Document title: JISC Project Plan: SusTEACH Last updated: February 2012 Project Document Cover Sheet Project Information Project Acronym SusTEACH Project Title Sustainable Tools for the Environmental Appraisal of the Carbon Impacts of HE Teaching Models using ICTs Start Date 28/02/2011 Lead Institution The Open University Project Director Professor A.B.Lane The Open University Department of Communication and Systems Tel +44 (0)1908 655122 Email Dr Sally Caird The Open University, Department Design, Development, Environment and Materials Tel: +44 (0)1908 654635 Fax: +44 (0) 1908 654052. Email: Project Manager & contact details 27/08/2012 End Date Partner Institutions Loughborough University Oxford University Cranfield University Project Web URL Programme Name (and number) Grant funding 14/10 GreeningICT Programme -Phase 11 STRAND III Exemplars of ICT Enabled Transition to Environmentally Sustainable Campus Programme Manager Dr Rob Bristow Document Name Document Title JISC Project Report Final: SusTEACH Project Reporting Period February 2012- August 2012 Author(s) & project role Dr Sally Caird (CI) & Professor Andy Lane (PI) Date 23 August 2012 URL if document is posted on project web site Access o Project and JISC internal Filenames JISC_ReportSusTEACH_Aug2012 o General dissemination Document History Version 1 Date Comments 27 July 2012 CI report 4 August 2012 PI details added 9 Aug. 2012 CI details added 20 Aug. 2012 CI details added 21 Aug. 2012 PI details added 23 Aug. 2012 CI further edits JISC Project Report Final: SusTEACH Project Filename: JISC_ReportSusTEACHAug12 S. Caird. S. and A. Lane, 23 August 2012 SusTEACH examined the transformative impacts of ICTs on HE teaching models and conducted an environmental assessment of the impacts of courses/modules using different models from several Higher Educational Institutions, including Loughborough University, Cranfield University and Oxford University as well as the Open University. We also reanalysed similar data collected some years previously for the Factor 10 Visions project at the OU when the use of ICTs was much less common. We aimed to develop a sustainability toolkit for UK Higher Education (HE) based on the above data analysis of our findings following an environmental assessment of different HE Teaching Models using ICTs. This toolkit will support lecturers and academic designers with the design of new courses/modules and qualification programmes, and also provides resources to support greater awareness of their likely carbon impacts. The wider aim is to encourage adoption of the toolkit to support institutional transformation in HE. There is a regular update of our activities on The SusTEACH project is reaching completion and we have undertaken the following activities in Workpackages 1-7 which have resulted in many outputs (See Annex 1). WORKPACKAGE 1: Project management 1. We secured cooperation with a number of HE partners, namely Oxford University, Cranfield University and Loughborough University. We have been working with a key liaison person in each HE institution who helped us to contact lecturers and to invite student participation with the SusTEACH project. We have addressed some issues by offering specifically tailored questionnaires for Oxford University courses/modules with some limited success. 2. The SusTEACH website and weblog was created February 2011 to provide SusTEACH news and communications on the developing project. 3. The maintenance of website is ongoing with regular updates. 4. The project documents, including the project plan and other core documents were created February 2011 and updated August 2011. Project plans and outcomes have been discussed at meetings with the Project Advisory Group held 17 May 2011, 12 December 2011 and 23 August 2012. 5. JISC Project Report 1 completed August 2011. 6. JISC Project Report 2 completed February 2012. 7. Final JISC Project Report completed August 2012 8. WP1 completed following attendance at final JISC programme meeting. 1 WORKPACKAGE 2: Establish a representative typology for classifying HE teaching models using ICTs 8 9 A scoping workshop at OU was held 17 March 2011– to clarify the approach to the classification of HE teaching models using ICTs, reflecting the type and intensiveness of ICT use. To support this we developed a working paper entitled ‘Proposed framework for conceptualising the role of ICTs and the ICT intensiveness of HE teaching models’ and gained feedback from lecturers and senior academic staff. A further scoping workshop was held with Loughborough University on 9 May 2011 to agree a common framework for conceptualizing different HE teaching models using ICTs. Further consultation and communications were held with liaison officers and academics at Oxford University and Cranfield University. We have also consulted widely at The Open University with senior staff involved with the learning design provision and with senior academic staff associated with modules which are subject to SusTEACH project investigations. WORKPACKAGE 3: Data Gathering 10 SusTEACH classified the sample of 30 HE courses and modules by their ICT intensiveness and the type of Teaching Model utilised for delivering the teaching and learning provision. This included Factor 10 Visions course/module data which has been revisited and re-analysed using up-dated carbon conversion factors in addition to the new data on 10 courses/modules gathered for the SusTEACH project. The SusTEACH project has built on the Factor 10 Visions study methodology to identify the environmental impacts (in terms of energy consumption and CO2 emissions) of different HE teaching models. 