St. Andrew Catholic Church Address/Dirección : 1401 Valley Ave. Sumner, WA, 98390 Phone 253-863-2253 Fax 253-863-3567 Web February 1, 2015 PARISH STAFF / PERSONAL PARROQUIAL Father Jack D.Shrum, Pastor, 253-863-2253, Father Joseph Minh Nguyen, Parochial Vicar, 253-863-2253, Christine Kolbrick, Pastoral Assistant for Administration, 253-863-2254, Tracy Lentz, Administrative Assistant, 253-863-2253, Olaf Valderrábano-Aguilar, Pastoral Assistant for Hispanic Ministry, 253-863-3220, Monica Rodrigues, Pastoral Assistant for Faith Formation, 253-863-4300, Amy Gallwas, Pastoral Assistant for Music/Liturgy, 253-826-3859, Elise Rodrigues, Children’s Choir, Eduardo Ramirez, Spanish Liturgical Music, Leann Korbuszewski, Bulletin Editor, Margarita Quiroz, Custodian, 253-863-2253 WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE / MISAS DOMINICALES Saturday 5:00pm (English) & 7:00pm (en Español) Sunday 8:00am & 10:30am (English), & 5:30pm (English) The Rosary is prayed 1/2 hour before daily and weekend masses DAILY MASS SCHEDULE / MISAS DIARIAS Mon, Tues, Thur, Fri, Sat, 9:00am; Wed 6:00pm (English) Lun, Mar, Jue, Vie, Sab, 9:00am; Mie 6:00pm, (English) ADORATION Thurs: all day until 6:00pm 24 hour Adoration first Friday of each month SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION / CONFESIONES See Planning Ahead Section for days and times. Confessions are celebrated in English and Spanish Se puede confesar en Inglés o Español EMMANUEL FOOD PANTRY / BANCO DE COMIDA Tuesday/Martes 10:00am - 12:00 Noon Wednesday/Miércoles 3:00pm - 6:00pm Friday/Viernes 10:00 am - 12:00 noon Contact Arlene Evavold: 253-863-3655 Ss. Cosmas & Damian Catholic Church Address/Dirección: 213 Leber St. NW, P.O. Box 215 , Orting, WA 98360 PARISH STAFF / PERSONAL PARROQUIAL Father Jack Shrum, Pastor, 253-863-2253, Father Joseph Minh Nguyen, Parochial Vicar, 253-863-2253, Christine Kolbrick, Pastoral Assistant for Administration, 253-863-2254, Leann Korbuszewski, Administrative Assistant, 360-893-3154, Monica Rodrigues, Pastoral Assistant for Faith Formation, 253-863-4300, Vida Drew, Music Director, 360-893-3154, sscdmusic@comcast. net Ray Stewart, Custodian, 360-893-3154 WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE / MISAS DOMINICALES Sunday, 9:30am DAILY MASS SCHEDULE / MISAS DIARIAS Wednesday, 9:30am SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION / CONFESIONES Sunday, 8:45-9:15am & by appt. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL 360-830-6879, PARISH NURSE , Marlene Bartram, R.N. 360-893-3154, 1 Saint Andrew Catholic Church Mission Statement: To Become Saints Following the example of our patron, St. Andrew, with humility we seek to: Hear God’s call through the truth of the Catholic Church, Respond in love with acts of charity and mercy, Grow continuously through the sacraments and daily prayer and Proclaim the Good News through our vocation. PLANNING AHEAD READINGS FOR NEXT WEEK- Feb 8, 2015 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2015 Monday, February 2, 2015 Presentation of the Lord No Morning Mass Men’s Club, Hall, 6:30pm Mass (Candlemas), 7:00pm Stewardship Commission, 7:00pm, Conf Rm Job 7:1-4, 6-7 Psalm 147:1-2, 3-4, 5-6 1 Cor 9: 16-19, 22-23 Mark 1:29-39 SUNDAY COLLECTION TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2015 Mass (Herman Cavelti+), 9:00am Spanish Faith Formation, 6:00pm, Church Divine Mercy Cenacle, 7:00pm, Bldg E January 25, 2015 Goal: $17,000 Actual: $17,669 Difference: $ 669 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2015 Mass (Helen Roozen+), 6:00pm Elementary Faith Formation, 6:00pm, Church Chancel Choir, 7:30pm, Church Year to Goal: Actual: Difference: THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2015 Men’s Prayer Hour, 5:00am, Church Liturgy of the Hours, 7:30am, Church Mass (Marcella Barron+), 9:00am Mom’s Group, 9:00am Bldg E Adoration 10:00am-6:30pm Confession, 5:00pm