PROJECT MANUAL BIRMINGHAM INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ACCESS CONTROL AND ALARM MONITORING SYSTEM (ACAMS) UPGRADE VOLUME 2 OF 2 SPECIFICATIONS: DIVISIONS 2 - 16 Prepared for: Birmingham Airport Authority Birmingham International Airport 5900 Airport Highway Birmingham, AL 35212 Prepared by: CTI Consulting CTI Consulting Services 20410 Observation Dr., Suite 203 Germantown, Maryland 20876 AIP Project No.: 03-01-0014-065-2007 Issued for Bid April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 SECTION 00010 TABLE OF CONTENTS VOLUME 1 of 2 – SPECIFICATIONS (DIVISIONS 0-1) Section Title DIVISION 0 – BID and CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENTS 00010 Table of Contents BIDDING REQUIREMENTS 00105 00200 00200A 00200B 00220 00250 00250A 00411 00411A 00412 00430 Request for Bids Instructions to Bidders Bid Format Bid Evaluation Criteria Bid Scope Pre-Bid Conference Pre-Bid Conference Question Form Bid Form Business Information Questionnaire Bid Form Supplement - Unit Pricing Bid Form Supplement - Bidder’s Bond Form CONTRACTING REQUIREMENTS 00501 00601 00701 00812 Agreement Bond and Certification Forms General Conditions Federal Supplementary Conditions DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 01010 01030 01040 01045 01080 01095 01200 CTI Consulting Summary of Work Add Alternates Project Coordination and Procedures Cutting and Patching Construction Phasing and Sequencing Reference Standards and Definitions Progress Meetings Table of Contents 00010 - 1 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 01300 01310 01400 01500 01540 01550 01590 01631 01631A 01632 01632A 01700 01731 Submittals Schedules and Reports Quality Control Services Temporary Construction Facilities Security Public Safety, Convenience and Contractor Safety Staffing Access Roads and Parking Areas Exceptions, Substitutions and Product Options (Prior to Award of Contract) Exceptions, Substitutions and Product Options Form Substitutions and Product Options (After Award of Contract) Substitutions and Product Options Form Contract Closeout Training VOLUME 2 of 2 – SPECIFICATIONS (DIVISIONS 2-16) Section Title DIVISION 2 - SITE CONSTRUCTION 02050 02220 Demolition Earthwork DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE 03100 03200 03300 Concrete Formwork Concrete Reinforcement Cast-In-Place Concrete DIVISION 4 - MASONRY Not Used DIVISION 5 - METALS 05500 Metal Fabrications DIVISION 6 - WOOD AND PLASTICS Not Used DIVISION 7 - THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION Not Used CTI Consulting Table of Contents 00010 - 2 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 DIVISION 8 - DOORS AND WINDOWS 08711 Door Hardware DIVISION 9 - FINISHES 09900 Painting DIVISION 10 - SPECIALTIES 10425 Signage DIVISION 11 - EQUIPMENT Not Used DIVISION 12 - FURNISHINGS Not Used DIVISION 13 - SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION 13700 13727 Security Systems General Requirements ACAMS Upgrade DIVISION 14 - CONVEYING SYSTEMS Not Used DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL Not Used DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL 16010 16110 16120 16130 16140 16160 16170 16190 16195 16289 CTI Consulting General Requirements Electrical Conduit Wire and Cable Boxes Wiring Devices Cabinets and Enclosures Grounding and Bonding Supporting Devices Electrical Identification Transient Voltage Surge Protectors Table of Contents 00010 - 3 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 16440 16450 16460 16470 16477 16670 Disconnect Switches Secondary Grounding System Dry Type Transformers Circuit Breakers Fuses Lightning Protection End of Section 00010 CTI Consulting Table of Contents 00010 - 4 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 SECTION 02050 DEMOLITION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Demolish existing ACAMS installations (equipment, metal fabrications, concrete, electrical items, and other materials specified) as indicated on the plans and within the specifications. Coordinate with the Airport OAR and Division 13 for disposition of demolished and removed materials. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01300 - Submittals 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Submit in accordance with Section 01300. B. For demolished materials disposed of off-Airport, a written statement indicating that the debris was placed in a permitted disposal area offAirport satisfactory to the Airport OAR shall be provided. PART 2 - PRODUCTS Not Used PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 DEMOLITION A. Contractor shall demolish existing ACAMS installations where indicated on the Plans and remove all electronic hardware, housings, supports, power and signal wire and cable, conduit, accessories and associated debris. Contractor shall patch holes where equipment has been removed with outlet box covers or as required to match existing surface and construction. B. Existing power supply cabling to ACAMS equipment identified as “to be demolished” shall be pulled back to the nearest junction box, coiled up, taped and tagged with circuit/source identification. Contractor to keep track of these spare power supply locations for indication on Record Drawings and As-Builts and for use with new ACAMS locations. CTI Consulting Demolition 02050 - 1 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 3.02 DISPOSAL A. Contractor to coordinate with Airport OAR on disposition of demolished materials. If directed to discard the materials, Contractor shall discard all materials and debris in a permitted disposal area off-Airport satisfactory to the Airport OAR. 3.03 BACKFILLING A. Do not use demolition debris as backfill material. End of Section 02050 CTI Consulting Demolition 02050 - 2 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 SECTION 02220 EARTHWORK PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. This Section includes: 1. 2. 3. 1.02 Obtaining the services of an underground service alert firm such as Dig-Alert or Dig-Safe in the State of Alabama to identify underground services and utilities in the areas of work. Excavation and backfill required to provide poured-in-place concrete foundations, pads, and footings for card reader stanchions and mounting poles for designated ACAMS installations; trenching and/or saw cutting for the installation of conduit pipe and/or cabling; and all re-grading and/or re-paving required as a result of performing these tasks. Boring and jacking for conduits at access-controlled gate crossings under roadways where saw cutting and trenching of the roadway may not be permitted (to be coordinated with the Airport OAR). RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01300 - Submittals. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Submit in accordance with Section 01300. B. If directed to dispose of demolished materials off-Airport, a written statement indicating that the debris was placed in a permitted disposal area off-Airport satisfactory to the Airport OAR shall be provided. C. Contractor shall furnish shop drawings showing his proposed method of handling underground work, including design for jacking or boring head, installation of jacking or boring supports or back stop, arrangement and position of jacks, pipe guides, grouting plan, permit for disposal of excavated material, for jacking or boring complete in assembled position, for the Airport OAR to review. CTI Consulting Earthwork 02220 - 1 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 SOIL MATERIALS A. Backfill and fill materials shall be as shown. B. Earth backfill materials shall be free of clay, rock or gravel larger than 2- inches in any dimension, debris, waste, vegetation and other deleterious matter. C. Bedding fill material shall be fine aggregate consisting of clean, hard, durable, and uncoated particles of natural or manufactured sand or combination thereof. 2.02 EXISTING ROADWAY REPAIR MATERIALS A. Backfill to be excavated material sifted to remove aggregate and debris. B. Sub-base material shall match existing roadway sub-base material. C. Base material shall be asphalt treated conforming to the gradation requirements of the State Of Alabama’s Department of Transportation Highway Design Manual specification. D. Asphalt paving surface course material shall conform to the gradation requirements of the State Of Alabama’s Department of Transportation Highway Design Manual specification. 2.03 BORING AND JACKING MATERIALS A. Encasement pipe shall be standard weight steel pipe per ASTM A53, Schedule 40, or approved equivalent, sized as required for each installation. B. Grout shall be as specified under Section 03300. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. Contractor to apply all safeguards necessary in order to comply with all Seismic Zone requirements. B. Contractor to locate existing underground utilities in areas of excavation work. When utilities are encountered, provide adequate means of support CTI Consulting Earthwork 02220 - 2 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport and protection during earthwork operations, to include excavation by hand if necessary. C. Contract for services of an underground utility search firm such as Dig-Safe or Dig-Alert to identify any and all underground utilities or other work in the area of any and all underground work. Should uncharted, or incorrectly charted, piping or other utilities be encountered during excavation, consult Airport OAR immediately for direction. Cooperate with the Airport OAR and/or the utility companies in keeping respective services and facilities in operation. Repair any damage to satisfaction of Airport OAR and/or utility company. D. Do not interrupt existing utilities serving facilities occupied by Airport OAR or others, during occupied hours, except when permitted in writing by Airport OAR and then only after acceptable temporary utility services have been provided. E. Provide a minimum of 48-hour notice to Airport OAR, and receive written notice to proceed before interrupting any utility. F. Protect structures, utilities, sidewalks, pavements, and other facilities from damage caused by settlement, lateral movement, undermining, washout, and other hazards created by earthwork operations. The Contractor, at no cost to the Airport, shall repair any and all damage resulting from improper or insufficient precautions taken to prevent such occurrences. 3.02 EXCAVATION A. Excavate subsoil to accommodate construction operations, placing formwork, reinforcement, and concrete. B. Prevent displacement or loose soil from falling into excavation and maintain soil stability. C. Stockpile excavated materials acceptable for backfill and fill nearby. Place, shape, and protect stockpiles for proper drainage. Locate and retain soil materials away from edge of excavations. D. Grade perimeter excavation to prevent surface water from draining into the excavation. E. Excavate for foundations, pads, and footings to uniform dimensions, sufficiently wide enough to provide ample working room and a minimum 6inches of clearance on both sides of base. Excavate trenches to the required depth to establish required slope and elevation. CTI Consulting Earthwork 02220 - 3 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport F. Trim bottom to required lines and grades to leave solid base to receive formwork and reinforcement. 3.03 BORING AND JACKING A. Contractor is responsible for adequacy of boring and jacking, installing support systems as required, encasement, carrier pipe and faithful execution of work using jacking, dry boring, and installing encasement pipe simultaneously. Contractor shall have sole responsibility for safety of boring and jacking operations and for persons engaged in work. Contractor’s attention is directed to the Construction Industry Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Standards. B. Location of pit for boring and jacking equipment and workmen shall conform to requirements of Manual on Uniform Construction Barricading Standards details. Review by the Airport OAR shall not relieve Contractor from his responsibility to obtain specified results in a safe workmanlike manner. C. Construction shall be undertaken in such a manner that will not interfere with operation of any street, utility or other facility and shall not weaken or damage any embankment or structure. During construction operations, and until pits are backfilled, barricades and lights to safeguard traffic and pedestrians shall be furnished and maintained conforming to Airport’s Manual on Uniform Construction Barricading Standards. D. Suitable pits or trenches shall be excavated for the purpose of conducting the boring and jacking operations and for joining pipe. Work shall be sheeted securely and braced as required to prevent earth caving and to provide a safe and stable work area. Pipe, preferably, shall be bored and jacked from low or downstream end. Minor lateral or vertical variation in final position of pipe from dimensions established by the Airport OAR shall be permitted at the discretion of the Airport OAR provided that such variation shall be regular and only in one direction. E. Immediately after boring and jacking is complete and encasement pipes are accurately positioned and approved, the clear space between pipe and surrounding excavated material shall be completely filled by pressure grouting for entire length of installation. F. Bulkhead ends of encasement pipes with brick, concrete blocks or stones, sufficient to prevent intrusion of backfill into encasement pipe. G. As soon as possible after conduits and bulkheads are completed, pits or trenches excavated to facilitate these operations, shall be backfilled. The backfill shall be compacted to not less than 95% of the density. CTI Consulting Earthwork 02220 - 4 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport H. Excavated material shall be removed from the working pit and disposed of properly. I. Use of water or other fluids in connection with boring and jacking shall be minimized and permitted only to lubricate cutters. Water jetting shall not be permitted. Rear edge of boring cutters shall not extend beyond encasement pipe by more than 2-inches. In unstable soil conditions, water or processed drilling fluid, containing colloidal material such as bentonite, may be used to consolidate the drill cuttings, seal the walls of the hole and furnish lubrication to facilitate removal of the cuttings from the bore. J. Heavy duty jacks suitable for forcing the pipes through the embankment shall be provided. In operating jacks, even pressure shall be applied to all jacks used so that pressure will be applied to the pipe uniformly around the ring of the pipe. A suitable jacking frame or backstop shall be provided. Pipe to be jacked shall be set on guides properly braced together, to support the section of pipe and to direct it in the proper line and grade. Complete jacking assembly shall be placed so as to line up with the direction and grade of the pipe. In general, embankment material shall be excavated just ahead of the pipe and material removed through pipe and pipe forced through embankment with jacks, into space provided. K. Excavation for underside of pipe, for at least 1/3 of the circumference of the pipe, shall conform to contour and grade of pipe. A clearance of not more than 2-inches may be provided for upper half of pipe. This clearance is to be tapered off to zero at the point where excavation conforms to contour of pipe. L. Distance that excavation shall extend beyond end of pipe depends on character of material encountered, but shall not exceed 2-feet in any case. This distance shall be decreased if character of material being excavated makes it desirable to keep the advance closer to end of pipe. M. Contractor may use a cutting edge of steel plate around head end of pipe extending a short distance beyond end of pipe with inside angles or lugs to keep cutting edge from slipping back onto pipe. N. When jacking of pipe is once begun, all operations shall be carried on without interruption, insofar as practical, to prevent pipe from becoming firmly set in embankment. 3.04 BACKFILL AND FILL A. Backfill excavations as promptly as work permits, but not until completion of the inspection by the Airport OAR, removal of concrete form work, and CTI Consulting Earthwork 02220 - 5 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 removal of trash and debris from excavation. B. Remove vegetation, debris, unsatisfactory soil materials, obstructions, and deleterious materials from backfill and/or fill prior to placement. C. Place backfill and/or fill materials in layers not more than 6-inches in loose depth for material compacted by hand-operated tampers. D. Before compaction, moisten or aerate each layer as necessary to provide optimum moisture content. Compact each layer to required percentage of maximum dry density or relative dry density for each area classification. Do not place backfill or fill material on surfaces that are muddy or contain frost or ice. E. Place backfill and fill materials evenly adjacent to structures to required elevations. Prevent wedging action of backfill against structures by placing material uniformly around structure to approximately same elevation in each lift. 3.05 SETTLEMENT OF BACKFILL A. Settlement of trench backfill, or of fill or facilities constructed over trench backfill, shall be considered a result of defective compaction as determined by the Airport OAR. B. The Airport OAR shall notify Contractor of such conditions who shall repair all such conditions, at no cost to Airport, to the satisfaction of the Airport OAR. 3.06 DISPOSAL OF EXCESS AND WASTE MATERIALS A. Contractor to coordinate with the Airport OAR on the disposition of excess and waste materials, whether onsite or off-Airport. B. Organic and biodegradable materials may be shredded, mulched and then spread over the Airport's planted/grass areas. C. If directed to dispose of the materials off-Airport, Contractor shall discard all materials and debris in an approved disposal area off-Airport to the satisfaction of the Airport OAR. Contractor to provide a written statement indicating that the discarded materials were placed in an approved disposal area off-Airport. Submit in accordance with Section 01300. End of Section 02220 CTI Consulting Earthwork 02220 - 6 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 SECTION 03100 CONCRETE FORMWORK PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Form Materials. B. Formwork Accessories. C. Preparation. D. Earth Forms. E. Erection – Formwork. F. Application – Form Release Agent. G. Inserts and Imbedded Parts. H. Field Quality Control. I. Form Cleaning. J. Form Removal. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 03200 – Concrete Reinforcement. B. Section 03300 – Cast-in-Place Concrete. C. Section 05500 – Metal Fabrications. 1.03 REFERENCES A. ACI 347 - Recommended Practice for Concrete Formwork. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Perform Work in accordance with ACI 347. CTI Consulting Concrete Formwork 03100 - 1 April 20, 2007 1.05 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver, store, protect and handle products to site in accordance with Section 00701, Safety and Protection. B. Store products off ground in a ventilated and protected manner to prevent deterioration from environmental conditions. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 FORM MATERIALS A. Form Materials: At the discretion of the Contractor. 2.02 FORMWORK ACCESSORIES A. Form Ties: Removable type, galvanized metal, fixed length with waterproofing washer, free of defects that could leave holes larger than 1/4-inch in concrete surface. B. Form Release Agent: Colorless mineral oil that will not stain concrete or absorb moisture. C. Nails, spikes, lag bolts, through bolts, anchorages: Sized as required, of sufficient strength and character to maintain formwork in place while placing concrete. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. Verify lines, levels and centers before proceeding with formwork. Ensure that dimensions agree with plans. 3.02 EARTH FORMS A. Earth forms are not permitted. 3.03 ERECTION - FORMWORK A. Erect formwork, shoring and bracing to achieve design requirements, in accordance with requirements of ACI 301. B. Provide bracing to ensure stability of formwork. CTI Consulting Shore or strengthen Concrete Formwork 03100 - 2 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 formwork subject to over stressing by construction loads. C. Arrange and assemble formwork to permit dismantling and stripping. Do not damage concrete during stripping. principal shores. Permit removal of remaining D. Align form joints and make watertight. Keep form joints to a minimum. 3.04 APPLICATION - FORM RELEASE AGENT A. Apply form release agent on formwork in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. B. Apply prior to placement of any reinforcing steel, anchoring devices, and embedded items. C. Soak inside surfaces of untreated forms with clean water. Keep surfaces coated prior to placement of concrete. 3.05 INSERTS AND EMBEDDED PARTS A. Coordinate with work of Section 03200 and Section 05500 in forming and placing steel reinforcement, bolts, anchors, other inserts, and components of other work. B. Install accessories in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, straight, level, and plumb. placement. Ensure items are not disturbed during concrete C. Provide temporary ports or openings in formwork where required to facilitate cleaning and inspection. Locate openings at bottom of forms to allow flushing water to drain. D. Close temporary openings with tight fitting panels, flush with inside face of forms, and neatly fitted so joints will not be apparent in exposed concrete surfaces. 3.06 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Contractor shall inspect installed formwork, shoring, bracing, and placement of accessories to ensure that work is in accordance with design and that formwork is secure. 3.07 FORM CLEANING A. Clean forms as erection proceeds, to remove foreign matter within forms. CTI Consulting Concrete Formwork 03100 - 3 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 B. Clean formed cavities of debris prior to placing concrete. C. Flush with water or use compressed air to remove remaining foreign matter. Ensure that water and debris drain to exterior through clean-out ports. D. During cold weather, remove ice and snow from within forms. Do not use de-icing salts. Do not use water to clean out forms, unless formwork and concrete construction proceed within heated enclosure. Use compressed air or other means to remove foreign matter. 3.08 FORM REMOVAL A. Do not remove forms or bracing until concrete has gained sufficient strength to carry its own weight and imposed loads. B. Loosen forms carefully. Do not wedge pry bars, hammers, or tools against finish concrete surfaces scheduled for exposure to view. C. Store removed forms in manner that surfaces to be in contact with fresh concrete will not be damaged. Discard damaged forms. End of Section 03100 CTI Consulting Concrete Formwork 03100 - 4 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 SECTION 03200 CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Reinforcement. B. Accessory Materials. C. Fabrication. D. Placement. E. Field Quality Control. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01300 - Submittals. B. Section 03100 - Concrete Formwork. C. Section 03300 - Cast-in-Place Concrete. 1.03 REFERENCES A. ASTM A615 - Deformed and Plain Billet Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement. B. Concrete Reinforcement Steel Institute (CRSI) - Manual of Standard Practice. C. CRSI – Placing Reinforcing Bars 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Submit under provisions of Section 01300. B. Manufacturer's Certificate: Certify that products meet or exceed specified requirements. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Perform Work in accordance with CRSI - Manual of Standard Practice and CTI Consulting Concrete Reinforcement 03200 - 1 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport CRSI – Placing Reinforcing Bars. B. Submit certified copies of mill test report of reinforcement materials analysis. 1.06 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver, store, protect and handle products to site in accordance with Section 00701, Safety and Protection, and as approved by Airport OAR. 1.07 QUALIFICATIONS A. Design reinforcement under direct supervision of an Engineer experienced in design of this work. B. Dimensional information shown on plans is for reference only. Contractor shall modify these dimensions as required by the installation based on the actual equipment/hardware being installed. C. Contractor shall show foundations and supports meet local, State and/or Federal seismic standards applicable to this work. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 REINFORCEMENT A. Reinforcing Steel: ASTM A615, 40-ksi yield grade; deformed billet steel bars, unfinished. 2.02 ACCESSORY MATERIALS A. Tie Wire: Minimum 16-gage annealed steel. B. Chairs, bolsters, bar supports, spacers: Steel sized and shaped for strength and support of reinforcement during concrete placement conditions. 2.03 FABRICATION A. Fabricate concrete reinforcing in accordance with CRSI - Manual of Practice. CTI Consulting Concrete Reinforcement 03200 - 2 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 PLACEMENT A. Coordinate placement of reinforcement with work of Section 03100 in placing formwork and Section 05500 for any required bolts and/or anchors. B. Place, support and secure reinforcement against displacement in accordance with CRSI – Placing Reinforcing Bars. C. Accommodate placement of accessories. D. Maintain concrete cover around reinforcing in order to conform to applicable codes for concrete cover over reinforcement. 3.02 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Contractor shall inspect erected reinforcement, ties, bracing, and placement of accessories to ensure that work is in accordance with design and that reinforcement is secure. End of Section 03200 CTI Consulting Concrete Reinforcement 03200 - 3 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport This page left intentionally blank CTI Consulting Concrete Reinforcement 03200 - 4 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 SECTION 03300 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Cast-in-place concrete for foundations, pads, and footings for automatic gate/barrier operators, card reader pedestals, and other pad installations and for filling protective traffic bollards. B. Grouting of equipment pads, base plates, and manhole/handhole entries. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01300 - Submittals. B. Section 02220 - Earthwork: excavation for foundations, pads, or footings. C. Section 03100 - Concrete Formwork. D. Section 03200 - Concrete Reinforcement. E. Section 05500 - Metal Fabrications: items to be attached to and/or installed in concrete foundations, pads, and/or footings. F. Section 13727 – ACAMS: security equipment requiring foundations, pads, or footings. G. Section 16110 - Conduit: conduit and entry fittings. 1.03 REFERENCES A. American Concrete Institute (ACI) 301 - Structural Concrete for Buildings. B. ACI 304 - Recommended Practice for measuring, mixing, transporting and placing concrete. C. ACI 305R - Hot Weather Concreting. D. ACI 306R - Cold Weather Concreting. E. ASTM C33 - Concrete Aggregates. F. ASTM C94 - Ready-Mixed Concrete. CTI Consulting Cast-In-Place Concrete 03300 - 1 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport G. ASTM C150 - Portland Cement. H. ASTM C827 - Change in Height at Early Ages of Cylindrical Specimens from Cementitious Mixtures. I. 1.04 ASTM C1107 - Packaged Dry Hydraulic-Cement Grout (Non-shrink). SUBMITTALS A. Submit in accordance with Section 01300. B. Product Data: Spec sheets for cement and aggregate. C. Shop drawings: Foundations, pads, and footings only indicating dimensions, locations, quantities for concrete foundations, reinforcing bar, inserts, and accessories. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Perform Work in accordance with ACI 301. B. Conform to ACI 305R or ACI 306R when concreting during hot or cold weather. C. Dimensional information shown on plans is for reference only. Contractor shall modify these dimensions as required by the installation based on the actual equipment/hardware being installed. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 CONCRETE MATERIALS A. Cement: ASTM C150, type I - Normal, Portland type. B. Fine and Coarse Aggregates: ASTM C33. C. Water: Clean and not detrimental to concrete. 2.02 CONCRETE MIX A. Mix and deliver concrete in accordance with ASTM C94, Alternative No. 3. B. Select proportions for normal weight concrete in accordance with ACI 301, Method 1. CTI Consulting Cast-In-Place Concrete 03300 - 2 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 C. Provide concrete to the following criteria: Unit Measurement Compressive Strength (28 day) Water/Cement Ratio (maximum) Aggregate Size (maximum) 3000 psi per manufacturer 3/4 inch D. Calcium chloride is not to be used. 2.03 GROUT A. Grout shall be cement-based, nonmetallic, non-shrink grout tested per ASTM C827 with performance requirements per ASTM C1107 for use in filling the space between equipment and hardware supports and base plates. B. Acceptable grout manufacturers are: 1. Five Star Products, Inc. 2. Master Builders Technologies. 3. Or approved equivalent. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. Verify site conditions and dimensions. B. Verify that supports, reinforcement, anchor bolts, fence posts, or accessories to be cast into the concrete are accurately placed, positioned securely, and will not cause hardship in placing concrete. C. Prepare site to required depth and width for forming the concrete pour for the work to be done. D. For grouting, surface to be free of oil, grease, laitance and other contaminants. Concrete must be clean, sound and roughened to ensure a good bond. Refer to specific manufacturer’s surface preparation requirements. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Place concrete in accordance with ACI 304. B. Notify Owner’s Representative a minimum 24 hours prior to commencement CTI Consulting Cast-In-Place Concrete 03300 - 3 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 of operations. C. Ensure that any reinforcement, inserts, embedded parts, are not disturbed during concrete placement. D. Maintain records of concrete placement recording the date, location, quantity, and air temperature. E. Place concrete continuously. F. Place grout in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions and as shown on plans. 3.03 FINISHING A. Steel trowel surfaces which are scheduled to be exposed to a crown/dome or sloped finish as required by the installation for drainage. 3.04 CURING AND PROTECTION A. Immediately after placement, protect from premature drying, excessively hot or cold temperatures, and mechanical injury. B. Maintain concrete with minimal moisture loss at relatively constant temperature for period necessary for hydration of cement and hardening of concrete. 3.05 PATCHING A. Allow the Airport OAR to inspect surfaces immediately upon removal of forms. B. Excessive honeycomb or embedded debris is not acceptable. Notify the Airport OAR upon discovery. C. Patch imperfections as directed. 3.06 DEFECTIVE INSTALLATION A. A defective installation is one that does not conform to required lines, details, dimensions, tolerances or specified requirements. B. The Airport OAR will determine repair or replacement of a defective installation. C. Do not patch, fill, touch-up, repair or replace an exposed installation except upon express direction of the Airport OAR. End of Section 03300 CTI Consulting Cast-In-Place Concrete 03300 - 4 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 SECTION 05500 METAL FABRICATIONS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Fabrication of security device stanchions, pedestals and supports. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01300 – Submittals. B. Section 03300 - Cast-In-Place Concrete: Placement of anchors or supports in concrete. C. Section 13727 – ACAMS Upgrade: Project security system devices to be mounted to concrete. 1.03 REFERENCES A. ASTM A36 - Structural Steel. B. ASTM A123 - Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel Products. C. ASTM A153 - Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware. D. ASTM A283 - Carbon Steel Plates, Shapes, and Bars. E. ASTM A307 - Carbon Steel Bolts and Studs, 60,000 psi Tensile Strength. F. AWS A2.0 - Standard Welding Symbols. G. AWS D1.1 - Structural Welding Code. H. SSPC 20 - Steel Structures Painting Manual. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Submit in accordance with Section 01300. B. Shop Drawings: Fabrication drawings indicating sizes, connection points, anchor points, size and type of fasteners/anchors used, and accessories. Include erection drawings, elevations, and details where applicable. CTI Consulting Metal Fabrications 05500 - 1 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 C. Manufacturer’s Certificate: Certify that products meet or exceed specified requirements. D. Indicate welded connections using standard AWS A2.0 welding symbols. Indicate net weld lengths. 1.05 QUALIFICATIONS A. Prepare Shop Drawings under direct supervision of an Engineer experienced in design of this work. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS - STEEL A. Structural steel shapes (angle, channel, flatbar, round/square tube): Carbon steel, ASTM A36. B. Plates: Carbon steel, ASTM A283. C. Bolts, Nuts, and Washers: ASTM A307 galvanized to ASTM A153 for galvanized components. D. Concrete Anchors: Angle type; mild steel; black; with 2 ANSI B18.2.2 Heavy Hex Nuts; UNC thread; Class 2A and 2B fit. E. Concrete Anchors: Lag screw type; expansion shield; alloy steel; rustproof; short or long pattern as required. F. Welding Materials: AWS D1.1; type required for materials being welded. G. Touch-Up Primer for Galvanized Surfaces: SSPC 20 Type II Organic zinc rich. 2.02 FINISHES - STEEL A. Clean surfaces of rust, scale, grease, and foreign matter prior to finishing. B. The entire assembly shall be Hot-Dipped Galvanized after fabrication in accordance with to ASTM A123. CTI Consulting Metal Fabrications 05500 - 2 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 FABRICATION A. Shop fabricated items shall be fitted and shop assembled into the largest practical section(s) for delivery to site. B. Fabricate items with joints tightly fitted and secured. C. Continuously seal joined members by continuous welds. D. Grind exposed joints flush and smooth with adjacent finish surface. Make exposed joints butt tight, flush, and hairline. Ease exposed edges to small uniform radius. E. Provide fasteners and/or anchors required for anchorage of fabrications. 3.02 FABRICATION TOLERANCES A. Squareness: 1/8 inch maximum difference in diagonal measurements. B. Maximum Offset Between Faces: 1/16 inch. C. Maximum Misalignment of Adjacent Members: 1/16 inch. D. Maximum Bow: 1/8 inch in 48 inches. E. Maximum Deviation From Plane: 1/16 inch in 48 inches. 3.03 PROTECTIVE TRAFFIC BOLLARDS A. Protective traffic bollard locations shall be as shown on the Contract Drawings. Bollard shall be fabricated from: 6 inch round structural steel tube, 0.134 inch wall thickness; height as shown on Contract Drawings; 2 inch diameter drill hole near bottom of tube to allow for concrete flow. 3.04 CARD READER/KEYPAD PEDESTALS A. Card Reader/Keypad Pedestals shall be fabricated as shown on the Contract Drawings. Pedestals shall be fabricated from: 3 inch square structural steel tube, 0.120 inch wall thickness; 1/4 inch thick minimum steel base plate; height as shown on Contract Drawings; provide weatherproof housing and faceplate fabricated from 16 gauge sheet steel; opening in bottom of pedestal for electrical access through pedestal to housing; weatherproof; all welded construction except for faceplate which shall be screwed to housing with security type fasteners. CTI Consulting Metal Fabrications 05500 - 3 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 B. Provide for mounting capability on top of stanchion for fixed bullet type camera with integral IR illumination. 3.05 MISCELLANEOUS ENCLOSURE SUPPORTS A. Miscellaneous enclosure support locations shall be as shown on the Contract Drawings. Enclosure supports shall be fabricated from: 2-1/2 inch by 1/4 inch thick steel angle, 2 inch by 1/4 inch thick steel flat bar, 1/4 inch thick minimum steel base plate; height as shown on the Contract Drawings; all welded construction. End of Section 05500 CTI Consulting Metal Fabrications 05500 - 4 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 SECTION 08711 DOOR HARDWARE PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Mechanical and Electrified Door Hardware 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01300 – Submittals. B. Section 13727 – ACAMS Upgrade: Project security system devices to be mounted to doors and door frames. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Submit in accordance with Section 01300. B. Product Data: Include installation details, material descriptions, dimensions of individual components and profiles, and finishes. C. Shop Drawings: Details of electrified door hardware, indicating the following: 1. 2. Wiring Diagrams: Detail wiring for power, signal, and control systems and differentiate between manufacturer-installed and fieldinstalled wiring. Include the following: a. System schematic. b. Point-to-point wiring diagram. c. Riser diagram. d. Elevation of each door. Detail interface between electrified door hardware and fire alarm, access control and security system. D. Samples: For exposed door hardware of each type indicated below, in specified finish, full size. Tag with full description for coordination with the Door Hardware Schedule. 1. 2. CTI Consulting Door Hardware: As follows: a. Hinges. b. Locks and latches. c. Miscellaneous items. Samples will be returned to Contractor. Units that are acceptable and remain undamaged through submittal, review, and field comparison Door Hardware 08711 - 1 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 process may, after final check of operation, be incorporated into the Work, within limitations of keying requirements. E. Product Certificates: Signed by manufacturers of electrified door hardware certifying that products furnished comply with requirements. 1. Certify that door hardware approved for use on types and sizes of labeled fire doors complies with listed fire door assemblies. F. Maintenance Data: For each type of door hardware to include in maintenance manuals specified in Division 1. G. Warranties: Special warranties specified in this Section. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Prepare Shop Drawings under direct supervision of an Engineer experienced in design of this work. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 DOOR HARDWARE A. General: Provide door hardware for each door to comply with requirements in this Section. 1. 2. Provide products complying with BHMA standard referenced. Sequence of Operation: Provide electrified door hardware function, sequence of operation, and interface with other building control systems indicated. B. Designations: Products are identified by using door hardware designations, as follows: 1. 2. Named Manufacturer's Products: Product designation and manufacturer are listed for each door hardware type required for the purpose of establishing minimum requirements. References to BHMA Standards: Provide products complying with these standards and requirements for description, quality, and function. 2.02 MAGNETIC LOCKS (ML) AND DELAYED EGRESS MAGNETIC LOCKS (DEML) A. Contractor shall furnish, install, and make operational electromagnetic locks (ML) as required. CTI Consulting Door Hardware 08711 - 2 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport B. Electrically powered locks of strength and configuration indicated; with electromagnet attached to frame and strike plate attached to door. Electromagnetic locks shall be heavy-duty, plated units suitable for surface mounting. Mounting brackets and screws for surface mounting shall be installed utilizing tamper-resistant fasteners requiring a special tool for removal. Comply with the following: 1. Strength Ranking: 1500 lbf (6672 N) direct-pull holding force as tested according to BHMA A156.23. 2. Voltage: 24VDC. 3. Current Draw: .24 amp at 24VDC. 4. Inductive Kickback: Not more than 53-V peak voltage, as tested according to BHMA A156.23. 5. Built-in voltage spike suppressor. 6. Residual Magnetism: Not more than 4 lbf to separate door from magnet, as tested according to BHMA A156.23. 7. Magnetic bond sensor to detect reduced holding power. 8. Door position switch (open/closed). 9. Lock status indicator (lock/unlock). 10. Instant release (no residual magnetism). 11. Operates on low voltage ac/dc. 12. Finish: Coordinate with BAA. 13. DEML Features: Automatic voltage selection (12/24 VAC/VDC), Door Status Monitor, Magnetic Bond Sensor, Anti-Tamper switch, Security Alarm Output, Reset Input, Fire Alarm Terminals, On-board status LED, On-board audible alarm, Programmable re-lock delay, Programmable nuisance delay, Selectable nuisance delay alert, Selectable delayed egress time, Selectable unlock alarm. C. Interposing relays required for fire alarm interface shall be of the sealed plug-in base type; base shall utilize screw terminals; a 24VDC coil; DPDT contacts rated 0.5 A. Relays shall be mounted in an enclosure appropriate to the mounting location. D. Acceptable electromagnetic lock manufacturers shall be as follows: 1. Security Door Controls, Inc. 2. Locknetics, Inc. CTI Consulting Door Hardware 08711 - 3 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport 3. Von Duprin, Inc. 4. Approved equivalent 2.03 ELECTRIC STRIKES (ES) A. Contractor shall furnish, install, and make operational electric strikes (ES) as indicated on the contract documents and plans. B. Electric strikes shall be heavy-duty, tamper and corrosion resistant steel units suitable for mounting in doorframes. Strikes shall be selected to match the door handset installed for maximum effectiveness. Screws used for mounting shall be tamper-resistant fasteners requiring a special tool for removal. Each electric strike shall incorporate the following features, as a minimum: 1. Minimum 2000 pounds direct-pull holding force. 2. Internally mounted, silent operation DC solenoid. 3. 24VDC with current draw of 0.25 amps at 24VDC. 4. Durability minimum of 500,000 cycles. 5. Built-in voltage spike suppressor. 6. Continuous duty operation. 7. Fail secure - unlocked when energized. 8. Strike cavity depth of 1", width of 7/8", height of 3-1/8", and setback of 1-5/8. 9. Finish: (Coordinate with OAR). C. Acceptable electric strike Contractors shall be as follows: 1. Adams-Rite, Inc. 2. Security Door Controls, Inc. 3. Folger-Adams, inc. 4. Approved equal 2.04 EXIT DEVICES (ED) A. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: CTI Consulting Door Hardware 08711 - 4 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 1. Corbin Russwin Architectural Hardware; Div. of Yale Security Inc. (CR). 2. Locknetics Security Engineering; a Harrow Company (LSE). 3. Von Duprin; an Ingersoll-Rand Company (VD). 4. Yale Security Inc.; Div. of Williams Holdings (YAL). B. Standard: BHMA A156.3. 1. BHMA Grade: Grade 1. C. Certified Products: Provide exit devices listed in BHMA's "Directory of Certified Exit Devices." D. Panic Exit Devices: Listed and labeled by a testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, for panic protection, based on testing according to UL 305. E. Fire Exit Devices: Complying with NFPA 80 that are listed and labeled by a testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, for fire and panic protection, based on testing according to UL 305 and NFPA 252. F. Outside Trim: Lever with cylinder; material and finish to match locksets, unless otherwise indicated. 1. 2.05 Match design for locksets and latchsets, unless otherwise indicated. EXTRA MATERIALS / SPARE PARTS A. Provide spare parts for this Section as follows: 1. Four (4) ML 2. Two (2) DEML 3. Four (4) ES 4. One (1) ED PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Examine roughing-in and existing reusability for electrical power and CTI Consulting Door Hardware 08711 - 5 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 communication conduit/box systems to verify actual locations of wiring connections before electrified door hardware installation. B. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. C. Examine existing door function condition (smooth operation, latching capability, efficient closer functioning, etc.) prior to preparation and installation. Where existing or resulting door function is not deemed conducive to a complete and proper door operation, notify and coordinate with Airport OAR for corrective action or agreed acceptance of conditions. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Steel Doors and Frames: Comply with DHI A115 series. Surface-Applied Door Hardware: Drill and tap doors and frames according to SDI 107. B. Wood Doors: Comply with DHI A115-W series. 3.03 INSTALLATION A. Mounting Heights: Mount door hardware units at heights indicated on the drawings, unless specifically indicated otherwise or required to comply with governing regulations. B. Where existing door hardware removed or replaced, patch/paint door and/or door frame and surrounding areas to match existing conditions. Coordinate with Airport OAR for specific requirements by individual location. End of Section 08711 CTI Consulting Door Hardware 08711 - 6 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 SECTION 09900 PAINTING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Surface preparation and field painting. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01300 – Submittals. B. Section 05500 – Metal Fabrications – Painting of Card Reader Pedestals, Bollards, and other metal fabrications. C. Section 08711- Door Hardware – Painting and patching of doors, door frames and surrounding areas where door hardware has been installed, removed or replaced. D. Section 13727 – ACAMS – Painting and patching of doors, door frames and surrounding areas where security equipment (including wall-mounted devices/panels) have been installed, removed or replaced. E. Division 16 – Painting of electrical work in specified exposed areas. 1.03 REFERENCES A. ASTM D16. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Submit in accordance with Section 01300. B. Product Data: For each paint system indicated. Include block fillers and primers. 1. Material List: An inclusive list of required coating materials. Indicate each material and cross-reference specific coating, finish system and application. Identify each material by manufacturer’s catalog number and general classification. 2. Manufacturer’s Information: Provide Manufacturer’s technical information, including label analysis and instructions for handling, storing and applying each coating material proposed for use. CTI Consulting Painting 09900 - 1 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport 3. Certification by the manufacturer that products supplied comply with local regulations controlling use of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). C. Samples for Initial Selection: Manufacturers’ factory chart showing the full range of colors available for each type of finish coat material indicated. D. Samples for Verification: For each color and material to be applied, with texture to simulate actual conditions, on representative Samples of the actual substrate. 1. Provide stepped Samples, defining each separate coat, including block fillers and primers. Use representative colors when preparing Samples for review. Resubmit until required sheen, color and texture are achieved. 2. Provide a list of materials and applications for each coat of each Sample. Label each Sample for location and application. 1.05 QUALIFICATIONS A. Applicator Qualifications: Engage a firm or individual experienced in applying paints and coatings similar in material, design and extent to those indicated for this Project, whose work has resulted in applications with a record of successful in-service performance. 1.06 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver materials to Project site in manufacturer’s original, unopened packages and containers bearing manufacturer’s name, label and the following information: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Product name or title of material. Product description (generic classification or binder type). Manufacturer’s stock number and date of manufacture. Contents by volume, for pigment and vehicle constituents. Thinning instructions. Application instructions. Color name and number. VOC content B. Store materials not in use in tightly covered containers in a well-ventilated area at a minimum ambient temperature of 45 °F. Maintain storage containers in a clean condition, free of foreign materials and residue. C. Protect from freezing. Keep storage area neat and orderly. Remove oily rags and waste daily. Take necessary measures to insure that workers CTI Consulting Painting 09900 - 2 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 and work areas are protected from fire and health hazards resulting from handling, mixing and application. 1.07 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Where surfaces are being painted due to door hardware or security equipment removal, assessment shall be made whether painting work involved shall consist of painting a small area of the door, door frame or surrounding area to match (without substantial distinguishable variance from finish being matched) or whether entire door, door frame or surrounding wall/area section shall be painted. If resulting painting/patching/touch-up efforts do not match acceptably for a professional and aesthetic appearance, entire door, door frame and/or surrounding wall/area section shall be repainted in its entirety. Resulting painting work shall also not leave door and door frame in differing viewable colors/shades unless existing conditions were such. B. All paint colors and painting extents/boundaries shall be coordinated with Airport OAR prior to final purchase/mixing of paint colors and execution of work. Where entire door, door frame and/or surrounding wall/area is being painted, verify new color (match existing or different) with Airport OAR prior to any work. C. Apply water-base paints only when temperatures of surfaces to be painted and surrounding air are between 50 and 90 °F. D. Apply solvent-thinned paints only when temperatures of surfaces to be painted and surrounding air are between 45 and 95 °F. E. Do not apply paint in snow, rain, fog, mist or when relative humidity exceeds 85 percent; or at temperatures less than 5 °F above the dew point, or to damp or wet surfaces. 1. 1.08 Painting may continue during inclement weather if surfaces and areas to be painted are enclosed and heated within temperature limits specified by manufacturer during application and drying periods. EXTRA MATERIALS A. Furnish extra paint materials from the same production run as the materials applied and in the same quantities described below. Package paint materials in unopened, factory sealed containers for storage and identify labels describing contents. Deliver extra materials to the Airport OAR. 1. CTI Consulting Quantity: Furnish the Authority with extra paint materials in quantities indicated below: Painting 09900 - 3 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 a. b. c. Exterior, Semi gloss Acrylic Enamel: 2 gal of each color applied. Interior, Flat Acrylic Paint: 2 gal of each color applied. Interior, Semi gloss Acrylic Enamel: 2 gal of each color applied. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Available Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, products listed in The Paint Schedule. B. Manufacturers Names: The following manufacturers are referred to in paint schedules by use of shortened versions of their names, which are shown in parentheses: 1. Devoe & Reynolds Co. (Devoe). 2. Fuller-O’Brien Paints (Fuller). 3. Glidden Co. (The) (Glidden). 4. Benjamin Moore & Co. (Benjamin Moore). 5. PPG Industries, Inc. (PPG). 6. Pratt & Lambert, Inc. (P&L). 7. Sherwin-Williams Co. (S-W). 2.02 PAINT MATERIALS, GENERAL A. Material Compatibility: Provide block fillers, primers, undercoats and finish-coat materials that are compatible with one another and with the substrates indicated under conditions of service and application, as demonstrated by manufacturer based on testing and field experience. B. Material Quality: Provide manufacturer’s best-quality paint material of the various coating types specified. Paint-material containers not displaying manufacturer’s product identification will not be acceptable. 1. CTI Consulting Proprietary Names: Use of manufacturer’s proprietary product names to designate colors or materials is not intended to imply that products named are required to be used to the exclusion of equivalent products of other manufacturers. Furnish Painting 09900 - 4 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 manufacturer’s material data and certificates of performance for proposed substitutions. C. Colors: Provide custom color of the finished paint system to match the COTR’s samples. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Examine substrates, areas and conditions, with the Applicator present, under which painting will be performed for compliance with paint application requirements. 1. Do not begin to apply paint until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected and surfaces receiving paint are thoroughly dry. 2. Start of painting will be construed as Applicator’s acceptance of surfaces and conditions within a particular area. B. Coordination of Work: Review other Sections in which primers are provided to ensure compatibility of the total system for various substrates. On request, furnish information on characteristics of finish materials to ensure use of compatible primers. 1. 3.02 Notify the COTR about anticipated problems when using the materials specified over substrates primed by others. PREPARATION A. General: Remove hardware and hardware accessories, plates, machined surfaces, lighting fixtures and similar items already installed that are not to be painted. If removal is impractical or impossible because of size or weight of the item, provide surface-applied protection before surface preparation and painting. 1. After completing painting operations in each space or area, install items removed using workers skilled in the trades involved. B. Cleaning: Before applying paint or other surface treatments, clean substrates of substances that could impair bond of the various coatings. Remove oil and grease before cleaning. 1. CTI Consulting Schedule cleaning and painting so dust and other contaminants from the cleaning process will not fall on wet, newly painted surfaces. Painting 09900 - 5 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport C. Surface Preparation: Clean and prepare surfaces to be painted according to manufacturers’ written instructions for each particular substrate condition and as specified. 1. Provide barrier costs over incompatible primers or remove and reprime. 2. Cementitious Materials: Prepare concrete and concrete masonry block surfaces to be painted. Remove efflorescence, chalk, dust, dirt, grease, oils and release agents. Roughen as required to remove glaze. If hardeners or sealers have been used to improve curing, use mechanical methods of surface preparation. a. Use abrasive blast-cleaning methods if recommended by paint manufacturer. b. Determine alkalinity and moisture content of surfaces by performing appropriate tests. If surfaces are sufficiently alkaline to cause the finish paint to blister and burn, correct this condition before application. Do not paint surfaces where moisture content exceeds that permitted in manufacturer’s written instructions. c. Clean concrete floors to be painted with a 5 percent solution of muriatic acid or other etching cleaner. Flush the floor with clean water to remove acid, neutralize with ammonia, rinse, allow to dry and vacuum before painting. 3. Ferrous Metals: Clean ungalvanized ferrous-metal surfaces that have not been shop coated; remove oil, grease, dirt, loose mill scale and other foreign substances. Use solvent or mechanical cleaning methods that comply with SSPC’s recommendations. a. Blast steel surfaces clean as recommended by paint system manufacturer and according to SSPC-SP 10. b. Treat bare and sandblasted or pickled clean metal with a metal treatment wash coat before priming. c. Touch up bare areas and shop-applied prime coats that have been damaged. Wire-brush; clean with solvents recommended by paint manufacturer and touch up with same primer as the shop coat. 4. Galvanized Surfaces: Clean galvanized surfaces with nonpetroleum-based solvents so surface is free of oil and surface contaminants. Remove pretreatment from galvanized sheet metal fabricated from coil stock by mechanical methods. D. Material Preparation: Mix and prepare paint materials according to manufacturer’s written instructions. CTI Consulting Painting 09900 - 6 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 E. 1. Maintain containers used in mixing and applying paint in a clean condition, free of foreign materials and residue. 2. Stir material before application to produce a mixture of uniform density. Stir as required during application. Do not stir surface film into material. If necessary, remove surface film and strain material before using. 3. Use only thinners approved by paint manufacturer and only within recommended limits. Tinting: Tint each undercoat a lighter shade to simplify identification of each coat when multiple coats of same material are applied. Tint undercoats to match the color of the finish coat, but provide sufficient differences in shade of undercoats to distinguish each separate coat. 3.03 APPLICATION A. General: Apply paint according to manufacturer’s written instructions. Use applicators and techniques best suited for substrate and type of material being applied. 1. Paint colors, surface treatments and finishes are indicated in the paint schedules. 2. Do not paint over dirt, rust, scale, grease, moisture, scuffed surfaces or conditions detrimental to formation of a durable paint film. 3. Provide finish coats that are compatible with primers used. 4. The term “exposed surfaces” includes areas visible when permanent or built-in fixtures, grilles, convector covers, covers for finned-tube radiation and similar components are in place. Extend coatings in these areas, required, to maintain system integrity and provide desired protection. 5. Paint surfaces behind movable equipment and furniture the same as similar exposed surfaces. Before final installation of equipment, paint surfaces behind permanently fixed equipment or furniture with prime coat only. 6. Paint interior surfaces of ducts with a flat, non-specular black paint where visible through registers or grilles. 7. Paint backsides of access panels and removable or hinged covers to match exposed surfaces. 8. Finish exterior doors on tops, bottoms and side edges the same as exterior faces. CTI Consulting Painting 09900 - 7 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport 9. Finish interior of wall and base cabinets and similar field-finished casework to match exterior. 10. Sand lightly between each succeeding enamel or varnish coat. B. Scheduling Painting: Apply first coat to surfaces that have been cleaned, pretreated or otherwise prepared for painting as soon as practicable after preparation and before subsequent surface deterioration. 1. The number of coats and film thickness required are the same regardless of application method. Do not apply succeeding coats until previous coat has cured as recommended by manufacturer. If sanding is required to produce a smooth, even surface according to manufacturer’s written instructions sand between applications. 2. Omit primer on metal surfaces that have been shop primed and touch-up painted. 3. If undercoats, stains or other conditions show through final coat of paint, apply additional coats until paint film is of uniform finish, color and appearance. Give special attention to ensure that edges, corners, crevices, welds and exposed fasteners receive a dry film thickness equivalent to that of flat surfaces. 4. Allow sufficient time between successive coats to permit proper drying. Do not recoat surfaces until paint has dried to where it feels firm and does not deform or feel sticky under moderate thumb pressure, and where application of another coat of paint does not cause the undercoat to lift or lose adhesion. C. Application Procedures: Apply paints and coatings by brush, roller spray or other applicators according to manufacturer’s written instructions. 1. Brushes: Use brushes best suited for type of material applied. Use brush of appropriate size for surface or item being painted. 2. Rollers: Use rollers of carpet, velvet-back or high-pile sheep’s wool as recommended by manufacturer for material and texture required. 3. Spray Equipment: Use airless spray equipment with orifice size as recommended by manufacturer for material and texture required. D. Minimum Coating Thickness: Apply paint materials no thinner than manufacturer’s recommended spreading rate. Provide total dry film thickness of the entire system as recommended by manufacturer. E. Electrical Work: Painting of electrical work is limited to items exposed in equipment rooms and occupied spaces. CTI Consulting Painting 09900 - 8 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 F. Electrical items to be painted include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Conduit and fittings. G. Block Fillers: Apply block fillers to concrete masonry block at a rate to ensure complete coverage with pores filled. H. Prime Coats: Before applying finish coats, apply a prime coat of material, as recommended by manufacturer, to material that is required to be painted or finished and that has not been prime coated by others. Recoat primed and sealed surfaces where evidence of suction spots or unsealed areas in first coat appears, to ensure a finish coat with no burn-through or other defects due to insufficient sealing. I. Pigmented (Opaque) Finishes: Completely cover surfaces as necessary to provide a smooth, opaque surface of uniform finish, color, appearance and coverage. Cloudiness, spotting, holidays, laps, brush marks, runs, sags, ropiness or other surface imperfections will not be acceptable. J. Stipple Enamel Finish: Roll and redistribute paint to an even and fine texture. Leave no evidence of rolling, such as laps, irregularity in texture, skid marks or other surface imperfections. K. Completed Work: Match approved samples for color, texture and coverage. Remove, refinish or repaint work not complying with requirements. 3.04 CLEANING A. Cleanup: At the end of each workday, remove empty cans, rags, rubbish and other discarded paint materials from the site. 1. 3.05 After completing painting, clean glass and paint-spattered surfaces. Remove spattered paint by washing and scraping without scratching or damaging adjacent finished surfaces. PROTECTION A. Protect work of other trades, whether being painted or not, against damage from painting. Correct damage by cleaning, repairing or replacing, and repainting as approved by Airport OAR. B. Provide “Wet Paint” signs to protect newly painted finishes. Remove temporary protective wrappings provided by others to protect their work after completing painting operations. 1. CTI Consulting At completion of construction activities of other trades, touch up and restore damaged or defaced painted surfaces. Comply with procedures specified in PDCA P1. Painting 09900 - 9 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 3.06 EXTERIOR PAINT SCHEDULE A. Ferrous Metal: Provide the following finish systems over exterior ferrous metal. Primer is not required on shop-primed items. 