COVER SHEET Church Name: St. Alphonsus Catholic Church 33 Conwell Drive Maple Glen, PA 19002 Bulletin Number: 020800 E-Mail Address: Contact Person: Valerie Barbour Software: Microsoft Publisher 2010 Adobe Acrobat 9 Standard Windows XP Professional Printer: Sharp MX2610N Transmission Time: 12:00 Noon Wednesday Number of pages sent: 9 Sunday Date of Publication: March 3, 2013 THANK YOU, VALERIE BARBOUR-FEATHER (215) 646-4600 THERE IS AN INSERT: 020800 INSERT 3-3-2013 St. Alphonsus Parish March 3, 2013 Third Sunday of Lent More than forty-five years serving the people of God Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. Owens, Pastor Rev. Quan M. Trinh, Parochial Vicar Rev. Joseph B. Smits CICM, Weekend Asst. Deacon Peter H. Burghart Rev. Wilfred F. Maloney, Pastor Emeritus RECTORY— (215) 646-4600 FAX— (215) 646-0180 Kathy Morris, Parish Services Director Nick D’Amico, Parish Business Manager MUSIC MINISTRY — (215) 654-0129 Mary Lou Lewcun, Music Director CHOIR — (215) 542-8319 Frank Stieber, Director Kathleen Dilts, Principal David Hayden, Vice Principal P.R.E.P. — (215) 643-7938 Linda Tonelli, Director of Religious Education YOUTH MINISTRY— Suzie Devlin, Youth Coordinator PARISH PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Joseph Carmean OUR LADY OF MERCY REGIONAL CATHOLIC SCHOOL A joint ministry of St. Alphonsus, St. Anthony of Padua & St. Catherine of Siena Parishes 29 Conwell Drive Maple Glen, PA 19002 Located on the campus of St. Alphonsus Parish (215) 646-0150 MASS SCHEDULE (IN CHURCH) Saturday Vigil: 5 PM Sunday: 8 AM, 10:15 AM and 12:00 Noon DAILY MASS SCHEDULE (IN CHAPEL) Monday through Friday: 6:30 AM and 9:00 AM Saturday: 9:00 AM PARISH OFFICE HOURS (Located in the Rectory) Monday through Friday: 9 AM to 12:30 PM and 1 PM to 4 PM Saturday (Mass Cards only) 10 AM to 2 PM Sunday (Mass Cards only) 9 AM to Noon SACRAMENT OF PENANCE (In Chapel) Saturday : After 9 AM Mass; 3:45 PM to 4:45 PM A proper examination of conscience and the prayers of the rite are available in the Chapel. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM The Sacrament of Baptism celebrated on the 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month at 1:15 PM in the church. Parents are expected to attend a Pre-Jordan class prior to the baptism. Please call the Rectory to arrange the baptism ceremony and/or to register for Pre-Jordan class. SACRAMENT OF THE ANOINTING OF THE SICK Those hospitalized, seriously ill or anticipating a hospital procedure are welcome to celebrate the Anointing of the Sick after the last daily Mass on any weekday. Please contact the Rectory to indicate your intention to receive the sacrament. SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY Couples contemplating marriage must contact one of the priests at least six months in advance to make an appointment to discuss marriage plans and preparation. 33 Conwell Drive Maple Glen PA 19002 Parish Website: Parish E-Mail Address: Phone (215) 646-4600 Fax (215) 646-0180 Mass Intentions for the Week Saturday, March 2: 9:00 AM: Special Intentions of Valerie Barbour Feather 5:00 PM: Rita Devlin—The McKibbin Family Sunday, March 3: 8:00 AM John Leonard—The Family 10:15 AM Barbara Cavanaugh (20th Ann.) - Her Family 12:00 PM For the People of the Parish Monday, March 4: 6:30 AM: Jack Killion—Joe & Ceil Young 9:00 AM: Marie Grizzard—George & Carol Longo Tuesday, March 5: 6:30 AM: Wilhelm & Johanna Schmitt—Their Family 9:00 AM: Patricia Gavaghan—Jean & Dick Gretzinger Wednesday, March 6: 6:30 AM Tom Murphy—Lynn & Joe Chapman 9:00 AM Bridget Tarsi—Her Family Thursday, March 7: 6:30 AM Thomas Gandolfo—Dave & Arlene White 9:00 AM Douglas Doody (2nd Ann.) - Mary Doody Friday, March 8: 6:30 AM Marian Cristino—Meghan & Don Coleman 9:00 AM Veronica W. Eddis—Florence A. Fuery Saturday, March 9: 9:00 AM Robert Logan—The Robins Family 5:00 PM For the People of the Parish Sunday, March 10: 8:00 AM Barbara & George Monasky—The Monasky Family 10:15 AM Angela Serratore—Dolores Serratore 12:00 PM Margaret Garrity—Jackie & Scott Smith SICK RELATIVES AND FRIENDS Donald James Carroll Kristin