Benediction, 6:00-6:30pm No RCIA, No RCIC FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2015 Liturgy of the Hours, 7:30am, Church Confession, 8:00am Mass (Gribble Family, Living and Deceased), 9:00am Youth Group Mardi Gras Party, 6:00pm, Hall 24 Hour Adoration, after mass until 8:50am Sat SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2015 Benediction, 8:50am Mass (Bill Neil+), 9:00am Confession, 10:00am & 3:00pm Baptism Prep (Spanish), 10:00am Hall Baptism Prep (English), 10:00am, Bldg D Mass, 5:00pm Hispanic Choir, 5:30pm, Hall Mass (in Spanish), 7:00pm SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2015 Mass, 8:00am Chancel Choir, 9:30am, Church Mass, 10:30am Preschool, 10:30am, Bldg E, Youth Ensemble, 4:00pm, Church Mass, 5:30pm Food pantry: $261 Date $510,000 $506,365 $ (3,636) SVDP: $253 PRAY FOR THE DECEASED OF THE PARISH PARISH LEADERSHIP—ST. ANDREW Altar Servers Altar Society-Day Altar Society-Evening Art & Environment Extraordinary Ministers Finance Council Funeral Receptions Gabriel Project Helping Hands Knights of Columbus Lectors Long Range Planning Marriage Preparation MC’s & Sacristans Men’s Club Mom’s Group Pastoral Council Prayer Shawl Ministry Respect Life St. Vincent de Paul Stewardship Ushers Joan Cox Kathy Weber 253-927-6099 Karen Raffle 253-686-3807 Judy Caviezel 253-863-6544 Sharon Stamper 253-686-2586 Joe Shaughnessy 206-271-9359 Diane Caviness 253-862-1379 Julie Covell 253-988-0735 Theresa Stallman 509-991-8563 Joe Rempe 253-840-6401 Mona Sullivan 253-389-0568 Carl Jones 253-988-2275 Tracy Lentz 253-863-2253 Steve Rossignol 253-845-8217 Joe Shaughnessy 206-271-9359 Jessica Druffel 513-260-7402 Randy Cox 253-380-2139 Kelly Bowman 253-678-3732 Julie Covell 253-988-0735 Patti Tisdale 253-863-4394 Shelly Sosa 253-709-4488 Arnie Huck 253-863-5278 Catholic Community Services Counseling Center 1 253-502-2696 Saints Cosmas & Damian Catholic Church Mission Statement: Proclaim the Good News of God’s Saving Love to all People; Establish and nourish a praying community of believers; Give practical expression to the Gospel by serving the needs of others and transforming the world. STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE January 28, 2015 PLANNING AHEAD Monday, February 2, 2015 Spiritual Guidance Group, 2:30pm Spiritual Guidance Group, 6:30pm Goal: $2,227 Actual: $1,591 Difference: $ (636) Tuesday, January 27, 2015 Fr. Robert Barron Study, 7:00pm Year to Goal: Actual: Difference: Wednesday, January 28, 2015 Mass (Donald Manning+), 9:30am Confession, 10:15am Scripture Reflections, 10:30am Date_ $66,809 $69,453 $ 2,644 Sunday, February 1, 2015 Confession, 8:45am Mass, 9:30am Pennies for Heaven Collection after Mass Faith Format ion, 10:30am Youth Group, 7:00pm, St. Andrew Hall PRAYER REQUESTS PARISH BREAKFAST SOUP SUPPER/STATIONS OF THE CROSS Our annual Paris h Breakfast is scheduled for February 15th after Mass. Mark your calendar, invite your friends, and join us for some great food. Take part in our raffle drawing and win some great items. Volunteers are needed to help setup, cook, serve and tear down. Signup sheets are at the back of the church. See Scott Ananias with any questions. If you would like to donate an item for the raffle, please see Catherine Stewart. Lent is right around the corner. During the Lent en s easo n o ur parish hosts a weekly Friday night soup supper at 6:00pm, followed by Stations of the Cross at 7:00pm. Don't fuss or worry about what meatless meal you have to prepare on Friday, make your life easier by jo ining us for some gourmet soups, salads, bread and fruit and then stay to experience Jesus' journey to the crucifixion. See the insert in today’s bullet in for more info. or call Char Binfet at 253-951-8954 with any questions. The signup sheet to bring food will be posted at the back of the church. Karl Fleming, Dennis Hanson, Kathy Melsness, Tony Zepeda, Repose of the soul of