Cover Sheet

Cover Sheet
Church of St. Raphael-Holy Angels
3500 South Broad Street
Hamilton, N.J. 08610
Bulletin # 911176
Weekend of December 17 and 18, 2005
Contact Usha @ Ph#609-585-7049
Or Fax#609-585-5876
With any inquiries.
Thank you.
Page 1
Fourth Sunday of Advent
To everything there is a season
and a time to every purpose under heaven
“...a time to be born…”
J.J. Hughes, T.R., Clugsten Jr., C.S. Conti,, M.F.Fernandez
“...a time to love…”and “...a time to heal…”
Dymphna Agos
Monday, December 19, 2005
6:45 a.m. -Anthony Mantuano, Ms.Nancy Brokofsky
8:00 a.m. -George Mraz, Wife & Family
7:00 p.m. -Lou Mauriello, Robert & Carmella Bigelow
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
August Angioletti
Alice Aquilino
Candy Barth
Dolly Barbalace
Alberta Beforce
Vincent Beforce
Robert Benson
Alex Bencivengo
Clare Berger
Whitney Bivens
Michael Bridge
Faye & Shane Briel
Nancy Brokofsky
John Catana
Nicholas Cirillo
Anthony Davis
Josephine De Marie
Josephine Di Santis
Jason Dzbenski
Anthony Fabrizio
Loretta Ferri
Helen Finn
Doreen Forberg
Tony Fratticcioli
Rev. J.C. Garrett
Jack Garrett
Kathy & Robert Gaskill
Joy Marie Grietzer
John Hartmann
Claire Hofmann
Paul Hohman
Jack Hornyak
Anthony Intorelli
Fr. Eugene Keenan
Michele Kelly
Pat Kelly
Peter Kernast
Jim Kicinski
Joseph Krawiec
Fran Kujalowicz
Michael Kupetsky
Anna Kuprian
Carrie Laird
Heather Nicole Laird
Marion Lanzoni
Cindy Lins
Julia& Lauren Makrancy
John Margicin
Samuel S. Marrone
Ferdinand Mather Sr.
Margaret McBride
Anna Modica
Faye Moore
Fred Morelli
6:45 a.m. -Carl Kolczynski,The Kuti Family
8:00 a.m. -Patrick & Kathryn Gallagher, Family
7:00 p.m. -People of the Parish
Wednesday,December 21, 2005
6:45 a.m. -Albert Wilcox, Michele&Mark Delpo &Family
8:00 a.m. -Leon Amisson, Wife & Family
7:00 p.m. -Sost & Murphy Families, Dot & Family
Thursday, December 22, 2005
6:45 a.m. -Russell Carr, Robert & Antoinette Jablonski
8:00 a.m. -Antonio Milito, Adelina Milito
7:00 p.m. -Ann Galati, Tony & Nancy Galat
December 23, 2005
6:45 a.m. -Al Fischer, Traffic Unit
8:00 a.m. -Rose Fifer, Gail Fleming
7:00 p.m. -Giovanni V.Cammiso,Joseph Serenelli &
Anne Parvesse
Saturday, December 24, 2005-Christmas Vigil
8:00 a.m. -Robert Szelingoski, Parents
-Yvette Langevin, Family
-Walter Witucki, Frank & Dolores
4:00 p.m. -Mary & Peter Frascella, Family
5:00 p.m. -Ronald Mattonelli, Marie Mattonelli
6:00 p.m. -Mary Mayernick, Tony & Julie Schujko
8:00 p.m. -The Mount Family,Joan & Chuck
9:00 p.m. - People of the Parish
-Karen Struck, Florence Opalski
12:00 a.m. -Phil & Rose Pratico, Daughter Franny
December 25, 2005
7:30 a.m. - Michele & Clelia Giovanni Di Giacobbe,
Daughter & Son-in-law
9:00 a.m. – Willis Bird, Anna Bird & Family
- Frank Schwartz Sr., Frank & Dolores
-Jack Leahy, Mary Leahy
-Louis Siksay, Olga Hornyak
9:30 a.m. - Pat Varchetto, Wife Finita
11:30 a.m. – Tomasso & Maria Costantini
& Adalchiso & Bernadina Pontani, Family
- Elizabeth & Louis Toth, Madelyn Toth &
Please Note: There will be no 5pm Mass on Christmas
Day. Please refer to our Christmas Schedule on Page 7
and join us in celebration of our Lord’s birth !
