LASER-COM COVER SHEET CHURCH NAME: St. Andrew CHURCH #: 913008 CONTACT PERSON: Lucí Santos PHONE #: (626) 792-4183 FAX/MODEM#: (626) 792-4456 CELEBRATING 125 YEARS 1886-2011 Honor, Celebrate, Embrace Third Sunday of Lent March 27, 2011 Healing Mass & Anointing of the Sick MASS SCHEDULE In English Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM Sundays: 8:00 AM, 9:30,12:30 PM, 5:00 Monday-Saturday: 8:15 AM En Español Domingos: 6:30 AM, 11:00, 2:00 PM Lunes, Miércoles, Viernes: 5:30 PM PARISH STAFF Rev. Paul Sustayta, Pastor ..... (626) 204-2104 Rev. Oliver Ortega, Associate Pastor Pastor Emeritus, Rev. Msgr. Tobias English General Number ..................... (626) 792-4183 Carol Clark, Pastoral Assistant ................. 109 Maria Auen, Business Manager ................ 103 Esther Luna, Assistant to the Pastor....... 104 Lucí Santos, Administrative Secretary..... 101 Pastoral Care ............................................... 200 Teresa Minera, Confirmation ................... 203 José Chavez, Youth Ministry .................... 204 Juan Gomez, Fuente de Vida ................... 205 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Sr. Alicia Hernández, CVD, Director ..... 201 Lorena García, Assistant ........................... 202 Friday, April 1, at 7:00 p.m. Theme: Healing the Family Tree For our 125th Anniversary, St Andrew Parish will have a Healing Mass and an Anointing of the Sick with Celebrant Fr. Jim Clarke, Spiritual Director at St. John Seminary (pictured above), and Concelebrants Fr. Paul Sustayta and Fr. Oliver Ortega. All ministries and outside parishes are invited to receive healing, anointing, and prayer. For prayer, petitions, and more information, please call Roses Bennett at (626) 3890399 or email her at SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Sr. Daleen Larkin, SNJM……(626) 796-7697 Fax…………………………..(626)796-1931 CONFESSIONS/CONFESIONES Saturdays/Sábados: 3:00 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. BAPTISMS/BAUTISMOS Baptisms are held once a month. Applications can be picked up at the Pastoral Center. Una vez al mes. Las aplicaciones se completan en el Centro Pastoral. PASTORAL CENTER 140 Chestnut Street, Pasadena, CA 91103 CHURCH 311 N. Raymond, Pasadena, CA 91103 Please visit Para esta información en español, favor de leer la página 5. for more information about our parish. St. ANDREW CHURCH, OLD PASADENA “While we were sinners Christ died for us.” -Romans 5:8 Online Giving ANNOUNCEMENTS St. Andrew has safe, secure, convenient online giving! Please visit our website at Click on “Give to St. Andrew” and then just follow the instructions. If you experience any problems or if you have any further questions, please call Maria Auen at (626) 7924183, Ext. 103. ♦ Ecumenical & Interfaith Prayer Service, Thursday, April 7, 11:00 a.m. ♦ Pasadena Conservatory of Music Concert, Friday, April 8, 7:00 p.m. ♦ St. Andrew Lenten Penance Service, Wednesday, April 13, 7:00 p.m. ♦ Palm Sunday, April 17, Blessing of Palms in the Piazza, Holy Week begins ♦ Divine Mercy Novena (English), Friday, April 22, to Saturday, April 30, in the Pastoral Center Chapel, 7:00 p.m. ♦ Salubong (Filipino Easter Sunday Dawn Mass), April 24, 3:45 a.m., in the Piazza. ♦ Mariachi Concert, Saturday, July 23, 7:00 p.m. Champion of Faith G.K. Chesterton Come hear Dale Ahlquist, give an entertaining talk of the amazing G.K. Chesterton. Find out how this influential and prophetic writer is gaining popularity once again. When: Where: Who: Cost: Contact: Sunday, April 3, 7:00 p.m. Caltech Beckman Institute Dale Ahlquist, EWTN Host Free Jaime Jackson at Jackson@ A Glance At Our Past The year was 1886 when the first electric lights illuminated the main streets in downtown Los Angeles amidst a building boom that increased the city’s population to a then robust 18,000 inhabitants. To the northeast, the newly incorporated city of Pasadena showcased its first Tournament of Roses Parade on January 1st. It was eight days later that a young Irish priest, Father Patrick Harnett from St. John Vibiana Cathedral in Los Angeles, celebrated the first Mass in the city known then by its Indian name of “Crown of the Valley” and today as the “Crown City.” That very first Mass, held in the Los Angeles House hotel located at Fair Oaks Avenue and Colorado Street, inaugurated what would become an historic