COVER SHEET Church Name: 20800: St. Alphonsus Catholic Church 33 Conwell Drive, Maple Glen PA 19002 Phone: (215) 646-4600 E-Mail Address: Contact Person: Valerie Barbour Software: Microsoft Publisher 2007 Adobe Acrobat 9 Standard Windows XP Professional Printer: HP Laserjet 1200 Series Number of pages sent: 7 Sunday Date of Publication: January 16, 2011 PLEASE NOTE NEW E-MAIL ADDRESS—THANK YOU St. Alphonsus Parish January 16, 2011 More than Forty-five years serving the People of God Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. Owens, Pastor Rev. Stephen A. Moerman, Parochial Vicar Rev. Quan M. Trinh, Parochial Vicar Rev. Joseph B. Smits CICM, Weekend Asst. Deacon Peter H. Burghart Rev. Wilfred F. Maloney, Pastor Emeritus RECTORY—(215) 646-4600 FAX—(215) 646-0180 Kathy Morris, Parish Services Director Nick D’Amico, Parish Business Manager SCHOOL—(215) 646-0150 Mr. John Steck, Principal Mr. Joseph Carmean, Building/Property Manager MUSIC MINISTRY—(215) 654-0129 Mrs. Mary Lou Lewcun, Music Director PREP—(215) 643-7938 Ms. Linda Tonelli, Director of Religious Education CHOIR—(215) 542-8319 Mr. Frank Stieber, Director WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE (IN CHURCH) Saturday Vigil: 5 PM Sunday: 8 AM, 10:15 AM and 12:00 Noon DAILY MASS SCHEDULE (IN CHAPEL) Monday through Friday: 6:30 AM and 9:00 AM Saturday: 9:00 AM PARISH BUSINESS OFFICE (in the Rectory) Monday through Friday: 9 AM to 12:30 PM and 1 PM to 4 PM M-F (Mass Cards only) 4 PM to 8 PM Saturday (Mass Cards only) 10 AM to 2 PM Sunday (Mass Cards only) 9 AM to Noon Parish Website: Church E-Mail: SACRAMENT OF PENANCE (In Chapel Reconciliation Room) Saturday : after 9 AM Mass; 3:45 PM to 4:45 PM LITURGY OF THE HOURS/ROSARY (In Chapel) Morning Prayer is Monday through Saturday at 8:40 AM. The recitation of the Holy Rosary follows our 9 AM Mass. NEW FAMILIES Welcome to St. Alphonsus. Please register at the rectory. We are eager to greet new members of our parish community. Call for an appointment. (Note: Families moving out of the Parish should also notify the rectory). YOUR WILL Please remember our parish in your bequests. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM The Sacrament of Baptism celebrated on the 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month at 1:15PM in the church. Parents are expected to attend a Pre-Jordan class prior to the baptism. Please call the Rectory to arrange the baptism ceremony and/or to register for Pre-Jordan class. SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY Couples contemplating marriage must contact one of the priests at least six months in advance to make an appointment to discuss marriage plans and preparation. SACRAMENT OF THE ANOINTING OF THE SICK Those hospitalized, seriously ill or anticipating a hospital procedure are welcome to celebrate the Anointing of the Sick after the last daily Mass on any weekday. Please contact the Rectory to indicate your intention to receive the Sacrament. 33 Conwell Drive, Maple Glen, PA 19002 (215) 646-4600 SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME January 16, 2011 SICK RELATIVES AND FRIENDS Saturday, Jan. 15: 9:00 AM William Mocharnuk—Peggy Mocharnuk 5:00 PM Mary Mulvey—Pam & Steve Barbera Sunday, Jan. 16: 8:00 AM James Stieber—Pam & Steve Barbera 10:15 AM Raymond Haertsch—Breuer Family 12:00 PM For the People of the Parish Monday, Jan. 17: 6:30 AM Mercedes Moerman—Hicks Family 9:00 AM Leslie Delzingaro—Kevin & Kathy Kelley Tuesday, Jan. 18: 6:30 AM Mercedes Moerman—Charles & Roseanne Hofmann 9:00 AM Wednesday, Jan. 19: 6:30 AM John & Marian Coonan—Peg Mocharnuk 9:00 AM Mary Dia Covo—Regina & Joe Caffarella Thursday, Jan. 20: 6:30 AM Catherine Young—The Young Family 9:00 AM Paul Russell—Patricia Davidson Friday, Jan. 21: 6:30 AM Catherine Kazana—Ed & Betty Kane 9:00 PM John Felix—The Sullivan Family Saturday, Jan 22 : 9:00 AM Larry McGlynn (4th Ann.) - Mary McGlynn 5:00 PM For the People of the Parish Sunday, Jan. 23: 8:00 AM John Felix—The Sullivan Family 10:15 AM George Fanelli—Barbara Breuer 12:00 PM Jack McDonald—His Family HOLY COMMUNION FOR THE SICK AND HOMEBOUND If you are unable to attend Mass and would like to receive Holy Communion, please contact Kathy Morris at the Rectory at (215) 646-4600. Page 2 Michael DiMuzio, Walter Dearolf, Ralph Naccarato, Louis Engle, Kathleen O’Shea, Julie Moor, Ceil Conly Young, Ella Dierkes, Grace Pierce, Bob