager, South Bank University, London. Employed by SBU following completion of Bachelor’s degree to run a pilot plant consisting of ten fermenters (up to 150 litres) and associated downstream processing equipment. Research Assistant, PHLS, CAMR, Porton Down, Wilts. A years employment in the R&D section of the PHLS pilot plant producing cell pastes and partially purified products such as insulin and human growth hormone. Publications • • • • Cliff, MJ, Limpkin, C, Cameron, A, Burston, SG & Clarke, AR. The GroEL encapsulation mechanism: elucidation of steps in the capture of a protein substrate. J Biol Chem. 2006 Uhlemann AC, Cameron A, Eckstein-Ludwig U, Fischbarg J, Iserovich P, Zuniga FA, East M, Lee A, Brady L, Haynes RK, Krishna S. A single amino acid residue can determine the sensitivity of SERCAs to artemisinins. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2005 Jul;12(7):628-9. Conners R, Schambach F, Read J, Cameron A, Sessions RB, Vivas L, Easton A, Croft SL, Brady RL. Mapping the binding site for gossypol-like inhibitors of Plasmodium falciparum lactate dehydrogenase. Mol Biochem Parasitol. 2005 Aug;142(2):137-48. Cameron A, Read J, Tranter R, Winter VJ, Sessions RB, Brady RL, Vivas L, Easton A, Kendrick H, Croft SL, Barros D, Lavandera JL, Martin JJ, Risco F, Garcia-Ochoa S, Gamo FJ, Sanz L, Leon L, Ruiz JR, Gabarro R, Mallo A, Gomez de las Heras F.: Identification and activity of a series of azole-based compounds with lactate dehydrogenase-directed anti-malarial activity, J Biol Chem. 2004, 279 (30):31429-39. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Brady RL, Cameron A: Structure-based approaches to the development of novel anti-malarials. Current Drug Targets: Protein Crystallography in Drug Design 2004 Feb;5(2):137-49. Winter VJ, Cameron A, Tranter R, Sessions RB, Brady RL: Cloning, Crystallisation and Structure Determination of Lactate Dehydrogenase from Plasmodium berghei. Mol Biochem Parasitol 2003, Sep;131(1):1-10.. Henrich S, Cameron A, Bourenkov GP, Kiefersauer R, Huber R, Lindberg I, Bode W, Than ME: The crystal structure of the proprotein processing proteinase furin explains its stringent specificity. Nat Struct Biol 2003, 10:520-526. Cornwall GA, Cameron A, Lindberg I, Hardy DM, Cormier N, Hsia N: The cystatin-related epididymal spermatogenic protein inhibits the serine protease prohormone convertase 2. Endocrinology 2003, 144:901-908. Cameron A, Apletalina EV, Lindberg I: The enzymology of PC1 and PC2. In The Enzymes Volume XXII. Co- and Post-translational Proteolysis of Proteins, 3rd Edition. Edited by Dalbey R, Sigman DS: Academic Press; 2002:291-328. Sarac MS, Cameron A, Lindberg I: The furin inhibitor hexa-D-arginine blocks the activation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa exotoxin A in vivo. Infect Immun 2002, 70:7136-7139. Lindberg I, Cameron A, Appel J, Houghten RA: Inhibiting furin with polybasic peptides. US Patent 2001, 09906311. Zachariah C, Cameron A, Lindberg I, Kao KJ, Beinfeld MC, Edison AS: Structural studies of a neuropeptide precursor protein with an RGD proteolytic site. Biochemistry 2001, 40:8790-8799. Sayah M, Fortenberry Y, Cameron A, Lindberg I: Tissue distribution and processing of proSAAS by proprotein convertases. J Neurochem 2001, 76:1833-1841. Cameron A, Fortenberry Y, Lindberg I: The SAAS granin exhibits structural and functional homology to 7B2 and contains a highly potent hexapeptide inhibitor of PC1. FEBS Lett 2000, 473:135-138. Muller L, Cameron A, Fortenberry Y, Apletalina EV, Lindberg I: Processing and sorting of the prohormone convertase 2 propeptide. J Biol Chem 2000, 275:39213-39222. Cameron A, Appel J, Houghten RA, Lindberg I: Polyarginines are potent furin inhibitors. J Biol Chem 2000, 275:36741-36749. Merchuk JC, Ladwa N, Cameron A, Bulmer M, Berzin I, Pickett AM: Liquid flow and mixing in concentric tube air-lift reactors. J Chem Tech Biotech 1996, 66:174-182. Merchuk JC, Ladwa N, Cameron A, Bulmer M, Pickett A: Concentric-Tube Airlift Reactors Effects of Geometrical Design on Performance (Vol 40, Pg 1105, 1994). Aiche Journal 1994, 40:1900-1900. Merchuk JC, Ladwa N, Cameron A, Bulmer M, Pickett A: Concentric-Tube Airlift Reactors Effects of Geometrical Design on Performance. Aiche Journal 1994, 40:1105-1117. Curriculum Vitae Personal Information Name Paul Jeffery WYATT Nationality British Date