Catholic presence in this new city of Pasadena, founded the same year as the establishment of St. Andrew Church, 1886. LIBRARY ART EXHIBIT An exhibit highlighting our 125th Anniversary and related activities is being planned for the Pasadena Central Library in April. In order to personalize the exhibit, the Anniversary Committee is asking parishioners to lend any antique heirlooms or photos that were used in St Andrew Church ceremonies over the years. These could include (but not limited to) vintage baptismal gowns, bridal veils, prayer books, and, of course, photos. We would also love to have items used in any typical ethnic ceremonies to help us celebrate our diverse parish community. Your items would be displayed under lock and key in the closed exhibit cases in the Library for the 30 days of the exhibit and would be returned in a timely manner. This is a beautiful way to actively participate in sharing our Anniversary activities with the Pasadena community. Please contact the Pastoral Center at (626) 792-4183 to arrange for a pick up. 2 THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT MARCH 27, 2011 Together in Mission 2011 UPDATE Thank you very much for your generous support with the 2011 Annual Appeal “Together in Mission”. This year, our parish goal is $78,357.55. We are confident that we will reach this goal with everyone’s help. It is very important that these pledges be paid so that our parish will reach and, hopefully, exceed our goal. Once the pledge payments have exceeded our goal, we will receive all of the additional funds for use in our parish ministries. As of today, we have received the following: Parish Goal: Amount Pledged: Amount Received: Amount from 2nd Collections: Needed to reach goal: $78,357.55 $55,742.00 $17,884.65 $ 0.00 $22,615.55 Religious Education students received their First Reconciliation on March 5th and 7th. On the altar is a cross with hearts. Each heart has the name of a student. Please take a heart home and pray for this child until their First Holy Communion, which will be held in May. Please Pray for these Parish Members who are Sick Por favor Ore por los Enfermos Sonny Bernanbe Presentacion Longadin Gloria Vallarta Mercedes Sifoa Blanca Parades Manuel Martinez Theresa A. Gonzalez Cindy Ethridge Angel Gallegos Alicia Alcala Delgado Jessie Mantan Majia Millad Iris Concheta Virginia Millan Manuel Gamero Luz Hidalgo Nancy VonDrasek Baby Michael Vanis Clea Reilly Melissa Guzman Laura Aguilar Del Swain Warren Altounian Quentin Austria Mayzina Guerrero Joseph Guerra And for the Faithful Departed Y por los Fieles Difuntos Baby Eva N. Williams Ken Cruz Oscar Palis Oscar Palis, Jr. Augusto Rojas Martin Salazar Luz Cervantes Mauro Yepez Juan & José Garibay Ángel González ASSOCIATION OF PASADENA AND ALTADENA Pledge envelopes are available in the church. Once again, we would like to thank you for your support. Teresa Sandoval Aida Montes Andres Laguna Daniel Lim Teresita Larramendi Libertine Morales Rosemarie Ybarra Joanne Dixon Rosita Quintero Terry Lanni Keva Di Lorenzo Raul Espinosa Aurelia Salazar BLACK CATHOLIC Salvador Delgadillo Pedro Cabral Martin Reyes Elaine Hoffman Jinx Maes The Black Catholic Association invites all parishioners to come and learn more about our church participation in our communities. Example: Scholarships. When: Thursday, April 7, 2011 Time: 7:00 p..m. Where: St. Elizabeth Of Hungary Lourdes Room For further information, please call Joan Reid at (626) 797-7367. Spirituality Forum Continues Wondering where God is in your life? Want to bring a deeper consciousness to your prayer life? Join us for a free Lenten Forum to deepen your prayer life. Finding God in All Things Wednesday, April 6, 7:00 p.m. Church Chapel Hosted by Juliette Marsh Williams Please RSVP to Esther Luna at (626) 204-2104 or This event is sponsored by the Adult Spiritual Formation Committee in celebration of St. Andrew's 125th Anniversary. 