COVER SHEET Church Name: St. Alphonsus Catholic Church

Church Name:
St. Alphonsus Catholic Church
33 Conwell Drive
Maple Glen, PA 19002
Bulletin Number:
E-Mail Address:
Contact Person:
Valerie Barbour
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Sunday Date
of Publication:
July 17, 2011
St. Alphonsus Parish
July 17, 2011
More than Forty-five years serving the People of God
Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. Owens, Pastor
Rev. Quan M. Trinh, Parochial Vicar
Rev. Joseph B. Smits CICM, Weekend Asst.
Deacon Peter H. Burghart
Rev. Wilfred F. Maloney, Pastor Emeritus
RECTORY—(215) 646-4600
FAX—(215) 646-0180
Kathy Morris, Parish Services Director
Nick D’Amico, Parish Business Manager
SCHOOL—(215) 646-0150
Mr. David Hayden, Principal
Mr. Joseph Carmean, Building/Property Manager
MUSIC MINISTRY—(215) 654-0129
Mrs. Mary Lou Lewcun, Music Director
PREP—(215) 643-7938
Ms. Linda Tonelli, Director of Religious Education
CHOIR—(215) 542-8319
Mr. Frank Stieber, Director
Saturday Vigil: 5 PM
8 AM, 10:15 AM and 12:00 Noon
Monday through Friday: 6:30 AM and 9:00 AM
9:00 AM
(In the Rectory)
Monday through Friday:
9 AM to 12:30 PM
and 1 PM to 4 PM
Saturday (Mass Cards only)
10 AM to 2 PM
Sunday (Mass Cards only)
9 AM to Noon
Parish Website:
Church E-Mail:
(In Chapel Reconciliation Room)
Saturday : after 9 AM Mass; 3:45 PM to 4:45 PM
Morning Prayer is Monday through Saturday at 8:40 AM.
The recitation of the Holy Rosary follows our 9 AM Mass.
Welcome to St. Alphonsus. Please register at the rectory. We
are eager to greet new members of our parish community. Call
for an appointment. (Note: Families moving out of the Parish
should also notify the rectory).
Please remember our parish in your bequests.
The Sacrament of Baptism celebrated on the 2nd & 4th Sundays
of the month at 1:15PM in the church. Parents are expected to
attend a Pre-Jordan class prior to the baptism. Please call the
Rectory to arrange the baptism ceremony and/or to register for
Pre-Jordan class.
Couples contemplating marriage must contact one of the priests
at least six months in advance to make an appointment to discuss
marriage plans and preparation.
Those hospitalized, seriously ill or anticipating a hospital procedure are welcome to celebrate the Anointing of the Sick after the
last daily Mass on any weekday. Please contact the Rectory to
indicate your intention to receive the Sacrament.
33 Conwell Drive, Maple Glen, PA 19002
(215) 646-4600
July 17, 2011
Saturday, July 16:
9:00 AM
Antoinette Innocenti—The Breuer
5:00 PM
For the People of the Parish
Sunday, July 17:
8:00 AM
John McMahon, Esq. (7th Ann.) - Dick
& Edie Ruth
10:15 AM
James Gunning—Joe & Margie Gilbert
12:00 PM
Salvatore Mele—Ben & Donna Korson
Monday, July 18:
9:00 AM
Tony Ciccarone—Charles & Roseanne
Tuesday, July 19:
9:00 AM
Josephine Caffarella—Chuck & Anna
Marie Croney
Wednesday, July 20:
9:00 AM
John Felix, 1st Ann.—Joe & Evelyn
Thursday, July 21:
9:00 AM
Mary Ellen Palmieri—Patty McDonald
Friday, July 22:
9:00 AM
Leonard Paccione, Kirsten Threlfall, Vittorio Santoro, Ann
Michels, Joseph Burke, David Dickson IV, Alice Notaris, Patricia
Gavaghan, Luta Lipman, Fred Silverman, Jim Jandrisitz, Marie
Tarquini, Michael DiMuzio, Ralph Naccarato, Louis Engle, Kathleen O’Shea, Julie Moor, Ella Dierkes, Grace Pierce, Mary Kay
Greenwood, Morgan McDonald, Jim Corcoran, Patti Carrier,
Charles Irwin, Joseph Loehle Jr., Belinda Loehle, Marisa
Fabiszewski, Shannon D. DiGiuseppe, Clara and Larry Exner,
Winifred Auch, Joseph McNamara, Dorothy McAuliffe, Thomas
Biermaas, David and Sarah Byrne, Kathleen Finnegan, Richard
Shelton, Elizabeth Schapperle, Carol Stilletto, Barbara Ramsden,
Kevin Romano, Charles O’Donnell, Ethel Cirotti, Grace Marcozzi, Michelle Gossner, Thomas Fisher, Gerard Taddei, Anne
Romberger, Jennifer McDermott.