Anna Rose Mucci
Colleen Murphy
Mary Murphy
Eleanor Mycock
Stanley Myslinski
Alfonso Napoleon
Clara Napoleon
Linda Nasuti
Fay Natcher
Robert O’Boyle
Elizabeth O’Neil
Charles Papiez
Phyllis Pelke
Ray Pental
Janet Peterson
Rita Pisano
Joseph Pizzutti
Elaine Ragano
Russell Paolini
Bunny Posner
Regina Procell
Raymond Pyontek
Rocco Ranalli
Carl Reinhardt Jr.
June Reinhardt
Mary & Louis Revesz
Paulette Schmitt
Ray Sabat
Emily Sears
Michael Serenelli
Gabriella Fasoli Sizemore
Patricia Smith
Marilyn Snider
Chris Somma
Matthew Sutton
Carol Szabo
Florence Tangery
Concetta Testa
Dharma Johnson Thamis
Katie Thomas
Stan Thompson
Samuel Trombino
Margaret Tylus
Hanna Tyrasinski
Ann Van Arsdale
Jody Veranese
Chuck Vickey
Irene Von Groten
Erwin Weber
John Witbeck
Helen Wolosyn
Frances Womack
Jeanette Worthington
Martin Zimmerman
John Zubricky
“...a time to die…’’ Jackie Du Pont, Constance Mate
☼Please see an important note on page 10 of this bulletin
regarding our healing list. Thank you.
Page 2
December 18th, 2005
O Come Divine Messiah…...
Music Notes
Pastor’s Notes
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Throughout Advent, we are celebrating the birth of Jesus
and the beginning of our redemption. We join with the
angels in joyful carols. We send greeting cards to friends
with wishes of peace on earth. We give presents to family members as a sign of our love for them- a love made
possible by the coming of Jesus Christ into the world.
Jesus, the desire of our hearts, has come. But now our
redeemer wants to come even more deeply into our hearts
to reign as Lord. He wants to purify and cleanse us from
sin. He wants to bring to light areas in us that need healing and change. We who hail him as King and Lord must
allow him to reign in our hearts. Now is the perfect time,
with Christmas only days away, to recommit our lives to
Jesus and to ask him to establish he reign in us more
Take some time to examine your life. Is Jesus enthroned
as Lord of your hearts? Are the signs of his lordshiplove, joy, peace, and kindness- evident in your life? Ask
the Spirit to show you any patterns of sin that compromise Jesus’ reign in you. Are there particular situations
that bring our anger, hopelessness, or fear? If there are,
don’t be ashamed. God shows us these things out of love
because he wants to free us from them. He became one of
us, and ultimately gave his life for us, so that we could be
freed from the burdens of sin. Avail yourself of the grace
of the sacrament of reconciliation if you have not done so.
Every night this week, this sacrament will be available
following the 7:00PM Mass. Let Jesus purify your heart
so that you can become a fit dwelling place for him, the
King and Lord of all creation.
Let us pray: “Lord Jesus, come into my heart today.
Bring your purifying fire to cleanse me of sin. Shine your
light on me to reveal anything you want to deal with in
my life. Make me more like you today, Jesus. I want to
be a light for you in the world.”
In Jesus and Mary,
Father Jeff Kegley
From St. Raphael’s Music Ministry...
All choirs will rehearse at their regularly scheduled times
as we complete preparations for the Christmas season. See
“This week at St. Raphael-Holy Angels” for details.
Sunday, Dec. 18th@7:00pm in St. Raphael Church...a
concert to celebrate Advent and Christmas with the choirs
of St. Raphael Church and Holy Angels Church.
Come...pray with us in song...focus on the real meaning of
this wondrous season! Refreshments will be served.
Our new CD “How Sweet The Sound” is still available for
purchase. Limited quantities of “Emmanuel: A Child Is
Born” are also available. They make wonderful stocking
stuffers and great year round gifts!
On behalf of the music ministry, I would like to thank
each and everyone of you for your support and encouragement in bringing these CD’s to life!
From Holy Angels’ Music Ministry…
Please refer to page 7 of this week’s bulletin for our
complete Christmas celebration schedule at Holy Angels.
A “madrigal choir” will open our Candlelight Mass
beginning at 4:45pm on Christmas Eve.
Our Christmas Cantata, “Do You Hear What I Hear,”
will begin at 8:30pm sharp, also on Christmas Eve.
