COVER SHEET Church Name: St. Alphonsus Catholic Church 33 Conwell Drive Maple Glen, PA 19002 Bulletin Number: 020800 E-Mail Address: Contact Person: Valerie Barbour Software: Microsoft Publisher 2007 Adobe Acrobat 9 Standard Windows XP Professional Printer: HP Laserjet 1200 Series Number of pages sent: 7 Sunday Date of Publication: July 24, 2011 St. Alphonsus Parish July 24, 2011 More than Forty-five years serving the People of God Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. Owens, Pastor Rev. Quan M. Trinh, Parochial Vicar Rev. Joseph B. Smits CICM, Weekend Asst. Deacon Peter H. Burghart Rev. Wilfred F. Maloney, Pastor Emeritus RECTORY—(215) 646-4600 FAX—(215) 646-0180 Kathy Morris, Parish Services Director Nick D’Amico, Parish Business Manager SCHOOL—(215) 646-0150 Mr. David Hayden, Principal Mr. Joseph Carmean, Building/Property Manager MUSIC MINISTRY—(215) 654-0129 Mrs. Mary Lou Lewcun, Music Director PREP—(215) 643-7938 Ms. Linda Tonelli, Director of Religious Education CHOIR—(215) 542-8319 Mr. Frank Stieber, Director Parish Website: Church E-Mail: WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE (IN CHURCH) Saturday Vigil: 5 PM Sunday: 8AM, 10:15 AM and 12:00 Noon SACRAMENT OF PENANCE (In Chapel Reconciliation Room) Saturday : after 9 AM Mass; 3:45 PM to 4:45 PM DAILY MASS SCHEDULE (IN CHAPEL) Monday through Friday: 6:30 AM and 9:00 AM Saturday: 9:00 AM LITURGY OF THE HOURS/ROSARY (In Chapel) Morning Prayer is Monday through Saturday at 8:40 AM. The recitation of the Holy Rosary follows our 9 AM Mass. PARISH BUSINESS OFFICE (In the Rectory) Monday through Friday: 9 AM to 12:30 PM and 1 PM to 4 PM Saturday (Mass Cards only) 10 AM to 2 PM Sunday (Mass Cards only) 9 AM to Noon NEW FAMILIES Welcome to St. Alphonsus. Please register at the rectory. We are eager to greet new members of our parish community. Call for an appointment. (Note: Families moving out of the Parish should also notify the rectory). YOUR WILL Please remember our parish in your bequests. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM The Sacrament of Baptism celebrated on the 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month at 1:15PM in the church. Parents are expected to attend a Pre-Jordan class prior to the baptism. Please call the Rectory to arrange the baptism ceremony and/or to register for Pre-Jordan class. SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY Couples contemplating marriage must contact one of the priests at least six months in advance to make an appointment to discuss marriage plans and preparation. SACRAMENT OF THE ANOINTING OF THE SICK Those hospitalized, seriously ill or anticipating a hospital procedure are welcome to celebrate the Anointing of the Sick after the last daily Mass on any weekday. Please contact the Rectory to indicate your intention to receive the Sacrament. 33 Conwell Drive, Maple Glen, PA 19002 (215) 646-4600 SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME July 24, 2011 Saturday, July 23: 9:00 AM Bob Dempski—The Family 5:00 PM For an Increase in Vocations to Priesthood and Religious Life Sunday, July 24: 8:00 AM For the People of the Parish 10:15 AM Mercedes Moerman—Friends at St. Alphonsus’ Rectory 12:00 PM William Fynes—The Fynes Family Monday, July 25: 6:30 AM No Mass Intention 9:00 AM Hilda Johnson,2nd Ann.– Valerie Barbour Tuesday, July 26: 6:30 AM Joseph Erb—The Kershaw Family 9:00 AM Skip Hofmann—Kay Fynes Wednesday, July 27: 6:30 AM No Mass Intention 9:00 AM Mercedes Moerman—Spencer Taddei & Family Thursday, July 28: 6:30 AM George Finley—The Finley Family 9:00 AM Amelita Cresswell—The Rooney Family Friday, July 29: 6:30 AM No Mass Intentions 9:00 AM Edward Bettinger—Bill & Michele Kane Saturday, July 30: 9:00 AM John McDonnell—Spencer Taddei & Family 5:00 PM Joseph Serratore—Dolores Serratore Sunday, July 31: 8:00 AM Joseph Pinto Sr. Esq.—Dick & Edie Ruth 10:15 AM For the People of the Parish 12:00 PM Margaret McCormick—The Robins Family HOLY COMMUNION FOR THE SICK AND HOMEBOUND If you are unable to attend Mass and would like to receive Holy Communion, please contact Kathy Morris at the Rectory at (215) 646-4600. Page 2 SICK RELATIVES AND FRIENDS Leonard Paccione, Kirsten Threlfall, Vittorio Santoro, Ann Michels, Joseph Burke, David Dickson IV, Alice Notaris, Patricia Gavaghan, Luta Lipman, Fred Silverman, Jim Jandrisitz, Marie Tarquini, Michael DiMuzio, Ralph Naccarato, Louis Engle, Kathleen O’Shea, Julie Moor, Ella Dierkes, Grace Pierce, Mary Kay Greenwood, Morgan McDonald, Jim Corcoran, Patti Carrier, Charles Irwin, Joseph Loehle Jr., Belinda Loehle, Marisa Fabiszewski, Shannon D. DiGiuseppe, Clara and Larry Exner, Winifred Auch, Joseph McNamara, Dorothy McAuliffe, David and Sarah Byrne, Kathleen Finnegan, Richard