11 Several questionnaires were created to gather data on staff energy-use associated with module/programme production and the delivery of teaching, learning and assessment provision. We designed and launched three on-line staff surveys between September 2011-March 2012, including 2 OU surveys (for lecturers and Associate Lecturers) and 1 non-OU survey (for lecturers) to support data collection on a number of courses/modules. This was piloted through interviews with lecturers at the Open University and Cranfield University. The response rate was good with 100% response from lecturers. At the Open University as well as surveying lecturers we invited 344 Associate Lecturers (AL) who work as tutors on the 5 OU modules under investigation to respond to an online survey, achieving 36% response rate (n=123). This data was supported by a full data-set of AL travel claims which provided additional information on module-related travel. The OU staff surveys are now complete and the survey of lecturers in the participating HEIs completed early March 2012. 12 A number of questionnaires have been created to gather data on student energy use associated with courses/modules. We selected a range of undergraduate and post-graduate modules/courses that represented different uses of ICT in the delivery of HE teaching. Applications for internal approvals, including 2 13. 14. 15. ethical approvals were supported. Questionnaires and covering letters were developed and the online surveys were hosted by the Student Statistics and Survey Team at the Open University. We attempted to secure participation from a larger sample of HE courses/modules and there were uncertainties throughout the project about participation. We designed and launched an online survey for OU students on five OU modules and a specially-designed questionnaire for non-OU students on five modules in the three participating HEI. The OU student surveys are now complete. 565 OU students were surveyed with an 11% response rate (60 completed interviews). The survey of Cranfield University students on one post-graduate module is now complete with 100% response. The survey of Loughborough University students on three modules (both undergraduate and post-graduate) completed March 2012. The response rate varied between 10% and 56%. The survey of Oxford University students on one post-graduate module was completed March 2012. To ensure the appropriateness of the SusTEACH environmental assessment methodology, we developed an additional speciallydesigned questionnaire using Google applications achieving a 25% response. Some of the student numbers on the courses/modules of the participating HEI are quite small and therefore we did not expect a large number of responses. Data collection took place over a year at a time to accommodate HE partners and the university calendar. We liaised with Estates departments to gather the most up-to-date data on energy-use in HE which is held in existing databases by Estates departments & HEFCE. Much of the data required was available from the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) ( We also worked with IT services departments which provided some information on the VLE. We gathered and evaluated information on the carbon impacts associated with ICT devices and equipment; the Virtual Learning Environment and internet connections; campus buildings and residential accommodation; modes of transport; paper and print consumption; and home energy use (heating and lighting). This was also supported by databases on energy-use in dwellings (e.g. The English House Condition Survey, National Home Energy Rating (NHER) software (available for rating typical UK dwellings). We developed a dataset of conversions factors for the energy consumption and CO2 emissions used during the survey analysis as part of the carbon assessment of HE Teaching Models using ICTs. We opted to use Microsoft Excel software for analysing the collected data. WORKPACKAGE 4: Data Analysis 16. 17. 