Bulletin Cover Sheet

Bulletin Cover Sheet
Church Name:
Saint Charles Parish
990 Saturn Blvd.
San Diego, CA 92154
Bulletin No.:
Contact Person:
Telephone No.:
(619) 423-0242
Saint Charles Parish
South San Diego/ Imperial Beach
990 Saturn Boulevard
San Diego, CA 92154
(619) 423-0242
Fax: 423-1966
South San Diego/ Imperial Beach
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday
& 12:30-5:00PM
Saturn Boulevard
San Diego, CA 92154
8:30AM-12:00PM & 12:30-4:00PM
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 10, 2014
"Truth shall spring out of the earth,
and justice shall look down from heaven!"
-- Psalm 85:12
May 11, 2014
of Easter (A)
8:00 AM & 5:00 PM (Vigil Mass)
7:00, 8:30, 10:00 AM,
1:00 & 5:00 PM
8:00 AM
AM &
& 5:30PM
5:00 PM (Vigil Mass)
8:30, 10:00 AM,
11:30 AM (Spanish),
1:00 & 5:00 PM
& 5:30PM
Monday-Friday: Liturgy of the Hours (Morning Prayer
Holy Days:
7:00AM; Evening Prayer 5:00PM)
the Blessed Mother after 7:30 AM Mass.
of the
Monday-Friday: Liturgy
of the
Prayer after
7:30 AM Mass until 5:00 PM Benediction.
at 7:005:00PM)
To the Blessed
after 7:30
To Our Lady
of Fatima
AM Mass
1st Friday: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament after
7:30 AM Mass until 5:00 PM Benediction.
Grupo de Oración at 7:00
Saturday: To
- 4:30
& otherafter
by AM
1st Saturday:
of Fatima
Phone: (619) 423-0242
Fax: 423-1966
Web Site:
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday
Most Rev.&Cirilo
Pastor: Friday Fr. James Bahash
& 12:30-4:00PM
Assoc. Pastor:
Fr. Burt Boudoin
(Sam) Martinez 429-3580
Rev. Cirilo Flores 429-0716
Fr. James
Assoc. Pastors:Raul
Fr. Burt
Fr. Arnold Tadena
Bob Barretto
David Lewis
Seodello (Sam) Martinez 429-3580
Mick Dennison
Ken Montoya
Raul Hernandez
Saint Charles
LewisSteve Stutz, Principal
Saint Charles School:
Steve Stutz, Principal
Saint Charles Catechetical
Director Center:
Reyna Sanchez, Administrative Assistant
Alicia Policarpio, Director
Marci Morrison, Youth and Young Adult Ministries
Reyna Sanchez, Administrative Assistant
Marci Morrison, Youth and Young Adult Ministries
For more information please go to
For more information please go to
Saturday: 3:30 - 4:30 PM & other days by appointment
Contact the Parish Office. Pre-baptismal classes are required for
Parents and Godparents.
Lulu Corp
Contact the Parish Office. Pre-baptismal classes are
& Bulletin Editor
Lulu Corp
required for Parents and MARRIAGE
& Bulletin
& Resource
Contact the Parish office.
Nine-month notice required.
Veronica Kuehn
Office & Facilities ManagerAnalyst
Contact the Parish office. Nine-month notice required.
Veronica Kuehn
Office Manager
St. Charles Parish
San Diego / Imperial Beach
Page Two
If we could name one theme for this Sunday’s readings it would be, “Shhhhh, be quiet.” In the first reading the
prophet Elijah is hiding from his enemies in a cave but is waiting for the Lord to pass by. The Lord had told him to expect his coming. As the scripture tells us God’s presence was not announced by the earthquake, tornado, or fire. No, it
was a tiny whispering sound that Elijah might have missed if he was talking on his cell phone, watching TV, playing
video games, texting, or surfing the net (all of which are impossible without electricity but you get the picture). Silence
is a beautiful and necessary thing if we want to listen attentively for the Lord’s voice.
The noise we expose ourselves to on a daily basis is sapping our ability to hear God speak to us, it makes us forget about His presence, and provides many avenues of temptation that we should be living without. In short, the noise
around us can bring us a sinking feeling. Take, for example, St. Peter. In the gospel today St. Peter and the Apostles are
in a boat on the Sea of Galilee. It’s the middle of the night, the wind is blowing against them, and the sea is rough. As
they see Jesus walking towards them on the water they begin to freak out (not like the old disco song) and scream in fear
because they thought they were seeing a ghost. Jesus assures them it is he and not a ghost. Peter challenges him, “If it
is you, command me to come to you upon the water.” Jesus obliges and Peter begins to walk toward Jesus on the water!
