Bulletin Cover Sheet Church Name Our Lady of Perpetual Help 5250 Central Ave. Riverside, CA 92504 Bulletin Number 708900 Contact person Karla Romero Telephone No. (951) 689-8921 ext. 20 Information/Comments: OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP 5250 CENTRAL AVE. RIVERSIDE, CA 92504 OFFICE (951) 689-8921 FAX (951) 689-3619 SCHOOL (951) 689-2125 E-MAIL: olph.riv@sbdiocese.org WEBSITE: olphriverside.org OFFICE HOURS / Horas de Oficina/ Văn Phòng Giáo Xứ Monday - Friday 9am-12pm & 1-5pm Sunday 8:30-11am SACRAMENTS / Sacramentos Weddings/Bodas Baptisms/Bautizos 689-8921 ext. 20 CATECHETICAL FORMATION /Formación Catequética Religious Ed (Eng) & Confirmation: Mary Fisher 217-2676 Rel. Ed (Span) / Catecismo: Eva Jaimes 686-4077 Religious Ed (Viet): Sr. Hang Le 689-8921 ext. 32 RCIA: Charlie Sinatra 354-7116 Catecismo para Adultos: Jorge Macias 358-9272 OCTOBER 2, 2011 EUCHARISTIC CELEBRATIONS SATURDAY / SABADO/ Thứ Bảy 5:00pm English SUNDAY / DOMINGO / Chúa Nhật 7:30am English 9:00am English 11:00am Español 1:00pm Español 3:00pm Tongan (1st Sun/month) 5:00pm Vietnamese 7:00pm English (Youth Mass) DAILY EUCHARIST / DIARIO / Ngày Thường 8:00am English RECONCILIATION / CONFESIONES /Giải Tội 8:30am Saturdays / Sabados / Thứ Bảy and by appointment LITURGICAL MINISTRIES / Ministerios Litúrgicos Altar Servers: Dawn Varga 909-223-4931 Monaguillos: Claudia Sanchez 781-0865 Lectors: Mildred Polk 801-1779 Lectores: Rubi Albiter 785-6913 Liturgy: Lucille Breckenridge 682-5309 Environment: Margaret Tyrrell 780-6647 Euch. Ministers: Chris McAdams 683-6329 Eucaristia: 11am Victor Madrid 909-208-8401 1pm Raul y Bertha Juarez 687-1689 Ushers: Mike Koury 687-5328 Ujieres: 11am Elva y Martin Villalobos 689-7728 1pm Maria Garcia 750-3558 PASTORAL MINISTRY / Ministerio Pastoral Bereavement: Marie Hoesman 778-9191 Visit of the Sick: Lincon Mena 689-8921 Comunion a los Enfermos: Raul Juarez 687-1689 COMMUNITY-BUILDING & SERVICE/ Servicio y Comunidad Our Lady’s Guild: Jean Fortuna 687-3423 Golden Agers: Marie Hoesman 778-9191 Catholic Daughters: Ginger Bentley 687-8049 Fellowship: Flora Helepiko 489-9755 Knights of Columbus: Mike Yasmer 204-5873 Welcoming Ministry: Juanita Wielenga 681-8849 Small Faith Communities: Donna Nurre 684-7922 Pro-Life / Pro-Vida: Margaret Moses 369-8726 Food Pantry/Dispensa de Comida : Frank Whatley 684-4298 Church Cleaning/ Limpieza de Iglesia: Nereyda Navarro 354-5788 PRAYER & BIBLE STUDY / Oración y Estudio Bíblico Devotions: Marie Fiveash 359-1739 Grupo de Oración: Rosario Vasquez 237-1054 Grupo de Mujeres: Rosalia Sanchez 352-9047 Grupo de Hombres: Cresencio Puente 687-4659 Pastoral Coordinator Dr. Sarah Elder Priests Fr. Timothy Do Fr. Charles Patron Deacons Nam Bui Rogelio Gonzalez School Principal Ann Meier RE Coordinators Sr. Hang Le Mary Fisher Eva Jaimes Secretary Karla Romero Office Administrator Lillian Kalmar Pastoral Council Micheale Gibbons Facilitator Shannon Gibbons Recorder Tom Deike Cecilia de la Riva Ivan de la Riva Claudia Sanchez Hau Ton Le Lupe Maldonado Atu Vaipulu Finance Council Jorge Amezcua Marie Hoesman Mike Koury Atu Vaipulu Finance Report for Month of September Reporte de Finanzas: Total Income/ Ingresos $62,682.38 Total Expenses/ Gastos: $67,554.19 Net loss/ Pérdida: -$4,871.81 Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time OCTOBER 1, 2011 