Shelton, Elizabeth Schapperle, Carol Stilletto, Barbara Ramsden, Kevin Romano, Charles O’Donnell, Ethel Cirotti, Grace Marcozzi, Michelle Gossner, Thomas Fisher, Gerard Taddei, Anne Romberger, Jennifer McDermott. DECEASED RELATIVES AND FRIENDS Thomas Biermaas (husband of Maureen Biermaas), Edith Subacus, Marie McBride, Thomas Sullivan, Anthony and Helen Henry, William Fedyna, Josephine Gianinni. PRAY FOR OUR TROOPS Eric Burns, Matthew Reed, John Hoffner, Joey Lewcun, Anthony Szczurek, Tania Szczurek, Matthew Trimborn, Major Gabriel J. Zinni, Ryan Greene, Michael McHale, Michael McDonald, Matthew Morrison, Col. John Sullivan, Lieutenant Thomas Luft, Bradford Hollingsworth. Together as a parish we pray for their safety. Please contact John Cavanaugh if you would like to add a name or for more information: or 215-643-3299. We invite you to bring in a picture of your loved one who is presently serving our country. Place on the display in narthex. July 30/31 Celebrants 5:00 PM: Rev. Msgr. Peter Francis 8:00 AM: Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. Owens 10:15 AM: Rev. Msgr. Peter Francis 12:00 PM: Rev. Joseph B. Smits 5:00 PM: Louise Rafferty, Caroline Menapace 8:00 AM: Frank Stieber, Mary Lou Lewcun 10:15 AM: Phyllis Ludwig, Reagan Lawn 12:00 PM: Monica Spadoni-Matthews, Michele Burns Bulletin notices are due no later than Monday noon to Adoration Corner There will be no Adoration during the summer. Adoration will resume Wed. Sept. 7th READINGS FOR NEXT SUNDAY First Reading — All you who thirst, come to the water! You without money, come to the feast! (Isaiah 55:1-3). Psalm — The hand of the Lord feeds us; He answers all our needs (Psalm 145). Second Reading — Nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ (Romans 8:35, 37-39). Gospel — All ate until satisfied; they collected twelve baskets of what was left over (Matthew 14:13-21). June Giving June 2011: $78,861.26—June 2010: $77,421.87 E-Giving $9,851.38 Thank you, Msgr. Owens Going on Vacation? Please remember your parish during the summer months, as your financial support helps us fulfill the parish mission. EGiving helps both of us manage this process. In today’s electronic world, we can pay our bills and even donate to our parish. Welcome Msgr. Francis Dear friends, Meditation The pity of Jesus Christ always results in a New Creation, Christ is not scandalized by human need and want. Rather, the Lord regards every experience of human lack as a prime opportunity to manifest God’s lavishness. From the earliest days, God has beckoned us, promising, “Come, all who are thirsty! Come, you who have no money!” The Lord delights in the dependence that our destitution evokes, and He answers it—in today’s “deserted place” with bread and fish, and in the upper room with His very self. Trial, distress, hunger and danger do not separate us from the love of Christ. Rather, they draw him close to us with a love that conquers all. Church Ministry Institute Are you interested in learning more about your faith? Do you want to fill in some learning gaps for personal reasons or to enable you to participate in ministry with confidence? Then consider attending the Church Ministry Institute, a three-year certificate program offered by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. There are no papers to write or tests to take. Meet committed faculty, and enjoy excellent texts. For a brochure and application form call 215-587-0551 or visit our website: Course Sites Bishop Shanahan, Downingtown, Tuesday The Institute for Evangelization, Wednesday (In Spanish) Lansdale Catholic High School, Lansdale, Wednesday St. Matthias Parish, Bala Cynwyd, Tuesday, Thursday Archbishop Ryan High School, Philadelphia, Thursday All classes are 7-9:30 PM Teller Group # 4 July 31 : Claire Hollister Dan Opdyke Grace McCollum July Poor Box: Phila. Catholic Guild for the Blind Page 3 PARISH FINANCIAL INFORMATION It's my pleasure to introduce you to Msgr. Peter Francis, Vicar General of the diocese of Kumbakonam, Tamilnadu, India. Msgr. Francis is spending his summer in the United States and offering his services to parishes here. Catholic with a small "c" means universal. The Catholic Church is global. She has many "faces". She lives and breathes in different cultural settings. Perhaps, Monsignor's visit will give us a little glimpse of the Church in India. It's one gospel filtered through the prism of many cultures. Msgr. Francis will be here until August 14. As had been announced, Monsignor's stay with us will make it possible to have daily Mass at 6:30 AM on the weeks of July 24, July 31 and August 7. Blessings, Msgr. Owens When visiting other parishes during your vacations, please pick up a bulletin and drop it off to Kathy Morris at the