18. HE courses/ modules were measured using the standard UK Credit Accumulation and Transfer Scheme (CATS) system to normalize HE courses/modules in terms of average energy consumption and CO2 emissions per student per 10 CATS credits (or 100 hours of study). We analysed the course and module-related data and converted the energy use and environmental impact data using updated carbon conversion factors for the carbon-based environmental assessment. The results of the environmental assessment of each course/module were reported to appropriate lecturers and liaison officers. It was appropriate to 3 19. include an assessment of impacts associated OU course/module production and presentation, and this was used to estimate the lifetime impacts of OU modules. We classified the SusTEACH courses/modules using the Rating Tool developed during the WP2 to identify the main teaching delivery methods used on courses/modules and within the Teaching Models framework. We used this classification to assess the environmental impacts, associated with the Teaching, Learning and Assessment provision. Reports on the results of the data analysis are in process (See WP 7). WORKPACKAGE 5: Development, Refinement and Testing of the SusTEACH Toolkit 20. A selection of existing sustainability toolkits were reviewed to consider: the methodologies underpinning the carbon assessment process; the features of the toolkit design; and the practical application for toolkits. The SusTEACH Environmental Appraisal Toolkit was designed following the analysis of the carbon-based environmental assessments of HE courses/modules classified by their ICT intensiveness and characteristics of Teaching Models. The SusTEACH Toolkit was designed for use by HE lecturers and senior management at the early stages of developing new courses/modules and qualification programmes to help reduce negative environmental impacts. The SusTEACH Toolkit resource for UK HE includes a number of interactive tools and resources and supports: awareness and analysis of the carbon impacts of HE teaching and learning, thereby supporting pro-environmental behaviours and more sustainable teaching practices; planning and modelling the likely impacts of new courses/modules and qualifications; and HE policies to meet the challenges of carbon reduction and carbon reporting. The online SusTEACH Toolkit resource for lecturers and senior managers in higher education is available at: The Toolkit includes prototype tools and resources, and brings together a number of resources and links to other useful website resources relevant to sustainability in higher education: • The SusTEACH Planning Tool – is an online tool which helps lecturers and academic designers to rate their teaching delivery plan and produces personalised feedback on the likely environmental impacts associated with this plan. • The SusTEACH Modelling Tool –is an operational desk tool (Excel based with user guidance) which allows the modelling of one or several courses/modules to estimate the energy impacts associated with different HE teaching methods within a qualification programme. • The Carbon Calculators aim to help students and lecturers to calculate the energy impacts associated with their teaching and learning on a course/module (Excel based with user guidance). • SusTEACH Methodology –aims to support senior management in HE with undertaking a carbon-based environmental assessment of HE courses/modules (pdf). 4 21. 22. A number of workshops and focus groups were set up in participating HEIs to refine the prototype SusTEACH toolkit, including at The Open University and Cranfield University during June/July 2012. Progress is ongoing to promote pilot testing of SusTEACH toolkit in The Open University and partner HE institutions. Cranfield University staff are interested in using the SusTEACH methodology resource to support preparations on carbon reporting on Scope 3 emissions. They are also interested in incorporating use of the SusTEACH calculators on their environmental modules and student induction programmes to support teaching about sustainability. Loughborough University staff have incorporated the SusTEACH toolkit as a resource for their staff development workshops held in July 2012 which aimed to embed sustainability in their teaching practices. Oxford University staff will reference the SusTEACH project and toolkit September 2012 in a presentation at a conference at the University of Montpellier on sustainability in education. Within the Open University, discussions are underway within the Faculty of Maths, Computing and Technology as to whether the findings and tools can be presented as study unit on the OU’s award winning OpenLearn website. WORKPACKAGE 6: Institutional Transformation at the OU: Integrate environmental appraisal with HE teaching models. 23. We held several meetings during the SusTEACH project at the OU to establish links with educational technology & eLearning initiatives (Learning Design Initiative and Curriculum Business Models). This process engaged senior OU staff from across the OU with the SusTEACH project. Environmental sustainability in Learning and Teaching has been discussed with the Pro-Vice Chancellor for Learning, Teaching and Quality as part of consultations on the OU’s Learning and Teaching strategy. Following the development of the SusTEACH toolkit there have been (and continue to be) discussions with senior staff in the OU to discuss the implementation and embedding of Toolkit resources in the following initiatives and qualification programmes: Curriculum and Qualifications: We are working with senior staff from the Curriculum and Qualifications, Office of the PVC Academic to feature SusTEACH tools in the internal Planet database system that holds information about modules, qualifications, module materials and mailings and underpins the module and qualification approval process. The Planet system