Edith Subacus, Marie McBride, Thomas Sullivan,
Anthony and Helen Henry, William Fedyna, Josephine Gianinni,
Lilly Dubeski, Msgr. James J. Foley.
Eric Burns, Matthew Reed, John Hoffner,
Joey Lewcun, Anthony Szczurek, Tania
Szczurek, Matthew Trimborn, Major
Gabriel J. Zinni, Ryan Greene, Michael
McHale, Michael McDonald, Matthew Morrison, Col.
John Sullivan, Lieutenant Thomas Luft, Bradford
Together as a parish we pray for their safety.
Frank Innocenti—The Breuer Family
Saturday, July 23:
9:00 AM
Bob Dempski—The Family
5:00 PM
For an Increase in Vocations to
Priesthood and Religious Life
Sunday, July 24:
8:00 AM
For the People of the Parish
10:15 AM
Mercedes Moerman—Friends at St.
Alphonsus’ Rectory
12:00 PM
William Fynes—The Fynes Family
Please contact John Cavanaugh if you would like to
add a name or for more information:
or 215-643-3299.
We invite you to bring in a picture of your loved one
who is presently serving our country. Place on the display in narthex.
July 23/24
5:00 PM: Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. Owens
8:00 AM: Rev. Quan M. Trinh
10:15 AM: Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. Owens
12:00 PM: Rev. Quan M. Trinh
If you are unable to attend Mass and would like to
receive Holy Communion, please contact
Kathy Morris at the Rectory at (215) 646-4600.
Page 2
5:00 PM: JT Toth, Michelle Toth
8:00 AM: Frank Stieber, Mary DePaul
10:15 AM: Monica Spadoni-Matthews, H.S. Cantors
12:00 PM: Monica Spadoni-Matthews, Tim Lewcun
Bulletin notices are due no later than Monday noon to
First Reading — Solomon prays for an understanding
heart (1 Kings 3:5, 7-12).
Psalm — Lord, I love your commands (Psalm 119).
Second Reading — All things work for good for those
who love God (Romans 8:28-30).
Gospel — The one who knows of the kingdom of
heaven brings new and old from the storeroom
(Matthew 13:44-52 [44-46]).
God says to Solomon, “Ask something of me and I will
give it to you.” “The Lord was pleased that Solomon”
asked for an understanding heart instead of for long life
or riches. For with such a request, God can work miracles. “All things work for good for those who love God.”
The desire of Solomon is what characterizes the heart of
the man who sells all he has to buy the treasure-bearing
field. The desire of Solomon is what sets apart the merchant who risks his whole livelihood to buy what he
judges to be the “pearl of great price.” They can make
these sacrifices with certainty because that treasure, that
pearl corresponds to the deepest longings of the
“understanding heart” - it is Christ himself.
When visiting other parishes during your vacations, please pick up a bulletin and drop it off to
Kathy Morris at the Parish Office. We love to
see what’s going on in other churches.
Church Ministry Institute
Are you interested in learning more about your faith? Do
you want to fill in some learning gaps for personal reasons
or to enable you to participate in ministry with confidence?
Then consider attending the Church Ministry Institute, a
three-year certificate program offered by the Archdiocese of
Philadelphia. There are no papers to write or tests to take.
Meet committed faculty, and enjoy excellent texts. For a
brochure and application form call 215-587-0551 or visit
our website:
Course Sites
Bishop Shanahan, Downingtown, Tuesday
The Institute for Evangelization, Wednesday
(In Spanish)
Lansdale Catholic High School, Lansdale, Wednesday
St. Matthias Parish, Bala Cynwyd, Tuesday, Thursday
Archbishop Ryan High School, Philadelphia, Thursday
All classes are 7-9:30 PM
Teller Group # 3 July 24 :
Jim Bennis
Donald Linske
Jim Dierkes Dave White
Joe Young
July Poor Box: Phila. Catholic Guild for the Blind
Page 3
Adoration Corner
There will be no Adoration during
the summer.
Adoration will resume Wed. Sept. 7th
Going on Vacation?