of Birth 7th December 1968 Address School of Chemistry Cantock's Close, Bristol, BS8 1TS e-Mail Present Appointment August 2007 University of Bristol Reader in Teaching and Learning August 2005 University of Bristol Senior Lecturer in Chemistry February 1996 University of Bristol Lecturer in Chemistry Previous Appointments Jan 1995 to Jan 1996 Post Doctoral Research Fellow, University of Uppsala, Sweden with Professor David Tanner Nov1990 to July 1991 School Teacher, Bishop Wordsworth's School, Salisbury. Teaching chemistry and physics to 11 to 18 year olds of a range of abilities Academic Qualifications 1991-1994 PhD in Organic Chemistry, University of Cambridge with Dr Stuart Warren. Thesis title: 'Homochiral Phosphepin Oxides' 1987-1990 MA First Class Honours Degree in Natural Sciences (Part II in Chemistry) Queens' College, Cambridge 1996-present day Professional membership (MRSC) of the Royal Society of Chemistry Awards 2004 Faculty of Science Teaching Award 2003 Clifford Wharton Prize for Excellence in Teaching from the School of Chemistry 1995 Royal Society European Fellowship to work as a postdoctoral researcher in Sweden. 1993 Elected to a Munro Scholarship. Awarded by Queens’ College to outstanding and promising research students in recognition and anticipation of college teaching. 1990 College Prize and Elected to a Bachelor Scholarship 1989 College Prize, Subject Prize and Elected to a Foundation Scholarship 1988 Elected to a College Exhibition 1 of 3 Paul Wyatt, University of Bristol Teaching Undergraduate and taught postgraduate units in the last three years I take part in demonstrating, tutorials or workshops at levels I, II and III. I supervise final year undergraduate students (typically 2 per year) and Erasmus students undertaking research projects (6 students to date) undertake a research project in my lab. Current Lecture Courses Level I ‘Structure and Reactivity in Organic Chemistry’ Level II ‘Difunctional Carbonyl Compounds’. Postgraduate ‘Stereochemistry Workshop’. (3 x 2 hr sessions, 15 students) A mixed format of OHP work, problems and discussion. Major Teaching Responsibilities in Previous Years Level II I devised and wrote ‘Anions and monofunctional carbonyl compounds’. Level IV ‘Stereoselective Synthesis’. Lectures feature a combination of the blackboard, OHP and colour slides. Innovatory Units Level I 1A Laboratory Level II Masterclasses, Online PreWorkshops, General Question Pastoral Care I act as personal tutor to up to twelve chemistry undergraduates. I have been the academic advisor to level III Students on Industrial Placements Postgraduate Advising and Research Training I have had nine postgraduate students graduate. All my postgraduate students have found employment immediately or gone onto postdoctoral positions. All my students have ultimately produced a good thesis and two of these students were outstanding. The one student who did not take a job in the chemical industry is now looking to return to chemistry. An important part of the Graduate School in the School of Chemistry is the assessment of all postgraduate students annually. I fully participate in this and interview students every year (typically 10 to 12). Research I have published 29 papers. I am the exclusive corresponding author on 11 of these papers and I share the corresponding authorship on a further three papers. I have had 18 research grants worth a total of £320 000. These include a DTI award and CASE awards from GlaxoWellcome, Merck, Pfizer and AstraZeneca 8 Research Seminars given at Universities. 5 Research Seminars given in Industry. External Examiner for PhD students 5 times 2 of 3 Paul Wyatt, University of Bristol Administration and Management Contributions to Departmental Groups in the University Director of Bristol ChemLabS. In 2005 I was appointed Director of Bristol ChemLabS. This is a multifaceted role. Although principally concerned with the educational content of the laboratories, this role has included discussion and decisions with architects, builders and IT providers over many details. Director of Undergraduate Studies. In October 2003 I was appointed the Director of Undergraduate Studies for the School of Chemistry. This is one of the major administrative responsibilities in the School of Chemistry. The Director of Undergraduate Studies has a pivotal role in ensuring that