1. Semi gloss, Acrylic Enamel Finish: inhibitive primer. 2 finish coats over a rust a. Primer: Rust-inhibitive metal primer applied at spreading rate recommended by the manufacturer to achieve a total dry film thickness of not less than 1.3 mils. b. First and Second Coats: Semi gloss, exterior, acrylic-latex enamel applied at spreading rate recommended by the manufacturer to achieve a total dry film thickness of not less than 2.6 miles. B. Zinc-Coated Metal: Provide the following finish systems over exterior zinc-coated (galvanized) metal surfaces: 1. Semi gloss Acrylic Enamel Finish: 2 finish coats over a galvanized metal primer. a. Primer: Galvanized metal primer applied at spreading rate recommended by the manufacturer to achieve a total dry film thickness of not less than 1.2 mils. b. First and Second Coats: Semi gloss, exterior, acrylic-latex enamel applied at spreading rate recommended by the manufacturer to achieve a total dry film thickness of not less than 2.6 mils. C. Aluminum: Provide the following finish systems over exterior aluminum surfaces: 1. CTI Consulting Semi gloss, Acrylic Enamel Finish: 2 finish coats over a primer. a. Primer: Rust-inhibitive, acrylic- or alkyd-based, metal primer, as recommended by the manufacturer for use over aluminum, apply at spreading rate recommended by the manufacturer to achieve a total dry film thickness of not less than 1.5 mils. b. First and Second Coats: Semi gloss, exterior, acrylic-latex enamel applied at spreading rate recommended by the manufacturer to achieve a total dry film thickness of not less than 2.6 mils. Painting 09900 - 10 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 3.07 INTERIOR PAINT SCHEDULE A. Concrete: Provide the following paint systems over interior concrete and brick masonry surfaces: 1. Semi Gloss, Acrylic-Enamel Finish: 2 finish coats over a primer. a. Primer. Alkali-resistant, acrylic-latex, interior primer applied at spreading rate recommended by the manufacturer to achieve a total dry film thickness of not less than 1.0 mils. b. First and Second Coats: Semi gloss, acrylic-latex, interior enamel applied at spreading rate recommended by the manufacturer to achieve a total dry film thickness of not less than 2.6 mils. B. Gypsum Board: Provide the following finish systems over interior gypsum board surfaces: 1. 2. Flat Acrylic Finish: Two finish coats over a primer. a. Primer: Latex based, interior primer applied at spreading rate recommended by the manufacturer to achieve a total dry film thickness of not less than 1.2 mils. b. First and Second Coats: Flat, acrylic-latex-base, interior paint applied at spreading rate recommended by the manufacturer to achieve a total dry film thickness of not less than 2.5 mils. Semi gloss Acrylic-Enamel Finish: Two finish coats over a primer. a. Primer: Latex based, interior primer applied at spreading rate recommended by the manufacturer to achieve a total dry film thickness of not less than 1.2 mils. b. First and Second Coats: Semigloss, acrylic-latex, interior enamel applied at spreading rate recommended by the manufacturer to achieve a total dry film thickness of not less than 2.6 mils. C. Ferrous Metal: Provide the following finish systems over ferrous metal: 1. Semigloss, Alkyd-Enamel finish: undercoater and a primer. a. CTI Consulting One finish coat an enamel Primer: Quick drying, rust-inhibitive, alkyd-based or epoxymetal primer as recommended by the manufacturer for this substrate, applied at spreading rate recommended by the Painting 09900 - 11 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 manufacturer to achieve a total dry film thickness of not less than 1.5 mils. b. Undercoat: Alkyd, interior enamel undercoat or semi gloss, interior, alkyd-enamel finish coat, as recommended by the manufacturer for this substrate, applied at spreading rate recommended by the manufacturer to achieve a total dry film thickness of not less than 1.2 mils. c. Finish Coat: Odorless, semigloss, alkyd, interior enamel applied at spreading rate recommended by the manufacturer to achieve a total dry film thickness of not less than 1.4 mils. D. Zinc-Coated Metal: Provide the following finish systems over zinc-coated metal: 1. Semi gloss Alkyd-Enamel Finish: one finish coat over an undercoat and a primer. a. Primer: Galvanized metal primer applied at spreading rate recommended by the manufacturer to achieve a total dry film thickness of not less than 1.2 mils. b. Undercoat: Alkyd, interior enamel undercoat or semi gloss, interior, alkyd-enamel finish coat, as recommended by the manufacturer for this substrate, applied at spreading rate recommended by the manufacturer to achieve a total dry film thickness of not less than 1.2 mils. End of Section 09900 CTI Consulting Painting 09900 - 12 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 SECTION 10425 SIGNAGE PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.02 SUMMARY A. This Section includes the following types of signs: 1. Panel signs. B. Related Sections: The following Sections contain requirements that relate to this Section: 1. Division 1 Section "Temporary Facilities" for temporary project identification signs. 2. Division 16 Section "Electrical Identification" for labels, tags, and nameplates for electrical equipment. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. General: Submit the following according to the Conditions of the Contract and Division 1 Specification Sections. B. Product data for each type of sign specified, including details of construction relative to materials, dimensions of individual components, profiles, and finishes. C. Shop drawings showing fabrication and erection of signs. Include plans, elevations, and large-scale sections of typical members and other components. Show anchors, grounds, layout, reinforcement, accessories, and installation details. 1. Provide message list for each sign required, including large-scale details of wording and lettering layout. 2. For signs supported by or anchored to permanent construction, provide setting drawings, templates, and directions for installation of anchor bolts and other anchors to be installed as a unit of Work in other Sections. CTI Consulting Summary of Work 01010 - 1 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 D. Samples: Provide the following samples of each sign component for initial selection of color, pattern and surface texture as required and for verification of compliance with requirements indicated. 1. Samples for verification of color, pattern, and texture selected and compliance with requirements indicated: (a) Cast Acrylic Sheet and Plastic Laminate: Provide a sample panel not less than 8-1/2 inches by 11 inches for each material, color, texture, and pattern required. On each panel include a representative sample of the graphic image process required, showing graphic style, and colors and finishes of letters, numbers, and other graphic devices. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Sign Fabricator Qualifications: Firm experienced in producing signs similar to those indicated for this Project, with a record of successful in-service performance, and sufficient production capacity to produce sign units required without causing delay in the Work. B. Single-Source Responsibility: For each separate sign type required, obtain signs from one source of a single manufacturer. C. Design Concept: The Drawings indicate sizes, profiles, and dimensional requirements of signs and are based on the specific types and models indicated. Sign units by other manufacturers may be considered provided deviations in dimensions and profiles do not change the design concept as judged by the Architect. The burden of proof of equality is on the proposer. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following, or an approved equal: 1. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) CTI Consulting Manufacturers of Panel Signs: ABC Architectural Signing System. Allenite. ASI Sign Systems, Inc. Best Manufacturing Company. Environmental Graphic Systems, Inc. Modulex. Mohawk Sign Systems. Spanjer Brothers, Inc. Summary of Work 01010 - 2 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport (i) The Supersine Company. (j) Vomar Products, Inc. (k) Seton Identification Products. 2.02 MATERIALS A. Cast Acrylic Sheet: Provide cast (not extruded or continuous cast) methyl methacrylate monomer plastic sheet, in sizes and thicknesses indicated, with a minimum flexural strength of 16,000 psi when tested according to ASTM D 790, with a minimum allowable continuous service temperature of 176 deg F, and of the following general types: 1. Transparent Sheet: Where sheet material is indicated as "clear," provide colorless sheet in matte finish, with light transmittance of 92 percent, when tested according to the requirements of ASTM D 1003. 2. White Translucent Sheet: Where sheet material is indicated as "white," provide white translucent sheet of density required to produce uniform brightness and minimum halation effects. 3. Opaque Sheet: Where sheet material is indicated as "opaque," provide colored opaque acrylic sheet in colors and finishes as selected from the manufacturer's standards. B. Colored Coatings for Acrylic Plastic Sheet: Use colored coatings, including inks and paints for copy and background colors, that are recommended by acrylic manufacturers for optimum adherence to acrylic surface and are nonfading for the application intended. 2.03 PANEL SIGNS A. Panel Signs: Comply with requirements indicated for materials, thicknesses, finishes, colors, designs, shapes, sizes, and details of construction. 1. Produce smooth, even, level sign panel surfaces, constructed to remain flat under installed conditions within a tolerance of plus or minus 1/16 inch measured diagonally. B. Unframed Panel Signs: Fabricate signs with edges mechanically and smoothly finished to conform with the following requirements: 1. Edge Condition: Square cut. 2. Corner Condition: Square corners. C. Graphic Content and Style: Provide sign copy that complies with the requirements indicated for size, style, spacing, content, position, material, finishes, and colors of letters, numbers, and other graphic devices. CTI Consulting Summary of Work 01010 - 3 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport D. Engraved Copy: Machine-engrave letters, numbers, symbols, and other graphic devices into sign panel on the face indicated to produce precisely formed copy, incised to uniform depth. Use high-speed cutters mechanically linked to master templates in a pantographic system or equivalent process capable of producing characters of the style indicated with sharply formed edges. 1. Subsurface-Engraved Acrylic Sheet: Reverse-engrave the back face of clear acrylic sheet. Fill resulting copy with enamel. Apply opaque background color coating over enamel-filled copy. E. Subsurface Copy: Apply copy to the back face of clear acrylic sheet forming the panel face by process indicated to produce precisely formed opaque images free from rough edges. 1. Use reverse silk-screen process to print copy; overspray the copy with an opaque background color coating. 2. Use Dupont Chromalin heat- and pressure-laminated photopolymer film system to form copy and background color. (a) The manufacturer has the option of selecting either process indicated above, or using subsurface engraving process, as appropriate to the copy form and the economics of production. F. Applied Copy: Die-cut characters from vinyl film with pressure-sensitive adhesive backing. Apply copy to the exposed face of the sign panel. 1. Panel Material: Matte-finished opaque acrylic sheet. 2. Panel Material: Matte-finished clear acrylic sheet with opaque color coating subsurface applied. 2.04 FINISHES A. Colors and Surface Textures: For exposed sign material that requires selection of materials with integral or applied colors, surface textures or other characteristics related to appearance, provide color matches indicated, or if not indicated, as selected by the Airport OAR from the manufacturer's standards. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. General: Locate sign units and accessories where indicated, using mounting methods of the type described and in compliance with the manufacturer's instructions. CTI Consulting Summary of Work 01010 - 4 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 1. Install signs level, plumb, and at the height indicated, with sign surfaces free from distortion or other defects in appearance. B. Wall-Mounted Panel Signs: Attach panel signs to wall surfaces using the methods indicated below: 1. Vinyl-Tape Mounting: Use double-sided foam tape to mount signs to smooth, nonporous surfaces. Do not use this method for vinyl-covered or rough surfaces. 3.02 CLEANING AND PROTECTION A. After installation, clean soiled sign surfaces according to the manufacturer's instructions. Protect units from damage until acceptance by the Owner. END OF SECTION 10425 CTI Consulting Summary of Work 01010 - 5 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport This page left intentionally blank CTI Consulting Summary of Work 01010 - 6 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 SECTION 13700 SECURITY SYSTEMS GENERAL REQUIREMENTS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. This Section specifies the general requirements for the Security Systems to be installed as well as their interface and coordination with existing and new systems and equipment. B. Security Systems being installed or integrated within this project include the Access Control and Alarm Monitoring System (ACAMS) and the Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) System. C. Work shall include all necessary coordination, labor, materials and equipment for interfacings as specified with the existing and new systems and equipment. 1. General requirements defined within this Section shall be applicable to Division 13 Section “Access Control and Alarm Monitoring System (ACAMS).” 2. Although such work may not be specifically indicated, furnish and install all supplementary or miscellaneous items, appurtenances and devices incidental to or necessary for a complete and functional installation of the Security Systems. D. Related Sections: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1.02 Section 08711 - Door Hardware Section 13727 – ACAMS Section 16010 – General Requirements Electrical Section 16120 - Wire and Cable Section 16130 - Boxes Section 16170 - Grounding and Bonding Section 16195 - Electrical Identification CODES, STANDARDS, AND REFERENCES A. Refer to Division 1 Section “References.” Additional items specific to the Security Systems are indicated in the paragraphs below. B. Contractor shall comply with all applicable codes and standards. CTI Consulting Security Systems General Requirements 13700 - 1 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 C. Trade association and governmental agency listings, abbreviations and contact numbers are included within Division 1 Section “References.” Additional information is indicated below: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Electronics Institute of America (EIA). Insulated Cable Engineers Association (ICEA). National Electrical Safety Code (NESC). Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL). D. The installation, testing and certification methods and practices for new fiber optic and copper video and data communications network cabling shall be in accordance with Building Industry Consulting Service International (BICSI) standards and recommendations in accordance with general industry standards for high speed 1Gb to desk and 10Gb backbone data communications network cabling. The testing and certification methods and practices of existing fiber optic and copper cabling shall be in accordance with Building Industry Consulting Service International (BICSI) standards and recommendations in accordance with general industry standards in support of high speed 1Gb and, to the extent possible, 10Gb data communications network links. E. The hardware and software components of all Security Systems provided and installed that relate to biometrics and biometric capability shall meet or exceed the basic criteria and standards set forth in TSA’s Biometrics for Airport Access Control Guidance Document and any updates or clarifications thereof. F. Special attention shall be made to the following specific codes, standards, and publications where applicable: Sponsor Number Title ANSI C2 National Electrical Safety Code ASTM F967-95 Standard Practice for Security Engineering Symbols DOT/TSA 49CFR Aviation and Airport Security EIA 232-D Interface between Data Terminal Equipment and Data CircuitTerminating Equipment Employing Serial Binary Data EIA RS-310-C Racks, Panels, and Associated Equipment FAA STD-019D Lightning and Surge Protection, Grounding, Bonding and Shielding Requirements for Facilities and Electronic Equipment FCC 47CFR Part 15 and Part 90 Rules and Regulations, Radio Frequency Devices, Field Disturbance Sensors NEMA ICS2-1993 Industrial Control Devices and Assemblies CTI Consulting Security Systems General Requirements 13700 - 2 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 Sponsor Number Title NEMA ICS6-1993 Enclosures for Industrial Controls and Systems NFPA 70 National Electric Code NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm Code NFPA 75 Protection of Electronic Computer Data Processing Equipment NFPA 77 Static Electricity NFPA 78 Lightning Protection Code NFPA 101 Life Safety Code NFPA 130 Standard for Fixed Guideway Transit and Passenger Rail Systems TSA 1.03 Buimetrics for Airport Access Control Guidance Package UL 294 Access Control System Units UL 603 Power Supplies For Use With Burglar Alarm Systems UL 609 Local Burglar Alarm Units and Systems UL 611 Central Station Burglar Alarm Units and Systems UL 632 Electrically Actuated Transmitters UL 634 Connectors and Switches For Use With Burglar Alarm Systems UL 639 Intrusion Detection Units UL 796 Electrical Printed-Wiring Boards UL 1076 Proprietary Burglar Alarm Units and Systems DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS A. Refer to Division 1 Section “References.” Additional definitions and abbreviations that are specific to the Security Systems and equipment are defined in the following paragraphs. B. Definitions 1. Security Systems ACAMS and CCTV System 2. Communication Rooms CTI Consulting The rooms at various locations within the project that contain the security control panels (SCPs), low-voltage power supplies, and associated Security Systems equipment. Security Systems General Requirements 13700 - 3 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 1.04 3. Head-end Equipment The central equipment located within the main communication or equipment room and/or monitoring/dispatch location to which all field equipment and/or Communication Room equipment connects. 4. Security Type An identifier (such as D1, BCC, etc.) used to represent a particular grouping of equipment, installation configuration and/or interconnections at a particular location. Use of the Security Type allows for a simplified representation of an installation location by operational function. Equipment and functionality of each Security Type is defined within the Contract Drawings and within Part 2 of the associated Section. SUBMITTALS A. Submit in accordance with the requirements of Division 1 Sections “Submittals,” “Product Requirements,” “Project Closeout,” “Project Record Documents,” and “Operation and Maintenance Data,” and submit all applicable information listed within those Sections. Additional specific requirements are indicated below. B. Security Systems shall be complete and submitted by the individual specification section to which it is representing. PARTIAL SECURITY SYSTEMS SUBMITTALS ARE UNACCEPTABLE AND SHALL BE REJECTED WITHOUT FURTHER CONSIDERATION. C. Initial Submittals: 1. Installer Technician Qualifications. 2. Provide detailed installation schedule including milestones, completion dates, manpower staffing projections, and training sessions. D. System Information: 1. Provide System Operation Description: Description of each system’s operation indicating purpose and capabilities of each component of the system with a functional system diagram indicating all interfaces to other systems. Descriptions shall be provided for the overall system as well as for each Security Type. Any variances from the contract document descriptions and requirements shall be clearly noted. 2. Provide Point Charts or Tables: Define all inputs and outputs for (and within) the Security System, particularly those involving coordination with other new or existing systems. 3. Provide Programming Data: Provide complete programming information necessary to achieve functionality of installed equipment and systems as specified within this Section and each related Section. CTI Consulting Security Systems General Requirements 13700 - 4 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport 4. Provide Testing Plan: Recommended test procedures and test procedure forms. E. System Installation, Cutover and Demolition Phasing Plan 1. In coordination with the Airport OAR, the Contractor shall develop and present a written System Installation, Cutover and Demolition Phasing Plan with scheduled milestone dates for approval. The Plan shall identify and coordinate the demolition of the existing ACAMS components and the installation of the new ACAMS components in such a manner as to permit the existing System to function in its role of providing Airport monitoring capabilities while Contractor is preparing to and accomplishing the new System install. 2. The Contractor shall develop the Plan around specific key and/or critical System elements to be identified by the Contractor and the Airport OAR such as the Security Operations Center’s Operator’s Console to permit the orderly transfer of “responsibility” from the existing System to the new System, with minimal impact on Airport security as is possible by such an endeavor. This entails identifying possible temporary System solutions/options that would allow this to occur for the Airport OAR who, in conjunction with the Contractor, shall select the best solution for this project to execute. F. Product Data: 1. Provide Product Data: Provide Technical data sheets and/or specifications for each product to include information on features, options, finishes and graphics. Lists of specific required products are provided within each Section, including tamper-proof security screws/fasteners, surge protection equipment used, and grounding equipment and conductors used. G. Shop Drawings: 1. Provide complete installation drawings including plan view locations, elevations, mounting details and dimensions, system block diagrams, and terminal point to terminal point wiring diagrams for all equipment and components (and by Security Type where applicable). Shop drawings shall reflect all requirements associated with BAA-provided or existing equipment and materials that will be used as part of this system. Lists of additional specific required shop drawings are provided within each Section. 2. Provide Communication Room Wall Layouts: Wall elevation details by individual room for Communication Room equipment showing exact configuration and installation of wall-mounted equipment to include dimensions, cabling routing, wiremold/raceway use, CTI Consulting Security Systems General Requirements 13700 - 5 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 interface/interconnection locations with other systems (i.e. Fire Alarm, CCTV) and power source information. 3. Provide Communication Room Rack Layouts and Floor Space Requirements: Rack layout details and floor space requirements for any non-wall mounted Communication Room equipment showing exact configuration and installation information to include dimensions, cabling routing and power source information. H. Project Record Documents and Operating and Maintenance (O&M) Data: 1. Refer to Division 1 Sections “Project Closeout,” “Project Record Documents,” and “Operation and Maintenance Data.” Assure all O&M data submitted depicts actual equipment selection and configuration installed. Additional specific requirements are listed below. 2. Inspection and Test Reports: Contractor shall maintain records of all inspections and tests performed and shall be submit reports on the approved forms documenting date, materials and equipment being inspected/tested, inspection criteria/test procedures, results, name(s) of person(s) making and witnessing the tests, and citing any unusual conditions relevant to the tests. I. 1.05 Instructional and Training Material: Submit in accordance with 01731, “Operation and Maintenance Data.” Submit a complete set of all instructional and training material (manufacturer information, training curriculums, training sign-in sheets/records, visual and teaching aids, and training video tapes) related to and used for this project. QUALITY ASSURANCE AND COORDINATION A. Installer Technician Qualifications: Security Systems installation shall be by, or under the direct supervision, of individual(s) with technical experience and/or certification in the installation of similar equipment. Provide information identifying technical staff experience and training, for advance approval of the BAA. B. Coordination: 1. Execute coordination in accordance with Division 1 Section “Project Coordination and Meetings.” Specific coordination items are listed below and within each Section. 2. Provide coordination regarding submittals, equipment delivery, installation methods, and schedules between the Security Systems and related electrical work to ensure that functioning elements of door hardware, electrical systems and telecommunication systems are properly installed, interfaced and connected to the Security Systems. CTI Consulting Security Systems General Requirements 13700 - 6 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport 3. Review shop drawings, product data, and sample submittals of electrical equipment and door hardware as necessary for coordination with security systems. 1.06 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Refer to Division 1 for requirements of products and material to be delivered to the project site. B. Materials stored at the project site that become soiled shall be washed, cleaned and dried or removed from the project site and replaced with new. Do not install soiled material. C. Do not install damaged, broken or marred material or products, replace with new. D. Protect nameplates on equipment to prevent defacing. 1.07 WARRANTY A. After the successful completion of the required testing, the Airport OAR shall certify the upgraded ACAMS System installation as substantially complete and ready for beneficial use by the Authority. B. In addition to any and all manufacturer warranties provided as part of the System equipment purchases, the Contractor shall include all time and materials necessary to provide a complete warranty-maintenance service contract for the entire System for a minimum of two (2) years after the date of formal System Acceptance by the Airport OAR. The fee will be spread out over the 2-year period and shall be paid out monthly. C. The warranty-maintenance service contract shall cover all equipment, materials and work installed as part of this Project, which shall be warranted in its entirety to be free of mechanical or electrical defects. Any sign of equipment and/or hardware mechanical, electrical, electronic, programming, or software malfunction shall be corrected, replaced, or repaired promptly by the Contractor at no cost to the Authority, including any re-used existing devices, wire/cable, supports and infrastructures. D. Contractor shall establish and execute a complete comprehensive routine monthly maintenance program for all equipment, hardware, and software installed under this contract throughout the entire warranty-maintenance service period including re-used existing devices, wire/cable, supports and infrastructures. Routine maintenance and service shall include all parts, labor, and travel and shall be accomplished at no cost to the Authority. E. As part of the routine maintenance program, Contractor shall provide, at no cost to the Authority, any and all software and firmware updates that occur during the time the warranty-maintenance service contract is in CTI Consulting Security Systems General Requirements 13700 - 7 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport effect. As part of any software or firmware update, the Contractor shall verify proper operation of the System after incorporation of each update and shall fully document each update. F. Contractor shall maintain two (2) fully qualified and factory-trained service personnel on-staff, full time, during normal working hours (7:00am to 4:00pm), and one fully qualified and factory-trained service personnel available 24-hours a day, 365 days a year for coverage during nonworking hours. G. Contractor shall provide Emergency Service at no cost to the Authority. Emergency service shall be provided within a 2-hour period after such service has been requested, 24-hours-a-day, 7-days-a-week. Items that constitute an emergency situation shall be any malfunction of the ACAMS System equipment that disrupts the Authority’s ability to monitor critical areas of the Airport environment as defined by the Authority. Service shall cover all equipment, hardware, and software installed under this contract as part of the warranty-maintenance service contract including re-used existing devices, wire/cable, supports and infrastructures. Emergency Service shall be provided upon request from the Airport and shall include all parts, labor, travel, and miscellaneous at no cost to the Authority. H. Contractor shall provide Non-Emergency Service, at no cost to the Authority, defined as minor System repairs, equipment replacements and/or adjustments, including scheduled routine preventive maintenance. Contractor shall provide Non-Emergency service and scheduled routine maintenance service between the hours of 8:30 am through 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. Requests for Non-Emergency service placed by the Authority by telephone before 11:00 am Monday through Friday shall be provided by the Contractor before close of business that same day. Service shall cover all equipment, hardware, and software installed under this contract as part of the warranty-maintenance service contract including re-used existing devices, wire/cable, supports and infrastructures. Non-Emergency Service shall be provided upon request from the Airport and shall include all parts, labor, travel, and miscellaneous at no cost to the Authority. I. Two (2) months prior to the expiration of the two (2) year WarrantyMaintenance Service contract, Contractor shall provide detailed documentation of regular and corrective maintenance performed since the date of Acceptance. Documentation shall include description of service provided and, where corrective action was required, symptoms, diagnoses and subsequent actions taken. Recommended changes in routine preventive maintenance procedures shall also be included. CTI Consulting Security Systems General Requirements 13700 - 8 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport J. Contractor shall develop and obtain approval for a comprehensive routine maintenance, on-call service, and support plan prior to completion and acceptance of the ACAMS System upgrade by the Airport OAR. This plan shall address all the requirements set forth in this section. K. Add Alternate No. 4: Contractor shall provide the cost to extend the allinclusive warranty-maintenance service contract for three (3) consecutive one-year periods providing all services described in this section. L. Add Alternate No. 5: Contractor shall provide the cost to extend the warranty-maintenance-service contract for three (3) consecutive one-year periods providing all services described in this section with the following changes: 1. The Contractor shall exchange, replace or install new parts for all defective, worn, or missing parts, when such replacement is required to maintain proper equipment operation. Such replacement parts shall be charged at the Contractor’s purchased price plus a 5% markup for administrative, overhead, and profit. Purchase price includes any state or local sales tax that may be applicable. The Contractor shall submit all documentation such as Contractor invoices or statements to support such costs. 2. In the event that the cost of replacement parts exceeds 25% of the replacement value of the equipment under work, the Contractor shall cease work and so notify the Authority. The Authority reserves the option of authorizing work continuance or to withdraw the equipment from service. M. Records & Reports 1. After Each Emergency and Non-Emergency Service Visit, Contractor shall provide a written report to the Authority for each service visit at the time of completion or service. This report shall include the date of the visit/inspection, service(s) performed, and equipment replaced and/or equipment removed from operation and replaced by a Contractor’s unit(s). 2. In addition to submitting a written report, the responding technician shall make contact with the designated Airport OAR as to the status of the repair. The Airport OAR must give prior approval to the Contractor before leaving a piece of equipment out of service. When approved, the report shall identify the approximate down-time for a repair to be completed. 3. To assist the Authority in establishing an economic basis for retiring specific items of equipment from service or for other needs, the Contractor shall establish and maintain a computerized master list of equipment of all Contractor inventoried components. The Contractor shall also establish, maintain, and update a computerized maintenance record for each item of equipment serviced under this contract. These CTI Consulting Security Systems General Requirements 13700 - 9 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport records shall identify the equipment by type, manufacturer, model number, serial number, and device location followed by appropriate work performed and the cost of replacement parts utilized. The original copy of these records shall be kept in a location determined by the Authority. Such record keeping shall be at no additional cost to the Authority. 4. Monthly: At the end of each month during the warranty-maintenance service contract period, the Contractor shall provide the Authority detailed documentation of all routine, all non-emergency corrective, and all emergency corrective maintenance performed during the previous 30 days. Documentation shall include description of item being serviced and location, the symptoms, the diagnoses, and subsequent corrective actions taken. The Contractor shall use the master list of equipment developed above, annotated with remarks reflecting work to be done during the next 30 calendar days, as a monthly submittal to the Authority, along with a copy of the maintenance records. N. Communications The Contractor shall establish an effective line of communications with the Authority for the duration of this contract. Contractor must provide a telephone number (voice and fax) where the Authority can contact the Contractor or leave a message that will be checked on a 24-hour basis, seven days per week. The Authority reserves the right to withhold all or part of any payment due the Contractor until such lines of communication are established or the Contractor fails to respond to the Authority by the next business day. O. Extra Work and Parts Allowance 1. The Authority, at its discretion, may request the Contractor to perform extra work. An allowance in the amount of $50,000 shall be included in the bid to provide for additional work and/or parts as authorized by the Authority. All extra work and/or parts must have prior written authorization from the Authority before proceeding. 2. If it is necessary for the Contractor to subcontract out extra work the Authority has requested, the Contractor shall obtain at least three competitive quotations for the work to be subcontracted out to another company. The Authority reserves the right to review, approve or reject any one or all of the quotes presented and, at their discretion, may also choose to waive this requirement. P. Compensation to the Contractor 1. The Contractor shall be compensated on monthly fixed-fee basis for the previous month for all inspections, reports, and repairs done. However, the Authority reserves the right to withhold not more than 50% of the monthly contract amount if the work is incomplete or not CTI Consulting Security Systems General Requirements 13700 - 10 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 properly completed as determined by the Authority, until the work is completed and approved by the Authority. The fixed fee compensation includes overhead, profit, delivery, storage, insurance, burden, and all similar incidental costs to complete the work. 2. Extra Work: The Contractor shall be compensated on a per job basis for extra work completed and approved by the Authority. Invoices may be submitted as soon as the work has been completed and accepted by the Authority. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL A. Equipment installed in exterior areas shall be provided with appropriate weather-resistant housings, fitted with weather-resistant fasteners or gaskets, and/or have exposed surfaces of stainless steel or other corrosion resistant material. B. Use electrical materials approved by UL and bearing the UL label where listing has been established for materials or devices in question. 2.02 RACEWAYS, CABLE TRAYS AND BOXES A. The Contractor, under Division 16 shall provide raceways and boxes for 120 VAC power cabling for Security Systems equipment from the 120 VAC power source location to the equipment and/or equipment’s power supply location. This shall include any raceways and boxes necessary for extension and connection to and between individual panels, cabinets and equipment. Coordinate exact requirements during the submittal process. B. The Contractor, under Division 16 shall provide raceways, cable trays (allowable within Comm. Rooms only) and boxes for low-voltage power, signal, data and communication cabling for Security Systems equipment from the Communication Room, SCP and/or power supply location to the equipment’s location. This shall include any raceways, cable trays and boxes necessary for extension and connection to and between individual cabinets, SCPs and equipment as well as between door security equipment and junction boxes mounted at each door. Raceways and boxes for connection between individual Communication Rooms and from Communication Rooms to head-end equipment locations shall be provided by others. Coordinate exact requirements during the submittal process. C. Additional raceway, cable tray and box information for Security Systems equipment locations are shown on the Contract Drawings. D. The Contractor shall provide a complete Security System raceway, cable tray and box network, incorporating all systems data, communication and CTI Consulting Security Systems General Requirements 13700 - 11 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport power requirements, as determined through the development of detailed shop drawings for the Security Systems. 2.03 CABLING A. All cabling for Security Systems equipment shall be installed within raceways, cable trays (allowable within Comm. Rooms only), cabinets or boxes. B. The Contractor, under Division 16 shall provide 120 VAC power and cabling for Security Systems equipment from the 120 VAC power source location to the equipment and/or equipment’s power supply location as required. This shall include extension of and connection to and between individual panels, cabinets and equipment. Coordinate exact requirements during the submittal process. C. The Contractor, under Division 16 shall provide all low-voltage power, signal, data and communication cabling for Security Systems equipment from the Communication Room and/or power supply location to the equipment’s location. This shall include any cabling necessary for extension and connection to and between individual cabinets, SCPs and equipment as well as between security equipment and junction boxes mounted at each equipment location. D. Contractor shall provide a complete Security Systems cabling network, incorporating all Systems data, communication and power requirements, as determined through the development of detailed shop drawings for the Security Systems. E. Additional cabling information for Security Systems equipment is indicated on the Contract Drawings. 2.04 FIBER OPTIC CABLING, SWITCH AND TRANSCEIVER EQUIPMENT A. The Contractor, under Division 13 Section “Access Control and Alarm Monitoring System (ACAMS)” shall provide fiber equipment as shown on the Contract Drawings and as necessary for ACAMS communication from the SCPs in the Communication Rooms to the head-end. B. Coordinate exact requirements during the submittal process. 2.05 SURGE PROTECTION A. Contractor shall provide and install any equipment necessary for Security Systems equipment surge protection as described in the following paragraphs. B. Power Lines: All equipment connected to alternating current (AC) circuits shall be protected from power line surges. Equipment protection shall CTI Consulting Security Systems General Requirements 13700 - 12 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 meet the requirements to ANSI C62.41. Fuses shall not be used for surge protection. C. Communication Links: Communication equipment shall be protected against surges induced on any communication link. All cable and conductors that serve as communication links shall have surge protection circuits installed at each end. D. Silicon avalanche diode protection devices shall be utilized as the primary method over conventional Metal Oxide Varistor (MOV) technology due to their ability to “sacrifice” the diode in the event of a power surge, thus protecting the Security Systems. An MOV may be used as a secondarystage protection device to ensure continued protection. The devices chosen to protect AC power should be rated according to the load that they are protecting. Data lines, communication lines, and coaxial cables shall be protected, using devices expressly designed for each application. 2.06 TAMPER PROVISIONS A. Provide tamper-proof security screws/fasteners on all device plates, box covers, access panels, non-locked enclosures, and equipment that is not within a Communication Room or non-exposed area. 1. Submit fastener style to OAR for approval. 2. Provide four (4) fastening tools to OAR. B. Enclosures, cabinets, and boxes that contain Security Systems electronic circuit boards, components, or power supplies/transformers shall be provided with UL-listed key locks and ACAMS tamper switches. Locks shall be of the one-way, key-pull arrangement so that the key may only be withdrawn when the lock is in the locked position. All locks on components of the similar type shall be keyed alike. (For example, all SCPs keyed alike.) Two keys shall be furnished for each lock installed. C. Enclosures, cabinets and boxes that contain Security Systems wiring terminations and/or splices shall be provided with ACAMS tamper switches and shall be either provided with a UL-listed key lock as noted above or shall be equipped with tamperproof screws. D. Boxes that contain no equipment, power sources, or terminations (e.g., junction boxes and pull boxes) shall be either provided with a UL-listed key lock as noted above or shall be equipped with tamperproof screws. E. Tamper switches are required for ACAMS equipment housings. 2.07 GROUNDING A. Provide grounding for Security Systems equipment in accordance with Division 16 Section “Grounding and Bonding” and FAA STD-019D. CTI Consulting Security Systems General Requirements 13700 - 13 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 2.08 CABLING AND EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION A. Provide and install Security Systems cabling and equipment identification in accordance with Division 16 Sections “Electrical Identification” and as noted within the individual Sections. 2.09 FIRE STOPPING A. Fire stop openings or passageways through fire rated walls, floors, and ceilings on both sides of the penetration after the installation of conduit, sleeves, and/or cabling through the fire rated element. B. Use only Fire stop products that have been UL 1479 or ASTM E814 tested for specific fire-rated construction conditions conforming to construction assembly type, penetrating item type, annular space requirements, and fire-rating involved for each separate instance. Provide a Fire stop system with and F rating as determined by UL 1479 or ASTM E814 which is equal to the time rating of construction being penetrated. C. Acceptable fire stopping manufacturers shall be as follows: 2.10 1. Hilti Construction Chemicals Inc. 2. 3M. 3. Specified Technologies Inc. 4. Or approved equivalent EXTRA MATERIALS / SPARE PARTS A. Deliver extra materials and spare parts to OAR in protective wrapping and packaging for proper storage. B. Provide spare parts as indicated in the individual specification sections. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. When changes in location of any work are recommended or required, obtain approval of OAR before making change. B. Do not change indicated sizes without written approval of OAR. C. Where equipment installation is required within areas not being constructed under this contract, coordinate access needs and schedules with OAR. CTI Consulting Security Systems General Requirements 13700 - 14 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 3.02 INSTALLATION OF EQUIPMENT A. Contractor shall furnish, install, and make operational the Security Systems equipment and interface to CCTV as specified herein and in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and recommended practices. B. Provide all necessary anchoring devices, mounts and supports. 1. Use structural supports suitable for equipment, or as indicated. 2. Check loading and dimensions of equipment with shop drawings. 3. Do not cut or weld to building structural members. C. Verify that equipment will fit support layouts indicated. D. Arrange for necessary openings to allow for admittance of equipment. Where equipment cannot be installed as structure is being erected, provide and arrange for building-in of boxes, sleeves or other devices to allow later installation. 3.03 PROTECTION, CLEANING AND ADJUSTMENT A. Protect from damage and contamination all Security Systems equipment and materials during the entire installation and until Formal Acceptance Tests. B. Provide final cleaning prior to Formal Acceptance Tests of all installed exposed and concealed equipment and materials to remove dust, dirt, debris or other materials or marks that have occurred during or after installation. C. Provide final operational adjustments to all Security Systems equipment prior to Formal Acceptance Tests. 3.04 CABLING INSTALLATION A. Conform to installation requirements of Division 16. 3.05 GROUNDING A. Ground all Security Systems equipment in accordance with manufacturer recommendations, FAA STD-019D and Division 16 Section “Grounding and Bonding.” B. Under no conditions shall the AC neutral leg of commercial power circuits be utilized for reference ground. C. Conduct tests as required to confirm proper equipment grounds and to identify and eliminate ground loops. CTI Consulting Security Systems General Requirements 13700 - 15 April 20, 2007 3.06 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport BAA’S PERSONNEL TRAINING A. Execute training and submit information in accordance with Division 1. Contractor shall plan on a maximum of twenty-five (25) BAA personnel to be trained. Coordinate and submit training hours, unit structure and curriculum to Airport OAR for approval. B. All training programs shall be video taped by the Contractor for use by the BAA for future training. Videotapes shall be submitted to the Airport OAR upon project completion. 3.07 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Installation Supervision: Security Systems installation shall be by, or under the direct supervision, of individual(s) with technical experience and/or certification in the installation of similar equipment. 3.08 TESTING AND VERIFICATION A. General: The Contractor shall verify that all requirements of this specification are met. Verification shall be through a combination of analyses, inspections, demonstrations and tests, as described below. Additional test and verification provisions may be included in other Sections. B. The Contractor shall perform Contractor, endurance performance verification, and acceptance testing of the Security Systems and shall be responsible for providing personnel, test equipment, and supplies necessary to perform testing. Written notification of any planned System testing shall be given to the Airport OAR at least 14 days prior to any test. Written permission must be obtained from the Airport OAR before proceeding with any tests. All data produced during the Contractor and the endurance performance verification testing shall be turned over to the Airport OAR in the format agreed upon prior to the Airport OAR signing off on the test. The Airport OAR shall have the option of witnessing tests. C. Test Plan: Contractor shall develop a test plan for each type of test and submit them to the Airport OAR for approval. These plans shall define the tests required to ensure that the System meets the technical, operational, and performance intent of the contract documentation. The plans shall define milestones for each System test identifying simulation programs, equipment, personnel, and supplies required in addition to identifying the capabilities and functions to be tested. D. Test Procedures and Reports: Contractor shall develop test procedures for each type of test and submit them to the Airport OAR for approval. These procedures shall consist of detailed instructions for individual test setup, execution, and evaluation of test results. The individual test reports shall be used to document the results of each test. These reports shall be CTI Consulting Security Systems General Requirements 13700 - 16 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport delivered to the Airport OAR within seven days after completion of each test. E. Verification by Inspection: Verification by inspection includes examination of an item and the comparison of pertinent characteristics against the qualitative or quantitative standard set forth in the cited paragraph. Inspection may require moving or partially disassembling the item to accomplish the verification. Inspection shall be made of all equipment installations, proper functioning of all locking hardware and lock controls, mounting and wiring of electronics cabinets and components, and mounting and placement of sensors, cameras, etc., to ensure requirements of the specifications are complied with and that the overall installation is accomplished in a professional and workmanlike manner. The OAR’s quality control representative(s) shall have full opportunity to witness the required inspections or to conduct his own inspections of the installation. F. Verification by Test and Demonstration: The Contractor shall verify by formal demonstrations or tests that the requirements of this Specification have been met. 1. Contractor Field Test: To be conducted by Contractor prior to conducting the Endurance Performance Verification Test. Contractor shall test, calibrate and verify the correct installation of each System’s equipment, hardware, and accessories that are part of the phase being installed and tested. The Contractor shall calibrate each connected System device by making a comparison between the device’s function at its location and the graphic display at the operator’s workstation. The Contractor shall check each control point by making a comparison between the control command given at the main operator’s rack and the field-controlled device. The Contractor shall verify operation of device’s failure mode where provided for. Contractor shall verify that on loss of power that each System’s head end equipment and designated field devices are kept online by their dedicated and individual UPS/battery backup systems. The System shall recognize the power outage as such and start the ten (10) minute system timer to the System starting an orderly shutdown of the head end equipment systems. The System front end UPS shall be sized to provide a minimum of one (1) hour of continuous operation with designated field devices being provided with one (1) hour battery backup systems. The UPS and battery backup systems shall automatically disengage when either emergency power comes online or normal power is restored. When emergency or normal power is provided, the System shall reinitialize communications links and field equipment and devices. If emergency or normal power is not restored within one hour, the System will begin an orderly shutdown of System head end equipment in a sequence as recommended by the system manufacturers. As soon as the field equipment loses communications with System, they CTI Consulting Security Systems General Requirements 13700 - 17 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport shall continue to operate on their own for as long as the one (1) hour backup battery lasts. The Contractor shall submit the results of functional tests, diagnostics, and calibrations performed in accordance with the pre-approved test report format. 2. Systems Operation Test: Following successful completion of the Preliminary Equipment Tests, the Contractor shall conduct a Systems Operation Test, in which all Security Systems equipment is demonstrated to operate together as a system. THIS TEST SHALL BE PERFORMED OVER A CONTINUOUS SEVENTY-TWO (72) HOUR PERIOD. A formal test plan and test procedures for each portion of the test shall be prepared by the Contractor and submitted for OAR approval in accordance with this Specification. The Contractor shall demonstrate that the Security Systems equipment meets specification requirements in the as-installed operating environment during the Systems Operation Test. While no formal environmental testing is required, the Contractor shall measure and record temperature, humidity, and other environmental parameters, and shall include this data in the test report to document the environmental parameters and the environment conditions that were encountered during the Systems Operation Test. Results of the testing shall be logged on testing forms developed and submitted for approval under Division 1 Section “Quality Requirements.” G. Formal Acceptance Tests: Upon completion of the Systems Operation Test, Contractor shall provide certification to the OAR that the installation is complete and operable and has satisfactorily performed the Systems Operation Test. Upon approval of the OAR, Contractor shall schedule a Formal Acceptance Test in the presence of the OAR and any other witnessing individuals desired by the BAA. The Contractor shall maintain a log of all test activities and results as well as individuals present. The Formal Acceptance Testing shall include a representative sampling or full testing of the following items, as deemed necessary by the OAR: 1. Visual inspection of workmanship, equipment placements and wiring methods. 2. Operational test of all alarm initiating equipment (to include tamper alarms), communication devices, and cameras and access control operations installed. 3. Operational test of all panel control functions, reporting functions and monitoring functions. 4. Operational demonstration of all interfaces with other Systems and existing Security Systems where applicable. CTI Consulting Security Systems General Requirements 13700 - 18 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 5. Testing of batteries and battery chargers (where applicable), to include operational tests of equipment under battery and emergency power (where applicable). 6. Demonstration of emergency egress capabilities at doors with Security Systems equipment (where applicable). 7. Testing of electrical supervision communication circuits. of all input/output and data H. The Contractor shall carefully plan and coordinate the Formal Acceptance Tests so that all tests can be satisfactorily completed within eight (8) cumulative hours of testing. 1. The Contractor shall provide all necessary instruments, labor and materials required for tests, and provide for qualified technicians in sufficient numbers to perform the tests within the time limits imposed. 2. The Contractor shall make available the use of two-way radio equipment to facilitate communication among the participating technicians during all testing procedures. I. 3.09 In the event that the OAR or other required representative of the BAA is required to witness a retest at a later date because the Contractor is not adequately prepared to conduct the Formal Acceptance Tests or because the systems being tested have failed such tests, which shall be solely determined by the OAR witnessing the tests, the costs of witnessing additional tests (based on time and materials at the established rates of the OAR or other required individuals) shall be borne exclusively by the Contractor. In such an event, a change order to the General Construction Contract will be executed for compensation of the BAA’s representatives witnessing the tests. DISPOSAL OF EXISTING HARDWARE A. After the new System has been completely installed and Substantial Completion has occurred, all existing hardware, software, and components removed and/or replaced shall be accumulated by the Contractor and, with accompanying written inventory, turned over to the Authority who will determine final disposition. B. Contractor shall produce an inventory list based on category of equipment and/or hardware that will include the following information for each item: Item Manufacturer Model # Quantity END OF SECTION 13700 CTI Consulting Security Systems General Requirements 13700 - 19 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport This page left intentionally blank CTI Consulting Security Systems General Requirements 13700 - 20 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport SECTION 13727 ACCESS CONTROL AND ALARM MONITORING SYSTEM (ACAMS) PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Replace the existing Access Control and Alarm Monitoring System (ACAMS) in its entirety at the Birmingham International Airport (BHM), a part of the Birmingham Airport BAA (BAA). The new ACAMS shall be installed in parallel to the existing ACAMS with the existing ACAMS being phased out and removed in reverse order from the field back to the main ACAMS server. 1.02 REFERENCES, STANDARDS, DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS A. Refer to Division 13 Section “Security Systems General Requirements” and Division 1 Section “References.” 1.03 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Contractor shall replace the existing ACAMS in its entirety from the headend servers and client workstations equipment, hardware, software, and intelligent field Security Control Panels (SCP), and field equipment with a new, complete and functional ACAMS. Where all existing and nonfunctional access control devices located have been removed, Contractor shall patch walls/doors as required to cover unused openings. The new ACAMS head-end servers and client workstations equipment, hardware, software, cabling, and field SCPs shall be furnished, installed, and made operational in parallel to the existing ACAMS in a manner such that the security of the facility is not compromised causing the facility to be in violation of Federal DHS and TSA Regulations. B. At the field level, Contractor shall replace all existing SCPs; furnish and install new ACAMS SCPs; replace existing wire and cabling; repair or replace or remove existing door hardware determined to be unusable with new ACAMS sequence of operation; replace or remove existing door monitoring and control devices as specified - door position switches (DPS), local audio/visual alarm (AVA) devices, electric strike (ES), magnetic lock (ML), and a request-to-exit push button (REX-PB) devices; furnish and install new door and gate monitoring and/or control devices – DPS, GPS, AVA, ES, ML, DEML, ED and REX-PB devices; replace all magnetic stripe type card readers (CR) with Combination Proximity/Keypad type card readers (CR/KP). C. The new ACAMS software shall be based on the manufacturer's standard ACAMS software and programmed to provide the functionality and features required by BAA. This task shall include the development of CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 1 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport required enrollment screens with data entry fields, additional follow-on pages, data field linkages to other related data fields, layout and design of all required Photo ID badge templates, and the layout and design of all required reports as specified herein and as defined by BAA during the system setup and configuration process. D. The specifications and drawings provided are Performance based meaning that they are intended to indicate the design and performance intent of the engineering and design team, not the actual system design which is to be done by the winning bidder based on the system solution proposed. The documents are not intended to show every item, accessory and every point of service for power as well as actual cabling pathways both above and below ground that may be required by the actual installation. E. This Project includes the installation of new ACAMS components that are remotely located away from the Main Terminal. As such, Bidder shall be responsible for the design and installation of a new fiber optic cabling system (where not existing) as a part of this Project in order to connect these remote locations with the ACAMS main head end equipment located in the Main Terminal, sending and receiving ACAMS equipment control, data and alarm signals. F. The new ACAMS head-end equipment manufacturer and software developer shall possess a current source of developed Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) necessary to allow the ACAMS to connect directly to the recently upgraded Airport’s Bosch CCTV System at the software level. The APIs shall allow for commands to be received and acted on from ACAMS as well as for the CCTV System to send information to ACAMS. G. Bidder shall be responsible for furnishing and installing all necessary high and low voltage power, indicated or not, to all equipment identified herein and shown on the contract drawings as required to make that installation fully operational including, but not limited to, modifying existing power distribution panels; furnishing and installing new circuit breakers, stepdown transformers, low voltage power supply devices and/or power supply panels, disconnect switches, UPS units, batteries, conduit, wire and cable. High voltage source points are to be identified and coordinated with the Airport OAR. H. The drawings provided indicate structures and installations that are roughly scaled and not field-verified by the Airport so their accuracy in both scale and content may not be exact. Where the drawings may be used by the Bidders to get rough estimating numbers from, Bidders are not advised to base their bid solely on the content and scale of the drawings for estimating distances, size, configuration and location of physical installations such as fence lines, roadways, structures and CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 2 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport buildings without performing site visits to confirm or correct information contained on the drawings. Change Orders resulting from the Bidder scaling or following the drawings only without performing site surveys to verify that information will not be accepted after award of bid. As part of the pre-trenching investigation and survey requirements specified by the Airport (e.g. Trench-Alert or Dig-Alert) to be performed prior to any trenching work, unidentified underground obstructions or installations discovered during excavations that require the design to be modified or additional field work to be done, are exempt from this rule. I. The new ACAMS head-end hardware and software, communications network backbone, and field SCPs shall be installed, tested, and brought online in parallel to the existing ACAMS. Existing controlled/monitored portals connected to an existing SCP shall be changed over to a new SCP, one SCP at a time, in order to minimize the requirement for manual control and monitoring of the portal during the transition period. J. The winning Bidder, now known as the Contractor, shall perform these initial tasks at the beginning of the Project: 1. Survey, identify, and document existing ACAMS head-end hardware and software configuration for use only as a reference during the configuration of the new ACAMS, as the new ACAMS will be configured differently and have many more features. Documentation form and content shall be pre-approved by BAA prior to commencement of the work. 2. Survey, identify, and document existing ACAMS field SCPs, their data communications (comm) link configuration, identification of any fiber optic cable/strands used for each comm link leg, space available in existing conduit pathway, and the main head-end comm link port the panel is currently connected to and the sequence of connection. Documentation form and content shall be pre-approved by the Airport AOR prior to commencement of the work. 3. Survey, identify, and document existing Airport and Tenant door configurations (single, double, mullion, wood, glass, etc.), existing door hardware (panic bar, push pad, touch bar, handsets, latch sets, key cylinders, etc.), and ACAMS field devices (CR, DPS, AVA, ES, EL, REX-PB, signal/power transfer hinges, local low voltage device power supplies, etc.), wire/cable connecting each device to the existing field SCP, and the number and size of existing conduits used noting space availability. The intent is to reuse the existing conduit pathways to the extent possible. Where existing conduit is found unsuitable or not conducive for pulling new wire/cable to the new field devices, Contractor shall furnish and install new conduit. Faulty or nonfunctional doors and/or door hardware (other than that slated to be replaced) shall be brought to the attention of the Airport OAR for correction. Documentation form and content shall be pre-approved by CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 3 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport the Airport OAR prior to commencement of the work. New door and door hardware manufacturer make and model number shall be as specified by the Airport OAR and/or match existing already in use. Door hardware shall include handles, hinges, latching/locking devices (strikes, vertical rods), panic bars, and key cylinders (manufacturer make and model number key cylinder shall be as specified by the Airport OAR; core and keying shall be furnished and installed by the Airport OAR). 