Murphy Kara Marie Grainger Lois McGinty Michael Thorne Ann Michels Marni Brown Passaretti Mary Curran Larry DiLuzio Joe Cirotti Ethel Cirotti Grady Hofmann Sandora Weathers Rose Mullarkey Peg McGann Wolfgang Lackler Ethel Moses Michael Getty Gregory Thompson Maryjane Payne Fr. Dennis Billy Nicole Hayes Marge Burghart Leonard Paccione Kirsten Threlfall Julie Moor Joseph Burke David Dickson IV Alice Notaris Luta Lipman Fred Silverman Jim Jandrisitz Michael DiMuzio David Byrne Kathleen Finnegan Carol Stilletto Barbara Ramsden Kevin Romano Grace Marcozzi Michelle Gossner Thomas Fisher Kathleen O’Shea Ella Dierkes Grace Pierce Morgan McDonald Patti Carrier Charles Irwin Belinda Loehle Joseph Loehle Jr. Winifred Auch Joseph McNamara Anne Romberger Marisa Fabiszewski Elizabeth Schapperle Jennifer McDermott Gerard Taddei Joan Taddei Shannon DiGiuseppe Mary K. Greenwood Kristen PavlickWeetenkamp DECEASED RELATIVES AND FRIENDS Rev. John P Gallagher, Dorothy McAuliffe, Gary Gilbert, Shirley Ann Burns, Eileen Taddei, Beverly Oliver, and Clara Exner. PRAY FOR OUR TROOPS Lcpl. Patrick Miller, Lieutenant Christopher M. Boss, Lieutenant Thomas Nell, USMC, Connor Cleary, Sean Dickson, Eric Burns, Matthew Reed, Joey Lewcun, Anthony Szczurek, Tania Szczurek, Matthew Trimborn, Major Gabriel J. Zinni, Ryan Greene, Michael McHale, Michael McDonald, Matthew Morrison, Col. John Sullivan, Lieutenant Commander Thomas Luft, Bradford Hollingsworth. Together as a parish we pray for their safety. Please contact John Cavanaugh if you would like to add a name or for more information at 215-643-3299 or email at LITURGY OF THE HOURS/ROSARY Morning Prayer is Monday through Saturday at 8:40 AM. The recitation of the Holy Rosary follows our 9 AM Mass. Next Sunday’s Celebrants March 9 and 10 5:00 PM Preaching: 8:00 AM 10:15 AM 12:00 PM Father Quan Trinh Deacon Peter Burghart Father Quan Trinh Monsignor Tom Owens Father Joseph Smits Celebrants subject to change. Holy Communion for the Sick and Homebound If you are unable to attend Mass and would like to receive Holy Communion, please contact Kathy Morris at the rectory (215) 646-4600 or email at YOUR WILL Please remember our parish in your bequests. Page 2 Music Ministry 5:00 PM 8:00 AM 10:15 AM 12:00 PM Monica Spadoni-Matthews, Gerry DaCosta Frank Stieber, Mary Lou Lewcun Revelation Monica Spadoni-Matthews, Mary Lou Lewcun Bulletin notices are due no later than Monday noon to READINGS FOR NEXT SUNDAY First Reading — The Israelites ate of the yield of the land of Canaan (Joshua 5:9a, 10-12) or 1 Samuel 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a. Psalm — Taste and see the goodness of the Lord (Psalm 34) or Psalm 23. Second Reading — Whoever is in Christ is a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17-21) or Ephesians 5:8-14. Gospel — This man welcomes sinners and eats with them (Luke 15:1-3, 11-32) or John 9:1-41 [1, 6-9, 13-17, 34-38]. Adoration Corner Every Wednesday in the Chapel 9:30 AM-6:30 PM Followed by Evening Prayer and Benediction Intention: Dedication: To Reduce World Hunger Food Drive Committee Could you not spend an hour with me? Meditation Do You Know Your Tribunal? Saint Paul makes plain today’s point: “God has reconciled us to himself through Christ… We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God… Whoever is in Christ is a new creation.” What is it that finally moves the prodigal son to return home? His hunger. In the experience of being without, he becomes aware of the “something more” that can save him: his father’s house. Certain that his father will feed him just as he feeds any of his household servants, the son sets out to be saved. He goes hoping for scraps of manna, yet he is received like the Israelites into the Promised Land where he is set before a feast. The “hunger” of what remains unreconciled in us is what leads us back to the Father. Dressed in the effects of the Father’s own authority, we “become the righteousness of God.” The Tribunal is a group of specially qualified Catholics whose responsibility is to come to the help of people who have experienced divorce and who may