will include a new question on the sustainability of teaching modules with links to the SusTEACH tools and which will be also featured in the form that new module teams have to complete (REP03) when designing new modules. Discussion is also underway with the Learning and Technology Office about the incorporation of SusTEACH findings and tools in the updated online Curriculum Management Guide. Curriculum Business Models Initiative: A proposal to integrate the online SusTEACH Planning and Modelling Tool data and feedback on environmental impacts with pedagogic and business appraisal data is under discussion. There are further plans underway to develop an OU specific version of the 5 24. SusTEACH tools with further adaptations to support the CBM initiative by integrating data and providing feedback on the pedagogic, costings and environmental impacts associated with module plans. This would be underpinned by an evaluation of the data collected and evaluated by both the SusTEACH and Planet tools. BSc Environmental Management and Technology This qualification’s website will offer the carbon calculators to lecturers and students on constituent modules as a pilot, to both collect data and provide feedback to support proenvironmental behaviours. Efforts will also be made to roll this out to the websites of other OU qualification programmes. Qualifications in the Faculty of Mathematics , Computing and Technology. The Associate Dean, for Learning and Teaching has offered to submit a full qualification to an environmental appraisal using the toolkit. We are also in consultation with the Director of Strategy about whether a case could be made to require Faculties to include teaching sustainability in their regular planning reports. Continuing work on these internal initiatives would help to embed sustainability issues and help transform OU institutional practices and also support the next stage of the Green Gown Award application, now that SusTEACH has been shortlisted (along with four other projects) for the Research and Development Award. Reports on the environmental assessments undertaken during the SusTEACH project were presented to HE partners as well as the SusTEACH Toolkit (See Annex 1). Work is ongoing to promote awareness of SusTEACH findings and the integration of the toolkit with HE Teaching & Learning initiatives to support sustainable teaching and institutional transformation. WORKPACKAGE 7: Writing up and Dissemination of SusTEACH results 25. 26. 27 28 The SusTEACH toolkit and user guidance handbooks have been developed to present the results of the SusTEACH project. Further reports, publications and presentations are presented in Annex 1. Open licensing of the SusTEACH Toolkit is in process. The OU case study has been reported (Annex 1). We gathered data on 5 OU modules of varying ICT intensiveness from both staff and students on their environmental and lifetime impacts associated with module-related travel, energy consumption, ICT use, print and post of materials, and residential energy consumption, including both production and presentation impacts. Data was also gathered the OU on energy consumption, materials, computer room energy consumption and VLE activity. Data analysis was supported by a dataset of carbon conversions factors used to convert module-related impacts to average energy consumption and CO2 emissions expressed per student per 10 CATS credits. We have begun the process of sharing the knowledge and experience gained with the SusTEACH project with full details in Annex 1. This includes: • Development of an online SusTEACH Toolkit resource (WP5) plus actions to link with other HE sustainability websites [e.g.; 6 • • • • •;;;] Several workshops and focus groups held in HE institutions (WP5) Reports to HE partners on the results of the environmental assessment of HE courses/modules undertaken (WP6 outputs). Several conference and workshop presentations on the SusTEACH project (WP5&7 outputs) Journal article and book chapter under review (WP2&7 outputs) Entry of SusTEACH project for the Green Gown Awards under the Research and Development category (WP7 outputs) Annex 1: Key Workpackage Outputs: WP 1 Caird, S. and Lane, A. (2011) The SusTEACH project website // Caird, S. and Lane, A. (2011) SusTEACH project plan. [projectplanSusTEACH10March.doc and workpackagesSusTEACH.doc] Caird, S. and Lane, A. (2011) JISC Project Report 1: SusTEACH Project. [UpdateSusTEACH3Aug11.doc] Caird, S. and Lane, A. (2012) JISC Project Report 2: SusTEACH Project. [JISC_Report2_SusTEACH22Feb12.pdf] Caird, S. and Lane, A. (2012) JISC Project Report Final: SusTEACH Project [JISC_Report_SusTEACHAug.pdf] WP 2 Caird, S. and Lane, A. (2011) Working Paper 1: Proposed framework for conceptualising the role of ICTs and the ICT intensiveness of HE teaching models.[SusTEACHScopingWorkshopBrief9June11] Caird, S. and Lane, A. (2012) Emerging technologies and the role of Information and Communication Technologies in Higher Education Teaching Models. Under review with British Journal of Educational Technology, July 2012 11pp. [Emerging_Technologies_ICT_HE _Final.doc] WP3 Caird, S. and Lane, A. (2011-2012) Staff and Student online questionnaire surveys. Swithenby, E. and Caird, S. (2011) Working Paper 2: Carbon Conversion factors for calculating energy consumption and CO2.