Urgent Update Needed

Karen Hudes
Urgent Update Needed
Karen Hudes
Fri, Oct 24, 2014 at 5:31 PM
To: Paul Jenkinson
Cc: WILSONST@parliament.uk, Angela C SMITH, CROWTHER, Richard
The County Executives of America have accepted the gold on offer to the citizens of the United
States. https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter10.24.14.2.pdf The UK Parliament should do
the same for UK citizens, or perhaps Scotland and Ireland will do so separately. (see page 70
https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/ltokyoembassies1.pdf ) The amount on offer to each
nation is the amount necessary to replace its existing currency, equivalent to the amount
of currency in circulation and deposit money (M1).
On Fri, Oct 24, 2014 at 5:19 PM, Paul Jenkinson wrote:
Dear Angela
I didn’t receive an auto-received message from you so I have re sent this again, see below. Also,
this confirms what Karen and I have been saying about the consequences of the Chancellor not
releasing the world wealth i.e. monetary collapse followed by World War 3.
I look forward to your reply.
From: Paul Jenkinson
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2014 8:20 AM
To: Karen Hudes ; WILSONST@parliament.uk ; Angela C SMITH ; richard.crowther@parliament.uk
Subject: Urgent Update Needed
Dear Angela, Richard and Steve
Please can you give Karen and I an update on your progress. Currently, the US Marines are
safeguarding the world's wealth and countries are waiting for the Chancellor to sign up to the
agreement. All countries must sign to release the wealth that includes 1,715,000 metric tonnes
of gold. This includes the US itself, Japan and 2 commonwealth countries that George Osborne
is ignoring their request.
Failure to do this will result in the global depression we are all ready in to rapidly deepen
followed by a massive printing of fiat currency. The Fed has already prepared the public for this
with talk of QE4. A lack of confidence in all paper currencies will ensue resulting in a breakdown
of trade on all levels. Basic essentials will cease to exist leading to social chaos, police and
armed forces losing the ability to function. The end result will be a new world world it the
Russians and Chinese have already warned of global consequences i.e. nuclear war. IS THERE
The Chancellors procrastination on the most gravest issue facing us all is beyond all decency.
The UK Parliament capability to function under the greatest need for mankind is now being
tested and watched by all countries. The only obligation to the UK is accepting their allocation
of gold from the global debt facility. Failure to do this simple task is evidence of state capture
Karen has been warning about.
Time is running out fast. I request an update today.
Dear Karen
How much is the UK allocation of gold? Beyond informing my MP of continuing financial
collapse articles by well respected people as proof; I have little else to offer.
Kind Regards
From: Paul Jenkinson
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 3:57 PM
To: Karen Hudes ; WILSONST@parliament.uk ; Angela C SMITH ; richard.crowther@parliament.uk
Subject: Re: Update
Dear Angela
Please see Karen’s email to me below. Karen is dealing with some of the most important people
and groups ranging from the US military to all the embassies of the world and legal professions.
Please can you press the Right Honourable George Osborne MP to take action without delay as
those dealing with Karen are waiting.
Please can you give me an indication when you believe we will receive a response?
I can not stress sufficiently the urgency and seriousness of this situation. The following people
are all predicting chaos if the offer from Karen is not taken:
- Jim Rickards (lawyer, banker, fund manger and Pentagon financial advisor) James Rickards:
Paper, Gold, or Chaos? His recent view is most likely chaos, martial law and a loss of freedom.
- Paul Craig Roberts (US Deputy Treasurer under Ronald Reagan, Chief Editor of The Wall Street
- Andrew Huszar (Fed Member that started QE1) warns Man Who Set Up Fed’s Massive Trading
Room Warns Of Chaos
Kind Regards
Paul Jenkinson
From: Karen Hudes
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 12:29 PM
To: Paul Jenkinson
Cc: WILSON, Steve ; SMITH, Angela C ; CROWTHER, Richard
Subject: Re: Update
Dear Sirs,
I have connected the Inspector General of the Marine Corps, the Joint US-Japan Committee
under the Status of Forces Agreement, and the Minister of Finance in Switzerland in order to
restore the assets in the Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666 to the beneficiary, humanity. Why
has the Controller of the Exchequer not responded to your inquiry?
On Mon, Oct 6, 2014 at 2:39 PM, Paul Jenkinson wrote:
Dear Steve
Thank you for keeping me informed. I hope that other MP’s are aware of what could be facing
them and those they represent. Knowing what is the real problem will help address the
situation in a smooth transition and calm any concerns other British Citizens may have. It is no
surprise that when one looks at other countries news stations that all countries are showing
unsettled populations. It is the coming collapse of the current International (Paper) Monetary
System that links them all.
