Document 255916

First Parish in Concord: Social Action Grants Committee Grant Request Cover Sheet A. First Parish Sponsor
Carol D~er
/Street Address 245 Main Street
!city, State, Zip toncord, MA 01742
Email Address cdwverqo(a) q mail .co m
Please describe your relationhip to grantee Organization
I have been a supporter for 6 years
Date of Reques1 10/12/12
Are you a First
X Yes
Parish Pledging
Home Phone 978
369 - 1162
Cell Phone 978
B. Grantee Organization Information
iContact Person
~treet Address
!city State Zip
Email Address
Head to Head School (L 'Ecole Communautainre de Belle Vue) In Haiti
~ ean Lubin
PO Box 302
Norwalk, CT 06856
Lubi n 19 3 7Jcilaol. com
Title IFounder & director
Phonel203 866-0135$20,790
$20,790 in
Annual Operating 2011 - 2012
school year
Please describe the organization's mission
[rhe Head to Head Schools mission is to provide quality free schooling and a noon meal
in a safe and healthy environment for K -= 8 age children in Belle Vue, Haiti
C. Grant Request Overview
\Goals of project for
!which grant is
Briefly describe the
[rarget Population.
How many people
)will be affected?
Payment of 7 teacher' s salaries for three and a half months.
Extremely poor children whose families cherish the opportunity for their
children to have schoolinq
224 students , seven teachees and
n/a (if not applicable , describe
heir families will be affecged.
other measurable goals in grant
Describe the
The Head to Head School is located in Belle Vue in the mountains
Geographic Location north of Jacmel, Haiti. Jacmel is on the south coast of Haiti.
Iof Project
[fotal Project Budget $ Annual salaries for all Grant Request
$1960 . or the salaries
of 7 teachers (not
eachers at the school , \Amount
including the Head
including the head
eacher) for 3.5
eacher are $11,660
months .
Please List Other
First Parish Church in Sudbury, MA, St Andrews $
in Concord NH, Grace United Methodist
Funding Sources
:Church in Venice FL, the 6th Grade Class of the
\Chalk Hill School in Munroe CT, two foundations
jand aproximately 45 individual donors .
[fo whom should award check should be made
iHead to Head School at address above.
D. First Parish Involvement
List First Parish members
involved in project
Beth and Dave Dawson , Ivan Massar Beverly
Bringle, Betty King , and Jennifer Burgess have
Describe any other First
Parish connections
Jean Lubin,Head to Head's founder, spoke at an
adult forum several years ago .
Has any organization or
project received previous
support (in all forms) from
First Parish?
X Yes
If so, Please describe
Spring of 2009 H2H received $1,000 to help with
salaries for teachers and a cook and for vegetables.
Spring of 2011 received $2 ,000 to support salary of
a more experienced head teacher
Cover Page Instructions
Enter the requested information into the gray boxes in the answer space. They
will automatically expand to accommodate the text you enter. Enter an X
beside Yes or No to indicate your answer.
Please be brief. You can expand on cover sheet information in your grant
narrative. Keep the cover sheet to one page if possible.
E. Grant Narrative
On a separate paper, please provide the following :
• One page description of project, including project history, project goals,
objectives, timeline, and a detailed statement of impact. Specify how the
impact will be measured. You may use this narrative to expand on
information provided on the cover sheet.
• If applicable, describe impact of any prior funding by First Parish. Please
specify source of those First Parish funds .
Grant Report
If you are a past grant recipient, a Grant Report is required no later one year
from the date of the Grant Request. Specifications for the report content can be
found on the web at www.firstpari but should include how the money was
used, who was engaged in or assisted with the project, and what the significant
outcomes of the project were.
First Parish Grant Narrative Oct 2012
A Note: I will be visiting the Head to Head School in Haiti, for a week, leaving on
October 23rd. 1'1/ be with Jean Lubin, the school's founder and his wife Roselene, We '1/
stay in the school. (There's no running water and no electriCity, so it'll be an adventure!)
I hope to return with better understanding, and good photos. C.
This is the Head to Head School's 14th year. Head to Head or L'Ecole Communautaire
de Belle Vue is a free school for children K - 8th grade. It began in 1999 under a roof of
tarpaulins over tree trunks, with three teachers and 112 eager students. Each year,
step by step, the school has been improved. A school building was constructed. When
Hurricane Gustav hit in 2008, and the Earthquake of January 12, 2010 damaged the
building, Head to Head has 'built back better'. Now the school population is stable at
224 students, the capacity of the present facilities.
With limited income, the highest priority is to pay the teachers salaries.
The Head to Head school has been successful. Again this past year. Head to Head had
thG Inrgest percentage of students who passed the State exams for High School of the
three schools in the Belle Vue area.
I would be happy to talk with you after my trip, and answer any questions, as I can.