[SusTEACH carbon conversions V3_23March.docx] Caird, S. Swithenby, E and Lane, A. (2012) The SusTEACH Methodology: Assessment of the Environmental Impacts of Higher Education Teaching Models and Development of an Environmental Appraisal Toolkit. The Open University. June 2012. 63pp. Available as SusTEACH_methodology.pdf WP5 Swithenby, E. and Caird, S. (2011) Working Paper 3: Review of Sustainability Toolkits [Toolkit appraisal.doc] Caird, S. (2012) SusTEACH Toolkit Resource for Higher Education. Available at: Caird, S. (2012) The SusTEACH Planning Tool Swithenby, E. and Caird, S. (2012) The SusTEACH Modelling Tool SusTEACH_Modelling_tool.xls. Available at: 7 WP6 Swithenby, E. and Caird, S. (2012) The SusTEACH Modelling Tool Guide. SusTEACH_Modelling_Tool_Guide.pdf Available at: Swithenby, E. and Caird, S. (2012) The SusTEACH Carbon Calculator for Lecturers. SusTEACH_Carbon_Calculator_Lecturer.xls. Available at: Swithenby, E. and Caird, S. (2012) The SusTEACH Carbon Calculator for Lecturers Guide. SusTEACH_Carbon_Calculator_Lecturers_Guide.pdf Available at: Swithenby, E. and Caird, S. (2012) The SusTEACH Carbon Calculator for Students. SusTEACH_Carbon_Calculator_Student.xls. Available at: Swithenby, E. and Caird, S. (2012) The SusTEACH Carbon Calculator for Students Guide. SusTEACH_Carbon_Calculator_Students_Guide.pdf Available at: Caird, S. Lane, A. and Swithenby, E (2012) SusTEACH: Project Briefing & Summary. SusTEACH_Briefing27June2012.pdf Caird, S. and Lane, A. Swithenby, E (2012) SusTEACH: Cranfield University Module Impacts. Presentation at workshop held at Cranfield University 3 July 2012. Cranfield_Workshop.ppt Caird, S. Lane, A. and Swithenby, E (2012) SusTEACH_Information.pdf Available at: Reports to partner HE institutions Swithenby, E, Caird, S. and Lane, A. (2012) Report to The Open University: SusTEACH analysis of the carbon impacts of OU modules [Open_University_Final_Report_Environmental_ImpactOUmodules.pdf] Swithenby, E, Caird, S. and Lane, A. (2012) Analysis of the carbon impacts of the Geographical Information Systems Fundamentals module. Report to Cranfield University April 2012. 9pp [Cranfield Report_SusTEACH_Analysis_May2012.pdf] Swithenby, E, Caird, S. and Lane, A. (2012) Analysis of the carbon impacts of the Globalization module. Report to Loughborough University May 2012. 9pp. [Loughborough_Globalization_ Report_SusTEACH_Analysis_May2012.pdf] Swithenby, E, Caird, S. and Lane, A. (2012) Analysis of the carbon impacts of the Travel Behaviour and Travel Planning module. Report to Loughborough University May 2012. 9pp. [Loughborough_Travel_Behaviour_Planning_Report_SusTEACH_Analysis_ May2012.pdf] Swithenby, E, Caird, S. and Lane, A. (2012) Analysis of the carbon impacts of the Sustainability in the Built Environment module. Report to Loughborough University May 2012. 9pp. [Loughborough_Sustainability_Built_Environment_Report_SusTEACH_Ana lysis_May2012.pdf] Swithenby, E, Caird, S. and Lane, A. (2012) Analysis of the carbon impacts of the Sustainable Urban Development module. Report to Oxford University May 2012. 9pp. [Oxford_Sustainable_Urban_Development_Report_SusTEACH_Analysis_M ay2012.pdf] 8 WP7 Lane, A. (2011) ‘Economic and Social Good Practice Criteria’ presentation at workshop on Good Practice Criteria for Sustainable E-Learning held 1st November 2011at the OU. Caird, S. (2011) ‘SusTEACH and greening organisational processes’ Poster presentation at the Sustainability and Enterprise event organised by the Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE), held on 20 September 2011 at The OU. Lane, A. Caird, S. and Swithenby, E. (2012) ‘How green is your course?’ Conference Presentation on Understanding the impact of ICTs organised by Govtoday at 2nd Annual National Greening the FE and HE sectors on Promoting Environmental, Economic and Social Sustainability on 30th May 2012 in London. Available at Caird, S. and Lane, A. (2012) Green Gown Award application for SusTEACH project under Research and Development category [SusTEACH_Green_Gown_Awards_App_2012.docx] The SusTEACH project has now been shortlisted for the Green Gown Awards under the Research and Development category. The Green Gown Awards 2012 offer prestigious recognition of best practice within the further and higher education sectors in the UK Winners will be announced at the Green Gown Awards Ceremony in November 2012. Caird, S. Lane, A. and Swithenby, E (2012) Chapter on SusTEACH project findings to be written in proposed book on Sustainability practices in higher education institutions – Mapping Trends and Good Practice at Universities round the World. Edited by W. Leal Filho, U. Azeiteiro, S. Caeiro and C. Jabbour. To be published by Springer. To access the Toolkit tools, resources, references and further details see For further project information see Members of Project Team: Professor Andy Lane, Dr Sally Caird, Mr Ed Swithenby Members of Project Advisory Group: Professor Robin Roy, Professor Stephen Potter and Ms Carol Morris 9
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