Tom Mitchell KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS PENNIES FOR HEAVEN DRIVE The Knights of Columbus will be collecting loose change after mass next weekend to support our seminarians. Please look for the Knights with buckets to make your donations. HAVEN’T GOTTEN YOUR FLU VACCINE? If you need a flu vaccine but do not have the funds to cover the cost, St Vincent DePaul can help. Call 360-830-6879 for financial assistance. PARISH LEADERSHIP — Ss. Cosmas & Damian Altar Servers: Altar Society: Coffee Hour: Communications Eucharistic Ministers: Finance Council: Homebound Ministry: Joe Rempe Patty Carr Marlene Wilson Charlene Binfet Lisa Clinton Tom Schmidt Tony Schneider Marlene Bartram 253-840-6401 360-897-0310 360-893-7211 253-951-8954 253-845-0083 360-893-0673 253-224-3163 253-576-6566 Lectors/MC’s Joe Rempe Liturgical Music Vida Drew Parish Health Ministr y Marlene Bartram Pastoral Council Carrie Joy Prayer Line: Patty Fleming Prayer Shawl Ministry: Kay Williams St. Vincent de Paul: Tony Schneider Ushers: Bob Smith 2 253-840-6401 360-893-3154 253-576-6566 360-893-6350 360-893-9229 360-893-5163 253-224-3163 360-893-6502 Dear friends, There are many lines in St. Benedict’s Holy Rule that are full of wisdom and love. The one that informs everything for me is hanging just next to the front door on the inside wall of the rectory just above the holy water font. That in all things God may be glorified. This saying reminds me of what is most important as I go in and out of the house several times each day. This saying is also written in Latin in the tile above the back door of the monastery at Mount Angel. This week I have the blessed opportunity to go down to Mount Angel for my yearly retreat. I go down there frequently to rest and recharge spiritually and this time I get to spend a bit more time. Please pray for me as I will be praying for you. If you have never been to Mount Angel, it’s about 45 minutes south of Portland in Oregon in the beautiful Willamette Valley. It sits up on the highest hill in the valley and has a spectacular view of the surrounding valley and Mount Hood to the Northeast. I was blessed to study there for 7 years at the seminary and now Matthew Lontz from our parish is there as well. One of the seminarians that was behind me in the program was sent to Mundelein Seminary in Chicago after studying philosophy at Mount Angel for two years. As he arrived in Chicago he couldn’t stop talking about Mount Angel and all the wonderful things he experienced there always comparing Mundelein to Mount Angel. The other Seattle seminarians began to tire of his endless talk of Mount Angel so whenever he would bring up Mount Angel they would say, “Oh the greatest place on earth?” Then it came to be known simply by the acronym GPOE. Now I know that many of you do not have the opportunity to take a week to go the greatest place on earth, but we need to be revitalized spiritually on a regular basis. You may not have the opportunity to take a week for retreat, but we have the Palisades Retreat Center close by and they offer some great weekend retreats. Maybe we have a silent place in the house, or at the beach, or in the mountains that can be a place of retreat; a place to listen with the ear of our heart to what God is saying and to rest a while with Him. Look for that place. Go there regularly if possible. Maybe this is a monthly or weekly venture. Maybe there is a special spot to retreat to daily for prayer and silence. This is an important way to gain deeper insights and perspectives into our relationship with God and the love He has for us. As we continue to grow in His love, our hearts are drawn on so that with all our hearts, and all our strength, and all our soul, we may seek to glorify Him. Fr. Jack D. Shrum 3 Queridos amigos, Entre las muchas líneas en la Santa Regla de San Benito, plenas de sabiduría y amor, la que da sentido a todo