4. Coordinate work with the CCTV System upgrade work in order to identify camera locations and their System Identification Number that are to be used in relation to monitoring of access controlled portals and security checkpoints. This information will be used in configuring the CCTV System interface to ACAMS and for programming of the CCTV System for automatic alarm call-up and manual call-up of cameras as well for setting up recording parameters. Documentation form and content shall be pre-approved by the Airport OAR prior to commencement of the work. 5. Survey and document existing inside and outside plant cabling pathways identified by the Airport OAR as possibly being available for use by the replacement ACAMS communications network cabling. Pathways determined to be unusable shall be identified and brought to the attention of the Airport OAR. Where a pathway is not available or determined to be unusable, Contractor shall furnish and install new conduit pathways and support structures required to support the new ACAMS communications network. Documentation form and content shall be pre-approved by the Airport OAR prior to commencement of the work. 6. Survey, identify, and document existing ACAMS 120VAC power supply from source power distribution panel to field SCPs and devices including spare capacity in 120VAC power distribution panel, wire, conduit, boxes, transformers, disconnect switches, and circuit protection devices used. Contractor shall identify and document any spare circuit capacity in existing 120VAC power distribution panel. Where not existing, Contractor shall furnish and install 120VAC power to all new 120VAC ACAMS locations including wire, conduit, boxes, transformers, disconnect switches, and circuit protection devices as required to make each installation operational. Power shall be extended either from the closest local 120VAC power distribution panel or from a local existing camera’s 120VAC power service. Contractor to use spare circuit breakers or install new circuit breakers in local power distribution panels. Contractor to verify that the use of an existing circuit(s) or the addition of the new circuit(s) to the panel does not exceed panel(s) load capacity and that the load is within acceptable limits. When extending service from an existing ACAMS power location, Contractor to verify circuit loading is not exceeded and that the load is within acceptable limits. Documentation form and content CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 4 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport shall be pre-approved by the Airport OAR prior to commencement of the work. 7. Survey, identify, and document existing local low voltage power supply units, low voltage power supply units equipped with battery backup, and/or Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) units. Contractor shall provide, install, and connect new low voltage power supply units and UPS units in conjunction with the new ACAMS and re-connect replacement units to the original 120VAC power supply sources in previously in use. Documentation form and content shall be preapproved by the Airport OAR prior to commencement of the work. 8. Test all existing automatic sliding and barrier vehicle gate operators and vehicle loop detectors for proper operation that are controlled and monitored under ACAMS. Faulty or non-functional gate/arm operators and/or vehicle detector loops shall be brought to the attention of the Airport OAR for correction. All ACAMS-related gate monitoring and control devices shall be replaced to provide required functionality. 9. Survey and document the interface between the existing ACAMS and the existing BAA premise Fire Alarm System if present; if an interface exists, identify the number and type of individual alarms being passed to ACAMS from FAS such as a general alarm or individual zone alarms; locate and identify the type of connections on ACAMS and on FAS. 10. Survey and document the interface between the existing ACAMS and any other Systems being monitored or communicated with (CCTV, AED, Emergency Intercom, etc.) to assure that, at a minimum, all interface and connectivity existing with the current ACAMS is reinstated and provided within the new ACAMS and programmed accordingly. K. Contractor to extract, convert, merge, and reconcile existing the ACAMS and Photo ID card holder database information and then import it into the new ACAMS and test. L. Equipment Rooms used for installing ACAMS related hardware are located throughout the Airport as shown on the plans. These rooms contain the existing ACAMS SCPs, door hardware power supplies, CCTV System related equipment, cabling infrastructure and network equipment and hardware. Contractor to install new ACAMS hardware as close as possible to the existing ACAMS equipment in order to simplify the transition between the new and existing SCPs, while still providing for a clean, aesthetic, maintainable and logical final new ACAMS installation. Mounting locations for equipment and cut-over phasing shall be part of submitted materials for approval. M. Contractor shall provide for a hardwired interface between ACAMS and the BAA premise fire alarm system based on zones of detection. Contractor shall locate and identify any existing ACAMS alarm input signal CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 5 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport connection(s) to the existing facility fire alarm system. Where these exist, Contractor to parallel the existing alarm connections over to the new ACAMS and then test and verify that there is a proper ACAMS operational interface as well as a proper ACAMS response to a fire alarm condition. When the new ACAMS is fully operational and in total control, Contractor shall disconnect and demo the alarm input signal(s) from the existing ACAMS and clean-up the installation. N. Contractor shall perform all surface cutting, patching, repair, excavation, trenching, backfill, compaction and re-surfacing necessary in support of or to install new security-related equipment such as foundations, mounting pads, poles, and underground conduit pathways, etc. including, not but not limited to, wall repair and painting, floor repair and tile/carpeting, ceiling repair including drop or hard-cap ceilings, asphalt or concrete pavement, etc. O. Contractor to furnish and install lightning and voltage surge protection on all power supply connections to ACAMS equipment installed in the field and on all System equipment installed inside buildings where determined by the Contractor to be required. P. Contractor to furnish and install all forms and cast-in-place concrete for new security-related equipment installations such as foundations, footings, mounting pads, poles, pedestals, bollards, underground conduit ducts, etc. where required. Q. Contractor to furnish and install equipment support hardware and (bollards and card reader supports protectors and lightning protection individual installation. all miscellaneous security-related protective devices, both physical for example) and electronic (surge for example) as required by each R. Upon completion of the upgrade to the ACAMS, the Contractor shall startup, program and perform all necessary System testing and diagnostics to ensure that the installation is operating properly and performing in accordance with the intent of these specifications. Testing shall be performed in accordance with Part 3 of this specification. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Conform to and submit per the requirements of Division 1 Section “Submittals” and Division 13 Section “Security Systems General Requirements.” B. Develop and present a plan and schedule for phasing the installation, testing, and acceptance of the new ACAMS head-end and field equipment, hardware, and software and the phasing of the demolition of the existing ACAMS head-end and field equipment, hardware, and software. Both the new installation effort and the demolition effort shall be CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 6 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport done in a manner such that the security of the facility is not compromised resulting in the Airport to be in violation of Federal Regulations. It is the intent of this Project to install the new ACAMS in parallel to the existing ACAMS down to the field SCP level. The new ACAMS shall be operational down to the field SCP level before transitioning existing portal control from the existing SCPs over to the new SCPs. The existing ACAMS shall be maintained operational during the entire process until the new ACAMS installation, in its entirety, has been completed and tested and is in complete control of the Airport's access control and alarm monitoring functions. In order to accomplish this, it is understood that the new ACAMS shall be installed and tested in phases in order to support a phased program shift from the existing ACAMS to the new ACAMS. C. Product Data: Technical data sheets and/or specifications for each product to include information on features, options, finishes and graphics. Specific product data items shall include: 1. Access Control Panels (ACP) / Security Control Panels (SCP). 2. Door Position Switches (DPS), Gate Position Switches (GPS), Tamper Switches (TS). 3. Cabinets, Enclosures and Accessories. 4. Cardreaders with Keypads (CR/KP). 5. Audible/Visual Annunciators (AVA). 6. Security Systems UPS Units (SS UPS). 7. 19” Communication Room Racks. 8. Power Supplies (PS12, PS24DC). 9. Any other ACAMS equipment installed as part of the system. D. Shop Drawings: Provide complete installation drawings including plan view locations, elevations, mounting details and dimensions, system block diagrams, and terminal point to terminal point wiring diagrams for all equipment and components (and by Security Type where applicable). Shop drawings shall reflect all requirements associated with the BAAprovided or existing equipment and materials that will be used as part of this system. Specific shop drawings shall include: 1. Plan view drawings showing exact mounting locations for each equipment item. 2. Typical door Security Type elevations showing equipment position, dimensions, mounting boxes, conduit sizes and other information CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 7 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 relevant to coordination with equipment and hardware provided under other Sections. 3. System block diagram. 4. Connection of ACAMS equipment with Security Control Panels (SCP), including block diagrams and terminal point to terminal point wiring diagrams. Diagrams shall also indicate dry contacts and information regarding interfaces with other systems. 5. Details of ACAMS connections to power sources, including primary and secondary power supplies and grounding. 6. Surge protection device installation and location. 7. Details of interconnection with the CCTV system for camera call-up. E. Submit load calculation and battery back-up time estimate for all Security Systems UPS units provided under this Section. Calculations shall include all equipment and systems being supported and shall use latest information regarding equipment model actually being installed. F. Submit samples of any custom mounting plates or custom fabricated equipment for all equipment provided under this Section for approval by the OAR. G. Contractor shall provide a list of recommended spare parts with associated costs and quantities that the Contractor recommends the Authority to have on-hand at the facility. 1.05 COMPATIBILITY A. All ACAMS equipment included in this Section shall be compatible with other new ACAMS equipment and with the existing ACAMS. B. All biometrics features (current and future) of the ACAMS shall meet or exceed the 2006 TSA biometrics standards with regards to hardware, software and system configuration and expansion. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL A. Refer to Division 13 Section “Security Systems General Requirements” for information on raceways, cable trays, boxes, cabling, surge protection, tamper provisions, grounding, and cabling and equipment identification. B. Refer to Division 8 Section “Door Hardware” for further information on electrified security door hardware and products. CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 8 April 20, 2007 2.02 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport SYSTEM OVERVIEW A. The Access Control and Alarm Monitoring System (ACAMS) shall provide a number of functions including the ability to regulate access through specific doors and gates to secured areas of the BAA facility and provide computer generated color employee and visitor credentials for that use. ACAMS shall interface with the upgraded existing CCTV System for viewing, recording, and storing of digital video of activities occurring in the facility. ACAMS must utilize a single seamlessly integrated relational database for all functionality. This integration shall be provided with one operating environment. ACAMS operating environment shall be a fully multi-tasking multi-threading operating system. ACAMS shall be written so that all ACAMS software (access control, alarm monitoring, intrusion detection, photo identification badge creation and management, digital video, etc.) are developed and built from a unified 32-bit source code set. There absolutely shall not be separate source code bases for the individual software of ACAMS. B. The ACAMS solution shall allow the configuration of Photo Identification (Photo ID) enrollment and badging client workstations, alarm monitoring (Operator) client workstations, Administrative (Admin) client workstations, remote access level management client workstations, and integrated client workstations (which shall include any combination of the above client workstations). ACAMS shall be expandable to support an unlimited number of individual software or integrated client workstations. All access control field hardware, including intelligent Security Control Panels (SCP), shall be accessible to every/any ACAMS workstation on the network as defined by the ACAMS System Administrator. C. The Operator client workstations must be able to connect to, and monitor, field hardware devices, such as card readers and SCPs. Administrative tasks including defining access groups, time zones, configuring digital video devices, generating reports, creating maps, etc. shall be provided from any client workstation on the network that is licensed to do so. The Photo ID enrollment and badging client workstations shall serve as both the credential creation and data input client workstation for the photo identification management software of ACAMS. The integrated client workstation shall allow for any combination of functions of ACAMS to be available from the single client workstation. All ACAMS data must reside on a single database on the network and must be accessible in real time to every/any ACAMS workstation connected to the network. This shall allow for automatic change propagation to all client workstations on ACAMS as well as a common database to consolidate all information and allow for faster disaster recovery. CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 9 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport D. ACAMS must be designed to perform a variety of functions as part of a total ACAMS solution that are categorized into sixteen primary "system software" which shall include: 1. Access Control: The primary purpose of ACAMS is to provide access control. ACAMS shall be able to make access granted or denied decisions, define access levels, and set time zones and holidays. An input/output linkage feature will allow linking of monitor zone points to output control points within intelligent SCPs. ACAMS shall support features such as area control (two man control, hard, soft, and timed anti-passback), database segmentation, and time zone/holiday overrides. 2. Alarm Monitoring and Intrusion Detection: ACAMS shall be used for alarm monitoring. Alarms are to be prioritized. The Main Alarm Monitoring Window shall provide information about the time and location of the alarm, along with its priority. The Main Alarm Monitoring Window must be able to sort pending and/or insert new alarms based on any of the following attributes: priority, date/time, alarm description, SCP, Card Reader, Input Control Software, or cardholder. Date/time sorts must be user selectable to be either ascending or descending and must have the option of displaying the seconds of the minute in which the alarm arrived into ACAMS. All columns of information in the Main Alarm Monitoring Window shall be able to be arranged in any order by the System Operator. ACAMS must allow unique emergency instructions to be specified for each type of alarm. A real-time graphical system status tree on the screen shall indicate if card readers, alarm panels, digital video servers, video cameras, or SCPs are secured, unsecured, in alarm, or off-line. Output control operations must be available to lock, unlock or pulse control points as a standard feature. A cardholder call-up feature shall allow the quick search and display of images in the database. A System Operator journal shall be available to log important daily events. A trace function shall be available for System Operators to locate and track activity on specific cardholders, video cameras, or card readers. An image comparison feature must be provided for use in conjunction with CCTV System interface that will allow operators to call-up an image stored in the Photo ID database that is associated with the card being used and compare it to a live video image of the person using the card. All alarms and hardware icons shall have the ability to control the associated hardware via right-mouse clicks. 3. Photo Identification (Photo ID) Badge Creation and Management: ACAMS shall include seamlessly integrated Photo ID management software. The Photo ID management functionality must allow the enrollment of cardholders into the database, capturing of images, CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 10 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport biometric data, and signatures, as well as the import/export of employee data. This functionality shall also allow the System Operator to assign and/or modify the access rights of a cardholder. ACAMS shall include a seamlessly integrated state-of-the-art, minimum 32-bit software, Photo ID badge creation and production system. This shall allow for the creation of different badge types based on a database field, the linking of that field to a badge type to automate the process of credential production, and the use of security colors, chromakey, and ghosting to allow Airport staff and tenants to quickly identify personnel access BAA. ACAMS shall have capabilities for biometric verification. Through the enrollment and comparison of a stored specific biometric element, the identity of an individual shall be verified through physical measurements. 4. Digital Video: ACAMS shall be seamlessly integrated with the existing digital video management CCTV System. It shall support real time linkage of digital video clips to their associated alarms from the ACAMS. System Administrators shall have the ability to configure video segments by specifying pre- and post-alarm time marks and linking defined video segments to specific alarms. 5. Third Party Interfaces: ACAMS shall be capable of being integrated with third party hardware and software products such as Perimeter Intrusion Detection System (PIDS), Emergency Intercom System (EIC), and facility Fire Alarm System as required. ACAMS shall allow alarms and events from the third party systems to report into the same Main Alarm Monitoring Window as access control alarms. Third party interface hardware shall be configurable via the ACAMS access control software. When provided for, System Operators shall be able to control third party hardware devices from the Alarm Monitoring software. Third party hardware alarms and events shall be stored in ACAMS database for audit trail and reporting purposes. 6. System Administration: System Administrative tasks such as defining client workstation & System Operator permissions set-up, access groups, time zones, reports, maps, etc. shall be provided from any client workstation on the network. Initial setup of the cardholder screen layout shall occur on the database server. 7. Photo ID Badge Layout Creation: ACAMS shall provide a Badge Layout Creation and Editing Software to allow for the creation of custom badge designs to be created by BAA. ACAMS shall support credit card, government, and custom Photo ID card sizes in either a landscape or portrait format and shall support double sided, edge-toedge printing. CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 11 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport 8. Screen/Forms Creation: ACAMS shall provide a Forms Designing and Editing Software that shall give System Administrators the ability to modify any standard field to customize the cardholder forms as desired. ACAMS shall also allow System Administrators to add custom fields in addition to any standard fields on a minimum of sixteen pages of information for cardholder related data. User-defined fields shall not be pre-defined, meaning only the labels can change while the properties cannot. System Administrators shall have an unlimited number of pages with which to design their cardholder screens with standard and custom fields. 9. Customizable User Interface: The ACAMS user interface, in particular the organization of the desktop layout and information contained therein, shall be user controllable and customizable. 10. Graphical Map Creation: ACAMS shall provide Graphical Map Creation and Editing Software that must allow System Administrators to import customized map backgrounds of their facility and to attach custom icons to those maps. 11. Application Programming Interfaces: ACAMS shall provide a set of standard Application Programming Interfaces (API's) and supporting documentation that allows hardware manufacturers and software application developers to integrate their products into ACAMS. The Application Programming Interfaces shall allow requests from BAA to integrate a third party hardware or software solution based on ACAMS open architecture and ACAMS device independence. 12. Data Import: ACAMS shall possess an import utility that will allow BAA or the Contractor to import cardholder information into ACAMS database. This shall allow BAA or the Contractor to pre-populate ACAMS database with existing cardholder data and/or add new records to the existing ACAMS database. 13. Server Redundancy: ACAMS shall support a fault tolerant server and redundant application and database architecture. It shall allow for normal operations to continue in the event that the Primary Server fails. In the event of a server failure, the switch over to a backup server from a primary server shall be automatic and not impede the operation of ACAMS. 14. Database Field Control: Database fields shall be editable at the administrator access level. Editing capabilities shall include field addition, deletion and change of field size and criteria. The database format should support enumerated list fields. Customization capabilities at the administrator access level shall also include the CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 12 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport editing and control of auto-pull down menus for field quick-fill be endusers (i.e. Eye Color, Company, etc.) E. ACAMS shall support an unlimited number of card readers, input points, video cameras, and relay outputs. The ACAMS database server shall support an unlimited number of cardholders limited only by the memory located in the SCPs in which cardholder information will be downloaded. The database server shall also support an unlimited number of access events and System Operator transactions in the history file. ACAMS shall support an unlimited number of client workstations, so long as the network supports them. A fully loaded system shall guarantee a one half-second response time for access granted/denied decisions from the time that a cardholder presents his/her badge to the reader 2.03 APPLICATION DESIGN A. Where Microsoft operating systems are utilized, Gold Certified Partners are preferred, but not required. B. Certification: ACAMS shall have passed and be certified by the Operating System software manufacturer provided. As a minimum, the Operating System used shall be as required by the current BAA standard in effect. The Certification Program for applications shall help BAA identify reliable and manageable applications. ACAMS shall meet the certification requirements and shall provide a self-repairing installation that helps minimize conflicts among shared components and enables the coexistence of applications, facilitates easier software deployment, and reduces support and training costs. C. Single License Key Systems: ACAMS shall only require a single hardware/software license key to be present on the database server for ACAMS to operate. Hardware/software keys shall not be required at the client workstations. The hardware/software license key on the database server shall determine the maximum number of client workstations that shall be able to connect to ACAMS and utilize all ACAMS’ functionality. D. Concurrent Licensing: ACAMS shall support concurrent licensing with respect to client licenses. BAA shall purchase a fixed number of client workstation licenses (or connections) that shall be programmed into the database server license file. ACAMS can then be installed on any number of client workstations in the BAA facility and any of the workstations shall be able to connect to the database server as long as the maximum number of concurrent connections purchased has not been reached. Connections shall be licensed on a per software basis. E. Open Architecture: ACAMS shall have an open architecture design. It shall be a true open architecture design and support industry standards for CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 13 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport databases, networks, Photo ID card printers, and video cameras. No customized or proprietary PC or Photo ID badge creation software or hardware shall be required to operate ACAMS. ACAMS shall be both scalable and portable to give BAA the ability to increase performance based on BAA requirements. 1. ACAMS shall utilize an industry standard Relational Database Management System (RDBMS), be Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) compliant, and provide Object Linking and Embedding Database (OLEDB) capability. ACAMS shall support a relational database management system with the proper 32-bit ODBC drivers. Examples of these databases include, but are not limited to, Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle Server. ACAMS shall be designed so that two methods of integrating these aforementioned relational database management systems are possible. The first method shall be to use one of these databases as ACAMS dedicated database server, meaning only ACAMS information is stored in the database. The other method is to use one of these databases as a non-dedicated database server and attach ACAMS database tables to the existing database that shall be used by one or many systems. ACAMS must be installed and operational on at least two (2) relational database management systems in the field. 2. Open Application Architecture: ACAMS shall support Open Application Architecture. It shall provide a set of standard Application Programming Interfaces (API's) and supporting documentation that allows hardware manufacturers and software application developers to integrate their products into ACAMS. The Application Programming Interfaces shall allow requests from BAA to integrate a third party hardware or software solution based on ACAMS open architecture and ACAMS device independence. Examples of hardware interfaces include fire alarm panels, intercom systems, and personal safety systems. Examples of software interfaces include time and attendance systems, human resource databases, and risk management systems. 3. Scalability: ACAMS shall be scalable to support Symmetric MultiProcessing (SMP) machines. The Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) within ACAMS shall use a single-process, multithreaded architecture known as Symmetric Server Architecture, which provides scalable, high system performance with very efficient use of ACAMS resources. ACAMS shall provide Symmetric Multiprocessor Support, allowing it to execute threads in parallel on multiple CPUs. The RDBMS shall use native Operating System threads and it shall automatically scale to multiprocessor hardware with no special configuration or programming required. CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 14 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport 4. Network Support: at a minimum, ACAMS shall be designed to support TCP/IP 1 Gb Ethernet standard network protocol and topology. 5. Photo ID Video Input Support: ACAMS shall support any industry standard video input source that utilizes a Red/Green/Blue (RGB), Composite, or S-Video signal. ACAMS shall allow cardholder photos to be taken from any one of the live video signals listed above or to be scanned in using any industry standard scanning device that utilizes an industry standard TWAIN interface. ACAMS support for other methods of inputting a cardholder’s photo, such as through the use of an industry standard digital camera with an industry standard TWAIN interface, or by importing a photo from any industry standard image file format, shall also be available. 6. Photo ID Badge Printer Support: ACAMS shall be designed to support an industry standard thermal dye transfer edge-to-edge dual-sided Photo ID card printer with a certified industry standard driver. ACAMS shall also support any ink jet, laser, or dot matrix printer with a certified industry standard drivers. G. Minimum 32-bit Application: ACAMS shall operate on a multi-tasking, multi-threading 32-bit operating system. ACAMS software shall be a true, native 32-bit application build such as Microsoft Windows 2003 Server or Microsoft Windows XP Professional, and scaled. H. Application Partitioning: ACAMS shall employ an application partitioning design so that applications are broken into separate distinct programs capable of running independent of other ACAMS applications. Applications shall include, but not be limited to, alarm monitoring, system administration & configuration, Photo ID management, Security panel drivers, import software, Photo ID card designing software, remote access level management, system diagnostics, and cardholder forms designing software. Each client workstation shall have the ability to be installed with any combination of the above listed modular applications. A system written as a single monolithic code base shall not be acceptable. I. Easy to Use, Graphical User Interface: ACAMS shall support a user friendly, graphical user interface that shall be intuitive. All messages and interface text shall support localization. All functions shall be either keyboard or mouse driven to allow the System Operators to choose the method of navigating through the screens. In the alarm monitoring of ACAMS software, all major functions (opening a door, acknowledging alarms, launching video, etc.) shall be accomplished in one or two mouse clicks. This shall allow for ease of operation, especially in emergency situations. CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 15 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport J. ACAMS shall support the Operating System's Installer that shall allow efficient system deployment. This means that ACAMS shall be loaded onto a server running the Operating System Installer and all client workstations and any future upgrades shall be installed from the server utilizing network communications. K. Distributed Local Decision Making: ACAMS shall employ a distributed architecture so that all cardholder access decisions are made locally at the SCP. All decisions to grant access shall be made by the local SCP. Absolutely no access decisions shall be made at the HOST or Database Server PC. Where cardholder information is not contained within the database on the SCP being accessed, the SCP shall perform a serverlookup in order to obtain the required database information and access privileges from the server. L. Application Installation: ACAMS shall support a simplified installation procedure using Installation Wizards that guide System Administrators through the installation of the database server and any client workstations. ACAMS shall automatically detect previous versions installed on the client workstations for fast and efficient upgrade installations. M. Multimedia Integration: ACAMS shall extensively integrate and utilize multimedia throughout ACAMS software. Real-time, dynamic graphical maps mean that the map screen does not have to re-paint or refresh each time a new alarm or event condition occurs. Map device icons shall also dynamically change shape based on the state of the device. ACAMS shall support a BAA customizable flashing colored system icon for each alarm in ACAMS. ACAMS shall also support customizable text instructions for each alarm or event. Real-time live user video verification seamlessly integrated into alarm monitoring shall also be available to view cardholder activity in high priority areas. N. Advanced Network Architecture: ACAMS shall support advanced distributed network architecture, whereas SCPs do not need to be home run wired back to the database server. SCPs shall be connected to a 1 Gb Ethernet Local Area Network/Wide Area Network via industry standard TCP/IP communication protocol. Network based SCPs shall be able to communicate back with the database server through industry standard network switches and routers and shall not have to be on the same subnet. As such, any alarm in ACAMS shall be routed to any client workstation(s) on the network, regardless of the SCP that generated the alarm. O. Object Oriented Programming: ACAMS shall be designed using the latest programming techniques and advanced minimum 32-bit programming tools to optimize ACAMS performance. Thus, ACAMS shall be designed CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 16 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport utilizing object oriented programming. This shall give ACAMS a modular design and allow BAA to pick and choose the desired functionality required. Object Oriented Programming shall allow for ease of ACAMS maintenance and will allow ACAMS to be easily expanded and upgraded as BAA needs grow. 2.04 OPERATING SYSTEM A. At a minimum, ACAMS shall support a 32-bit source code, multi-tasking, multi-threading operating system. ACAMS must meet the following requirements: 1. Interface: The operating system shall be Microsoft Windows based to enhance usability and efficiency. The operating system shall come complete with administrative wizards and interactive help to guide System Administrators in the configuration of ACAMS. 2. Networking: The operating system shall support TCP/IP 1 Gb Ethernet networking protocols. ACAMS shall also support peer-to-peer and FTP server capabilities. 3. Remote Management: The operating system shall utilize remote management utilities such as event viewers and performance monitors to fine tune and optimize the operating system that will in turn optimize ACAMS. It shall support both dial-out capabilities to remote servers as well as remote dial in capabilities. 4. Remote Access Services (RAS): The operating system shall support full remote diagnostics abilities through its remote access services. Full network functionality shall be available over remote links using NetBEUI, IPX/SPX, and TCP/IP protocols. Dial in capability to remote Servers using remote access service shall also be available. 5. Security: The operating system shall support multiple user profiles on the same client workstation so System Administrators can assign which programs shall be available to System Operators based on their operating system user log-on. Local desktop security shall be available through the User's Photo ID proximity card and required password log-on. The operating system shall provide a government C2 level certifiable security and shall support a data encryption utility. 2.05 CLIENT/SERVER RELATIONAL DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS A. ACAMS shall support industry standard Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) compliant relational database management systems. This shall include relational database management systems such as Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle Server. These databases, through ODBC, shall be true CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 17 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport client/server, high performance, and ANSI standard capable of handling high transaction rates and multiple users concurrently accessing and modifying the database. B. Preservation of Data Integrity: ACAMS RDBMS shall preserve data integrity in the following ways: 1. Transaction Processing: Transaction processing shall guarantee the consistency and recoverability of the RDBMS. Transaction processing shall assure that all transactions are performed as a single unit of work, even in the presence of a hardware or general ACAMS failure. All transactions shall be fully executed in no more than a maximum of 3 seconds after entering command and/or request. 2. Enforced Data Integrity: ACAMS RDBMS shall enforce data integrity within the database itself, guaranteeing that complex business policies will be followed. “Referential Integrity” maintains consistency between multiple tables of a database. For example, you do not want to delete an access level from the database without removing that access level from all cardholders that are assigned the access level. ACAMS RDBMS shall use advanced data integrity features such as data types, defaults, and rules to enforce data integrity. Stored procedures and triggers shall also be used to insure the integrity and security of data. 3. User-Defined Data Types: ACAMS RDBMS shall utilize data types, which provide the simplest form of data integrity by restricting what kinds of information (for example: characters, numbers, or dates) may be stored in the columns of the database tables. 4. Defaults: ACAMS RDBMS shall also utilize Defaults, which allow ACAMS to specify a value that the RDBMS inserts if no explicit field value is entered. 5. Rules: ACAMS RDBMS shall enforce rules, which are integrity constraints that go beyond those implied by a field’s data type. Whenever a user enters a value, the RDBMS shall check the value against any rule that has been created for the specified field. For example, rules can require that a value fall within a particular range, match a particular pattern, or match one of the entries in a specified list. ACAMS RDBMS shall also provide two features for enforcing programming integrity and business rule logic centrally at the server: stored procedures and triggers. a. Stored Procedures: The RDBMS shall incorporate stored procedures for increased data integrity. For example, whenever a SQL command is sent to the RDBMS for processing, the server shall parse the command, check its syntax to see if it makes sense, CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 18 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport check to see if the requester has the permissions necessary to execute the command, and formulate an execution plan to process the request. b. Triggers: Triggers are a special type of stored procedure. Triggers are associated with particular pieces of data and are automatically initiated whenever attempts to modify that data are made. C. Mature Client/Server Architecture: ACAMS shall support a two-tier mature client/server architecture in which the central database server performs all of the data processing. The clients shall be one of many types of client workstations including administrative, alarm monitoring, access control, or enrollment and badging client workstations. The client workstation shall send all requests to the database server, which does all of the processing. The database server then sends only the results of the request back to the client workstation. This minimizes network traffic and ensures data integrity as a central database is performing all processing. D. Mature Three Tier Architecture: ACAMS shall also support a mature threetier architecture consisting of a database server, application server, and client workstations. When a client workstation evokes a business rule or accesses ACAMS database, it shall send a request to the application server. The application server shall then either fulfills the request itself, sending the result back to the client workstation, or if additional resources are needed (such as data or the calculations of another server), the application server shall act as a client to the database server to obtain the required information. The three-tier architecture shall be implemented using supporting technologies such as Open Software Foundation's Distributed Computing Environment (OSF/DCE). This architecture shall be used for the remote access level management software of ACAMS. 2.06 NETWORK DESIGN A. ACAMS shall be designed to work with any industry standard TCP/IP 1Gb Ethernet network protocol and topology. Network shall be furnished and installed such that data, photos, video, and live video transactionsrequests-transmissions over the network occur within the maximum response times noted: 3 seconds for data transactions; 5 seconds for photo requests; 10 seconds for recorded or live video stream requests. B. There shall be no limit to the number of client workstations that shall be attached to the server. Each client workstation shall have the ability to consist of any combination of access control, system administration, alarm monitoring, and Photo ID management functions as well as access to the CCTV System video and functions. ACAMS shall be able to operate transparently in both a LAN and WAN environment, as long as one of the above protocols or network topologies are utilized. Any alarm in ACAMS, regardless of the SCP that generated the alarm, and CCTV System video CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 19 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport shall be routed to any client workstation on the network. Alarms and video shall also be routed to multiple client workstations on the network and shall have the ability to be routed to different client workstations during different hours of the day through time zone control. 2.07 GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE A. ACAMS shall have an easy to use Microsoft Windows as the Graphical User Interface. It shall be intuitive and all messages and commands shall have the capability to support multiple languages. All functions shall be both keyboard and mouse driven. B. Within the alarm monitoring software of ACAMS, all major functions (such as acknowledging alarms, opening doors, and viewing cardholder information, etc.) shall be accomplished in one or two mouse clicks maximum. C. ACAMS shall have the ability to have ACAMS information that will be viewed in the application windows to be in a user defined typeface and point size. These fonts shall be available from a pick list to the System Administrators. This shall be especially important in the alarm-monitoring software of the software. ACAMS shall integrate toolbars that shall be movable and sizable as shortcuts to different forms within ACAMS. D. A Help icon shall be available in all software of the software giving System Operators/System Administrators the ability to obtain on-line help with a single click of the mouse. The help command shall also be keyboard driven. E. ACAMS shall utilize a tabular format within the software to group procedures and forms together to guide the System Administrator through ACAMS configuration. F. User-controllable user interface - the system desktop, in particular, shall be user-controllable and customizable with regards to layout. 2.08 MIGRATION AND UPGRADES A. ACAMS shall support a seamless upward and horizontal upgrade path. ACAMS shall be furnished to support the largest system in the product line complete with all the software, features and functionality described herein. The actual ACAMS size and feature set installed shall be controlled by a software/hardware license key and shall be programmed based on licensing. B. Upgrading ACAMS shall be efficient, easy, and require only a change in the software/hardware license key code for the application portion of ACAMS. CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 20 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport C. ACAMS shall be 100% upward compatible. ACAMS field hardware shall be compatible with all ACAMS upgrades. ACAMS field hardware (Intelligent System Controllers, Input Control Software, Card Readers, etc. and Client workstations, cameras, printers, and data shall not have to be replaced or upgraded when ACAMS is upgraded. D. The Graphical User Interface shall remain basically the same for all ACAMS upgrades, regardless of the size, number of client workstations, or operating system that is being utilized. ACAMS shall be designed so that the average System Operator will not know that ACAMS was upgraded or modified. This shall prevent the re-training of System Operators/System Administrators each time ACAMS is upgraded. 2.09 SEAMLESS INTEGRATION A. All ACAMS application software, features, and functions shall be seamlessly integrated to provide a single system, single graphical user interface, and single database. This shall allow for ease of maintenance and allow for ease of future upgrades and enhancements. All ACAMS features and functionality identified herein shall ship with ACAMS. All ACAMS features and functionality shall be determined through licensing and shall be controlled by a hardware/software license key. B. All ACAMS data must reside in a single database on the network and must be instantly accessible from every/any client workstation connected to the network that is licensed to do so. This shall provide automatic change propagation to all client workstations on ACAMS as well as a common database to consolidate all information and allow for better disaster recovery. As such, any modifications made to cardholders, time zones, or access levels shall be downloaded automatically without operator intervention in real-time to all related SCPs. CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 21 April 20, 2007 2.10 A. ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport SYSTEM FEATURES AND REQUIREMENTS All ACAMS applications shall be easy to use and shall utilize a user friendly Graphical User Interface. ACAMS shall utilize keyboard and mouse operations with graphical presentations of screen information. The System Operators/System Administrators shall be able to change the settings for typeface and size of font for displaying ACAMS information. Each application shall provide a consistent user interface across all operations of ACAMS. All routine information displayed and requiring input must be in a language supported by ACAMS language pack. No operation must require the interpretation of machine code, the use of mnemonics, or the use of function keys. B. Access Control 1. Time Zones: ACAMS shall be configured to make automatic system clock adjustments such as for Daylight Savings Time. ACAMS shall be capable of creating and storing the maximum number of time zones. Each time zone shall have the maximum number of intervals. Each interval shall be assignable to any day of the week and capable of being restricted on a maximum number of types of holidays. Time zones shall be assigned an alphanumeric name consisting of the maximum number of characters and shall act as templates to be applied to access levels, card reader modes, alarm inputs, alarm outputs, and alarm masking and logging functions. Time zones must be able to be added, modified, and deleted quickly by the System Administrator without Contractor intervention. All time zones shall be downloaded to all related SCPs for distributed processing and local decision-making. 2. Access Levels: All cardholders shall have access based on facility, card reader, time, and day. For example, badges that only allow access to the facility on weekdays between 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., badges that allow access only on weekends between 12:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m., and so on. Time zones for each day shall be pre-defined by BAA and provided to the Contractor for setup. Time zones shall be quickly by the System Administrator without Contractor intervention. a. ACAMS shall allow the System Administrator to define access levels which shall be assigned an alphanumeric name consisting of the maximum number of characters and which combine card readers and time zones. Card readers shall have the ability to be assigned to any or all access levels defined in ACAMS. As such, an access level can consist of any or all card readers in ACAMS. Time zones shall be allowed to belong to any or all access levels so that the time zone only has to be defined once. Access levels shall be CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 22 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport able to consist of multiple card reader assignments; each card reader shall be capable of having a distinct time zone assigned. b. The card readers must grant access to cardholders assigned to the appropriate access levels. ACAMS shall be capable of defining the maximum number of access levels in order to provide the System Administrator flexibility in assigning access privileges to cardholders. The maximum number of access levels shall be assignable to each cardholder. c. ACAMS shall also allow an ‘Allow User Commands’ option to be assigned on an access level by access level basis. If in the future selected card readers are quipped with a companion keypad, cardholders assigned an access level with the “Allow User Commands’ option checked will have the ability to activate and utilize functions at those card reader/keypad locations that also have the ‘Allow User Commands’ option checked through use of the card reader’s keypad. 3. Temporary Access Levels: Inclusive of the above Access Levels, ACAMS shall allow the System Administrator to define Temporary Access Levels that combine card readers and time zones. Card readers shall have the ability to be assigned to all temporary access levels and a temporary access level can consist of all card readers in ACAMS. Time zones shall be allowed to belong to any or all temporary access levels so that the time zone only has to be defined once. Temporary Access levels must be able to consist of multiple card reader assignments; each card reader shall be capable of having a distinct time zone assigned. Temporary Access Levels shall be assigned an alphanumeric name consisting of the maximum number of characters and shall allow System Administrators the ability to assign activation and deactivation dates to the access level, thus giving a date when the access level will become active and a date when the access level will no longer be valid. These temporary access levels shall then be assigned to cardholders for special occasions or visitor privileges, giving them temporary access to specific card readers. 4. Access Groups: Access Groups shall be assigned an alphanumeric name consisting of the maximum number of characters and shall allow System Administrators to group access levels together for ease of assignment of access levels to cardholders. Access Groups allow System Operators to assign a single access group to a cardholder in the enrollment process instead of multiple access levels. The maximum number of access levels shall be assignable per access group. ACAMS shall allow System Administrators to define an unlimited number of access groups. CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 23 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport 5. Precision Access Levels: ACAMS shall include the ability to utilize Precision Access Levels above and beyond the aforementioned standard and temporary access levels. This shall offer the ability to assign “unlimited card reader/time zone combinations.” 6. Inclusion Access Levels: Inclusion Access Levels shall be assigned an alphanumeric name consisting of the maximum number of characters and shall offer the ability to assign unique inclusion access level groups (card reader/time zone combinations) for each individual cardholder, in addition to the cardholder’s thirty two standard access levels. This shall give System Administrators the ability to assign as many card reader/time zone combinations as desired for each cardholder, thus removing the restriction of thirty two access levels per cardholder. 7. Holidays: ACAMS must allow the System Administrator to designate certain dates as holidays. ACAMS shall support the maximum number of Holiday assignments. A cardholder’s access rights, card reader modes, and alarm masking schedules must be able to be altered when the current date is designated a Holiday. Holidays shall be assigned an alphanumeric name consisting of the maximum number of characters and shall be assignable to individual time zones. ACAMS shall support Holiday Ranges that shall allow a single holiday to span across multiple calendar days. For example, Christmas may begin on December 24th and end on January 2nd and shall be defined as a single holiday. ACAMS shall support an embedded calendar in which System Administrators can select the Holiday dates. The calendar shall support the maximum number of years beyond the current date. This will allow System Administrators to program holidays for upcoming years if desired. 8. Database Segmentation: ACAMS shall employ advanced database segmentation functionality. Each segment shall be allowed to have its own unique set of hardware and system parameters including access control field hardware, time zones, access levels, etc., which shall allow System Administrators to expand upon current hardware constraints. For example, each segment shall support the maximum number of access levels, time zones, and holidays. As such, only Photo ID badges that are assigned access levels to card readers in a segment need to be downloaded to the SCPs in that segment. a. ACAMS’ database segmentation functionality shall provide a “segment/landlord” architecture to object records in ACAMS, where segment System Administrators and Operators can only view, add, modify, delete, and manipulate system parameters and access control field hardware that belong to their respective segments. As CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 24 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 such, Landlord Administrators shall have complete control over the entire system. b. System Administrators and System Operators shall be assigned the segments they are allowed to view and control. System Administrators and System Operators may be assigned to more than one segment and a segment may be assigned to more than one System Administrator and System Operator. A one-to-many relationship shall exist for System Administrators and System Operators with respect to segments. For example in a 10 segment system, a System Administrator or System Operator shall be able to belong to one, two, five, seven, or all ten segments. ACAMS shall support the maximum number of segments. c. System Administrators and System Operators shall also be assigned which ‘pages’ of the Cardholder Form that they are able to view and edit. The following database objects shall be available for segmentation: Access Groups Security Panels Alarm Mask Groups Areas Card Formats Global I/O Links SCPs Monitor Zones Card Readers Time Zones Access Levels Alarm Inputs Alarm Outputs Badge Types Global I/O Function Lists Holidays Maps Precision Access Groups System Operators User Permission Groups 9. Field Hardware Communications: ACAMS shall communicate with the SCPs via a 1 Gb Ethernet LAN/WAN minimum utilizing TCP/IP communications protocol. ACAMS shall also have the ability to communicate with the SCPs through remote dial up capabilities. a. ACAMS software shall take full advantage of its multi-tasking capabilities, allowing downloads of cardholder data and any SCP information to take place while monitoring and receiving alarms from the field hardware. Downloading database changes shall not interfere with any output control, access decisions, alarm monitoring, traces, or any other required function of the field hardware and alarm monitoring client workstation. Communications between ACAMS client workstation(s) and the SCP(s) shall be interleaving so that alarms will still report to their respective alarm monitoring client workstations while downloads are occurring. CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 25 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport b. Upon losing and then restoring communications between the SCP and the ACAMS database, database synchronization between the ACAMS database and the local database in each SCP shall be fast and efficient. Every change made to the SCP database shall establish a time/date stamp for the change. When communications are restored, database synchronization shall occur immediately and without System Operator intervention. The time-date stamp shall be compared with any changes in the ACAMS database, hardware configuration, events, or output control commands and ACAMS shall log which changes occurred after the off-line event. Any changes made to the ACAMS database while ACAMS was off-line shall also be simultaneously downloaded to all SCP databases configured in ACAMS. 10. Dual Path Field Hardware Communications: The ACAMS shall support dual path communications between the database server and the SCPs. This shall allow for two paths of communication: a primary and secondary path. The primary path shall communicate between the database server and the SCPs by 1 Gb Ethernet LAN/WAN connections utilizing TCP/IP communications protocol. The secondary path shall communicate via a parallel 1 Gb Ethernet LAN connections utilizing TCP/IP communications protocol. Upon sensing a loss of communications via the primary communication path, the SCP shall automatically initiate the switching of communications to the secondary communications path. Once communications is switched from the primary path to the secondary path, the host shall periodically check and determine if the primary communications path has been restored. Upon restoration of the primary communications path, the host shall restore communications back to the primary communications path. Alarms shall be posted to alarm monitoring client workstations when the primary communications path is lost and/or restored. Contractor shall verify proper function and operation of the network when simultaneously streaming video and data communications over the network. 