the content of all our courses is appropriate and that the quality of all aspects of our teaching is maintained. School of Chemistry Teaching Committee. Since 1998. School of Chemistry Good Teaching Practices sub-committee School of Chemistry 1A Laboratory Working Party. A party with several members of Teaching Committee and others members of the School was assembled to consider the best way to conduct first year and the feasibility of transforming three separate practical courses in the first year into one united lab. Level I Laboratory Course Conference & Seminar Organiser (Oct 2000 to Dec 2004) I invited speakers and organised the seminar programme for the Organic & Biological Section. Professional Activities Outside the University Lecture courses for the Society Chemical Industry. The course runs for three days and has about 45 participants from chemical companies all over Britain. Most of the participants are recently appointed graduates. I have given this course 5 times. Industrial lecture courses. I have given 25 industrial CPD courses to international pharmaceutical companies. All these courses run for three consecutive days. Offices held in learned societies. I am a member of the Royal Society of Chemistry and until recently served on the Local Section Committee for the Bristol and District Local Section. The main activity of the section is the organisation of public lectures and I have been involved in organising those with practical demonstrations. Academic Journal Refereeing. I referee for Angewandte Chemie, Chemical Communications, Tetrahedron Asymmetry, Journal of Chemical Research, Chemistry – A European Journal, European Journal of Organic Chemistry and New Journal of Chemistry. Refereeing for Research Councils. I referee for the EPSRC and the Leverhulme Trust. 3 of 3 Suzanne Wells Career History November 2006 - present eLearning Pathfinder for the Faculty of Science, University of Bristol My duties include: • Providing advice and support on the implementation of learning technologies and associated pedagogical issues • Being an expert user / administrator for a range of technologies including: Questionmark Perception, Maple TA and Blackboard • Providing coordination and project management on larger elearning initiatives • Representing the views of the faculty at central meetings • Liaising between individual departments and the University’s elearning support team on the provision of training March 2004 – September 2006 Consultant / Project Manager for Futurate ( My duties included: • eLearning content development and implementation • Project management and resource management across the web team • Specification and requirements capture • Usability and accessibility consultancy, including usability and accessibility testing and running focus groups • End user support and producing documentation • Software and user acceptance testing for internal and external projects • Evaluation of software development processes • Report writing and presentation • Preparing tenders and sales presentations September 2003 – February 2004 Consultancy (fixed term) for the Community Media Association ( My duties included: • Evaluation of CMS options both for CMA and for its partners • Report on online community spaces and how CMA might support its community using the internet • Information architecture for the CMA's site • Preparing tenders and presentations February 1999 – August 2003 Web Developer for ( My duties included: • User requirements gathering, specification and information architecture • Software development in: PHP, Cold Fusion, Ez Publish (CMS), PostgreSQL, MS SQL Server, XML, JavaScript, DHTML, Java, MySQL, MS Access, RDF. • Support, training, production of technical documentation and user manuals • Project management including coordination of designers and developers from other organisations • Producing and editing content and advising others on writing for the web November 1997 - February 1999 Intranet Developer and Project Consultant for Kenan Systems Corporation My duties included: • Managing and expanding the use of the company intranet • User requirements gathering and application development • Installing and trouble-shooting large database driven systems Education Cambridge University (1994-97). BA(hons) in Maths and Computer Science (2.2). Reigate College (1992-94). Four