Logan, Catherine Fynes, Stanley Peszka, Mary Kay Greenwood, Morgan McDonald, Jim Corcoran, Patti Carrier, Charles Irwin, Joseph Loehle Jr., Belinda Loehle, Marisa Fabiszewski, Shannon D. DiGiuseppe, Clara Exner, Winifred Auch, Joseph McNamara, Dorothy McAuliffe, Thomas Biermaas, David Bryne, Kathleen Finnegan, Richard Shelton, Elizabeth Schapperle, Nicolas Clothier, Mary Ellen Palmieri, Greg Ceneviva, Carol Stilletto, Barbara Ramsden, Kevin Romano, Charles O’Donnell, Ethel Cirotti, Grace Marcozzi, Mary Gilles, Michelle Gossner, Thomas Fisher, Gerard Taddei, Anne Romberger, Jennifer McDermott, Frank Crampsie. DECEASED RELATIVES AND FRIENDS Rev. Edmund C. Wesolowski, Julia Elizabeth Carmean, Olivia Smith, Louis Mitros, Margaret Weber, Margaret McCormick, Frank Schroth, Jack Haggerty. PRAY FOR OUR TROOPS Dawn O’Hara ~ John O’Hara ~ Eric Burns Matthew Reed ~ John Hoffner ~ Joey Lewcun Anthony Szczurek ~ Tania Szczurek Matthew Trimborn ~ Major Gabriel J. Zinni Ryan Greene ~ Michael McHale Michael McDonald ~ Matthew Morrison Col. John Sullivan Together as a parish we pray for their safety. Please contact John Cavanaugh if you would like to add a name or for more information: or 215-643-3299. January 22/23 5:00 PM: 8:00 AM: 10:15 AM: 12:00 PM: Michelle Toth, JT Toth Frank Stieber, Mary Lou Lewcun Revelation Keyboard, Mary Lou Lewcun Altar servers, lectors and extraordinary ministers of holy communion are asked to check the web terminal for the dates they are scheduled. Please call Kathy Morris at the rectory if you still need your username and password. Inspired by the Holy Spirit Communicating Hope! Broadcasting from Doylestown Bulletin notices are due no later than Monday noon to READINGS FOR NEXT SUNDAY Adoration Corner First Reading — The burdens that were once laid upon the people have been vanquished (Isaiah 8:23 — 9:3). Psalm — The Lord is my light and my salvation (Psalm 27). Second Reading — Paul exhorts the believers at Corinth: As there is one Christ, so too must there be no divisions among you. (1 Corinthians 1:10-13, 17). Gospel — After calling his first disciples, Jesus goes throughout Galilee teaching, proclaiming the gospel, and curing the people of their illnesses (Matthew 4:12-23 [12-17]). Held Wednesday from 9:30 AM-7:00 PM. Meditation Saint Paul urges the Corinthians to “be united in the same mind and in the same purpose” without any divisions among them. For there is no more irresistible witness to the truth of the Gospel than such unity in charity. No wonder that the first thing that Jesus does when he moves to Capernaum is seek out companions. In the unity that Simon, Andrew, James, and John experience through their friendship with Christ, they become certain that “the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Thanks to our communion in Christ, “anguish has taken wing, dispelled is darkness: for there is no gloom where but now there is distress.” To us enshrouded in the “land of gloom,” Jesus Christ beckons, “Come after me.” Teller Group #2 January 23 : Joe Kelly Jim Gallagher John Kane Pat McGee Lee Melair Please contact Barbara Breuer at 215-542-7232 if you are interested in being on our permanent adoration schedule. Intention: Dedication: For the Elderly & Homebound Eucharistic Adoration Committee Could you not spend an hour with me? Adoration to be followed by Evening Prayer and Benediction. THIS WEEK AT ST. ALPHONSUS Sun., Jan. 16: PREP 8:45 AM; Little Church School 10:15 AM Mon., Jan. 17: Martin Luther King Day; Senior Citizen Mtg. 1:30 PM Tues., Jan. 18: Morning Bible Study 6:30 AM; Share the Word 4:00 PM; PREP 4:15 PM; Music Group Rehearsal 7:00 PM; Religious Education Talk 7:00 PM; Adult Faith Formation 7:00 PM Wed., Jan. 19: ADORATION 9:30AM—7:00 PM; Knights of Columbus 7:30 PM Thurs., Jan 20: Have a great day! Fri., Jan. 21: Daisy Group 4:00 PM BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY We would like to develop a bereavement ministry at St Alphonsus. Many services are already provided here at the parish; visiting the dying, funeral planning and assistance. However, there are many other parts to this ministry that we could provide as a parish that certainly would be beneficial to our families. We would like your input. Five people have volunteered to date. If you are interested in joining a steering group to develop this ministry for the parish, please contact Kathy Morris at the rectory