11. Field Hardware Configuration: All field hardware configuration windows shall be accessed from either the ACAMS Icon Toolbar or from menu options in the menu bar within the ACAMS configuration software of the software. When a field hardware device is configured, it shall appear in the graphical system overview tree and in all appropriate forms. ACAMS shall have the ability for bulk add, modify, and delete privileges for SCPs and card readers to allow for the ease of addition and maintenance of these field hardware devices. Configuration of SCPs, and card readers shall be provided in a window format and shall include the following features: CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 26 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 a. A tab format to logically group information into a series of forms within an icon or menu option. This will allow for ease of configuration. For example, all forms that relate to the configuration of card readers shall be grouped together in the ‘Card reader’ icon. b. Drop down lists to define features c. Check boxes d. Spinners e. Browse Buttons for ease of locating client workstations f. Sortable Lists 12. Alarm Masking Groups: ACAMS shall support a group alarm masking feature whereas System Administrators shall be able to create groups of alarm inputs that enable them to mask or unmask multiple Input Control Module inputs and card reader inputs simultaneously. a. The following events shall have the ability to be part of an alarm masking group: 1. Input Control Module Events - Alarm Input Active 2. Card Reader Events - Auxiliary Input Active - Denied Count Exceeded - Door Contact Tamper - Door Forced Open - Door Held Open - Card Reader Input Tamper b. Alarm Masking Groups shall be able to be masked as a group or as individual points. System Administrators shall have the ability to specify the maximum number of alarms that shall be individually masked at any one time within an Alarm Masking Group. c. Alarm Masking Groups must support the ability to be masked multiple times. For example, when a mask group is initially created it has a mask count of zero (0). The count increments each time that the group is masked. If the group is masked two (2) times, it needs to be unmasked two (2) times for the alarms to begin reporting. ACAMS must support Supervisor (System Administrator) override to reduce the alarm masking group count to zero with one command. d. Alarm Masking Groups shall be able to be masked and/or unmasked via alarm monitoring commands by authorized users via card reader/keypad function keys, or via global linkage commands. e. ACAMS shall support an Alarm Masking Group status change (Masked to Unmasked or Unmasked to Masked) action to be linked to a function list that is capable of performing many system actions, CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 27 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport such as activating a relay output. For example, when an Alarm Mask Group is unmasked, an LED by a door will not be illuminated. However, when the Alarm Mask Group is masked (either by PIN Code/Card reader functionality or by a System Operator in Alarm Monitoring), the LED by the door will illuminate. f. ACAMS shall support the maximum number of Alarm Masking Groups per SCP with the maximum number of alarm inputs per Alarm Masking Group. 13. Global Input/Output/Event Linkage: ACAMS shall support a global linkage feature whereby any input/output/event shall be linked to any other input/output/event within the same SCP. System Administrators shall be able to create global I/O function lists, each consisting of a sequence of actions to be performed, such as changing card reader modes, activating outputs, and opening or closing anti-passback areas. Each function list may include up to six actions. System Administrators shall then be able to link events to the aforementioned global I/O function lists such that a particular device change will execute a function. Inputs shall include, but not be limited to: a. From the Database Server or Client PC - Communication loss b. From the SCP - Cabinet tamper - Power failure c. From the Input Control Module - Communication loss - Cabinet tamper - Power failure - Input points d. From the Card Reader - Access activity - Auxiliary inputs active - Cabinet tamper - Communication loss - Door contact tamper - Door forced open - Door held open - Power failure - Card reader tamper e. Actions that are able to be a part of a function list shall include, but not be limited to: - Activating an Output Control Module Output - Activate a Card reader Auxiliary Output - Mask an Alarm Masking Group - Unmask an Alarm Masking Group CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 28 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport - Open an Area - Close an Area - Chain to another function list - Log the function execution to the database - Set the active mode of a card reader - Test for Active Alarms in an Alarm group - Activate a Time zone - Deactivate a Time zone - SCP Dial Back to the Host - Test Alarms within a Device Group f. Other Events that shall be used to trigger function lists shall include, but not be limited to: - Acknowledging an alarm – Multiple function lists shall be linked to an alarm acknowledgment regardless of the SCP that the alarm was generated from. - Minimum area occupancy - Maximum area occupancy - Host Communication Loss - Card Reader Keypad Commands and Function Keys - Performing a direct command from alarm monitoring g. For each function list that is linked to an input, event, or other function, System Administrators shall have the ability to state how the function will behave based on the current state of the input devices. Input events have several states (depending on the event type), each of which shall be programmed to affect a function list’s state variable in a different way. These states shall be as follows: - Setting a logic term of its state variable to TRUE. - Setting a logic term of its state variable to FALSE. - Pulsing the function list. 14. Cardholder Use Limits: ACAMS shall support a Cardholder Use Limit feature that shall allow System Administrators to specify the maximum number of times that a cardholder may use his or her Photo ID card at card readers in ACAMS. Any card reader in ACAMS shall have the ability to have the Cardholder Use Limit enforced. Assignment for use limits shall be on a cardholder-by-cardholder basis. 15. Extended Individual Hold-Open Times: ACAMS shall support Extended Individual Hold-Open Times that allows a door’s hold-open alarm to be shunted for an extended period of time beyond the pre-determined standard time on a per cardholder basis. The extended shunt time shall be user definable up to the maximum amount time. Extended hold-open times shall be set on a card reader by card reader basis. System Administrators shall have the ability to determine which cardholders are granted the extended hold-open shunt times such as CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 29 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport Airline Tenant Boarding Gate attendants. For example when Cardholder A swipes his card, the door hold-open shunt would be active for thirty (30) seconds, but when Cardholder B swipes his card, the door hold-open shunt would be active for forty-five (45) minutes. 17. Elevator Control: ACAMS shall provide elevator control using standard access control field hardware that will permit either the restriction of cardholder access to certain floors while also allowing general access to other floors or complete restriction of elevator use to authorized Airport staff and Tenants only. The elevator control feature shall allow the use of any card reader and all card reader modes used in ACAMS. For example, the card reader mode shall be time zone controlled to allow visitor access during business hours, and create higher security levels after working hours. An elevator card reader shall be located either next to the elevator call button or in the cab of the elevator near the floor selection button panel. a. Where the elevator is not intended for public use, the card reader next to the elevator call button approach shall be used. Presenting a valid card with the proper access level to the card reader will activate the elevator call button with no restriction on floor selection. b. Where the elevator provides public access to certain floors and also provides access to restricted floors, the card reader shall be mounted inside the cab. To activate the floor selection button panel inside the cab, a valid card with the proper access level must be presented to the reader. A single card presented shall permit only one authorized floor to be selected. In order to request another restricted floor, the cardholder shall be required to present their card again to the reader or a second authorized cardholder’s card can be presented to the reader. Each elevator card reader shall control access to a minimum of 8/16 floors. Those floors programmed as public access (i.e. lobby) shall not require a card read and may be selected by any passenger. ACAMS shall support a separate ‘Day Mode’ for each floor to allow visitor/general access to different floors during different times of the day. ACAMS shall also have the option of assigning a single time zone to all floors for a particular access level for ease of configuration. Elevator access levels shall be assignable to regular access levels for ease of assignment. A summary screen shall be provided for review of access level configurations. ACAMS shall be able to track which floor was selected by an individual cardholder for auditing and reporting purposes. ACAMS shall provide a System Operator the ability to individually control any floor that is controlled by the elevator card reader by turning on and off access via ACAMS. CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 30 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport 18. Pre-Alarm: ACAMS shall support a pre-alarm at the card readers in the field. The pre-alarm will sound a tone at the card reader after a valid access has been granted, the door contact opened, and if the door remains open for a pre-defined period of time. This will act as a reminder for the cardholder to close the door at the card reader. Should the door not be closed within the user-defined time limit after the pre-alarm sounds, a ‘door held open’ alarm shall be generated and sent to the appropriate alarm monitoring client workstations. The held open time shall be configurable up to the maximum amount of time and have the capability to be different for different card readers. For example, the front door may be able to be held open for up to sixty (30) seconds, while a jetway door may only be able to be held open for fifteen (30) minutes. 19. Alarm/Event Logging: By default, all alarms and events in ACAMS shall log to the database that shall be used for reporting and back-up capabilities. ACAMS shall give System Administrators the ability to select on a time zone basis, the times that they require the ACAMS to log specific events to the database. For example, in non-secure areas, System Administrators may not want to log access grants for a particular card reader in the database during normal working hours, but want to know who accessed the area after hours. Alarm/Events shall be set to log or not log particular alarms/events on an individual card reader by card reader and input by input basis. 20. Card Reader Time Zone Overrides: ACAMS shall allow for the predefined default card reader settings to be overridden or temporarily changed on a time zone basis. At the beginning of the a selected time zone, the selected card reader’s operational mode shall be modified from it’s default mode to any one of the following modes: locked, unlocked, facility code, card only, card or PIN, and/or card and PIN. The aforementioned options shall be available depending on the type of card reader utilized. For example, the card reader mode cannot be set to card and PIN if the card reader does not have a keypad. At the end of the time zone, the card reader can return to its default operational mode or be set to any of the aforementioned modes. Each card reader shall have the ability to have multiple time zone setting overrides assigned to them as required by the System Administrator. 21. On-Line Context Sensitive Help: ACAMS shall provide on-line context sensitive help files to guide System Administrators and System Operators in the configuration and operation of ACAMS. The help menu shall be available from any window in ACAMS by pressing the F1 function key or clicking on the Help icon in the toolbar. Help windows shall be context sensitive so ACAMS Administrators can move from form to form without leaving the help window. Standard CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 31 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport help commands for Contents, Search, Back, and Print shall also be available. ACAMS shall also come with complete on-line documentation on CD. 22. Monitor Zones: ACAMS shall provide System Administrators the ability to segment their access control ACAMS field hardware devices into various zones or areas of which alarm monitoring client workstations will monitor. These zones shall be assigned an alphanumeric name using up to the maximum number of characters and shall consist of one or more security panels, card readers, alarm panels, alarm inputs, alarm outputs, video cameras, fire panels, off-line lock panels, a graphical map, along with any associated alarm/event/time zone associations. These zones shall then be assigned to the alarm monitoring client workstations that will monitor the assigned areas. ACAMS shall allow subset relationship devices (such as card readers or ICMs to SCPs) to be automatically part of the monitoring zone when an SCP is selected. It shall allow the System Administrator to define which subset devices (card readers, ICMs, etc.) belong to that monitor zone. ACAMS shall allow for the real time updating of monitor zones. It is unacceptable for System Operators to have to logoff of ACAMS and re-logon each time a monitor zone is modified or updated. 23. Alarm/Event Routing: Alarm/event routing shall be configurable "onthe-fly" to a secondary workstation outside of the ACC which would be used in the event the ACC had to be evacuated and should not require the System Administrator to reprogram. ACAMS shall be capable of allowing System Administrators to route alarms and events to various alarm monitoring client workstations on the network. ACAMS shall allow any alarm or event to be routed to one or multiple client workstations on the network regardless of where the alarm is generated in the field. Alarms shall be routed to client workstations on a device by device level. ACAMS shall have network synchronization so that if an alarm/event is routed to multiple client workstations, once the first client workstation ‘grabs’ the alarm, the alarm/event shall be cleared from all other client workstations. As such, alarms that are routed to an alarm monitoring client workstation which does not have a System Operator logged in shall be queued so that all unacknowledged alarms will report to that client workstation once a System Operator has logged into ACAMS. Alarms/Events shall be routed based on default settings or time zone control. ACAMS shall allow for alarms and events to be placed into groups that can then be assigned to monitor zones. Each alarm/event that is associated with a group can have it’s own unique time zone association. The group will later be used to define when that alarm/event shall be routed to the assigned alarm monitoring client workstation. CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 32 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport 24. Text Instructions: ACAMS shall allow for a set of text instructions to be associated with each alarm that arrives into ACAMS. The text instruction function shall allow the System Administrator to enter unlimited text for procedures to follow for each alarm that arrives at the alarm monitoring client workstations. Each alarm or event in ACAMS shall have it’s own unique set of text instructions should the System Administrator desire. 25. Alarm Attributes: The System Administrator shall have the capability to configure how ACAMS handles the annunciation of alarms on an individual basis. Each alarm and/or event shall have the option(s) to: a. Display at one or more alarm monitoring client workstation. b. Allow higher priority alarms to be displayed on the alarm monitoring client workstation ahead of lower priority alarms. c. Require the field device, which generated the alarm to be restored to its normal state before the alarm, shall be cleared from the alarm-monitoring window. d. Print the alarm to the local event printer. e. Have the alarm breakthrough to the alarm-monitoring window should the System Operator be working on another application on the alarm monitoring client workstation. f. Allow System Operators to add or change the journal entry once the alarm has been acknowledged. g. Require that the alarm not be deleted from the alarm-monitoring window upon acknowledgment. h. Display text instructions outlining the procedures to follow when responding to the alarm. i. Automatically call-up associated maps upon grabbing an alarm. j. Automatically call up the associated cardholder record with photo when the alarm displays. k. Automatically call up the associated cardholder photo in the video verification function when the alarm displays for comparison to a live video image at the card reader. l. Require System Operators to be logged onto ACAMS to view the alarm. m. Require System Operator acknowledgment to clear. n. Allow mandatory journal entry upon acknowledgment. o. Have pre-defined “canned” journal entries for alarms in the ACAMS. p. Allow non-essential events to be cleared without requiring System Operator journal entry, while other alarms shall require System Operator journal entry. q. Send CCTV interface commands to appropriate matrix switchers. CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 33 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport r. Have the alarm appear on the alarm monitoring window with a flashing colored bar across the alarm for high priority alarms. Each priority in the ACAMS shall have its own unique color assigned to it. s. Have the alarm, when acknowledged, display a different flashing colored bar across the alarm than for the original alarm color. Each acknowledged priority in the ACAMS shall have its own unique color assigned to it. t. Have a function list(s) assigned to it that will trigger when the alarm is acknowledged. The function lists shall be configured to execute only within a specified amount of time from when the alarm was generated. u. Require User Logon for Acknowledgment – This feature will require a user ID and password to be entered when the given alarm is acknowledged. This ID shall be different than the User ID that is currently logged onto the ACAMS. 26. Alarm-Event Mappings: ACAMS attributes described above shall be assignable on a ‘global’ basis by System Administrators to all devices that share an alarm description. Thus, the ‘door forced open’ alarm attributes shall apply to any door with a card reader that is forced opened in ACAMS. System Administrators shall have the ability to assign a unique group of alarm attributes to specific device/alarm combinations to override the global settings for specific case settings. For example, System Administrators may assigned a different set of attributes to be applied to a ‘door forced open’ at a bank vault or research facility than they would if the front door was forced open. Each device/alarm combination shall have the ability to have it’s own unique attribute set if the System Administrator desires. 27. System Downloads: After configuring field hardware devices, ACAMS shall allow database information to be downloaded to the SCPs manually or automatic without operator intervention. Downloads shall load ACAMS information (time zones, access levels, alarm configurations, etc.) into the SCPs first, followed by cardholder information and card reader configurations. All SCPs on ACAMS shall be downloaded simultaneously (in parallel with one another) and bidirectional information flow shall occur so that alarms will still report to their respective alarm monitoring client workstations as cardholder information is being downloaded. A complete database download of the maximum number of cardholder records to all SCPs (regardless of the number of SCPs) must be complete in less than ten (10) minutes. Information on cardholder status, badge status, time zones or access levels shall not require System Operator intervention to download to the SCPs and shall download in a real time basis as they are added, modified, or deleted from ACAMS. Thus, any change made to the CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 34 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport aforementioned items shall be downloaded immediately to all SCPs in ACAMS. 28. Card Reader Options: System Administrators shall have the ability to set the following options for each card reader configured in the ACAMS: a. Allow User Commands- This feature shall allow keypad functions (where provided) to be performed at the card reader’s keypad. All cardholders assigned an access level with the “Allow User Commands’ option checked will have the ability to activate and utilize functions at the card reader with its keypad. b. Rename Auxiliary Inputs- This feature shall allow System Administrators to rename the card reader’s auxiliary inputs. For example, “aux input 1”at the front door card reader shall now be renamed “Motion Detector at Front Door”, for example. Card Reader Auxiliary Inputs shall be supported in ACAMS as separate, distinct inputs not associated with the card reader. Each card reader auxiliary input shall appear in ACAMS Alarm Monitoring Software as its own alarm and shall appear on graphical maps as its own device icon. c. Rename Auxiliary Outputs- This feature shall allow System Administrators to rename the card reader’s auxiliary outputs. Card Reader Auxiliary Outputs shall be supported in ACAMS as separate, distinct outputs not associated with the card reader and shall appear on graphical maps as its own device icon. d. Deny if Duress - This feature shall deny a cardholder access into an area if a duress code is entered at the card reader’s keypad (where provided). It shall generate an alarm at the alarm monitoring client workstation. e. Assume Door Used - This option assumes that there is not a door contact at the door to monitor door position. This option is generally used for doors located inside a building. f. Alarm Masking - This feature will allow System Administrators to mask any combination of door forced open, door held open, or the card reader auxiliary input alarms on a time zone basis. Different time zones can be assigned to different door alarm types. g. Activate Outputs - This feature will allow System Administrators to activate auxiliary outputs attached to the card reader on a time zone basis. h. Two Card Control - This feature will instruct the card reader to grant access only if two valid cardholders (with authorized access levels) present their cards one after the other. In the event that a second authorized card is not presented within 10 seconds of the first authorized card, the card reader shall reset and the first card will have to be presented again. CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 35 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport i. Do Not Activate Lock on REX - This feature shall allow ACAMS NOT to activate the door strike on a request to exit command. j. ACAMS shall have the ability to allow System Administrators to decide, on a time zone basis, when they wish to log access grants, access denies, and card reader status alarms to the database on a card reader by card reader basis. Different time zones may be assigned to different events. Thus, access grants may be logged only after hours, while access denies are logged twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week for the lobby card reader. However, at the research lab card reader, all events including access grants are logged twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. k. ACAMS shall allow for user definable door strike functionality for each card reader in ACAMS. For each card reader, System Administrators shall have the option for the door strike to be active for the entire strike time after a valid card read or have the strike close as soon as the door is opened after a valid card read. l. ACAMS shall allow for user definable door strike functionality for each card reader in ACAMS. For each card reader, System Administrators shall be able to specify whether or not the to activate the card reader’s door strike upon a valid request to exit. m. ACAMS shall allow for each reader to be selected as either an ‘in’ reader, ‘out’ reader, or ‘none’ to allow for ease of reporting time and attendance basic ‘time in’ and ‘time out’ data. n. Enforce Use Limit – This option shall enable Card Use Limits at the card reader limiting the number of times that cardholders may use their Photo ID card to gain access at the card reader. o. Supervise Door – Sets ACAMS so that the card reader door contact is wired as a supervised input. 29. Input Control Software Options: System Administrators shall have the ability to set the following options for each input or output configured on the Input Control Software in ACAMS: a. Alarm Masking - This feature shall allow System Administrators to mask the alarm input on a time zone basis. b. Local Linkage - This feature shall allow System Administrators to locally link outputs with inputs that are attached to the same ICM/Output Control Software (OCM). Inputs shall be linked to multiple outputs and outputs shall be triggered by multiple inputs. c. Activate Output - This feature shall allow System Administrators to activate an output tied to the ICM/OCM on a time zone basis. d. Activate Output Always- This feature shall allow System Administrators to activate an output always. e. Supervised Input – The System Administrator shall specify if the alarm contact on the ICM is a supervised or unsupervised contact. CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 36 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport ICMs shall have the ability to consist of supervised and unsupervised alarm contacts on the same ICM if desired. 30. Entry/Exit Delay: System Administrators shall have the ability to set up entry/exit delays for inputs that are attached to any Input Control Software, Single Reader Interface Software, or Dual Reader Interface Software. System Administrators shall have three options for entry/exit delay: a. Non-Latched Entry: System Administrators shall have the ability to set an input to non-latched entry. When non-latched entry mode is selected and an entry delay is specified, the following procedure ensues. When an input activates, the alarm will not be reported until the Entry delay expires. If the input is still active when the entry delay expires, the alarm will be reported. If the input is not active when the entry delay expires, then the alarm will not report. This is useful to filter out invalid motion detector reads. b. Latched Entry: System Administrators shall have the ability to set an input to latched entry. When latched mode is selected and an entry delay is specified, the following procedure ensues. When an input activates, the alarm will not be reported until the Entry delay expires. If the input is still active when the entry delay expires AND the alarm has NOT BEEN MASKED, the alarm will be reported. If the input has been masked when the entry delay expires, then the alarm will not report. c. Exit Delay: System Administrators shall have the ability to set an input to Exit Delay. When an exit delay is specified, the following procedure ensues. When an input activates, the alarm will not be reported (operates as if masked) until the Exit delay expires. If the input is still active when the exit delay expires, the alarm will be reported. If the input is not active when the exit delay expires, the alarm will not be reported. This is useful to secure a door when an individual is leaving. 31. ACAMS shall provide an Operator interface that can be quickly executed from the operator’s screen that will allow the operator to initiate a system-wide door lockdown or zone-wide door lockdowns. System-wide and zone-wide definitions such as the entire airport, by terminal, by concourse, etc. shall be as defined by BAA and shall be programmed into ACAMS by the Contractor. 32. Security Control Panel (SCP) Options: System Administrators shall have the ability to group add, modify, and delete SCPs in ACAMS. ACAMS shall have a copy command, allowing System Administrators to easily and efficiently add SCPs. The copy command will copy all information configured for an SCP selected and apply those same CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 37 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport characteristics to the new SCP being added. System Administrators will also have the ability mark SCPs as ‘on-line’ or ‘off-line’ depending on whether those panels are on-line. ACAMS shall also prompt System Administrators when they attempt to assign the number of cardholders that shall be downloaded to an SCP to a number higher than the SCPs memory can handle. C. Alarm Monitoring 1. Alarms Monitored: When ACAMS is configured, the System Administrator shall assign a default monitor zone to be monitored. The monitor zone will include default alarm types with default time zones of which the alarm type will be monitored. These monitor zones will then be assigned to an alarm monitoring client workstation. ACAMS shall allow for the monitoring of a combination of one or more SCPs, ICMs, alarm inputs, alarm outputs, fire alarm panels, and card readers. System Administrators shall have the option to define monitor zones to include all sub devices of an SCP and/or digital video server or to choose which sub devices of an SCP and/or CCTV camera belong to that monitor zone. CCTV camera call-up shall be automated for all types of alarms including, but not limited to, held- open, forced-open, access denied, invalid/void/stolen/lost card media use. Alarm monitoring client workstations shall be configured to annunciate any or all of the following types of alarms: access granted alarms, access denied alarms, system alarms, emergency alarms, and/or area control alarms. 2. Alarm Annunciation Configuration: The System Administrator shall have the capability to configure how ACAMS handles the annunciation of alarms on an individual alarm/event basis. Each alarm and/or event shall have the option(s) to: a. Display on the alarm monitoring client workstation. b. Allow higher priority alarms to be displayed on the alarm monitoring client workstation ahead of lower priority alarms. c. Require the field device which generated the alarm to be restored to its normal state before the alarm shall be cleared from the alarm monitoring window. d. Print the alarm to the local event printer. e. Have the alarm breakthrough to the alarm monitoring window should the System Operator be working on another application on the alarm monitoring client workstation. f. Allow System Operators to change the journal entry once the alarm has been acknowledged. g. Require that the alarm not be deleted from the alarm monitoring window upon acknowledgment. CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 38 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport h. Display text instructions outlining the procedures to follow when responding to the alarm. i. Automatically call-up associated maps upon arrival. j. Automatically call up the associated cardholder record with photo when the alarm displays. k. Automatically call up the associated cardholder photo in the video verification function when the alarm displays for comparison to a live video image at the card reader. l. Automatically call up live video from a digital CCTV camera to view the area in alarm. m. Allow the System Operator to control digital CCTV camera functions including pan, tilt, zoom, focus, and iris controls. n. Require System Operator acknowledgment to clear. o. Allow mandatory journal entry upon acknowledgment. p. Have pre-defined “canned” journal entries for alarms in the ACAMS. q. Allow non-essential events to be cleared without requiring System Operator journal entry, while other alarms shall require System Operator journal entry. r. Send CCTV interface commands. s. Have the alarm appear on the alarm monitoring window with a flashing colored bar across it for high priority alarms based on its priority. Each priority in ACAMS shall have its own unique color assigned to it. t. Have the alarm, when acknowledged, display a different flashing colored bar across the alarm than for the original alarm color. Each acknowledged priority in ACAMS shall have its own unique color assigned to it. u. Insert and display alarms based on sort order. System Operators can sort on alarms based on alarm priority, time, date, alarm description, card reader, alarm input device, SCP, cardholder, intercom station, transmitter, or transmitter input. All sorts shall be able to be accomplished in one mouse click. v. Allow the System Operator to be able to find the location of the alarm by using a graphical map, the real-time graphical system status tree, or an alarm menu. A map call-up feature must be provided that will show the map associated with the alarm. w. Have a function list(s) assigned to it that will trigger when the alarm is acknowledged. 3. Alarm Handling: a. The handling of alarms shall resemble the following steps. The System Operator shall select the alarm/event by any one of the following procedures: CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 39 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 1. Clicking with the mouse on the system device map icon representing the alarm. 2. Choosing acknowledge from the menu bar. 3. Highlighting the alarm/event in the alarm list by clicking the mouse. 4. Double clicking on the alarm/event in the alarm list box. b. Any of the above choices shall put the System Operator in the acknowledgment window. The acknowledgment window shall display the time, date, and a user-defined description of the alarm, as well as any emergency procedures. The acknowledgment window shall present the System Operator with the following choices: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Review instructions or procedures to follow for the alarm. Make a journal entry. Acknowledge the alarm. Print the alarm and instructions to a local printer. Review any previous journal entries for this alarm. c. Until the alarm is acknowledged, the alarm shall remain in the Main Alarm Monitoring Window and be counted in the alarm status line. Control of the associated field hardware device from which the alarm was generated through a right-mouse click operation shall be available. For example, an operator can open a door via a card reader alarm. All field hardware device icons on any screen can control the associated field hardware through a right-mouse click operation. A right-mouse click will invoke a menu item with all available control options for that hardware device. d. System Operators shall have the ability to delete the alarm from the alarm monitoring window without acknowledging the alarm. This feature is useful when guards are monitoring access grants to track where cardholders are moving throughout the facility, but do not necessarily want to acknowledge the alarm. ACAMS shall provide a text entry field for the System Operator to enter a journal detailing the cause of specified alarms and the actions taken. The journal shall be mandatory for certain alarms/events per the System Administrator’s discretion. The journal shall allow System Operators to enter an unlimited amount of notes. Choosing Acknowledge from this window shall clear the alarm indicator and store the alarm information and journal to the database. e. Other alarms shall be displayed by ACAMS while any alarm is being addressed. If another alarm occurs, the alarm pending counter shall increase by one and the new alarm shall enter into the alarm list box prioritized in a sort order as defined by the System Operator. A maximum number of alarm priorities shall be available. CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 40 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport ACAMS shall allow journals to be retrieved, viewed, and edited on screen to provide the System Operator with the ability to complete unfinished journal entries. Journals shall be saved to the database and to a tape during database back-ups for a permanent record as required by BAA regulations. f. For card reader alarms, ACAMS shall allow System Operators to activate, deactivate, or pulse any or all of the card reader outputs configured and associated with the card reader. The System Operators shall also have the ability to mask or unmask each individual card reader door forced open alarms, door held open alarms, and either or both or the auxiliary alarm inputs configured and associated with the card reader. 4. Current Status Indication: The alarm-monitoring window shall provide a status indicator that displays the current status of alarms, card readers, SCPs and ICMs for the following conditions: a. Pending alarm shall indicate the number of alarms in the alarm list. b. Off-line status shall indicate the number of card readers, ICMs, and SCPs that are not communicating with the alarm monitoring client workstation. c. The Graphical System Status Tree shall indicate all inputs that are currently in an alarm state. If a door alarm has been acknowledged, but the door remains open, the Graphical System Status Tree shall count that door. d. Off-line and Off-normal status indications shall be viewed graphically through the system hardware tree. e. Maximum Event, Current Cardholder and Maximum Cardholder Capacity for SCPs shall be viewed graphically through the system hardware tree. f. If applicable, the amount of hard drive space consumed by stored video on the digital video server shall be viewed in the system hardware tree. 5. Pending Alarm Windows: ACAMS shall support a Pending Alarm Window in the Alarm Monitoring Workstation. This shall be a separate window from the Main Alarm Monitoring Window that shall be opened at any time to view a list of only pending alarms. The Pending Alarm Window shall be optionally displayed in conjunction with the Main Alarm Monitoring Window. The Pending Alarm Window shall continuously update as new pending alarms are generated and as existing pending alarms are acknowledged or deleted. Pending alarms shall also display in the Main Alarm Monitoring Window. The Pending Alarm Window shall operate and function in the same manner as the Main Alarm Monitoring Window described throughout this document. CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 41 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 6. Device Group Support: a. ACAMS shall support device grouping for uniform command and control of groups of devices within the system. Three types of homogeneous device groups shall be supported: 1. Card Reader Groups 2. Input Groups which shall include Alarm Inputs from Input Control Software and Card Reader Auxiliary Inputs 3. Relay Output Groups which shall include Relay Outputs from Output Control Software and Card Reader Auxiliary Outputs 4. Video Camera Groups b. System Administrators shall have the ability to group individual devices into Card Reader Groups, Input Groups, Relay Output Groups, and Video Camera Groups for control within ACAMS Alarm Monitoring Software. An unlimited number of Device Groups shall be supported in ACAMS and each Device Group shall support an unlimited number of devices. Devices shall have the ability to be placed into multiple Device Groups. Once grouped, the following commands and functions shall be performed within ACAMS Alarm Monitoring Software: 1. Card Reader Group Commands - Open Doors - Change Card Reader Access Modes - Mask Door Forced Open / Door Held Open - Unmask Door Forced Open / Door Held Open - View the Map of the Devices - Test the Door Forced Open Alarm - Test for Access Grants 2. Alarm Input Commands - Mask Alarm Inputs - Unmask Alarm Inputs - View the Map of the Devices - Test the Alarm Inputs 3. Relay Output Commands - Activate the Relay Outputs - Deactivate the Relay Outputs - Pulse the Relay Outputs - View the Map of the Devices 4. Video Camera Groups: The ability to automatically switch (sequence) the live video between video cameras in the video group in user defined one-second increments. CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 42 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport 7. Color Coding for Alarm Priorities: ACAMS shall allow alarms to appear on the alarm-monitoring window with a flashing colored bar across the alarm for alarms configured as high priority. The flashing bar shall have the ability to flash across just the first column in the alarm row or flash across the entire alarm row. The color shall be based on the alarm’s priority as defined by the System Administrator. Each priority in ACAMS shall have its own unique color assigned to it. A color shall also have the ability to be assigned to a range of priorities should the System Administrator desire. 8. Color Coding for Acknowledged Alarm Priorities: ACAMS shall allow acknowledged alarms to appear on the alarm-monitoring window with a flashing colored bar across the alarm for alarms configured as high priority. The flashing bar shall have the ability to flash across just the first column in the alarm row or flash across the entire alarm row. The color shall be based on the alarm’s priority as defined by the System Administrator and shall be different than the color for that priority when the event was in alarm state. For example a ‘Door Forced Open’ alarm shall appear with a red flashing bar, but a ‘Door Forced Open’ alarm that has been acknowledged shall appear with a blue flashing bar. Each priority in ACAMS shall have its own unique acknowledged color assigned to it. A color shall also have the ability to be assigned to a range of priorities should the System Administrator desire. 9. Pre-Defined “Canned” Alarm Acknowledgment Responses: ACAMS shall allow System Administrators to pre-define alarm acknowledgment responses for alarms in ACAMS. These canned responses shall speed up the time it takes System Operators to acknowledge alarms in ACAMS and shall be unlimited in length. An unlimited number of canned responses shall be able to be configured for each alarm in ACAMS. 10. Cardholder Record Call-up: From the alarm monitoring window, the System Operator must be able to display a cardholder record with the stored cardholder’s image. This feature shall be user configurable to be automatic meaning that the Cardholder Window will automatically appear on the Alarm Monitoring client workstation on cardholder activity and will display the current cardholder’s information with photo. The Cardholder Window will automatically update with updated cardholder information as additional cardholder activity is generated. This feature shall be provided at all alarm monitoring client workstations to assist the System Operator in determining the access rights of an employee who may have forgotten his or her badge or to verify that the individual presenting the card is the correct individual cardholder. Utilizing a database search via the input of the cardholder's name or other key search field, or by selecting a cardholder record CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 43 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport call-up from the main monitoring window on a cardholder alarm, ACAMS must access the employee's personnel file, containing pertinent information and the employee's image for identification by the System Operator. The System Operator shall not be required to exit alarm monitoring to view this information and this operation must not restrict the operation of monitoring alarms. In the event of an access denied or access granted card reader alarm signal to the alarm monitoring client workstation, this function shall be available as a menu or mouse selection, based on the alarm event. Data input by the System Operator shall not be required. 11. Real-Time, Live Video User Verification: From the alarm monitoring window, ACAMS shall interface to the CCTV System and a live CCTV image shall be presented to a System Operator selecting any card read alarm (e.g.: access denied: wrong time zone, wrong access level, badge voided, stolen, etc.). CCTV/Image Comparison shall be available from the Live Video Verification Window. a. This function shall automatically activate a camera located near the card reader in alarm and search up the database image of the cardholder. It shall display both the live video at the card reader and the stored cardholder image on the alarm screen for System Operator comparison of the images. This shall allow immediate System Operator comparison of the live video of the cardholder at the card reader and the stored image on record of the cardholder. This feature shall be user configurable to automatically show the video verification screen upon cardholder activity at the specified card readers. b. ACAMS shall give System Operators the ability to choose which card readers shall utilize this feature, whether the feature will activate on access grants and/or access denies, and whether to show the cardholder’s stored database image and/or CCTV live video at the card reader. System Operators will be able to switch between records (images and live video) should multiple records enter ACAMS simultaneously or should another alarm that requires Video Verification enter ACAMS while Video Verification is active. 12. Cardholder, Card Reader, or any Field Hardware Device Trace: From the alarm monitoring window, the System Operator must be able to initiate several traces of cardholders and/or field hardware devices while monitoring alarms. This information shall be continuously accumulated in the dedicated trace window until the trace is stopped. The trace operations must not interfere with the operation of the alarm monitoring, and be continuous while alarms are monitored. The results of each trace shall be printable on the report printer or displayed on the screen. The traces shall operate independently, such that one trace CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 44 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport may stop and start without interfering with another. Trace windows operate independently of each other and the Main Alarm Monitoring Window. Thus, different Alarm Filter sets shall be settable for each alarm window (Main Window and Trace Windows) open in Alarm Monitoring. For example, the Main Alarm Monitoring Window may not monitor Access Grants Events, while one or more of the trace windows are monitoring Access Grants Events. ACAMS shall support historical traces. Historical traces shall allow System Operators to specify the date and time range that they would like displayed for the particular device that is being traced. For example, a System Operator may perform a historical trace that shows the last seven days activity at a particular card reader. Events are then added in real-time during and after the database has been searched for historical events. Historical traces shall also have the ability to be run against restored (previously archived) data. ACAMS shall allow System Operators to filter alarm types from the history trace window. Alarms that shall be filtered from the trace window are access granted alarms, access denied alarms, system alarms, duress alarms, and area control alarms. If applicable, alarms that shall also be filtered are fire alarms, intercom alarms, video clips, and transmitter alarms. ACAMS shall allow for a trace on any SCP, ICM, Alarm Input, ID Card, Monitor Zone, or card reader to be performed. If applicable, ACAMS shall allow for a trace on any intercom or camera to be performed. 13. ‘On the Fly’ New Login of System Operators: ACAMS shall allow a System Operator to login over another System Operator who is already logged into the same client workstation. By doing this, alarm monitoring shall remain running and all alarms shall continue to report into the alarm monitoring client workstation as the new System Operator is logging on. This process shall log the first System Operator off of Alarm Monitoring and log the new System Operator on, changing any permissions necessary for that System Operator. 14. Auto Exit to Network Login Window: When a System Operator logs off an alarm monitoring client workstation, ACAMS shall be configurable to automatically exit the alarm monitoring application and log the System Operator out of the Operating System. ACAMS will then bring the System Operator to the Network Login Window for the next System Operator to log on. 15. Column Configuration: ACAMS shall allow System Administrators and System Operators to define which columns are displayed in the Main Alarm Monitoring Window. System Administrators and System Operators shall also be able to determine the column order. The configuration of the columns shall be configurable by System Operators on a per System Operator/client workstation basis. CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 45 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport 16. Test Mode for Alarm Inputs: ACAMS shall support a Test Mode for Alarm Inputs. System Administrators shall be able to perform tests on Input Device Groups to verify that all inputs within the group are operational. Upon entering into Test Mode and for the duration, alarms from members of the group shall either be displayed in a separate window/view on test alarm monitoring client workstations or on all alarm monitoring client workstations in which the alarms are usually routed. During the test (the duration of the test shall be set by the System Operator), all inputs within the group are manually activated in the field. At the end of the time duration, a report shall be generated flagging any inputs for alarms that were not received. During the Test Mode, all alarm operations carry on as normal, such as Global I/O functions, CCTV commands, printer activity, etc. so that System Administrators shall be able to test that functionality as well. 17. Test Mode for Door Forced Open: ACAMS shall support a Test Mode for Door Forced Opens. System Administrators shall be able to perform tests on Card Reader Device Groups to verify that all card readers within the group are operational. Upon entering into Test Mode and for the duration, door forced opens from members of the group shall either be displayed in a separate window/view on test alarm monitoring client workstations or on all alarm monitoring client workstations in which the alarms are usually routed. During the test (the duration of the test shall be set by the System Operator), all doors within the group are manually forced open in the field. At the end of the time duration, a report shall be generated flagging any door forced opens that were not received. During the Test Mode, all alarm operations carry on as normal, such as Global I/O functions, CCTV commands, printer activity, etc. so that System Administrators shall be able to test that functionality as well. 18. Test Mode for Access Grants: ACAMS shall support a Test Mode for Access Grants. System Administrators shall be able to perform tests on Card Reader Device Groups to verify that all card readers within the group are operational. Upon entering into Test Mode and for the duration, access grants from members of the group shall either be displayed in a separate window/view on test alarm monitoring client workstations or on all alarm monitoring client workstations in which the alarms are usually routed. During the test (the duration of the test shall be set by the System Operator), all doors within the group are manually presented with a valid card in the field. At the end of the time duration, a report shall be generated flagging any access grants that were not received. During the Test Mode, all alarm operations carry on as normal, such as Global I/O functions, CCTV commands, printer CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 46 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport activity, etc. so that System Administrators shall be able to test that functionality as well. 19. Manual Control: From the alarm monitoring window, the System Operator shall have the ability to dictate manual control of all output points or input points connected to ACAMS. Control points are defined as any door strike, auxiliary card reader output, or any other relay output point of an Output Control Software (OCM). All ACAMS outputs shall display upon command from the System Operator in the real-time graphical system status tree that allows the System Operator to pick and choose output points. The list and commands shall be operational without interfering with alarm monitoring operations. If an output is ordered to a setting (on, off, or pulsed for example), and the output is also on time zone control, the last command shall always take precedence. A response from the OCM or card reader that the command has been carried out shall be displayed in a message box in ACAMS. All manual control commands shall record into the activity log for the System Operator of the alarm monitoring client workstation. Manual control for card readers shall allow the System Operator to lock the card reader (to not accept any cards), unlock the card reader (allowing free access), pulse the door open, set the card reader to facility code mode, set the card reader to accept Photo ID badge only, set the card reader to accept Photo ID badge and PIN, set the card reader to accept Photo ID badge or PIN, or reset the card reader to it’s pre-defined default setting. ACAMS shall permit OCM relays to be ordered on, off, pulsed, or reset back to a pre-defined default setting by specific output points as chosen by the System Operator. ACAMS shall permit input points to be masked or unmasked as chosen by the operator. 20. CCTV Alarm Interface: ACAMS shall implement an automated alarm control interface with the existing CCTV System installed. The CCTV system interface to the micro-processor based ACAMS shall be as required. When ACAMS receives an alarm from any monitoring point connected to ACAMS, ACAMS shall allow a minimum of three (3) ASCII control commands of up to the maximum number of characters each relating to that alarm point to be sent to the CCTV system. For example, the string may command a CCTV camera to activate to a programmed CCTV monitor. ACAMS shall allow three (3) signals to be sent per alarm input zone or card access alarm: a. Upon arrival of the alarm at the ACAMS alarm monitoring client workstation - Activate digital recording to begin real-time recording of the area in alarm. b. Upon “selecting” or review of the alarm by the System Operator at the alarm monitoring client workstation - Shall be used to call-up CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 47 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport the camera to view the alarm area when the System Operator chooses the alarm for acknowledgment. c. Upon alarm acknowledgment or clearing the alarm - Shall allow the camera, monitor, and digital recorder to be set back to reset positions or normal operation automatically. 21. Real-Time, Dynamic Graphical Maps: ACAMS shall support real time graphical maps that shall be configured to appear in the alarm monitoring client workstation either on command or when specified alarms are selected for acknowledgment. Maps shall be dynamic so that the icons/maps do not have to refresh or repaint each time a new alarm arrives in ACAMS. ACAMS shall give System Operators the ability to acknowledge alarms from the graphical map without going back into the alarm-monitoring window. ACAMS shall support map hierarchies or maps within maps. There shall be no limit to the number of maps that shall be nested hierarchically with each other. ACAMS shall support user-defined icons for field hardware devices. ACAMS shall also give System Operators the ability to affect the mode of card readers, open doors, start a trace on a device, mask/unmask alarm inputs, and activate/deactivate/pulse an output from the map icons. The graphical maps shall have the ability to be printed to a local printer. Function List icons shall be able to be placed onto the graphical maps and thus, System Operators shall have the ability to control and activate function lists from the graphical maps. Alarm Masking Group icons shall be able to be placed onto the graphical maps and thus, System Operators shall have the ability to view the status of the alarm masking groups and control the groups from the graphical maps. If applicable, video camera icons shall be placed on the graphical maps and thus, System Operators shall have the ability to launch live video from that camera onto the Main Alarm Monitoring Window or perform a trace on the video events for that video camera. Map device icons shall have the ability to dynamically change shape and / or color to reflect the current state of the device. For example a card reader icon shall change to a different shape or color for normal status, door forced open, door held open, cabinet tamper, etc. Maps shall have the ability to be recalled by right clicking the mouse on the alarm that the System Operator would like to view. Should the device icon appear on multiple layers of maps within a hierarchy, the System Operator shall have the ability to choose which map to display. Multiple maps shall be displayed at any single time. 22. Automatic Photo ID Card Deactivation on Lack of Use: ACAMS shall have an automatic Photo ID card deactivation function whereas a cardholder’s Photo ID card will automatically deactivate after an extended period of inactivity. This ‘Use it or Lose it’ functionality shall allow System Administrators to set a pre-defined time period in which CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 48 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport cardholders must swipe their card through a card reader in ACAMS. If a cardholder does not swipe their badge at a card reader within this time period, the badge will automatically deactivate without operator intervention. System Administrators shall then have the ability to reset the Photo ID card status at a later date. 23. Alarm Filtering: ACAMS shall give System Operators the ability to filter out alarm types from the alarm monitoring window that they do not wish to monitor. Alarms that shall be filtered from the alarm monitoring window are access granted alarms, access denied alarms, system alarms, duress alarms, and area control alarms. If applicable, additional alarms shall be filtered from the alarm monitoring window including fire alarms, intercom alarms, video event alarms, and transmitter alarms. 24. Manual Override of Card Readers: ACAMS shall support System Operator overrides of card readers configured. System Operators shall be able to manually open a door from the alarm monitoring window, the graphical maps, or the real-time graphical system status tree. System Operators shall also be able to mask/unmask auxiliary inputs, activate/deactivate auxiliary outputs, change the status of the door (to a locked, unlocked, or facility code only mode; or to accept Photo ID Badge only, both Photo ID badge and PIN, or either Photo ID badge or PIN) from the alarm monitoring window, the graphical maps, or the real-time graphical system status tree. 25. Alarm Masking: ACAMS shall support the masking of alarms to be controlled on a time zone basis or by manual control. Masked alarms shall not appear at any alarm monitoring client workstation. System Operators shall be have the ability to manually mask or unmask an alarm point from the alarm monitoring window, the graphical maps, or the graphical system status tree. 26. Manual Overrides of Alarm Points and Relay Outputs: ACAMS shall support System Operator overrides of alarm points and relay outputs configured in ACAMS. System Operators shall have the ability to manually mask or unmask an alarm point and/or activate, deactivate, or pulse a relay output from the alarm monitoring window, the graphical maps, or the real-time graphical system status tree. 27. On-Line Context Sensitive Help: ACAMS shall provide on-line context sensitive help files to guide the System Administrators and System Operators in the configuration and operation of ACAMS. The help menus shall be available from any window in ACAMS by pressing the F1 function key or clicking on the help icon in the toolbar. Help windows shall be context sensitive so System Operators can move CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 49 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport from form to form without leaving the help window. Standard windows help commands for Contents, Search, Back, and Print shall also be available. ACAMS shall also come with complete on-line documentation on CD. 28. Sorting Capabilities: ACAMS shall allow System Operators to arrange the way that alarms and/or events in the Alarm Monitoring Window appear by giving them the ability to sort the alarms and events in the alarm monitoring window. Sort criteria shall be based on priority, time/date, SCP, Card Reader, ICM, Input Device, or Cardholder. If applicable alarms and events can additionally be sorted based on intercom station, transmitter, or transmitter input. 29. Hardware Update Timer: ACAMS shall utilize a hardware update timer whereas the System Administrator can set how often system status updates take place. These updates are reflected in the status bar and the real-time graphical system status tree. This frequency shall be defined in one minute increments and shall be changed ‘on the fly’ by System Operators. Immediate changes in hardware status are reflected immediately in the real-time graphical system status tree. D. Personnel Management and Enrollment 1. ACAMS shall incorporate into a single, seamlessly integrated system, the latest in imaging technology and personnel management. ACAMS shall be written so that the Personnel Management and Enrollment software of ACAMS is created and maintained from the same set of source code as the Access Control and Alarm Monitoring software. ACAMS shall generate and store personnel records, as well as monitor badge/credential use throughout the facility. These credentials shall be fabricated at any of the ACAMS enrollment and badging client workstations configured based on data and images that are input and captured at the time of enrollment. Credential images are to be digitized using industry standard JPEG image compression, and printed using a high quality and environmentally safe direct card printing process. ACAMS shall provide features and options that include the following: 2. Create and Maintain Cardholder Database: A record for each cardholder shall be created in the badging software of ACAMS by entering the required data into appropriate data fields. The System Administrator shall be able to define drop-down list box fields for repetitive entered text (e.g.: Department, Division, Title, Building Number, etc.). Drop-down list boxes shall allow the System Operator a variety of pre-defined choices for data input. The screen design shall be configurable to allow the entry of data in any format desired. The tab order shall be configurable, and the cardholder ID field shall be CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 50 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport optionally generated by ACAMS from either manual System Operator entry, automatic selection of the next available ID, or by use of the cardholder’s social security number. a. Once all fields have been entered, ACAMS shall store the cardholder's record to ACAMS database. These records must be stored in a central database. Updating cardholder data shall be possible at any time from any authorized System Operator. ACAMS shall have a field that allows System Administrators to view the last date and time that a cardholder’s record has been modified, without running a report. The cardholder form must be user definable to allow System Administrators to layout the cardholder form. b. An ACAMS data import function shall be available to pre-load ACAMS with personnel records and industry standard image formats. This import function shall be capable of adding records to the database at any time. c. The database shall have key fields that are sorted in an index to allow for faster searches. The System Administrator shall be able to designate fields as required and/or unique fields. No record shall be added to the database that does not contain information within the required fields. No record shall be added to the database that contains a duplicate value in a field that was designated as a unique field. d. Only System Operators with delete privileges (assigned by the System Administrator) shall be able to delete records. Deleting a record shall permanently remove the record from the database (including image files) to free up the disk space for further use. e. The System Operator shall have the following functions available when enrolling cardholders: choose a badge type, select access levels, enter personal identification numbers (PIN), and/or any other user defined fields. ACAMS shall allow System Administrators the ability to set a default issue code for all first time prints of Photo ID cards. ACAMS shall also allow System Administrators the ability to auto increment the issue code each time a new badge is created or to have the System Operator manually enter in a unique issue code each time a new badge is created. ACAMS shall support a minimum of two digits for the cardholder ID issue codes. f. ACAMS shall utilize keyboard or mouse commands that allow System Operators to quickly create a record for any person. The System Administrator shall be able to define drop-down list box fields for the badge type being issued and default values for the other fields based on the badge type. g. The cardholder form shall also have the option of displaying a cardholder's signature for the record. The cardholders current badge information shall also be displayed on the cardholder form complete with badge ID number, issue code if applicable, activation CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 51 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport and deactivation date, and the number of times the current badge has been printed. The cardholder form shall also have the ability to display the cardholder’s stored images in one of four ways: 1. Full Photo Display - This option displays the optimum quality photo using the JPEG compressed image stored in the ACAMS database. 