wish to remarry in the Catholic Church. When a divorce occurs, the Catholic Church always seeks to balance two realities. One is the unbreakableness of the bond of marriage. This is God’s law. It cannot be broken by human intervention. On the other hand, the Church is concerned about the spiritual welfare of the people involved. Was this a true marriage? Even though a Catholic marriage was concelebrated, was there perhaps some deficiency in the consent of the parties involved? The annulment procedure addresses this problem. If you are divorced and want to marry in the Church or remarried outside the Catholic Church, please telephone the Tribunal Office. The Tribunal, 222 North 17th Street Philadelphia, PA 19103 Telephone (215) 587-3750 Have you signed up yet to receive our latest parish web announcements. Just go to our website and give us your email address. Each time we post a new announcement on our website, it will be emailed to you. Great way to keep informed. Bereavement Ministry Workshop St. Joseph the Worker Parish 1879 Applewood Drive, Oreland PA Saturday, March 9th from 9 AM-3 PM Please RSVP, Megan Cokeley, (215) 587-5630 or Neumann Spirituality Day Retreat Nativity of Our Lord 625 W. Street Road, Warminster, PA “Between Heaven and Mirth” Wednesday, March 13th 9:30 AM-2:00 PM Located in the Parish Center, cost is $15, which includes Continental Breakfast at 9:30 AM, program from 10 AM - 2 PM. Drinks and desserts provided for Brown Bag Lunch. Reservation requested but not required. Contact Rosemary (215) 947-2780. This Week at St. Alphonsus Sign up for free, weekly email newsletter at Mon. March 4: Have a wonderful week! New Family Registration All new families are asked to please register at the rectory. We are eager to greet new members of our parish community. Call for an appointment. (Note: Families moving out of the Parish should also notify the rectory). Teller Group #5 March 10 : Gene Guicheteau Nancy Moore Ray Garcia March Poor Box: Operation Rice Bowl Page 3 Sun. March 3: 8:45 AM PREP; 10:15 AM Little Church School Tues. March 5: 6:30 AM Morning Bible Study; 4:00 PM Share the Word; 4:30 PM PREP; 7:30 PM Liturgy Committee Wed. March 6: Adoration following 9 AM Mass; 7:00 PM Confessions; 7:00 PM Knights of Columbus Thurs., March 7: 7:30 PM Choir Rehearsal Fri., March 8: 7:30 PM Stations of the Cross Have a great weekend! Bulletin notices are due no later than Monday noon to What’s Going On Gwynedd Mercy Academy High School Are you interested in GMAHS? Do you have what it takes to be a Gwynedd Girl? Do you want to learn more about our academics, sports and extracurricular activities? Now is your chance! Come visit Gwynedd from 8:15 AM to 10:30 AM and receive a personal tour with the Admissions staff, explore classrooms, and interact with students and faculty. Space is limited so please call the Admissions Office at (215) 6468815 ext. 306 to make a reservation. Please visit the website at for more information. St. Alphonsus Spring Pre-Cana Friday, March 8 and Saturday, March 9, 2013 St. Alphonsus Parish is proud to have several gifted, enthusiastic married couples who will help make this weekend a rich, spiritually rewarding experience for all the engaged couples who attend. For additional information please contact the Rectory Office, 215-646-4600. Registration forms are located in the Narthex and can be found on our website. Attention Runners… OLM Run for Mercy 5K and 1 Mile Fun Run Sat., March 16th, 2013 at 9:00 AM Starts and ends at St. Alphonsus Parish Center Benefits the educational needs of Our Lady of Mercy Sign-up online by clicking on the advancement tab of the school website: Entry fee includes race registration, long sleeve t-shirt, food after the race, and tons of fun. Also looking for sponsors & volunteers. Contact Meg Pensabene (215) 628-3008 or The Holy Redeemer Thrift Store Donations Needed The Holy Redeemer Thrift Store is seeking tax deductible donations of gently used clothing, decorative items and housewares to stock their store. For large items, please call their furniture line: (215) 674-1321. If your furniture