A-levels (all grade A) in: Classics, Maths, Further Maths, and Computer Science. Sondes Place School (1988-92). Nine GCSE’s (grade A-B), including A's in English, Maths, Science and French. Dr. Tom Podesta Full Name: Thomas James Podesta Email: Address: 39, Kilmersdon Road Haydon Radstock BA3 3QL UK Nationality: British Date of Birth: 11th December 1974 Telephone: Mobile : 01761 438978 07815 734982 Employment History August 2004 – Present: Teaching Laboratory Manager, School of Chemistry, University of Bristol. Responsibilities include: • Academic laboratory teaching responsibilities focussing on provision of practical (laboratory-based) teaching including course design, delivery and assessment. • Part of the team responsible for developing and delivering the objectives of the HEFCE Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning - Bristol ChemLabS. • Within the area of taught laboratory-based practical chemistry, devising and implemention of innovative teaching material and methodologies, updating and revising course components and materials as necessary, monitoring (and responding to) academic progress of undergraduates across all years. • Provision of training for postgraduate students involved in laboratory teaching (demonstrating) in the School. • Design of academically-oriented and laboratory based professional development courses • Pastoral care of undergraduates. • Academically-related administrative responsibilities within the School of Chemistry and Faculty • School of Chemistry Examination Officer. • Member of School of Chemistry Board of Examiners; Member of Faculty of Science Board of Examiners (as School of Chemistry Examination Officer) • Managing budgets for teaching laboratories, approximately £30K per year for the provision of equipment, chemicals and consumables. Also responsible for managing Bristol ChemLabs project budget of approximately £1.5M for the purchase of major and minor equipment for teaching laboratories. • Responsibility for laboratory-related disciplinary issues (in conjunction with the School’s Progress Officer) April 2001 – July 2004: Post-Doctoral Research Assistant, Structural Chemistry Group, School of Chemistry, University of Bristol. My post-doctoral project was been concerned with the synthesis and characterisation of hydrogen bonded supramolecular networks, incorporating both transition and main group elements. This has involved the synthesis and characterisation of both organic and inorganic salts. I took a lead in the management and direction of the project, adding to synthetic and analytical skills acquired during my Ph.D. training. Responsibilities include: Organisation and management of resources for, and day to day supervision of the research group. Carrying out background research into new research strands. Coordinating the external analysis of samples and the supervision of postgraduate students at SRS Daresbury. Preparation of journal articles for publication and the reporting of results through both oral and poster presentations at national and international conferences Supervision and training of students of all levels in the research laboratory from final year undergraduate to Ph.D. level in all aspects of chemistry. Conducting workshop and tutorial groups for undergraduate students, involving assessment of written work and offering guidance to students in preparing presentation for such events. Member of local organising committee for CrystEngComm discussion meeting held in July 2002 at the University of Bristol. 1997-2001: Lab Demonstrator, School of Chemistry, University of Leeds Responsibilities included: Teaching and supervision of undergraduate chemists in all aspects of practical inorganic chemistry, including safety, resolving queries and assessment. Conducting tours of both the department and the University for prospective undergraduate students. 