2. Draft Photo Display - This option displays a thumbnail image of the photo. Image quality decreases, but so does file size. This is ideal for systems in a networked environment where photos are constantly being brought across the network. 3. Full Photo Display with Mask - This option displays the optimum quality photo using the JPEG compressed image stored in the ACAMS database without the subject’s background. 4. No Photo - This option does not show a cardholder photo. h. The cardholder form shall also display cardholder ‘Last Access’ information. This field will show the last card reader that the cardholder accessed or attempted to access, complete with a time and date stamp. 3. Modify Existing Field Names of ACAMS Cardholder Form: ACAMS shall provide a method of defining basic user defined fields. It shall allow System Administrators to rename the standard database fields in the cardholder form of ACAMS and move the fields to different locations on the form. Additional functionality shall be available in the advanced Forms Designing and Editing Software. 4. Cardholder Active Badges: A cardholder may possess one or many Photo ID badges at any one time. If a badge is updated or re-issued, ACAMS shall guide the System Operator to first change the existing badge’s status to the appropriate classification (de-activate) before a re-issue of the new badge occurs. By utilizing the previously captured image and employee record, ACAMS shall provide for fast and efficient re-issuance of a badge. As this re-issued badge is printed, ACAMS shall update its database to remove access rights from the old badge number and activate the new badge number. Each cardholder record shall offer a user definable activation and expiration date field. The activation date shall be changed by a System Operator to establish a future activation date. A System Operator shall be able to re-activate a card that has been previously de-activated. When issuing a new Photo ID badge to a cardholder, System Operators shall be able to assign the pre-existing badge deactivation date to the badge instead of the default deactivation date for new badges. The deactivation date may be assigned on a per badge type basis. A badge form will keep a complete history of every badge that was assigned to the cardholder’s record. The history will be complete with cardholder badge ID, issue CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 52 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport code, badge type, badge status, activation and deactivation dates, PIN numbers, embossed numbers, and company issued under. 5. Multiple Active Badges: ACAMS shall support a user configurable Multiple Active Badge feature. This shall allow cardholders in the System to have up to a user defined pre-determined number of badges active in ACAMS at any one time. System Administrators shall have the ability to set the maximum number of active badges allowed in ACAMS. 6. Assign Access Levels: At the time a badge is created it shall be possible to have up to thirty two access levels assigned to the cardholder’s badge plus any precision access groups. For convenience, the System Administrator must be able to define default access levels to be assigned for given badge types. If a System Operator has proper authorization, cardholder access levels shall be modified. When a badge is created with access rights, or modified, that change shall be downloaded to all SCPs immediately upon completion of the change. Record changes for access rights shall affect only the modified record, and shall not require a download of the entire cardholder database. The access changes shall be downloaded to the field hardware as soon as the employee record change is complete. This badge record download shall not effect field hardware operations. a. When a badge reaches its deactivation date ACAMS shall automatically deactivate the access rights associated with the badge. All access rights of a badge shall be eliminated after the expiration date. Should the cardholder become authorized for access again, new access rights shall be applicable to the same badge, and re-issue shall not be required. Should an expired cardholder swipe his badge after his card has expired, access shall be denied and an “expired badge” alarm event shall be generated to the alarm monitoring client workstation. All cardholder information shall be stored for future retrieval or reporting. b. An access level form shall show System Operators all access levels configured in ACAMS and the associated access levels that are assigned to the cardholder’s current badge. ACAMS shall allow the System Operator to double click the mouse on any access level to view all of the card reader and time zone combinations that are assigned to that access level. ACAMS will also support access groups, which shall be assigned to cardholders. Access groups will consist of up to the maximum number of access levels of which shall be viewed by System Operators by clicking on the desired access group. CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 53 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport 7. Bulk Assignment/Modification/Deletion of Access Levels: System Administrators or System Operators shall have the option for Bulk Assignment, Modification, and/or Deletion of Access Levels to active badges for a group of cardholders. This feature shall allow System Operators to perform a search of the cardholder database and then apply any additions, modifications, or deletions of access level assignments to all active badges for that group of cardholders. 8. Search Records: ACAMS shall allow the System Operator to search for records and images using search criteria on any field(s) in the database. The System Operator shall be able to enter the search criteria for one or a combination of fields. In addition, partial searches shall be performed. For example, a partial last name search on “Fitz” might return "Fitzpatrick, "Fitzgerald," or "Fitzerbauch." Using a partial name or letter, shall return every record in the database that contains that information in its last name field. ACAMS shall support basic Boolean logic searches (greater than, greater than or equal to, less than, less than or equal to, equal to). For example, a last name Boolean Search “>B<F” will return to the System Operator all records whose last name begins with the letter C, D, and E. These records shall be viewable sequentially using search keys. In a query with no matching records, ACAMS shall display a message within three (3) seconds indicating that there is no match for the key field information supplied. 9. Bulk Deletion of Cardholder Records: System Administrators shall have the option to perform Bulk Deletion functions for a group of cardholders. This feature shall allow System Administrators to perform a search against the cardholder database and then delete that group of cardholders. 10. ACAMS Photo ID Cards: ACAMS shall utilize card products designed specifically for security applications. The consumable materials shall be industry standard Proximity PVC type cards specifically designed to feed through direct card printers. Proximity cards shall come in a variety of styles. a. Composite ID Cards: ACAMS shall support credit card size, 3.375” x 2.125”, UPVC Composite ID cards with an ISO standard 30 mil thickness. The cards provided shall be protected against cracking, fading, and breaking. Placing them in the dye diffusion thermal transfer printer shall print the composite cards. Traditional paper media inserts shall not be acceptable. The composite cards shall allow edge-to-edge single and two-sided printing, containing a 3/8" high-coercivity magnetic stripe placed to ANSI standards. The composite cards shall be bar code printable, durable, difficult to alter, consistent in shape and size, and flexible in design. CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 54 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 b. Proximity ID Cards: Proximity shall be an access control/identification technology that utilizes radio frequency (RF) circuits in microchip form. The microchips are encoded and transmit the encoded information when activated. The proximity card shall be used with its associated proximity card readers. The proximity card shall be a PVC multi-technology card that employs both proximity and another technology such as magnetic stripe technology. It shall comply with ISO standards for thickness (30 mil). This card will allow the printing of cardholder record fields including photo directly on the card. c. Proximity-SmartCard Capable: ACAMS shall be capable of supporting a combination Proximity and contactless SmartCards and readers for access control/identity verification technology. Through use of an embedded memory chip, protected electronic data shall be stored on the SmartCard. Standard card configuration shall include cardholder, biometric, and access information. Card shall require to be presented to a reader that interrogates the card’s smart chip. When coupled with a smart card reader, the smart card shall have the processing power to serve as an access control device, for use in network security and physical access control. E. Enrollment and Badge Creation 1. Enrollment: System Operators shall be able to enroll cardholders on a one by one basis. System Operators will fill in all required fields including name and badge type. ACAMS shall determine a number of attributes based on the cardholder’s badge type. These attributes shall be: a. Default Deactivation Date - The deactivation date shall have the ability be set for a pre-determined number of days, months, or years; or for an exact specified date. b. Default Access Levels c. Badge Design Layout d. Which Printer will Produce the Badge 2. Based on the badge type selected, additional fields shall be required for data entry above and beyond the standard required fields. For example, a Contractor badge may require the field “Company Representing” to be filled in before the badge can be saved and printed. System Operators will also enter a Badge ID for the cardholder. The cardholder Badge ID shall be determined in one of the following manners: a. b. c. d. CTI Consulting Manually entered by the System Operator Automatically generated by ACAMS Use of the Social Security Number as the Badge ID number Use of EMPID as the Badge ID number ACAMS 13727 - 55 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport 3. Badge ID ranges shall be able to be pre-defined, if desired, by the System Administrator based on Badge Type. For example, the Employee Badge Type may allow Badge IDs to range from 1-49,999 while the Visitor Badge Type Badge IDs range from 50,000-50,999. Multiple Badge ID ranges may be configured for each Badge Type. System Administrators shall have the option of determining how Badge IDs are generated for each Badge Type. For example, the Employee Badge Type shall generate Badge IDs automatically while Visitor Badge IDs must be manually entered into the system at the time of enrollment. Badge ID ranges may be system wide. For example, all Badge IDs (regardless of Badge Type) must fall within a specific range. 4. System Operators shall have the option of utilizing PIN Codes of up to six digits, embossed numbers, and anti-passback exemptions for each cardholder who is enrolled in ACAMS. System Operators will also assign any temporary access levels for each cardholder that is enrolled. ACAMS shall allow for fast and efficient re-assignment of Badge IDs for use for Temporary badges through use of ReAssignment Wizards. Re-assignment will be such that the Badge ID will be stored in the Audit Trail and reported with the cardholder that was assigned to that Badge ID for the specified period of time. 5. Image Capture from a Live Video Source: The Enrollment and Badging client workstation(s) must include all equipment required to capture a high quality image with flash lighting. ACAMS must be compatible with flash lighting, RGB video cameras, composite input cameras, S-Video input sources, and digital cameras. The badging client workstation shall allow the System Operator to view a live image of the subject prior to image capture. ACAMS shall allow the capturing of the cardholder image at a minimum resolution of 1024 x 968. While capturing subjects, the System Operator must have the option of capturing a new image of any subject without affecting the subject’s record. ACAMS must provide the ability to move, via mouse, a fixedsize "crop window" over any portion of the image displayed on the monitor and store only the image information within the outline of the window. ACAMS must provide the ability to change the size of the “crop window” to capture exactly the size image that BAA requires. ACAMS shall include the ability, upon command, to preview, on-line and in full color, the badge as it will appear when printed. This preview mode shall require less than 10 seconds to create a complete example of the badge on-line. The System Operators shall have the ability to freeze and unfreeze the cardholder’s photo as many times as required to obtain exactly the image that is desired. The frozen image shall not be saved to the database until the cardholder record is saved. ACAMS image capture, storage, and hardware compression techniques must CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 56 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport be in compliance with the ANSI standard or JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group). Cardholder images must be stored within the cardholder record, regardless of how the image was captured. 6. Image Capture from a Scanner or Digital Camera: ACAMS shall give the System Operators the ability to capture a cardholder’s image through the use of any industry standard scanner or digital camera that utilizes a TWAIN interface. Images shall be able to be scanned in at up to 16.7 million colors for a true color scanned image. ACAMS must provide the ability to move, via mouse, a fixed-size "crop window" over any portion of the image displayed on the monitor and store only the image information within the outline of the window. ACAMS shall provide the ability to change the size of the “crop window” to capture exactly the size image that BAA requires. ACAMS shall include the ability, upon command, to preview, on-line and in full color, the badge as it will appear when printed. This preview mode shall require less than 10 seconds to create a complete example of the badge on-line. ACAMS image capture, storage, and hardware compression techniques shall be in compliance with the ANSI standard or JPEG. Cardholder images must be stored within the cardholder record, regardless of how the image was captured. 7. Image Import: ACAMS shall allow System Operators to import a cardholder’s image at the time of enrollment. ACAMS must provide the ability to move, via mouse, a fixed-size "crop window" over any portion of the image displayed on the monitor and store only the image information within the outline of the window. ACAMS must provide the ability to change the size of the “crop window” to capture exactly the size image that BAA requires. ACAMS shall include the ability, upon command, to preview, on-line and in full color, the badge as it will appear when printed. This preview mode shall require less than 10 seconds to create a complete example of the badge on-line. ACAMS shall give System Administrators the ability to set a default directory of the location of the pre-defined images within the Operating System directory structure. ACAMS image capture, storage, and hardware compression techniques must be in compliance with the ANSI standard or JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group). Cardholder images must be stored as Binary Large Objects (BLOB) within the cardholder record, regardless of how the image was captured. System Administrators shall have the option to set the image capture window default settings of how the image capture window will appear when enrolling cardholders (live video, scanner, or file import). System Operators, with proper privileges, shall have the option to override ACAMS defaults. CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 57 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport 8. Biometric Verification: ACAMS shall provide for the seamless integration of Biometric Verification with other ACAMS Management Software. Through the measurement and comparison of human characteristics such as hand geometry, retinal scan, fingerprint, and facial recognition, ACAMS shall have the capability to verify the identity of enrolled individuals. Through the proper biometric readers, ACAMS shall have the ability to seamlessly capture biometric information and create biometric templates during the cardholder enrollment process. Biometric templates shall be stored within the ACAMS database as well as its Intelligent System Controller. Biometric verification shall require the accompaniment of a badge or PIN entry using a reader connected to a Single or Dual Reader Interface Software residing on the same Intelligent System Controller, but physically independent of the Biometric Reader Interface and its devices. a. Seamless Integration with ACAMS: Biometrics shall seamlessly integrate with ACAMS. Biometric verification alarms shall report in the same Main Alarm Monitoring Window as access control alarms and shall be handled in an identical manner. The same database and network MUST store and transfer information for biometrics and ACAMS. A separate database and/or network for the two systems is unacceptable. b. Seamless Integration with the Photo ID Management System: Biometrics shall seamlessly integrate with the Photo ID Management System. Biometric information will be stored in the ACAMS database along with cardholder information. The same database and network shall store and transfer information for biometrics and the Photo ID Management System. A separate database and network for the two systems is unacceptable. c. Enrollment: Biometric templates shall be created during the badge enrollment process or added to existing badges in the ACAMS database. Biometric information shall also be stored at SCPs, along with badge information. System Operators shall be able to enroll biometrics templates on a one by one basis. System Operators shall fill in all required fields. The biometric data shall be captured via the configured enrollment reader specified. Biometric enrollment readers shall be directly connected to the enrollment workstation. Field hardware connections shall not be required for enrollment readers. d. Viewing Biometric Templates: System Operators shall be able to perform a search of cardholder records to view biometric templates (if there is indeed an image available for viewing) that are currently associated with that cardholder. e. Add Alternate No. 1 – Selected ACAMS doors shall be provided with a CR/KP reader which also has biometric (fingerprint) read capability as identified on the Contract Plans in addition to the card CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 58 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport and key pad capability. Readers shall be of the same manufacturer as standard CR/KP readers, and shall not require additional conduit, boxes or equipment to achieve the biometric fingerprint function above that required for the standard CR/KP. 9. Chromakey: ACAMS shall support an advanced Chromakey feature. Chromakey is the process of removing a solid background from a captured image. Chromakey photos are very difficult to reproduce or falsify. ACAMS shall have the ability to remove the color that resides in the top left corner of the crop window or remove the color of the System Operator’s choice. A tolerance setting shall be available for fine tuning images of cardholders whose shirt, hair, etc. is close to the color of the background. 10. Ghosting: ACAMS shall support a ghosting feature whereby the system will make the cardholder’s photo semi-transparent to create a ghosting effect. Ghosted images are very difficult to reproduce and falsify. ACAMS shall support 256 levels of ghosting from 0 (no ghosting) to 255 (invisible). 11. Signature Capture: ACAMS shall provide the means by which to capture a cardholder’s signature and store that signature within the cardholder record or capture the authorized signature of the . Signatures shall be captured and then displayed on screen. Cardholders may sign their name as many times as required to get the signature that is desired. ACAMS signature capture, storage, and hardware compression techniques must be in compliance with the ANSI standard or JPEG. 12. Pre-defined Photo ID Badge Formats: The Photo ID Badge format, including layout, background color, location of photo, text, applicable graphics or company logos, etc., shall be completely and automatically determined by ACAMS based on the cardholder’s badge type. Where choices are available to the System Operator, choices are to be made via pre-defined list boxes to avoid System Operator errors in spelling and badge assignment errors. 13. Photo ID Badge Printers: ACAMS shall support any printer with industry standard drivers. ACAMS shall support high-speed, doublesided, edge-to-edge, full color printing. The ACAMS shall also support holographic overlays on those printers. 14. Batch Printing: The System Operator must be able to print a credential immediately or continue enrolling cardholders with the intention of batch printing at a later time. ACAMS Badging client workstation shall have the ability to print a large volume of badges with a single command using a search command. The System Operator must have CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 59 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport the option of printing all badges, printing selected badges, or previewing badges without printing. ACAMS shall have a ‘log errors’ feature for batch printing. This means that ACAMS shall skip any Badges that cannot print due to missing information. For example, in a 200-card batch print job, there may be three cards that require information that is not available because the System Operator failed to enter the information. When printing, ACAMS will skip those three cards and print the other 197. A report can later be run to determine what information is missing for the remaining 3 cards. 15. Image Export: During enrollment, System Operators shall have the ability to export the captured cropped image to an industry standard JPEG (.jpg) file format for use outside the ACAMS application. These files shall be stored in a pre-defined directory defined by the System Administrator. A prompt shall be available to System Operators for the ability to save the exported image in an alternative directory. 16. Real Time User Definable Image Compression: ACAMS must support a real time user definable image compression utility. The image compression utility shall give System Operators the ability to compare image quality versus compressed image size ratios. This process shall be done in real time and must not require System Operators or System Administrators action to adjust the ratio. ACAMS shall give System Administrators the ability to set ACAMS default compression settings and give System Operators, with proper permissions, the ability to override those settings. 17. Crop Window Attributes: ACAMS shall allow for the image capture crop window to be both movable and sizable. System Administrators shall have the option to give System Operators the ability to size and/or move the crop window. System Administrators shall have the ability to have ACAMS maintain the aspect ratio of the image if the captured image is smaller or larger than the pre-defined image object on the badge. 18. Real Time User Definable Video Input Settings: ACAMS shall allow for the real time setting of video input devices. User selectable drop down lists shall be available for RGB, Composite, and S-Video input formats. This process shall be done in real time and should not require System Operators or System Administrators to go to a program or .ini file outside the program to adjust the settings. 19. Signature Capture Window Attributes: ACAMS shall allow for the ability to customize the signature capture window so that the window will be more aesthetically pleasing to System Operators. ACAMS shall allow System Operators to change the background and foreground colors to CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 60 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport a minimum of sixteen different colors for a total of 256 color combinations. ACAMS shall also allow System Operators to have the ability to adjust the signature pen pressure to allow for thicker or thinner signatures. 20. Image Processing/Effects Gallery: ACAMS shall support cardholder image processing of the cropped captured image through use of a predefined image effects gallery. The image processing software shall show both the original captured image side by side next to the processed image. The following effects shall be available to System Operators to apply to an original captured image in any combination desired: a. Intensity - Increases or decreases the overall intensity level of the light in the image. Adjusts the brighter areas by making them brighter or darker. b. Contrast - Increases or decreases the range of gray levels contained in the image. It adjusts the distinction between the lightest and darkest tones in the image. c. Saturation - Adjusts the purity of color (the number of colors used to create a particular color). d. Gamma Correct - Enhances detail in the image by adjusting the middle tones without affecting the darkest and lightest areas. e. HistoContrast - Adjusts the number of pixels per gray level to create a linear relationship between gray levels, used to bring out the detail in dark areas of the image. f. Hue - Adjusts the main characteristic of a particular color that distinguishes it from other colors. g. HistoEqualize - Redistributes shades of colors to adjust imbalances. It makes the darkest colors black and the lightest colors white and stretches the colors in-between. h. Flip - Flips the image horizontally (the image will appear upside down). i. Reverse - Flips the image vertically, creating a mirror image of the original. j. Rotate - Rotates the image 0-360 degrees. k. Shear - Applies the look of three-dimensionality to the image, while maintaining the original size and shape. l. Add Noise - Creates a granular effect that adds texture to a flat or overly blended picture. m. Average - Converts each pixel in the image to the average of itself and the pixels to the right and bottom, resulting in a blurring of the image. n. Sharpen - Enhances the edges and brings out the detail. CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 61 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport o. Halftone - Converts the image to a black and white (1 bit/pixel) image in which different shades of gray (luminance) are represented by different patterns of black and white pixels. p. Median - Reduces the amount of graininess (noise) in an image. q. Emboss - Converts the image to a raised relief style with its light source directed from the top left. r. Gray Scale - Represents the image using up to 256 shades of gray. s. Invert - Inverts the colors in the image as on a photographic negative. t. Mosaic - Converts the image to a grid of square blocks of color. u. Posterize - Reduces the color resolution, which is the number of shades of color that shall be displayed simultaneously. 21. ACAMS shall allow for the System Operator to save any combination of effects as a profile to be used on other original images for image processing. These profiles will be used in conjunction with the image effects gallery. Profiles shall have the ability to be added or deleted from ACAMS at any time. ACAMS shall ship with a minimum of 6 predefined image effects. 22. ACAMS shall support an image effects gallery that shall take the original image and apply up to six pre-defined effect profiles to the image. These profiles shall display side by side in a gallery for the System Operator to select. The System Operators shall have the option of choosing which profiles are applied to the original image in the gallery by selecting from all saved profiles in the drop down list underneath the processed photo’s image. 23. Bar-code Support: ACAMS shall support the following bar codes: Code 3 of 9 (3:1) Code 93 EAN 13 EAN 8 Code 128 B Code 128 C PostNet (Zip +4 Postal) Code 3 of 9 (2:1) Code 128 Auto UCC-128 MSI Plessey Extended Code 93 UPCA Code 128 A Codabar Interleaved 2 of 5 (2:1) Extended Code 3 of 9 24. ACAMS shall allow for any database field or ASCII string to be encoded onto the bar-code at the time of printing through an expression editing tool in the software. This shall be a standard feature in the software. 25. On-Line Context Sensitive Help: ACAMS shall provide on-line context sensitive help files to guide the System Administrators and System Operators in the configuration and operation of ACAMS. The help menu shall be available from any window in ACAMS by pressing the CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 62 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport F1 function key or clicking on the help icon in the toolbar. Help windows shall be context sensitive so System Operators can move from form to form without leaving the help window. Standard windows help commands for Contents, Search, Back, and Print shall also be available. ACAMS shall also come with complete on-line documentation on CD. F. Existing CCTV System Digital Video Management System Integration 1. ACAMS shall seamlessly integrate with the existing Digital Video Management System (DVMS). Any hardware or software modifications and/or programming required to make the CCTV System interface function as specified herein shall be furnished and installed by the Contractor either directly or through a subcontract with a certified dealer/vendor/installer. 2. Seamless Integration with Access Control and Alarm Monitoring a. ACAMS shall seamlessly integrate with the existing CCTV DVMS. Any alarm/event in the ACAMS shall have the ability to be associated with a digital video clip in real time. Each alarm/event in ACAMS shall store a pre-defined number of seconds of video before the event occurred and a pre-defined number of seconds of video after the event occurred. This video clip shall be retrieved at any system Alarm Monitoring client workstation. b. Any Photo ID Management or cardholder alarm/event in ACAMS shall have the ability to be associated with a digital video clip in real time. Each Photo ID alarm/event in ACAMS shall store a predefined number of seconds of video before the event occurred and a pre-defined number of seconds of video after the event occurred. This video clip shall be retrieved at any system Alarm Monitoring client workstation. 3. Device Linkages: ACAMS shall seamlessly integrate with the existing DVMS. Each access control field hardware device that is configured in ACAMS configured to be linked with a camera from the existing DVMS. A camera shall have the ability to be linked with multiple access control hardware devices and an access control hardware device shall have the ability to be linked with multiple cameras. An unlimited number of access control hardware/device links shall be configurable. A camera viewing priority shall be given to each access control hardware device link. In the event that multiple cameras linked to a single access control hardware device generate an alarm, the camera with the higher priority will show in the Alarm Monitoring Video Window first, followed by cameras with lower priority. CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 63 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport 4. Each alarm/event condition shall have the ability to mark the start of a video event or the end of a video event in real time. For example, when a door forced open is activated, the existing DVMS can mark the start of the video event. When the door forced open restored alarm occurs, the existing DVMS can mark the end of the video event. For alarms that mark the start of the video event, a default Video Event Timeout shall be available that will end the video event in the case that a restoral alarm does not occur or if there is no restoral alarm for the event. 5. System Administrators shall have the option for each alarm/event to automatically launch the Digital Video Player at the Alarm Monitoring client workstation when an alarm/event is generated. The existing DVMS shall support device linkage configuration setup wizard to guide System Administrators through the configuration of the device-camera links. The setup wizard shall guide System Administrators step by step by asking a series of questions that, when answered, will allow the existing DVMS to automatically configure device-camera links. 6. When old access control events are being purged and/or archived from the ACAMS, all the video events corresponding to those events shall be purged and/or archived as well. 7. Alarm Monitoring: ACAMS alarm monitoring software shall be seamlessly integrated with the existing DVMS. Upon generation of an alarm that is configured to mark video, the System Operator shall be able to recall the video segment associated with the alarm. Once launched, the System Operator shall have the ability to adjust the start and end time of the segment. Contractor to verify that ACAMS network is capable of supporting simultaneous video streaming and data communications at the speeds required in order to comply with the requirements specified herein, without impairing or hindering either. a. Real Time Monitoring: The existing DVMS shall allow monitoring of real time video from any Alarm Monitoring client workstation. The System Operator shall be able to monitor any camera by choosing the appropriate camera. Output of video for real time monitoring shall be transferred to an Alarm Monitoring client workstation over the LAN/WAN. In the DVMS, authorized System Operators shall be able to concurrently playback recorded video from any clip, even as that video clip is being recorded. The Play button shall enable System Operators to play back a single video segment at the maximum recording configuration. The existing DVMS shall be able to play back up to 16 video segments simultaneously at the maximum recording configuration on any Alarm Monitoring client workstation. CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 64 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 b. Playback Control: The existing DVMS Playback Control shall offer the following features for full System Operator control of video playback: 1. Start and Stop Playback: During operation of the viewer application, the authorized System Operator shall be able to start and stop playback. This operation shall not affect any other operation. 2. Pause and Resume: During playback of video, the System Operator shall be able to pause and resume current playback. This operation shall not affect any other operation. 3. Fast Forward: During playback of video, the System Operator shall be able to use the Fast Forward button to view the playback at faster than normal speed. This operation shall not affect any other operation. 4. Skip Backward: During playback of video, the System Operator shall be able to use the Skip Backward button to rewind the playback. This operation shall not affect any other operation. c. The System Operator shall also have the ability to switch between other cameras if the device that generated the event has more than one camera associated with it. The System Operator shall have the ability to adjust the start and end times of the video segment once the video segment is displayed. The System Operator shall also have the ability to adjust the playback speed of the video segment from slower than normal to real time to high speed playback. d. The System Operator shall have the option to switch to Live Mode from a camera at any time during the operation. The System Administrator shall also have the ability to load any video file from a backup device into the digital video player at any time. The digital video player shall be user configurable to show the date and time of the video clip frame, as well as the current mode of the player (play or live). The text size, color, and typeface shall be user definable. The System Operator shall have the ability to display or not display the informational text. The digital video player shall also have the option to automatically launch upon a critical alarm occurring in ACAMS to show live video at the video camera linked to that hardware device. e. Pan/Tilt/Zoom Control from ACAMS: The existing DVMS shall support pan/tilt/zoom (PTZ) controls from ACAMS Workstation. The PTZ control shall be supported in conjunction with the Vicon matrix switcher. Command settings shall be available for: Pan Left Pan Right Tilt Up Zoom Out Focus Near Focus Far Go to Preset Stop PTZ CTI Consulting Tilt Down Iris Open Zoom In Iris Close ACAMS 13727 - 65 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport f. Still Image Capture: During playback or monitoring of video, the System Operator shall use the Pause button followed by selecting Enhance Image from the Options Menu to create a still picture. This operation shall not affect any other operation and shall not alter the recorded video. g. Still Image Save: The captured image Export button shall allow System Operators to save single video frames to the client workstation hard drive in a standard file format. The System Operator shall be able to later e-mail, print, or transfer the file to any other media. h. Export Video Clip to File: The System Operator shall have to ability to save and export recorded video to a file for the purpose of sharing and reviewing video clips. The start and end times for each video segment shall be determined by the System Operator. The exported video clip shall be viewable via a standard media player or a standalone player provided by MANUFACTURER to show video time information. i. Full Screen Function: During playback or monitoring of video, the System Operator shall be able to enlarge the size of the video screen to twice the recorded resolution to have video display larger on the monitor screen. This operation shall not affect any other operation. G. Third Party Interfaces 1. ACAMS shall support multiple seamlessly integrated third party interfaces with hardware and software Contractors. These interfaces shall be integrated such that the interfaces utilize a single graphical user interface, single source code base, and a single database for configuration, alarm, and event storage. The interface shall allow data to be organized for optimum performance with one application accessing a single bank of data. Any changes to system hardware shall be instantly available across the entire ACAMS. Interfaces using separate databases with information being exchanged by 'data sharing' shall be unacceptable. 2. Fire Alarm Interface: ACAMS shall support a fire alarm interface. The fire alarm interface shall be by designated dry auxiliary contact outputs from the fire alarm system representing the various zones of the Airport that connect to an ACAMS ICM. Fire alarm zones shall be configured in the ACAMS configuration and administration software. For each fire alarm zone, an alphanumeric name of up to 32 characters shall be given for alarm monitoring and reporting purposes. The fire alarm interface shall allow for secondary annunciation of fire alarm alarms in the Main Alarm Monitoring Window. Fire alarms reporting into the Main Alarm Monitoring Window shall report just like any other access control alarm and shall have the same annunciation CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 66 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport and display properties as access control alarms. All fire alarms and events that report into ACAMS shall be stored in the ACAMS database for future audit trail and reporting capabilities. H. System Administration 1. System Configuration: ACAMS shall provide system icons and/or menu selections for each function requiring configuration of ACAMS options or peripherals (client workstations, field hardware, network functions, communications, reports, etc.). Icon tools bars shall be sizable, movable, and removable. Each form must be in a tab format and shall provide point and click mouse functionality using “icons” or drop down menus to insure configuration is simple. As soon as a function is defined, it shall appear in any other configuration form list that requires that function. ACAMS shall support sorting capabilities for multi-column lists. To sort on a multi-column list, the System Operator shall only have to click on the column that is desired to be sorted. These forms shall be available only to the System Administrator to make system additions or changes to existing configurations. All ACAMS configuration options and forms shall be documented in the System Administrator’s Manual to assist in the selection of options. 2. Pre-defined Database: System Administrators shall have the option to install a pre-defined database onto their system complete with sample records and configurations. This sample database shall have a configuration that matches that of the reseller demo cases so that Resellers can test and troubleshoot ACAMS if necessary. 3. System Configuration Setup Wizards: ACAMS shall support ACAMS configuration setup wizards to guide System Administrators through the configuration of the access control software of the system. The setup wizards shall guide System Administrators step by step by asking a series of questions that, when answered, will allow ACAMS to automatically configure itself. The setup wizards shall allow for multiple devices to be added in a single command to allow for easy and efficient ACAMS software setup. There shall be at minimum, setup wizards for Intelligent System Controllers and Card Readers. 4. Password Privileges: ACAMS shall allow the System Administrator to configure each client workstation with those applications that may be run on that client workstation. Individual System Operator passwords will further restrict System Operator functions and shall be specific to each System Operator. If a System Operator is denied access to specific functions, those functions shall not appear (or shall be ghosted) on the System Operator’s client workstation or menu bar while that password is logged in. Passwords shall not print in any CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 67 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport report. System Administrators and Operators shall have the ability to change their password at any time in ACAMS by logging into ACAMS with their current password and then changing it through menu options. Specific System Operator restrictions shall include: - Access to screens or functions (e.g.: alarm monitoring, badge issue) Specific tasks allowed (e.g.: modify data, view only) Alarm Monitoring functions (e.g.: clear alarms, output control, traces, reports) 5. System Operators: ACAMS shall support an unlimited number of System Operators at any time. Each System Operator shall be assigned a logon ID and password. Each System Operator shall be assigned permission levels for system administration and configuration functions, Photo ID management functions, alarm monitoring functions, digital video management functions, remote access level management functions, and database field viewing options. 6. System Permissions: Every major feature, function, and cardholder page in ACAMS shall be permission protected. Each System Operator shall be assigned permission or no permission to use/view/access each feature and function in ACAMS. Permission groups shall be broken into three categories: System Administration, Photo ID Management, and Alarm Monitoring. Every page in the Cardholder Form shall be permission protected. Each System Operator shall be assigned view permissions for each page of information in the Cardholder Form. Every database field in ACAMS shall be permission protected. Each System Operator shall be assigned view/edit permissions for each personnel database field in ACAMS. 7. System Operator Activity Logging: ACAMS shall provide full System Operator activity tracking of critical keyboard functions. The activity log shall be comprehensive, recording the date and time of the activity, the client workstation at which the activity was performed, the System Operator who performed the activity, the program the activity occurred in, and the function that was performed within it. ACAMS shall record any and all changes to the database made by all System Operators. ACAMS shall log all System Operator functions, including System Operator Log-in and System Operator Log-out; Additions, Changes, and Deletions to Cardholder Management; New Badge, Print Badge, and Update Badge; and other critical database functions. ACAMS shall log changes made to the access control configurations: Changes of access levels, holidays, time zone changes, card readers, and other critical items. ACAMS shall log changes made to the digital video configurations including changes to digital video cameras, device links, and other critical functions. ACAMS shall log activity of System CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 68 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport Operators performing ACAMS alarm monitoring; i.e. alarms acknowledged, cleared, output control activity, trace, and other functions. ACAMS shall permit the System Administrator to define the number of days worth of activity to keep on-line before the System Administrator purges the oldest data off-line. The activity log will have a field to show the number of total System Operator events that are currently stored in the database. The number of events to keep on-line shall only be limited by the amount of disk space available on the database server. ACAMS shall provide a System Operator activity report to query the above information available in the ACAMS database. Client workstation, System Operator, date and time, or other selection criteria shall sort the report. On those occasions when historical data shall be needed, the System Operator activity report shall be generated from an archived database as well as from the active ACAMS database. 8. Alarm/Event Activity Logging: ACAMS shall provide full access/alarm/event activity logging. The activity log shall provide comprehensive logging of date and time of the transaction, where the transaction occurred, acknowledgment information, and any System Operator actions. ACAMS shall log all access grants, access denies, alarm actives, and other critical and non-critical alarms. ACAMS shall give System Administrators the ability to choose when to log certain types of alarms. The log shall be broken down into the following categories: Events and Alarm Acknowledgements, User Transactions, and Visits. For each type of alarm, the System Administrator can set how long to keep each group of events. For example, visits may only be kept in the history file for 7 days while User Transactions may be kept for one year. The activity log will have a field to show the number of total events that are currently stored in the database. The number of events to keep on-line shall only be limited by the amount of disk space available on the database server. ACAMS shall be able to log the maximum number of events before the System Administrator purges the oldest data to an off-line file. The hard drive space required to store the maximum number of events. ACAMS shall provide activity reports to query the above information available in the ACAMS database. The reports shall be sorted by client workstation, alarm type, date and time, or other selection criteria. On those occasions when historical data shall be needed, the activity reports shall be generated from an archived database as well as from the active ACAMS database. 9. Encryption of PIN Codes Inside the Database Server: ACAMS shall have the ability to encrypt all cardholder PIN codes such that no one, including the System’s Administrator, shall have access to cardholder PIN codes through the application or through the database server. CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 69 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport 10. Access Control Reports: The following list of ACAMS reports shall be provided with the ACAMS in addition to other BAA defined reports not specifically listed. All reports shall be stored in the ACAMS database and shall be able to be viewed and printed from any ACAMS client workstation with proper permissions. The standard reports that shall be included with ACAMS are described below: a. Access Denials and Grants Report: The Access Denials and Grants Report shall provide information on all access denied and granted events including time, card reader, badge, and cardholder name. b. Access Denials and Grants by Reader Report: The Access Denials and Grants by Reader Report shall provide information on all access denials and granted events including time, reader, badge, and cardholder name, sorted by card reader. c. Access Denied Events Report: The Access Denied Event Report shall provide information on all access denied events including time, card reader, badge, and cardholder name. d. Access Denied Events by Reader Report: The Access Denied Event by Reader Report shall provide information on all access denied events including time, card reader, badge, and cardholder name, sorted by card reader. e. Access Granted Events Report: The Access Granted Events Report shall provide information on all access granted events including time, card reader, badge, and cardholder name. f. Access Granted Events by Reader Report: The Access Granted Events by Reader Report shall provide information on all access granted events including time, card reader, badge, and cardholder name, sorted by card reader. g. Access Groups Report: The Access Groups Report shall provide information on all access groups and the access levels contained in each group. h. Access Groups with Levels Report: The Access Groups with Levels Report shall provide information on all access group definitions including access level details. i. Access Level Assignments to Cardholders Report: The Access Level Assignments to Cardholders Report shall list each access level with a listing of each cardholder that has that access level assigned to them. j. Access Levels Report: The Access Levels Report shall provide information on all access level definitions. k. Access Levels Assignment to Cardholders, By Segment Report: The Access Levels Assignment to Cardholders, By Segment Report shall provide information on all cardholders with access levels, sorted by segment. Only personnel with assigned access levels shall be included in the report. This report shall also CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 70 April 20, 2007 l. m. n. o. p. q. r. s. t. u. v. w. x. y. z. CTI Consulting ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport summarize the total number of badges that will need to be downloaded to each segment. This report only shall only work on a system utilizing database segmentation. Security Panels Report: The Security Panels Report shall provide information on all Security panel definitions. Alarm Acknowledgments Report: The Alarm Acknowledgments Report shall provide information on all alarm acknowledgments including the alarm information and acknowledgment notes. Alarm Acknowledgments by Operator Report: The Alarm Acknowledgments by Operator Report shall provide information on all alarm acknowledgments including the alarm information and acknowledgment notes, sorted by operator. Alarm Configuration Report: The Alarm Configuration Report shall provide alarm configuration summary information. Alarm Definitions Report: The Alarm Definitions Report shall provide information on all alarm definitions including device and event assignments. Alarm Definitions by Priority Report: The Alarm Definitions by Priority Report shall provide information on all alarm definitions including device and event assignments, sorted by priority. Alarm Input Events Report: The Alarm Input Events Report shall provide information on all alarm input events sorted by date. Alarm Panel Inputs Report: The Alarm Panel Inputs Report shall provide information on all alarm panel inputs grouped by Security panel and alarm panel. Alarm Panel Outputs Report: The Alarm Panel Outputs Report shall provide information on all alarm panel outputs grouped by Security panel and alarm panel. Alarm Panels Report: The Alarm Panels Report shall provide information on all alarm panel definitions grouped by Security panel. Alarm Panel Local Linkage Report: The Alarm Panel Local Linkage Report shall provide information of all input and output linkages within an ICM. All Events Over Time Report: The All Events Over Time Report shall provide a listing of all event types over time. Anti-Passback Events Report: The Anti-Passback Events Report shall provide a listing of all anti-passback events over time. Area Entrance History Report: The Area Entrance History Report shall provide a history of all cardholders enter anti-passback areas, sorted by area and date. Audio Notifications and Instructions Report: The Audio Notifications and Instructions Report shall list all audio notifications and instructions in the database. ACAMS 13727 - 71 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport aa. Badges by Deactivation Date Report: The Badges by Deactivation Date Report shall list all badges by deactivation date. Shall be used to determine which badges are about to deactivate. bb. Badge Download Summary, By Segment Report: The Badge Download Summary, By Segment Report shall provide information on each segment by listing the number of badges that must be downloaded to the Security panels in that segment. This report shall only work on systems utilizing database segmentation. cc. Badges Without Access Levels Report: The Badges Without Access Levels Report shall provide information on all Badges that do not have any access levels assigned to them. Badges with access levels assigned to them shall not be listed in this report. dd. Cardholder Access to Readers Report: The Cardholders Access to Readers Report shall a listing of each card reader along with which cardholders have access to that card reader. Includes associated access level and time zone. ee. Cardholders by Badge Type Report: The Cardholders by Badge Type Report shall provide information on all cardholders sorted by badge type. No access levels are shown in this report and cardholders that have not been assigned a badge type will not be reported. ff. Cardholders with Access Levels by Badge Type Report: The Cardholders with Access Levels by Badge Type Report shall provide information on all cardholders with access levels, sorted by badge type. Only personnel with active badges and assigned access levels will be included with this report. gg. Cardholders by Last Name Report: The Cardholders by Last Name Report shall provide information on all cardholders sorted by last name, with badges but not access levels. Only personnel with badges assigned will be included in this report. hh. Cardholders with Access Levels by Last Name Report: The Cardholders with Access Levels by Last Name Report shall provide information on all cardholders with access levels, sorted by last name. Only personnel with active badges and access levels will be included in this report. ii. Cardholders Located in Each APB Area by Date Report: The Cardholders Located in Each APB Area by Date Report shall provide a list of all cardholders located in each anti-passback area, sorted by area and date. jj. Cardholders Located in Each APB Area by Name Report: The Cardholders Located in Each APB Area by Name Report shall provide a list of all cardholders located in each anti-passback area, sorted by area and cardholder name. kk. Cardholder Exit/Entry Report: The Cardholder Exit/Entry Report shall provide information on all user-defined Exit/Entry information on a per cardholder basis. It shall list the time a cardholder swipes CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 72 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport their badge at a designated ‘In’ reader and the time they swiped their badge at the corresponding designated ‘Exit’ reader. ll. Card Formats Report: The Card Formats Reports shall provide information on definitions of all Magnetic and Wiegand card formats in the ACAMS. mm.CCTV Instructions Report: The CCTV Instructions Report shall provide summary information on all CCTV instructions in the database. nn. Device Status Events Report: The Device Status Events Report shall provide information on all status events for all devices in the ACAMS. oo. Dial Up Events by Panel Report: The Dial Up Events by Panel Report shall provide information on all dial up related events grouped by Intelligent System Controller. pp. Dial Up Last Connect Time Report: The Dial Up Last Connect Time Report shall provide a list of all on-line dial up panels and the last time that they were connected to the ACAMS database server. qq. Elevator Access Denials and Grants Report: The Elevator Access Denials and Grants Report shall provide information on all elevator related access denied and granted events including floor selected, time, card reader, badge, and cardholder name. rr. Emergency Events Report: The Emergency Events Report shall provide a listing of all emergency events over time. ss. Event Count by Panel Report: The Event Count by Panel Report shall provide a count of all events grouped by Intelligent System Controller. This report shall include a pie chart breakdown. tt. Hardware Panels Report: The Hardware Panels Report shall provide information on all top level hardware panels grouped by category including Security panels and fire panels. uu. Holidays Report: The Holidays Report shall provide information on all system holiday definitions. vv. Intercom Functions Report: The Intercom Functions Report shall provide information on all defined intercom functions. ww.Intercom Stations Report: The Intercom Stations Report shall provide information on all intercom stations, grouped by intercom exchange. xx. Last Location of Cardholders Report: The Last Location of Cardholders Report shall provide information on the last card reader accessed by each cardholder, sorted by cardholder name. yy. Maps Report: The Maps Report shall provide a list of all available maps in the database. zz. Monitor Stations Report: The Monitor Stations Report shall provide information on all monitoring stations defined in the ACAMS including which monitor zones and Security panels are assigned to the monitoring station. CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 73 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport aaa. Monitor Zones Report: The Monitor Zones Report shall provide information on all monitor zone definitions. bbb. Personnel in the Database Report: The Personnel in the database Report shall provide information on all personnel in the database with basic information. ccc. Personnel Without an Active Badge Report: The Personnel Without an Active Badge Report shall provide information on all personnel in the database that do not have an active badge assigned to them. ddd. Personnel with Organizational Details Report: The Personnel with Organizational Details Report shall provide information on all personnel in the database with organizational details. This report is designed to work with the ACAMS standard cardholder layout. eee. Personnel with Personal Details Report: The Personnel with Personal Details Report shall provide information on all personnel in the database with personal details. This report is designed to work with the ACAMS standard cardholder layout. fff. Precision Access Groups Report: The Precision Access Groups Report shall provide information on all precision access group definitions. ggg. Reader Status Events Report: The Reader Status Events Report shall provide information on card reader status events, grouped by card reader. hhh. Reader Time Zone Schedules Report: The Reader Time Zone Schedules Report shall provide information on all card reader time zone scheduling for card reader modes. iii. Readers Report: The Readers Report shall provide information on all card reader definitions grouped by Security panel. jjj. Segments Report: The Segments Reports shall provide a listing of all segments defined in the ACAMS along with their options. kkk. Text Instructions Report: The Text Instructions Report shall provide information on all text instructions defined in the ACAMS. lll. Time Zones Report: The Time Zones Report shall provide information on all time zone definitions. mmm. User Permissions Report: The User Permissions Report shall provide information on all ACAMS users and their permissions. nnn. User Transaction Log Report: The User Transaction Log Report shall provide a chronological log of all transactions performed on the ACAMS by users. ooo. User Transaction Log by User ID Report: The User Transaction Log by User ID Report shall provide a chronological log of all transactions performed on the ACAMS by users grouped by User ID. CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 74 April 20, 2007 ppp. qqq. rrr. sss. ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport Video Cameras Report: The Video Cameras Report shall provide information on all video cameras grouped by digital video server. Video Cameras Device Links Report: The Video Cameras Device Links Report shall provide information on all device links for each video camera. Video Events Report: The Video Events Report shall provide information on all ACAMS events with associated video events. Event Log Errors Report: The Operating System Event Log Errors Report shall provide information on all errors logged by the Operating System to the System's event log. 11. ACAMS shall provide filters for each report that, depending on the report that the System Administrator is running, will allow the System Administrator to filter any of the below listed criteria. ACAMS shall allow reports to be filtered by any combination of card readers, date and time, cardholder first name and/or last name, area, Action Type, Details or Object, Alarm Acknowledgement and/or badge ID. ACAMS will store all reports in the database so that all client workstations will have instant access to the report. The reports shall not be installed in a shared disk directory. 