Parish Office. We love to see what’s going on in other churches. Coaches Orientation Plymouth Meeting, PA Date: Saturday, August 6, 2011; Time: 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM The CYO Coaches Orientation is a one-day seminar that provides assistance and training for coaches. It is designed to inform and develop the Catholic Coach. Cost: $15.00 per person PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED FOR THIS ORIENTATION - SPACE IS LIMITED Registration begins at 8:00 AM Continental Breakfast will be provided. Please e-mail or fax your registration form to: Craig Beausoleil or 215-965-4629 (fax) For registration forms visit the Coaches Orientation Home Page Bulletin notices are due no later than Monday noon to LaSalle College High School The following students have achieved academic excellence for the second semester of the 1011-11 school year: Archbishop Wood High School Robert Walton Smith Achieved First Honors on the End of Year Report Mount St. Joseph Academy Academics: Regan Gallagher achieved Second Honors for the June 2011 term. Mount St. Joseph Academy Alumnae Join the fun at our 19th Annual Golf Classic, Monday, October 3, 2011 at Blue Bell Country Club. Lunch, cocktails & dinner included. Golf at your level and convenience! Morning or afternoon tee times. New to the game? Learn with the pros with our Instructional Golf option! Golf equipment will be provided for those who need it. Cost is $250 per golfer in either program. Raffle tickets are available. For more information, contact Theresa Moyer, Director of Alumnae (215) 233-3177, x334 or email Cardinal Dougherty Class of 1981 CDHS class of 1981 will hold its reunion Saturday, October 1, 2011 at 7 PM-midnight at the Emerald Room II (Sprinkler Fitters Hall), 14002 McNulty Rd. Phila., PA. The price is $50 per person. For tickets, contact Brian McGovern (267) 664-7786 or Chris O’Donnell (215) 342-3174. Northeast Catholic Alumni Association Northeast Catholic HS, Class of 1966 is having their 45th Reunion Saturday, October 1, 2011, 7 PM at King’s Caterers, 4010 New Falls Road, Bristol PA 19002. For additional information, contact alumni office: (215) 543-1051 or e-mail First Honors: Michael Barrett, David Cox, Andrew Eckert, John Farris, Jr., Daniel Finnegan, Kevin Finnegan, Jacob Klemmer, Matthew Lucas, William Lucas, Alexander Marzullo, Christopher Mather, Nicholas Mather, Thomas Mazza II, Michael O’Connor, Thomas Smith Jr., Ryan Winslow, Francis Worthington. Second Honors: Patrick Clark, John Gregor, Robert Kelly, Joseph Kennedy, John Lawlor, Joseph Maginnis, Paul Maginnis, Thomas McClain, Shea O’Neill, Liam Reeves, Joseph Vasoli. St. Luke’s—Glenside, PA St. Luke’s Summer Stock Proudly Presents: “Once on this Island Jr.” August 4 and 5th at 7:00 PM $8 in advance and $10 at the door For tickets or more information contact Terry Dillinger, Rachel’s Vineyard Rachel’s Vineyard Ministries will be hosting a Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat for Healing after Abortion on August 5-7, 2011. This weekend retreat will be held in Doylestown, PA at the National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa. For more information call Cindy at (484) 947-5130. Read more about the retreat online at All requests are strictly confidential! Pray Reflect Discuss The Holy Gospel The Holy Gospel is not the mere reading of a text; it is the presence of the risen Jesus in the midst of the Church. No sooner is the Gospel announced than the people address Christ directly, saying, “Glory to you, Lord.” Similarly, after the Gospel, the people address their Lord, saying, “Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.” Lighted candles and burning incense, marks of reverence and joy, may accompany the procession with the Book of the Gospels and surround the ambo while it is chanted or read. We listen to the Gospel standing, like a people thrilled to see and hear their King. Before the Gospel, we make a sign of the cross three times: on the forehead, the lips, and the heart, praying that the Word of Christ fill our thoughts, bring praise to our lips, and inflame us with love. The Sunday Gospels roll on a three year cycle: Saint Matthew (Year A), Saint Mark (Year B), and Saint Luke (Year C). Part of the Gospel of Saint John, Jesus’ discourse on the Bread of Life, is fitted into Year B; the greater part of it is read during Paschaltide. “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life” (John 6:68). The topics that have been presented to you since January, we hope will assist you in preparation for the acceptance of the 3rd edition to the Roman Missal this coming Advent. If you would like more information, please go to these websites: or Page 4 Bulletin notices are due no later than