qualifies, the pick-up is free. Lenten Concert “His Passion. Our Salvation” Saturday, March 9th at 7:00 PM Free and open to the public. St. Charles Borromeo Seminary 100 E. Wynnewood Rd. Wynnewood, PA 19096 Miraculous Medal Shrine 500 E. Chelten Ave., Philadelphia Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary Mondays - Regular Novena Schedule & Masses: 7 & 9 AM, 12:15, 2,3,4,5,6:30 & 7:30 PM Tuesday-Thursday: 7 & 9 AM, 12:05 & 7:00 PM Friday & Saturday - 7 & 9 AM, 12:05 & 5:00 PM For more info call (215) 848-1010 or Pray for our Priests and Our Pope St. Catherine of Siena Parish 321 Witmer Rd. Horsham PA St. Catherine of Siena in Horsham hosts an ongoing Holy Hour for Priests. Join them the 1st and 3rd Sunday every month at 7:00 PM in the Chapel. The next dates for the Holy Hour are March 3rd and March 17th. All are welcome! Mass for Persons with Disabilities, The Deaf Community, Family, Friends & Caregivers Saturday, March 23, 2013 at 10:30 AM Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul 18th & Benjamin Franklin Parkway Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. Principal celebrant & homilist Light reception immediately following Mass All are welcome For more information, contact the Dept. for Pastoral Care for Persons with Disabilities (215) 587-3530 (voice), (267) 507-1215 (video phone). Location: Town & Country Shopping Centre, 473 E. County Line Rd., Hatboro PA 19040, (215) 675-5833 Donation Hours: Mon.– Fri. 10 AM-6 PM; Sat. 9:30 AM 4 PM; Sun. 11 AM-4 PM. Market Day A Fundraiser Like No Other This monthly grocery sale provides a great variety of healthy, delicious and convenient food at competitive prices. Also, a percentage of every purchase will fund important resources for Our Lady of Mercy. All proceeds from sales benefit Holy Redeemer Women’s and Children’s Services. Our next sale date is Thursday, March 14th, 2013. Order today by visiting or fill out the EZ Order form found in the Narthex and return it to the OLM school office on or before Wednesday, March 6th . For questions or order forms please contact Jocelyn Martone 215-628-2154 Page 4 Bulletin notices are due no later than Monday noon to The Independence Sinfonia Jerome Rosen, Music Director and the Abington Choral Club, Peter Hilliard, Director Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony Cynthia Rasmussen, Soprano Maja Lisa FritzHuspen, Mezzo-Soprano Jeffrey Halili, Tenor Rocky E. Sellers, Bass-Baritone Catholic Clinical Consultants Catholic Clinical Consultants, the behavioral health company of Catholic Healthcare Services of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, offers individual, couples, and family counseling in a supportive environment. Our staff includes psychologists and Master’s level professional psychotherapists. Day and evening hours are available. We are a Medicare provider and accept most health insurance. We have offices in West Chester, Levittown, East Norriton, Northeast Philadelphia and Springfield, Delaware County. To schedule an appointment at the nearest office, please call 1-855-518-2223. Father Chuck’s Challenge Pilgrimage to Nicaragua June 3-8, 2013 Join us on a pilgrimage with Food for the Poor, to the mountains of Northern Nicaragua. We will visit homes of some of the 4,500 poor now sheltered by donors to Father Chuck’s Challenge. We plan to dedicate our two new villages, each with Holy Mass-as well as three newly renovated churches! No physical labor involved! For details please contact IMMEDIATELY! Msgr. Francis X. Schmidt at (610) 676-0146 or email Connie Hunt at Holy Redeemer Counseling Center 521 Moredon Rd. Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 “To Pamper is to Nourish” Many people often prioritize the needs of others above their own. It’s important to take care of yourself not just on special occasions, but on a daily basis. This class will teach you some great tips to help you pamper yourself and restore balance to your life by making a few simple changes and adding certain “lifestyle upgrades” into your daily routine. Registration is required by Friday, March 15th in order to provide adequate seating. Space is limited. Wednesday, March 20th from 7-9 PM Cost is $25 Presenter: Rachael Pontillo, AADP CHC, BS, LE 1-800-818-4747 Page 5 Sunday, March 3, 2013 at 4:00 PM Upper Dublin HS Performing Arts Center 800 Loch Alsh Ave., Ft. Washington, PA Tickets: Adults $18, Seniors/Students $12 To purchase tickets online, visit or call (267) 625-8534 News from Our Lady of Mercy Catholic School On Tuesday, February 26th, OLM hosted Sr. Edward William Quinn, Director of Curriculum and Instruction for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Sr. Edward delivered an informative presentation on the Common Core State Standards and Terra Nova Testing. We thank Sr. Edward for her presentation and the many parents who were able to join us to learn about the good things happening in our classrooms. Calendar Reminders: March 3 - Mother-Son Bowling March 4-8 - Terra Nova Testing March 5 - Home and School General Meeting Sr. Pat presents information to parents March 8 - End of the 2nd Marking Period March 9 - Sweetheart Dance March 16 - OLM 5K Run for Mercy April 6 - OLM Trivia Night Now Accepting Registrations for the 2013-2014 School Year.. Please call the school office 215-646-0150 for an appointment. BLOOD DRIVE Tuesday, March 5, 2013 Temple Sinai 1401 Limekiln Pike, Dresher, PA 19025 Noon—8:30 PM Call (215) 643-6510 for an appointment. Bulletin notices are due no later than Monday noon to St. Catherine of Siena Parish “From Fear to Faith” “Why are you afraid? Have you no faith? (Mk 4:40) Jesus spoke these words to His terrified disciples who woke Him in the midst of a storm at sea. Using Scripture, the Catechism and the teaching of the Saints, Gary Zimak will provide an effective antidote to the anxieties of daily life! Sunday, March 10th and Monday, March 11th 7-8 PM 321 Witmer Rd. Horsham, PA Free admission, donations accepted. Gwynedd Mercy Academy High School The following girls from St. Alphonsus Parish have earned a place on the honor roll for their fine work during the first semester of the 20122013 academic year. First Honors: Michael Novakovic, Tara DeAngelis, Julie Hutchinson, Kelly Yoast, Mary Breen, Allison DeAngelis, Belen Fresno-Caturla, Jenna Stefkovic, Emily Sillivan, Alexandra Araco, Caroline Dennin, Claire Kennedy and Shannon Scott. Second Honors: Gia Avallone, Arleigh MacMaster, Alyssa Maida, Kathryn Rietzke, Alexis Zollo and Mary Kathleen Scott. Congratulations!!!! Saint Francis Retreat House 3918 Chipman Road, Easton, PA “The Eucharist” Men’s Retreat Friday, March 22-Sunday, March 24 Today we are searching for restoration of a sense of wonder and mystery to the Mass. To help us understand the Mass it is crucial to investigate what Jesus as a Jewish man at this time of history would have experienced and intended by asking us “to do this to remember” him. Call (610) 258-3053 to register and for additional information. The presenter, John Quigley, OFM is an artist, preacher and human rights activist. Get all the inspiring articles you loved in the magazine, now online only at Page 6 Archbishop Wood High School Performing Arts Department “Music Man” Friday, March 8th and Saturday, March 9th at 7:30 PM Sunday, March 10th at 2:00 PM Tickets available now. Reserved seating is $10, General admission is $6. Contact Sue McCloskey (267) 408-1958 or Men’s Leadership Training Workshop St. Gertrude’s Parish 209 Merion Avenue, West Conshohocken, PA The King’s Men will be hosting a Leader’s Training Workshop Saturday, March 16th at St. Gertrude’s in West Conshohocken from 9 AM-4 PM. The workshop is for any man interested in leading the men of the parish in an adult men’s formation and accountability group. This program is designed to engage all men (fathers, husbands, sons, and single men 18+) in a masculine faith experience. For more information, please contact Dave DiNuzzo, TKM Director of Programming at (719) 231-0922. Sponsored by the Archdiocesan Office for Life, Family and Laity. LaSalle College High School This distinguished academic tribute is the result of achieving the Academic Excellence Award for the first semester