Intercessions For our Diocese and Parish

For our Diocese and Parish
We pray for the matriculants and all those writing exams, that they may call
to mind what they have learned and apply themselves diligently and trust
your Holy Spirit to guide them.
The Anglican Church of Southern Africa
The Church of St Alban the Martyr
in The Diocese of Saldanha Bay
For the world
God bless Africa, guard our children, guide her leaders and give her peace,
for Jesus’ Christ sake.
For the sick and those in need
Neville Payne, Hannah Lewis, Betty van der Merwe, Zelda Theron, Maurice Engel,
Freda Grové, Jimmy Willenberg, Caroline Ziegler, Fr Edwin Arnold,
Joyce Daniels, Virgina Elders, Retha Blows and Fr Derek.
We pray for the repose of the soul of Denise Oliver. May Your Light
perpetual shine upon her. May your Holy Spirit comfort her husband
Dereck, sons Darrell, Darwin and David, mother Elizabeth and their
family in their bereavement.
16 November 2014
Sunday of the Year
Gracious Lord
your Son came to bring us good news
and power to transform our lives:
grant that when he comes again as judge
we may be ready to meet him with joy;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
The Readings
Office (E)
Pss 143, 144
Office (M)
Hilda of
1 Macc 2:29-50
Phil 3:13-4:1
Pss 116, 117
Hab 2:1-4, 9-20
Js 2:14-26
Religious, 680
Office (E)
Office (M)
Ps 118
Ps 119:1-24
Lk 16:19-31
Js 3:1-12
Office (E)
Office (M)
Office (E)
Office (M)
Office (E)
Office (M)
Office (E)
Ps 119:25-48
Ps 119:49-72
Ps 119:73-104
Ps 119:105-128
Ps 119:129-152
Ps 119:153-176
Pss 120, 121,
Pss 123, 124,
1 Macc 3:1-24
Hab 3:1-10
(11-16), 17-19
1 Macc 3:25-41
Mal 1:1-14
1 Macc 3:42-60
Mal 2:1-17
1 Macc 4:1-25
Mal 3:1-12
1 Macc 4:36-59
Mal 3:13-4:6
Js 5:13-20
Office (M)
Lk 17:1-10
Js 3:13-4:12
Lk 17:11-19
Js 4:13-5:6
Lk 17:20-37
Js 5:7-12
Lk 18:1-8
Zephaniah 1:14-18
Psalm 76
1 Thessalonians 5:1-11
Matthew 25:14-30
The day of the Lord
APB 697
Be ready for the coming of the Lord
The parable of the talents
Please switch off cell phones during service
The Rector
Fr Derek Abrahams is on sick leave.
Contact Angela in the event of pastoral need 5919737.
Church Wardens
Rodger Matthee 558 5933 after hours
Joan Sharpe 591 9827 after hours
Virgin & Martyr
at Rome, c230
Office (E)
Pss 126, 127,
Is 65:17-25
Lk 18:9-14
* “Macc” refers to the Book of Maccabees, in the Apocrypha.
Tel /answering machine 021 591 3504
Fax to e-mail 086 724 2672
Angela will be in the Parish Office Tuesday 09h00 –12h00
Parish Worker: Angela Kline 021 591 9737
The Parish Worker’s day off is Friday
The Goodwood Ministers’ Fraternal comprises various denominations and monthly
meetings are attended by priests and their pastoral workers.
Correctional Services invited the aforementioned, amongst other religious
communities from Belhar, Elsies River, Bonteheuwel, Bishop Lavis and Mitchells
Plain to an urgent meeting scheduled for Monday 10 Nov. Discussions points were:
How to partner with DCS (Dept Correctional Services); To assist with reintegration;
To partner with the healing process of the victims of crime; To partner with DCS in
restoring sound moral values. The Prison Chaplain, Rev Philander opened in prayer
and Scripture reading, Ephesians 6:10-13 reminding us to put on the full armour of
God; that our fight is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers and
principalities of the darkness, so that we may be able to stand. The biggest challenge
that DCS faces, is crime and to fight evil.
The Area Co-ordinator apprised us of their system which is practical but also lacks.
DCS acknowledged that when they looked at their structures, they have gaps. They
strive throughout the cycle (program) to fight crime through rehabilitation. The 1 level
of rehab is family. 2 – social structure eg church, clubs. 3 – Correctional Services
is flooded because the other two levels are not working. There is stigma attached to
an offender but their dignity has to be restored. The Church has skilled people and
resources. The Community Co-ordinator presented their rehabilitation programs. If
an offender is released, he should feel that he can be reintegrated into the
community. Each offender has access to Social Workers, Psychologists, nurses and
members of DCS. CS and SAPS work in collaboration. A desperate plea from the
perspective of DCS, is that we, the church, need to be fellow partners.