But as soon as he becomes distracted by the noise of the wind and height of the rough waters he loses his focus on Jesus
and begins to sink. The same happens to us when we take our eyes off of our beautiful Lord and Savior, we begin to
sink in the cares, glitter, and nonsense of worldly things and people.
So here’s your homework. Set aside a little time every day to pray in silence. You may want to recite the rosary
or read your bible or just have a conversation with God alone. I give you permission to tell your children, spouse, roommates, or siblings to leave you alone for a few minutes each day while you pray. If possible, I encourage try to stop by
the church and make a visit to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Not only is it quiet in the chapel, but it becomes like
spiritual radiation therapy. Sometimes just sitting in the Lord’s presence is enough to change your attitude, dispel your
cares, and bring you peace in abundance.
Speaking of peace and quiet…. Thanks be to God, I’ve been given permission by the bishop to take a sabbatical.
Every seven years the priests of the diocese are encouraged to take up to three months away from the parish for spiritual,
academic, and personal formation. It’s been fifteen years for me as a priest and I’ve not taken one. But starting next
week I’ll be away for a couple of months taking some workshops, studying a bit, and on a retreat in a monastery (talk
about silence!). In the mean time, Fr. Arnold and Fr. Burt, as well as Deacons Sam, Mick, Ken, Raul, and David, will
continue to be here to minister to you. Please keep me in your prayers as you can rest assured of mine. God bless you!
Fr. Jim Bahash
Monday: Ez 1:2-5, 24-28c; Ps 148:1-2, 11-14; Mt 17:22-27
Tuesday: Ez 2:8 — 3:4; Ps 119:14, 24, 72, 103, 111, 131;
Mt 18:1-5, 10, 12-14
Wednesday: Ez 9:1-7; 10:18-22; Ps 113:1-6; Mt 18:15-20
Thursday: Ez 12:1-12; Ps 78:56-59, 61-62: Mt 18:21 — 19:1
Friday: Vigil: 1 Chr 15:3-4, 15-16; 16:1-2; Ps 132:6-7, 9-10,
13-14; 1 Cor 15:54b-57; Lk 11:27-28
Day: Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab; Ps 45:10-12,
16; 1 Cor 15:20-27; Lk 1:39-56
Saturday: Ez 18:1-10, 13b, 30-32; Ps 51:12-15, 18-19;
Mt 19:13-15
Sunday: Is 56:1, 6-7; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8; Rom 11:13-15,
29-32; Mt 15:21-28
Our Parishioners in Poor Health;
Elena Dela Rosa, Scarlett & Evelynn O'Hara, Aida
Elizares, Andres Elizares, Lourdes Pecundo,
Matilde Ziess, Nelia Constran, Perse Macawile,
Elvira Lorenza, Paul & Mary Odermatt, Andrea
Kuehn, Ben Fayloga, Rose Reynolds, Armaan Dhillon,
Maria McGurk, Kaitlyn Ordaz, Catherine Marie Reid, Robert
David Reid, Gloria Fabiano, Christine Phillips, Myrna Goytia,
Francis Dompor, Kevin Fain, Bob Oberting, Alexander Burton,
Bob Leopold, Theresa Hackett, Jimmy Doyte, Herminigildo
Francisco, Rebecca McCarthy, Rosellie McCarthy, Erica Aoki,
Joey Porras, Briccio Sulapat, Mary Foley, Rose Sagmaquen,
Jack Hamlin, Maynard & Nelia Petelo, Madeline Oberting,
Margaret Kalenian, Mario Pineda, Jose Rojas, Nelia Nolasco,
Larry Onia, Victoria Gadiano, Antipaz Cabotaje Sr., Salome
Cabotaje, William Lafoon, Alice Adams, David Hines, Blanca
Ramirez, Catalina Hernandez, Carla Hernandez, Jorge Romo,
Matthew R. Ferreras, Julito Dompor, Salvador Valencia, Emiliano Ritua, Milana Papajohn, Madhur Servan, Jose Apostol, Demetria Camero, Angelo Tirado, Victor & Peggy Stewart, Maria
Gallaga, Milo Mayor, Alma Martinez, Grace De Ocampo, Kathy
Gallagher, Yvonne Landa, and Blasa Lopez.
