Middle Years Programme Form F4.4 Monitoring of assessment task coversheet: Subjects Evaluation visit/general advice or guidance Please complete a copy of this form for each task included in the sample. Only one copy is needed to accompany the work of the four students. This form should be used to document the application of the criteria and the award of achievement levels for each criterion. If task-specific clarifications are used then these must be provided. Please refer to section F1.2 of the MYP coordinator’s handbook for more information. School name: Beijing BISS International School School code: 1123 Subject: Korean A The sample is from (please mark box): year 1 year 2 x year 3 years 4/5 Name of teacher: Angela Ku Title of task: Written commentary on a poem studied Date: Sarah! 4/2/09 12:20 PM Formatted: Body without spacing 2.20.2011 Angela Ku! 2/20/11 9:34 PM Formatted Table Criteria used Information on the application of the criterion (further information may be provided in a separate document) A.Content !"#$ %&' ()* +,-./0 !"#$",1+"2340""" !"562"789":";'<"+,-./0"=+>?@"AB@"CD@"5E@"FG@"AHIJ"KL" Angela Ku! 2/23/11 9:33 AM Formatted: Font:8 pt, Bold !"562"78$";'M"N4"O7*"#MP"QR-S"TUV-./0"" B.Organization !O7+";'2WX"BYZ[/0" !\]^"_`+"abcde0" !QR+"2340 " Angela Ku! 2/20/11 9:27 PM Formatted: Normal Angela Ku! 2/20/11 9:33 PM Formatted: Font:(Default) !" Students’ names 1. Seo Yeon ROH 2. Ji Min KIM 3. Ye Chan YOON Criteria Teacher A B 9 8 8 7 6 5 4 3 C D E F Moderator Teacher Moderator Teacher Moderator 4. Su Hong KANG Teacher Moderator Please use the reverse of this form or separate sheets to provide information on the nature of the task, as well as any background information that may assist the moderator in determining how the criteria were applied. Angela Ku! 2/22/11 3:31 PM Formatted: Left Nature of the task and background information: Response to Literature: Written Commentary 6fgh"3Q$"ijk"#Q@"l"mno, B?p, mqr+ 1930sNMP 1940sN %+M tu4 P)# 8v* w1-x #2yA@"56278@"$>z{|}*" ~•-.€•"+ '‚/ w14"ƒv$"4„#"0e…"†v*"‡ˆ"‰Š‹Œ<"•D-/" Ž+€•""AB@"w•F@"‚q@"•&@"FG@"‘}@"5E"K"#M"’“”"562"•–g*" —+"˜™"w1-S"•š$";'<"›d"œW•F"•-S"•00"%R4"|G*" ž-[€•" Angela Ku! 2/20/11 9:24 PM Formatted: Normal, No widow/orphan control, Don't adjust space between Latin and Asian text, Don't adjust space between Asian text and numbers, Tabs: 1 cm, Left + 2 cm, Left + 3 cm, Left + 4 cm, Left + 5 cm, Left + 6 cm, Left + 7 cm, Left + 8 cm, Left + 9 cm, Left + 10 Angela Ku! 2/20/11 9:26 PM Formatted: Font:(Default) !", 11 pt, (Asian) Korean Angela Ku! 2/20/11 9:24 PM Formatted: Font:Not Bold, Not Italic, Underline Angela Ku! 2/20/11 9:20 PM ... [1]
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