or email at Meeting date will be at the end of January. The Poor Box collection for January is for: St. Vincent DePaul Society Page 3 INTERESTED IN BECOMING A CATHOLIC? The RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is the way people join the Catholic Christian Community. It is the process of instruction, prayer, and community experience that leads to full membership in the Catholic Church. Who is the program for? Our scope is very broad – those never baptized, those married to or marrying Catholics and wanting to better understand their partner’s faith, those persons having never received the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist, or needing some more instruction to help them to an adult faith. If you know someone who may want to join us, show you care and ask them. Anyone interested should contact any of the priests at Bulletin notices are due no later than Monday noon to NEW TRANSLATION of the ROMAN MISSAL INTO ENGLISH-THIRD EDITION Know the Words, Know the Meaning, Know the Mystery From our previous article about the forthcoming revised translation of the Roman Missal, you may be wondering, “What is the Roman Missal, and how does this translation affect us?” Take notice of the red book the priest uses most often during Mass. This book is called the Sacramentary, which together with the Lectionary for Mass make up the Roman Missal. This missal is the collection of prayers, chants, and instructions (rubrics) used to celebrate Mass. This includes prayers such as the Sign of the Cross and opening greeting; Opening Prayer; Gloria; Creed; Eucharistic Prayers; Holy, Holy, Holy; Memorial Acclamations; and the final blessing. The majority of the prayers we recite or sing at Mass are contained in this book and it is these prayers that are currently being retranslated from the original Latin into English. The texts that are found in the current Sacramentary have been retranslated and will eventually be used in Englishspeaking countries. With this translation, the name of the book will change from Sacramentary to Roman Missal, a translation of the Latin title, Missale Romanum. All of the prayers we say in English have corresponding Latin texts. After the Second Vatican Council, the Latin texts were translated into the vernacular, or common language, of particular regions. The first English translation of the Roman Missal was completed quickly in 1969. It aimed for a “spirit” of the texts rather than an exact literal translation of the Latin words. A second revision of these texts occurred in 1975. In 2001, the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, the liturgical commission in Rome, issued a document outlining the methodology and process for translating liturgical texts into vernacular languages. This document, Liturgiam Authenticum, called for a more literal translation of the original Latin, and so a group of scholars, poets, and theologians convened and worked painstakingly on providing a third English translation of the Sacraments announced recognitio on April 30, 2010. These texts will be implemented on November 27, 2011, the First Sunday of Advent. When the translation is used, you will notice slight changes in the prayers we hear and say at Mass. For example, we will respond, “And with your spirit” to “The Lord be with you.” Being faithful to the original Latin prayers will enhance the meaning of the texts. They will be more poetic, and there will be amore obvious connection to the scriptural roots of our prayers. There is an old axiom, lex orandi, lex credendi – that is “the law of prayer is the law of faith” or “that which we pray is that which we believe.” This is why the prayers of the Church are so important and why the church has initiated the process of revising the English translation. The words of our prayers are what we believe as a Church and form us as the body of Christ. Written by Jill Maria Mundy, M.A. Jill is the Director of Liturgy and Music at St. Frances Cabrini Parish in West Bend, Wisconsin. Page 4 ST ALPHONSUS/ST ANTHONY PARISHES RESPECT LIFE COMMITTEES MARCH FOR LIFE In Washington DC MONDAY, JANUARY 24, 2011 BUS WILL LEAVE ST ALPHONSUS PARKING LOT AFTER THE 6:30 MASS Cost $20 per person Payable in cash the day of the trip. Dress warmly, bring a packed lunch, dinner is included. Expected to return to St Alphonsus around 9:30 pm. Limit is 27 people. Please complete the