On Christmas Day, carols will begin at 8:45am.
Please arrive early to worship and pray together, sing
carols and hear the proclamation of Christ’s birth !
A limited number of Fr. Sam’s Farewell CDs is still available. Consider giving the gift that lasts all year. Sing
praises to God at home and in the car. Share the gift of an
awesome God with your family and friends. Cost is $15.00
per CD, or $12.50 each for two or more...A special Christmas offer! For rehearsal times and CD purchase, contact :
Dawne Mechlinski @ 732-974-2528.
St. Raphael-Holy Angels Food Pantry
The Food Pantry staff sincerely thanks all of our parishioners who support our ministry throughout the year. Due to
your generosity, countless numbers of individuals and families from our local community are served. Because of the
high cost of living in this area, many of our visitors, if left
unaided, must choose between food and housing, food and
medicine, food and heat, etc. Due to the services of our pantry, however, this burden is a little lighter. As the Christmas
holiday approaches, please remember in your prayers our
neighbors who struggle daily.
Our next “Reach Out Saturday” is Saturday, January 7th,
and we will need to re-stock our shelves after the busy
Christmas distribution. All types of non-perishable food
items are always needed, and can be placed in the designated bins that are located at the church entrances (both
church locations). Perishable items can be brought to the
pantry on “Reach Out Saturdays” between 9am and 11am.
Monetary donations are also appreciated and may be deposited the marked boxes inside St. Raphael Church.
Page 3
The world in silence waits the day….
St. Raphael’s Altar Candle this week…
In memory of Lucas/Cucinotta Families
Requested by Marge Cucinotta
Dear Brothers and Sisters!
After celebrating the solemnity of Mary's Immaculate
Conception, we enter these days in the evocative atmosphere of preparations for this coming holy Christmas. In
the present-day consumer society, this period suffers,
unfortunately, a sort of commercial "contamination," which
runs the risk of altering its authentic spirit, characterized
by recollection, sobriety, a joy that is not exterior but profound.
Therefore, it is providential that, as a door of entrance to
Christmas, the feast exists of the Mother of Jesus, who
better than any one, can guide us to know, love and worship the Son of God made man. Therefore, let us allow
her to accompany us; may her sentiments encourage us
to predispose ourselves with sincerity of heart and openness of spirit to recognize the Son of God in the Child of
Bethlehem, come to earth for our redemption. Let us walk
with her in prayer and accept the reiterated invitation addressed to us by the Advent liturgy to remain in expectation, in a vigilant and joyful expectation, as the Lord will
not delay: He comes to deliver his people from sin.
Continuing a beautiful and consolidated tradition, in
many families the crib begins to be prepared, as if to relive with Mary these days full of trepidation that preceded
Jesus' birth. To set up the crib at home can be a simple
but effective way of presenting the faith and transmitting it
to one's children. The manger helps us to contemplate
the mystery of God's love who revealed himself in the
poverty and simplicity of the Bethlehem cave.
St. Francis of Assisi was so overwhelmed by the mystery of the Incarnation, that he wanted to present it again
in Greccio with the living manger, thus becoming the initiator of a long popular tradition which still keeps its value
for evangelization today.
Holy Angels’ Altar Candle this week…
In memory of George Muschal Sr.
Requested by The Muschal Family
O, Lord God, look with mercy
Upon your servant, our Pope,
Whom you have chosen to be the
Pastor of your people.
Grant that, by word and example,
He may lead and teach those people
Over whom he has been set.
We pray, Dear Lord, that our Holy Father,
Together with the people committed to his care,
May attain to eternal life.
Through the merits of Jesus Christ, our Lord.
As our beloved John Paul II did, in a few moments I will
also bless the images of the Child Jesus that the children
of Rome will place in the crib in their homes. With this
gesture, I want to invoke the Lord's help so that all Christian families will prepare to celebrate with faith the forthcoming Christmas feasts. May Mary help us to enter into
the genuine spirit of Christmas.
The crib can help us, in fact, to understand the secret of
the true Christmas, because it speaks of humility and the
merciful goodness of Christ, who "though he was rich, yet
for your sake he became poor" (2 Corinthians 8:9). His
poverty enriches those who embrace it and Christmas
brings joy and peace to those who, as the shepherds,
accept in Bethlehem the words of the angel:
"And this will be a sign for you: you will find an infant
wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger" (Luke 2:12). It continues to be a sign also for us, men
and women of the 21st century. There is no other Christmas.