An offender is assessed upon admittance and programs for them are monitored. The
Rehabilitation Program comprises Social Workers, Chaplains, Educators,
Correctional officials who collaborate on a needs-based program. It is compulsory to
attend school (in prison). Skills are taught various skills eg carpentry, welding etc so
that the offender is classified and obtains an Accredited Certificate. Tertiary
Education is also available. DCS proposed that before a company advertises a post,
that businesses first approach them via the church to afford an opportunity for
employment. The Parole Board assesses when an offender released. Participation in
a pre-realease program is required. The Victim has a say. Community Corrections
oversees parole or correctional supervision ie house arrest, person to seek
employment. If they fail to report to correctional supervision, abscond, repeatedly
violate terms, they are rearrested.
The group sessions produced positive feedback. The strategies will be collated by
DCS for a concluding Imbizo scheduled for 25 November. The desire by DSC to have
religious groups on board to as partners was unanimously supported. During the
workshop, a Fraternal member testified that he was a product of DCS program and is
now a pastor. Hope Ministries, to assist offenders after their release, also came about
as a result of a previous offender who received skills whilst in prison. An offender
matriculated and studied for his B Com whilst incarcerated and was being released
the next day. Crime is a societal problem. A desperate plea from DCS to have
Churches on board to have a “soft landing” for offenders to fall when released.
DCS committed to fulfil mandate to embark on long-term, multi-dimentional turnaround strategy for Goodwood Management.
God bless
Events of this week
Mon 17: Teenage Discipleship Groups meet at 19h00
Intercessory Prayer Ministry in the chapel at 19h00. All welcome to join.
Tues 18: N1 City Hospital Ministry at 14h00.
Liturgical Dance Group meets at 18h30.
Cell Group meets 19h30. Contact Angela 5919737.
Wed 19: Eucharist at 09h30
N1 City Hospital Ministry at 11h30
Thur 20: Protea Home, Goodwood– Eucharist at 09h30. All welcome.
Soup Kitchen from 11h00 until 12h00. Contact Carol 5919527.
Diocesan Quiet Day, Churchhaven - 10h00 – 15h00. Facilitator Rev Gill Bowman.
Bring own lunch. Advise Lizel 022 487 3885 re car
registration. by Tues 18 November 2014. Non-bookings will need to pay a fee (+/-R40 per
person) for entrance into the park.
Men’s Fellowship @ 19h30. All welcome. Contact Jeremy 072 5760936
Fri 21: Music Group meets 18h00.
Dedicated Giving Sunday – 23 November. Please complete DG form for 2015
after prayerful consideration. Forms will be blessed on that day. NB: New form has
option for EFT or monthly envelopes. If you opt for EFT, one envelope will be
prepared with your DG number as reference.
During Fr Derek’s absence on sick leave please contact Angela
021 591 9737 in event of pastoral need
Bursary for female disadvantaged students registered at tertiary institutions
for any qualification. Bradley Cerff’s family has a trust to support one student at college
or university. No forms to be completed. A letter motivational letter from the individual is
required. The money does not need to be paid back The current cycle is Nov / Dec. If
the student is accepted, the money is transferred in February to the relevant institution.
In need speak to Angela.
Seniors’ Christmas Lunch Wed 10 Dec for 60’s and over - RSVP by writing your
name and details on the invitation in the porch.
Santa Shoe Box Project - S.A.L.L.T. (Ladies Group) would like to donate a box of
goodies to the residents of Kensington Old Age Home. Please contact Charmaine
5917306 for further information if you would like to contribute to these goodies in cash
or kind.
From Bishop Margaret,Diocese of False Bay: Pray for the repose of the soul of Fr Nolan
Tobias who passed away suddenly. We entrust his siblings Wendy, Mark, Salome &
Shaun, their respective spouses and the wider Tobias Family into the Lord’s care in
their bereavement. Grant him etermal rest and let your light perpetual shine upon him.
Next Sunday:
Sunday of the year - Christ the King APB 288
Dedicated Giving Sunday
Ezek 34:11-24; Ps 23; 1 Cor 15:20-28; Mt 25:31-46
Holy Eucharist at 07h30 and 09h15
Sunday School 09h15