Cover Sheet Church of St. Raphael-Holy Angels 3500 South Broad Street Hamilton, N.J. 08610 Bulletin # 911176 Weekend of December 10 and 11, 2005 Contact Usha @ Ph#609-585-7049 Or Fax#609-585-5876 With any inquiries. Thank you. Bulletin includes two inserts-double-sided, Both on Life-Teen Page 1 Third Sunday of Advent MASS INTENTIONS Monday, 6:45 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, December 12, 2005-Our Lady of Guadalupe - Anthony Mantuano, Anne & Bud Foley - Roseanne Tohill, Art & Mary Pelcz - Charles Maahsen, Jeanette Beach To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven “...a time to be born…” J.J.Hughes Jr., T.R.Clugsten Jr., C.S.Conti and M.F.Fernandez “...a time to love…”and “...a time to heal…” December 13, 2005 6:45 a.m. - Robert Pelc, Valerie Hens & Family 8:00 a.m. - Monti Family, Family 7:00 p.m. - People of the Parish Wednesday, December 14, 2005 6:45 a.m. - Marion C. Mayernik, Family 8:00 a.m. - Richard B. Mount, Wife & Son 7:00 p.m. - The Holy Name Society, Thursday, December 15, 2005 6:45 a.m. - Jane Neaton, Mr.& Mrs. Paul Zimmer 8:00 a.m. - Joseph Spildener, Spildener Family 7:00 p.m. - Kevin McManimon, Joe & Dean McManimon Friday, December 16, 2005 6:45 a.m. - Karl Zimmer, Mr.& Mrs Paul Zimmer 8:00 a.m. - Thomas J. Innes, Jr., Wife & Children 7:00 p.m. - Robert Tiedemann, Jesus Our Good Shepherd Prayer Group Saturday, December 17, 2005 8:00 a.m. - Edward Dunn, Wife & Family - Catherine Lauderback, Mary Tomchick, Pat , Tom & Tommy Czeizingor - Tomasso & Maria Costantini - Adalchiso&Bernardina, Pontani Family 5:00 p.m. - Anna Mount, Alice & Dave Mount - Mr&Mrs.Andrew Andrzjak,Alberta&Delores Sunday, December 18, 2005—4th Sunday of Advent 7:30 a.m. - Rose Marx, Arnold & Linda Marx 8:30 a.m. - Christian Walsh,Family - Edgar Lanzoni, Marion Lanzoni 9:30 a.m. - Michael T. Dolan, The Dolan Family 10:30 a.m. - People of the Parish 11:30 a.m. - Pat Della Rossa, Sarah Della Rosa 5:00 p.m. - Louis & Barbara Jacob, Daughter-Margaret NEW DAILY MASS SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE December 26,2005 Due to the shortage of priest personnel, the following Daily Mass schedule will begin on Monday, Dec. 26th MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 7:30 AM & 7:00 PM SATURDAY 8:00 AM As we face the reality of the shortage of priests, please take this opportunity to pray for priestly Page 2 Dymphna Agos August Angioletti Alice Aquilino Candy Barth Dolly Barbalace Alberta Beforce Vincent Beforce Robert Benson Alex Bencivengo Clare Berger Whitney Bivens Michael Bridge Faye & Shane Briel Nancy Brokofsky John Catana Nicholas Cirillo Anthony Davis Josephine De Marie Josephine Di Santis Jason Dzbenski Jackie DuPont Anthony Fabrizio Loretta Ferri Helen Finn Doreen Forberg Tony Fratticcioli Rev. J.C. Garrett Jack Garrett Kathy & Robert Gaskill Joy Marie Grietzer Claire Hofmann Paul Hohman Jack Hornyak Anthony Intorelli Fr. Eugene Keenan Michele Kelly Peter Kernast Joseph Krawiec Fran Kujalowicz Michael Kupetsky Anna Kuprian Carrie Laird Heather Nicole Laird Marion Lanzoni Cindy Lins Julia& Lauren Makrancy John Margicin Samuel S. Marrone Ferdinand Mather Sr. Margaret McBride Anna Modica Faye Moore Fred Morelli Anna Rose Mucci Colleen Murphy Mary Murphy Eleanor Mycock Stanley Myslinski Alfonso Napoleon Clara Napoleon Linda Nasuti Fay Natcher Robert O’Boyle Elizabeth O’Neil Charles Papiez Phyllis Pelke Ray Pental Janet Peterson Rita Pisano Joseph Pizzutti Elaine Ragano Russell Paolini Bunny Posner Regina Procell Raymond Pyontek Rocco Ranalli Carl Reinhardt Jr. June Reinhardt Mary & Louis Revesz Paulette Schmitt Ray Sabat Emily Sears Michael Serenelli Gabriella Fasoli Sizemore Patricia Smith Marilyn Snider Chris Somma Sandy Suarez Matthew Sutton Carol Szabo Florence Tangery Concetta Testa Dharma Johnson Thamis Katie Thomas Stan Thompson Samuel Trombino Margaret Tylus Hanna Tyrasinski Ann Van Arsdale Jody Veranese Chuck Vickey Irene Von Goten Erwin Weber John Witbeck Helen Wolosyn Elizabeth Wnuk Frances Womack Jeanette Worthington Martin Zimmerman John Zubricky “...a time to die…’’ Rose Marie Astore, Santina Suarez “...and a time for peace…” Pray for our servicemen here and abroad. December 4th, 2005—O Come ! O Come ! Emmanuel Pastor’s Notes Music Notes JESUS IS LORD! Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Who are you? (John 1:19) Bewildered by what they had seen and heard, a group of Israel’s religious leaders approached John the Baptist with this fundamental question. John was manifestly different, and they wanted to know why. Three years later, even more bewildered and troubled, they would ask Jesus this same question. What was it that set these two men apart so radically? The difference was the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in them. They spoke and acted with confidence that God was with them. Like John and Jesus, we too are meant to stand out. Our relationship with Jesus and our openness to the Holy Spirit should prompt people to ask, “Who is this?” Each of us had the Spirit of the sovereign Lord resting upon us, and the presence of the Spirit has the potential to make us radically unlike those who do not know Christ. Our values, our willingness to forgive, our peace, and our hope – all these can speak volumes to our friends and neighbors. As Catholic Christians, we are meant to share a living relationship with the Lord. Through the Holy Spirit, we can come to know the mind of God (1 Corinthians 2:16). The mercy that we show others can be a reflection of the Father’s redeeming love working through us. Through our words, God himself can fill those hungering for truth. From Holy Angels’ Music Ministry… Please refer to page 7 of this week’s bulletin for our complete Christmas celebration schedule at Holy Angels. A “madrigal choir” will open our Candlelight Mass beginning at 4:45pm on Christmas Eve. Our Christmas Cantata, “Do You Hear What I Hear,” will begin at 8:30pm sharp, also on Christmas Eve. On Christmas Day, carols will begin at 8:45am. Please arrive early to worship and pray together, sing carols and hear the proclamation of Christ’s birth ! A limited number of Fr. Sam’s Farewell CDs is still available. Consider giving the gift that lasts all year. Sing praises to God at home and in the car. Share the gift of an awesome God with your family and friends. Cost is $15.00 per CD, or $12.50 each for two or more...A special Christmas offer! For rehearsal times and CD purchase, contact : Dawne Mechlinski @ 732-974-2528. St. Raphael-Holy Angels Food Pantry We have a great calling that is intimately entwined with the life of Jesus. This Advent, let’s ask the Spirit for a fresh outpouring in our lives that we might become his servants, preaching the gospel, healing the sick, and binding up the brokenhearted. We can be set apart as light to a darkened world. The witness of our lives can cause others to ask, “Who are you?” Let us pray: “Holy Spirit, you have anointed generation upon generation to bring good news to the world. Through your work in me today, help me give glory to Jesus. Amen.” In Jesus and Mary, Father Jeff Kegley Pastor From St. Raphael’s Music Ministry... All choirs continue to prepare for the Christmas seasonsee “This Week at St. Raphael-Holy Angels” for details. All are invited to a Christmas Concert on Sunday, Dec. 18th @ 7pm.Set aside an hour to focus on the true meaning of the season. Refreshments will be served. CD sales continue to flourish...thank you for your support of this project. New choir robes are being looked at -please continue to support our efforts with prayers and purchases. The Food Pantry staff sincerely thanks all of our parishioners who support our ministry throughout the year. Due to your generosity, countless numbers of individuals and families from our local community are served. Because of the high cost of living in this area, many of our visitors, if left unaided, must chose between food and housing, food and medicine, food and heat, etc. Due to the services of our pantry, however, this burden is a little lighter. As the Christmas holiday approaches, please remember in your prayers our neighbors who struggle daily. Our next “Reach Out Saturday” is Saturday, January 7th, and we will need to re-stock our shelves after the busy Christmas distribution. All types of non-perishable food items are always needed, and can be placed in the designated bins that are located at the church entrances[ both church locations]. Perishable items can be brought to the pantry on “Reach Out Saturdays” between 9am and 11am. Monetary donations are also appreciated and may be deposited in the marked boxes inside St. Raphael Church. Page 3 And ransom captive Israel St. Raphael’s Altar Candle this week… In memory of Richard B. Mount Requested by his wife and Son. IN THE WORDS OF HIS HOLINESS POPE BENEDICT XVI Dear Brothers and Sisters! In this time of Advent, the ecclesial community is invited, while it prepares to celebrate the great mystery of the Incarnation, to rediscover and deepen its personal relationship with God. The Latin word "adventus" refers to the coming of Christ and highlights God's movement toward humanity, to which each one is called to respond with openness, expectation, search and adherence. And just as God is sovereignly free when he reveals and gives himself, as he is moved only by love, so the human person is free in giving him his assent, although it is something that is due: God awaits a response of love. In these days, the liturgy presents the Virgin Mary -- whom we will contemplate next Thursday, Dec. 8, in the mystery of the Immaculate Conception -- as the perfect model of this response. The Virgin listens, ready