12. ACAMS shall support advanced filters. ACAMS shall allow reports to use the Time filter to span across multiple days to create shift reports. For example, a report shall be able to be run that shows all access grants that occurred Monday through Friday, but on during the hours of 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM on those days. ACAMS shall allow for cardholder related reports to be run from the Alarm Monitoring Software of ACAMS. ACAMS shall allow System Administrators to specify card readers as either an ‘in reader’ or an ‘out reader’. The designation of these card readers will act as another filter to use in conjunction with the standard reports to produce ‘raw data’ which shall be exported to external systems such as a Human Resources or Excel Spreadsheets which can crunch the data for Time and Attendance purposes. 13. On-Line Documentation: ACAMS shall support an on-line documentation feature. All documentation must be available on the application CD to allow complete on-line viewing of system documentation including drawings, schematics, line and/or block diagrams, etc. ACAMS must also allow for the option of installing the documentation onto individual PC client workstations so that System Operators will not need the application CD to view the on-line documentation. 14. Ad-hoc Database Report Generator: ACAMS must provide an ad-hoc customized report generator package integrated with ACAMS’ CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 75 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport database. This program shall allow the System Administrator to create reports using the relational database structure. Among other reports, a tabular type report shall be configurable which will detail any information from the database in a columnar format with headings, breaks, sub-totals and totals. The report must also be able to be created to produce a flat ASCII export file. Access rights shall be provided to allow the System Administrator the privilege of creating, deleting, updating, saving, processing, viewing and printing reports. The reports are to be printed on a dot matrix printer or on a laser printer. Report configuration shall use menu options and drop down list-boxes to define that database fields are to be used, linked, or joined. They shall also be used to specify conditions and column order, as well as describe the layout and headings. 15. Custom Report Writer: ACAMS shall support the latest version of an industry standard, off the shelf, custom report writer, such as Crystal Reports. The custom report writer shall support multiple report types including, but not limited to, multiple section reports, form style reports, conditional reports, query reports, and columnar reports. The custom report writer shall have BLOB Bitmap support and shall come standard with a formula editor with more than 160 built in functions for System Operators to manipulate data. It shall have export capabilities to ASCII files, Microsoft Mail, or ODBC file formats. The custom report writer shall be compatible with industry standard SQL databases, such as Microsoft SQL Server. 16. System Removable Media Backup: ACAMS shall provide a removable media backup and restore programs utilizing the multi-tasking capabilities of the ACAMS and operating system. These programs shall run concurrently with any other application. Database backup must occur dynamically while other alarm monitoring, badging, access control applications remain active. The backup feature shall allow for three levels of backup; 1) Incremental, which will backup to media all changes to data and images that have changed since the last incremental tape backup, 2) System, which will backup the operating system and application files only, and 3) Full, which backups all files. A database snapshot shall occur prior to a media backup and the actual backup shall be performed in the background, utilizing the benefits of the multi-tasking operating system, without interfering with the ability of System Operators to exercise other functions. 17. Client workstations: System Administrators shall have the ability to configure each client workstation on ACAMS to utilize any combination of event printers, CCTV controllers, and video capture boards. For each printer or CCTV controller, System Administrators shall be able to CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 76 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport select the port that the device is connected to on the client workstation and the communications speed. 18. PIN Numbers: ACAMS shall support up to six (6) digit PIN Numbers for each cardholder in ACAMS. PIN Numbers shall be created either manually through System Operator entry or generated randomly by ACAMS. ACAMS shall be configured to allow for unique PINs for each cardholder and provide the ability to modify a cardholder’s PIN numbers at a later date. 19. List Builder: System Administrators shall have the ability to pre-define information that will appear in each of the pre-defined drop down lists. There shall be no limit to the number of items that shall be a part of a list. Lists can have items added to them or deleted from them at any time. 20. Archiving: ACAMS shall allow System Administrators to archive off-line history files to magnetic media. Off-line files shall include access events and System Operator transactions that have been purged from the reportable database. The off-line files shall be in a “ready to import” format for easy insertion of information back into the on-line database. Different event types may remain in the database for different periods times. Any record older than the specified dates shall be purged to the off-line history file for archiving. Reports shall be generated from the archived files if necessary. 21. Remote Dial-In Capabilities: ACAMS shall support remote dial-in capabilities for ACAMS troubleshooting, ACAMS configuration, and alarm monitoring capabilities. Contractor and/or System Administrators shall be able to dial in to BAA database server to troubleshoot BAA’s system. This will allow System Administrators to locate any problem areas and, many times, fix the error over the telephone from a remote location. I. Badge Layout Creation Software 1. ACAMS shall provide a Badge Layout Creation and Editing Software to allow for the creation of custom badge designs to be created by BAA. The ACAMS shall support credit card, government, and custom Photo ID card sizes in either a landscape or portrait format with edge-to-edge printing capability. 2. Badge Layout Objects: ACAMS shall support multiple object types, all of which shall be placed on the layout in any order and combination. These objects shall include alphanumeric text fields, database fields, photos, signatures, logos, graphics, shapes (Square, circle, rectangle, CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 77 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport ellipse), and barcodes. Objects shall be placed onto the layouts through a drag and drop process. 3. Advanced Database Field Driven Badge Layouts: ACAMS shall support advanced functionality that allows cardholder database information to control what information is printed onto a cardholder’s Photo ID card. Thus, a single generic layout shall be created, and attributes such as colors, borders, logos, typefaces, backgrounds, etc. shall be determined by the information of a particular database field. For example, when ‘Operations’ is entered in the Department field, a green background will be printed on the badge. However, when ‘Contractor’ is entered in the Company type field, a blue background will be printed on the badge. Any information displayed in a dropdown list shall have the ability to control any of the following ID card attributes: Database/Text Box - Typeface (Font, Size, Color, Bold, Italic, Underline) - Case Options (Upper Case, Lower Case, Mixed Case) - Border (Type, Width, Color) - Fill Color and Style - Alignment of Text (Horizontal and Vertical) - Maximum Number of Characters - Object Positioning on the ID Card - Scale to Fit Inside Object - Word Wrap (Yes, No) - Object Visibility (Yes, No) Photo - Border (Type, Width, Color) - Fill Color and Style - Ghost Factor - Chromakey (Yes, No) - Alignment (Horizontal, Vertical) - Horizontal and Vertical Tile (Yes, No) - Horizontal and Vertical Tile to Fit (Yes, No) - Object Positioning - Number of Horizontal and Vertical Tile Rows and Columns - Preserve Aspect Ratio (Yes, No) - Object Visibility (Yes, No) Graphic - Border (Type, Width, Color) - Fill Color and Style - Ghost Factor - Chromakey (Yes, No) CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 78 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport - Which Graphic is Displayed on the ID Card - Alignment (Horizontal, Vertical) - Horizontal and Vertical Tile (Yes, No) - Horizontal and Vertical Tile to Fit (Yes, No) - Object Positioning - Number of Horizontal and Vertical Tile Rows and Columns - Preserve Aspect Ratio (Yes, No) - Object Visibility (Yes, No) Barcode - Barcode Format - Border (Type, Width, Color) - Fill Color and Style - Object Positioning - Rotation - Encoded Information - Visibility (Yes, No) Signature - Border (Type, Width, Color) - Fill Color and Style - Signature Color - Alignment (Horizontal, Vertical) - Horizontal and Vertical Tile (Yes, No) - Horizontal and Vertical Tile to Fit (Yes, No) - Object Positioning - Number of Horizontal and Vertical Tile Rows and Columns - Preserve Aspect Ratio - Signature Pen Width - Chromakey - Object Visibility Shape - Border (Type, Width, Color) - Fill Color and Style - Object Positioning - Visibility 4. Barcode Support: ACAMS shall support the following bar codes as standard in the software: Code 3 of 9 (3:1) Code 93 EAN 1 EAN 8 Code 128 B Code 128 C PostNet (Zip +4 Postal) Code 3 of 9 (2:1) Code 128 Auto UCC-128 CTI Consulting UPCA Code 128 A Codabar Interleaved 2 of 5 (2:1) MSI Plessey ACAMS 13727 - 79 April 20, 2007 Code 3 of 9 (3:1) ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport Extended Code 3 of 9 Extended Code 93 5. Object Properties: System Administrators shall have the ability to edit each object placed onto the layout using a ‘Properties Form’ to customize each object on the layout. a. Text and Database Objects: System Administrators shall be able to adjust the positioning of the object, it’s height and width, along with the object’s color and color fill style (solid, horizontal lines, etc.). Borders (if any), along with the border width and border style shall also be modifiable. The typeface of any text shall be user definable (font, size, bold, italic, underline, strike through) as well as the alignment of the text inside of the object (left, center, right, top, middle, bottom). System Administrators shall be able to allow word wrapping of text within the object and shall be allowed to set the maximum number of characters allowed in the object. b. Photo, Signature, and Graphic (logo) Objects: System Administrators shall be able to adjust the positioning of the object, it’s height and width, along with the object's color and color fill style (solid, horizontal lines, etc.). Borders (if any), along with the border width and border style shall also be modifiable. Attributes shall be available for auto sizing and scaling the photo, signature, or graphic that will be located in the object. Keeping aspect ratio shall be an option. Alignment of the photo, signature, or graphic inside of the object (left, center, right, top, middle, and bottom) shall be available. System Administrators shall also be able to chromakey and/or ghost the photo or graphic. System Administrators shall also be able to tile the image or logo in any number of rows and columns across the background of the ID card. c. Shape Objects: System Administrators shall be able to adjust the positioning of the object, it’s height and width, along with the object's color and color fill style (solid, horizontal lines, etc.). Borders (if any), along with the border width and border style shall also be modifiable. Administrators shall have the option of inserting square, circle, rectangle, or ellipse shapes. d. Bar-code Objects: System Administrators shall be able to adjust the positioning of the object, it’s height and width, along with the object's color and color fill style (solid, horizontal lines, etc.). Borders (if any), along with the border width and border style shall also be modifiable. Administrators shall have the ability to rotate the bar-code to a vertical or horizontal position on the layout. ACAMS shall allow System Administrators to encode any database field and/or other information onto the bar-code, depending on the barcode type selected. CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 80 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport 6. Object List: An object list shall be available to System Operators to allow them to select objects without clicking on the them in the layout with the mouse. This shall be helpful when one object has been placed onto top of the other, making it difficult to select the object in the background with the mouse; or when System Operators wish to select an object without moving the object’s position on the layout. 7. Color Palette: ACAMS shall support a standard Color Palette capable of creating up several thousand colors to be used in applying color to the various objects, shading, and/or borders in the badge layout. 8. Import/ of Badge Layouts: ACAMS shall allow for the importing of badge layouts. 9. Multiple Badge per Page Printing: ACAMS shall allow for System Operators to print multiple badges to the same page. System Administrators can configure ACAMS to print multiple badges to a predefined number of columns and rows to accomplish 2 up, 4 up, 6 up, or 8 up printing. 10. Working with Objects: A set of alignment tools shall be available to System Administrators to manage objects. ‘Move to Front’, ‘Send to Back’, ‘Move Forward’, and ‘Move Backward’ commands shall be available to allow objects to be placed on top of other objects. A zoom command shall be available to allow System Administrators to manage the layout in multiple views. User definable sample field data shall be available for ease of working with objects. When objects are placed onto a layout, the sample data will fill in to show the System Administrator what effect the object has on the layout. System Administrators will also be able to select the color of the PVC card that they are working with so they will see the effect that it has on the layout. They shall also be able to place the magnetic stripe outline on to the layout for ease of aligning other objects. All Badge Layouts shall be placed in a gallery for previewing. J. Screen Designer Tool 1. User Definable Fields: Should any ACAMS standard field be found not to be suitable, System Administrators shall have the ability to modify any standard field to customize the cardholder forms as desired. ACAMS shall also allow System Administrators to add custom fields in addition to or replacement of any standard fields on the maximum number of pages of information for cardholders. User defined fields absolutely shall not be pre-defined, meaning only the labels can change while the properties cannot. System Administrators shall have a maximum number of pages from which to design their screens with CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 81 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 standard and custom fields. System Administrators shall have the ability to modify the pages of information in any combination as follows: a. Move standard database fields to different locations on the cardholder forms. b. Delete standard database fields that are not desired c. Keep standard database fields in the same location as the factory ships them, but changing the label and/or any field attributes. For example, Zip Code may be changed to Postal Code and the attributes changed from a number field to text field for Canadian Installations d. Add new fields to the cardholder forms each with their own unique set of attributes 2. Field Types: ACAMS shall support, at a minimum, the following field types: Text Fields Date Fields Numeric Fields Drop Down Lists 3. Field Attributes: System Administrators shall be able to assign any combination of the following attributes to each field defined: - Positioning of the field on the form From which page the field can be viewed From which page the field can be edited The font to be used for the information that will appear in the field. The ACAMS shall support all standard Operating System fonts The style to be used for information that will appear in the field. The ACAMS shall support bold, italic, both, and regular typeface styles Any effects to be used for the information that will appear in the field. The ACAMS shall support strikeout and underline Whether the field is required Whether the field is to be indexed Whether the field is unique If a template is to appear in the field If a default value will appear in the field 4. Field Styles: System Administrators shall be able to assign any combination of the following styles to each field defined: Multi-line field Auto Horizontal Scroll Number CTI Consulting Horizontal Scroll Auto Vertical Scroll Uppercase Vertical Scroll Enter means next line of text Lowercase ACAMS 13727 - 82 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 Read Only Sunken Raised Align Right Border OEM Covert Password Inside Edge 5. Field Alignment and Width Tools: ACAMS shall support the following field alignment tools to allow System Administrators to align fields and set uniform widths to fine tune the look and feel of the screens. ACAMS shall allow System Administrators to select multiple objects simultaneously and align them to their desired position and/or set a uniform width. The following field alignment tools shall be able to be used in any combination: a. Align all objects selected to the far left edge of the farthest left selected object b. Align all right edges of selected objects to the right edge of the farthest right selected object c. Align the tops of all selected objects to the top edge of the highest selected object d. Align the bottom edges of all selected objects to the bottom edge of the lowest selected object e. Align all selected objects to be vertically centered with respect to each other f. Center all selected objects g. Make all selected objects the same width as the smallest object selected h. Make all selected objects the same width as the widest object selected i. Make all selected objects the same height as the shortest object selected j. Make all selected objects the same height as the tallest object selected k. Evenly space all objects vertically between the two most outer objects l. Evenly space all objects horizontally between the two most outer objects m. Bring object to the front of the page n. Send object to the back of the page 6. Tab Ordering: ACAMS shall allow System Administrators to set the TAB order (the order in which the cursor moves throughout the fields) of ACAMS when System Operators utilize the TAB key to move throughout the cardholder form. CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 83 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport K. Map Editor Software 1. ACAMS shall support graphical map creation software that shall allow the import of map backgrounds from any standard ‘off-the-shelf’ drawing package in a format such as AutoCAD DWG. 2. These architectural type maps must allow the detailed layout of an entire structure, part of a structure, a floor or department within a building, or layout of the periphery of a facility. Once a map has been drawn, the System Administrator must have the ability to place system level icons of card readers, input and output points, video cameras, and other access control field hardware in the appropriate area to indicate their respective location on the map. This is to be accomplished by simply dragging the icon with the mouse to the appropriate location on the map. 3. ACAMS must allow various maps to be associated with each area to provide for the creation of hierarchy of maps. Overview maps of an entire facility shall be able to be viewed as requested and nested maps shall be accessed from the overview map to enlarge a specific area or facility on the screen. Maps shall also support user defined text that shall be placed onto the map background. 4. ACAMS shall allow hardware device icons to be either static or part of a device group. Icons that are part of a device group shall allow the hardware device icon to change shape and/or color based on the current state of the device. Maps shall have the ability to be printed and/or previewed from the Map Editing Software. ACAMS shall also support custom device icons to be used with the maps (.ico) files. L. Import Software 1. ACAMS shall support, as a mandatory requirement, an import utility, which will allow BAA or Contractor to import cardholder information into the ACAMS database. This shall allow BAA or RESELLER to prepopulate the ACAMS database with existing cardholder data and/or add NEW records to an existing ACAMS database. 2. The Import Utility shall be a 32-bit application that shall be used to import standard ASCII delimited text files into the ACAMS. The import utility shall be utilized at the initial ACAMS setup and anytime a large number of records need to be imported into ACAMS after the initial import. For example, you may import 10,000 records into ACAMS during the initial ACAMS setup and then import 2,000 additional records each semester thereafter. ACAMS shall check for duplicate records during the import, so that multiple copies of the same record are not added into the ACAMS database. CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 84 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport 3. The import utility shall allow System Administrators to choose the delimiter for the ASCII file. This delimiter may be, but is not limited to, a comma, vertical bar, semi-colon, or asterisk. Fields in the ACAMS database, such as Address 2, that BAA does not wish to use, may be left blank in the ASCII file. The import utility shall be able to select the source drive where the ASCII delimited file is located as well as the destination drive where the ACAMS database is located. The import utility shall also be able to import photos as part of the record into the ACAMS database. ACAMS shall support all standard photo image file formats. 4. ACAMS shall include a progress meter to show the System Administrator the percentage of the import complete when importing large quantities of records. M. Universal Interface Server 1. ACAMS shall support, as a mandatory requirement, an import/export utility that will enable advanced System Administrators to import data and images into the ACAMS database and export data and images from the ACAMS database for use with third party software systems. The Universal Interface Server Utility shall allow for bi-directional communications with external systems. It shall allow for the import into the ACAMS database and the export out of the ACAMS database personnel information, including images, through ASCII delimited files. The import/export scripts shall run in a batch mode and shall be accomplished over the network. The Universal Interface Server is ideal for customers who wish to have a base line level of integration with third party external systems such as those used for Time and Attendance and Debit Card systems. Database import and export scripts will be stored in the ACAMS database. A user interface shall allow for the generation of import and export scripts. The file used for import or created by export shall have the ability to be structured in a wide variety of ways, but shall always be in an ASCII text format. System Administrators can configure the import procedures to put the new data into any of the tables of the ACAMS database. As such, export data shall be taken from any tables in the ACAMS database. 2. File Imports: The Universal Interface Server shall allow ASCII text data to be imported into the ACAMS database. Importing of information shall occur in one or more of the following methods: a. Add - The data in the ASCII file shall be added to the database. If a particular record is already in the database, an error shall occur and the record shall be rejected and placed in an error log. CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 85 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport b. Change - If a record in the ASCII file exists in the database, the record shall be modified according to the layout configuration specified. Records in the ASCII file that don’t already exist in the database shall be rejected and placed in an error log file. c. Delete - If a record in the ASCII file exists in the database, it shall be deleted. Records in the ASCII file that don’t already exist in the database shall be ignored and placed in an error log. d. Add/Replace - If a record in the ASCII file exists in the database, it shall be replaced according to the layout configuration you specified. Records that don’t already exist shall be added to the database. 3. Imported data fields may have rules applied to them for data types including, but not limited to: a. NULL - Null is used to create a placeholder for a field that exists in the ASCII file but not in the database. The Universal Interface Server shall ignore the contents of such fields during import or export. b. CHAR - accepts all alphanumeric characters c. NUMBER - accepts numeric characters only d. DATETIME - accepts date and time values in a format that you specify in the Date/Time Format window. The format is then displayed in the Format field. Refer to the topic “Date/Time Format window” for more information. e. BLOB - Blob fields include photos, signatures, audio files, thumbnails, etc. The Universal Interface Server accepts such fields as is, without manipulation. f. IMAGE – Universal Interface Server accepts standard image file formats for import. Images are exported in a JPEG format. 4. The Universal Interface Server shall support, at a minimum, the importation of image file formats noted previously to be imported into the ACAMS database. 5. The Universal Interface Server shall utilize an error log that shall report all errors that occur during a file import. Any and all errors can then be viewed from this log, corrected, and the import shall run a second time to download the corrected records. The Universal Interface Server must allow imported changes to be downloaded to Intelligent System Controllers on a real-time basis as information is being imported into the database. 6. The Universal Interface Server shall allow System Administrators to view each record that is being imported into the ACAMS database and to decide whether or not to continue or abort the import procedure. As CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 86 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport long as System Administrators continue to choose the ‘Sample is right, progress with import with sample’, the Universal Interface Server shall display each subsequent record, until the end of file is reached. Using this procedure, the System Administrator shall have one of the following options for each record to be imported: a. Sample is right, progress with import without further samples - If the record is error-free, System Administrators can choose to have the import proceed without displaying any more records. b. Sample is right, progress with import with sample - If the record is error-free, System Administrators may still prefer to view the next record. The Universal Interface Server will save the first record and display the next. c. Sample is wrong, breakout import - If the record has errors, System Administrators shall want to abort the procedure. This does not affect any records that were imported before System Administrators chose to abort. 7. Exporting Data: The Universal Interface Server shall allow ASCII text data to be exported from the ACAMS database. Any combination of ACAMS database fields shall have the ability to be exported to an ASCII file. 8. Import/Export Filters and SQL Relations: The Universal Interface Server shall allow System Administrators to select a subset of the data for the import or export operation. For example, System Administrators may wish to export only the records for the Marketing department employees, or import only records with a badge activation date later than a specified date. System Administrators shall have the ability to use filters to define which records would be selected for the import or export. SQL Relations shall be used to build a relationship between two fields in two different tables. For example, Badge Statuses might be stored as numbers, but System Administrators want to display them as characters. They would use the SQL Relation form to reference another field in another table that contains the text equivalents of the Badge Statuses. Filters that shall be applied shall include, but not be limited to the following: a. Is equal to - If a record is found in which the assigned field is equal to the given value, the record is selected for import/export. b. Is not equal to - If a record is found in which the assigned field is greater than or less than the given value, the record is selected for import/export. A record is not selected if the value in the field is equal to the given value. c. Is greater than or equal to - If a record is found in which the assigned field is greater than or equal to the given value, the record CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 87 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 d. e. f. g. h. i. is selected for import/export. If the value is less than the given value, the record is not selected for import/export. Is greater than - If a record is found in which the value of the assigned field is greater than the given value, the record is selected for import/export. If the value is less than or equal to the given value, the record is not selected for import/export. Is less than or equal to - If a record is found in which the assigned field is less than or equal to the given value, the record is selected for import/export. If the value is less than the given value, the record is not selected for import/export. Is less than - If a record is found in which the value of the assigned field is less than the given value, the record is selected for import/export. If the value in a record is greater than or equal to the given value, the record is not selected for import/export. Include all source records - All of the records from the Table Name will be included, even if no matching records from the Ref Table are found. Include all target records - All of the records from the Ref Table will be included, even if no matching records from the TableName are found. Include records within date range - Includes records that fall within the specified date range. The days are counted backward from the current (run) date and time, measured to the second. N. ACAMS Server Redundancy 1. The ACAMS shall provide multiple levels of fault tolerance and ACAMS redundancy. 2. Hot Standby Server Solution: ACAMS shall support a fault tolerant server and redundant database architecture. It shall allow for normal operations to occur in the event that the Database Server fails. In the event of a server failure, the switch over to a backup server shall be automatic. System Operator intervention for switch over shall not be acceptable. ACAMS shall utilize two servers, which shall be configured identically. One server shall be designated as the Primary Server and the other shall be designated as the Backup Server. The Primary Server shall be the main server that is in use when ACAMS is operating under normal conditions. ACAMS shall mirror the database information from the Primary Server to the Backup Server. This mirroring shall be conducted through standard local area network (LAN) communications. There shall absolutely not be any proprietary communication links between the Primary and Backup Servers. All access control field hardware shall be configured for both the Primary Server and the Backup Server. Both the Primary and Backup Servers will recognize the same TCP/IP SCP address on the network. If the Backup Server is not running or receiving the mirrored files from the CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 88 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport Primary Server, the Primary Server will save the changes locally. Upon restored communications to the Backup Server, this information will be automatically sent to the Backup Server. In the event that the Primary Server fails, the Backup Server shall sense that the Primary Server has failed and is no longer on the network. The Backup Server shall check to see if the Primary Server is on line every five seconds. Upon sensing Primary Server failure, the Backup Server shall automatically initiate itself as the Primary Server and shall begin communication with the Intelligent Fields Panels. ABSOLUTELY NO OPERATOR INTERVENTION SHALL BE REQUIRED. A message shall be broadcast to all client workstations on the network that the Primary Server has failed and the Backup Server has taken control. This process shall take no longer than two minutes to accomplish. Once the Primary Server comes back on-line with ACAMS, the Primary Server and Backup Server shall be able to be re-synchronized though automatic operation and resume normal operations. The synchronization process shall be fast, efficient, and take no more than five minutes. 3. RAID Level 5: ACAMS shall provide a fault tolerant redundant hard disk array in a RAID Level 5 configuration with a hot standby disk. RAID Level 5 shall provide redundancy of disk storage, controller channels and power supplies. Each array must contain a disk drive, high efficiency power supply, and cooling fan. This technology shall use multiple drives to store data with distributed parity, thereby ensuring data protection in an environment in which data is safe and easily restorable in the event of a hard disk failure. In the event a single drive within the array fails, a "Hot Standby Hard Disk" shall be available on-line and automatically switched with the failed unit. The network administrator shall be able to replace the failed drive without taking the database server down, and it shall then become the hot standby. The array software shall rebuild the lost data from parity information stored on the other drives in the array. This entire procedure shall have no effect on the operation of ACAMS and shall be automated. 4. Distributed Intelligence: In the event ACAMS communications is lost or the database server fails, SCPs shall provide complete control, operation and supervision of all monitoring and control points. The SCP shall be configured with a UPS battery, which shall support the SCP for a 4 hour duration. The SCP shall be installed with enough memory to support the maximum number of cardholders and events. ACAMS shall incorporate performance tests and precautions so as to avoid ACAMS failure. In the event of a failure, transactions are to be stored in an SCP First In First Out (FIFO) buffer until the SCP goes back on-line, at which time all data is uploaded to the database server. CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 89 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport The SCP shall register as on-line with the database server when communications are re-established. The SCP shall send a time/date stamp of the last record/table update in its memory and request any new data changes or cardholder records which have changed since that time/date stamp. A complete download of database and access tables shall not be required because of off-line operation. O. Open Protocol Interface 1. ACAMS shall provide a set of standard Application Programming Interfaces (API's) and supporting documentation that allows hardware manufacturers and software application developers to integrate their products into ACAMS. The Application Programming Interfaces shall allow requests to occur from BAA to integrate a third party hardware or software solution based on ACAMS open architecture and ACAMS device independence. There shall be two components to the Application Programming Interfaces. There shall be a device interface and an application interface. 2. The device interface shall allow extensibility to the number and types of hardware devices supported by the ACAMS. Each individual piece of hardware shall have it’s own “driver” that shall understand how to communicate with ACAMS hardware. These “drivers” or "device translators" shall translate a set of generic commands into specific device commands. The device translators shall be implemented as COM (Component Object Model) objects so that they shall be loaded and unloaded as needed. Each device translator shall support certain interfaces that support a specific set of commands or methods. Some examples of typical interfaces could include an Access Control Interface for access control hardware, a CCTV Interface for CCTV hardware, an Intercom Interface for intercom systems, an Input Interface to support alarm inputs, etc. A particular device translator shall support many interfaces. 3. The main application that shall be used to control the various device translators is ACAMS Communication Server (SCS). The SCS shall be the application that manages and sends the commands to the device translators. Other software including Alarm Monitoring or System Administration shall communicate with the hardware devices by sending commands to ACAMS Communication Server, which shall then send the commands on to the correct device or devices. The device interface shall allow the seamless integration of any hardware device to be controlled and monitored via the ACAMS Alarm Monitoring software. This shall preserve customer investments in existing equipment as well as allow for system expansion to occur through the integration of the latest hardware technologies. CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 90 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport 4. The application interface shall allow information to be exchanged between ACAMS and other applications. The application interface shall provide the functions for interacting with ACAMS. This includes the ability to extract information from the ACAMS database as well the ability to download, control and monitor information for all field hardware including Security control panels, digital video systems, fire panels, alarm panels, etc. All functions of the application interface shall be defined in such a way that any application or development environment with the ability to make “C” calls should be capable of making use of the API. 2.11 WORKSTATIONS AND PERIPHERALS A. ACAMS shall integrate all access control and Photo ID management functionality into a single database in a networked environment. ACAMS shall allow the incorporation and integration of servers, access control client workstations, Photo ID badging client workstations, remote access level management client workstations, and integrated client workstations sharing the same database on local area or wide area networks. ACAMS shall allow future expansion to include additional client workstations without losing functionality. B. ACAMS administrative operations shall be available from any client workstation on ACAMS that is configured and licensed to do so. System Administrator functions include the creation of maps, alarm response instructions, access levels, time zones, holidays, reports, area control, outputs, and all required ACAMS configurations. System Administration operations shall include changes to and configuration of the CCTV image comparison screen, cardholder window, employee capture, and cardholder look-up screen. C. The ACAMS based servers shall support client workstations that shall be configured to operate on the selected Operating System platform. D. Integrated client workstations shall be configured to perform any combination of tasks based on licensing of the product. For example, a client workstation shall be configured to be an alarm monitoring, system configuration, and enrollment client workstation. Other client workstations shall be defined as alarm monitoring only. E. All ACAMS shall be used in conjunction with the most current version client/server relational database management system such as Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle Server. F. All PC specifications are based on the latest, fastest version Intel Pentium chip technology and, due to the dynamic nature of the computer industry, CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 91 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport subject to change with industry standards. The following are the minimum required specifications for all PC servers and Client workstations. 2.12 ACAMS SERVERS A. ACAMS shall utilize fully redundant Hot Standby Server configuration. In the event of a failure on the primary server, the system will switch over to the secondary server without operator intervention. All access control field hardware shall be configured for communication with both the Primary Server and the Backup Server. Both the Primary and Backup Servers shall recognize the same TCP/IP ISC address on the network. The Server configuration shall consist of a tested and certified architecture combining the Fault Tolerant and Hot Standby Server options. B. ACAMS Servers: All ACAMS data shall reside on the server. Also, all database and query processing shall take place at the server. The server shall be capable of performing full alarm monitoring and administrative tasks. SCPs shall be connected to the server over the ACAMS network. The server shall operate on an IBM-compatible (NEC, Dell, or HewlettPackard) full size computer using the Microsoft Windows Operating System platform and Microsoft SQL Server as its Relational Database Management System. The general ACAMS server hardware and software noted herein shall be subject to change and, at a minimum, shall be in accordance with BAA’s current standard on server hardware and software requirements in place at time of proposal. C. ACAMS Fault Tolerant Server shall be a NEC Express 5800 320 Series server with Intel Xeon series processors or equal. The Server shall be a self-contained fully redundant system (dual module/mirrored components) with on-line serviceability and hot-swappable replacement of all major subsystems including processors, power supplies, PCI bus and SCSI controllers. The server shall provide 99.999% system up time and include the following list of features/hardware: 1. NEC Express5800-320LC Rack mount or NEC Express 5800-320LC Tower configuration with Redundant dual Xeon processors, 2.8GHz, 512K cache 2. Operating Temperature from 50 to 95 degrees F (10 to 35 degrees C) with relative humidity from 20% to 80% (no condensation) 3. Redundant ECC SDRAM memory (minimum of 1 GB per module. 4. Redundant dual channel Ultra 160 SCSI controllers. (minimum two drives per module, three drives maximum) utilizing 10K RPM Ultra SCSI Disk Drives RAID0/1 configured. 5. External 3.5" USB floppy drive, 3 PCI expansion slots, redundant integrated 10/100 and 1000 Ethernet NIC Copper cards, redundant integrated PCI video cards, redundant 24xCDROM drives, 2 serial CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 92 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport ports, 2 USB ports, keyboard, mouse and surge suppression strip, USB to PS/2 Converter for KVM Connectivity. 6. Windows 2003 Server operating system software with 25 user licenses, ESMPRO system management software suite, Management Workstation Application software (MWA) for remote systems management, VERITAS Volume Manager software for storage management, RDR Software, EXPRESSBUILDER installation software, 1 year limited warranty. 2.13 ACAMS CLIENT WORKSTATIONS A. ACAMS Client Workstations: Client workstations shall be provided for all systems requiring additional workstations. The client workstation shall be utilized as the Operator workstations for alarm monitoring, administration, or Photo ID Management. SCPs shall also be connectable to the network. This client workstation shall operate on the same Operating System platform and network as the servers. The general ACAMS client workstation hardware and software configuration noted herein is subject to change depending on specific use, and at a minimum, subject to BAA’s current standard on client workstation hardware and software requirements in place at time of proposal. B. The client workstation shall consist of the following minimum specification: The ACAMS Client Workstation(s) shall be 100% Windows/Intel Standard compatible, approved for use with Microsoft Windows XP Professional, and scaled according to the following system application requirements: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Dell GX520SFF or equivalent business class computer Pentium 4 Processor 2.8 GHz 512 MB ECC RDRAM, 1 MB cache 24X CD ROM 40GB SATA 7200 rpm hard drive 10/100/1000 WuOL Ethernet communication serial ports, (1) parallel port, (8) USB 2.0 ports 7. 17” Flat Screen LCD Monitor 8. 64 MB Video Graphics Card 9. Audio with speakers, USB keyboard, USB optical mouse and surge suppression strip 10. 3 year limited warranty. C. The ACAMS Mobile Client Workstation minimum requirements shall consist of a Dell Latitude D610 or equivalent business class computer: 1. Pentium M Processor 2.13 GHz Laptop 2. 14.1” XGA active matrix color display, 512 MB RAM, 512 KB cache, 24X CD ROM 3. 30 GB Hard drive 16 bit stereo audio CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 93 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 2.14 Touchpad type mouse PCI Bus with 128-bit graphics accelerator 1 parallel port, 1 communications port Internal Modem 10/100/1000 Ethernet ACAMS CLIENT WORKSTATION TYPES A. All ACAMS client workstations listed below shall operate on a workstation as singular functions or in any combination depending on licensing. 1. Administration: An administration client workstation shall be provided with full image display capability and shall be configured to perform system configuration and administrative functions. The following major administration tasks shall be included: field hardware setup and configuration, user administration, reporting capabilities such as creating and running reports, and time zone and access level setup. The administration client workstation shall be the main client workstation for providing the access control and system administration features described in this specification. 2. Alarm Monitoring: An alarm monitoring client workstation (Operator workstation) shall be provided with full image display capability and shall be configured to perform alarm monitoring operations. The following major alarm monitoring tasks shall be included: graphical alarm monitoring via maps and graphical system status trees, acknowledging alarms, performing traces, output control functions, live video user verification, cardholder record lookup, and reporting capabilities such as creating and running reports. The alarm monitoring client workstation shall be the main client workstation for providing the alarm monitoring features described in this specification. 3. Viewing: A display client workstation shall be provided with full image display capability and shall be utilized for search and view operations of personnel information stored in the ACAMS database. No editing functions are available on this client workstation. 4. Editing: An editing client workstation shall be provided with full image display capability and shall be utilized for search and view operations of personnel information stored in the ACAMS database. System Operators shall then be able to edit the cardholder’s record, with the exception of the cardholder’s photo. To edit the cardholder’s photo, the enrollment and badging client workstation must be utilized. 5. Enrollment: An enrollment client workstation shall be an electronic Photo ID client workstation that shall be used to enroll cardholders and maintain the personnel information and images in the ACAMS CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 94 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport relational database. This information shall be recalled at any time to modify existing records or verify employee status. Each workstation shall be equipped with a card reader/keypad enrollment station. The enrollment and badging client workstation shall be the primary client workstation for employee enrollment, image capture, and access level assignment to cardholders. 6. Badging and Printing: A badging and printing client workstation shall be a photo ID client workstation that shall be used to capture photos and issue or re-issue Photo ID badges from records that are maintained and stored in the ACAMS database. Each workstation shall be equipped with a card reader/keypad enrollment station. The badging and printing client workstation shall be the primary client workstation for Photo ID badges issuance. 7. Integrated: An integrated client workstation shall consist of any combination of the above client workstations depending on licensing. 2.15 PERIPHERALS A. Video Camera: Each Photo ID badging workstation shall utilize an online color video camera to capture cardholder photos. The video camera shall be highly durable pan-tilt-zoom with a built in auto-focus feature, an auto iris, and an optical power zoom lens. The video camera shall utilize advanced digital signal processing and output an S-Video signal. The Video Camera shall have the following minimum requirements: - Signal Format: - Focal Length - Aperture - Zoom Ratio - Zoom Options - Filter Size - Lens Glass - Iris Options - Iris - Focus - Picture Element - Resolution - Minimum Illumination - S/N Ratio - AES - BLC - Neg / Pos - Gain Control - White Balance - Power Source CTI Consulting NTSC 3.9mm ~ 63mm (126mm digital 2X) f1.6 to close 16 X 1 actual Motorized, Remote 46 mm Color Corrected - Zero Aberration Motorized or RS232 Control Auto or Manual-user selectable Auto or Manual-user selectable 811 (H) X 494 (V) 470 TV Lines 1 Lux at f1.2 Better than 48db 1/60, 1/10,000 sec. (8 steps) Digital Processor, Auto Negative, Positive AGC 8db~38db Auto: 2,600K-11,000K, Manual 12 or 24 volt dc as required ACAMS 13727 - 95 April 20, 2007 - DSP Control - Housing ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport Programmable set up functions RS-232/RS-422 Die cast aluminum and plastic B. Video Capture Board: Each Photo ID badging and enrollment workstation shall utilize an integrated video capture board. The video capture board shall be used for displaying a live video image onto the enrollment and badging client workstation during the capture process of cardholder enrollment and/or when ACAMS is being utilized with ACAMS’ Live Video User Verification feature. The high performance video capture board shall utilize a PCI slot within the client workstation and be designed to capture and display 24 bit color video images onto the enrollment and the badging and printing client workstations. The video board shall accept both Composite and S-Video output signals from compatible cameras and shall offer an integrated Super VGA display. The Video Capture Board shall have the following minimum requirements: - Bus Slot Utilized in PC: PCI - Display: SVGA - Inputs Accepted: Composite and S-Video - Flash Sync Capabilities: Yes, integrated on the board - Video Formats: NTSC and PAL - Colors Supported: Up to 16.7 million - Video Memory: 2MB DRAM - Video Overlay: Yes - Approvals: FCC Class B and CE - High-performance PCI or AGP bus frame grabber - Integrated 3D graphics accelerator - 8 MB SGRAM video frame buffer - Display resolution up to 1600 x 1200 - High quality video capture and display of NTSC and PAL video - Nondestructive color key overlay of graphics on live video - Up to 3 composite/RS170 and 1 S-Video inputs - High quality composite or S-Video output - Progressive-scan camera support - YUV 4:2:2 color and 8-bit RS-170 monochrome video digitizing - Programmable offset and gain on video input - Optically isolated output trigger, strobe interface - General purpose TTL input and output triggers - Chromakey for live video graphics underlay - Triple Video Buffering support C. Direct Card Printer: Each Photo ID badging workstation shall utilize an online thermal digital imaging printer having dual-side edge-to-edge printing capability which shall be integrated into ACAMS and prints directly onto both sides of a PVC card at a minimum rate of 50 cards per hour. It shall print a minimum of 24 bit color at a 300 DPI resolution onto PVC card CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 96 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport media and shall be seamlessly integrated to ACAMS. The printer shall be able to place 256 color gradations for a total of 16.7 million colors in each dot of the image to ensure photographic quality output. 1. The card media is to be fed to the printer automatically through a card hopper that shall accommodate a minimum of 100 .030 mil thick cards. Manually feeding each card into the printer shall not be acceptable. ACAMS shall download the badge layout directly to the printer and, using a dye diffusion thermal transfer process, print it onto the card. The dyes are to be embedded into the card, making it difficult to permanently alter its appearance with erasers or pens. The card production system shall apply a clear security/ultraviolet over-laminate to the entire printable area of the card. 2. The direct card printer shall be of a heavy duty, high capacity, industrial desktop style and print full color images, text, graphics, logos, and/or bar-codes directly onto both sides of the PVC card media. The direct card printer shall use Dye Diffusion Thermal Transfer Technology to produce near photographic quality images. It shall be driven by a 32-bit RACP processor with 4MB of image memory to ensure high speed operation and reliability. The direct card printer shall have the minimum specifications: - Thermal Print Head: - Resolution: - Image Data: - Colors: - Print Speed: - Image Position on Media: - Processor: - Internal Memory: - Frame Store: - Cooling Mechanism: - Power: - Approvals: - Media: - Material: - Thickness: - Cassette Capacity: - Operating Temperature: 672 dot wide, thin film Minimum 300 dpi up to 8 bits per color Yellow, Magenta, Cyan, Black, Overlay Maximum better than 0.015” 32-bit RACP processor Maximum 948 x 672 pixels 24 bit color Integral Fan 120 VAC UL, CSA, TUV As specified As specified As specified 100 to 500 cards 5 to 40 degrees Celsius D. Magnetic Stripe Encoder: Each existing ACAMS Photo ID badging workstation is equipped with an internal magnetic stripe encoder. Contractor shall reprogram existing system printer drivers in accordance with instructions to only allow the encoding of new badges with the printing function disabled. Badges created within the new ACAMS shall have their CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 97 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 magnetic stripe encoded by being processed through the existing ACAMS printers. The magnetic stripe codes shall be sent to the encoder automatically from the existing ACAMS based on the cardholder record information contained in the existing ACAMS database. The encoding shall conform to the existing magnetic stripe encoding specifications currently in use at the Airport so cards may be used with existing magnetic stripe card readers. E. Signature Capture Tablet: Each new Photo ID badging workstation shall be provided with an online graphics signature tablet. The signature tablet shall be small in size, intuitive, and responsive. The pen for the tablet shall be cordless and not require any batteries for operation. The signature capture tablet shall have the minimum specifications: - Resolution: - Accuracy (overall with pen): - Pressure Levels: - Maximum reading height: - Maximum Report Rate: - Origin Position: - Communications Interface: - Connector: - Operating Temperature: - Certifications: - Active Area (W x D): 2540 lpi/ 100 lpmm +/- 0.5 mm (+/- .02 in.), maximum 256 Levels 5 mm (+/- .2 in.) or less 205 points per second Upper left RS-232C As required 5 to 40 degrees Celsius (41F to 104F) FCC class B, VCCI class 2, TUV-RFI 5.04 x 3.78 inches minimum F. Report Printer: The color laserjet printer shall be a network interfaced laser process printer, capable of printing at least sixteen (16) pages per minute black and (4) per minute color. The printer shall employ the maximum amount of memory, a 500-sheet capacity paper feed tray and a microfine toner cartridge provided to produce quality black and white and color reports. The report printer shall have the minimum specifications: - Resolution: - Print Speed: - Languages: - Memory: - Media Capacity: - Media Sizes: - Media Types: - Interface 600 dpi 16 ppm black and white; 4 ppm color Enhanced HP PCL 6 and PostScript Level 2 Maximum 500 sheet tray Letter, Legal, A4, 11”x17” Plain, 16-28 lb. Most efficient (Parallel or network) G. Event Printer: The event printer shall be a compact serial 9 pin dot matrix printer which will print text data in draft and NLQ modes. The printer shall be capable of 9600 baud communications speed, 12 CPI and less than 55db in quiet mode. The printer shall notify the System Operator when CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 98 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport paper supply has been depleted. The event printer(s) shall be furnished with noise abatement treatment or enclosure. The event printer shall have the minimum specifications: - Print head type: - Super Speed Draft: - Near Letter Quality: - Resident Scalable Fonts: - Okidata Standard Emulation: - Automatic Paper Loading: - Interface: - Memory (Buffer) Size: 9 Pin 435 CPS (12 CPI) 75 CPS (10 CPI) 2 NLQ Yes Yes Most efficient (Parallel or network) Maximum H. Modem: Each ACAMS server shall be equipped with a modem for remote diagnostics, downloading of upgrades, dial-in capabilities, and remote communications. The modem shall be plug and play and be supported by the Operating System provided. The modem shall have the minimum specifications: - Data Transmission: - Universal Compatibility: - Error Control: - Data Compression: - Approvals: 56 Kbps Yes V.42/MNP 2-4 error control V.42 bis/MNP5 data compression FCC Approved (Part 15 Class B/Part 68) IC (Formerly DOC) Approved UL Listed CSA Approved I. Media Backup System: Each ACAMS server shall be equipped with a media backup system for ACAMS backups and archiving capabilities. The backup system must be supported by the Operating System provided. The backup system shall be a true 32-bit client/server data storage and management system. It shall offer advanced features such as centralized administration and monitoring, remote administration, unattended scheduled backup and shall provide a wide range of data protection services. The backup system shall have the minimum specifications: 1. Centralized Administration: Shall allow System Administrators to administer one or more servers from a single workstation. 2. Remote Access Server Support: Shall allow System Administrators to administer one or more servers from remote locations. 3. SQL Server Support: Shall allow System Administrators to backup Microsoft SQL Server databases. These are the main files that shall be backed up. CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 99 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport 4. Scheduled/Unattended Backups: Allows System Administrators to perform backups at pre-determined times. Intervals shall be in hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly intervals. J. Enrollment Card Reader: Each new Photo ID badging workstation shall be provided with a combination proximity card reader and keypad to be used to verify/initialize new Photo ID cards issued. The unit shall be mounted in a suitable enclosure next to the workstation to allow operator to present the card to the reader without leaving the workstation with flexibility in cabling to allow operator to turn unit so cardholder can enter their unique Personal Identification number (PIN) if this feature is utilized. K. Contractor to furnish the following expendable supplies to BAA in addition to that required by the Contractor to startup, program, and commission ACAMS: 1. Card stock, laminate, printer ribbons, cleaning cards, yo-yos, and fabric neck strings to produce and issue 3,000 Photo ID badges. 2. Four (4) printer cartridges/ribbons for each system printer (laser and dot matrix). 3. One (1) spare direct card printer. CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 100 April 20, 2007 2.16 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport FIELD EQUIPMENT A. ACAMS shall be equipped with the access control field hardware required to receive alarms, administer all access granted/denied decisions, provide alarm input to the existing CCTV System to provide CCTV camera call-up and video surveillance as required. B. All field hardware shall be UL labeled. All field hardware exposed to ambient outdoor conditions, either directly or indirectly, shall be furnished with filtered auxiliary ventilation, heating, and/or cooling sources necessary in order to maintain hardware within the manufacturer's suggested operating temperature and humidity limits when exposed to the upper and lower mean temperature and humidity limits experienced by BAA as defined by the latest edition of ASHRAE’s Heating and Wind Design Conditions Table for the United States. Special consideration shall be given to hardware mounted inside enclosures outdoors exposed to ambient weather conditions that through radiant heating/cooling, the enclosure could experience a higher or lower the temperature and humidity within the enclosure that is above or below the mean temperature and humidity limits noted. For example: existing enclosures installed outside in summer temperatures have resulted in interior enclosure temperatures of 140 deg F plus. C. Access Control Panel (ACP) / Security Control Panel (SCP) 1. A Security Control Panel (SCP) shall link the ACAMS Software to all other field hardware components (Card Readers and Input Control Software). The SCP shall provide full distributed processing of ACAMS. Access levels, hardware configurations, and programmed alarm outputs assigned at the administration client workstation shall be downloaded to the SCP, which shall store this information and function using it’s high speed, local 32-bit microprocessor. All access granted/denied decisions must be made at the SCP to provide fast responses to card reader transactions. A fully configured SCP with the maximum number of card readers shall require less than one-half (0.5) seconds to grant access to an authorized cardholder or deny access to an unauthorized cardholder. 2. ACAMS shall provide a network based SCP. The network SCP shall be a 1Gb Ethernet based panel that has the capability to reside on a local area network (LAN) or wide area network (WAN) without connectivity to a PC serial port. The SCP shall utilize an off the shelf network connectivity device to deliver this functionality. Network based SCPs shall be able to communicate back with the database server through industry standard switches and routers and shall not have to be on the same subnet. CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 101 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 3. The SCP is required to continue to function normally (stand-alone) in the event that it loses communication with ACAMS software. While in this off-line state, the SCP is required to make access granted/denied decisions and maintain a log of the events that have occurred. Events shall be stored in local memory, and then uploaded automatically to the ACAMS database after communication has been restored. 