Page 4
When Hope shall sing it’s triumph….
Religious Education Classes
No Religious Education Classes will be
From the office of Family Life/Respect Life And
Youth & Young Adult Ministry:
held Dec. 20th, 21st, 27th or 28th.
Overnight Vigil & March for Life-
We wish all A Blessed & Merry Christmas
And A Happy New Year.
Coming Events
Dec.18th thru 22nd: Christmas Giving Tree-gift sorting
Assistant Teacher needed for Grade 3-Tuesdays, 4 to 5 PM
Co-Catechist needed to assist with the Family Centered
Program on 1st and 3rd Sundays.
Call the Religious Education Office at 585-3848 from 9AM
to 12 PM, and 1 PM to 3 PM, Monday through Friday.
Children’s Liturgy CommitteeWe continue to prepare for our Christmas Liturgy which
will take place on Sat. Dec. 24th @ 4:00 pm at St. Raphael Church. Rehearsal for this Liturgy will be on Sat.
Dec.17th @ 7:30 pm in the church and all purpose room.
Please encourage your child to participate in this liturgy.
Our Mission is to assist the Pastor and his assigned
clergy, parents and adult members of the parish in the
continuous formation of the children/youth liturgical celebrations and related programs for the purpose of evangelizing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Attention: All Altar Servers
The parish of St. Raphael– Holy Angel’s would like to
thank all of our servers for giving so generously of
your time and talent to assist the clergy of our parish
in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Once again, this
Christmas, we are blessed to be able to have an increased number of Masses at which your prayerful
assistance will be needed. We encourage you to call
the rectory @ [609] 585-7049 and leave a message
for Deacon Rich Arcari if you would like to be added to
the schedule. May God bless you for serving and remember….”The lord loves a cheerful giver”.
The St. Raphael-Holy Angels Life Teen in collaboration with
the Diocese of Trenton Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry invites you to witness to the sanctity and dignity of every
human life by joining us on a pilgrimage to the National Basilica and our Nation’s Capital for the annual Vigil March for
Life. We depart by early afternoon, Sunday Jan.22nd 2006 and
return late evening on Monday, Jan.23rd 2006. The cost is
$50.00 pp which includes food money, transportation and lodging. We will be staying at St. Bernard’s Church in Riverdale
Park, Maryland. The Life Teen Staff will provide the necessary
supervision and chaperones for this trip. In addition, we also
invite parents to join us and help chaperone. Space is limited
and deadline for registration is Jan. 9th or until all seats are
taken. For registration forms and more details go to or contact Tom Mc Mullin at the rectory by calling 609-585-7049. We also encourage you to visit
our website
Life Teen—leading teens closer to Christ !
Is Abortion Merely a Catholic Issue?(Life 1-Number 2)You hear this a lot as a statement-even from many Catholics—
especially those who seek to justify their own pro-choice disposition. This statement is a lie but it has been successfully sold to
millions. Abortion is not a “Catholic Issue”. It is not a
“Christian issue” even. It is not a “religious issue” either. It is
an issue that covers all living creatures and that is what our
founders recognized in declaring that...All men are created
equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life…Life first cries out
in all of nature-the natural law-known to all who have religion
or know God. Man in his right opposes the selfish destruction
of any and all life-even the lower forms of life-when that destruction serves no purpose but to satisfy man’s pleasure. We
feel compassion for wanton killing in nature itself. When we
stand for human life at all of it’s stages, we recognize that it is
precious and it comes from our Creator. Our rights to tamper
with life in any way must never violate Him to whom life belongs. These are of course Catholic and other faiths’ teachings
because true faith recognizes our status before our Creator.
Abortion is no more a “Catholic” issue than “child abuse” is a
Catholic issue. These are both violations of unalienable Rights
from God. For more on the New Jersey Right to Life go to:
Page 5
And sadness flee away….
We are all now familiar with our parish “ Giving Tree”. This is the last
weekend for bringing in your gifts to
the lobby of our church, both at St.
Raphael and at Holy Angels. Each
year during Advent, the parish
Religious Education Program sponsors this wonderful,
traditional service project. It’s purpose is to provide gifts
to needy individuals in our local community. These gifts
are distributed to organizations that serve those individuals. We also reach out to those within our own parish and local community who experience difficulty in
providing for their families during the holiday season. It
is especially at this time that those who are less fortunate
experience the urgent need for assistance. Many individuals and families experience hardship because of unemployment, underemployment, illness, etc.