information below and drop off at the rectory or in the Sunday collection basket, attn: Kathy Morris. If you have any questions, please feel free to call Paul DeCamara at 215-641-0768 or e-mail -------------------------Name:_____________________________ Phone: ____________________________ Email: ____________________________ Number Attending: __________________ If you are not able to come on the trip, we encourage you to participate in the planned activities that will take place here at St. Alphonsus. Look in next week’s bulletin for details. Bulletin notices are due no later than Monday noon to KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS The Knights of Columbus will be sponsoring a Pasta -Dinner fundraiser. This will be a fundraiser for local Pro-Life Council and will take place THIS Sunday, January 16 from 3PM-7PM at St. Anthony’s Parish Hall. GARAGE SALE UPDATE SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2001 8AM-2PM $5/BAG CLEARANCE ON SUNDAY 1-3 PM This is a perfect venue to recycle Christmas gifts (save the gas returning to the store) or unused decorations/china, etc. We really do turn your unwanted items into cash, this year we are helping purchase equipment to enhance our church flower arranger, Jean Gretzinger. Limited space is available to store larger items. We ask you to hold onto items till the spring but if you are moving or do not have storage we will try to accommodate items. We open the week prior to the sale for donation drop-offs with dates and times to follow. Look for an insert in future bulletin with detailed information. Questions: Ellen 6419887 or Mollie 653-0270. ST. ALPHONSUS SENIORS St. Alphonsus Seniors Club will hold their next meeting on Monday, January 17th at 1:30 PM This will be our first meeting of the New Year 2011. Hopefully the weather will cooperate and we will be able to come out and welcome the New Year with all of our members and friends. We will be having tomato pie and beverages for our snack and Bingo will follow. Hope to see you there! Any questions or for information, please call Connie at (215) 6466473. ANNUNCIATION BVM Annunciation BVM in South Philly is looking for alumni and former parishioners to inform them of our 150th Anniversary celebration. For Alumni, please forward your name (ladies, maiden also), address, e-mail address, social network preference (facebook, etc.), and class year. Please e-mail to Or mail to ABVM Alumni, 1511 S. 10th St., Phila., PA 19147. CARDINAL DOUGHERTY ALUMNI There will be a Reunion of the class of 2000 at Finnegan’s Wake January 28, 2011. Contact or ST. BASIL ACADEMY Summer Enrichment and Sports Camps Pre 7th, Pre 8th and Pre 9th 3 weeks program in early summer!!! Call for brochure (215) 885-6952 HOLY REDEEMER 521 Moredon Rd., Huntingdon Valley, PA The Counseling Center “Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction” Are you feeling overwhelmed? Are you ‘present” and “aware of your life or just walking through it mindlessly? This program will introduce you to the beginning understanding of what mindfulness meditation is and how it can be helpful in reducing stress. An experience of mindfulness meditation will be provided. Date: Saturday , January 22, 2011 Time: 9 AM—Noon Cost: $35.00 (includes light breakfast) Register by calling 1-800-818-4747 MASS FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES SAVE THE DATE SUNDAY, March 20, 2011 at 2:30 PM More Details to follow ARCHDIOCESAN BOY CHOIR PERMANENT DIACONATE Information nights for those men in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia who may be considering a call to Holy Orders as a Permanent Deacon will be held at Vianney Hall at Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary at 7:00 PM January 27, 2011, and February 2, 2011. Married men must attend with their wives. Pre-registration is required; contact Kathy Gambescia at (610) 664-2213 or to register and to advise which night you wish to attend. Page 5 Do you know a boy who loves to sing? The Archdiocesan Boy Choir of Philadelphia offers a rich musical and spiritual experience for boys in grades 2-8. The choir recruits boys from Bucks, Chester, Montgomery and Philadelphia counties. The choir will be holding auditions on Friday, January 21st from 4—6 PM and Saturday, January 22nd from 10 AM—1 PM. To schedule an audition, please call Director Tom Windfelder at (215) 425-6995. Visit the website at