This Sunday’s readings show very clearly the contrast between the right kind of confidence and the wrong kind of confidence. We hear about the peace that comes from a deep dependence on God, and the violence and disorder that comes from presumption towards God. Jesus tells a story about some tenants of a vineyard who begin to think they can do whatever they want, and even treat the vineyard’s profits as their own. They feel entitled, forgetting that the vineyard really belongs to someone else. In order to keep things for themselves, they finally resort to violence and murder. And they are punished. This is a warning for us. God has promised us grace, and he showers us with many good gifts, spiritual and material. God remains faithful to us and to his promises, and he is very merciful and patient with us. But in the end, he will not be mocked. If we forget that our life is just a “lease” from God, and we belong to him, body, mind and spirit, we too will fall into presumption and start acting sinfully. But there is a good way to be confident. That is the way we hear about from St Paul. The instructions for this are clear. 1) Thank God continually. 2) Do not let anxiety get a hold on you. 3) Constantly tell God what you want. 4) Focus your hearts and minds on what is right and pure. We are called to trust God and walk closely with him like little children. He will reward us with Himself, giving us an inner peace that is unshakeable. Lean on Him. Reflection by Dr. Sarah YOUTH GROUP 6:30 to 8pm—OLPH Hall We invite all youth in grades 9—12! Join us every Thursday for some young Catholic fun! Our Bishop Barnes has declared this year: PANCAKE BREAKFAST—SUNDAY OCT. 2nd The Knights of Columbus are hosting a Pancake Breakfast in our Hall and all the proceeds will benefit our parish. RCIA—RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS Begins Oct. 3rd at 7:00 PM in Room 8 The RCIA program is for post-high school adults * for those interested in becoming a Catholic, * for baptized Christians who would like to join the Catholic Church, * for those adult Catholics who want First Communion or receive Sacrament of Confirmation, * and finally for those Catholics who would like to up-date themselves in Catholic Church spirituality, theology, tradition and liturgy. For more info: Call Charlie Sinatra 951-354-7116 THANK YOU to everyone who worked so hard on making our "Music Under The Stars" event such a large success. The entertainment was heavenly! The food delicious! Our MC fabulous! It truly was a labor of LOVE! There are too many names to list, but you all know who you are. The evening was wonderful due to your TIME, TALENT AND TREASURE! May God continue to bless our parish. NEW TRANSLATION OF THE MASS Reminder: in Advent we will begin using the new translation of the Mass at the English masses. Don’t worry! We will give you a complete handout when we want you to start using the new responses. Two of the changes we have already talked about: 1) Instead of “And also with you” we will say “And with your Spirit” 2) During the Confession, we will use the phrase, “through my fault, through my fault, through my own most grievous fault” instead of “through my own fault”. Latin: mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. There are some other small changes in the Confession. During the Nicene Creed there