WEEKLY CALENDER Sunday June 30 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:15am Confession 8am INT St. Alphonsus Parish 9:15am Confession 10am INT Teruko Reyes 7pm Dead Theologian’s Society Family Center Monday July 1 Blessed Junípero Serra 9:30am Seniors Exercise Class-McGrath Rm 7:30pm AA Meeting McGrath Room Tuesday July 2 Parish Office Closed Wednesday July 3 St. Thomas, apostle 7pm SVDP Meeting McGrath Room Thursday July 4 Independence Day - Parish Office Closed 7pm Legion of Mary McGrath Room Friday July 5 St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria, St. Elizabeth of Portugal Parish Office Closed Saturday July 6 St. Maria Goretti 12:30pm Funeral for Brigid Gorman 3:30pm Confession 5pm INT St. Alphonsus Parish 7pm AA Meeting McGrath Room Sunday July 7 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:15am Confession 8am RIP Brigid Gorman 9:15am Confession 10am INT Teruko Reyes There will be no 8am daily Masses Tuesday July 2 through Saturday July 6 as Fr. Shane is on vacation. The parish office will be closed Tuesday, Thursday & Friday ST. ALPHONSUS PARISH Served by the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity (SOLT) Reflection from Father Shane: 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Pope Francis in a recent address told priests that they should “smell like their flock”. After the initial shock of the implication of these words, I quickly quibbled, “I would rather my sheep smell like me!” Last week I was at Priest Days in Ocean Shores and went to an Irish Pub. Inside, I had a Guinness and discovered a “Made in Ireland” store. I had always wanted a handmade Irish Sweater. I bought one, and when I showed it to Fr. Brian, he held it to his face, smelled it, and declared, “It smells like your sheep!” Our Holy Father Francis, I believe, desires to witness a Servant Church to our present world. If a priest smells like his lambs, rams and ewes, it is because he has been living with them and not apart. I feel so blessed at St. Alphonsus to be welcomed into your homes and lives as your shepherd and friend. (I no longer call your servants, ha ha!) But truly, many of you have allowed me entrance into the intimate recesses of your hearts. I pray that my heart be that of our Chief Shepherd, Jesus, so that it may magnanimously love you. Please pray for priests! We greatly need your prayers so that we may advance in holiness. We are so often under attack because we bear the wounds of Christ in our spirits. We, like Jesus, are to be willing victims, perpetually offering one sacrifice to the Father. Pray for me. Pax Domini, Fr. Shane PRAYERS AND PARISH NEWS Please contact the parish office at 206-7846464 or lscholz@stalseattle.org to let us know the names of family or friends of parishioners in need of prayer & those serving in Iraq & Afghanistan. Below is a listing of friends and family to keep in prayer: Please pray for: Ellen Pringle, Romeo Solomon, Sr., Sandy McGeough, Aaron Hubert, Teruko Reyes, Barbara Lewis, Marilyn Allan, Jordan Windsor, Carlton Anderson, Marnie Ahern, Jose D. Montano, James Foti, Patti Jahn, Margaret Mayovsky, Theresa Mendenhall, Josephine Thomas, Bill Jung, Vivian Brady, Aaron & Cecilia Thurman, Linda Buchman, Jack Piza, George Trischman, Luz Cantillep, Denise Archuleta, Carole Sierts, Jan Swaisgood, Ardelle Ennis, Barbara Davis, Haeden Schillios, Darlene Gorman, Sharon Andrews, Jean Forster, Bob McKee, Gabrielle Dudley, Lillian Anderson, Jules Orsucci, Ross Gorman, Joan Knebel, Barbara Eggabraten, Bertha Eriksson, Margarette Higgins Serving in Iraq & Afghanistan Joseph Bryant, Giovanni Brown, Christopher Dowling, Mitch Kriebel, Tim McMahon, Jeremy Bryant, Jo Dett, Roland T. San Gil, Calvin S.G. Pangelinan, Andrew Francisco Annual Catholic Appeal This year’s Annual Catholic Appeal has us reflect upon A Future Full of Hope: Growing in our Faith, Providing for our Youth, and Serving our Community. Please prayerfully consider giving to the needs of our Archdiocese including seminarian education, Catholic schools support and much more. Go online to donate: www.seattlearchdiocese.org/donate or fill out the pledge envelope mailed to you and drop in the Sunday collection. Online Giving Did you know you can now contribute to St. Alphonsus online? Just go to our website (www.stalseattle.org) and click on the Giving tab. You can set up payments to occur weekly, monthly, quarterly, whatever is convenient for you. Contact Lizzy at lscholz@stalseattle.org or 206-784-6464 if you have any questions or you would like to discontinue your envelopes. Funeral Announcement The funeral for Brigid Gorman will be on Saturday, July 6 at 12:30pm. PARISH NEWS St. Alphonsus is Hiring!! We are sad to see our facilities supervisor, Louie Van Hollebeke go, but wish him the best on his future endeavors. We are also creating a