Likewise, any suggestions you have about how the school or our support of the school
might be more successful will be welcome.
cdwyergo@gmail .com
First Parish in Concord: Social Action Grants Committee
Grant Request Cover Sheet
A. First Parish Sponsor
Tom Wilson
Street Address
182 Holden Wood Road
City, State, Zip
Email Address
Date of Request
Are you a First Parish
Pledging Member?
Describe your relationship to Grantee Organization
X Yes
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Tom Wilson and Cynthia Mousseau both strongly support the Heartbeat mission and are enthused to work directly
with Avi Salloway to bring the program to First Parish and the greater Concord community . Avi Salloway is the Global
Ambassador to Heartbeat and Youth P
Cynthia Mousseau
Street Address
10 Fay Memorial Drive
City, State, Zip
Tyngsboro, MA 01879
Email Address
cizynnygirl@gmail .com
Date of Request
Are you a First Parish
Pledging Member?
X Yes
Home Phone
Describe your relationship to Grantee Organization
Cell Phone
(518)593 -2219
Tom Wilson and Cynthia Mousseau both strongly support the Heartbeat mission and are enthused to work directly
with Avi Salloway to bring the program to First Parish and the greater Concord community. Avi Salloway is the Global
Ambassador to Heartbeat and Youth Program Director at First Parish in Concord .
B. Grantee Organization Information
Organization Name
Contact Person
Avi Salloway
Global Ambassador
Street Address
213 Concord Ave.
City, State, Zip
Cambridge, MA 02138
Email Address/
Additional Contact
avi@heartbeatjerusalem .org
Aaron Shneyer - Executive Director, Heartbeat
aa ron@heartbe at jerusal em.o rg
Organization's Annual
Operating Budget
volu nteer led
operating on
$25000 annually
Please describe the organization's mission
HEARTBEAT is an international community of musician s, educators, and students based in Jerusalem using music to
build mutual understanding and tran sform conflict. Founded in 2007 under a Fulbright-MTV Award, Heartbeat
cr eates opportunities and spaces for young Israeli and Palestinian musicians to work together, hear each other, and
amplify their voice s to influence the world around them.
C. Grant Request Overview
Goals of project for
which grant is requested
To host a dynamic Heartbeat program at First Pari sh, providing the platform for these
young artists to share their music and messages with the greater Concord Community .
To educate and enlighten the community and gain support for Heartbeat's music and
dialogue programs in the Middle East.
Briefly describe the
Target Population.
The greater Concord Community, people of all ages. The Heartbeat program is very
compelling and accessible to a wide audience, including those not directly connected t o
Middle-Eastern culture and politics.
How many people will be
500-1000+. In addition to the evening
n/a (if not applicable, describe other
measurable goals in grant narrative.
program , open to the public, Heartbeat is
scheduled to help lead both wor ship
Israel, Palestine, and Concord. The program will take place at First Parish, featuring
Israeli and Palestinian musicians and thus build understanding and support for their
mission in the Middle East.
Describe the Geographic
Location of Project
I Grant Request Amount
Total Project Budget
Please List Other
Funding Sources
The Heartbeat Program at First Parish is one event of the
12 date US tour. I have booked programs at Harvard,
Brandeis, UVM, Bates College, American University, and
Brown who are contributing to the tour. I am working
with CC King to raise additional funds and connect with
other congregations including Temple Kerem Shalom.
To whom should award check should be made payable?
$1500 has been raised for
this program from First
Parish's music budget and
minister's fund .
Tax Deductible contribution can be made to: Am Kolel (Memo: Heartbeat US Tour) 19520 Darnestown Road Beallsville, MD 20839-3308 D. First Parish Involvement
List First Parish members
involved in project
Describe any other First
Parish connections
Has organization or project
If so, please describe
CC King, Tom Wilson, Alice Kaufman, Lynn McFarlan Randall, Wendy Holt, and Cynthia
I am the Youth Director at First Parish. I plan to connect the Heartbeat youth musicians
with the First Parish Youth Group (The Heard) for a multicultural jam session/gathering.
received previous support (in all forms) from First Parish?
Yes X No
The Heartbeat US Tour - First Parish, Concord, MA Program - Grant Narrative
Submitted By : Avi Salloway, Youth Program Director, First Parish in Concord
Description of Project:
Heartbeat is an international community of musicians, educators, and students using music to
build mutual understand and transform conflict. The Jerusalem based organization creates
opportunities and spaces for young Israeli and Palestinian musicians to work together, hear each
other, and amplify their voices to influence the world around them. The Huffington Post exclaims
that " (Heartbeat) is positively empowering the next generation of Israeli and Palestinian leaders. "
In 2011 , I traveled to Jerusalem to work with Heartbeat as a facilitator and program director.