are also several translation changes, again bringing the English translation of the Creed closer to the Latin translation (the original is in Greek). The first one you will notice is “I believe” instead of “We believe”. This gives us a chance to affirm our faith as individuals. Another very noticeable change is from the phrase “one in being with the Father” to “consubstantial with the Father”. Consubstantial is used by the Latin translation of the Creed (consubstantialem). It means of the same being as the Father—the Son is God, exactly as the Father is God. Vigesimo-septimo Domingo de Tiempo Ordinario Octubre 2, 2011 Las lecturas de este domingo nos enseñan claramente el contraste entre la confianza buena y la confianza mala. Escuchamos de la paz que viene de una dependencia profunda en Dios, y de la violencia y desoden que viene de una presunción hacia Dios. Jesús cuenta la historia de unos inquilinos de una viña que comienzan a pensar que pueden hacer lo que les da la gana, y hasta usan las ganancias de la viña como suyas. Se sienten dueños, olvidando que la viña en realidad le pertenece a otra persona. Para poder quedarse con las cosas para ellos mismos hasta recurren a la violencia y matanza. Y son castigados. Este es un aviso para nosotros. Dios nos ha prometido gracia, y nos bendice con muchos dones, espirituales y materiales. Dios se mantiene fiel a nosotros y a sus promesas, y es muy misericordioso y paciente con nosotros. Pero al final, no se burlarán de él. Si se nos olvida que nuestra vida está “prestada” de Dios, que pertenecemos a el en cuerpo, mente y alma caeremos en presunción y comenzaremos a actuar en pecado. Pero hay una buena manera de actuar seguro de sí mismo. Es la manera que escuchamos de San Pablo. Las instrucciones para esto están claras. 1) Da Gracias a Dios continuamente. 2) No dejes que la ansiedad tome control de tí. 3) Constantemente dile a Dios lo que quieres. 4) Enfoca tu corazon y mente en lo que es bueno y puro. Nos llama a seguir a Dios y caminar con el como niños pequeños. El nos premiará con El mismo, dándonos una paz interior que incomparable. Apóyate en El. Reflexión por Dra. Sarah HORA SANTA EN ESPAÑOL PRIMER VIERNES DE CADA MES Este viernes, 7 de octubre a las 8:00pm en la capilla DIA DE FORMACION LITURGICA AQUI EN NUESTRA PARROQUIA Sabado, 12 de noviembre La Dioces ofrecerá talleres de formación para Lectores, Ministros de Eucaristía, Ministerio a los Enfermos, Ujieres, Sacristanes y Coordinadores de Monaguillos. Estos talleres son buenos para las personas ya sirviendo en un ministerio y para los que comienzan a hacerlo. Los participantes deben pagar $5.00 en la oficina parroquial para registrarse antes del 31 de octubre. Despues de esa fecha, el costo es de $15 si aún hay lugar. ¡REGISTRESE PRONTO! GRUPO DE JOVENES 6:30 a 8pm—Salón Parroquial ¡Todos los jóvenes en los grados 9 al 12 están invitados! ¡Los esperamos este jueves y todos los jueves para actividades católicas divertidas! Nuestro Obispo Barnes ha declarado este año: PROGRAMA PARA ADULTOS QUE NECESITAN LOS SACRAMENTOS DE BAUTIZO, PRIMERA COMUNION Y/O LA CONFIRMACION ¡YA COMENZO! Las clases son los lunes a las 7:00pm en el Salón 7. Costo de la clase: $30. Para más información: Jorge 358-9272 JUNTA DE COMITE DE LITURGIA Jueves, 13 de octubre a las 7pm en el Salon de Juntas de la Oficina. ESTUDIO