para mí cuelga justo al lado de la puerta principal, en la pared interior de la casa parroquial, justo arriba encima de la pila de agua bendita: Que en todo Dios sea glorificado. Esta frase me recuerda de lo que es más importante, al salir y entrar a casa varias veces al día. Este dicho también está escrito en latín en el azulejo arriba de la puerta de atrás del monasterio de Mount Angel, a donde esta semana tengo la bendita oportunidad de ir para mi retiro anual. Voy allí con frecuencia para descansar y recargarme espiritualmente y esta vez tengo la oportunidad de pasar ahí un poco más de tiempo. Por favor oren por mí, que yo estaré orando por ustedes. Mount Angel está a unos 45 minutos al sur de Portland, Oregon, en el hermoso Valle del Willamette. Está enclavado en la colina más alta del valle y tiene una vista espectacular del valle circundante y del Monte Hood al Noreste. Tuve la suerte de estudiar allí durante 7 años en el seminario y ahora Mathew Lontz, de nuestra parroquia, estudia allí también. Uno de los seminaristas que estudiaba unos años detrás de mí en el programa, fue enviado al Seminario de Mundelein, Chicago, después de estudiar filosofía en Mount Angel durante dos años. Cuando llegó a Chicago no podía dejar de hablar de Mount Angel y todas las cosas maravillosas que experimentó ahí, siempre comparando Mundelein con Mount Angel. Los otros seminaristas de Seattle comenzaron a cansarse de su interminable charla de Mount Angel así que siempre que él sacaba el tema, le decían, "¿Oh, el más grandioso lugar de la tierra?". Desde entonces llegó a ser conocido simplemente como GPOE (Greatest Place on Earth). Sé que muchos de ustedes no tienen la oportunidad de tomar una semana para ir al “más grandioso lugar de la tierra”, pero tenemos que ser revitalizados espiritualmente de manera regular. Puede que no tengan la oportunidad de tomar una semana de retiro, pero tenemos el Centro de Retiros Palisades cerca, donde se ofrecen muy buenos retiros de fin de semana. Tal vez tenemos un lugar silencioso en la casa, o en la playa o en las montañas que pueden ser un lugar de retiro; un lugar para escuchar con el oído de nuestro corazón lo que Dios está diciendo y para descansar un rato con Él. Busquen ese lugar. Vayan ahí con regularidad, si es posible; tal vez cada mes o cada semana. Tal vez hay un lugar especial para retirarse a diario para la oración y el silencio. Esta es una manera importante de aprender cosas y perspectivas más profundas en nuestra relación con Dios y sobre el amor que Él tiene para nosotros. A medida que continuamos creciendo en su amor, nuestros corazones serán atraídos a Él de modo que procuraremos glorificarlo con todo nuestro corazón, con toda nuestra fuerza, y con toda nuestra alma. Padre Jack D. Shrum 4 M inisterio Hispano ~ Hispanic M inistry Nuestra misión: llegar a ser santos. Siguiendo el ejemplo de San A ndrés, nuestro santo patrono, con humildad procuramos: Escuchar el llamado de Dios mediante la verdad de la Iglesia Católica, Responder en amor con actos de caridad y misericordia, Crecer continuamente por medio de los sacramentos y la oración diaria, y Proclamar la Buena Nueva de acuerdo a nuestra vocación. Sábados a las 12 del mediodía: Adoración Eucarística Un encuentro personal con Cristo … Abril 18, Mayo 23, Junio 27, Julio 25, Agosto 22, Septiembre 26, Octubre 24, Noviembre 28 Jueves de 9:45 AM a 6:30 PM Viernes de 6:30 AM a 8:30 AM Bautismos 2015 ~ .