Monday noon to ORGANIZATIONAL NEWS INTERESTED IN BECOMING A CATHOLIC? New Cover for Our Bulletin We would like to change the cover of our bulletin. Have any suggestions? Can you help? This is something that can be worked on at home and submitted to Kathy Morris via email. Let us know if you are interested helping or have any ideas. You can call the Parish Office or email at Your input is welcomed! Life is a journey that continually searches for meaning. The human heart hungers for relationships that nurture one’s ability to love and to be loved. Often as one seeks to fulfill these very human yearnings, the realization that something is missing from life is made. As one reflects on the void, it is not unusual to discover that this something missing is God. This awakening may lead to a turning point on one’s life to commit to a relationship with God and seek out a worshipping community to guide one’s journey in faith. At that point many will ask: “How can I become Catholic?” NEW STUDENTS TO THE PARISH RELIGIOUS PROGRAM If you have a student entering first grade in September and they attend our public schools, we have religion classes on Sunday mornings or Tuesday afternoons. Please take a registration form which is located in the Narthex and join us. Blood Drive at Jarrettown Methodist Blood supplies are very low now because many potential Red Cross donors are away on vacation. For that reason, The Red Cross needs many donors for the drive at Jarrettown Methodist Church, 1460 Limekiln Pike on Tuesday, August 2nd from 1:30-7:15 PM. If you are able to donate at this time, please respond at with your name, preferred donor time, and address. You will be sent a reminder shortly before the drive. Sister Parish Outreach A single mother of three boys in Philadelphia is still in need of a kitchen/dining room table and chairs. If can help, call Dick Mohrbacher (215) 646-7690. Rectory Volunteer Needed The Parish Business Manager is in need of a volunteer to support him. This person should possess accounting and organization skills. Please contact Nick D’Amico in the Parish Office at (215) 646-4600 if you are interested. Have You Seen Our Facebook Page? By following us on Facebook, you can easily stay in touch with the parish even when you’re away, and make sure you won’t miss event photos, announcements, and updates that don’t make the bulletin. You can also sign up for emails and receive our latest news and announcements as they are posted. Lots of new ways of keeping you informed as to what the parish is doing. Page 5 The RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is the way people join the Catholic Christian Community. It is the process of instruction, prayer, and community experience that leads to full membership in the Catholic Church. The program is for those never baptized, those married to or marrying Catholics and wanting to better understand their partner’s faith, those persons having never received the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist, or needing some more instruction to help them to an adult faith. If you or someone you know who may want to join us, contact the Parish Office or e-mail us at This summer take some time to discover the rich treasure of Catholic literature. The website www. has a great selection of books for all age groups. Books such as” Unplanned by Amy Johnson, “Parish Priest” by Douglas Brinkley & Julie M. Fenster and “The Magician’s Nephew” by C. S. Lewis are just a few of the books that are listed on their summer reading list. St. Alphonsus Church welcomes the following families to our parish family: Charles & Elizabeth Cirelli (Damian, Mary, Anne & Luke) Joseph & Mimi Pinto (Mia) Jeffrey & Joanne Chick (Gianna) Kevin & Diana Kohler (John) John F. Creed Kathleen Baker Stefano & Pat Gelardi (Kate Hughes) Joseph & Lisa Curcio (Julianna & Joseph Jr.) Frank & Peggy Osborne Sean & Moira Murphy (Brendan, Delaney & Declan) Rose Rosenberger Brian & Amanda McCaffrey (Kylie) Daniel & Gina Ortiz Jean Marie McCann Patricia Carver Bulletin notices are due no later than Monday noon to The Archdiocese of Philadelphia welcomes MOST REVEREND CHARLES J. CHAPUT, O.F.M. Cap., D.D. Archbishop Charles J. Chaput was born September 26, 1944, in Concordia, Kansas, the son of Joseph and Marian DeMarais Chaput. He attended Our Lady of Perpetual Help Grade School in Concordia and St. Francis Seminary High School in Victoria, Kansas. He joined the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin, St. Augustine Province, in 1965. After earning a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy from St. Fidelis College Seminary in Herman, Pennsylvania in 1967, he earned a Master of Arts in Religious Education from Capuchin College in Washington, D.C., in 