of 2012-2013: Ahab G. Alneri Michael P. Barrett Gregory V. Brocato Andrew G. Carlone Christopher D. Ciliberto David W. Cox Joseph N. Dallas Luke M. DeAngelis Michael A. DeAngelis III Joseph R. Fabrizio John J. Farris, Jr. Kevin M. Finnegan Jonathan D. Giannini John P. Gregor Daniel P. Groff Joseph B. Kennedy Jacob J. Klemmer Matthew G. Lucas William C. Lucas Christopher J. Mather Christopher A. Mele Michael J. O’Connor Shea T. O’Neill Sean P. Princivalle Liam C. Reeves Kevin J. Tavolaro Michael P. Zajac Congratulations!!!! Sunday Mass on Television The Sunday Mass is now airing in Pennsylvania on ABC Family from 6:30 AM to 7:00 AM each Sunday. This Mass is produced by the Passionist Fathers and Brothers in New York City and airs nationally on various affiliates. It is a special ministry, particularly for the elderly and the infirmed. For more information, consult the website at Bulletin notices are due no later than Monday noon to St. Alphonsus Parish Parish Day of Service (Saturday, April 20, 2013) ORGANIZATIONAL NEWS MS HS Next Planning Meeting March 7th at 7:30 PM In Narthex Meeting Room It is time to kick off 2013 with some exciting events Save these upcoming dates! All meetings are in the Parish Hall Sunday, March 10 at 6:00 PM Sunday March 24, TBD Sunday, April 7, TBD Sites available within our community are being discussed along with how to organize our volunteers. We still need a lot of help to make this day a success. Please contact Hannah Vargo (MS) at and Suzie Devlin (HS) at All are welcome to attend. If you can not attend the meeting, but would like to be part of the committee, please email Kathy Morris at Hope to see you! Ambler YMCA 1325 McKean Rd., Ambler PA 19002 215-628-9950 Teen Leaders Club Attention Teens interested in helping the community, having fun, learning how to be a leader, and making friends that will last a lifetime. In Leaders Club teens get the opportunity to meet with their peers and discuss issues that are important to them. They get the opportunity to learn valuable leadership skills while volunteering in the community and at the YMCA. They also get to attend rallies (retreats) three times a year at other YMCA’s in various states. St. Alphonsus’ Seniors The Seniors Club will hold their next meeting on Monday, March 18th at1:30. Our special treat on this occasion will be our gourmet dessert table. Members are asked to bring a dessert that serves 8 people. Bingo will follow. Hope to see you there. New members welcome. Questions, call (215) 646-6473. St Alphonsus Seniors Group Travel Schedule Mon., April 29th: Delaware Park Racing/Casino: Cost $55; $30 free play and lunch. Departure TBA. Leave the Casino after the last race. Wed. May 15th: American Music Theater/Shady Maple. Cost $85; Show- “Now & Forever” Departure TBA. Contact Eleanor Deon (215) 646-4492 for additional details. More events to follow! Parish Library Facts There are over 800 titles in the collection, about 40 audio, CD or DVD items located in the shelves in the Narthex Meeting Room. They are organized by subject areas such as: biography, family life, religious education, etc. You can search online by going to Login staparishlibrary and password: alphonsus. Look online then stop by, browse the shelves and sign out the item on card in the pocket of the book. Any questions, contact Suzie Devlin at Page 7 Please consider coming to the next meeting. Family Portraits 50 Anniversary Book th Please be a part of the Parish Directory. We need YOU to make this book complete! The session is free and each family will receive a complimentary 8x10 portrait and directory. Next Session of Sittings– April 12 and 13th, 2013 These sessions will be in the Parish Center. Go to the parish website, for the link to sign up. Please call the rectory if you can not go to the site. Other sitting times are also available until June, just in time for our college students. Interested in Becoming A Catholic? The RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is the way people join the Catholic Christian Community. It is the process of instruction, prayer, and community experience