Page Three
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
AUGUST 10-16
SUN 10 7:00AM For the members of Holy Name Society
7:00AM For the deceased members of Holy
Name Society
8:30AM +Pedro, Carda, Teodora & Nick
8:30AM +Florentina Tubalina
10:00AM +Emeterio Dimalanta
10:00AM +Lamberto I. Balolong
11:30AM Asociacion de Guadalupanas
11:30AM +Jesus Ledesma
1:00PM For the Intentions of Our Parishioners
1:00PM +Justo Zacarias SR.
5:00PM Thanksgiving Reynold P. Navarro and
5:00PM Thanksgiving for the Pilgrimage to
Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico
MON 11 7:30AM +John Maher
7:30AM Happy Birthday Teresita Lasquete
5:30PM Happy Birthday Purificacion Habana
5:30PM +Danilo Asejo
TUE 12 7:30AM Happy Birthday Asteria Banayat
7:30AM +Robert M. Pruess
5:30PM +Claudio D. Gervacio
5:30PM +Rachel Boswell
WED 13 7:30AM Happy Birthday Concordia Suarez
7:30AM Thanksgiving Perse Macawile
5:30PM +Allen Papasin Tenorio
5:30PM +Ramon Mayo
THU 14 7:30AM +Carmelita Alojado
7:30AM +Rosita Fernandez
5:30PM Happy Birthday Myleen Abuan
5:30PM +Rosita a. Duran
FRI 15 7:30AM Thanksgiving Muyalde Family
7:30AM Happy Birthday Charito Berkenkotter
5:30PM +Elliot Desoto
5:30PM +Ben Fayloga
SAT 16 8:00AM More Priestly & Religious Vocations
8:00AM +Arleen & Angela Macaraeg Yap
+Edward Braga
Happy birthday Riley Jacob Baloy
Capital Campaign update!
Thanks to the generosity of 591 families, we have
received pledges totaling $1,154,254 - that's an
average pledge of $49/month over 40 months. We
are 72.1% of the way to our $1.6 million goal, so keep those
pledge envelopes coming! To schedule online contributions
using your checking, savings or credit card, visit
www.SaintCharles.org. If you have any questions, please
contact Veronica at the Parish Office (619) 423-0242.
Collection Report for August 3, 2014 $19,871.50
May God bless you more for your sacrificial gift and ever
generous support of St. Charles Parish.
August 10, 2014
Exciting Times At St. Charles School!!
We are getting ready for our 2014-15
school year.
Open House for the Newly Built Preschool is on August 24th after all Masses (except 5pm). Ribbon cutting will be at 11:00 am . Please join us on this special, historic day.
We are continuing to enroll students for both the preschool and K-8. We look forward to meeting all of
our new families and welcoming back our returning
If you are interested in enrolling your child at our
school, please contact Kathy at 619-423-3701. You
can find more information about Preschool-8th grade
by visiting our website.
Visit our website at www.saintcharlesschool.com
The DMI Group will host the Bake Sale TODAY
at the West Patio. Bond with fellow parishioners
over a cup of coffee, delicious baked goods and
other delicious foods. To Be Announced who will
host the Bake Sale, Sunday August 17, 2014, at the
West Patio.
We are in need of catechists for the school
year 2014-2015 for children, youth, and
adults. Training will be provided. If you feel
God is calling you to this ministry, please
contact Alicia Policarpio at the Catechetical Ministry Center 619-575-2240 x104.
St. Charles Parish invites you to become a registered supporting member. This applies to all those who live
within the geographical boundaries of
our parish, as well as those who may
be living outside the parish confines but have chosen to
regularly attend and support our parish. Visit out Parish Office and fill out a Registration Form which is also downloadable from the website (www.saintcharles.org). A packet of
offering envelopes will be provided to you for your regular
weekly support to the Church. As good Christian stewards,
“we receive God’s gifts gratefully, cherish and tend them in
a responsible and accountable manner, share them in justice
and love with others and return them with increase to the
Lord.” Thank you for your generosity, may God continue to
shower you with His abundant blessings!
St. Charles Parish
San Diego / Imperial Beach
Now for some important calendar items:
The east parking lot will be resurfaced this week and
will be closed to traffic. If you need to visit the parish
office please enter from 18th street or Elder and park in
the west parking lot. You may enter through the wood
gate between the church and rectory. Thanks for your
• Friday, August 15 is the Solemnity of the
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and is
a Holy Day of Obligation (Mass attendance is
required for all the faithful). Mass times are:
Thursday August 14 at 5:30 pm (Vigil) and Friday August 15 at 7:30 am, 12:00 noon, and 5:30 pm
(English and Spanish).