BIBLICO EN ESPAÑOL PARA ADULTOS –¡ya comenzo! ¡TODOS LOS MIERCOLES! Todos están invitados al Estudio Biblico en español. Nos reunimos todos los miercoles de 6:30pm a 8pm en el segundo piso del Centro de Ministerios MUCHAS GRACIAS a todos los que trabajaron tanto para hacer el evento de “Musica Bajo Las Estrellas” un gran éxito. ¡El entretenimiento estuvo celestial! ¡La comida estuvo deliciosa! ¡El anfitrión estuvo fabuloso! Realmente fue una labor de AMOR. Son demasiados nombres para mencionar, pero ustedes saben quienes son. La tarde fue bella por su TIEMPO, TALENTO y TESORO! Que Dios continue bendiciendo a nuestra parroquia. Conozca a los candidatos que harán las decisions que afectan a sus hijos en escuelas publicas. FORO DE CANDIDATOS PARA LA MESA DIRECTIVA DEL DISTRITO ESCOLAR DE RIVERSIDE Martes, 4 de octubre a las 7pm En el Salón de Santa Catarina 7005 Brockton Ave. Riverside, CA 92506 ¡VOTE EL MARTES, 8 DE NOVIEMBRE! CHÚA NHẬT XXVII THƯỜNG NIÊN TWENTY SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME October 2, 2011 The gloriously talented prophet Isaiah provides today’s Old Testament reading. Imitating a popular song, Isaiah sings of God as a friend who lavished care on a vineyard and got only sour grapes from it. Today we continue reading from Philippians – Paul’s loveliest letter, his Epistle of Joy. A deep friendship developed between Paul and the Philippians’ Church. Today we read Paul’s tender encouragement and advice to them. This is the identical spirit we should have in life. We continue our year-long study of the First Gospel. Now Matthew describes the growing opposition between Jesus and the chief priests. This parable is thinlyveiled – easily understood by them and by ourselves. (Phần tiếng Việt) Ngôn sứ thông minh xuất chúng Isaiah đã chuẩn bị đầy đủ trong bài suy niệm về Cựu Ước ngày hôm nay. Theo gương sáng của bài hát phổ thông mà ngôn sứ Isaiah ca tặng Thiên Chúa như người bạn. Nếu ai lãng phí thời giờ không chăm sóc vườn nho để nho sinh toàn nho chua, cũng giống như Chúa phán: “Ta trông mong nó thực hành đức công chính, nhưng đây toàn là tiếng kêu oan.” Hôm nay chúng ta vẫn tiếp tục suy niệm lá thư đầy tình thương của Thánh Phaolô Tông Đồ gởi tín hữu Philippians. Một mối tình bằng hữu sâu rộng giữa Thánh Phaolô vởi Cộng đoàn tín hữu Philippians, trình bày được những ước vọng mạnh mẽ và lời khuyên tốt lành đến với họ. Đây là tinh thần thánh thiện biểu lộ cần phải có trong đời sống chúng ta. NEW REGISTRATION / Nueva registración Complete this form & drop it in the collection basket Những điều Chủa Jesus giảng dạy trong bài Phúc Âm hôm nay muốn nói đến cuộc sống gian nan và chết trên thập giá của Ngài “Họ bắt cậu lôi ra khỏi vườn nho rồi giết.” Ngài còn muốn nhắc nhở chúng ta đừng quá tự cao, tự đại và tự mãn trong những công trạng đạo đức, thánh thiện của chính mình mà sinh ra kiêu ngạo, nhưng phải biết tin, biết cậy và phó dâng vào lòng nhân từ của Thiên Chúa. Đồng thời Ngài cũng cảnh cáo những ai có lòng đổi trắng thay đen như những người thuê vườn nho thì sẽ nhận lấy hậu quả trừng phạt của Thiên Chúa “Cơn thịnh nộ của Thiên Chúa sẽ ngự trị trên kẻ cứng lòng” (Ga. 3:36). Thật vậy, bẩm sinh của con người là tội lỗi làm cho tinh thần thánh thiện của Thiên Chúa có thể bị hư hỏng trong chúng ta nếu chúng ta không biết hoán cải. Do đó, chúng ta phải biết sống trong lãnh