~ Primer Viernes de Cada Mes: 24 Horas de Exposición y Adoración: Padres de familia y padrinos asisten a 2 reuniones de preparación: Febrero 7 y 14, Marzo 7 y 14, Abril 11 y 18, Mayo 2 y 9, Junio 6 y 13, Julio 11 y 18, Agosto 1 y 8, Septiembre 5 y 12, Octubre 3 y 10, Noviembre 7 y 14 Iniciamos con la Santa M isa del V iernes a las 9:00 de la mañana, hasta la Santa M isa del Sábado a las 9:00 de la mañana. POR FAVOR HABLE O VAYA A LA OFICINA PARA RESERVAR LUGAR Santos y Mártires Un santo es alguien que a pesar de sus faltas y debilidades, busca a Dios y se deja transformar por Él. San Blas, Obispo y Mártir (Armenia) San Blas nació en medio de una familia acaudalada y de padres nobles; fue educado cristianamente y se consagró como Obispo cuando todavía era muy joven. Al co menzar la persecución a los cristianos, por inspiración divina, se retiró a una cueva en l as montañas, frecuentada por fieras salvajes, a quienes el santo atendía y curaba cuando estaban enfermos. Poco después, unos cazadores fueron en busca de estos animales para el circo ro mano, pero San Blas los espantó y entonces fue capturado. Al día siguiente el reo es conducido al tribunal. El juez le propone que abandone la fe cristiana y adore a los dioses paganos. San Blas se aferra a su fe. Los verdugos lo torturan sin compasión. El márt ir no se quebranta; se concentra en su interior alabando al Se ñor e identificándose con Cristo en la Cru z. A l fin lo conducen fuera de la ciudad y sobre una piedra le cortan la cabeza. Era el d ía 3 de Febrero del 316. Palabra del Señor Cuarto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario “Sálvanos, Señor y Dios nuestro; reúnenos de entre las naciones, Para que podamos agradecer tu poder santo y sea nuestra gloria el alabarte”. A NTÍFONA DE ENTRADA-SALMO 105 N OS P REP ARAM OS PARA LA M ISA LE YE NDO Y M E DI TANDO LAS LECTURAS DE L P RÓXI M O D OM I NGO: JOB 7, 1-4 Y 6-7; SALMO 147; PRIMERA C ARTA A LOS C ORINTIOS 9, 16-19 Y 22-23; S AN MARCOS 1, 29-39 HORAS DE OFICINA: MARTES Y VIERNES : 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM C ERRADO LUNES , MIÉRCO LES , J UEVES Y S ÁBADOS . S ÁBADOS: CLASES, BAUTISMOS, RETIROS, M ISA A LAS 7:00 PM. TEL. (253) 863-3220 E- MAIL: OLAF@STANDREWS UMNER.ORG 5 COMMUNITY OUTREACH BECOME A SHEPHERD: USCCB ANTI-TRAFFICKING PROGRAM RESPECT LIFE~ Stay alert. Be informed. Stand for life! February 8th is the National Day of Prayer for Victims and Survivors of Human Trafficking. As Catholics we are called to find ways that each of us can work with our dioceses and communities to address the evil of modern day slavery. Here are a few: Two simple ways you can make a difference: 1. Pray -- The U.S. bishops invite the faithful to join a movement of prayer and sacrifice for the protection of life, marriage, and religious liberty in our country. Learn more, and sign up for weekly intentions by email, text message, or social media at Educate Yourself. Learn more at 2. Stay Informed -- Sign up to receive our monthly People of Life e-newsletter, which contains the latest news on pro-life issues, people, events, and the bishops' ongoing efforts to work toward an increased respect for human life. PREGNANT? NEED HELP? CALL THE GABRIEL PROJECT 1-800-ANGEL Host or attend a workshop or educational event. Contact our Respect Life Representative to coordinate hosting one here at St. Andrew. Be an ethical consumer and employer. Visit to start. Report trafficking if you suspect it. Visit to learn to identify potential victims. Report suspected cases to the National Human Trafficking Hotline 1-800- 373-7888. Support the work of the USCCB Anti-trafficking Program. The 2015 Super bowl is expected to bring an increase in human trafficking to the city of Phoenix and surrounding areas. Please pray for law enforcement and anti-trafficking efforts, victims, and survivors. Rachel’s Corner Hope and Healing After Abortion Had I not gone on a retreat, I would still be a wandering soul without purpose. Now I am on my new journey to peace and being filled with the Holy Spirit.” Anyone who notices anything suspicious should call the National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 1-888-373-7888. -Testimony after a Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat™ Give us a call and join us on the next Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat™. PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday and Thursday: 9:30am to 4:00pm; Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 9:00am-4:00pm. Closed daily for lunch from 12:00pm-1:00pm. March 6-8, 2015 Call Valerie: 1-800-822-HOPE (4673) You are loved with an everlasting Love! BULLETIN ARTICLES If you have an article for the bulletin please submit it by Monday, 2:00pm, for the following week’s edition. Project Rachel is a program of Catholic Community Services. 