Deeply inspired by the experience, 1 have continued to work with Heartbeat as their Global
Ambassador. I am producing Heartbeat ' s debut US tour, taking a collection of Heartbeat' s most
gifted and dedicated artists on a 12 event tour to universities and congregations on the east coast.
The program will consist of an uplifting live performance and an integrated workshop and story
share lead by Israeli and Palestinian facilitators and youth participants.
Project History:
I began developing and coordinating the Heartbeat US Tour in Spring 2012 . Upon receiving
enthusiastic support from Senior Minister Elaine Peresluha, I then connected with the SAC
Board and Grants committee in June. Both groups were passionate about the project and
encouraged me to apply for this grant. 1 have since booked the program at Harvard , Brown ,
Bates, Brandeis, UYM , and American University, slated for November. In the interest of
ensuring the greatest opportunity for the hosts institutions and the youth musicians, Heartbeat has
decided to move the US tour to Spring 2013 to ensure the greatest possible impact.
Project Goals, Objectives, Timeline and Impact:
To host a dynamic Heartbeat program at First Parish, providing the platform for these young
artists to share their music and messages with the greater Concord Community. The program
aims to educate and enlighten the local community and gain support for Heartbeat ' s music and
dialogue programs in the Middle East. The format of event establishes a personal window into
the lives, sounds, and story of these artists . Heartbeat's mission is to provide an opportunity for
Arab and Jewish musicians to work together creatively and empower them to use their voice to
positively impact the global community. This project will take the mission to the world stage
with the objective of building cross-cultural relationships and international support. The financial
and community support generated from this project will enable Heartbeat to grow their
organization in the Middle East and expand their impact in the region . The program has the
potential to deeply inspire the local community. Heartbeat shares the story of young people
overcoming fear and using music to build trust in the face of adversity. This is a message is
accessible to anyone, and one that can inspire the Concord community to live by our hearts and
take our beliefs into action.
The program is currentl y being scheduled for February-March 2013 . This grant will directly
support Heartbeat and help us move forward with the tour.
HEARTBEAT: US Tour Expenses
Flights Inti
Flights in USA
Car Rental (days)
Per Diem / Food
Tour Management
14 days x 8 people x $2
price/unit total
$2 ,250
Additional Revenue to support Heartbeat Programs in the Middle East
Flights Inti
Flights in USA
Van Rental (days)
Per Diem / Food
Tour Management
14 days x 6 people x $2
price/un it total
$1 .500
$2 ,250
Additional Revenue to support Heartbeat Programs in the Middle East
Other Potential Costs
First Parish in Concord: Social Action Grants Committee Grant Request Cover Sheet A. First Parish Sponsor
John Conley
Street Address
40 Hosmer Road
City, State, Zip
Concord, MA 01742
Email Address
Date of Request
Are you a First Parish
Pledging Member?
X Yes
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Describe your relationship to Grantee Organization
I am a long-time member and past president of the Jericho Road Project's Board of Directors.
B. Grantee Organization Information
Organization Name
Jericho Road Project
Contact Person
Dan Holin
Executive Director
Street Address
20 Lexington Road
City, State, Zip
Concord, MA 01742
Email Address
d ho
Organization's Annual
Operating Budget
Please describe the organization's mission
The Jericho Road Project bridges communities by matching the professional talents of volunteers with the needs of
community based non-profit organizations and businesses to promote community development, strengthen social
services, and enrich the lives of volunteers .
Grant Request Overview
Goals of project for
which grant is requested
Briefly describe the
Target Population.
How many people will be
Describe the Geographic
Location of Project
Total Project Budget
Please List Other
Funding Sources
Through recruiting, training and matching minorities to Lowell nonprofit boards, Jericho
Road Lowell will work to diversify nonprofit leadership to better reflect the culture and
priorities of the clients they serve. Specific project outcomes are listed in the grant
narrative section
This initiative has multiple target populations: minority board candidates, Lowell
nonprofit organizations, the larger Lowell community
n/a (if not applicable, describe other
While the target is to train 5-7 culturally
goals in grant narrative.
and/or ethnically diverse new board
members on 5-7 nonprofit boards, we
expect that this initiative will have a longterm, positive effect on each participating
organization's constituents, which could
be anywhere from 50 - 1000 per
organization, or between approximately
250 - 5000 people total.
Lowell, MA
I Grant Request Amount
Greater Lowell Community Foundation - $3000
Parker Foundation (concept paper accepted, full proposal
to be considered January 2013)
To whom should award check should be made payable?
l Jericho Road Project
e leadership training as part of Jericho Road's board training
involved in project
for new minority board candidates. FP members John Conley, Sven Olsen, John Hogan,
Fran Grigsby, and Chris Bade also serve on the Jericho Road Project board of directors .