vực đạo đức, thêm vào đó là phải biết sống bằng cầu nguyện để tạo nên khả năng hướng về Chúa, biết làm việc bố thí để được vui trong việc bố thí và biết chia sẻ ngọt bùi trong đời sống hằng ngày dùng đủ để xây dựng ân phúc cho đời sau. Meet the candidates that will be making decisions that affect your children in public schools. Be informed and take an active role in the education of our children-our future: CANDIDATE FORUM FOR THE RIVERSIDE UNIFIED SCHOOL BOARD ELECTION Tuesday, October 4th at 7pm at St. Catherines’s Parish Hall 7005 Brockton Ave. Riverside, CA 92506 VOTE ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8th! LIFELINES Pregnant & Scared? You have options: 1-800-395-HELP Hurt by an Abortion? You are not alone. For hope & healing contact: English 1-800-794-7863 Español 909-238-4037 RachelsVineyard.org Natural Family Planning 909-475-5351 CHANGE OF ADDRESS / Cambio de Dirección Llene esta forma y deposítela en la canasta de la colecta NAME/Nombre: ________________________________________________ PHONE / Teléfono: ________________________ ADDRESS / Dirección: ______________________________________________________________________________________ !!All are invited!! SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2011 THE FUN BEGINS AT 11 a.m. and ends at 5 pm Featuring our famous CHILI COOK-OFF PIE CONTEST !!Todos están invitados!! SABADO 22 de OCTUBRE, 2011 LA DIVERSION COMIENZA A LAS 11 a.m. y termina a las 5 pm Tendremos nuestro famoso CONCURSO DE CHILI COOKIE CONTEST (for children 16 & under) Bouncers for little kids and the big kid in all of us CONCURSO DE PAYS Games & Prizes Juegos y Premios Hamburgers- Hotdogs- Nachos Hamburguesas- Hot dogs- Nachos Entertainment by our Rel Ed Students & much more! Entretenimiento por nuestros Estudiantes y Mucho Más! PRO-LIFE—Let’s pray together to prevent more babies from being killed just a few blocks away. Come pray with us on Tuesdays and Fridays at 8:30am outside of abortion clinic at 3772 Tibbetts Ave. Riv, 92506. Info: Margaret Moses 3698726 or just come & pray! Envelopes are available in the pews this week if you’d like to support the work of defending Human Life & Dignity. PRO-VIDA—Oremos juntos para prevenir que bebes sean matados cerca de aquí. Venga y ore con nosotros todos los martes y viernes a las 8:30am afuera de la clinica de abortos en 3772 Tibbetts Ave. Riverside, 92506. Hay sobres en las bancas esta semana si desea apoyar al trabajo de defender la Vida Humana y Dignidad. Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary—Friday, October 7th OLPH devotions Group invites the community to pray for our nation. Everyone consecrated to the Triumphant Victory of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and anyone who will be making his/ her consecration in December needs to come. Holy Mass at 8am followed by Rosary in the Prayer Garden. We thank you for your support of our parish projects through DDF! Next project: NEW FLOOR in the Church and refurbishing our PEWS! Please continue making your monthly donations! The community of our Lady of Perpetual Help is invited to the ORDINATION TO THE PRIESTHOOD of our Deacon Rogelio Gonzalez On Friday, October 21st at 10:00am at St. Francis Cabrini 12687 California St. Yucaipa, CA 92399 Our parish has reserved a bus for parishioners to go to the ordination. Reserve your