6 FAITH FORMATION/PARISH LIFE PRESENTATION OF THE LORD OUR HOLY FATHER’S PRAYER INTENTIONS FOR THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY February 2, 2015 Mass, 7:00pm Universal: That prisoners, especially the young, may be able to rebuild lives of dignity. What is Candlemas? Evangelization: That married people who are Inspired by the words of the canticle ("a light for revelation of the Gentiles"), by the 11th century, the custom had developed in the West of blessing candles on the Feast of the Presentation. The candles were then lit, and a procession took place through the darkened church while the Canticle of Simeon was sung. Because of this, the feast also became known as Candlemas. While the procession and blessing of the candles is not often performed in the United States today, Candlemas is still an important feast in many European countries. separated may find welcome and support in the Christian community. ST VINCENT de PAUL In the Gospel today we read that because Jesus spoke with authority his reputation spread throughout the surrounding region of Galilee. As his disciples, we can also speak with authority when we put our faith into action by helping the poor and suffering. Have you considered answering the call to serve the poor by joining the Society of St. Vincent de Paul? Contact us 253-863-4394 and leave us a message. The need is great but laborers are few. Come, experience a Candlemas Andrew, tomorrow evening! at St. MEN’S CLUB ANNOUNCING THE 2015 GIFT CONFERENCE! February 2nd, 2015 Building B Saturday, February 21, 2015 from 9:00am – 3:00pm (optional Mass at 8am) The date for our annual Fishin’ trip has been changed to Saturday, April 18, 2015, as the last Saturday before lent falls on Valentine’s day. The Gift of Mercy: Finding Trust, Confidence, and Delight in Jesus. Encounter the mercy of God in a new and more powerful way! Join in and experience holy, dynamic speakers/ celebrate Mass/ participate in Eucharistic adoration/ go to confession/ and receive prayer for your individual needs. Stop by our meeting to hear about the our plans and projections for this year. Family and Group Discounts are available Please call 866-267-4113 for pricing information and to register a family or a group. These discounts are not available online. LEARN MORE ABOUT THE CATHOLIC FAITH If you have questions about the Catholic faith, or if you are interested in finding out what it takes to become Catholic, contact Monica Rodrigues at 253-863-4300. I'd love to help you find the answers you are seeking and determine your next steps. St. Stephen the Martyr Parish in Renton Register NOW at Hosted by St. Stephen Catholic Church and sponsored by My Catholic Ministries, a non-profit charitable organization. 7 PARISH LIFE ANDY’S SAINTS LENT SMALL CHRISTIAN COMMUNITIES Purchase your Bunco tickets after all Masses this weekend for Andy's Saints Relay for Life Bunco night on Feb. 13th, 7-9:30pm in Bldg. B. Come join small groups of fellow parishioners for prayer, scripture and reflection during the 6 weeks of Lent. Representatives from the small groups will be in the gathering space after Mass Jan 24/25 and Jan 31/Feb1. Tickets are $10 each. Team members provide snacks and guarantee lots of fun and laughter. Easy to learn to play, so come and join the fun. May our hears be on fire during this coming Lenten journey so that we may encounter our Lord in new ways and so find new meaning in the Easter that