that leads to full membership in the Catholic Church. The program is for those never baptized, those married to or marrying Catholics and wanting to better understand their partner’s faith, those persons having never received the Sacrament of Confirmation and Eucharist, or needing some more instruction to help them to an adult faith. If you or someone you know may want to join us, contact the Rectory Office or e-mail us at Bulletin notices are due no later than Monday noon to Parish Lenten Corner Seeking God in All Things Take a look at our Lenten road to Calvary in the Main Church and reflect on this meditation from an excerpt of writings by Thomas Merton. Opening a New Space Through Prayer The contemplative life must provide an area in which possibilities are allowed to surface and new choices become manifest. It should create a new experience of time, a space which can enjoy its own potentialities and hopes and its presence to itself. One’s own time. Not dominated by one’s own ego and its demands. Open to others-compassionate time. Jesus, help me find a new space for your presence in my life. Symbols of Lent: Water: We are God’s family Those who drink of the water that I will give them will never be thirsty.—John 4:14 Jesus purposely talks with the Samaritan woman, a foreigner, as a reminder that the waters of baptism gather all people as members of God’s family and brothers and sisters in Christ. MERCY God is mercy. That seems to be the main message of the reading from Exodus. God has seen the suffering of the Israelites and promises mercy and rescue. From then on, God is to be known as the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Paul calls his readers to continue to grow in the faith. The God who rescued Israel also rescues them. As beneficiaries of God’s mercy, Christians must keep on working, doing their part to become ever more trusting and loving people of God. The Gospel’s second section is a homey story about God’s mercy. Against the advice of the land owner, the vinedresser pleads for mercy—and shows mercy—to allow the poor fig tree yet another year to become productive. TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION St. Alphonsus Diaconate Candidate Congratulations to JT Toth, a candidate in formation for Holy Orders as a permanent deacon from our parish. JT will be instituted into the Ministry of Acolyte on Saturday, March 16th. Our support and prayers are with JT and his family. The mission of Catholic Charities agencies is to provide service to people in need, to advocate for justice in social structures, and to call the entire church and other people of good will to do the same. The Parish goal is $76,250. By now you should have received your pledge information in the mail. If you have sent in your donation, we sincerely thank you. Additional donation forms can be found in the narthex. We ask that you give generously to this worthwhile appeal. Page 8 Hollywood has given us an image of Moses slipping off his shoes before a burning bush. God has just called Moses by name, and so that Moses doesn’t miss the meaning of this breakthrough in human history, God requires that all barriers to the experience be eliminated. If you’ve ever tried to maneuver barefoot across hot sand, or pick your way along a rocky beach, you know how sensitive feet can be. Within the Church, there are religious orders with a custom of going barefoot, not merely to show poverty, but to be an outward sign of a desire for connection with creation, a desire to go through life alert to what God is doing. In early days, when reconciliation was a once in a lifetime possibility, penitents often went barefoot for a long period of time as a sign of their conversion. Even today, people follow an ancient practice of slipping off their shoes to walk in the procession to the cross on Good Friday. It is striking that the first use of our newly scrubbed feet from Holy Thursday night is to walk resolutely in the footsteps of Christ to the cross. Bulletin notices are due no later than Monday noon to
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