Bulletin notices are due no later than Monday noon to St. Alphonsus School Mark you calendars and Visit us on Wednesday, February 2nd 9-11 AM Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and New Student Registrations will be accepted for registered members of St. Alphonsus Parish Please bring a copy of your child’s birth certificate and baptismal certificate, if not baptized at St. Alphonsus. Catholic Schools Week January 30th-February 5th, 2011 This year’s theme, “Catholic Schools: A+ For America,” celebrates the fact that Catholic Schools add great value to our nation. With our high academic standards, supported by strong moral values, we’re making a significant contribution to American society. Come celebrate with us on January 30th! A Catholic Schools Week Agenda highlighting all the activities for the week will be available soon. Page 6 A WORD FROM MONSIGNOR OWENS Dear friends, A few weeks ago Cardinal Rigali promulgated a pastoral letter entitled, Called to Conversion and Holiness. In the next few weeks I will circulate a pastoral letter as widely as I can. Was not our conversion experience accomplished in our baptism? Yes and no! Jesus has won the victory. Baptism allows us to participate in that victory. However, we need to say yes, and from the heart. The Church and her members is always in need of reform. For the past 200 years the Archdiocese of Philadelphia has been about the work of passing on the beauty and the truth of Jesus Christ. We have a rich history and are invited to reflect on that history, not solely to look back, but to take the power of the past, into the present moment and boldly walk into the future carrying on the mission of Christ. As we journey along and discover bit by bit all that Christ wants of us, we say yes and yes and yes again. In later weeks you will hear something about a Blue-Ribbon Commission that will examine our parishes, our schools and distribution of the clergy. For now are no asks us to reflect on what he calls "super priorities" They are, and I will allow his words to supersede mine (how’s that for buttering up the boss): First, the Holy Eucharist: "I renew my call for an ever more worthy and fervent celebration of the holy Eucharist, especially on Sundays. In addition, flowing from our celebration of the Mass, the abiding gift of Jesus in the Eucharist calls us to deepen our love and devotion for the Most Blessed Sacrament through Eucharistic adoration. Christ's mission was perfected on the cross, and so it is through his Sacrifice that we are most intimately united with him and join in his mission of salvific love." Second, the Sacrament of Confession: "If we are to experience the fullness of union with Jesus in the Eucharist, then we must have hearts generously in love with him. Therefore, I renew my call to all of us to be a people of conversion, in particular through more frequent celebration and use of the Sacrament of Confession. Through this Sacrament, we receive in Christ, the Divine Healer, the forgiveness of our sins. Yet the glory of this Sacrament rests not only in the forgiveness of our sins, but also in the gift of sanctifying grace that cleanses us and disposes us for the particular graces needed to withstand temptation and to remain faithful and holy in our daily lives. Third, Priestly Vocations: "The Sacraments of the Eucharist and Confession could not exist without the ministry of the priest. Through ministry of priests, Christ shepherds his church and makes his merciful love effective in our lives. And so, I renew my call to pray for and encourage vocations to the priesthood, so that many more young men will respond to the invitation of Christ to minister to his people in the Church of Philadelphia". In the long history of the Church there have been victories and defeats in her members. No one can escape the conviction that this is a very secular age. Rogue spirits roam. They had before. Just as the ships of yore had to "batten down the hatches" as storms approached, the Church of Philadelphia needs to do the same. Parishes, schools and clergy distribution demand our attention. In the months ahead we will have opportunity to reflect together. St. John of the Cross comes to mind, "Where there is no love, put love, and love will follow". Blessings, Msgr. Owens ( Bulletin notices are due no later than Monday noon to
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