seat in the parish office. Cost is $12 per person. We must have at least 50 seats paid and reserved by Oct. 17th, if not we will cancel the bus and return your money. Bus departs at 8:30am, returns about 4pm. Everyone is invited to our parish celebration of his ordination on Saturday, October 29th following the 5pm Mass which will be his first Mass at OLPH as a priest. CONCURSO DE GALLETAS (para menores de 16) BRINCOLINAS para los niños pequeños Día de Ntra. Sra. del Rosario—Viernes, 7 de octubre Misa a las 8am seguido por el rosario en el jardín de oración. Todos son bienvenidos, especialmente los que se han consagrado a María o se consagrarán este diciembre. ¡Agradecemos su apoyo de los proyectos parroquiales por medio del DDF! Próximo proyecto: NUEVO PISO en la Iglesia y renovar las bancas de la iglesia! ¡Por favor continue hacienda sus donaciones mensuales! La comunidad de Ntra. Sra. del Perpetuo Socorro está invitada a la ORDENACION SACERDOTAL de nuestro Diacono Rogelio Gonzalez El viernes, 21 de octubre a las 10:00am en la Iglesia de San Francis Cabrini 12687 California St. Yucaipa, CA 92399 Nuestra parroquia ha reservado un autobus para ir a la ordenación. Reserve su asiento en la oficina. Costo es $12 por persona. Debemos tener un mínimo de 50 asientos pagados antes del 17 de octubre, si no tendremos que cancelar el autobus y se le regresará su dinero. El autobus sale de aquí a las 8:30am, regresas a las 4pm. Todos están invitados a nuestra celebración parroquial de su ordenación el sábado, 29 de octubre en el Salón Parroquial despues de la Misa de 5pm que será su primer Misa en nuestra parroquia como sacerdote. WEEK OF October 2—8 SUNDAY _______OCTOBER 2 DOMINGO 7am-3pm Pancake Breakfast 1/2 Hall 8-11:00am Fellowship Hall 8:30-10:30am Grupo de Hombres MC-A 9:15am-9:45am Eng. Children’s Liturgy Hall 11:15-11:45 am Sp. Children’s Liturgy Room 1 12-12:30pm Viet. Religious Ed 1/2 Hall 12-1:45pm Viet Rel Ed Rm 2-7, MC-ABD 12:30-1:30pm Viet Re Parents 1/2 Hall 1:15-1:45pm Sp. Children’s Liturgy Room 1 2-3pm Viet. Language Rm 1-7 3-5pm Viet. Euch Society Ministry Center A 3:00pm Tongan Mass Church 4-5pm Tongan Comm. Meeting Hall 7:00pm AA Annex 8:00pm Youth Mass Fellowship Hall MONDAY OCTOBER 3 _ __LUNES____ 2:45-3:45pm School Dance Class Hall 5:30-7pm Children’s Choir—Fidel Church 6:00pm AA Hall Annex 6:30pm Middle School Ministry Hall 7-9pm Choir-Fidel Church 7:00pm Sp. Adult Rel Ed Room 7 7:00pm RCIA Room 8 7:00pm Sp. Marriage Prep Office Mtg Rm 7:00pm Eng. Baptism Class Room 6 TUESDAY OCTOBER 4 MARTES___ 9:30-11:30am Grupo de Mujeres Hall 1:30-2:15pm School Mass Practice Church 2:45-3:45pm School Dance Class Hall 6-8pm Fiesta Meeting Room 8 6:30-8pm Eng. Rel Ed Hall, School, MC-ABCD 7:00-9pm Grupo de Oración Church WEDNESDAY ___OCTOBER 5 MIERCOLES 11-1:30pm Catholic Daughters Hall 2:45-3:45pm School Dance Class Hall 6:30pm Confirmation Hall, Rm 5,6,7 6:30pm Bible Study in Spanish MC-A 6:30-8:30pm Sp. Catechist Meeting Office Mtg Rm THURSDAY __ OCTOBER 6 JUEVES____ 9-11am Holy Hour Chapel 2:45-3:45pm School Dance Class Hall 6:30-8pm Sp. Rel. Ed Parents Church 6:30-8pm Sp. Religious Ed School, MC all 6:30pm Youth Group Hall FRIDAY __ _____OCTOBER 7 ______ VIERNES 8am-2pm Room Parent Luncheon Hall 5:30pm Rehearsals Church 6:00pm Bible Study-Eng. Office Mtg Rm 6:30-8pm Sp. Rel. Ed Parents Hall 