Please remember your parish during the summer months, as
your financial support helps us fulfill the
parish mission. E-Giving helps both of us
manage this process. In today’s electronic
world, we can pay our bills and even donate
to our parish.
"He who trusts himself is lost. He who
trusts God can do all things."
St. Alphonsus Liguori
Welcome Msgr. Francis
Dear friends,
It's my pleasure to introduce you to Msgr. Peter
Francis, Vicar General of the diocese of Kumbakonam,
Tamilnadu, India. Msgr. Francis is spending his summer in
the United States and offering his services to parishes here.
Catholic with a small "c" means universal. The Catholic
Church is global. She has many "faces". She lives and
breathes in different cultural settings. Perhaps, Monsignor's
visit will give us a little glimpse of the Church in India. It's
one gospel filtered through the prism of many cultures.
Msgr. Francis will be here until August 14.
As had been announced, Monsignor's stay with
us will make it possible to have daily Mass at 6:30 AM
on the weeks of July 24, July 31 and August 7.
Blessings, Msgr. Owens
Rachel’s Vineyard
Rachel’s Vineyard Ministries will be hosting a Rachel’s
Vineyard Retreat for Healing after Abortion on August 5-7,
2011. This weekend retreat will be held in Doylestown, PA
at the National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa. For
more information call Cindy at (484) 947-5130. Read more
about the retreat online at
All requests are strictly confidential!
Host Families Needed
Host families are needed for several international students who would like to attend Bishop McDevitt in Glenside for the upcoming school year. These F-1 visa students speak English, are fully insured and have their own
pocket money for personal expenses. Host families provide room and board and receive a generous monthly
hosting stipend. For more information please contact
Toni Lynn Brown, (610) 222-4496.
Bulletin notices are due no later than Monday noon to
Catholic Campaign for
Human Development
Gwynedd Mercy Academy High School
Grace Mulcahy achieved First Honors during
the 2010-11 academic year.
Mount St. Joseph Academy
The following students have made honors
for the June 2011 Term:
First Honors: Angela Alnemri, Anna
Tenzinger, Madeline Lawn, Megan Mirabella, Kathryn Mirabella, Hannah Mischler, Kaitlyn Loftus, Molly Tenzinger, Kelsey Robins,
Elizabeth Marley, Reagan Lawn, Emily Marley, Meghan
O’Grady, Elyse Cox, Jaclyn McCadden, Maureen Gallagher, Jackelyn.
Second Honors: Elizabeth Worthington, Mary Raggazino, Diana Alnemri, Emily McHugh, Sarah Curcio,
Hanna Bogorowski, Erin Hyer, Rebecca Smart, Catherine
Murray, Caroline Zakrzewski, Mary Radomski, Erin
McElroy, Marisa Fabiszewski, Julia Pacitti, Alise
McNutt, Morgan McKibbin, Cathierine Zakrzewski.
Thank you for your contributions to the
Collection for the Catholic Campaign
for Human Development! Your generosity has laid the foundation for important
systematic changes in low-income communities all over the United States. Through CCHD and its
beneficiaries, we manifest Catholic social teaching and
carry out Jesus’ mission to “bring glad tiding to the poor…
to proclaim liberty to captives and recovery of sight to the
blind, to let the oppressed go free: (Lk 4:18)
Coaches Orientation
Plymouth Meeting, PA
Date: Saturday, August 6, 2011
Time: 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
The CYO Coaches Orientation is a one-day seminar that
provides assistance and training for coaches. It is
designed to inform and develop the Catholic Coach.
Cost: $15.00 per person
Registration begins at 8:00 AM
Continental Breakfast will be provided.
Please e-mail for fax your registration form to:
Craig Beausoleil or 215-965-4629 (fax)
For registration forms visit the
Coaches Orientation Home Page
St. Alphonsus will hold its next PreCana Session the weekend of October
7/8, 2011. More details to follow, but
feel free to contact the rectory at (215)
646-4600 for early registration.
“Then I heard what seemed to be the voice of a great multitude, like the sound of many waters and like the
sound of mighty thunderpeals, crying, ‘Alleluia’” (Revelation 19:6). Alleluia means “praise the Lord.” It is a cry of
jubilation, the sound of pure, undiluted joy. We sing Alleluia to welcome and greet Christ, the Bridegroom-King, present in the proclamation of the holy Gospel. Alleluia says, “We recognize you, O Christ, and welcome you with inexpressible gladness.” The last syllable of Alleluia — ia — is derived from the Hebrew Yahweh. In the Church’s ancient
tradition of liturgical chant, this last syllable becomes a river of ecstatic sound, a prolonged cry that climbs above the
zone of words.