at all times to fulfill the will of the Lord, and is an example for the believer who lives searching for God. To this topic, as well as to the relationship between truth and freedom, the Second Vatican Council dedicated a careful reflection. In particular, the conciliar Fathers approved, exactly 40 years ago, a declaration on the question of religious freedom, namely, the right of persons and communities to be able to seek the truth and profess their faith freely. The first words that make up the title of this document are "dignitatis humanae": Religious freedom stems from the singular dignity of man who, among all the creatures of this earth, is the only one able to establish a free and conscious relationship with his creator. “It is in accordance with their dignity as persons - that is, beings endowed with reason and free will and therefore privileged to bear personal responsibility -- that all men should be at once impelled by nature and also bound by a moral obligation to seek the truth, especially religious truth," said the council. Thus the Second Vatican Council reaffirms the traditional Catholic doctrine, according to which, man, in so far as spiritual creature, can know the truth and, therefore, has the duty and right to seek it (cf. Ibid., 3). With this foundation, the council insists extensively on religious freedom, which must be guaranteed both to individuals as well as to communities, in respect of the legitimate exigencies of public order. And this conciliar teaching, after 40 years, continues to be very timely. In fact, Holy Angels’ Altar Candle this week… In memory of Joseph Merz Requested by his granddaughter. AREA PENANCE SERVICE Wednesday, December 14, 2005 Our Lady Of Sorrows Church 7:00 PM The Catholic Parishes of Hamilton Township will celebrate the Annual Advent Penance Service at Our Lady of Sorrows Church this Wednesday, December 14th. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is also available every week night following the 7:00 PM Mass, and on Saturday at 3:45 PM at St. Raphael Church. [ IN THE WORDS OF HIS HOLINESS, CONTINUED ] religious freedom is far from being ensured everywhere: In some cases it is denied for religious or ideological motives; in others, even though recognized in written form, it is hindered in practice by the political power or, in a more insidious way by the cultural prevalence of agnosticism and relativism. Let us pray that every human being will be able to realize the religious vocation he bears inscribed in his being. May Mary help us to recognize in the face of the child of Bethlehem, conceived in her virginal womb, the divine Redeemer, who came into the world to reveal to us the authentic face of God. Page 4 VATICAN CITY, DEC.4, 2005 YOUTH CORNER …... That mourns in lowly exile here Religious Education Classes From the office of Family Life/Respect Life And Youth & Young Adult Ministry: CCD— Tuesday, December 13th, 2005 Grade 3—4:00 to 5:00PM Grades 6 & 7—7:00 to 8:15PM Attention adults working with youth-A one-day seminar on Saturday Jan.21,2006@Holy Innocents Parish,3455 West Bangs Ave. in Neptune, NJ. Subjects to be addressed include pregnancy, STD’s, dating guidelines, refusal skills and what God has to say about sex. To register at a cost of $35.00 pp, call 609-406-7400 Ext.5573. CCD—Wednesday, December 14th, 2005 Grades 1 & 2—4:00 to 5:00PM Grades 4 & 5—7:00 to 8:15PM Overnight Vigil & March for Life- CCD—December 18th, 2005 Kindergarten—9:30AM to 10:30AM Family Centered Program (FCP) Sunday, December 18th, 2005 9:30AM—12:00PM Coming Events Dec.14-1st&2nd Gr.-Christmas program,4-5pm Dec.18th thru 22nd-Christmas Giving Tree-gift sorting Assistant Teacher for grade 3-Tuesdays, 4:00 to 5:00PM Co-Catechist needed to assist with the Family Centered Program on 1st and 3rd Sundays. Call the Religious Education Office at 585-3848 from 9:00AM to 12:00PM, and 1:00PM to 3:00PM, Monday through Friday. Children’s Liturgy Committee-We are preparing our Christmas Liturgy for Sat.Dec.24th @ 4:00 pm to be held at St. Raphael Church. Rehearsal for this Liturgy will be on Sat.Dec.17th @ 7:30 pm in the church and all purpose room. Please encourage your child to participate in this liturgy. Our Mission is to assist the Pastor and his assigned clergy, parents and adult members of the parish in the continuous formation of the children/youth liturgical celebrations and related programs for the purpose of evangelizing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Altar Server Schedule Sat. Dec.10-8am————-J. Smith, A. Herrerra 5pm————-J. Fenner, D. Grace Sun. Dec.11-7:30am———P. McSorley,R.& N. Ingeri 9:30am———B.& Z. Seeds, A. Fellnor 11:30am———D. Rynkewicz, S.& J. Moceri 5:00pm———N. Parent, D. Reese Mon.Dec.12-8:00am———P.