Can Karen Speaking out Help You? for you in Parliament SECURING NHS COMMITMENTS Karen has fought long and hard alongside local residents to keep services at the Alex. When the Care Bill was brought before Parliament she listened to the concerns of her constituents, met with Health Ministers and secured a commitment in the House of Commons that the Alex would not be under threat from hospital administrators. Karen figh ts for imp rove ments to transport in the area and Welcoming constitu ents to acro ss Britain in her role on the Parlia ment to see the place for themse lves and question Karen about Tran sport Select Com mittee Write to Karen: Karen Lumley MP House of Commons London SW1A 0AA Annual Report 2014/15 Tours of Parliament Twitter: Karen gives regular tours of Parliament for local residents, providing coaches from the constituency to London. Please get in touch with Karen’s Westminster Office on 020 7219 5705 if you would like to come along. Facebook: karen4redditchcounty Advice Surgeries Call Karen: 01527 591334 Meeting with Ministers and officials at the Depa rtment for Education to get the best for youn g people in Redd itch Karen’s e-newsletter If you would like to receive Karen’s weekly e-mail updates, please send an email to Karen with ‘Newsletter’ in the subject line, or visit her website. Email Karen: the work she does there for them Karen Lumley MP Karen holds frequent advice surgeries in different parts of her constituency. If you would like to see Karen at a surgery, please contact her by email, letter or telephone. Website: For more information on Karen’s surgeries, please visit her website. Speakin g up for Red ditch Cou nty in Parlia ment YOUTH UNEMPLOYMENT REDDITCH DOWN BY OVER UNDER KAREN… MORE THAN q 70% £8.5 MILLION OF EXTRA FUNDING PLOUGHED INTO REDDITCH SCHOOLS RAISING AWARENESS OF DEMENTIA CRIME DOWN 17% BY above Karen joined local residents and campaigners on a Community Walk at Arrow Valley Lake to raise awareness of dementia. Redditch County Constituency n Karen is the first Member of Parliament for the new constituency of Redditch County, which now takes in the neighbouring villages. n The new constituency has a population of around 90,000 and includes the picturesque villages of Hanbury, Cookhill, Feckenham, Stock Green, Bradley Green, Abbots Morton, Inkberrow and the Lenches. NO PUBLIC MONEY WAS USED TO FUND THIS REPORT Become a Dementia Friend Karen has signed up to be a Dementia Friend and wants as many local people as possible to do the same. If you would like to learn more about how to become a Dementia Friend and take part in the training, please visit or contact the Alzheimer’s Society Care Line on 0845 306 0898 or Promoted by Jane Potter on behalf of Karen Lumley both of 4 Acre Lane Redditch B97 5WN and printed by St Ives plc., One Tudor Street, London EC4Y 0AH Local Businesses LISTENING TO LOCAL BUSINESSES The success of businesses is key to the economic recovery. Building on Redditch’s fantastic foundations Karen set up her Business Leaders group in 2011. The Business Leaders hold quarterly meetings with guest speakers as well as an annual lunch at the House of Commons. Hel ping with the lunchtim e rush at The Gold en Carp in Matchborou gh for Brit ish Food Fort night 2 HELD MAJOR JOBS FAIRS ALONG WITH 2 FUNDING FAIRS VOTED IN OVER 75% OF ALL VOTES ABOVE AVERAGE AMONGST MPs HELPED OVER 8,000 CONSTITUENTS Len din g a ha nd at the Sta ble s Fa rm Sho p in Ast wood Ba nk HELD OVER 180 ADVICE SURGERIES ^ SPOKEN IN PARLIAMENT OVER 400 TIMES ABOVE AVERAGE AMONGST MPs Helping Karen sees it as a key part of her job to help local people secure employment as well as help businesses and organisations get the staff they need. She regularly meets with jobseekers as well as hosting events such as her Apprenticeships & Skills Fair in July. You and your Family Since 2010 Karen has been working hard to ensure better transport links for the area. She meets with Network Rail, London Midland and Diamond Buses regularly. As of December, an additional train per hour will hopefully bring an improved service for Redditch’s residents, visitors and commuters. Me etin g the volu ntee rs at Ha nbu ry Hall Gar den s ed als at th e Ha ndin g out th e m im min g Gal a Specia l Oly m pics Sw 170,000 EMAILS AT KAREN.LUMLEY.MP @PARLIAMENT.UK BEEN INVOLVED IN OVER Karen’s 200ft bun gee jump in INDIVIDUAL CASES “Working with Karen gave me a valuable insight into the role and responsibilities of an MP. She gave me the opportunity to get involved in many different aspects of her job and she has inspired my interest in politics as a career path.” Emily Gainsford, Inkberrow Resident REDDITCH UNDER KAREN… RECEIVED OVER 15,000 Chattin g with Tud or Gra nge Aca dem y stud ents at one of Karen’s regu lar ‘Sna ck and Chat’ events “Karen and her team are wonderfully committed to her constituents. To be treated with such dignity and respect, knowing how I suffer such serious mental health issues, only demonstrates that Karen has a hands on understanding of mental health and what an excellent MP she is.” Paul Checkley, Headless Cross resident SECURING BETTER TRANSPORT LINKS Presentin g a cheque to Redd itch Parachute Regiment who raised over £17,000 for a trip to Arn hem following Karen’s Fund ing Fair “As our patron since 2011 Karen has always supported our group and has been a regular attendee at our sporting events to which she brings real enthusiasm. Last year she attended one of our training sessions, helping to provide support to our members.” Ron Daykin, Redditch Special Olympics ad ers m eetin g At a re ce nt Busin ess Le Affy Qa de er, with local bu sin essm an ditch Boroug h Kevi n Dick s, CEO of R edke r A ndy St re et, Coun cil an d Gue st SpeaJohn Le wis M an agin g Dire ctor of SUPPORTING JOBS AND GROWTH May helped raise over £3,500 for The Lucie Southa ll Leukaemia Fund and Ron ald McDon ald House Pulling the pints at one of her regula r ‘Pop in for a Pint’ events at the Rose and Crown in Fecken ha m at e, E m ily L ocal po lit ics grad u K a re n’ s m a ny Gai ns fo rd was on e of ents th is ye a r w or k ex pe rie nc e st ud UNEMPLOYMENT q OVER 1,100 NEW BUSINESSES DOWN BY OVER STARTED 60% Ope nin g the new library and liste nin g to the chil dre n’s stories at Cra bb s Cro ss Acade my Con grat ulat ing stud ents a nd tea che rs at RSA Aca de my Arrow Vale – Red ditch’s first ever ‘Out sta ndi ng Hig h Sch ool’ ` SINCE 2010 KAREN HAS… in the Community Over the summer, Karen embarked on a Business Week touring local firms and asking them to give her one example of how the Government could help them, before feeding this back to Ministers in Westminster. A STRONG LOCAL ECONOMY FOR REDDITCH Active q Supporting APPRENTICESHIPS UP BY 55% MORE OF OUR SCHOOLS ARE OR ‘GOOD’ ‘OUTSTANDING’ THAN EVER BEFORE
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