We will reach out to FP - primarily through Bethany Lowe and the Social Action
Describe any other First
Parish connections
Committee - for members with expertise in cultural diversity/cultural competency
issues to aid in program development and implementation, particularly in designing and
delivering cultural competency training to Lowell nonprofits.
Has organization or project received previous support (in all forms) from First Parish?
Yes x
If so, please describe
Jericho Road Project received seed funding from FP in its early years (2003/2004). That
seed money helped Jericho Road grow and flourish . Nearly 10 years later, Jericho Road
Project has grown to include sites in Lowell, Worcester, and Pasadena, CA, with a new
site set to launch early next year in Roxbury, MA.
Strengthening Cultural Diversity Among lowell Nonprofit Boards
Statement of need
In a city with a population that is over 40% non-white, very few Lowell nonprofit boards reflect that diversity,
even among organizations whose constituents are overwhelmingly minorities. In our work with Lowell
nonprofit boards, diversity is often cited as a goal, but is almost always at or near the end of a long list of
other priorities. And, with the exception of a very few organizations, there is no strategy to achieve a more
diverse and inclusive board that is representative of their city or constituency.
Why is board diversity important? There are clear benefits to having a diverse board: A board that has a
composition that more accu rately represents its constituents is more likely to offer perspectives and
solutions that are rooted in the realities facing these groups. Further, research on board diversity shows that
"Heterogeneous views give rise to critical analysis, stimulate a thorough examination of assumptions, and
generate multiple alternative scenarios useful for decision making." (Judith L. Miller, Managing Boord
Diversity, BoardSource, 1999)
Jericho Road understands the challenges facing boards of directors, including recruiting qualified new
members. Most boards seek new board members from their personal and professional networks, which
results in boards that are, by and large, homogenous . Significant and strategic efforts by boards - and a
willingness to step out of their comfort zones - are required to push them to reach beyond their immediate
networks to identify and recruit people of different backgrounds and create a culture of inclusion that
embraces diverse opinions and cultural differences. And the reality is that all boards are juggling multiple,
competing priorities that often means diversity takes a back seat to more pressing demands.
Grounded on our experience in recruiting, training and matching new board members to nonprofit boards,
Jericho Road Lowell proposes to assist non profits in Lowell in diversifying their boards and creating a culture
of inclusion. The long-term goal of the program is to help strengthen participating organizations' connections
to their constituencies as well as their capacity to provide services and carry out their missions.
Project activities
Through recruiting, training and matching minorities to Lowell nonprofit boards, JR Lowell will work to diversify
nonprofit leadership to better reflect the culture and priorities of the clients they serve. The model will be based
on Jericho Road's successful Board Training and Placement program, but will be modified to include not only
training for board candidates, but also training in cultural competency for the participating nonprofits. For this
pilot program, our aim is to train and match between 5-7 minorities to at least 5 nonprofit boards. Project
activities began in October 2012 and will conclude by September 2013.
To help ensure a successful and culturally appropriate program, Jericho Road has already begun and will
continue to seek to partner with a number of Lowell agencies and institutions. Partners include: UMass
Lowell's Office of Multicultural Affairs and the Center for Family Work and Community, Cambodian Mutual
Assistance Association, Nonprofit Alliance of Greater Lowell, Lowell Community Health Center, Coalition for a
Better Acre, Greater Lowell Community Foundation, and the Lowell Plan. From these groups, we have formed
an advisory committee that will help plan the program, assess and provide feedback for improvement during
the implementation phase, and assist in identifying potential board candidates and non profits to participate
in the program.
The role of the advisory board will be to :
1. Assist in identifying and cultivating potential board members/emerging leaders from Lowell's
different ethnic/minority groups;
2. Assist in identifying and recruiting non profits interested in diversifying their boards, participating in
cultural inclusion training, and having well-trained new board members that reflect the diversity of
their constituents;
3. Help advise and inform the development and implementation of the program.
As a capstone to the pilot project, Jericho Road Lowell, in partnership with the above-mentioned
organizations, will hold a workshop for Lowell non profits on building an organizational culture and strategy
for diversifying nonprofit boards. The workshop will focus on lessons learned and best practices from the
pilot program, and lay the foundation for continuing and expanding on the initiative.
Project Outcomes:
Anticipated outcomes for this pilot program are:
At least 5 and up to 7 individuals representing Lowell's minority communities will be trained in the
fundamentals of nonprofit board service and will join a nonprofit board or advisory committee .
At least 5 nonprofit boards will be trained in cultural competency.
At least 5 boards will diversify their boards or advisory committees by adding a new board or
advisory committee member who represents one of Lowell's minority communities.
A successful model to increase board diversity and inclusion that can be replicated and expanded on .
Approximately 10 additional nonprofit organizations will understand the fundamentals for developing a strategy to diversify and increase their board's cultural competence.