6:30pm Sp. Rel Ed School, MC 7:00pm Viet. Mass Chapel 8:00pm Holy Hour in Spanish Chapel SATURDAY OCTOBER 8 _ SABADO_____ 8am-1pm RE Rosary Rally Hall 8am-1pm Viet. Euch Youth Training MC-A 10-12pm Youth Choir Room 5 12:00pm XV-Elizabeth Huerta Church 1-6pm Viet. Euch. Youth Training Hall 2:00pm XV-Daisy Castillo Church 6-8pm Choir-Linda set-up Church 6:30pm Baptism Rehearsal Church 7-9pm Viet. Choir-Tayna Room 5 SAFE ENVIRONMENT TRAINING IN ENGLISH Thursday, October 6, 2011 at 6:00pm in Room 8 Everyone working with children and youth in the parish must complete the Safe Environment Training either online or by attending this workshop. This training is open to all volunteers, catechists, etc.! OLPH CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE ROSARY RALLY—Sat, Oct. 8th 8:30 to 3 p.m. All children and Young people are invited to attend this special day to pray and meditate on the Mysteries of the Rosary and the Message of Fatima Lunch will be served: A donation of $2: will be appreciated to help meet the cost for lunch RALLY DEL ROSARIO PARA NIÑOS Y JOVENES 8 de OCTUBRE, 2011 8:30 a 3 p.m. Todos los niños y jovenes y sius familias están invitados a este evento especial para orar y meditar sobre los Misterios del Rosario y el Mensaje de Fatima Se servirá comida: Se agradece una donación de $2 para los costos de la comida. ***********Girl Scout Gold Award Project*********** I would like to thank everyone who came down to El Torito last week in support of my Girl Scout Gold Award Project. It was a real success, and with the funds generated from this project we will be able to make some great improvements to the pantry. I would also like to extend a special thank you to Chris and Magda McAdams @ CM Publications for printing the flyer's and to Lillian (our bookkeeper) and her husband Steve for their help in stuffing them in the bulletin, this really helped to spread the word for this event. Finally a thank you to all that brought food to be donated to the pantry and those who were unable to attend yet made cash donations. Every ones help and participation was greatly appreciated! Emily Pooley, Ambassador Troop 578 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR OUR MINISTRY TO THE SICK Can you donate one hour of your time to visit with the sick or homebound? We will train you and provide material you need. Our Lord tells us visiting the sick is one of the few things He will use to judge those who are worthy to spend an eternity with Him. “...I was sick and you took care of me” Call and leave your name and number in the office at 689-8921 ext. 20. LITURGY COMMITTEE MEETING on OCTOBER 13 at 7pm in Office Meeting Room. DEVOTIONS For the Continued Gift of Community here at O.L.P.H. Please remember in your prayers the following parishioners or members of their family who are ill or are recovering from illness or surgery: Maria Batres, Bill Callanan, Margaret Chávez, Sandra Chávez, Estela de la Torre, Ruthie Doll, Margarita Ellis, Alice Emerson, Troy W. Félix, David Fortuna, Rogelio Juárez, Kit Kirchoff, Patti Kirchoff, Angelina Lord, Debbie Maldonado, Jim Maldonado, Kathy Martin, Al McAdams, Mary Mendoza, Amalia Moreno, Mario Órnelas, Sylvia Órnelas, Mary Anne Portante, Esther Quilliam, Helen Quiroz, Pedro Quiroz, Jesse Santos, Lorie Santos, Dorie Sebastian, Shirley Shovah, Georgia Smith, Linda