Come, long-expected Jesus.
Excite in me a wonder at the wisdom and power
of Your Father and ours.
Receive my prayer
as part of my service of the Lord
Who enlists me in God’s own work for justice.
Our parish is blessed and privileged to serve the needs
of our community in this way through our Religious
Education Program. Some ornaments are still remaining
on the trees. If you have not already done so, please
take home with you today one or more ornaments, and
return them with the designated gift for distribution
within our community. Each yellow ornament represents an individual who has been referred to us. The
ornaments include information regarding this particular
person, including the gender, age, gift suggestions and
sizes. These gifts may either be wrapped or placed in gift
bags, but it is very important that the ornament be
firmly attached to the package.
Each ornament represents a particular individual, so we
ask that you only take one for those whom you wish to
purchase a gift. The green ornaments do not represent a
particular individual, but will be used to fill in for those
who may not have a gift returned, and for late referrals.
These gifts should not be wrapped.
Thank You for all you have done and continue to do!
Santa’s Helpers will be needed on Monday 12/19
through Wednesday 12/21 between the hours of 9AM
& 3:00PM to help with the enormous task of sorting
the gifts for distribution. If you have even an hour or
two to spare, and would like to assist with this wonderful project, please call 585-3848.
Page 6
Come, long-expected Jesus.
Excite in me a hunger for peace:
Peace in the world,
Peace in my home,
Peace in myself.
Come, long-expected Jesus.
Excite in me a joy
responsive to the Father’s joy.
I seek His will so I can serve
with gladness, singing and love
Come, long-expected Jesus.
Excite in me the joy and love and peace
To bring to the manger of my Lord.
Raise in me, too,
Sober reverence for the God who acted there,
Heart gratitude for the life begun there,
and spirited resolution
to serve the Father and Son.
I pray in the name of Jesus Christ,
Whose advent I hail.
Dear Savior haste..come, come to earth….
The Church of St. Raphael-Holy Angels
2005 Christmas Schedule
St. Raphael-Holy angels music ministry Christmas Concert
Sunday, December 18th 2005
7:00 PM @ The Church of St. Raphael
-Christmas Eve St. Raphael Church
Children’s Pageant @ 3:30 p.m.
Children’s Liturgy @ 4:00 p.m.
Mass @ 6:00 p.m. & 8:00 p.m.
Musical Prelude @ 11:30 p.m.
Midnight Mass @ 12:00 a.m.
Holy Angels Church
A Christmas Candlelight Mass w/Baroque Music @ 5:00 p.m.
Musical Prelude @ 8:30 p.m.
Vigil Mass with choir, timpani, horns and flute @ 9:00 p.m.
CHRISTMAS DAY St. Raphael Church7
Mass @ 7:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m. & 11:30 a.m.
Holy Angels Church
Mass celebrated with choir and trumpet @ 9:00 a.m.
The sacrament of reconciliation
Celebrated every Monday through Friday @ 7:30 p.m.
[ after the 7:00 p.m. Mass ] and
On Saturday from 3:45 p.m. to 4:45 p.m.
Page 7
Dispel the night and show your face….
The new year is quickly approaching!! Please continue
to submit your reservations
for our Parish New Year’s
Eve dinner dance. Our
committee has been working very hard to make this a fun night with the
best of food and drink for all. This is an excellent
opportunity for us to be together as the wonderful
community of St. Raphael-Holy Angels to share
in friendship as we welcome a new year of
Peace, Hope and Joy.
We look forward to seeing you there!
JOIN US FOR NEW YEAR’S BINGO, Sunday, Jan.1st ‘06
@ 8:00 pm in the Parish Center. Doors open @ 6:00 pm and
refreshments are available. Admission is just $1.00.
The Elderberry Club is open to all seniors of our parish
community. We provide activities and trips to help senior
citizens utilize their leisure time. Members meet at 1:00 pm
in the Parish Center on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each
month. All parishioners 55years and older are welcome to
join. Our next meeting will be on Wednesday Jan. 4th @
1:00 pm.