4. The SCP shall have the following minimum features: a. UL 294 and CE Certified. b. Dual Path Host Communications - Primary and Secondary Path shall be Local Area Network (LAN) 1Gb Ethernet TCP/IP Connection. c. Furnished with maximum amount of On-Board Memory. d. LAN Support shall utilize RJ45 (1Gb) Ethernet Interface. e. Flash Memory for real time program updates and overall host communications. f. Support for four 2 wire downstream ports, two 4 wire downstream ports, or combination one 4 wire downstream port and two 2 wire downstream ports. g. Memory storage of up to 350,000 cardholders/1,000,000 events. h. SCP memory download from the ACAMS shall require no more than ten (10) minutes. i. Support for maximum number of devices consisting of Reader Interface Software, Input Control Software, and Output Control Software in any combination desired per SCP. j. Support of multiple card technologies. k. Supervised Communications between SCP and ACAMS Software. l. Support of up to eight card formats and facility codes. m. Integration to other manufacturer’s card readers. n. Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) with battery backup. o. 32-bit Microprocessor. p. Biometric Interface Support. q. 12 VAC or 12 VDC input power. r. Issue Code Support for both Magnetic and Wiegand Card Formats. CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 102 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport s. Individual Shunt Times (ADA Requirement). t. Up to Six Digit PIN Codes. u. Downstream serial RS-232 device support. v. Status LEDs for normal component and communication status D. Cardreader Key Pad (CR/KP) 1. ACAMS shall be configured to provide access control using Proximity Card and/or PIN entry keypad as an authentication media. ACAMS shall be BAA configurable to setup access control protocols for each portal to require just the Proximity Card, just the PIN entry on the keypad, or both. ACAMS shall also support the use of a Biometric fingerprint reader in addition to or in lieu of the PIN keypad. When combination Proximity Card-Keypad and/or Proximity Card-Biometric reader installations are indicated, it is preferred, but not required, that the units be contained/integrated into a single housing. 2. Card Readers must be able to support a user defined downloadable offline mode of operation (locked, unlocked, or facility code), which will go in effect during loss of communication with the SCP. 3. All card readers shall provide audible or visual feedback to indicate access granted/denied decisions. Upon presenting a card, the reader shall indicate access granted or indicate access denied. All keypad buttons shall provide tactile audible feedback. 4. Each SCP port shall be able to support the maximum number of card readers of any type described below. 5. All card readers shall include card reader back boxes for outdoor or surface mounted conduit installations. 6. Biometric Reader Interface (BRI): The Biometric Reader Interface Software shall provide an interface between a designated SCP and biometric readers. Each SCP shall be capable of supporting the maximum number of Biometric Reader Interfaces. The BRI shall have the capability to monitor on a per door basis, door position, exit push button, and two auxiliary alarm inputs. It shall also control the electric strike and provide one auxiliary relay output. The BRI shall support three access modes upon loss of communication with the SCP; locked, unlocked, and facility code. 7. Combination Proximity Card Reader/Keypad: Card Readers shall be the combination proximity card and PIN keypad type. Each card reader shall offer a low profile, rugged, weatherized polycarbonate sealed enclosure with audio or visual means used to indicate card reader CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 103 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 status and access status. For example, a flashing red LED shall indicate the card reader is waiting for a card to be entered. A solid red LED is to indicate that the card reader has defaulted to a locked mode of operation. A solid green LED shall indicate the card reader has defaulted to an unlocked mode of operation. The green LED must illuminate upon a valid card presentation/PIN entry for the duration of the door strike time. Card Reader shall be mountable indoor or outdoor. In general, Card Readers shall be wall mounted and have a minimum card read range of at least 4 to 5 inches with an extended range Proximity type Card Reader with a read range of approximately 16 - 24 inches for outdoor use at vehicle gate entry/exit portals. It is preferred, but not required, that Combination Proximity Card/Keypad Reader units be a single unit or integrated into a single housing. 8. Combination Proximity Card Reader/Keypad/Biometric: Card Readers shall be the combination proximity card, PIN keypad and Biometric fingerprint reader type. Each card reader shall offer a low profile, rugged, weatherized polycarbonate sealed enclosure with audio or visual means used to indicate card reader status and access status. For example, a flashing red LED shall indicate the card reader is waiting for a card to be entered. A solid red LED is to indicate that the card reader has defaulted to a locked mode of operation. A solid green LED shall indicate the card reader has defaulted to an unlocked mode of operation. The green LED must illuminate upon a valid card presentation/PIN entry for the duration of the door strike time. Card Reader shall be mountable indoor or outdoor. In general, Card Readers shall be wall mounted and have a minimum card read range of at least 4 to 5 inches with an extended range Proximity type Card Reader with a read range of approximately 16 - 24 inches for outdoor use at vehicle gate entry/exit portals. It is preferred, but not required, that Combination Proximity Card/Keypad/Biometrics Reader units be a single unit or integrated into a single housing. Locations for Proximity/Keypad/Biometric readers in lieu of Proximity/Keypad readers shall be identified on the drawings. E. Door and Gate Position Switches (DPS / GPS) 1. Provide pre-adjusted type door position switches as required. Switches shall be triple-biased and shall be as manufactured by Sentrol or approved equal. Switches and match existing devices currently in use. Switches shall have the following characteristics: a. Loop Configuration: Open or closed b. Contact Configuration: Three independent Form C triple-biased reed contacts c. Contact Configuration: SPDT CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 104 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport d. Contact Rating: 30VAC/DC at 0.025A minimum e. Construction: Stainless steel/anodized aluminum with potted components. f. Gap Distance: Surface Mount – 0.2” to 0.6”, Flush Mount – up to 4” g. Wiring Leads: Surface Mount-armored cable, Flush mount-vinyl cable epoxied h. Supervision: 24 hour loop with series magnetic tamper switch F. Request to Exit Push Button(REX-PB) Devices 1. Request-to-exit (REX) devices shall be of either the push button type with a mushroom-style push button and lettering indicating ‘Push To Exit’ (or similar). G. Magnetic Locks (ML) and Delayed Egress Magnetic Locks (DEML) 1. Refer to Section 08711 – Door Hardware. H. Electric Strikes (ES) 1. Refer to Section 08711 – Door Hardware. I. Exit Devices (ED) 1. Refer to Section 08711 – Door Hardware. J. Audible / Visual Annunciator (AVA) 1. AVAs shall have the following characteristics: a. Piezoelectric audible signal b. Zenon strobe 1.5 candela visual signal c. 90dBA at 10ft sound pressure level d. 24VDC voltage with 40mA current draw e. Flame retardant high impact plastic white mounting plate f. Single or double-gang back box g. UL Listed K. Power Supply (PS12) 1. Features: 120V AC to 12V DC conversion, battery back-up using 12V DC/7 AH batteries, wall-mounted cabinet housing with key lock, sized CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 105 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 to provide 4 hours minimum battery back-up to SCP panels and field devices. L. Tamper Switch (TS) 1. Features: Recessed pin plunger switch, SPDT contact (where available), and 1 foot #22 AWG cable. M. Power Supply (PS24DC) 1. Features: 120V AC to 24V DC conversion, battery back-up using 12V DC/7 AH batteries, wall-mounted cabinet housing with key lock, sized to provide 4 hours minimum battery back-up to Security Systems equipment and field devices. N. Security Systems Uninterruptible Power Supply (SS UPS) 1. Provided and sized appropriately to provide a minimum of four (4) hours available power on field equipment where no emergency power is available and one (1) hour on head-end equipment and field equipment where emergency power is available. SS UPS runtime is independent and in addition to any battery back-up provided on load devices (PS12, PS24DC). Batteries shall automatically resume charging once AC input line power is restored 2. Provide a SS UPS to support all Security Systems equipment within the Communication Rooms as indicated on the Contract Drawings. Each UPS and batteries supplied shall be independently sized for the requirements of that location. Submit load calculations and battery backup time estimates using the latest information on the actual equipment being installed. 3. Provide all wire, programming and accessories necessary for continuous, reliable, conditioned AC output power for Communication Room Security Systems wall-mounted devices without interruption during a complete or partial interruption of incoming AC line power. 4. The SS UPS shall consist of a rectifier and static inverter, a precision hysteresis loop battery charger, and a sealed maintenance-free battery within a single enclosure. 5. During normal operation, the SS UPS unit shall provide continuous conditioning of AC input power for noise, glitches, frequency shifts and other anomalies. 6. During an AC input power failure (to include blackouts, brownouts, spikes, sags and surges), the SS UPS shall switch to provide power to the load devices from the battery. There shall be no break in the output of the SS UPS during transfer from normal AC line input to inverter battery supply. CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 106 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 7. Alarms (contact closures) shall be provided by the SS UPS for loss of AC line input power, low battery power, component failure and inverter failure. These alarms shall be connected to the nearest ACAMS SCP for monitoring. 8. The SS UPS shall provide runtime monitoring of loads and battery capacity, automatic shutdown prior to battery failure, and a maintenance bypass (make before break) switch and power disconnect switch. 9. The UPS provided shall be sized to provide 150% of total equipment manufacturer’s rated load for in-rush current of all Security Systems load devices (PS12, PS24DC, etc.) Confirm listing and quantities of load devices requiring UPS power with COTR prior to UPS product selection and product data submission. 10. The SS UPS shall be freestanding, hard-wired, and provide a minimum of three (3) spare outlets per unit. 11. Characteristics: ANSI/IEEE C62.41 category A and B lightning and surge protection, 2000:1 spike attenuation, complete galvanic isolation from line, output neutral bonded to ground, 120 dB common mode/60 dB normal mode noise (RF) isolation, 208 VAC single-phase input, 120 VAC output (<5% THD), +/-3% regulation. 12. Acceptable Manufacturers: a. b. c. d. e. f. American Power Conversion (APC) Best Invensys MGE UPS Systems / Topaz Powerware Sola O. Fiber Optic Signal Converters 1. Fiber optic transmitter/receiver pairs shall have a signal-to-noise power ratio of 40 dB or better after photo detection at the receiver. Transmitter power output and receiver sensitivity shall not drift more than plus or minus 2 dB over their operational life. 2. The dynamic range of all receivers shall be large enough to accommodate both worst case, minimum radiant flux at the receiver and the maximum possible radiant flux at the receiver. The dynamic range of the receiver shall be at least 23 dB. 3. The fiber optic circuit shall be designed to have a minimum gain margin of at least 4 dB. The flux budget is the difference between the transmitted flux and the required receiver flux when both are expressed in decibels referenced to 1 milliwatt (dBm). The flux budget CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 107 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 is also equal to the sum of the losses (cable loss, insertion loss, connector loss, splice loss) plus system gain plus the gain margin. 4. Fiber optic transmitter and receiver modules (transceivers) shall serve as the interface between the digital logic of the digital signal source and the fiber optic cable. Modules shall derive their operating power from either the digital signal source power supply, or from their own dedicated power supplies. Fiber optic transceivers shall be compatible with each other, the fiber optic cable, and connectors. 5. The fiber optic transmitter shall accept electronic digital signals and shall modulate a light-emitting diode (LED) or laser diode. The LED or laser diode shall be coupled into a fiber optic cable. The operating wavelength shall be between 800 and 900 or 1200 and 1330 nanometers. 6. The fiber optic receiver shall receive light from the fiber optic cable and shall convert this light into an electronic signal identical to the electronic signal applied to the fiber optic transmitter. 7. Fiber optic digital repeaters shall be used to extend the range of the fiber optic data transmission system when necessary to meet the requirements note herein. The repeater shall consist of fiber optic receivers that are connected to fiber optic transmitters. The fiber optic receiver shall receive the optical signal and drive the transmitters at the rate specified. The fiber optic repeater shall be mechanically and optically compatible with the remainder of the fiber optic system. 8. Two-way transmission systems shall support two-way transmission of video and data over a single fiber. System shall combine multiple signals onto a single fiber. Signals transmitted in either direction may be video (including sync), audio, and data (camera pan, tilt, zoom commands) as needed for the specific fiber optic circuit. 9. Fiber optic transmitters, receivers, multiplexers, repeaters and modems shall be either surface or rack mounted depending on location of installation. In the SOCs, the equipment shall be rack mounted. In remote field locations or where rack mounting is not appropriate, equipment shall be surface mounted. In rack mountings, use manufacturer’s card cage with integral power supply. 10. Fiber optic equipment shall be as manufactured by International Fiber Systems (IFS) or approved equal. P. Fiber Optic Cabling Hardware 1. Fiber optic cabling patch panels shall be rack mounted Ortronics OptiMo FC Series or approved equal. Racks shall be sized for the installation requirement with 20% spare capacity. CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 108 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport 2. Fiber strand adapter panels shall be Ortronics OptiMo OFP series sixpack simplex adapter panels fitted with six SC connectors - MM or SM as required by the installation. 3. Fiber optic surface mounted patch panels shall be Ortronics 615 Series panels sized and configured as required by the installation. Q. Equipment Mounting Racks 1. Contractor to design, furnish, and install equipment racks (where not existing) configured to support the ACAMS equipment to be mounted in them as defined by the contract documents. Reuse of equipment rack space shall be confirmed with the Airport OAR prior to presumption of availability. 2. New racks shall be 19” EIA panel width (or as required by the installation) type enclosures, fully welded frame, 1000lb weight capacity with 14guage steel top and bottom and steel internal bracing; fully adjustable front and rear rack-rails; top panel supplied with two 4-1/2 inch fans mounted; two front mounted vertical cable ducts; full length hinged doors (clear front door and vented back door) with lockable latches; full length side panels to be provided where rack side is open and not butted up against another rack; ganging hardware for securing adjacent racks to one another; leveling feet; copper ground bus bars and rack grounding kits as required; sliding shelves for equipment as needed; equipment mounting plates where required; blank plates to be used for filler; rack adapter panels and additional support brackets as needed; internal rack mounted 120VAC power strips or modules as required to provide power to equipment mounted in each rack. 3. Contractor to utilize a cable management system racks; utilize bend limiting cable management panels, plastic wire duct, Velcro cable ties for maintenance, and plastic zip ties where permanent. within the equipment panels, feed-through installations requiring installation is more 4. Racks shall be as manufactured by Ortronics or approved equal and shall match existing racks where installed adjacent. R. End of Line (EOL) Resistor Packs 1. Features: Self-contained resistor packs for EOL line supervision monitoring compatible with SCP panels, 5% tolerance. 2. EOL resistor pack shall be mounted adjacent to the end device on each circuit being monitored, not at the panel/SCP location. CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 109 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 S. Security Cabling 1. Provided under Division 16. 2.17 OPERATIONAL DESCRIPTION A. Contractor shall utilize the existing ACAMS sequences of operation currently in use for personnel doors, emergency egress doors, vehicle gates, and pedestrian gates. The new ACAMS shall perform access control and alarm monitoring functions in the same manner as the existing system except where specifically stated herein or as shown on the drawings. B. The design of ACAMS shall include devices and equipment to produce Photo ID badges, monitor and control access of cardholders, detect and deny unauthorized attempted entries within specific buildings or areas, annunciate alarms, have access to recorded and stored digital video, and generate reports. The Photo ID management and badging capabilities shall be seamlessly integrated so that ACAMS shall also be capable of generating and managing Photo ID badges for cardholders. Once all operating parameters have been programmed into ACAMS, ACAMS shall detect and deny unauthorized entry into restricted areas, while granting entry to individuals who have proper access rights. ACAMS shall be designed and configured to provide operational flexibility, reliable performance, and ease of use. 2.18 OPERATIONAL CONCEPT A. The ACAMS shall consist of equipment and devices placed at predetermined locations to ensure that only cardholders that are authorized to enter secured areas through certain doors or gates can do so. This shall be accomplished by means of a computer(s) and electronic devices used in conjunction with door locks, gate operators, card readers, and/or closed circuit television. B. When a new cardholder presents himself/herself to the Photo ID Enrollment Operator or is changing job responsibilities and is in need of a new or replacement Photo ID card, the primary Cardholder Information onscreen data input form shall be provided on ACAMS. Behind this screen indicated as follow-up tabs of data input screen forms shall be the Employee Information screen, the Accounting Information screen, the Company Information screen, the Vehicle Information screen, the Key Issue Information screen, the Master Key Information screen, and the Key Serial Number Information screen. As a starting point for construction of the individual cardholder on-screen data input forms, the minimum following fields, data types, and control types of information shall be used: Cardholder Information CTI Consulting Type Control ACAMS 13727 - 110 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 Badge Number (must begin with the # 1 and must be different than individual's SSN) Last Name First Name Middle Initial Social Security Number Company Name (must accommodate adequate number of characters) Encoded Number Gender Height Weight Title Eye Color Hair Color Date of Birth Card Class Card Type Card Status Picture Field (OLE picture image file) Signature Field (OLE signature capture file) Template Access Level Activation Date Deactivation Date Badge Expiration Date Activation Time Deactivation Time Badge Returned Fuel Handling Permit Airfield Driving Permit Movement Area Permit (badge to have a letter "A") Comments Field Employee Information Protected Person Home Address City State Zip Code Country Code CTI Consulting Number Text Text Text Number Text Auto Assigned Read Only Edit Edit Edit Read Only Drop Down Number Text Text Text Text Text Text Date Text Text Text Object Object Text Text Date Date Date Time Time Logical Logical Logical Logical Edit Drop Down Edit Edit Edit Drop Down Drop Down Calendar Control Drop Down Drop Down Drop Down Read Only Read Only Drop Down Drop Down Calendar Control Calendar Control Calendar Control Read Only Read Only Edit Check Box Check Box Check Box Text/Memo Edit Type Logical Text Text Text Text Text Control Check Box Edit Edit Drop Down Edit Edit ACAMS 13727 - 111 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 Home Phone Company ID Department Job Title Division Business Phone Section Revalidation Date Comment Security Training Date Security Training Instructor Positive ID number Positive ID Type Authorization Level Original Issue Date Last Renewal Date Reason Cancelled Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Date Text/Memo Date Text Text Text Text Date Date Text Badge Issued Keys Issued Driver Test Date Driver Instructor Fuel Handler Test Date Fuel Handler Instructor Logical Logical Date Text Date Text Edit Drop Down Edit Edit Edit Edit Edit Calendar Control Edit Calendar Control Drop Down Edit Edit Edit Calendar Control Calendar Control Drop Down (Lost, Stolen, Terminated, or Replaced) Check Box Check Box Calendar Control Edit Calendar Control Edit Accounting Information ID Number Amount Sales Ticket # Sales Date Co. Purchase Type Text Number Text Date Logical Control Read Only Edit Edit Calendar Control Check Box Company Information Company Number Co. Category Code Company Name (Allow at least 50 spaces) Co. Address Co. Address2 Co. City Type Number Text Text Text Text Text Control Edit Drop Down Edit Edit Edit Edit CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 112 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 Co. State Co. Country Code Co. Phone Fax Cellular Beeper International Phone E-mail Mailing Address Mailing Address2 Mailing City Mailing State Mailing Zip Code Mailing Country Code Rep 1 Name Authorized Signature Field (OLE signature capture file) Rep 2 Name Rep 3 Name Rep 4 Name Access Requirements Est. Cont. Comp Date Auth Level Auth Date Company Status Co. Status Date Total Policy Amount Policy Expiration Date Policy Expiration Date 2 Policy Expiration Date 3 Sky Harbor Badge Company Vehicles None-Walk Thru Only Company Pays Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Object Drop Down Drop Down Edit Edit Edit Edit Edit Edit Edit Edit Edit Drop Down Edit Drop Down Edit Read Only Text Text Text Text/Memo Date Text Date Text Date Number Date Date Date Logical Logical Logical Logical Edit Edit Edit Edit Calendar Control Drop Down Calendar Control Edit Calendar Control Edit Edit Edit Edit Check Box Check Box Check Box Check Box Vehicle Information Company Number Vehicle Year Permit # Decal # Decal Date Type Number Date Text Text Date Control Read Only Calendar Control Edit Edit Calendar Control CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 113 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 Decal Exp Date Permit Date License Plate # State VIN Make Model Description Date Date Text Text Text Text Text Text/Memo Calendar Control Calendar Control Edit Drop Down Edit Edit Edit Edit Key Issue Information Identification number Key Type Key Number Key Issue Type Date Key Issued Positive ID Type Positive ID Number Status Status Date Type Text Text Text Text Date Text Text Text Date Control Read Only Drop Down Drop Down Drop Down Calendar Control Edit Edit Drop Down Calendar Control Master Key Information Key Type Key Description Quantity on Hand Minimum Quantity on Hand Key Reorder Date Type Text Text Number Number Date Control Edit Edit Calculated Calculated Calendar Control Key Serial Number Information Key Type Key Number Key Status Type Text Text Text Control Edit Edit Drop Down C. The cardholder data screens shall allow for an unlimited number of pages of cardholder/badge information that shall be utilized during the enrollment process. Above and beyond the fixed fields listed, there shall also be userdefinable fields of which ACAMS can designate, if desired, as drop-down menus to ensure data integrity. These fields shall vary in character length as dictated by the System Administrator. Data fields shall be assigned as alphanumeric, numeric, date, or unique. Numeric, date, and unique fields shall be generated by ACAMS if desired. CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 114 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport D. As a fundamental operation, ACAMS shall provide a seamlessly integrated link between the Photo ID Management and ACAMS functionality. This will allow specific information concerning cardholders to be automatically downloaded to all SCPs and to be shared by both the access control and Photo ID management software utilizing a single database, thus enabling ACAMS to grant or deny access to card reader controlled access points. This is to be provided under a single operating environment. E. After the applicant's picture is captured by Photo ID system, the photo image shall be printed on the badge stock and using one of BAA’s predefined card printing formats/templates. 2.19 EXTRA MATERIALS / SPARE PARTS A. Refer to Division 13 Section “Security Systems General Requirements.” B. Provide spare parts for this Section as follows: 1. Six (6) CR/KP 2. Four (4) GPS 3. Ten (10) DPS-C 4. Six (6) DPS-R 5. Four (4) DPS-S 6. One (1) SCP 7. One (1) PS12 8. One (1) PS24 9. Four (4) AVA 10. Two (2) REX-PB PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. Furnish and install ACAMS field devices as shown on the security device plans and as specified in this Section. B. The exact mounting locations of all equipment shall be verified with the Airport OAR prior to installation. The Contractor shall notify the Airport OAR in the event that a particular location appears to be unsuitable. CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 115 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport C. Tamper proof fasteners shall be installed as required by Division 13 Section “Security Systems General Requirements.” Fastener finish shall match equipment finish. D. EOL Resistor Pack locations are not indicated on the device location plans, but shall be provided and mounted adjacent to the last device on each supervised circuit being monitored by the SCP. E. TS equipment shall be provided as required by Division 13 Section “Security Systems General Requirements” for all boxes and enclosures containing security cabling splices and/or terminations. The locations of these TS installations and related cabling are not indicated on the device location plans and shall be determined and provided based on the actual installation. F. Finish and graphics for all equipment in public areas shall be submitted to, and approved by the Airport OAR. G. Prepare all systems for user operation. The security system shall be complete and ready to operate prior to the Airport OAR final acceptance of the system. H. Furnish and install all wire and cable for interconnection of ACAMS components. I. Submit samples of any custom mounting plates or equipment. J. Provide ACAMS system training to the BAA representatives as specified in Division 13 Section “Security Systems General Requirements.” 3.02 EQUIPMENT RACKS A. Existing racks to be reused shall be cleaned, repaired and modified as required so as to be reusable with the upgraded ACAMS. B. Contractor shall develop a plan to maximize the use of space and logically plan equipment locations within the new and existing racks to allow the racks to support the installation of the new ACAMS equipment to be installed in them. C. All existing and new racks to be seismically braced in order to comply with Local Seismic Code Zone requirements. D. New cabling to individual racks shall be neatly routed overhead above the racks in cable tray anchored to the wall and/or supported from the ceiling. E. All installations shall be in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. 3.03 FIBER OPTIC EQUIPMENT A. All new fiber optic cabling, terminations, cabinets, equipment, components, and appurtenances shall be installed in accordance with the CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 116 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport manufacturer’s instructions. Contractor shall provide necessary connections, interconnections, services and adjustments required for a complete and operable fiber optic system. B. Contractor shall test, document and certify that all new fiber optic cabling and all existing fiber optic cabling to be reused is operating within prescribed standards during the Contractor’s field testing process using an OTDR meter. Tests shall be performed on 100% of all fibers of each circuit and repeated from the opposite end of each circuit. All documentation shall be in a form approved by the Airport OAR and will be used for post System administration and maintenance purposes. 3.04 MISCELLANEOUS A. Perform demolition in accordance with Section 02050. B. Perform earthwork in accordance with Section 02220. C. Perform concrete work in accordance with Sections 03100, 03200 and 03300. D. Perform miscellaneous metal fabrications in accordance with Section 05500. E. Perform painting and patching in accordance with Section 09900. F. Install signage in accordance with Section 10425. G. Install conduit and fittings in accordance with Section 16110. H. Install wire and cable in accordance with Section 16120. I. Install outlet, pull, junction, and hand holes in accordance with Section 16130. J. Install receptacles in accordance with Section 16140. K. Install cabinets and enclosures in accordance with Section 16160. L. Install grounding and bonding in accordance with Section 16170. M. Install electrical supporting devices in accordance with Section 16190. N. Provide and install electrical identification in accordance with Section 16195. O. Install disconnect switches in accordance with Section 16440. P. Install control transformers in accordance with Section 16460. Q. Install circuit breakers in accordance with Section 16470. CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 117 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 R. Install fuses and fuse boxes in accordance with Section 16477. S. Provide lightning protection in accordance with Section 16670 3.05 BAA RESPONSIBILITIES A. BAA shall be responsible for providing the Contractor with the necessary operational information required to enable the Contractor to perform initial ACAMS configuration and programming including development of database, user interface and data entry screens, graphical user maps of the facility, and TSA and BAA required report queries and forms. After proper training has been successfully completed, BAA shall be capable of configuring, managing, and operating ACAMS, as well as being able to create and maintain the database, user interface and data entry screens, the graphical facility maps, and standard TSA and BAA required reports. 3.06 COORDINATION A. The Contractor shall coordinate all raceway, cabling, and power requirements for the Security Systems with the other electrical work of this contract. B. Coordinate with Division 8 Section “Door Hardware” as required for templating, preparation and wiring for door hardware. C. Coordinate with the Airport OAR for all system programming requirements. Obtain a printout of all programming prior to system checkout and final acceptance inspection. 3.07 TESTING A. Refer to Division 13 Section 13700, “Security Systems General Requirements” and applicable Division 1 specifications. B. A minimum of two (2) Contractor and/or manufacturer’s representatives shall be available on-site to participate in the final acceptance testing of new ACAMS equipment. END OF SECTION 13727 CTI Consulting ACAMS 13727 - 118 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 SECTION 16010 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ELECTRICAL PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. General requirements for electrical equipment, hardware, and installation. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Division 00 Documents - Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract and Division 1 - General Requirements as contained herein and as indicated in the individual sections. 1.03 REFERENCES A. The latest edition of the National Electrical Code (NEC), NFPA 70 (with amendments as stated in the City of Birmingham Monterey Electrical Code) shall be considered a part of the specifications. B. The installation shall meet the minimum standards prescribed by the latest edition of the applicable FAA-STD-019d, Lightning and Surge Protection, Grounding, Bonding and Shielding Requirements for Facilities and electronic Equipment. C. All electrical equipment shall conform to the requirements of NEMA, NFPA, IEEE, ICEA, ANSI, and UL standards. Items required to be UL listed shall have factory applied UL labels. D. The installation shall meet the minimum standards prescribed by the latest edition of the applicable National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) codes, the latest edition of the National electric Code (NEC) 70 codes and those codes and standards referenced in the individual sections, each of which are made part of these specifications (e.g.: power separation from data cables). E. All testing shall be performed in accordance with National Electrical Testing Association standards and applicable UL and NEMA standards. F. Refer to Section 00701, General Conditions, Reporting and Resolving Discrepancies. CTI Consulting General Requirements Electrical 16010 - 1 April 20, 2007 1.04 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport SUBMITTALS A. Submit under provisions of Section 01300. B. Submit data and shop drawings on equipment and hardware as required by individual sections. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. All work performed under Division 16 shall be continuously supervised on site by an Electrician licensed by the State of Alabama. 1.06 PERMITS A. Provide in accordance with Section 00701, Permits and Fees. 1.07 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Perform In accordance with Section 00701, General Conditions, Safety and Protection. B. In addition to that required by Section 00701, Contractor shall receive at the site and store in a cool, dry, interior location on the project site, all items covered in this Division of the specifications. Store and maintain all electrical equipment in accordance with NFPA 70B, Appendix I – Equipment Storage and Maintenance during Construction. C. Refer to individual sections for special handling requirements. PART 2 - PRODUCTS Not Used PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. The installation shall meet the minimum standards prescribed by the latest edition of the applicable NFPA codes and those codes and standards referenced in the individual sections, each of which are made a part of these specifications. B. Verify, to the extent possible, all existing conditions at the site before submitting bids. CTI Consulting General Requirements Electrical 16010 - 2 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport C. Determine the actual dimensions, equipment connection requirements, and proper routing and coordinate with other divisions of work so that the electrical system is an integral part of the project. Architectural, Mechanical, and Electrical plans, where available, shall be used to determine exact locations of devices and equipment. Coordinate with the Airport OAR. 3.02 EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL A. Perform in accordance with Section 02220. 3.03 CONCRETE AND GROUTING A. Perform in accordance with Section 03300. 3.04 PAINTING A. Manufacturer’s standard finish shall be acceptable unless noted otherwise in individual sections. Perform in accordance with Section 9900. Coordinate with the Airport OAR. 3.05 TESTING A. Refer to individual sections for testing requirements. B. Contractor shall engage the services of an independent electrical acceptance testing firm certified by the National Electrical Testing Association (NETA) or the U.S. Electrical Testing Association to perform all electrical testing required by the Division 16 Sections. Submit copy of certifications to Airport OAR for review. C. Notify Owner’s representative 72-hours in advance of all testing so the Airport OAR may witness testing. 3.06 DAMAGE TO PREMISES A. Refer to Section 00701, General Conditions, Use of Premises. 3.07 FINAL CLEANING A. Perform in accordance with Section 01700, Final Cleaning and Adjusting. B. In addition to that required under Section 01700, contractor shall thoroughly clean (including vacuuming) all electrical equipment cabinets inside and out. Remove all debris and unused material from electrical CTI Consulting General Requirements Electrical 16010 - 3 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 enclosures. Seal all unused openings in electrical enclosures and boxes. END OF SECTION 16010 CTI Consulting General Requirements Electrical 16010 - 4 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 SECTION 16110 CONDUIT PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Rigid metal conduit and fittings. B. Electrical metallic tubing and fittings. C. PVC conduit and fittings. D. Flexible metal conduit and fittings. E. Liquid-tight flexible conduit and fittings. F. Expansion Fittings G. Conduit Supports 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01300 - Submittals. B. Section 16010 – General Requirements Electrical. C. Section 16120 - Wire and Cable 1.03 REFERENCES A. ANSI C80.1 – Rigid Steel Conduit, Zinc Coated. B. ANSI C80.3 – Electrical Metallic Tubing, Zinc Coated. C. ANSI / NEMA FB 1 – Fittings, Cast Metal Boxes, and Conduit Bodies for Conduit and Cable Assemblies. D. ANSI / NFPA 70 – National Electrical Code. E. NECA – Standard of Installation. F. NEMA TC 2 – Electrical Plastic Tubing and Conduit (EPC-40 and EPC- 80). CTI Consulting Conduit 16110 - 1 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport G. NEMA TC 3 – PVC Fittings for use with Rigid PVC Conduit and Tubing. H. UL 6 - Rigid Metal Electrical Conduit. I. UL 514A - Metallic Outlet Boxes. J. UL 514B - Fittings for Conduit and Outlet Boxes. K. UL 651 - Schedule 40 and 80 Rigid PVC Conduit. L. UL 797 - Electrical Metallic Tubing. 1.04 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS A. Conduit Size: ANSI / NFPA 70. 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. Submit under provisions of Section 01300. B. Product Data: Provide for conduit, fittings, and conduit bodies. 1.06 PROJECT RECORD DRAWINGS A. Submit under provisions of Section 01700. B. Accurately record actual routing of conduits 1-inch and larger. 1.07 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. Conform to requirements of ANSI/NFPA 70. B. Furnish products listed and classified by Underwriters Laboratories as suitable for purpose specified and shown. 1.08 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Perform in accordance with Section 16010. B. Protect PVC conduit and fittings from sunlight. 1.09 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Verify that field measurements where shown on Plans. B. Verify routing and termination locations of conduit prior to rough-in. CTI Consulting Conduit 16110 - 2 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport C. Conduit routing, where shown on Plans, indicates approximate location unless dimensioned; otherwise route conduit as required to complete wiring installation. D. Minimum conduit size shall be ¾” unless otherwise indicated. E. All conduit runs shall be identified in accordance with Section 16195, Electrical Identification. PART 2 – PRODUCTS 2.01 RIGID METAL CONDUIT AND FITTINGS A. Rigid Metal Conduit: Galvanized, UL listed, NEC Article 346. B. Fittings and Conduit Bodies: ANSI/NEMA FB 1, UL listed; threaded type, material to match conduit. C. PVC Coated Rigid Metal Conduit, Fittings and Conduit Bodies: UL Listed, NEC Article 346. 2.02 ELECTRICAL METALLIC STEEL TUBING (EMT) AND FITTINGS A. EMT: Steel, galvanized, UL listed, NEC Article 348. B. Fittings and Conduit Bodies: ANSI/NEMA FB 1, UL listed; die cast, steel or malleable iron, compression type (set screw fittings are not acceptable). C. EMT shall not be installed where exposed. 2.03 PVC CONDUIT AND FITTINGS A. Conduit: UL listed; NEMA TC 2; Schedule 40 PVC, NEC Article 347. B. Fittings and Conduit Bodies: UL listed NEMA TC 2. 2.04 FLEXIBLE METAL CONDUIT AND FITTINGS A. Conduit: Galvanized steel, UL listed, NEC Article 350. B. Fittings and Conduit Bodies: ANSI/NEMA FB 1, UL listed. CTI Consulting Conduit 16110 - 3 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 2.05 LIQUID-TIGHT FLEXIBLE CONDUIT AND FITTINGS A. Conduit: Flexible metal conduit with PVC jacket or Carlon “Carflex” non- metallic flexible conduit; UL listed; NEC Article 351. B. Fittings and Conduit Bodies: ANSI/NEMA FB 1, UL listed. 2.06 EXPANSION FITTINGS A. Expansion Fittings: expansion. 2.07 UL listed; Galvanized; allow for 4-inch of building CONDUIT SUPPORTS A. Conduit Clamps, Straps, and Supports: Galvanized steel or malleable iron. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 REQUIRED INSTALLATIONS A. Provide conduit for all security equipment power and separate signal wiring as indicated in Section 13720 and as shown on the plans. B. Armored cable is not acceptable and shall not be installed as a substitute for conduit specified herein. 3.02 CONDUIT SIZING, ARRANGEMENT, AND SUPPORT A. Minimum conduit size shall be 3/4-inch, unless indicated otherwise. B. Route conduit as close to ceiling and wall structures as possible and arrange conduits to present a neat appearance. C. Route exposed conduit and conduit above ceilings parallel and perpendicular to walls and adjacent piping; paint all exposed conduit to match surrounding surface area. D. Maintain minimum 6-inches clearance between conduit and piping. Maintain 12-inch clearance between conduit and heat sources such as flues, steam pipes, and heating appliances. Route conduits at a higher elevation than mechanical piping. E. Arrange conduit supports to prevent distortion of alignment by wire pulling operations. Fasten conduit using galvanized straps, lay-in adjustable hangers, clevis hangers, or bolted split stamped galvanized hangers. CTI Consulting Conduit 16110 - 4 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport F. Support flexible conduits with Greenfield clips in accordance with NEC Article 350. G. Group conduit in parallel runs where practical and use conduit rack constructed of steel channel with conduit straps or clamps. Provide space and load capacity for 25-percent additional conduit. H. Do not fasten conduit with wire or perforated pipe straps. Remove all wire used for temporary conduit support during construction, before conductors are pulled. I. Support all conduits per NEC requirements. Refer to Section 16190. J. Conceal conduit in walls or above ceiling in all finished spaces. 3.03 CONDUIT INSTALLATION A. Cut conduit square using a saw or pipe cutter; de-burr cut ends. B. Bring conduit to the shoulder of fittings and couplings and fasten securely. C. Use insulated throat fittings for terminating at all boxes in dry areas. On conduits 1-1/4 inch and larger, insulating bushings may be used in lieu of insulated throat fittings. Use conduit hubs for fastening conduit to cast boxes and for fastening conduit to sheet metal boxes in damp or wet locations. D. Install no more than the equivalent of four 90-degree bends between boxes in conduits for power and control wiring. Install no more than the equivalent of two 90-degree bends between boxes in conduits for communications systems wiring. E. Use conduit bodies to make sharp changes in direction, as around beams. F. Use factory elbows for bends in conduit larger than 2-inch in size. G. Avoid moisture traps where possible; where unavoidable, provide junction box with drain fitting at conduit low point. H. Use suitable conduit caps to protect installed conduit against entrance of dirt and moisture. I. Provide No. 12 AWG insulated conductor or suitable pull-string in all empty conduits, except sleeves and nipples. J. Install expansion fittings where conduit crosses building expansion joints. CTI Consulting Conduit 16110 - 5 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 K. Where conduit penetrates fire rated walls and floors, seal opening around conduit. L. Route conduit through roof openings for piping and ductwork where possible; otherwise, route through roof jack with pitch pocket, or as directed. M. Provide a j-box at transitions from EMT or RGS to flexible or liquid-tight conduit. N. Conduit shall not be routed in building concrete slabs (vertical or horizontal) unless specifically indicated on plans. 3.04 DIRECT BURIED UNDERGROUND INSTALLATION A. Install conduit a minimum of 24-inches below finished grade and place a 6- inch wide yellow marker tape a minimum of 12-inches above the buried conduits and a minimum of 6-inches below finished grade. B. Maintain 3-inch spacing between conduits, both horizontally and vertically. Maintain 3-inch space between conduits and trench sidewalls. C. In multiple conduit runs of three or more, use nonmetallic, factory produced separators and chairs sized to conduit and installed not greater than 4-feet on centers. In conduit runs of 2 only, separate conduits by a minimum of 3-inches between the outside conduit walls. D. Excavate and backfill per Section 16010. 3.05 CONDUIT SCHEDULE OF INSTALLATION A. Underground Installation: PVC conduit – horizontal runs; PVC coated or approved tape wrapped rigid steel conduit – 90 degree elbows horizontal and vertical runs; PVC for low voltage and fiber optic cable use only. B. Exposed Outdoor Locations: Rigid steel conduit and liquid-tight flexible conduit. C. Concealed Dry Interior Locations: Electrical metallic tubing. D. Exposed Dry Interior Locations: Electrical metallic tubing where not exposed to mechanical damage; Rigid steel conduit where exposed to mechanical damage; Flexible metal conduit. E. Wet interior Locations: Rigid steel conduit and liquid-tight flexible conduit. CTI Consulting Conduit 16110 - 6 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 F. Transformers, Motors and Other Equipment: Minimum 24-inches flexible conduit. Provide liquid-tight flexible conduit at outdoor locations and in areas likely to be exposed to dampness or splashing liquids such as water pumps and equipment adjacent to water or steam lines. END OF SECTION 16110 CTI Consulting Conduit 16110 - 7 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport This page left intentionally blank CTI Consulting Conduit 16110 - 8 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 SECTION 16120 WIRE AND CABLE PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Power, signal, and control wire. B. Power, signal, and control wire connections and terminations. C. Fiber optic cable. D. Fiber optic connections and terminations. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01300 - Submittals. B. Section 16010 – General Requirements Electrical. C. Section 16195 - Electrical Identification. 1.03 REFERENCES A. The latest edition of the following documents shall apply: 1. ANSI / NFPA 70 – National Electrical Code. 2. ASTM B8 - Concentric Lay Stranded Copper Conductors Hard, Medium Hard, Soft. 3. ICEA S-80-576 - Standard for Telecommunications Wire & Cable for Wiring of Premises. 4. EIA/TIA 455 - Standard Test Procedures for Fiber Optic Cables, Transducers, Connecting and Terminating Devices. 5. EIA/TIA 455-61 - FOTP-61, Measurement of Fiber Cable Attenuation Using an OTDR. 6. EIA/TIA TSB 67 - Additional Transmission Specifications for Unshielded Twisted Pair Cabling System. 7. EIA/TIA 568-A - Commercial Building Telecommunications Standard. This publication is not referenced within this specification. The publication is listed as it contains design and technical criteria that is pertinent to the project. 8. ICEA S-19-81 - Rubber Insulated Wire and Cable for the Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Energy. 9. UL 910 - Test Method for Fire and Smoke Characteristics of Electrical CTI Consulting Wire and Cable 16120 - 1 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport and Optical - Fiber Cables Used Installed Vertically Spaces. 10. UL 1666 - Standard Test for Flame Propagation Height of Electrical and Optical - Fiber Cables Installed Vertically in Shafts. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Submit in accordance with Section 01300. B. Product Data: Provide for wire, cable, and connectors. C. Shop drawings indicating the intended cable layout and pulling plan. D. Cable pulling calculations and actual cable runs and tensions. E. Certified test reports of Contractor performed tests. 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver, store, protect, and handle Products to site under provisions of Section 16010. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL A. Contractor shall furnish and install materials as described herein and as shown on the plans. B. Contractor shall provide all cabling, connectors, adapters, and terminations necessary to interconnect all system equipment to power source points. C. Contractor shall provide all cabling, connectors, adapters, and terminations necessary to interconnect all system equipment to signal transmission media. D. Contractor shall provide all cabling, connectors, adapters, and terminations necessary to interconnect all system and signal transmission equipment to the existing Premise Distribution System. E. All wire and cable shall be identified in accordance with Section 16195, Electrical Identification. F. All 120V AC and higher power conduits shall be separate from any signal or data conduit. CTI Consulting Wire and Cable 16120 - 2 April 20, 2007 2.02 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport WIRE – POWER AND CONTROL (120 VOLTS OR MORE) A. Unless otherwise noted, no power wire smaller than #10 AWG to the first device on a circuit and #12 AWG thereafter. No control wire smaller than #14 AWG for control wiring. B. Wire shall be UL listed, stranded copper. Solid copper may be used for #10 AWG and smaller wire. C. Insulation shall be rated for 600V, type THHN/THWN per NFPA 70 NEC Article 310, Conductors for General Wiring. D. All single and three phase branch circuits shall have dedicated neutral and ground conductors. 2.03 WIRING CONNECTIONS AND TERMINATIONS - POWER AND CONTROL A. All conductors shall be terminated with solderless connectors. Compression type lugs shall be used on wire size #6 and larger and at all motor terminals. Smaller conductors may be terminated with crimp on ring lugs. B. Connections and splices shall be made with compression type connectors for conductors #6 and larger. Conductors smaller than #6 shall be solidly connected using Scotchlok, Ideal Wingnuts, or equivalent solderless connections and insulators. C. No splices shall be permitted in emergency power circuits. 2.04 WIRE AND CABLE – SIGNAL AND CONTROL (40 VOLTS OR LESS) A. Wire, cable and components shall be able to withstand the environment they are installed in for a minimum of 20 years. B. CCTV equipment video signal cabling shall be RG 59/U coaxial cable for runs less than 1000 feet in length. Cable shall have cable impedance of 75 ohms; an overall shield providing a minimum of 95% coverage; a solid copper center conductor (stranded where cable movement will be present) of not less than 22 AWG with a DC resistance of 15 ohms per 1000 feet or less; polyethylene insulation and a non-contaminating polyvinylchloride (PVC) jacket. For cable runs 1000 feet or more in length, up to a maximum of 2000 feet, use RG 11/U coaxial cable having a cable impedance of 75 ohms; an overall shield providing a minimum of 95% coverage; a solid copper center conductor (stranded where cable movement will be present) of not less than 18 AWG with a DC resistance of 6 ohms per 1000 feet or CTI Consulting Wire and Cable 16120 - 3 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport less; polyethylene insulation and a non-contaminating PVC jacket. C. Wire and cable for low voltage signal and control shall be either shielded twisted pair(s) or unshielded twisted pair(s) as required by individual installation requirements and shall be plenum rated. D. Unshielded twisted pair(s) shall consist of solid, soft drawn copper conductors, minimum 24 AWG, PVC insulation with overall Teflon jacket having a nominal thickness conforming to NFPA 70. E. Shielded twisted pair(s) cable shall consist of stranded copper conductors, minimum 18 AWG; cable or each twisted pair within the cable shall have a shield that provides 100% coverage with a single tinned copper drain wire for each shield; PVC insulation with overall Teflon jacket having a nominal thickness conforming to NFPA 70. F. NEC compliant with NEC Article 800, type CMP or CMR, UL listed, stranded copper, 300V rated. Minimum signal wire size shall be #24 AWG as required for the individual installation. 2.05 WIRING CONNECTIONS AND TERMINATIONS - LOW VOLTAGE SIGNAL AND CONTROL A. Wire and cable shall be terminated with crimp on spade lugs. B. Coaxial cable to utilize BNC type connectors. C. When terminating to electrical equipment, utilize appropriate termination hardware. 2.06 FIBER OPTIC CABLE - SINGLE MODE A. Single mode fiber optic cable shall be plenum rated and have a nominal 8/125 micrometers/microns core/cladding diameter. Each fiber conductor shall be color coded and each fiber shall be protected by a protective tube, a jacketed, non-metallic strength member, and an exterior jacket. Cable shall have transmission windows centered at 1310 nanometer and 1550 nanometer wavelengths. Cable attenuation shall not be greater than 0.4 dB/km at 1310 nanometers and 1.0 dB/km at 1550 nanometers. Maximum dispersion shall be 2.8 ps/nm per kilometer at 1310 nanometers and 18 ps/nm per kilometer at 1550 nanometers. B. Cable shall be all dielectric and shall be from the same manufacturer, of the same type, and of the same size. Each fiber shall be continuous with no splices. Cable components shall be able to withstand the environment the cable is installed in for a minimum of 20 years. Mechanical stress CTI Consulting Wire and Cable 16120 - 4 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport present in the cable shall not be transmitted to the optical fibers. 1. Cable shall be constructed with an integral strength member. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2.07 The combined strength of all strength members shall be sufficient to support the stress of installation and to protect the cable in service. Strength members shall be nonmetallic. Cable outer jacket shall be continuous, smooth, and free from holes, splits, blisters, and other imperfections. Jacket shall be flame retardant, moisture resistant, non-nutrient to fungus, ultraviolet light resistant, nontoxic, and electrically nonconductive. Cables shall withstand an installation tensile load of not less than 2,650 Newtons and a long term continuous tensile load of not less than 600 Newtons. Cable shall withstand an impact of 3 Newton-meters as a minimum, and shall have a crush resistance of 220 Newtons per square centimeter as a minimum. Cable bend radius shall be 20 times the cable diameter during installation and 10 times the cable diameter after installation. FIBER OPTIC CABLE - MULTI-MODE A. Multi-mode fiber optic cable shall be plenum rated, graded index with a nominal 62.5/125 micrometers/microns core/cladding diameter. Each fiber conductor shall be color coded and have a numerical aperture of 0.275 minimum. Each fiber shall be protected by a protective tube, a jacketed, non-metallic strength member, and an exterior jacket. Cable shall have transmission windows centered at 850 nanometer and 1300 nanometer wavelengths. Cable attenuation shall not be greater than 3.4 dB/km at 850 nanometers and 1.0 dB/km at 1300 nanometers. Cable bandwidth shall be at least 200 MHz/km at 850 nanometers and 500 MHz/km at 1300 nanometers. B. Cable shall utilize loose tube construction or tight tube construction and shall be all dielectric. Cable shall be from the same manufacturer, of the same type, and of the same size. Each fiber shall be continuous with no splices. Cable components shall be able to withstand the environment the cable is installed in for a minimum of 20 years. Mechanical stress present in the cable shall not be transmitted to the optical fibers. 1. In loose tube construction, optical fibers shall be surrounded by a tube buffer, a minimum of 900 um. Fibers shall be contained in a channel or otherwise loosely packaged to provide clearance between the fibers and inside of the container to allow for thermal expansion without constraining the conductor. The protective container shall be extruded from a material having a coefficient of friction sufficiently low to allow the CTI Consulting Wire and Cable 16120 - 5 April 20, 2007 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 2.08 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport fiber free movement. Loose tube cable may have multiple conductors in a single tube buffer. In tight tube construction, optical fibers shall be covered in near contact with an extrusion tube and shall have an intermediate soft buffer to allow for thermal expansion and minor pressures. Cable shall be constructed with an integral strength member. The combined strength of all strength members shall be sufficient to support the stress of installation and to protect the cable in service. Strength members shall be nonmetallic. Cable outer jacket shall be continuous, smooth, and free from holes, splits, blisters, and other imperfections. Jacket shall be flame retardant, moisture resistant, non-nutrient to fungus, ultraviolet light resistant, nontoxic, and electrically nonconductive. Cables of 12 fibers or less shall withstand an installation tensile load of not less than 1,250 Newtons and a long term continuous tensile load of not less than 300 Newtons. Cable with more than 12 fibers shall withstand an installation load of not less than 2,650 Newtons and a long term continuous tensile load of not less than 600 Newtons. Cable shall withstand an impact of 3 Newton-meters as a minimum, and shall have a crush resistance of 220 Newtons per square centimeter as a minimum. Cable bend radius shall be 20 times the cable diameter during installation and 10 times the cable diameter after installation. FIBER OPTIC CABLE CONNECTIONS AND TERMINATIONS A. Utilize Single or Duplex SC connectors per ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-A at all connection points so equipped. B. Utilize ST-compatible connectors where equipment and/or hardware installed is equipped with ST-compatible connection points. 2.09 LABELING A. Provide in accordance with Section 16195. 2.10 LUBRICANT A. Ideal Yellow 77 or equivalent. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL WIRING METHODS A. Contractor shall supply all tools and test equipment for project. CTI Consulting Wire and Cable 16120 - 6 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport B. Contractor shall ensure that all cable reel tests have been performed and that the cable has passed all tests. C. All wire/cable to be routed in conduit and/or cable tray. Plenum rating does not relieve the requirement for routing all low voltage wire/cable in conduit when not installed in cable tray. D. Contractor shall ensure that existing conduits are clean and free of any obstruction prior to pulling cable. E. Contractor shall plan cable pulls so that the maximum number of cables are pulled in a conduit simultaneously; never pull new wire/cable over existing wire/cable. F. Do not have more than two 90-degree changes of direction in any single cable pull. Make circuitous pulls by back-feeding or center-pulling. G. Do not install damaged or defective material or components. H. All system components and appurtenances shall be installed in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions and as shown. I. Installation shall be in accordance with NFPA 70. J. Contractor shall attempt maintain a 30% conduit fill in order to facilitate future growth but in no case shall the fill exceed 40%. K. Splices are not permitted unless pre-approved or as shown. 1. Contractor shall obtain written approval form the Airport OAR prior to 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. splicing cable. Approval shall be issued on a case-by-case basis only. Splice location and type shall be documented as part of the As-Built and record drawings. Cable shall be re-tested after splicing and shall pass all tests. No splices shall be permitted unless the length of the cable being installed exceeds the maximum cable length available from the manufacturer. There shall be no more than one splice per kilometer in any cable excluding cable terminations. Field splices shall be located in cable boxes, hand holes, or manholes. Sufficient cable shall be provided in each splicing location to properly rack and splice the cables. All cables shall be continuous from the source to the destination and shall not have splices. CTI Consulting Wire and Cable 16120 - 7 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport 10. Cable ends shall be protected at all times with end caps except during actual splicing. 11. During the splicing operation, means shall be provided to protect the un- 12. 13. 14. 15. spliced portions of the cable from the intrusion of moisture and foreign matter. If cable fails testing, the Airport OAR shall be notified of the problem and what procedures the Contractor proposes to eliminate the problem. Contractor shall correct the problem and re-test all cables failing the test procedure. Splice in fiber optic cable shall be made by the fusion method. Fiber optic cable splices other than fan-outs, pigtails, or other terminations shall be housed in splice enclosure and shall be encapsulated with an epoxy or ultraviolet light cured splice encapsulate. Fiber optic splices shall be field tested at the time of splicing and shall have less than 0.2 dB loss. L. Contractor shall not install any cable with a bend radius less than that recommended by the cable manufacturer. M. Contractor shall monitor pull tension continuously during installation and shall not exceed the manufacturer’s recommended maximum pull tension. N. Contractor shall mark cables at each end, regardless of length, with permanent, non-handwritten number or letter cable markers within six inches of both ends. There shall be no unmarked cables in the system. Contractor shall coordinate requirements with Airport OAR prior to marking cables. O. Cable Installation: 1. A cable lubricant specifically manufactured for cable pulling lubrication purposes and compatible with the cable sheathing material shall be used on all cables pulled. Petroleum greases shall not be used. 2. Pulling fixtures shall be properly attached to the cable; for fiber cables the pulling fixture should be attached to the cable’s strength member. If indirect attachments are used, the grip diameter and length shall be matched to the cable diameter and characteristics. When indirect attachment is used on cables, the pulling forces shall be reduced to ensure that the cable is not damaged from the forces being transmitted to the cable. 