The Alleluia is sung in every season other than Lent. The return of the Alleluia at the Easter Vigil is a solemn
and glorious moment. Three times it is intoned by the priest and repeated by the people. At other times the Alleluia is
intoned by the cantor and repeated by the whole congregation. The cantor sings a short verse that sums up the Gospel of
the day. Then, as the Book of the Gospel arrives at the ambo, the people acclaim Christ with a final Alleluia and stand
ready to hear his voice.
The topics that have been presented to you since January, we hope will assist you in preparation for the acceptance of the 3rd edition
to the Roman Missal this coming Advent. If you would like more information, please go to these websites: or
Page 4
Bulletin notices are due no later than Monday noon to
New Cover for Our Bulletin
We would like to change the cover of our bulletin. Have
any suggestions? Can you help? This is something that
can be worked on at home and submitted to Kathy Morris
via email. Let us know if you are interested helping or have any ideas. You can call the rectory or
email at Your input
is welcomed!
If you have a student entering first grade in September
and they attend our public schools, we have religion
classes on Sunday mornings or Tuesday afternoons.
Please take a registration form which is located on a table
in the Narthex and join us.
Sister Parish Outreach
At the request of an OLH social worker, we are helping a
single mother of three boys, ages 8,6 & 14 months. She fled
from New York from spousal/physical abuse and is now
living in NE Philadelphia. She needs living room furniture,
a table and chairs, floor lamp, table lamps and clothing for
her children. We have supplied food, beds and will deliver
bedroom furniture this week. If you can help, please call
Mary Doody (215) 540-4428. Thank you!
Worldwide Marriage Encounter
“I have all these good things to say to you that are inside
me. Things I haven’t said, that are for your ears only.”
The next Marriage Encounter experience will be July 2931, 2011. For more information, or to register, call 1-800456-8330.
Have You Seen Our
Facebook Page?
By following us on Facebook, you can easily stay in
touch with the parish even when you’re away, and make
sure you won’t miss event photos, announcements, and
updates that don’t make the bulletin. During the month of
June, we posted pictures of our Vacation Bible Camp.
At this time we have 179 monthly active users, up 83 users since last week. Thanks for your positive response to
our mass announcement.
You can also sign up for emails and receive our latest
news and announcements as they are posted. Lots of new
ways of keeping you informed as to what the parish is
Page 5
Catholic Charities Appeal
As of July 5 the Charities Appeal has received gifts amounting to $7,485,928 (the
goal for the diocese is $8 million). This result
shows the deep commitment that you, the faithful, have for
the many charitable works of the archdiocese, from the assistance offered unwed mothers all way through life to the
care extended to the elderly poor. At every turn programs
and offices funded by the appeal are ready to offer assistance. This is a very practical expression of what it means
when we say that the church is the Body of Christ. Individual parish results will soon follow. If you have yet to make a
donation it can be placed in the collection basket marked
"Charities Appeal".
The RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is the
way people join the Catholic Christian Community. It is the process of instruction, prayer,
and community experience that leads to full
membership in the Catholic Church. The program is for those never baptized, those married
to or marrying Catholics and wanting to better understand
their partner’s faith, those persons having never received the
Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist, or needing some
more instruction to help them to an adult faith. If you know
someone who may want to join us, show you care and ask
them. Anyone interested should contact any of the priests at
Blood Drive at Jarrettown Methodist
Blood supplies are very low now because many
potential Red Cross donors are away on vacation.
For that reason, The Red Cross needs many donors for the drive at Jarrettown Methodist
Church, 1460 Limekiln Pike on Tuesday, August 2nd from
1:30-7:15 PM. If you are able to donate at this time,
please respond at with your name, preferred donor time, and address. You will be sent a reminder
shortly before the drive.
Society of St. Vincent DePaul
Clothing Drive
Individuals are invited to take all donations to the trucks
located at the following locations between the hours of 9
AM and 2 PM.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
St. Catherine of Sienna
321 Witmer Road
Horsham, PA 19044
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
St. Anthony of Padua
259 Forest Avenue
Ambler, PA 19002
Bulletin notices are due no later than Monday noon to
This summer take some
time to discover the rich
treasure of Catholic literature. The website www. has a
great selection of books for all age groups. Books such as”
Unplanned by Amy Johnson, “Parish Priest” by Douglas
Brinkley & Julie M. Fenster and “The Magician’s Nephew”
by C. S. Lewis are just a few of the books that are listed on
their summer reading list.