Finally, please join us on August 24 at 11:00 am for the
blessing and open house of the new preschool.
St. Charles Youth Ministry Summer Calendar of Events:
Saturday, August 16, 2014 4:00 PM- Summer Movies at the
Retreat Center -Movie TBD It’s a Potluck BBQ. Please contact Youth Ministry for items needed! Pack your favorite
movie snacks, a blanket or chair, and join us for an evening
of outdoor fun! Open to High School and Middle School
Youth! For more information regarding these activities,
please contact Marci S. Morrison at 619.575.2240 ext 2 or
via email : stcharlesyam@yahoo.com
***Parent Permission slips are required for all youth activities and can be picked up at the Catechetical Office or
printed from St. Charles Website.**
Attention Middle School and High Schoolers: Let's get
together and study the Word of God through T3 The Great
Adventure Bible Timeline. Join the Youth Group on Monday evenings starting August 11, 2014 at 6:00-7:30 PM upstairs at the Catechetical Center. If interested or for more
information, contact Marci at 619.575.2240 ext 2.
There will be a bazaar wrap-up meeting on August 18th @
6:00pm in room #13. Everyone is welcome.
Help the Sisters celebrate 110 years of ministry!
Details: October 25, 2014
3:30 PM Mass – Bishop Flores, celebrant
Corpus Christi Catholic Church, Bonita
6:00 PM Reception & Walk through History/Dinner/
Entertainment, San Diego Marriott Mission Valley
Info: sisterservantssjs.org or call (619) 292-2971.
Page Four
School Year 2014-2015
We are currently accepting registrations for children,
youth, and adult faith formation classes. Office hours in
JULY through AUGUST ONLY will be on Mondays
through Wednesdays from 9AM-7PM, and on Thursdays
through Fridays from 9AM-4PM.
Requirements for enrollment:
• MUST be a registered supporting parishioner using
• If not currently a registered parishioner and residing
within the church boundary, need to register at the
Parish Office and provide a copy of the completed
registration form.
• Provide a copy of the Certificate of Baptism of the
child (for new students only).
• Registration fee is due at the time of enrollment which
can be paid in cash, check, or credit card:
$80 for one child
$140 for two children
$200 for three children
$260 for four children
$175 Retreat Fee for Confirmation II only
For questions, please contact the Catechetical Ministry
Center at 619-575-2240 or check the Parish website at
Mary’s Guest House for Women, Victims of Trafficking
Eight years ago, Sr. Christina & Sr. Susan undertook research into the whole issue of human trafficking as they feel
a special calling to respond to this growing need of our
times. They discovered that San Diego was a significant
port & border crossing where trafficking occurred. This area
is one of the top 10 areas of trafficking in the US. The greatest need was for safe housing for these victims and services. The Marist Missionary Sisters started “Mary’s Guest
House” in 2005 for the purpose of providing housing until
the women were re-united with family, had legal immigration status, etc. It is a place to heal and to bond with others
who have a heart to help them through. They are financed
by Marist Missionary Sisters & by countless donations. We
invite you to pray for us and to make a donation to our
We will be having a dinner for Mary’s House here at St. Pius
X Parish Center on August 13th from 4:30pm—7:00pm. A
good will offering will be taken at this time. Thank you all
for your support. Everyone is invited to attend!
Page Five
Decimonoveno Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
10 de Agosto de 2014
Si le podríamos poner un tema para las lecturas de este domingo seria, " ¡Shhhh…. silencio." En la primera lectura el profeta Elías se está ocultando de sus enemigos en una cueva pero está a la espera de que el Señor pase por ese
lugar. El Señor le había dicho a esperara su venida. Como la escritura nos dice la presencia de Dios no fue anunciada por
un terremoto, tornado o un incendio. No, fue un pequeño susurro que Elías podrían habérselo perdido si él hubiera estado hablando por su teléfono celular, viendo la televisión, jugando juegos de video, mandando mensajes de texto, o navegando por la red (todos los cuales son imposibles sin electricidad, pero saben a lo que me refiero). El silencio es una
cosa hermosa y necesaria, si queremos escuchar atentamente a la voz del Señor.