Sinatra, Lavinia Vaipulu, Amparo Lopez, Richard Troup, Bill Valdez, Opalani Vaipulu, Dickie Ybarra, Rose Zuccolotto and Fr. Gerry McGuinness. EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS SCHEDULE SAT, OCTOBER 8- CAPTAIN 5:00pm Wayne Meeh SUN, OCTOBER 9 - CAPTAIN 7:30am Paul Wielenga 9:00am Lynda McAndrew READINGS FOR THE WEEK: October 3-9 Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Jon 1:1 — 2:2, 11; Lk 10:25-37 Jon 3:1-10; Lk 10:38-42 Jon 4:1-11; Lk 11:1-4 Mal 3:13-20b; Lk 11:5-13 Jl 1:13-15; 2:1-2; Lk 11:15-26 Jl 4:12-21; Lk 11:27-28 Is 25:6-10a; Ps 23; Phil 4:12-14, 19-20; Mt 22:1-14 [1-10] LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA: Octubre 3-9 Lunes: Martes: Miércoles: Jueves: Viernes: Sábado: Domingo: Jon 1:1 — 2:2, 11; Lc 10:25-37 Jon 3:1-10; Lc 10:38-42 Jon 4:1-11; Lc 11:1-4 Mal 3:13-20b; Lc 11:5-13 Jl 1:13-15; 2:1-2; Lc 11:15-26 Jl 4:12-21; Lc 11:27-28 Is 25:6-10a; Sal 23 (22); Fil 4:12-14, 19-20; Mt 22:1-14 [1-10] $7,997.70 You are invited to come and pray for your need and in thanksgiving: SUNDAY- Rosary after 7:30am Mass MON & TUES—Rosary after 8am Mass WEDNESDAY - Jesus King of All Nations after 8am Mass THURSDAY - Holy Hour after 8am Mass to 11am FRIDAY - Rosary in Prayer Garden after 8am Mass Please pray the Intentions of Pope Benedict XVI for the MONTH OF OCTOBER: General Intention: That the terminally ill may be supported by their faith in God and the love of their brothers and sisters. Mission Intention: That the celebration of World Mission Day may foster in the People of God a passion for evangelization with the willingness to support the missions with prayer and economic aid for the poorest Churches. SATURDAY OCTOBER 1 5:00pm +Louis Rivet by Shirley Shovah SUNDAY OCTOBER 2 7:30am +Rita Carlos by the family +Leon Manahan by Regino & Miguela Tolentino Intentions of Annette Jackson by Marie Fiveash +Antonia & Leon Manahan by Regino & Miguela Tolentino 9:00am +Deacon Sid Gurrola (26th year of ordination) by Gurrola Family +Louis Santos by Margarita Garcia & Family 11:00am +Octavio Gaxiola de Yolanda Cazares + Maria Salud Garcia de Jesus y Olivia Garcia Intenciones de cumpleaños de Manuel Vasquez de su familia 1:00pm Pro Populo 5:00pm +Giuse Vu Ngoc Tuyen 7:00pm MONDAY OCTOBER 3 8:00am +David Santos by Margarita Garcia TUESDAY OCTOBER 4 8:00am In thanksgiving by Maria Villaseñor WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 5 8:00am Intentions of Renee Lockhart by Marie Fiveash THURSDAY OCTOBER 6 8:00am +Isabella Victorino & Teotimo Tolentino by Regino & Miguela Tolentino & family FRIDAY OCTOBER 7 8:00am Intentions of Our Lady of the Rosary by Devotions SATURDAY OCTOBER 8 5:00pm Intentions of 50th Anniversary of Jim and Anne Latulippe by Joe & Frances Wolter +Gerald Houtler by Beehler Family +Emile Hishmeh by Rick Hishmeh SUNDAY OCTOBER 9 7:30am Pro Populo 9:00am Intentions of Lynda McAndrew by Golden Agers Raul de la Vara Jr. By Esther Rincon +Dick & Mary Moshier by Anthony Gianetto 11:00am 1:00pm +Oscar Rodriguez de su familia 5:00pm 7:00pm ALTAR FLOWERS - Cost is $35 Flowers are placed on the altar at foot of Risen Christ statue and your intention placed here. FLORES EN EL ALTAR - Costo es $35 El arreglo se pone al pie de la estatua de Cristo y su intención se pone aqui en el boletín.
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