COVER SHEET CHURCH NAME: St. Joseph Church BULLETIN NUMBER: 511308 Date of Publication: Number of Pages Transmitted: November 24, 2013 5 Special Instructions: Please call: Rita C. Carsley or Cathy Weychert @ 215-672-3020 J O S E P H 1795 Columbia Avenue, Warrington, PA 18976 S A I N T MAKING CHRIST A REALITY IN THE COMMUNITY IN WHICH WE LIVE Pastor: Rev. Joseph C. Bordonaro Pastor Emeritus: Rev. J. A. Grant Deacon: Deacon Karl Hartmann School : 850 Euclid Avenue Principal: Mrs. Deborah Jaster Religious Education: Mrs. Cathy Cain Day: (215-672-9990) - Evenings: (215-675-3506) WEBSITE: WWW.SAINTJOSEPHCHURCH.US RECTORY: 215-672-3020 (9AM-4PM Mon to Fri) SCHOOL: 215-343-5100 MASS SCHEDULE: Saturday: 5:30 P.M. Sunday: 7:00 A.M., 8:30 A.M., 10:00 A.M.,11:30 A.M. Weekdays: 8:00 A.M. Saturdays: 8:00 A.M. Holy Days: 5:30 P.M. Vigil 8:00 A.M., 10:00A.M., 7:00 P.M. C H U R C H TV MASS FOR SHUT-INS: TV -Sunday, 5:30 am WPVI Channel 6, Radio – Sunday, 9:00am 89.3 FM Founded June 16, 1922 WEEKLY BULLETIN CONFESSIONS: Saturdays: 4:00PM to 5:00 PM. MATRIMONY: To set a date for a wedding, couples must make an appointment at the Rectory at least 6 months prior to the wedding date. Weddings can be scheduled for most Saturdays any time until 2:00 P.M. or on any weekday. SICK CALLS: Phone the Rectory, 215-672-3020. REGISTRATION: All Catholics who live within the parish boundaries should register. Boundaries: South of Street Road from Lower State Rd., to Norristown Rd., to County Line, to Blair Mill Rd., to Moreland Rd., to Maple Ave., to Horsham Rd., to Limekiln Pike, to Lower State Rd. & back to Street Road. If you are not registered, we cannot serve you in ways which require us to know you. Please call the Rectory (215-672-3020.) We will welcome you as part of our community of faith. BAPTISMS: Parents should make arrangements with one of the priests at least one month before the date wanted. Baptism is celebrated on the FIRST and THIRD Sundays of the month at 12:30 P.M. Preparation is held on the SECOND PARISH ACTIVITIES: Choir, CCD School of THURSDAY of each month, 7:30 P.M., in Room Religion, Catholic Youth Organization, 18 of the Church Building. Godparents must be Home & School Association, Legion of Mary, practicing the faith and present a note from their Men’s Club, Miraculous Medal Novena and parish on their eligibility as sponsors. No date can Rosary, Pre-Cana, Respect Life Committee, be set for baptism until parents have fulfilled these Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, Senior responsibilities. Citizens, and Women’s Group. (Notices for these groups are posted inside this bulletin.) “NOTICES FOR THIS BULLETIN (subject to available space) MUST BE AT THE RECTORY AT LEAST 10 DAYS PRIOR TO PUBLICATION.” November 24, 2013 Page 2 A Note from the Pastor___________________ Masses for the Week______________________ My Dear Parishioners, This weekend we celebrate Jesus Christ our King. We acknowledge that he is to be head of our lives, families, and homes; and we honor his saving sacrifice in our daily lives. It is also the closing of the Year of Faith. During this past special year of grace we proposed a more profound gratitude for our faith, with renewed understanding and greater public witness. “To profess faith in the Trinity – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – is to believe in one God who is Love; the Father, who in the fullness of time sent his Son for our salvation; Jesus Christ, who in the mystery of his death and resurrection redeemed the world; the Holy Spirit, who leads the Church across the centuries as we await the Lord’s glorious return. We join with Archbishop Chaput, in Philadelphia, and our Holy Father, Pope Francis, in Rome, in renewing the articles of our faith as we thoughtfully pray our creed. Next weekend we begin the holy Season of Advent, and prepare in a more intense way for our celebration of Jesus’ birth. But before we get there, we celebrate Thanksgiving this Thursday. All are invited to join us for Mass on Thanksgiving morning, November 28th at 8:00 a.m. At this Mass, fresh bread will be blessed and then handed out to those present. Please take some home with you and use it for your Thanksgiving tables, sharing the blessings you receive here and letting your family and friends know they are included in our prayers. Eucharist is a Greek word that means “thanksgiving” so it is most appropriate that we offer our thanks to God for his many blessings by celebrating and offering Holy Mass. I pray that you and your family and friends will be blessed with God’s peace and joy this year. HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Finally I want to point out that St. Joseph parish is once again hosting a Christmas Bazaar. It will be on Sunday Dec. 8th from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Stop down to our church hall after Mass and enjoy the fun. I want to personally thank Mrs. Rita Roley and all her assistants who are helping to restart this favorite St. Joseph tradition. She has put a lot of work into organizing the event. If you would like to donate to the effort by offering a craft, renting a table, or selling a product, please call Rita @ 215-872-0499. Saturday God Bless You! Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Saturday Sunday Nov. 23, 2013 5:30pm Nov. 24, 2013 7:00am 8:30pm 10:00am 11:30am 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:00am 8:00am 8:00 am 8:00 am Nov. 30, 2013 5:30pm Dec. 1, 2013 7:00am 8:30am 10:00am 11:30am Kitty & Jim Casey & Joann Blaney Alfred & Yvonne Pellatier Family – Living & Dec’d Mario Caporizzo People of the Parish Jane Olson In Thanksgiving Bert Miley Linda Generale Albert G. Miley Norman T. Williams Ruth Hottinger Dec’d Members of DiTore Family Armand & Cecile Genechal Family – Living & Dec’d Marie Roche John Fox People of the Parish Please Pray For__________________________ Those who are ill: Peg Lynagh, Sr. Ann Cecilia McGuire, Ann Pray, Alicia Cruz, Mary Costo, Jean Geehring, Frances Bonato, Jack Boland, Jay Stretch, Albert Craig, Pat Seigle, Antoinette Capone and Kay Gaida. Financial Report 11/16/13 – 11/17/13_______ Sunday Collection: $10,503.00 School Subsidy Archdiocese Assessment Various Insurances Employee Payroll Equipment Maintenance Supplies Services Repairs (Not Available – 2013) $ 2,966.50 $ 1,532.69 $ 1,033.04 $ 4,221.24 $ 152.50 $ 1,463.48 $ 50.00 $ 293.25 This Week in Our Parish__________________ Monday, Nov. 25, 2013 *Adoration - All Day Adoration – Church *Senior Citizens - 11:00am - Church Hall * Rosary – 7:30pm - Church Fr. Bordonaro Our Lord Jesus Christ the King Our Lord Jesus Christ the King Page 3 Thank God for Thanksgiving_______________ St. Joseph’s Christmas Bazaar___________ Thanksgiving Day is set aside as a special day to Thank God. Join in Mass at 8:00am. You can bring some items of food or a bottle of wine to be blessed for your table. You are invited to bring some nonperishable food items for the needy. After Mass, we will distribute loaves of bread as reminders: when we are fed by Christ in the Eucharist, we need to feed Christ in one another and in the poor. Ever Loving Father, For generation upon generation, peoples of this land have sung of your bounty; we too offer you praise for the rich harvest we have received at your hands. Bless us and this food which we share with grateful hearts. Continue to make our land fruitful and let our love for you be seen in our pursuit of peace and justice and in our generous response to those in need. We ask this in the Lord, the name of Jesus. AMEN. St. Joseph is having a Christmas Bazaar!!!!!!!! December 8th, 9:30am – 4:00pm in the Church Hall Santa will be there!! There will be Baked Goods, Food, Crafts, and Chances on Baskets. We will also have a Mrs. Santa's Attic table with gently used items for sale. (If you would like to donate an item please bring it to church and leave it on the table outside of classroom 14). If you make a craft or sell a product and would like to have a table at this fun event, the cost is $25. "Bakers needed for the bake sale table" “We are in need of lots of Volunteers”. Please Call: Rita Roley, 215-872-0499. ________________________________________ Happy Thanksgiving! The Rectory will be closed Thanksgiving Day and Fri. Nov. 29th New Inspiring CDs in time for ADVENT! Great talks by "Catholicism's" Father Robert Barron and "Dynamic Catholic's" Matthew Kelly on keeping the faith in today's challenging culture... "Proofs for the Existence of God" by Jesuit Father Robert Spitzer on how modern scientific findings and recent medical studies support our faith... Learn about Pope Francis, our first Jesuit pope... Embrace St. Joseph-"Patron of the Universal Church," --plus hear a Jewish nun from New York tell her amazing conversion story, and enjoy beautiful Christmas songs too! This and more at our Lighthouse Catholic Media CD stand near St. Joseph statue. Same suggested donation as five years ago - just $3 per CD! (Great 'stocking stuffers' too!) Memorials for Christmas Flowers__________ Envelopes for Christmas Flowers for the Altar and Decoration Memorials may be placed in the regular collection the weekend of Nov. 30th – Dec. 1st . “We remember all those mentioned on your envelopes and keep them in our prayers during this Christmas Season.” Christmas Concert at St. Joseph Church_____ Weds December 11th 7pm in the Church