new position of Faith Formation Assistant. For an application packet for either position please contact Lizzy at lscholz@stalseattle.org. Facilities Supervisor This is a full-time position. Primary responsibilities include maintaining all campus facilities, including the church, rectory/ offices, school, parish center, convent and surrounding grounds. Will work closely with part-time school custodians, vendors and facilities committee. Candidate must have good communication skills and be able to perform a verity of maintenance tasks throughout the workday – this is a hands on position. Benefits per Archdiocesan standards, salary DOE. Faith Formation Assistant This is a part-time (15-18 hours per week) position. Primary responsibilities include teaching select sacramental preparation programs, coordinating special liturgies and community events and serving as liaison between pastor and liturgical ministries. Secondary responsibilities include assisting with administrative duties. Must be able to work some evenings, although schedule is flexible. Salary DOE. Parish Summer Schedule St. Alphonsus Parish Office will close at 2pm through August. Peter’s Pence Collection Today we support the Holy Father in his charitable works. The Peter’s Pence Collection is taken up worldwide to support the most disadvantaged: victims of war, oppression, and natural disaster and others in need of emergency assistance. Be a pilgrim of charity—please be generous in today’s Collection. Turn in your contribution via one of the envelopes mailed to you or in the pews or online. PARISH NEWS Dead Theologian’s Society Summer Schedule: June 30, August 11, 18, 25 @ 7pm in the Family Center All students in grades 7-12 are welcome! DTS is open to public & parochial school, parishioners & non-parishioners. The session will last until 8pm, then we'll return to the Family Center for snacks & open gym. For more info www.stalphonsussea.org or www.deadtheologianssociety.com Dead Theologians Society, Ballard Looking For Something to Read? Stop by the parish office and visit our growing library, we have a lot of new additions so come take a look! We have a variety of religious books including writings from the saints, Catholic writers, encyclicals, & more! Come take a look during office hours (M-F 8:30am-4:30pm, closed 11:30am12:30pm for lunch). Adoration Chapel The St. Alphonsus Adoration Chapel is a great spiritual treasure for the Parish. It is a requirement of the Archdiocese that 2 adorers be present during all hours of Adoration. If you can sign up, contact Lizzy (206-784-6464 or lscholz@stalseattle.org). Please be sure to sign in when you visit the Adoration Chapel, even if you are just a visitor. This is important to show we have at least 2 people present at all times. Thank You! A big thank you to all of the businesses that advertise on the back of our bulletin. It is because of you that we get such a great deal on our bulletin! So thank you to all of our supporting businesses like Ballard Blossom and Seattle Gymnastics Academy! Please patronize these businesses and say THANK YOU for their support of St. Alphonsus! If you, your company, or someone you know is interested in advertising contact Denise at Catholic Printery at 1-800-867-0660. Homebound Ministers Needed Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to the Homebound take the Eucharist to those parishioners who are unable to attend Sunday Mass. Please help keep this rewarding ministry alive and thriving by volunteering after the Sunday 10am Mass. Contact Monica at 206-706-7736 to see how you can take part in this life-giving ministry! 5816 15th Ave NW Seattle WA 98107 T 206 784 6464 stalseattle.org | Design: Hovie Hawk THROUGHOUT THE DIOCESE Upcoming Natural Family Planning Class NFP is a form of family planning that is safe, healthy, and 99% effective, besides being in accord with the Catholic Church's teachings on marriage. A 3-session class will be held at Monica and Michael Bernstein's home beginning July 2 at 7:30 p.m. For more info or to sign up, contact Monica & Michael Bernstein at 206-523-1903 or mkbernstein@live.com. Attending WSU in the Fall? New student or returning, you have found the right place to have your faith, your spirit, your truest self nurtured and cared for at St. Thomas More Catholic Newman Center. Join us for numerous events including Masses, Confession, Adoration, Young Adult Group, Friday Community Dinners, Sacramental Prep (RCIA, Confirmation, Marriage), Pilgrimage, Retreats & our Mission Trip! Stop by the St. Thomas More Center daily 9am-9pm or our chapel anytime, we are located at 820 NE B St. For more info: 509-3326311 or catholiccougs@gmail.com or www.catholiccougs.org. Project Rachel Hope & Healing After Abortion Repressed and unresolved grief from an abortion, may be acted out through self-destructive behavior, broken relationships, eating disorders, and other emotional or behavioral problems. We can help. Next retreat: August 2-4, 2013 Call Valerie: 1-800-822-HOPE (4673) You are loved with an everlasting Love! Project Rachel is a program of CCS. Job Announcement for ACC The Association for Catholic Childhood has a permanent part time office position available. It requires good people & computer skills. 