El ruido al que nos exponemos a diario está socavando nuestra capacidad para escuchar que Dios nos habla, nos
hace olvidarnos de su presencia, y ofrece muchas posibilidades de tentación que debemos vivir sin ellas. En resumen, el
ruido en torno a nosotros nos puede traer un sentimiento de consternación. Tomemos, por ejemplo a, San Pedro. En el
evangelio de hoy San Pedro y los Apóstoles están en un barco en el Mar de Galilea. En medio de la noche, el viento sopla contra ellos, y el mar está agitado. Al ver a Jesús caminar hacia ellos sobre el agua se espantaron (no como la antigua canción disco) y daban gritos de terror porque pensaban que estaban viendo a un fantasma. Jesús les aseguro que era
él y no un fantasma. Pedro lo reta, "Señor, si eres tu, mándame ir a ti caminando sobre el agua." Jesús le ordena y Pedro
comienza a caminar hacia Jesús sobre el agua! Pero tan pronto como se distrae con el ruido del viento y la altura de las
aguas bravas, pierde su mirada en Jesús y comienza a hundirse. Lo mismo sucede con nosotros cuando quitamos la mirada de nuestro hermoso Señor y Salvador, nos empezamos a hundir en las preocupaciones, brillo, y absurdo de las cosas
mundanas y personas.
Así que aquí está la tarea. Reserven un poco de tiempo cada día para orar en el silencio. Si lo desea, puede rezar
el rosario o leer la biblia o simplemente tener una conversación con Dios. Les doy permiso para decirle a su hijos,
cónyuges, compañeros o hermanos que lo dejen solo unos minutos al día, mientras que ora. Si es posible, les animo a
tratar de ir por la iglesia y hacerle una visita a Jesús en el Santísimo Sacramento. No solo hay silencio en la capilla, pero
se convierte en terapia espiritual de radiación. A veces, simplemente sentarse en la presencia del Señor es suficiente
para cambiar su actitud y disipar sus preocupaciones, y les va a traer la paz en abundancia.
Hablando de paz y tranquilidad…. Gracias a Dios, me ha dado permiso al obispo para tomar un año sabático.
Cada siete años, a los sacerdotes de la diócesis se les alienta a tomar hasta tres meses, lejos de la parroquia de carácter
espiritual, académica y formación personal. Ya han pasado quince años para mí como sacerdote y no he tomado uno.
Pero a partir de la próxima semana voy a estar fuera durante un par de meses tomando algunos talleres, estudiando un
poco y en un retiro en un monasterio (hablado de silencio). En el ínterin, el Padre Arnold y el Padre Burt, así como los
Diáconos Sam, Mick, Ken, Raúl y David, estarán aquí para servirles a ustedes. Por favor, manténganme en sus oraciones, como pueden estar seguros que estarán en las mías. Que Dios los bendiga!
El Padre Jim Bahash
Lunes: Ez 1:2-5, 24-28c; Sal 148 (147):1-2, 11-14;
Mt 17:22-27
Martes: Ez 2:8 — 3:4; Sal 119 (118):14, 24, 72, 103, 111,
131; Mt 18:1-5, 10, 12-14
Miércoles: Ez 9:1-7; 10:18-22; Sal 113 (112):1-6;
Mt 18:15-20
Jueves: Ez 12:1-12; Sal 78 (77):56-59, 61-62:
Mt 18:21 — 19:1
Viernes: Vigilia: 1 Chr 15:3-4, 15-16; 16:1-2; Sal 132
(131):6-7, 9-10, 13-14; 1 Cor 15:54b-57;
Lc 11:27-28
Día: Apo 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab; Sal 45 (44):10-12,
16; 1 Cor 15:20-27; Lc 1:39-56
Sábado: Ez 18:1-10, 13b, 30-32; Sal 51 (50):12-15, 18-19;
Mt 19:13-15
Domingo: Is 56:1, 6-7; Sal 67 (66):2-3, 5, 6, 8;
Rom 11:13-15, 29-32; Mt 15:21-28
¡Actualización de la Campaña Capital!
Gracias a la generosidad de 591 familias, hemos
recibido compromisos que totalizan $1,154,254
que es un compromiso promedio de $49/mes por
40 meses. ¡Estamos al 72.1% de la meta de $1.6 millones
del objetivo, así que mantengamos ésos sobres de compromiso llegando! Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor contacte
a Verónica en la Oficina Parroquial (619) 423-0242.
Colecta del 3 de Agosto, 2014, $19,871.50
Que Dios los bendiga por sus generosas ofrendas y su eterna
generosidad para la Parroquia de San Carlos.