St. Raphael-Holy Angels
New Year’s Eve Dinner Dance
Saturday Dec. 31,st 2005
In the Parish Center
7:00 pm to 1:00 am
Dinner served at 7:30 pm
The primary purpose of the Society of the Rosary Altar is to
offer praise and honor to the blessed Virgin Mary. This
spiritual organization is open to all women of the parish and
meetings are held in the Parish Center on the first Monday
of each month after the 7:00 pm Mass. We begin praying
the Rosary at 6:40 pm.
Salad [each table], Cavatelli w/broccoli,
Rigatoni w/vodka sauce, Stuffed Loin of Pork,
Eggplant Parmigiana, Chicken Francese,
Roast Potatoes & Glazed Carrots
Rolls – Butter – Coffee – Tea – Desserts
Free Beer, Wine & Soda, B.Y.O.B.
Bubbly at Midnight – Continental Breakfast
Food catered by ROSA’S RISTORANTE
Music by D.J. LOU COSTA JR.
Hats – Noisemakers
Price $40.00 pp
Make checks payable to St. Raphael-Holy Angels
Let’s ring in the New Year with our priests
Fr. Jeff and Fr. Tom
For reservations call Rose Crucili @ 609-585-6170
For seating preferences, please let us know
when you make your reservations.
Tables of 10 preferred
-only 350 reservations accepted !!Deadline for reservations is Saturday Dec. 24th 2005
Reservations for non-parishioners are accepted on a
limited basis.
At the request of the Parish Council, beginning Sunday January 1st 2006, only one
person, group or ministry at a time may utilize the vestibule of the Churches for fund
raising activities. Therefore, before a person, group or ministry would like to utilize
these facilities they must clear the request
through the rectory at St. Raphael in order
to avoid any conflict. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
The Dec.25th Christmas Edition of our
Church Bulletin is due in to the publisher by
4:00PM on Monday,Dec.19th. In kind consideration of this deadline, please submit all
entries for that week no later than 12:00
noon of the same day by fax, hand delivery
or e-mail
We continue to encourage everyone to keep
abreast of activities within our parish by
visiting our website at
Page 8
And bid us hail the dawn of grace...
Sacrificial Offering: week ending Dec. 10&11
1st collection
2nd collection
$ 4,509.05
Children’s Envelopes
$ 107.25
Immaculate Conception
[social concerns continued]
Volunteers Needed!-Volunteers are still needed to deliver hot
nutritious meals to the people in the Greater Trenton/Ewing area
who are homebound due to illness. Please join this highly rewarding ministry. Mobile Meals of Trenton/Ewing, 546 Bellevue Ave.
Thank you for all your help. Call [609] 695-3483.
$ 3,292.30
Thank you for your continued generosity!
PTA Lucky Number Calendar Raffle
Winning Numbers
Community Events…
Sunday, December 11—918
Monday, December 12—813
Tuesday, December 13—238
Wednesday, December 14—883
Thursday, December 15—603
Friday, December 16—601
Saturday, December 17—879
New! A 7-week Course On Prayer
Are you hungering to meet God in a peaceful silence? Would
you like to learn practical ways to pray? St. Veronica’s Office of
A.C.T.S. will be offering a 7-week course on Prayer using scripture. The course “ Lord Teach Me How To Pray “ will look into
what prayer is, how we can learn to pray in a peaceful silence,
how does God speak to us in prayer and how we can become
more open to hear Him. It will also offer practical suggestions on
how to pray alone or in small groups. Fr. Brendan Williams will
be conducting some of the evening classes. Classes begin on
Thursday January 12th, 2006 @ 10:30am or 7:30pm at the
Spiritual Center located on 670 Hulses Rd. Howell, NJ. A fee
of $15.00 pp will cover materials. Registration deadline is Jan.
5th, 2006. For more information or to register, call Pat Irvine
@ 732-364-2936.
Social Concerns
St. Raphael-Holy Angels Volunteers are the best !!
Grateful thanks to the 16 people who served more than 367 meals
at the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen on 11/30/05, and cut countless
onions, potatoes, carrots, packaged plastic ware, supervised clothing
distribution and helped in several areas wherever they were needed.
Special thanks also to our 4 volunteers who shared their heart and
time at the 12/05/05 Holiday Party for members of the Hamilton
Alzheimer’s Caregivers support group. “Caregetters” and their families were also terrific, making it a fun and caring day for all.
2006 Calendars -Have you started receiving more calendars than
you need? Are you getting new CHRISTMAS CARDS from
organizations through the mail? Please place your unneeded
calendars/cards in the baskets found in the entrance areas to the
church. These will be distributed to area nursing homes and the
Trenton Area Soup Kitchen.