Hall "The St. Joe's Contemporary Group will be rockin out with praise and worship and traditional Christmas tunes". Bring the family, tell your friends, it's a great way to “celebrate the Holidays!" Santa will be there! Free admission (donations accepted) Our Giving Tree_________________________ Our Giving Tree will be up on November 23rd. Please pick a tag off the Giving Tree. We ask you to get a $25 - $35 Gift Card for a Department or Discount Store for the person on the tag. (Scrip Sellers have Gift Cards for you to buy). Return your tag and a Gift Card, with the amount marked on it, by Monday, Dec. 9th. Put them in the Christmas Box in the sanctuary by the Giving Tree. Building a Bridge to Uganda______________ Annual Christmas Concert Sun., Dec. 15th at 2:30pm in St. Vincent Church, featuring Bill Monaghan and Some Assembly Required, the St. Raymond Gospel Choir and the award winning St. Katherine Drexel School Choir. Following the Concert there will be a Christmas Bazaar and Sing-a-long and a guest from the North Pole will arrive. Admission is FREE!! Donations accepted. November 24, 2013 CCD School of Religion___________________ Tues., Nov. 19: Tues., Nov. 26: Tues., Dec. 3: Wed., Dec. 4: Tues., Dec. 10: November Schedule Grades “K” through “6” & Sacrament Class in session. No CCD Classes. Thanksgiving break. December Schedule Grades “K” through “2” and Grades “4” through “8” & Sacrament Class in session. Sacrament of First Penance – 3rd Graders – 7:00pm in Church. Grades “K” through “6” & Sacrament Class in Session. Penance for CCD children. Christmas Bake Sale: 6th graders will be hosting a “Bake” Sale on Dec. 17th, at the Valley Road Bldg. Proceeds from the sale will help pay for the bus for the Confirmation Retreat. Tues., Dec. 17: Grades “K” through “6” & Sacrament Class In Session. Last class until 1/7/14 Merry Christmas!! 2014 Confirmation Retreat There will be a bus trip to the Shrine of St. Katharine Drexel in Bensalem for the 6th graders who will be confirmed in 2014. We are looking for people who are able to supplement the cost of running a bus ($450 for 1 bus). This helps to keep the cost of the retreat at a minimum. Please call Cathy Cain (215) 6723020 or leave a message on the CCD phone (215) 672-9990. Passion and Purpose Live_________________ Sat., Dec. 14th, 9am to 1:30pm St. Cyril of Jerusalem Church Featuring Matthew Kelly & Musical Guest Eliot Morris Tickets $39 includes light refresments & retreat material (no tickets sold at doors). It’s Powerful, It’s Practical and we Promise It’s Fun. Your Life Won’t Be The Same!! To register: www.dynamic or Call Tom Molz 215-491-5559 / The Vocation to Single Life_______________ We invite single women to come for prayer and reflection on the single life as a vocational calling. Saturday, December 14, 2013 9:00 am – Noon Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament National Shrine of St. Katharine Drexel Fee: $10 (includes lunch) Please call Sr. Amelia 215-375-4928 Page 4 St. Joseph/St. Robert School News__________ “Apple of My Eye Winners” Congrats to: Brian Klumpp, Michael Funk, Julia Fellmeth, William Wood and Drew Sorge. St.Joeph/St.Robert School_________________ *Offering Education to Grades Pre-K to 8th *Option for ½ Day or Full Day Pre- K & Kindergarten *Faith based values *Curriculum based on Common Core State Standards *Technology including SMART Boards, Netbooks & iPads. Call School to Schedule a Visit: 215-343-5100 Market Day_____________________________ Thank you to everyone who supported our November sale! This month we have pre-portioned Cookie Dough to make your Christmas holidays easier. There are 12 varieties to choose from. SJR will earn an extra profit from these Bonus Days. Also, Earn a FREE 7 oz. sample of Kraft Mac & Cheese with purchase. or call Audrey 215-672-1806 by 11:00 PM Saturday, November 30th. Archbishop Wood’s Fall Show Presents______ “Sound of Music” Friday, December 6, 2013 – 7:30pm Saturday, December 7, 2013 – 7:30pm Sunday, December 8, 2013 - 2:00pm Tickets available now! Reserved Seating $10 General Admission $6 Pre-Sale: Sue McCloskey 267-408-1958 (cell) Tickets at the door : Reserved Seating $12 Gen’l Admission: $8 St. Joseph Senior Citizens_________________ Christmas Luncheon at Williamsons Sunday, December 15th 12:30pm. Cost $30.00. Non-Members are Welcome! Call Elsie 215-675-5845 Christmas Tree Sale_____________________ Where: St. Joseph’s Rear Parking Lot Nov. 29th – Dec. 23rd Mon. - Fri. - 4:00pm – 9:00pm Sat. & Sun. - 9:00am - 9:00pm Boy Scout Troop #137 will assist. Douglas , Fraser , and Noble Firs - $29 to $49 Remember: Last day for sale is December 23rd
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