1970. He was ordained to the priesthood on August 29, 1970. Archbishop Chaput received a Master of Arts in Theology from the University of San Francisco in 1971. He served as an instructor in theology and spiritual director at St. Fidelis from 1971-1974 and as executive secretary and director of communications for the Capuchin Province of St. Augustine in Pittsburgh from 1974 to 1977. In 1977, he became pastor of Holy Cross Parish in Thornton, Colorado, and vicar provincial for the Capuchin Province of Mid-America. He was named secretary and treasurer for the province in 1980. He became chief executive and provincial minister three years later. Archbishop Chaput was ordained Bishop of Rapid City, South Dakota, on July 26, 1988. Pope John Paul II appointed him Archbishop of Denver on February 18, 1997, and he was installed on April 7 the same year. As a member of the Prairie Band Potawatomi Tribe, Archbishop Chaput was the second Native American to be ordained bishop in the United States, and the first Native American archbishop. He chose as his episcopal motto: “As Christ Loved the Church” (Ephesians 5:25). Pope Benedict XVI appointed him Archbishop of Philadelphia on July 19, 2011. He will be installed as the 13th bishop and ninth archbishop of Philadelphia on September 8, 2011. In 1999, building on the efforts of his predecessor in Denver, Archbishop Chaput founded St. John Vianney Theological Seminary, an affiliate of the Pontifical Lateran University. From 1998 to 2011, Archbishop Chaput has ordained 71 men for the Archdiocese of Denver. Nearly half of the diocesan priests in active duty for the archdiocese were ordained by him. In 2002, assisted by his Auxiliary Bishop José Gomez, Archbishop Chaput founded Centro San Juan Diego in response to the pastoral and educational needs of the growing Hispanic community in Colorado. He later co-founded the national Catholic Association of Latino Leaders (CALL) and helped in the founding of ENDOW, a leadership initiative of Catholic women to “Educate on the Nature and Dignity of Women.” He was also instrumental in creating the Denver-based Augustine Institute, an independent, lay-run graduate school for the formation of lay Catholic leaders, catechists and evangelizers. Archbishop Chaput served on the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, 2003-2006. Duties included religious freedom fact-finding missions to China and Turkey, and annual reports monitoring global trends in religious liberty mandated by 1998 federal law. In 2005, he was named a member of the official U.S. delegation to Cordoba, Spain, for the “Conference on Anti-Semitism and Other Forms of Intolerance,” sponsored by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). The national Becket Fund for Religious Liberty awarded him the 2009 Canterbury Medal for his work in advancing religious freedom. Archbishop Chaput served on the Board of Directors for The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C. (1994 – 2009) and the National Catholic Bioethics Center (1993 – 2006). He serves on the board of directors for Eternal Word Television Network, Birmingham, Alabama (1996 – present); The Catholic Foundation of Northern Colorado (1998 – present); St. John Vianney Theological Seminary in Northern Colorado (1999 – present); Redemptoris Mater Seminary in Northern Colorado (1998 – present); The Fellowship of Catholic University Students (2001 – present); Catholic Association of Latino Leaders (2007 – present); World Youth Alliance International (2010 – present). For the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops, Archbishop Chaput is currently Chair of the Subcommittee on Native American Catholics; a member of the Committee for Cultural Diversity in the Church and the Task Force for Health Care; and a consultant to the Committee for Pro-Life Activities. He formerly served on the Committee for Divine Worship, the Committee for Migration, the Committee for Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth, the Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development, and the Task Force on strengthening Marriage. Archbishop Chaput served the Holy Father as an Apostolic Visitor to U.S. seminaries, 2005 –2006; the Diocese of Toowoomba, Australia, in 2007; and the Legion of Christ for Canada and the United States, 2009 – 2010. He is author of two books: Living the Catholic Faith: Rediscovering the Basics (Servant, 2001) and Render Unto Caesar: Serving the Nation by Living Our Catholic Beliefs in Political Life (Doubleday, 2008); and numerous talks, articles and pastoral letters. His writings and discourses are available at Page 6 Bulletin notices are due no later than Monday noon to
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