1995 – 1996: Industrial Placement Student, Pharmaceutical Technology Section, British Biotech, Watlington Road, Oxford, OX4 5LY Responsibilities included: Experience in many aspects of pharmaceutical development, including analytical chemistry, drug formulation and clinical trial supplies. Education 1997- 2001: Ph.D., School of Chemistry, University of Leeds. ‘Synthesis and Reactivity of Mono-substituted 1,4,7-Triazacyclononane Complexes’. My Ph.D. research involved developing methods for the synthesis of N-mono-substituted 1,4,7triazacyclononane ligands, and the synthesis and characterisation of their transition metal complexes. During the course of this research I gained experience in the following: Synthesis and manipulation of a wide range chemical species from simple organic to extremely air and moisture sensitive organometallic compounds, Characterisation techniques such as NMR spectroscopy, F.T. infra-red spectroscopy, EI and FAB mass spectrometry I attended the 7th British Crystallographic Association (BCA) intensive course in X-ray structure analysis, and gained experience in the determination of X-ray crystal structures, both my own and for other researchers. The supervision of undergraduate students carrying out final year projects and in the supervision and training of new postgraduate students within the group. The design, maintenance and relocation of laboratory equipment and facilities. Presentation of work at two international conferences. 1993 – 1997: BSc (Hons) Chemistry, Class I (including Industrial Placement as 3rd year) School of Chemistry, University of Leeds. Final year project: ‘Synthesis of Lactams by a New 1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition Approach’ Supervisor: Dr C Fishwick Final year modules taken include: Atmospheric Chemistry, Organometallic Chemistry, Advanced Organic Synthesis, Molecular Rearrangements, Bio-Inorganic Chemistry and ‘The Chemistry of Life, the Universe and Everything’. Referees Prof. A.G. Orpen Dean of Science Faculty of Science Royal Fort House Clifton Bristol BS8 1UH Prof N.C. Norman Chief Executive Bristol ChemLabS / Head of Inorganic Chemistry School of Chemistry University of Bristol Bristol BS8 1TS Tel: (0117) 331 7479 Email: (0117) 928 7577 Publications List Journal Articles - Refereed. Controlling the binding of dihydrogen using ruthenium complexes containing N-mono-functionalised 1,4,7triazacyclononane ligand systems, A.L. Gott, P.C. McGowan and T.J. Podesta, J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans. 2008, 28, 3729-3738 Cation and anion diversity in [M(dithiooxalate)(2)](2-) salts: structure robustness in crystal synthesis, C.J. Adams, P.C. Crawford, A.G. Orpen, T.J Podesta, et al, J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 2006, 34, 4078-4092. Pyridinium boronic acid salts in crystal synthesis, H. Kara, C.J. Adams, A.G. Orpen, T. J Podesta et al, New J. Chem., 2006, 30, 1461-1469 Crystal synthesis of organic anorganic hybrid salts based on tetrachloroplatinate and -palladate salts of organic cations: Formation of linear, two-, and three-dimensional NH center dot center dot center dot Cl hydrogen bond networks, C.J. Adams, A. Angeloni, A.G. Orpen, T. J Podesta et al, Crystal Growth and Design, 2006, 6, 411-422. Thermal solid state synthesis of coordination complexes from hydrogen bonded precursors, C.J. Adams, P.C. Crawford, A.G. Orpen, T.J Podesta, et al, Chem. Comm., 2005, 19, 2457-2458. Tris(pyridinium)triazine in crystal synthesis of 3-fold symmetric structures, T.J. Podesta and A.G. Orpen, Crystal Growth and Design, 2005, 5, 681-693. Synthetic Crystallography: Synthon mimicry and tecton elaboration in metallate anion salts. Paul C. Crawford, A.L. Gillon, J. Green, A.G.Orpen, T.J. Podesta and S.V.Pritchard, CrystEngComm., 2004, 6, 419428. Does Hydrogen Bonding Matter in Crystal Engineering? Crystal Structures of Salts of Isomeric Ions. A. Angeloni, P. C. Crawford, A. G. Orpen, T. J. Podesta and B. J. Shore, Chem. Eur. J. 2004, 10, 3783-3791. Coordination Complexes of the Bismuth(III) Thiolate Bi(SC6F5) with Multidentate Polypyridyl Ligands, A.H.M.M.Jahan, N.C. Norman, T.J. Podesta and A.G. Orpen, CrystEngComm., 2004, 6, 29 Formation and Structural Studies of Iron(III) and Ruthenium(II) Complexes of 1,4,7-Triazacyclononane and N-Monofunctionalised 1,4,7-Triazacyclononane, Inorg. Chim. Acta., A. L. Gott, P. C. McGowan, T. J. Podesta and C. W. Tate, Inorg. Chim. Acta, 2004, 357, 689. Pendant Arm N-monofunctionalised 1,4,7-Triazacyclononane Complexes of Fe(II) and Ru(II). A. L. Gott, P. C. McGowan, T. J. Podesta and C. W. Tate, J Chem. Soc. Dalton Trans., 2002, 3619. Synthesis and Structure of Amino-Functionalized Cyclopentadienyl Vanadium Complexes and Evaluation of their Butadiene Polymerization Behaviour, S. Bradley, K.D. Camm, S.J. Furtado, A.L. Gott, P.C. McGowan, T.J