St. Charles Parish
San Diego / Imperial Beach
“La fidelidad broto en la tierra,
Y la justicia vino del cielo!”.
— Salmo 85 (84):12
El Grupo de DMI tendrán venta de Pastelitos y
comida HOY en el patio. Se anunciara quien
tendrá venta el próximo domingo 17 de Agosto
del 2014.
La Parroquia de San Carlos los
invita a convertirse en un miembro registrado. Esto se aplica a
todas las personas que viven dentro de los límites geográficos de
nuestra parroquia, así como aquellos que pueden estar viviendo fuera de los confines de la parroquia pero han elegido asistir regularmente a nuestra parroquia y apoyarla. Visiten la Oficina de la Parroquia y completen el Formulario
de Inscripción que también se puede descargar en la página
web (www.saintcharles.org). Un paquete de sobres se les
será proporcionado para su asistencia regular semanal a la
Iglesia. Como buenos administradores Cristianos,
"recibimos dones de Dios con gratitud, valorémoslos y
cuidémoslos de modo responsable, compartámoslos en la
justicia y en el amor con los demás y regresémoslos con
aumento al Señor." Gracias por su generosidad, que Dios
continúe bañándolos, con abundantes bendiciones!
FECHAS IMPORTANTES para su calendario:
El lado Este del Estacionamiento será repavimentado
esta semana y estará cerrado al tráfico. Si usted necesita
visitar la oficina de la parroquia, por favor entre por la
calle 18 o la calle Elder y estaciónese en el estacionamiento Oeste. Usted puede entrar a través de la puerta
de madera entre la iglesia y casa parroquial. Gracias por
su comprensión.
• El Viernes, 15 de agosto se celebra la solemnidad de la Asunción de la Santísima Virgen
María y es un Día Santo de Obligación
(asistencia a la Misa es necesaria para todos los
fieles). Las Misas son: jueves 14 de agosto a las
5:30pm (Vigilia) y Viernes 15 de agosto a las
7:30am, a las 12:00pm, y a las 5:30pm (en Inglés y Español).
Por último, por favor acompáñenos el Domingo 24 de
agosto a las 11:00am para la bendición y Open House
del nuevo edificio de preescolar.
Habrá una junta de Resumen del Bazar el 18 de agosto a las
6:00pm en el cuarto #13. Todos están invitados.
Page Six
Año Escolar 2014-2015
Actualmente estamos aceptando inscripciones para niños,
jóvenes y adultos para las clases de formación en la fe.
Horario de oficina en julio y agosto sólo será de lunes a
miércoles de 9:00AM-7:00PM, y de jueves a viernes de
Requisitos para la inscripción:
• DEBE estar registrado como Miembro de la Iglesia utilizando los sobres asignados.
• Si no está registrado pero reside dentro de los perímetros
de la iglesia, es necesario que se registre en la Oficina
de la Parroquia y proporcione una copia de los formularios de inscripción completos.
• Proporcionar una copia del Certificado de Bautismo del
niño (sólo para nuevos alumnos).
La Cuota de Inscripción se debe pagar en el momento de la
inscripción, la cual puede ser pagada en efectivo, cheque o
tarjeta de crédito:
• $80 por un niño
• $140 por dos niños
• $200 por tres niños
• $260 por cuatro niños
• $175 Retiro de Confirmación II únicamente
Para preguntas, por favor póngase en contacto con el Centro
de Ministerio Catequético al 619-575-2240 o para ver el sitio
web de la Parroquia www/saintcharles.org.
Tenemos la necesidad de catequistas para el
período de año escolar 2014-2015 para niños, jóvenes y adultos. Se impartirá capacitación. Si sientes que Dios te llama a este ministerio, por favor, contacte a Alicia Policarpo en el Centro de Ministerio Catequético al
619-575-2240 x104
Epístola Pastoral sobre el Matrimonio
10 de agosto: Matrimonio:
Amor y Vida en el Plan Divino: Los Anticonceptivos
“Al usar anticonceptivos”, las parejas casadas “pueden pensar que están evitando problemas o calmando tensiones, que
están ejerciendo control sobre sus vidas”.25 Al mismo tiempo, pueden pensar que no están haciendo ningún daño a sus
matrimonios. En realidad, la separación deliberada de los
significados procreador y unitivo del matrimonio tiene el
potencial de dañar o destruir el matrimonio. Además, produce muchas otras consecuencias negativas, tanto personales
como sociales.” Para leer el documento visite el sitio http://