Angela is restoring my confidence in Parliament and I can’t thank her enough for that.
Kind Regards
From: WILSON, Steve
Sent: Monday, October 06, 2014 1:42 PM
To: pauljenkinson
Cc: SMITH, Angela C ; CROWTHER, Richard
Subject: RE: Update
Thank on behalf of Angela for your latest email. Angela is at present waiting for a response from the
Chancellor on this matter and as soon as we get that we will forward it to you
Best wishes
Steven Wilson
Senior Parliamentary Researcher/Assistant
Office of Angela Smith MP
Shadow Minister for Water, Marine,Fisheries & Animal Welfare
Penistone & Stocksbridge Constituency
Tel: constituency 0114 2831855
Westminster 0207 219 3564
Mobile: 0790 452 1970
Constituency MP of the year 2011/12
Parliamentarian of the year 2013/14
From: SMITH, Angela C
Sent: 29 September 2014 21:58
To: WILSON, Steve
Subject: FW: Update
Best wishes
Angela Smith MP
Penistone & Stocksbridge Constituency
t: Westminster 0207 219 6713
t:constituency 0114 2831855
e: angela.smith.mp@parliament.uk
Dod's Constituency MP of the year 2011/12
LACS Parliamentarian of the year 2013/14
From: Paul Jenkinson
Sent: 29 September 2014 21:56
To: SMITH, Angela C
Cc: Karen Hudes
Subject: Re: Update
Dear Angela
The latest from Karen is https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter9.29.14.pdf. I don’t know if
Standard Chartered is still withholding the disbursement of funding from the Global Debt
Facility authorized by the Board. Please could you liaise with Karen to establish what needs to
be done. I understand that you are waiting for the Chancellor of the Exchequer but please
nudge him with vigour and ask whatever Karen needs you to do. Exchanging the collapsing
paper debt based currencies with gold from the Global Debt Facility provide us with a transition
(smooth but less so the more this is delayed) to a stable asset based monetary system will end
the atrocious usury but the local currency will stimulate regional economic activity resulting in
no unemployment. Surely, a prise any member of parliament would cherish! The classical gold
standard pre 1913 was termed “The Golden Age” for good reason.
The longer parliament leaves this the more suffering the UK people will need to endure. These
desperate people will come to political people like yourself demanding action. Nobody wants
Please would you urgently discuss this with Karen and I will look forward to your update.
Kind Regards
Paul Jenkinson
From: Paul Jenkinson
Sent: Friday, September 19, 2014 8:53 PM
To: Angela C SMITH
Cc: Karen Hudes
Subject: Fw: Fwd: Update
Dear Angela
I have just received this mail from Karen today after I sent the previous one. I can’t see the
difference but I did notice the following link on Karen's
twitter https://twitter.com/KarenHudes.
I believe there is a lot of gold being held at certain banks within the UK. The following link is of
particular interest since the signature of Wolfgang Struck (gentleman in the email below) is
shown on the letter of intent (page 10 of the pdf).
Once again time is of the greatest importance since gold has been in backwardation for over a
year now. This represents upmost lack of trust within the financial system. When we enter
permanent gold backwardation we will experience similar events now known as the “Dark
Ages” (the last time permanent gold backwardation happened). This is when there will be
nothing in the shops and people will go foraging and hunting for food. The highly respected
economist Sandeep Jaitly has recently
tweeted https://twitter.com/Bullionbasis/status/512982025742319617 silver is now in
backwardation. This is very bad and shows a high degree of stress in the international monetary
Since this affects all people it may be worth discussing this with trusted MP’s that care about
the UK while prodding George Osborne (Chancellor of the Exchequer).
Thank you in advance.
Kind Regards
From: Karen Hudes
Sent: Friday, September 19, 2014 1:45 PM
To: Paul Jenkinson
Subject: Fwd: Update
---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Karen Hudes
Date: Thu, Sep 18, 2014 at 2:41 PM
Subject: Update
To: Wolfgang Struck
Cc: "jeremy.lefroy.mp@parliament.uk"
<jeremy.lefroy.mp@parliament.uk>, Nancy.Snow@theecoa.org
1. Standard Chartered @StanChart 9h
Our Chairman, Sir John Peace, calls for a new approach to increase trade on @MailOnline. Read
the full piece: dailym.ai/XjItW3
Karen Hudes@KarenHudes
@StanChart @MailOnline Why not observe the bailment laws while you're at it?