Aid for Friends
In the spirit of giving, St. Alphonsus Aid for Friends shares
our abundance of meals to help feed 500+ hungry elderly
throughout the 5 county Greater Philadelphia area. But in
turn, this has left St. Alphonsus’ freezer low on meals going
into the summer months. With your generosity of meals, we are sure to recover quickly.
Thanks again... we could not do this without
your help.
Have a blessed summer,
Dolores Urban, Gemma Geigert, Regina Caffarella
Church Attire
With summer here, please give special consideration to
proper attire when coming to mass. Please remember our
church is air conditioned for your comfort. The respect
which we have for God and the sacred liturgy and the respect we have for one another should motivate the way we
Church of St. Anne
2328 E. Lehigh Ave., Phila., PA
St. Anne Novena
July 18 to July 26
Daily Novena Services 3-7 PM
(Veneration of the Relic of St. Anne, and
confessions will be heard after each service)
Homilist-Rev. Michael Marrone
Feast Day-July 26, Solemn Closing 7:00 PM
St. Edmund Centennial
As part of its ongoing monthly centennial celebrations,
St. Edmund’s Parish, 21st Street and Snyder, Philadelphia, will host a Fish Fry, Thursday, August 11th, 5-8
PM in its parking lot and church hall. Eat-in or take-out
food available. Cost is $10 per ticket. For more information, call the rectory at (215) 334-3755
Central Association of the
Miraculous Medal
475 E. Chelten Ave. Phila., PA 19144
(215) 848-1010
Monday Novena Schedule: 7AM, 9AM & 12:05PM
Novena Masses: 2,3,4,5,6:30, 7 & 7:30 PM
Novena & Benediction
Page 6
Dear friends,
I’m sure each of us has a story to tell about our iPhones,
get someone to tell you about my doorbell. It does not take a
rocket scientist to understand that flows information is quick to
changing offspring us new ways of learning. The Internet is a device, neither good or evil in itself, rather, its worth depends upon
who is using it and to what end.
I will share with you what I have discovered online that
has the potential to strengthen the faith. There are many good
things out there, online. Let me show you a few that I have found it
very useful. ...
First, are the heavy hitters: Second,
is the Archdiocese of Philadelphia at Third, the
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and, finally, the big man himself at
What’s going on? Does Philadelphia Magazine have it
right? What is it the church has to say? The parish website is growing all the more interesting. Recently, we streamed the entire 9
AM mass on Tuesday last. It appeared live on our parish website
and was stored for future use. The bishops conference has many
things to say about the new English translation of the Roman Missal. Stop by the archdiocese website and review the new procedures established to prevent any other violation of innocent young
I have an iPhone and in visiting the apps store on screen, I
found some interesting sites: an apps entitled the Divine Office
offers a wonderful combination of prayer and song. You can buy
the entire office (or just one of the hours, morning prayer, evening
prayer and night prayer). They have hymns by wonderful choirs
and the psalms recited by a small group of people who see the
words and you hear the sounds. Play morning prayer while you
drive to work, the same for evening prayer. Turn on night prayer as
you fall asleep in the dark. St. Louis University (a Jesuit college)
produces reflections on the day’s mass readings – yes, for each day
of the year at their Center for Liturgy. I downloaded the entire
New American Bible.
From my favorites, Catholic Online ... A treasury of
prayers, the Catholic Faith Inventory … what do you think you
know about your religion, Catholic News Service ... Fresh analysis
from a Catholic perspective, and important reports are available.
Presently, the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life reflects on
the interaction between the Gospels and contemporary culture. The
bishops conference commissioned a report by the John Jay College
Research Team entitled, The Causes and Context of Sexual Abuse
of Minors by Catholic Priests in the United States 1950 – 2010.
Google is now a verb! Do you have any questions about
religion? Are you looking for some background? "Google it". Yes,
friends, Google is now a verb. A story: one day I am praying the
Office of Readings. There was a magnificent reading from a homily of Melito of Sardis. Who is THAT… never heard of him? I
thought I’d challenge Google. Up pops a rather detailed Wikapedia
essay on the man. Who puts all this up there? These are fastmoving times. The church has to be up there on the Internet to
inform, and challenge, to engage and yes, to entertain. We have the
right message. It needs to be packaged more effectively. Let's go
with it!
Blessings, Msgr. Owens
Bulletin notices are due no later than Monday noon to