Call Kathy Wooley at 585-4307 for more information.
Widows and Widowers Dance-The Mercer County chapter of
Widows and Widowers will hold its monthly dance social on Friday
December 23rd@ 7:30 pm at the Knights of Columbus on 1451
Klockner Road, Hamilton, NJ. Refreshments will be served and all
widows and widowers are invited to attend. Dance socials are held
on the 4th Friday of each month. For more information call Marilyn
@ 609-587-8959 or Regina @ 609-585-3453.
Second Advent Musical Concert
The St. Ann Adult Choir and The Faith Development Center
present their Grand Opening Concert “Christmas Carol SingAlong” on Sunday Jan. 8th@ 3:30pm in the Main Sanctuary.
The choir will present a variety of solo and sing-along Christmas
favorites. Warm your voices and your spirits on the Feast of the
Epiphany as we sing sacred and secular Christmas songs. Help
us unwrap the gift of our Faith Development Center on this most
festive feast day of gift giving. There will be refreshments, and
Open House in our newly opened Faith Development Center will
also follow. Join us as we prepare for the coming of Christ!
More Masses for Simbang Gabi Advent A Filipino Tradition
This is a uniquely Filipino custom dating back from the year
1660 and begins 9 nights before Christmas Eve. In the Philippines, families make their way to church in the dark to attend
dawn Mass. Vince Gartland will celebrate Mass on Dec.18th @
7:00pm, and Fr. Nestor Lisondra will celebrate Mass on Dec.
19th— both at St. Ann Church, Lawrenceville. Fr. P.J.
Alindogan will celebrate Mass on Dec. 20th @ 7:30pm at St.
Anthony in Hightstown. Refreshments will be served. Call Elsa
Antiola @ 609-581-9154 for more details.
Songs for the Christmas Season
Angels Have Wheels -All Medicare recipients should now be
aware that if they suffer from conditions such as arthritis, cardiovascular disease, and respiratory disorders, and have difficulty walking
or propelling a standard wheelchair, they maybe eligible to receive
an electric wheelchair paid for by Medicare.
Need more information? Call Gregory @ 1-800-810-2877.
On Friday, Dec. 30th, St James Church @ 29 East Paul Ave. in
Trenton will sponsor the 40 voice Schola Cantorum @ 7:30pm
under the direction of Richard M. Loatman. Tickets are available
at the door or in advance or by calling 609-393-4403. Cost is
$10 regular admission, & $5 for senior citizens & children under
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Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Heaven’s Echo and High School Music Ministry
Adult Recreational Volleyball
Contemporary Ensemble
St. Raphael’s
Parish Gym
St. Raphael’s
SR Parish Center.
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Cool Kidz for God & Awesome Angels
St. Raphael’s
5:30PM — 6:45PM
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Afternoon Bells
Evening Bells
Charismatic Prayer Meeting
Adult Choir
St. Raphael’s
St. Raphael’s
St. Raphael’s
St. Raphael’s
Friday, December 23, 2005
Lucky Number Drawing
SR Parish Center.
SR Parish Center.
7:00PM –
8:00PM –
Monday, December 19, 2005
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Please refer to page 7 of this bulletin to see our complete
Christmas Schedule for Christmas Eve & Christmas Day.
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Dear Parishioners,
Please keep in mind our new daily weekday Mass schedule which will go into effect on Mon,
Dec. 26th 2006. There will be no 6:45am or 8:00am Mass. Instead we will gather daily for [1] weekday morning liturgy at 7:30am.and again for [1] weekday evening liturgy at 7:00pm., both at St. Raphael Church.
In addition, we want you to know that the names on our “Healing List” will now run on a fourweek basis after which time they will be removed. We ask that you call the Rectory if you would like your
name to remain, to be added, or deleted from the list. All the sick are remembered during the Intentions at each
Mass. Let us continue to pray for the sick of our Parish.
EFFECTIVE December 26,2005
Due to the shortage of priest personnel, the following Daily Mass schedule will begin on Monday, Dec.
7:30 AM & 7:00 PM
8:00 AM
As we face the reality of the shortage of priests,
please take this opportunity to pray for priestly
P.S.—The 5:00pm Vigil Mass on Saturday re-
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St. Raphael-Holy Angels
Prayer Line
If you are in need of prayer
call 581-3675 or 585-4483.