3 St. ANDREW CHURCH, OLD PASADENA PIAZZA DONATIONS We are still accepting donations for the Piazza. Simply stop by the Pastoral Center and ask for a Piazza Donor Card. Anyone who donates $1000 or more will have their name placed on a bronze plaque. Please make sure that you spell your name exactly as you would like it to appear on the plaque. If you are interested, please call Fr. Paul at (626) 204-2104. ART & ARCHITECTURE TOURS By popular demand, new tour dates are: ♦ Saturday, April 2, at 3:00 p.m. English ♦ Sunday, April 3, at 3:00 p.m. Spanish Admission is FREE and NO reservations or tickets are required. Tours start promptly at 3:00 p.m., so please do not be late. Architecture inspired by Roman Basilicas ♦ Murals by Italian artist Carlo Wostry ♦ More than a dozen marble varieties featured ST. ANDREW SCHOOL NEWS ♦ 4 DID YOU KNOW? You can help create a safer environment for children by leaving your parish or community environment safer each day than when you started. This could be as simple as training yourself to do a more effective job of keeping your eye on those around you when they interact with children. It sounds overly simple, but most of us don’t really do it, and it can be an easy habit to develop. It just takes persistence and a way to measure your success. For example, in order to make yourself “notice” those who are interacting with children, you could try counting the number of children you see each day interacting with non-parental adults. Okay… so this would be a little unrealistic for a schoolteacher, but for the rest of us, it could be a very big learning experience. To learn more about parish efforts to create safe environments for our children, please contact the parish office. For additional guidance, please call the Assistance Ministry at (213) 637-7650 or Carol Clark of Saint Andrew Parish at (626) 7924183, Ext. 109. ST. ANDREW SCHOOL BLOOD DRIVE SUNDAY, APRIL 3, 8:00 A.M. TO 2:30 P.M. AT THE SCHOOL PARKING LOT. Supporting Huntington Memorial Hospital. Schedule Your Appointment Today! Please call Ida Diaz @ (626) 397-5743 or email her at ida.diaz@huntingtonhospitalcom. Walk-ins welcome. All donors will receive a certificate for a FREE pint of Baskin Robbins ice cream! Be sure to eat, rest and drink plenty of fluids and bring a picture ID. ST. ANDREW SCHOOL CONGRATULATES OUR 8TH GRADE STUDENTS’ HIGH SCHOOL ACCEPTANCES We are proud to announce that our Saint Andrew School 8th grade students were accepted to these outstanding high schools: Alverno, Bishop Amat, Don Bosco Tech, Cathedral, Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy, Flintridge Prep, Holy Family, Immaculate Heart, La Salle, Loyola, Providence, and Saint Francis. Being accepted into any one of these schools means that the student is ready for their high school program. Congratulations also to our school parents who place a high value on the Catholic education of their children. We wish your child every success in high school and beyond! SAINT ANDREW SCHOOL 2011-2012 ENROLLMENT APPLICATIONS ARE NOW BEING ACCEPTED FOR KINDERGARTEN THROUGH SIXTH GRADE To find out more about the Outstanding Elementary School Program offered at Saint Andrew School or to reserve your place on a school tour, please call the school office at (626) 796-7697. Enrollment applications may be picked up from the school office Monday through Friday during regular school hours. TERCER DOMINGO DE CUARESAMA 27 DE MARZO 2011 “Cristo murió por nosotros, cuando aun éramos pecadores.” -Romanos 5:8 ANUNCIOS ♦ Día de Oración Ecuménico e Interreligioso, jueves, 7 de abril, 11:00 a.m. ♦ Servicio de Penitencia Cuaresmal, miércoles, 13 de abril, 7:00 p.m. ♦ Domingo de Ramos, 17 de abril, Bendición de Palmas en la Piazza ♦ Semana Santa comienza, domingo, 17 de abril ♦ Concierto de Mariachi, sábado, 23 de julio, 7:00 p.m. ♦ Salubong (Misa Filipina) domingo, 24 de abril, 3:45 a.m., en la Piazza-todos están invitados. Misa de Sanación se llevó a cabo el viernes, 25 de marzo en español y se en ingles será el viernes, 1 de abril a las 7:00 p.m. con el padre Jim Clarke, director espiritual del seminario de St. John, y los concelebrantes, padre Pablo Sustayta y Oliver Ortega. Se les invita a todos los ministerios y a otras parroquias para que reciban sanación, unción y oración. Para mayores informes, favor de llamar al Centro Pastoral. Fecha de Concierto del 125 Aniversario Guarde la fecha Viernes, 8 de abril, 7:00 p.m. Pasadena Conservatory of Music Faculty & Friends en concierto en San Andrés (Conservatorio de Música de la Facultad e Amigos) Abierto al publico-admisión es gratis-no se necesitan boletos COLECTA DE SANGRE Patrocinada por la asociación de padres de la escuela San Andrés 3 de abril 8:00 a.m. a 2:30 p.m. en el estacionamiento de la escuela San Andrés Apoyando