awaits us all. Feel free to call Arlene Evavold (253-862-6376 ) or Rose Bresina (253-891-7925) to sign up. We will also have some coffee available for purchase after all the Masses. For more information, contact Ann pound UPCOMING RETREATS AT THE ARCHBISHOP BRUNETT RETREAT CENTER AT THE PALISADES ITEMS NEEDED FOR THE EMANUEL FOOD PANTRY We are adding personal Hygiene items (tooth paste, tooth brushes, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, razors, body lotion) to what we give each family and homeless. Feb 13-15 Valentine’s Day marriage Retreat Tom and Kari Curran Feb 20-22 “Follow Me” Answering God’s Call to Holiness Young Adult Retreat Andy Lichtenwalner Feb 20-22 The Spirituality of Shakespear: Richard III Fr. Stephen Rowan, PHD Mar 6-8 “We are a People on Pilgrimage” Women’s Silent Retreat Fr. Richard DeLillio, O.S.F.S. Other items we are in need of: Peanut butter Chili Tuna Pork ‘n Beans Mac and cheese Spam Canned Soups-regular and low sodium: tomato, cream soups, chicken noodle Canned vegetables: green beans, peas, corn Canned fruits-regular and low sugar: plesauce, pears, peaches, fruit cocktail For more information or to signup for a retreat, please call 206-748-7991 or visit their website: or ap- Gift cards from local stores: Grocery Outlet, Winco, Fred Meyer, Haggens, Safeway, Costco, Walmart, Sam’s Club (these are used to purchase food items) MOVING? Large paper bags HAVE A NEW PHONE NUMBER OR E-MAIL ADDRESS? A Big THANK YOU to all the volunteers who come to work on a regular basis and make my job a JOY! PLEASE LET US KNOW! When your personal information changes, please let us know so that we can keep our records up to date: Love all of you and God Bless, Arlene Evavold Director of Emmanuel Food Pantry or 253-863-2253. 8 Please suppor t these adver tisers who make this bulletin possible INSURANCE Jeff Villarreal Full-Service Retirement and Assisted Living “Where the living is easy” 15519 62nd St. Ct. E. Sumner 862-1818 or stop by for a tour 770-1877 •Auto •Life •Home •Business Full Service Funeral & Cremation Free Assessment: 1-877-870-1582 100% Service Guarantee Auburn License Agency Inc. 124 Auburn Way N. (253) 833-9696 NICHOLSONS SPRUCE UP YOUR YARD! Let us prune & clean your yard for winter. Sincere, personal service for over 90 years $20 coupon for free lunch** SUMNER PHARMACY (253) 863-8141 Gonzalez Landscaping Jesus Gonzalez 253-397-6974 PUYALLUP: 253-845-0536 SUMNER: 253-863-6332 Trustworthy • Honorable • On Time, Every Time ** with each completed job over $300 Natalie Duran ~ Realtor 253-315-9827 Se Habla Español, “10% of my commission will be donated to your Parish or Non-Profit Organization of your choice” Free Estimates, Fast Service, & Reasonable Rates! Call Your Fellow Parish Members Mary or Salvador Santos at (253) 735-2135 (206)229-6883 800-626-3213 Diesel, Gas, Heating Oil Lubricants, Grease, Racing, Gas, Truck Sales & Repair Licensed, Bonded & Insured Are you ready to buy or sell a home? We can help you! Call today! Hablamos Español. Victor Zacapu Professional Realtor 253-905-8841 Paola Kendall Mortgage Lender 253-241-9275 NMLS ID# 518865 BURGER NIGHT CatholicMatch Washington Suzan Burke Financial Advisor Portfolio Manager 425.462.2662 • 800.876.0503 601 108th Avenue N.E., Suite 2100 Bellevue, WA 98004 Every Monday 4 pm–Close Every Burger Only 5.99 $ OPEN HOUSE FEB. 8 Noon-2 p.m. Catholic college preparatory school in the Jesuit tradition Financial Aid Available 320 - 9th Ave. N. Seattle 800-426-3320 Merrill Lynch makes available products and services offered by Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated (“MLPF&S”), a registered broker-dealer and member SIPC, and other subsidiaries of Bank of America Corporation (“BAC”). © 2014 Bank of America Corporation. All rights reserved. ARTRNKJD | AD-06-14-0015.A | 470944PM-0314 | 06/2014 112 - CPI, P.O. 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