3. Continuously monitor pull line tension during cable pulling. Do not exceed the maximum tension as given by the cable manufacturer. Contractor shall use a tensiometer on pulls that may exceed 445 Newtons (100 lbs.) and always when a winch is used for pulling. 4. The mechanical stress placed upon a cable during installation shall be such that the cable is not twisted or stretched. CTI Consulting Wire and Cable 16120 - 8 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport 5. Use cable feeder guides between the cable reel and the face of the duct 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. or conduit to protect the cable and guide it into the duct or conduit as it is played off the reel. Inspect cable jacket carefully for defects as cable is played off the reel. Take precautions during installation to prevent the cable from being kinked or crushed. Do not exceed minimum bend radius of the cable. Hand feed and guide cable through each manhole and handhole. Apply additional lubricant at all intermediate manholes and handholes. When practical, use center pulling techniques to lower pulling tension. Pull cable from the center point of the cable run towards the end termination point. Protect cable pulled out of a junction box, manhole, or handhole from dirt and moisture by laying the cable on ground covering. P. For vertical cable runs, use gravity to assist in cable pulling whenever possible. Pull cable from top of run to bottom of run. Hand pull if possible. If machine assistance is required, monitor tension and do not exceed specific cable tensions limits. After installation, the vertical tension on the cable shall be relieved at maximum intervals of 100 feet using split support grip. Q. Service loops shall be housed in a service loop enclosure. Service loop length shall be in addition to any extra cable needed for splices made at the manhole or handhole. Service loops shall not be smaller than the minimum bend radius of the cable, pigtail, or jumper which forms the service loop. After termination, all fiber optic cable shall have three feet of slack at each end location. When terminating to the existing Premise Distribution System, coordinate service loop requirements with Airport OAR. R. All cables shall be dressed and routed at termination points. Cables shall be combed and each conductor shall run parallel with the other conductors. After combing and straightening conductors, Contractor shall separate conductors into bundles according to routing requirements and termination points. Bundles shall be secured with hook-and-loop cable strap material. Cable ties manufactured from a hard polymer material, such as plastic or nylon, shall not be used. Hook-and-loop material shall be low life-cycle, back-to-back type, black in color, and ¾ inch wide. Contractor shall begin to bundle and strap cables within 2 inches of exit from conduit. Bundles shall have cable straps applied at intervals not greater than 12 inches for the entire length of vertical and horizontal run. S. Low voltage (less than 48V) wire and/or cable shall be installed in separate conduit raceways from wiring carrying 48V and higher signal and/or pwer. CTI Consulting Wire and Cable 16120 - 9 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 3.02 HIGH VOLTAGE POWER AND CONTROL A. Where ACAMS is to interface with control circuits that are part of a motor control circuit, Contractor shall match the wire type, size and color utilized within that circuit. B. Single-phase branch circuits may be combined in one conduit provided the conductor sizes are increased in accordance with the de-rating requirements noted in Notes 8 and 10 of Table 310-16 in the National Electric Code. C. Joints in branch circuits shall occur only where such circuits divide and shall then consist of one through circuit to which shall be spliced the branch from the circuit. All emergency power circuits shall be continuous from the breaker to the defined equipment group so that tripping of that circuit shall affect only that circuit’s connected load. D. Wiring smaller than #6 AWG shall have solid color insulation. Wiring #6 AWG and larger shall be marked with a 1-inch minimum wide band of colored electrical tape at each termination point. The following color code shall be used throughout the system. Verify these colors are in compliance with local utility company, the local electric Codes, and the existing color code system on site. 208/120 Volt 3.03 Phase A Phase B Phase C Neutral Ground Black Red Blue White Green TESTING A. Contractor shall provide the necessary personnel, instrumentation, and supplies necessary to perform testing. equipment, B. Inspect wire and cable for physical damage and proper connection. C. Contractor shall test high voltage power and control wiring installed under this project for continuity, shorts and grounds. No power circuits shall be energized without Airport OAR’s approval. Isolate power cables to be meggered by opening switches or the breakers at each end of the cable prior to testing. Where cables are direct connected without a disconnect device, test as connected. Furnish a 1000-volt megger for use in these tests. Apply the test voltage between each conductor and ground with the other conductors in the conduit grounded to the same ground. Test each conductor in the same manner. For disconnected conductors a minimum CTI Consulting Wire and Cable 16120 - 10 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 acceptable reading shall be 100-megaohms. Identify each conductor tested, record the megaohms value, read and record the ambient temperature and note the degree of humidity. D. Replace all wiring failing to pass these tests. E. Prior to manufacturer’s shipment of fiber optic cable to job site, 100% of the fibers shall be tested with an optical time domain reflectometer (OTDR). The OTDR shall be calibrated to show anomalies of 0.2 dB as a minimum. Copies of the traces shall be furnished as part of the submittals. F. Prior to installation of fiber optic cable, Contractor shall perform an OTDR test on every fiber of each cable on the reel. The OTDR shall be calibrated to show anomalies of 0.2 dB as a minimum. Copies of the traces shall be furnished as part of the submittals. G. After installation, Contractor shall test 100% of fibers installed from both ends. The OTDR shall be calibrated to show anomalies of 0.2 dB as a minimum. Copies of the traces shall be furnished as part of the submittals. If test results are unsatisfactory, the cable segment is unacceptable and shall be replaced with a new segment. The new segment shall be tested to demonstrate acceptability with copies of traces furnished as part of the submittals. H. Installed power attenuation test shall be performed on 100% of fibers and repeated from the opposite end of each circuit. Test shall be performed in the light wavelength band of the transmitter to be used on the circuit tested. The flux shall be measured at the receiver end and shall be compared to the flux injected at the transmitter end. A jumper shall be installed at each end of the circuit under test so that end connector loss shall be validated. Rotational optimization of the connectors is not permitted. The circuit loss shall be recorded and shall not exceed the calculated loss which shall include length of fiber tested, splices, and connectors. Comparison of loss between tests in opposite directions shall not be greater than 1 dB. If test is unsatisfactory, Contractor shall examine the circuit to determine the problem. The Airport OAR shall be notified of the problem and what procedures the Contractor proposes to eliminate the problem. Contractor shall correct the problem and retest the circuit. Contractor shall prepare a report documenting the results of the tests and shall furnish the report as part of the submittals. I. Contractor to provide labeling on all wiring and cabling in accordance with Section 16195. END OF SECTION 16120 CTI Consulting Wire and Cable 16120 - 11 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport This page left intentionally blank CTI Consulting Wire and Cable 16120 - 12 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 SECTION 16130 BOXES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Outlet boxes. B. Pull and junction boxes. C. Site handholes. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 16010 – General Requirements Electrical. B. Section 16160 - Cabinets and Enclosures C. Section 02220 - Earthwork. 1.03 REFERENCES A. ANSI / NFPA 70 – National Electrical Code. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Submit under provisions of Section 01300. B. Product Data: Provide for boxes and fittings to be used. 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver, store, protect, and handle Products to site under provisions of Section 16010. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 OUTLET BOXES A. Sheet metal outlet boxes: ANSI/NEMA OS 1, UL listed; galvanized steel, minimum 4-inch square; provide ½-inch male fixture studs where required; provide plaster rings for outlets in finished areas; single gang handy boxes shall not be used unless noted otherwise; in masonry walls, single gang, 3- CTI Consulting Boxes 16130 - 1 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport 1/2 inch deep masonry boxes are acceptable. B. Cast boxes: UL listed; cast feralloy, deep type, gasketed cover, threaded hubs. 2.02 PULL AND JUNCTION BOXES A. Sheet metal boxes: ANSI/NEMA OS 1, UL listed; galvanized steel. B. Sheet metal boxes larger than 12-inches in any direction: Hinged enclosure in accordance with Section 16160. C. Cast metal boxes for outdoor and wet location installations: NEMA 250, UL listed; Type 4 and Type 6, flat-flanged, surface-mounted junction box, UL listed as raintight; galvanized cast iron box and cover with ground flange, neoprene gasket, and stainless steel cover screws. 2.03 SITE HANDHOLES A. Provide handhole boxes for site equipment as required. B. Handholes shall be reinforced, cast concrete furnished with load-bearing covers, and fitted with tamper-proof fasteners. standard logo for electrical use. Cover shall contain C. Handholes shall be sized as indicated on the plans with a minimum box size of 24-inches on each side and 36-inches deep. D. Handholes shown being used to allow both high and low voltage wiring to be pulled through shall be equipped with a metal barrier to separate the two voltage levels in accordance with ANSI/NFPA 70, National Electrical Code. E. Acceptable handhole manufacturers shall be as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. Quazite Composite Associated Concrete Products Inc. Brooks Products Inc. Or approved equivalent. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 COORDINATION OF BOX LOCATIONS A. Provide electrical handholes, junction, pull and outlet boxes as required for CTI Consulting Boxes 16130 - 2 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport splices, taps, wire pulling, equipment connections, and Code compliance. B. Electrical box locations are not all indicated or shown on Plans. Those boxes shown are schematic only unless dimensioned. Contractor shall be responsible for verifying the number, size and location of boxes and outlets required prior to performing rough-in. Locate boxes symmetrically with respect to building lines. C. Locate and install boxes to provide all required and proper access. Where installation is inaccessible, coordinate box location with the Airport OAR. D. Locate and install to maintain headroom and to present a neat appearance. 3.02 OUTLET BOX INSTALLATION A. Do not install boxes back-to-back in walls. Provide minimum 6-inch separation, except provide minimum 24-inch separation in acoustic-rated walls. Refer to Architectural drawings for acoustic-rated wall locations. B. Locate boxes in masonry walls to require cutting of masonry unit corner only. Coordinate masonry cutting to achieve neat openings for boxes. C. Provide knockout closures for unused openings. D. Support boxes independently of conduit. E. Use multiple-gang boxes where multiple devices are mounted together. Do not use sectional boxes. Provide barriers to separate wiring of different voltage systems. F. Install boxes in walls without damaging wall insulation. G. Coordinate mounting heights and locations of boxes mounted above finished surface, counter tops, benches, and outdoor elements. boxes above counters with long dimension in the horizontal. Mount H. In inaccessible ceiling areas, position outlet and junction boxes within 6- inches of recessed lighting fixture, to be accessible through lighting fixture ceiling opening. I. Provide recessed outlet boxes in finished areas; secure boxes to interior wall and partition studs, accurately positioning to allow for surface finish thickness. Use stamped steel stud bridges for flush outlets in hollow stud wall, and adjustable steel channel fasteners for flush ceiling outlet boxes. J. Align wall-mounted outlet boxes for switches and similar devices. CTI Consulting Boxes 16130 - 3 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 K. Provide cast outlet boxes in exterior locations, exposed locations and wet locations. L. Allow 2.5 cubic inches per #10 conductor in each outlet box. M. Where 1-inch conduit terminates in an outlet box, provide a 4-11/16 inch square deep box. N. Switch outlet boxes located in metal door jambs and in narrow spaces shall use partition type boxes suitable for these locations. 3.03 PULL AND JUNCTION BOX INSTALLATION A. Locate pull boxes and junction boxes above accessible ceilings or in unfinished areas. B. Support all pull and junction boxes independent of conduit. 3.04 SITE HANDHOLES A. Field preparation: 1. Excavate and backfill for handhole box in accordance with Section 02220. 2. Prior to setting handhole, Contractor shall provide a suitable base of crushed stone per ASTM C33, Size Number 67, 8-inches thick. 3. Base material shall be graded level and at the proper elevation to receive the handhole in proper relation to the conduit grade or ground cover requirements. END OF SECTION 16130 CTI Consulting Boxes 16130 - 4 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 SECTION 16140 WIRING DEVICES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Receptacles. B. Wall plates. C. Surge protector modules. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 16010 – General Requirements Electrical. 1.03 REFERENCES A. ANSI / NFPA 70 – National Electrical Code. B. ANSI C37.90A - Guide for Surge Withstand Capability Tests. C. ANSI C62.4 - Guide for Surge Voltage in Low Voltage AC Power Circuits. D. UL 1449 - Standard for Safety Transient Voltage Suppressor. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Submit under provisions of Section 01300. B. Product Data: Provide for receptacles, device plates, and box covers. 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver, store, protect, and handle Products to site under provisions of Section 16010. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 RECEPTACLES A. Acceptable manufacturers: G.E., Hubbell, Leviton, Pass & Seymour, Bryant, or approved equivalent. CTI Consulting Wiring Devices 16140 - 1 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 B. Convenience and straight-blade receptacles: NEMA WD 1, UL listed; specification grade, impact resistant thermoplastic body, NEMA 5-20R; gray or red thermoplastic face. C. GFCI receptacles: NEMA WD-1 or WD-5, UL listed; duplex convenience receptacle with integral ground fault current interrupter, NEMA 5-20R. D. Weatherproof or outdoor receptacles: Provide GFCI receptacle and weatherproof device plate. E. Special purpose receptacles: Power strip, six outlets, UL listed, 15 amp circuit breaker, surface mounted, with 3-wire power cord. Hubbell Cat. No. PS6 or similar. Power strip similar to above with surge protection and filtering is Hubbell Cat. No. SS6. 2.02 WALL PLATES A. Acceptable manufacturers: Hubbell, Bryant, Leviton, Sierra, or approved equivalent. B. Finished areas: UL listed; 302/304 stainless steel (18% chromium, 8% nickel); 0.04 inch thick; smooth satin finish; configuration as required by wiring device. Coordinate with Owner’s Representative. C. Unfinished areas: UL listed; galvanized steel. D. Weatherproof cover plate: UL listed; gasketed; flame resistant, UV stabilized, polycarbonate resin; vertical position; single hinged, gasketed, standard size cover that can be closed with outlet in use; equivalent to products by TayMac Corp. 2.03 SURGE PROTECTOR MODULE A. Acceptable manufacturers: MCG electronics, Systems, Leviton, or approved equivalent. G.E., Joslyn Electronic B. 120-volt surge protector: UL/CSA listed, 120-volt, 60-Hertz, hard-wired type, 10KA surge current rating for 8/20 micro second current waveform surge. CTI Consulting Wiring Devices 16140 - 2 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install convenience receptacles where indicated on plans, grounding pole on top unless otherwise indicated on plans. Convenience outlets shall be powered from utility power only. B. Provide red colored devices for all devices connected to emergency power. Provide gray colored devices for devices connected to normal power. C. Install specific-use receptacles where indicated on plans or as required for equipment connection. D. Install power strips in field electronic enclosures with closed doors where multiple secure outlets are required for the installation. E. Install plates on receptacle and blank outlet boxes in finished areas, using jumbo size plates for outlets installed in masonry walls. F. Install galvanized steel plates on outlet boxes and junction boxes in unfinished areas, above accessible ceilings, and on surface mounted outlets. G. Install devices and wall plates flush and level. 3.02 QUALITY CONTROL A. Test all receptacles for proper wiring with a G.E. TRC2-3 or equivalent receptacle tester. B. Repair and/or replace all receptacles not properly wired or not properly functioning. End of Section 16140 CTI Consulting Wiring Devices 16140 - 3 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport This page left intentionally blank CTI Consulting Wiring Devices 16140 - 4 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 SECTION 16160 CABINETS AND ENCLOSURES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Cabinets. B. Enclosures. C. Terminal blocks and accessories. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01300 - Submittals. B. Section 16010 – General Requirements Electrical. C. Section 16140 - Wiring Devices. D. Section 16470 - Circuit Breakers. 1.03 REFERENCES A. ANSI / NFPA 70 – National Electrical Code. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Submit under provisions of Section 01300. B. Product Data: Provide for enclosures, terminal blocks and accessories. 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver, store, protect, and handle Products to site under provisions of Section 16010. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 CABINETS A. Cabinets for general electrical usage such as wiring boxes or junction boxes (other than standard outlet type boxes) and enclosures for housing CTI Consulting Cabinets and Enclosures 16160 - 1 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 electrical and electronic controls, instruments, and components in indoor locations shall be NEMA 250 Type 1; UL listed; minimum 16 gauge steel for cabinet and door; formed steel continuous type hinge; flush latch; interior stud mounted panel for attaching devices to; ANSI 61 standard gray enamel finish inside and out over galvanized. B. Cabinets for general electrical usage such as wiring boxes or junction boxes in outdoor locations shall be NEMA 250 Type 3R; UL listed; minimum 16 gauge galvanized steel; formed galvanized steel continuous type hinge; padlockable zinc-plated draw pull catch; interior stud mounted panel for attaching devices to; gray polyester powder coating inside and out over phosphatized surfaces. C. Enclosures for housing electrical and electronic controls, instruments, and components in indoor or outdoor locations shall be NEMA 250 Type 4X; UL listed; minimum 14 gauge steel for enclosure and door; formed stainless steel continuous type hinge; standard stainless steel door clamps; hasp and staple for padlocking; oil resistant door gasket; stud mounted internal panel for mounting devices to; ANSI 61 gray polyester powder coating inside and out over phosphatized surfaces. D. Where cabinet or enclosure is utilized to house and protect security related equipment and hardware, Contractor shall install a SPST plunger activated tamper switch inside the cabinet or enclosure monitoring the door. Switch shall be properly attached; contacts shall be sealed and rated 1A @ 12VDC and 0.5A @ 24VDC. E. Interior mounting panel shall be 14 gage steel with white enamel finish. F. Receptacles and/or power strip: Refer to Section 16140. 2.02 TERMINAL BLOCKS AND CIRCUIT BREAKERS A. Terminal blocks: ANSI/NEMA ICS 4, UL listed. B. Power terminals: Unit construction type, closed-back type, with tubular pressure screw connectors, rated 600 volts. C. Circuit breaker terminal blocks: Refer to Section 16470, 2.2 for circuit breaker terminals. D. Signal and control terminals: Modular construction type, channel mounted, tubular pressure screw connectors, rated 300 volts. CTI Consulting Cabinets and Enclosures 16160 - 2 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 FABRICATION A. Electrical cabinets and enclosures are not all indicated or shown on Plans. Those shown are schematic only unless dimensioned. Contractor shall be responsible for verifying the number, size and location of cabinets and enclosures required prior to performing rough-in. Locate cabinets and enclosures symmetrically with respect to building lines. B. Shop-assemble cabinets or enclosures housing terminal blocks and electrical components in accordance with ANSI/NEMA ICS 6. C. Maintain proper clearances between high and low voltage wiring in same cabinet or enclosure. Where proper clearances cannot be maintained, provide metal barrier to separate the high and low voltage wiring in accordance with NFPA 70, National Electrical Code. D. Utilize standard conduit fittings for attaching conduit to cabinets. Install conduit hubs on enclosures for attaching conduit. E. Provide protective pocket inside front cover of enclosures with schematic diagram, connection diagram, and layout drawing of control wiring and components within enclosure. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Install cabinets and enclosures plumb; anchor securely to wall and structural supports at each corner, minimum. End of Section 16160 CTI Consulting Cabinets and Enclosures 16160 - 3 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport This page left intentionally blank CTI Consulting Cabinets and Enclosures 16160 - 4 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 SECTION 16170 GROUNDING AND BONDING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Power system grounding. B. Security system grounding. C. Electrical equipment and raceway grounding and bonding. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01300 - Submittals. B. Section 16010 – General Requirements Electrical. C. Section 16670 - Lighting Protection 1.03 REFERENCES A. ANSI / NFPA 70 – National Electrical Code (NEC). B. ANSI/IEEE 142 - Recommended Practice for Grounding of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems C. ANSI / UL 467 - Safety Standard for Grounding and Bonding Equipment. D. FAA STND 019 - Lightning and Surge Protection, Grounding, Bonding and Shielding Requirements for Facilities and Electrical Equipment. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Submit product and shop drawings under provisions of Section 01300. B. Provide product connections. 1.05 data on grounding electrodes, conductors, and DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver, store, protect, and handle Products to site under provisions of Section 16010. CTI Consulting Grounding & Bonding 16170 - 1 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Ground rods: Copper-encased steel, UL Listed ¾-inch diameter, minimum length of 10-feet. B. Conductors: Conductors for grounding electrodes and bonding shall be bare soft drawn, stranded copper; equipment grounds shall be stranded copper with green TW insulation. C. Electrode connections and connections to structural steel: Cadweld exothermic weld process using the specific molds designed for each type of connection. Burndy Hyground compression system connections are also acceptable. If Burndy system is used, stud connections to the structure shall be welded with a continuous bead around the entire perimeter of the contact point. D. Equipment ground connections: UL-Listed Compression type ring lug. E. Equipment ground busses: Solid copper bar, 1-inch wide by 1/4-inch thick, with length as required. Field tap as required for connections. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Provide building grounding electrodes as indicated on the plans. Size the grounding electrode conductor by the NEC. B. Bond together service entrance NEC ground service equipment enclosures, exposed non-current carrying metal parts of electrical equipment, metal raceway systems, grounding conductor in raceways and cables, receptacle ground connectors, and as required by the NEC. C. Provide a separate, insulated, green colored, equipment grounding conductor in all feeder and branch circuits. Size the grounding conductors to comply with NEC Table 250-95. Terminate each end on a grounding lug, bus, or bushing in circuit breaker panel. Compression type ring lugs shall be used for termination except where insertion type lugs with screw fittings are provided as part of the ground bus or grounding bushing. D. Bond ground busses of all panels in equipment rooms to service entrance and equipment room ground bus with conductor of the same size as the CTI Consulting Grounding & Bonding 16170 - 2 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 panel feeder equipment ground. E. Provide separate ground rods as required for lightning protection system (refer to Section 16670) and bond this ground system underground to this service entrance ground system at a minimum of one point with a #4/0bc ground electrode conductor. F. Provide insulated ground busses in equipment rooms as indicated on plans. Mount securely to wall with ½ inch stand-off between wall and bus. 3.02 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Inspect grounding and bonding system conductors and connections for tightness and proper installation. B. Strike all completed exothermic welds with a 16 ounce hammer and re- weld if they crack or come loose. C. The independent testing contractor shall check ground continuity from all system neutral connections to ground electrode test wells. Resistance shall not exceed 5 ohms. Document all test results and include in the O&M manual. End of Section 16170 CTI Consulting Grounding & Bonding 16170 - 3 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport This page left intentionally blank CTI Consulting Grounding & Bonding 16170 - 4 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 SECTION 16190 SUPPORTING DEVICES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Conduit and equipment supports. B. Fastening hardware. C. Footings/pads for electrical enclosures. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01300 - Submittals. B. Section 03300 - Cast - In - Place - Concrete. C. Section 16010 – General Requirements Electrical. 1.03 REFERENCES A. ANSI / NFPA 70 – National Electrical Code (NEC). 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Submit under provisions of Section 01300. B. Product Data: Provide for catalog cuts on materials to be used. 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver, store, protect, and handle Products to site under provisions of Section 16010. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Support channel: Hot-dip Galvanized steel. B. Hardware: Corrosion resistant. CTI Consulting Supporting Devices 16190 - 1 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 C. Acceptable hardware manufacturers are: Unistrut, B-Line, or approved equivalent. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Fasten hanger rods, conduit clamps, transformer neutral grounds and outlet and junction boxes to building steel structure using precast insert system, preset inserts, or beam clamps. Spring steel clips and clamps may be used only for runs consisting of a single conduit. B. Use toggle bolts or hollow wall fasteners in hollow masonry, plaster, or gypsum board partitions and walls; expansion anchors or preset inserts in solid masonry walls; self-drilling anchors or expansion anchor on concrete surfaces; sheet metal screws in sheet metal studs; and wood screws in wood construction. C. Do not fasten supports to piping, ductwork, mechanical equipment, conduit, or suspended ceilings. D. Do not drill structural steel members without prior approval of the Airport OAR. E. Fabricate supports from structural steel or steel channel, rigidly welded or bolted to present a neat appearance. Use hexagon head bolts with spring lock washers under all nuts. F. Install grade concrete footings/pads to support electrical enclosures. Refer to Section 03300. G. Install surface-mounted cabinets and panel boards with minimum of four anchors. H. Bridge studs top and bottom with channels to support flush mounted cabinets and panel boards in stud walls. End of Section 16190 CTI Consulting Supporting Devices 16190 - 2 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 SECTION 16195 ELECTRICAL IDENTIFICATION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Nameplates. B. Wire and cable markers. C. Conduit and box color coding. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01300 - Submittals. B. Section 10425 – Signage. C. Section 16010 – General Requirements Electrical. 1.03 REFERENCES A. ANSI / NFPA 70 – National Electrical Code (NEC). 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Submit under provisions of Section 01300. B. Product Data: Provide data on identification systems and materials to be used; schedule for nameplates. 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver, store, protect, and handle Products to site under provisions of Section 16010. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIAL A. Nameplates: Engraved two-layer laminated plastic panel signs, white letters on black or red background. CTI Consulting Electrical Identification 16195 - 1 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport B. Wire and cable markers: Cloth markers, split sleeve or tubing type. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Degrease and clean surfaces to receive nameplates. B. Install nameplates parallel to equipment lines. C. Secure nameplates to equipment fronts using screws. Secure nameplates to inside face of recessed panel board doors in finished locations. D. Mark panel and circuit number on all pull and junction box covers and back side of all wiring device plates legibly with permanent ink felt tip marker. Clean and degrease surface before marking. 3.02 WIRE IDENTIFICATION A. Provide wire markers on each conductor in panel board gutters, pull boxes, outlet and junction boxes, and at load connection. Identify with branch circuit or feeder number for power and with control wire number as indicated on equipment manufacturers’ shop drawings for control wiring. 3.03 NAMEPLATE ENGRAVING SCHEDULE A. Provide nameplates of minimum letter height as scheduled below. B. Separately enclosed and 3-pole circuit breakers, enclosed switches, and disconnect switches: 1/8 inch; identify circuit and load served, including location. White letters on black background for normal power and white letters on red background for emergency power. C. Normal power panel boards, switchboards, and motor control centers: ¼ inch - identify equipment designation; 1/8 inch – identify voltage rating and source. White letters on black background for normal power and white letters on red background for emergency power. D. Transformers: ¼ inch – identify equipment designation; 1/8 inch – identify primary and secondary voltages, primary source, and secondary load. White letters on black background for normal power and white letters on red background for emergency power. E. All ACAMS remote access control enclosures and automatic gate operator enclosures: ¼ inch - identify enclosure designation; 1/8 inch – identify CTI Consulting Electrical Identification 16195 - 2 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 power source and voltage. White letters on black background for normal power and white letters on red background for emergency power. 3.04 JUNCTION BOX AND CONDUIT COLOR CODING SCHEDULE A. Paint junction boxes as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. Three phase utility system: Orange. Emergency power: Red. Closed circuit television: Black. ACAMS (security): Green. B. Paint a 6-inch wide band of color on each conduit a minimum of every 50 feet and on each side of wall penetrations. The color shall be per the junction box color code schedule listed above. End of Section 16195 CTI Consulting Electrical Identification 16195 - 3 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport This page left intentionally blank CTI Consulting Electrical Identification 16195 - 4 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 SECTION 16289 TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SURGE SUPPRESSORS PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors. B. Related Sections: 1. Division 16 – Electrical. 1.02 REFERENCES A. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers: 1. IEEE 1100 - Recommended Practice for Powering and Grounding Electronic Equipment. 2. IEEE C62.41 - Recommended Practice on Surge Voltages in LowVoltage AC Power Circuits. 3. IEEE C62.45 - Guide on Surge Testing for Equipment Connected to Low-Voltage AC Power Circuits. B. National Electrical Manufacturers Association: 1. NEMA LS 1 - Low Voltage Surge Protection Devices. C. National Fire Protection Association: 1. NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code. 2. NFPA 780 - Standard for the Installation of Lightning Protection Systems. D. Underwriters Laboratories Inc.: 1. UL 1283 - Electromagnetic Interference Filters. 2. UL 1449 - Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Section 01330 - Submittal Procedures: Requirements for submittals. CTI Consulting Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors 16289 - 1 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 B. Product Data: Submit capacity, dimensions, weights, details, and wiring configuration. C. Test Reports: 1. Indicate Let-Through voltage test data. 2. Submit spectrum analysis of each unit. 3. Submit test reports from nationally recognized independent testing laboratory verifying suppressors can survive published surge current rating. D. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: Submit installation instructions and connection requirements. E. Manufacturer's Certificate: Certify transient voltage surge suppression device complies with UL 1449 Second Edition Surge Voltage Ratings. 1.04 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS A. Section 01300 - Submittals: Requirements for submittals. B. Project Record Documents: Record actual locations of transient voltage surge suppressors. C. Operation and Maintenance Data: Submit manufacturer's descriptive literature, installation instructions, and maintenance and repair data. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. List individual units under UL 1449 and UL 1283. B. Perform Work in accordance with the State of Alabama Department of Transportation standard. C. Maintain one copy of each document on site. 1.06 QUALIFICATIONS A. Manufacturer: Company specializing in manufacturing Products specified in this section with minimum three years documented experience. 1.07 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Division 1 – General Requirements: Requirements for transporting, handling, storing, and protecting products. B. Accept equipment on site in factory packaging. Inspect for damage. CTI Consulting Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors 16289 - 2 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport C. Protect equipment from damage by providing temporary covers until construction is complete in adjacent space. 1.08 WARRANTY A. Section 13727 – ACAMS Upgrade: Requirements for warranties. B. Furnish five-year manufacturer’s warranty for transient voltage surge suppressor part failure. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SURGE SUPPRESSOR (TVSS) A. Manufacturers: 1. Cutler-Hammer, Inc. 2. General Electric Company. 3. Square D Company. 4. Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc. 5. Or equal. B. Furnish materials in accordance with local and State standards and guidelines. C. Product Description: Surge protective devices for protection of AC electrical circuits. D. Types: Surge Voltages in Low-Voltage ACAMS AC Power Circuits. E. Unit Operating Voltage: As indicated on Drawings. F. Maximum Continuous Operating Voltage: Greater than 115 percent of nominal system operating voltage. G. Construction: 1. Finish: Factory finish of baked enamel. 2. Balanced Suppression Platform: Equally distribute surge current to Metal Oxide Varistor (MOV) components to ensure equal stressing and maximum performance. Furnish surge suppression platform with equal impedance paths to each matched MOV. CTI Consulting Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors 16289 - 3 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport 3. Internal Connections: Hardwired with connections impedance conductors and compression fittings. using low 4. Safety and Diagnostic Monitoring: Equipped with standard overcurrent protection: a. Continuous monitoring of fusing system. b. Monitor individual MOV’s (including neutral to ground). Capable of identifying open circuit failures not monitored by conventional fusing systems. c. Monitor for overheating in each mode due to thermal runaway. d. Furnish green and red solid state indicator light on each phase. Absence of green light and presence of red light indicates which phases have been damaged. Fault detection activates flashing trouble light. Units not capable of detecting open circuit damage, thermal conditions, and over current will not be accepted. 5. Labeling: Permanently affix UL 1449 suppression voltage ratings and CSA to unit. H. Rating: 1. Electrical Noise Filter: Furnish each unit with high performance EMI/RFI noise rejection filter. Electric line noise attenuation no less than 45 dB at 100 kHz using MIL-STD-220A insertion loss test method. I. Accessories: 1. Digital display transient event counter [with manual reset]. 2. Local audible alarm. 3. Form C dry contacts one normally open (NO) and one normally closed (NC) for remote status monitoring. 4. Remote monitor panel with indicating lights and audible alarm for mounting in remote location. 5. Push-to-test feature. 6. Surge Current Capacity: Total surge current (based on 8 x 20 microsecond waveform) device is capable of surviving. J. Protection Modes: For Wye configured system, furnish device with directly connected suppression elements between line-neutral (L-N), line-ground (L-G), and neutral-ground (N-G). For Delta configured system, furnish device with suppression elements between line to line (L-L) and line to ground (L-G). CTI Consulting Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors 16289 - 4 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 K. Do not exceed the following for maximum UL 1449 suppression voltage ratings: Modes 208Y/120 480Y/277 WYE - L-N; L-G; N-G Delta - L-L, L-G 400 V 800 V 800 V 1500 V L. ANSI/IEEE Catalog C3 Let Through Voltage: Based on ANSI/IEEE C62.41 and C62.45 recommended procedures for Catalog C3 surges (20 kV, 10kA) and not less than: Modes 208Y/120 480Y/277 L-N 500 V 900 V M. ANSI/IEEE Cat. B3 Let Through Voltage: Based on ANSI/IEEE C62.41 and C62.45 recommended procedures for ANSI/IEEE Catalog B3 Ringwave (6 kV, 500 amps) not less than: 2.02 Modes 208Y/120 480Y/277 L-N 170 V 300 V SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL AND TESTS A. Section 01400 - Quality Control Services: Testing, inspection and analysis requirements. B. Test units to specified surge ratings to ensure devices will achieve required life expectancy and reliability. Testing to full ratings also verifies internal construction quality of suppressors. Provide withstand testing for each mode and each phase basis. C. Perform actual Let-Through voltage test data in form of oscillograph results for ANSI/IEEE C62.41 Catalog C3 (20 kV, 10 kA), Catalog C1 (6 kV, 3 kA), and Catalog. B3 (6 kv, 500 A at 100 kHz) tested in accordance with ANSI/IEEE C62.45. D. Perform spectrum analysis of each unit based on MIL-STD-220A test procedures between 50 kHz and 200 kHz verifying device noise attenuation exceeds 45 dB at 100 kHz. E. Perform test verifying suppressors can survive published surge current rating for each mode and each phase basis. Test wave based on ANSI/IEEE C62.41, 8x20 microsecond current wave. CTI Consulting Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors 16289 - 5 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verification of existing conditions before starting work. B. Verify mounting area is ready for equipment. C. Verify circuit rough-ins are at correct location. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Install in accordance with IEEE 1100. B. Install distribution and branch suppressors in panel boards. C. Install using direct bus bar connection. D. Install Work in accordance with local, State and Federal codes, regulations and standards. End of Section 16289 CTI Consulting Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors 16289 - 6 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 SECTION 16440 DISCONNECT SWITCHES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Disconnect switches. B. Enclosures. 1.02 RELATED SECTION A. Section 01300 - Submittals. B. Section 16010 - General Requirements Electrical. C. Section 16195 - Electrical Identification. 1.03 REFERENCES A. ANSI / NFPA 70 – National Electrical Code (NEC). 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Submit under provisions of Section 01300. B. Product Data: Provide catalog information and/or drawings indicating dimensions and equipment ratings for voltage, capacity, horsepower, and short circuit. 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver, store, protect, and handle Products to site under provisions of Section 16010. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 SIDE HANDLE DISCONNECT SWITCHES A. Acceptable manufacturers: General Electric, Hammer/Westinghouse, or approved equivalent. Square D, Cutler- B. Switch assemblies: 30-amp, 240-volt, 2-pole or 3-pole, as required, fusible CTI Consulting Disconnect Switches 16440 - 1 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 type, NEMA KS 1, UL listed; heavy duty, quick-make, quick-break, load interrupter type enclosed knife switch with externally operable handle interlocked to prevent opening front cover with switch in the ON position. Handle lockable in the ON or OFF position with up to two padlocks. C. Enclosures: NEMA KS 1, UL listed; NEMA 3R as indicated herein. 2.02 TOGGLE TYPE DISCONNECT SWITCHES A. Acceptable manufacturers: G.E., Hubbel, Pass & Seymor, Bryant, or approved equivalent. B. Switch assemblies: UL listed; AC manual motor starting type switch; 120- volt AC single-phase with 16-amp continuous current rating, single pole as required by circuit with red pilot light; mounted in a NEMA 1 surface mounted enclosure; black nylon toggle handle; 1 HP rated; standard device face plate. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install disconnect switches at all electric motors and at all other equipment and appliance items as indicated on the plans and/or as required by Code. B. Mount disconnect switches to steel channel frames connected to building steel structure, equipment being served (only where permitted by manufacturer of equipment), or on free standing, steel channel frames. C. Label all disconnect switches in accordance with Section 16195. 3.02 DISCONNECT SWITCH SCHEDULE A. Provide toggle type disconnect switches in finished spaces for appliances, equipment, and small motor loads. B. Provide side handle disconnect switches as indicated on plans and at locations not covered above. C. Install switches in NEMA 1 enclosures at all dry indoor locations. D. Install switches in NEMA 3R enclosures at all wet locations. End of Section 16440 CTI Consulting Disconnect Switches 16440 - 2 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 SECTION 16450 SECONDARY GROUNDING SYSTEM PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 1.02 SECTION INCLUDES A. Power system grounding. B. Security system grounding. C. Electrical equipment and raceway grounding and bonding. RELATED SECTIONS A. 1.03 1.04 REFERENCES A. ANSI / NFPA 70 – National Electrical Code (NEC). B. FAA STND 019 – Lightning and Surge Protection, grounding and Shielding Requirements for Facilities and Electronic Equipment. SUBMITTALS A. 1.05 Section 16130 – Boxes. Submit product and shop drawings under provisions of Section 01300. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver, store, protect, and handle Products to site as reuired. B. Accept conduit on site. Inspect for damage. C. Protect conduit from corrosion and entrance of debris by storing above grade. Provide appropriate covering. D. Protect PVC conduit from sunlight. CTI Consulting Secondary Grounding System 16450 - 1 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Ground rods: Copper-encased steel, ¾ inch diameter, minimum length of 10 feet. B. Conductors: Electrode connection shall be bare solid soft-drawn copper; equipment grounds shall be stranded copper with green TW insulation #6 AWG minimum. C. Electrode connections and connections to structural steel: Cadweld exothermic weld process using the specific molds designed for each type of connection. Burndy Hyground compression system connections are also acceptable. If Burndy system is used, stud connections to the building structure shall be welded with a continuous bead around the entire perimeter of the contact plate. D. Equipment ground connections: Compression type ring lug. E. Equipment room ground busses: Solid copper, sized as indicated on the drawings. Field tap as required for connections. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Provide building grounding electrodes as indicated on the drawings. B. Bond together service equipment enclosures, exposed non-current carrying metal parts of electrical equipment, metal raceway systems, grounding conductor in raceways and cables, receptacle ground connectors as required by the NEC – use green insulated grounding conductors. C. Provide a separate, insulated equipment grounding conductor in all branch circuits. Terminate each end on a grounding lug, bus, or bushing. Compression type ring lugs shall be used for termination except where insertion type lugs with screw fittings are provided as part of the ground bus or grounding bushing. D. Bond ground busses of all panels in equipment rooms to equipment room ground bus with conductor of the same size as the panel feeder equipment ground. CTI Consulting Secondary Grounding System 16450 - 2 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 3.02 E. Provide separate ground rods as required for lightning protection system (refer to Section 16670) and bond this ground system to the power system 2 feet underground at a minimum of one point with a #4/0 ground electrode. F. Provide ground busses in equipment rooms as indicated on drawings. Mount securely to wall with ½ inch stand-off between wall and bus. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Inspect grounding and bonding system conductors and connections for tightness and proper installation. B. Strike all completed exothermic welds with a 16 ounce hammer and reweld if they crack or come loose. C. The independent testing contractor shall check ground continuity from all system neutral connections to ground electrode test wells. Resistance shall not exceed 5 ohms. Document all test results and include in the O&M manual. D. Test transformer neutral disconnected to have one mega ohm minimum resistance to building ground. End of Section 16450 CTI Consulting Secondary Grounding System 16450 - 3 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport This page left intentionally blank CTI Consulting Secondary Grounding System 16450 - 4 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 SECTION 16460 DRY TYPE TRANSFORMERS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Dry type two winding transformers. B. Isolation transformers. C. Low-voltage transformers. D. Constant voltage regulators. 1.02 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01300 - Submittals. B. Section 16010 – General Requirements Electrical. 1.03 REFERENCES A. ANSI / NFPA 70 – National Electrical Code. B. ANSI C89.2 - Specialty Transformers. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Submit product and shop drawings under provisions of Section 01300. B. Include outline and support point dimensions of enclosures and accessories, unit weight, voltage, KVA, and impedance ratings and characteristics, loss data at no load and full load, efficiency, sound level, tap configurations, insulation system type, and rated temperature rise. 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver, store, protect, and handle Products to site under provisions of Section 16010. CTI Consulting Dry Transformer 16460 - 1 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 CONTROL POWER TRANSFORMERS A. Acceptable manufacturers: Acme electric, G.E., Square D, CutlerHammer/Westinghouse, or approved equivalent. B. Control power transformer: ANSI C89.2, UL-506 listed; factory-assembled, air cooled dry type transformers. C. Isolation transformer shall be shielded with a grounded electrostatic shield between the primary and secondary winding. Shield shall provide power line noise isolation, filtering, and transient voltage control. D. Transformer rated at 250 VA with 800 VA inrush rating at 20% power factor and 95% secondary voltage. The primary transformer winding shall be for 120-volt, 60-Hz, single phase operation. The secondary shall provide 120volt, 60-Hz power. Voltage regulation shall be within 10% compensation. E. The transformer shall have 185-degree Celsius (NEMA) or lower insulation class, 115 degree Celsius rise above 40-degree Celsius ambient temperature rating and a maximum surface temperature rating of 65degree Celsius. F. Transformer shall have duel primary and single secondary fuse blocks. The primary and secondary fuse blocks shall accept fast-acting NEMA Class CC fuses rated 120-volts. G. Ground core and coil assembly to enclosure by means of a visible flexible copper grounding strap. H. Constant voltage regulators shall be used where long power feeders result in low system voltage at the ACAMS cabinet. Unit shall maintain plus or minus 3% of nominal system voltage value over an input voltage range from 20% below to 10% over nominal voltage. Provide constant voltage regulators where system power has two distorted wave shapes due to power line harmonics, transverse-mode transients, and utility power brownouts. I. Transformers shall have mounting feet for surface mounting inside a control panel or enclosure. J. Coil conductors: Continuous windings with terminations brazed or welded. K. Nameplate: Include transformer connection data and overload capacity based on rated allowable temperature rise in accordance with Section 16195. CTI Consulting Dry Transformer 16460 - 2 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 2.02 LOW-VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER A. Acceptable manufacturers: ACME, G.E., Saure D, or approved equivalent. B. Low-voltage, step-down transformers shall be plug-in type for operation from 120-volt, 60-Hertz power. C. Rated output shall be as indicated on the plans. Provide unit with adequate capacity to provide power to the equipment. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Securely mount transformer in enclosure, rated for designated Seismic Zone and directly connected to building steel. B. Make conduit connections to side panel of enclosure. C. Ground transformer neutral to the closest building steel and to the service entrance ground. 3.02 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Perform following acceptance test in accordance with Section 16010 as approved by the manufacturer and in accordance with NETA Standards: 1. Insulation resistance tests, winding to winding and winding to ground. 2. Turns ratio test for each winding at all tap settings. B. Check for damage and tight connections prior to energizing transformer. C. Measure and record transformer primary and secondary voltages and make appropriate tap adjustments. Voltages on secondary shall be within 2 % of rated voltage. End of Section 16460 CTI Consulting Dry Transformer 16460 - 3 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport This page left intentionally blank CTI Consulting Dry Transformer 16460 - 4 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 SECTION 16470 CIRCUIT BREAKERS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Circuit breakers. B. Circuit breakers shall be provided and installed for installation in existing panel boards. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01300 - Submittals. B. Section 16010 - General Requirements Electrical. 1.03 REFERENCES A. ANSI / NFPA 70 – National Electrical Code (NEC). B. UL 1066 - Low Voltage AC and DC Power Circuit Breakers Used in Enclosures. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Submit under provisions of Section 01300. B. Provide product data on circuit breaker. 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver, store, protect, and handle Products to site under provisions of Section 16010. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 CIRCUIT BREAKERS - EXISTING PANEL BOARDS A. Acceptable manufacturers: G.E., Square Hammer/Westinghouse, or approved equivalent. D, Cuttler- B. Molded case circuit breakers: NEMA AB 1, UL listed; bolt-on type thermal CTI Consulting Circuit Breakers 16470 - 1 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 magnetic trip circuit breakers, with common trip handle for all poles. 2.02 CIRCUIT BREAKERS – NEW PANEL BOARDS A. Acceptable manufacturers: Buchanan, Allen-Bradley, Square D, or approved equivalent. B. High density, thermal-magnetic circuit breakers; single-pole; channel mounted, visible trip indication; 250-volt NEMA and UL rated; UL listed; 5 kiloamp fault current rated breakers. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION - EXISTING PANEL BOARDS A. Coordinate manufacturer and type of panel board that is to have circuit breakers installed into it.. B. Install circuit breakers in existing panel boards per manufacturer’s instructions. Circuit breakers to have a minimum rating of no less than 5KA short circuit rating. C. Provide circuit identification to be placed on the panel board directory located on the inside door of each panel board identifying the load and the area the breaker is serving. 3.02 INSTALLATION – NEW PANEL BOARDS A. Install circuit breakers in enclosures mounted to terminal channel strips. B. Maintain required clearances between high and low voltage wiring and devices mounted in the enclosure. C. Provide circuit breaker directory located on the inside door of each enclosure identifying the load and the device the breaker is serving in accordance with Section 16195. 3.03 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Provide acceptance testing in accordance with Section 16010. B. Perform all acceptance testing recommended by NETA and approved by the manufacturer. C. Replace any equipment that fails the above testing. CTI Consulting Circuit Breakers 16470 - 2 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 D. Take care to maintain proper phasing for multi-wire branch circuits. Correct directories, wiring color-codes and record drawings when balancing is complete. E. Visual and mechanical inspection: Inspect for physical damage, proper alignment, anchorage, and grounding. Check proper installation and tightness of connections for circuit breakers. End of Section 16470 CTI Consulting Circuit Breakers 16470 - 3 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport This page left intentionally blank CTI Consulting Circuit Breakers 16470 - 4 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 SECTION 16477 FUSES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Fuses. B. Fuse holders. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01300 - Submittals. B. Section 16010 - General Requirements Electrical. 1.03 REFERENCES A. ANSI / NFPA 70 – National Electrical Code. B. UL 198 - Fuses. C. UL 512 - Fuse Holders. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Submit under provisions of Section 01300. B. Product Data: Provide product data showing electrical characteristics including time-current curves. 1.05 EXTRA MATERIALS A. Provide three of each size and type fuse installed. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 FUSES A. Acceptable manufacturers: Bussman/Cooper Industries, Littelfuse, Gould- Shawmeet, or equivalent. B. Fuses for safety disconnect switches shall be 250-volt, Class RK-5 with CTI Consulting Fuses 16477 - 1 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 current rating for the load at the installed site. C. Fuses for transformer primary and secondary winding shall be 120-volt, Class CC. The current rating of the primary winding fuses shall be in accordance with NEC. Fuses shall be glass body, fast-acting, ¼ inch diameter, 1-1/4 inch long time delay type. D. Spare fuses shall be provided in panels at each location which consists of one complete set of each type and rating of fuse installed in the panel or safety switch. 2.02 FUSE HOLDERS A. Fuse blocks shall be rated for 120-volt, 60-Hertz and the current capacity of the fuse it will hold. An acceptable number of poles shall be provided as required at the installation. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install fuse holder and fuses s in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. B. Install fuse with label oriented such that manufacturer, type, and size are easily read. End of Section 16477 CTI Consulting Fuses 16477 - 2 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 SECTION 16670 LIGHTNING PROTECTION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Lightning protection system air terminal and bases. B. Lightning protection system conductor. C. Connectors, fasteners and accessories. D. Ground rods, fittings and clamps. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 16170 - Grounding and Bonding. 1.03 REFERENCES A. ANSI / NFPA 70 – National Electrical Code (NEC). B. FAA-Std-019A – Lightning and Surge Protection, Grounding, Bonding and Shielding Requirements for Facilities and electronic Equipment C. LPI 175 - Lightning Protection Installation Standard. D. NFPA 780 - Lightning Protection Code. E. UL 96 - Lightning Protection Components. F. UL 96A - Installation Requirements for Lightning Protection Systems. 1.04 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS A. Design the lightning protection system to provide lightning protection components installed on mounting poles which handle lightning strikes and lightning surge dissipation into the ground. B. The design must accommodate the operational considerations of the equipment installed on the mounting pole. CTI Consulting Lightning Protection 16670 - 1 April 20, 2007 1.05 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport SUBMITTALS A. Submit under provisions of Section 01300. B. Product Data for each component specified. Include the following where used: 1. 2. 3. 4. Air terminals and bases. Lightning protection conductor. Connectors, fasteners and accessories. Ground rods, fittings and clamps. C. Shop Drawings detailing lightning protection system. Include air terminal locations, conductor routing and connections, and bonding and grounding provisions. D. Qualification data for firms and persons to demonstrate their capabilities and experience. Include data on listing or certification by a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) or trade association. Include lists of completed projects with project names and addresses, names and addresses of architects and owners, and other information specified. E. Field inspection reports indicating compliance with specified requirements. 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installer Qualifications: Engage an experienced installer who is NRTL listed or who is certified by the Lightning Protection Institute (LPI) as a Master Installer/Designer. B. Listing and Labeling: Provide products specified in this Section that are listed and labeled. 1. The Terms “Listed” and “Labeled”: As defined in the National electrical Code, Article 100. 2. Listing and Labeling Agency Qualifications: A “Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory” as defined in OSHA Regulation 1910.7. C. Provide LPI certification of system. 1.07 SEQUENCING AND SCHEDULING A. Coordinate installation of lightning protection with installation of other systems and components, including supporting structures and metal bodies requiring bonding to lightning protection components. CTI Consulting Lightning Protection 16670 - 2 April 20, 2007 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the work include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 2.02 A-C Lightning Security, Inc. Approved Lightning Protection Co., Inc. Bonded Lightning Protection Systems, Inc. Harger Lightning Protection Inc. Heary Bros. Lightning Protection Co. Independent Protection Co., Inc. Robbins Lightning, Inc. Thopmson Lightning Protection Co. West Dodd Lightning Conductor Corp. LIGHTNING PROTECTION SYSTEM COMPONENTS A. Comply with UL 96. B. System Materials: Aluminum, with slid air terminals, except as otherwise indicated. C. Ground Rods: Copper-clad steel with a minimum of 27% of rod weight in copper cladding. 1. Diameter: ¾-inch. 2. Length: 10-feet. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Examine surfaces, areas, and conditions, with Installer present, for compliance with installation tolerances and other conditions affecting performance of lightning protection. Do not proceed with installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Install lightning protection as indicated, according to manufacturer’s written instructions. CTI Consulting Lightning Protection 16670 - 3 ACAMS Upgrade Project Birmingham International Airport April 20, 2007 B. Comply with FAA-STD-019A, UL 96A, LPI-175, and NFPA 780. C. Conformance shall fall to the most stringent requirements when more than one standard covers a specific item. D. Install conductors with direct paths from air terminals to ground connections. Avoid sharp bends and narrow loops. E. Cable Connections: Use approved exothermic-welded connections for all below grade conductor splices and connections between conductors and other components. F. Bond extremities of vertical metal bodies to lightning protection components. G. Bond ground terminals to counterpoise conductor. 3.03 CORROSION PROTECTION A. Do not combine materials that can form an electrolytic couple that will accelerate corrosion in the presence of moisture, unless moisture is permanently excluded from the junction of such materials. B. Use conductors with protective coatings where conditions would cause deterioration or corrosion of conductors. 3.04 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Periodic Inspections: Provide the services of a qualified inspector to perform periodic inspections during construction and at its completion, according to LPI-177. B. ETL Inspection: Provide the services of ETL to inspect completed system for conformation with specified requirements. End of Section 16670 CTI Consulting Lightning Protection 16670 - 4
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