Podesta, and M. Thornton-Pett, Organometallics, 2002, 21, 3443. Use of the [Ni(dithiooxalate)2]2- Unit as a Molecular Tecton in Crystal Engineering T.J. Podesta and A.G. Orpen, CrystEngComm., 2002, 336. Synthesis and Structural studies of 1,1 '-bis-Amino-Functionalized Ferrocenes, Ferrocene Salts, and Ferrocenium Salts, S. Bradley, K.D. Camm, X.M. Liu, P.C. McGowan, R. Mumtaz, K.A. Oughton, T.J. Podesta and M. Thornton-Pett, Inorg. Chem., 2002, 41, 715. N-Monofunctionalized 1,4,7-Triazacyclononane Macrocycles as Building Blocks in Inorganic Crystal Engineering, P.C. McGowan, T.J. Podesta and M. Thornton-Pett, Inorg. Chem., 2001, 40, 1445. Conference Papers – Not Refereed. Synthesis and Use of Poly-Pyridyl Tectons in Crystal Engineering, T.J. Podesta and A.G. Orpen. Poster Exhibited at : Dalton Southwest Division, Annual Meeting, University of Exeter 2003; 29th I.U.C.R Meeting, Geneva, August 2002; CrystEngComm. Discussion Meeting, Bristol July 2002. Use of the [Ni(dithiooxalate)2]2- Unit as a Molecular Tecton in Crystal Engineering, T.J. Podesta and A.G. Orpen, Oral Presentation given at: Dalton Southwest Division, Annual Meeting, University of Bath, May 2002; CrystEngComm. Discussion Meeting, University of Bristol July 2002. N-monofunctionalized 1,4,7-Triazacyclononane macrocycles as building blocks in inorganic crystal engineering, P.C. McGowan, T.J. Podesta and M. Thornton-Pett, Poster Presentation, ICCC 34, University of Edinburgh, July 2000 Synthesis and Reactivity of N-monofunctionalized 1,4,7-Triazacyclononane Complexes, P.C. McGowan, T.J. Podesta, M. Thornton-Pett, Poster Presentation, ICCC 34, University of Edinburgh, July 2000 Synthesis and reactivity of monofunctionalized 1,4,7-triazacyclononane complexes, P.C. McGowan and T.J. Podesta, Oral Presentation given at the 219th ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, March 2000 Learning Science Ltd University Gate East Park Row Bristol BS1 5UB Phone: +44(0)117 9151272 FAX: +44(0)117 9039001 Dr. John Eastman Objective I am highly motivated in the promotion and transformation of science education and developing ways of supporting it through the use of ICT. My energy and drive stems from my background as a professional chemist and my determination to improve the opportunities for students to engage in science at all levels. Experience 2006–present Learning Science Ltd Bristol, UK Co-founder and Managing Director Founded the company to provide services to the education sector. Developed relationships with key customers in higher education. Leading growth of the company to broaden the experience base across the science disciplines. Managing the development of the Dynamic Laboratory Manual for Bristol ChemLabS. Leading the company into a product development phase in partnership with the University of Bristol with the introduction of the LabSkills dynamic laboratory manual for schools. 2000–2006 IMPACT Faraday Ltd Reading, UK E-learning manager Developed UK government funded e-learning resource to support the training of scientists and technicians in colloid and formulation science and technology. Managed the development team providing products that increased sales income year on year. Brought in six figure contracts for development work on the back of the quality of product development. 1997–2000 Bristol Colloid Centre Bristol, UK Research scientist and trainer Consulted with customers in the UK and Europe on formulation and analytical chemistry problems related to product performance and design. Developed and delivered innovative training courses incorporating the use of ICT into face-to-face and online courses. 1994–1997 ICI Paints/University of Bristol Slough/Bristol, UK Senior research fellow Research into new ways of controlling the structure of paints through changes in the physical environment. Education Interests 1991-1994 University of Bristol Bristol, UK PhD “The extensional and shear viscosity of polymer/surfactant complexes” Project sponsored by Kodak UK Ltd 1990-1991 University of Bristol MSc “Colloid and Surface Science” (with commendation) Bristol, UK 1987–1990 University of Nottingham BSc (Hons) Chemistry Graduated 2nd class honours. Nottingham, UK Teaching and dancing LeRoc Modern Jive, community singing, vegetable gardening, music and sport.
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