al hospital Huntington ¡Inscríbete hoy comunicándote con Ida Díaz al (626) 397-5743 o a través de correo electrónico Los donantes recibirán un certificado para un helado de Baskin Robbins. Asegúrate de comer bien, tomar bastante agua y traer una identificación con foto. BENDICIONES DE MAMAS EMBARAZADAS Felicidades a la siguiente mama: Norma Huerta Maritza Hurtado UNIDOS EN MISIÓN 2011: TIEMPO DE REFLEXIÓN Gracias por su generoso apoyo con la colecta anual Unidos en Misión 2011. Este año, la meta de la parroquia es de $78,357.55. Estamos confiados de que con la ayuda de todos esta meta es posible. Es muy importante que estas promesas sean pagadas para que nuestra parroquia alcance la meta, y ojala sobre pase esta meta. Una vez que se hayan recibido todos los pagos prometidos, los fondos adicionales serán usados para los ministerios de nuestra parroquia. Hasta la fecha, hemos recibido lo siguiente: Les agradecemos de nuevo su apoyo. Hay sobres Meta: $78,357.55 disponibles en las bancas. Cantidad Prometida : $55,742.00 Cantidad Recibida: $17,884.00 2da Colectas: $ 0.00 Cantidad Necesidad Para alcanzar la meta: $22,615.55 5 PARROQUIA DE SAN ANDRÉS TOURS DE ARTE & ARQUITECTURA Noticias sobre la Regresan por demanda popular ♦ Domingo, 3 de abril a las 3:00 p.m. en español Todavía estamos aceptando donaciones para el proyecto de la Piazza. Cualquier persona que done mas de $1000, tendrá su nombre inscrito en una placa de bronce. Para mayor detalles, favor de llamar al padre Pablo Sustayta al 626-204-2104. Si desea, puede mandar sus donaciones a Rev. Pablo Sustayta, Proyecto Piazza,140 Chestnut Street, Pasadena, CA 91103 o si desea, puede llamarle al (626) 204-2104. La entrada es GRATIS y NO se requieren reservación o boletos. El tour empieza puntual a las 3:00 p.m.; favor de no llegar tarde. ♦ Arquitectura inspirada por las basílicas romanas ♦ Los murales por el artista italiano Carlo Wostry ♦ Mas de una docena de diferente mármol Piazza UNA MIRADA NUESTRO PASADO A El año era 1886 cuando las primeras luces eléctricas iluminaban las calles principales del Los Angeles en medio de un boom en construcción que incremento la población a 18,000 habitantes. Al noreste, la nueva ciudad incorporada de Pasadena lucia su primer desfile del Torneo de las Rosas el primero de enero. Ocho días después un joven sacerdote, padre Patrick Harnet de la catedral de san Juan Vibiana de Los Angeles, celebro su primer Misa que en aquel entonces se conocía como la “corona del valle” y ahora es la “ciudad corona”. Esa primera Misa fue celebrada en el hotel Los Angeles House, localizado en las calles Fair Oaks y Colorado, inauguró lo que se convirtiera en una presencia histórica católica en la nueva ciudad de Pasadena, fundada el miso año que la parroquia de San Andrés, 1886. 8 Para Vivir Mejor Nuestra Eucaristía ♦ La Misa es un momento en que nos reunimos para escuchar a Dios, en el que El no habla y aprendemos de su palabra; por lo tanto, evita contestar el celular ¡NO HAY NADIE MAS IMPORANTE QUE DIOS! ♦ No entres a la Casa de Dios masticando chicle o con comida o bebida en las manos. ♦ No olvides que la Misa termina DESPUES de que el sacerdote entra en la Sacristía. ¿SABE USTED? Usted puede ayudar a crear un ambiente mas seguro para los niños en su parroquia y comunidad al mejorar cada día esa seguridad. Esto puede ser tan simple como entrenarse para hacer un trabajo más efectivo manteniendo “un ojo” en los que le rodean cuando interactúan con niños. Esto suena demasiado simple, pero la mayoría de nosotros en realidad no lo hacemos, y puede ser un hábito fácil a desarrollar. Esto sólo requiere persistencia y una forma de medir sus logros. Por ejemplo, para que usted “se de cuenta” de los que interactúan con niños, podría tratar de contar el número de niños que ve cada día interactuando con adultos que no son sus padres. Esto podría ser un poco irreal para un profesor, pero para el resto de nosotros podría ser una gran experiencia de aprendizaje. Para aprender más acerca de los esfuerzos que realiza nuestra parroquia por crear un ambiente seguro para los niños, por favor comuníquese a su oficina parroquial. Para obtener ayuda, llame a la Oficina de Ministerio de Ayuda al (213) 637-7650, o si desea, llame a la parroquia San Andres al (626) 792-4183, y hable con Carol Clark.
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