14 hours per week with flexible hours. Contact Barbara at ekeaster@msn.com for more info. Upcoming Cemetery Masses We remember and give thanks at Mass all of those who have died. Everyone is welcome. Masses are on Saturday mornings at 10:30am. July 6 July 13 July 20 Holyrood Cemetery 205 NE 205th St. Shoreline, WA 98155 Calvary Cemetery 5041 35th Ave. NE Seattle, WA 98105 Gethsemane Cemetery 37600 Pacific Hwy S. Federal Way, WA 98003 PARISH SCHOOL PARISH SCHOOL School is closed. The office will reopen August 18. Laptop Needed! The auction team is in urgent need of a laptop! If there is an older laptop sitting at your home, could we use it? We need an additional laptop for data entry and back up. Please contact Maureen Endres at 206/784-5233 or Maureen@chris-endres.com if you can assist us. Thank you! 25th Silver Anniversary Auction The school auction committee is looking for old school directories from year 2006 to 1988. We would love to invite alumni to the auction! If you have some we can borrow, please contact Stacey McClincy at 206-5955825 or stacey@mcclincy.com. Thank you! Wish List Items Wine-$15 per bottle and up An iPhone or Surface Restaurant gift certificates $50+ Sporting/Theater event tickets Hotel rooms downtown Please fill out the procurement donor form, items can be turned in to the parish office during the summer. The Reyes Family The Reyes family has been part of the Ballard community for 12 years and parishioners at St. Alphonsus for more than a decade. The youngest daughters, Rosa & Teresa, still attend St. Alphonsus Parish School. Mari has followed Rebekah, David & John’s footsteps to Ballard H.S. These Ballard Beavers grads have gone onto the UW & North Seattle Community College. Teruko, a gentle yet strong mother of 6 with Samurai heritage has been battling Stage 4 breast cancer for over 3.5 years with the support of her husband Ricardo. Some of the cancer treatments she is undergoing are not covered by insurance. They are very grateful for your support both spiritual & material., please pray for her & her family! If you would like to make a donation, they have set up the Teruko Reyes Assistance Fund account. The account is listed on the KeyBank internal bulletin donation account list. Any KeyBank can accept donations. www.facebook.com/stalseattle St. Al’s Montessori Preschool Openings If you are looking for a high quality Montessori preschool program rooted in Catholic values, look no farther than St. Alphonsus. Children also work with specialists in art, music, library, and religion on a weekly basis to enrich their experience. To schedule a tour, please contact the Admissions Coordinator at admissions@stalseattle.org or call the school office at 782-4363. From the Reyes Family To all in St. Alphonsus Parish, My wife Teruko and our family appreciate your gift of love made through the Sons of Italy. After two weeks of being in constant pain, Teruko got the upper hand in her recovery today. Our youngest daughter Rosa, asked me today, "since I have to go to work every day, am I going to become an orphan?" My sisters in Puerto Rico always ask me how Teruko can go on through this battle. If she was only counting on her physical endurance, she would have given up. Teruko has been balancing Faith, Hope and Love in her spirit and that is the secret for her endurance. She is grateful for your gift of love, through the fundraiser of the Sons of Italy. Many blessings for all of you in our loving St. Alphonsus Parish, Ricardo and Teruko Reyes. Scrip News A little reminder about the Scrip program at our school… You get the goods and there’s a rebate in place that is so cool! The rebate is just a percentage of the card’s total worth, An easy way to raise money for our happiest place on earth! Yes, it really is as simple as that. Pick up a Scrip card for your weekly grocery shopping at Fred Meyer worth $100 and you’ll earn the St. Alphonsus school community an extra $5. The rebate does vary by retailer and a complete listing of available cards and their percentages can be found on the school website. Think of us first when preparing for all your summer fun! You can buy Scrip cards after all masses in the back vestibule, and at the parish office during the week. Contact Mija Hamilton at mija@windermere.com for more info. 5816 15th Ave NW Seattle WA 98107 T 206 784 6464 stalseattle.org | Design: Hovie Hawk
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