& E. Pavlovsky 7:00pm———N. Celinski, J. Tuazon Tue.Dec 13-8:00am——— C. Bulleck 7:00pm———S.Oropel, M.Abbott Wed.Dec.14-8:00am——-A. Booker 7:00pm—— M. Applegate, C. Chepiga Thu.Dec.15-8:00am———J. Smith 7:00pm———S. Costa, D. Danko Fri.Dec.16- 8:00am———-B.& Z. Seeds 7:00pm———-C. Willbert, M. Tampellini The St. Raphael-Holy Angels Life Teen in collaboration with the Diocese of Trenton Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry invites you to witness to the sanctity and dignity of every human life by joining us on a pilgrimage to the National Basilica and our Nation’s Capital for the annual Vigil March for Life. We depart by early afternoon, Sunday Jan.22nd 2006 and return late evening on Monday, Jan.23rd 2006. The cost is $50.00 pp which includes food money, transportation and lodging. We will be staying at St. Bernard’s Church in Riverdale Park, Maryland. The Life Teen Staff will provide the necessary supervision and chaperones for this trip. In addition, we also invite parents to join us and help chaperone. Space is limited and deadline for registration is Jan. 9th or until all seats are taken. For registration forms and more details go to or contact Tom Mc Mullin at the rectory by calling 609-585-7049. We also encourage you to visit our website Life Teen—leading teens closer to Christ ! Who needs another teaching? [Life 1-Number 1]- Have you ever wondered why we seek out knowledge? Why do we read and watch TV so much? Somehow we were created with an instinc- tive desire to seek every reason for and understanding of life. We seek truth with one exception. We avoid truth when we sense that truth will challenge our own convenience. We reject medical advice about our bad eating and drinking. We reject the truth about exposure to excessive or wrongful entertainment. We avoid learning more about caring for our spouses, parents and children when we recognize our own deficiencies in these areas. We are all living in a culture of death and that culture is being exposed more and more as a truth of our times. Our nation and world are committing moral suicide and this truth needs to challenge how we are living and using our lives. This is the first of a mini series of teachings to be given in our bulletin for all—we need to understand how things are and do what we can to promote the culture of life—for our own sakes, for our loved ones, for our friends, for our country and for the world, in answer to God’s call. [ 1 John 4:6 ] We belong to God, and anyone who knows God listens to us, while anyone who does not belong to God refuses to hear us. This is how we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of deceit. For more on the New Jersey Right to Life go to: Page 5 Until the Son of God appear GIVING TREE 2005 Each year during Advent the Religious Education Program of St. Raphael—Holy Angels parish sponsors the traditional service project called “The Giving Tree”. It’s purpose is to provide gifts to needy individuals in our local community. These gifts are distributed to organizations that serve those individuals, and we also reach out to individual families within our own parish and local community who experience difficulty in providing for their families during the holiday season. The Giving Trees are located in the main lobby of each church, (both St. Raphael and Holy Angels). On the tree hang the various paper ornaments that designate an individual. Each ornament lists gift suggestions as well as instructions regarding wrapping. If you have not already done so, please consider taking an ornament today to make the holiday a little brighter for one of our less fortunate neighbors, attaching the ornament to the package, and returning the gift by the deadline date, December 18th. Gifts for the Martin House ministry[ lilac hearts], are due back this weekend December 11th as they will be distributed at the organization’s Christmas party which will be held this week. May God bless you for your generosity! BALL: ST. RAPHAEL-HOLY ANGELS PARISH & LOCAL COMMUNITY: There exists within our own parish and local community a need for assistance during the holiday season for individuals and families experiencing hardship due to unemployment, underemployment, illness, etc. Each yellow ornament represents an individual who has been referred to us. The ornaments include information regarding this particular person, including the gender, age, gift suggestions and sizes. These gifts may either be wrapped or placed in gift bags, but it is very important that the ornament be firmly attached to the package. As each ornament represents a particular individual, we ask that you only take ornaments for those for whom you wish to purchase a gift. The green ornaments do not represent a particular individual, but rather will be used to fill in for those who may not have a gift returned, and for late referrals. These gifts should not be wrapped. HEART: MARTIN HOUSE: A ministry that serves the needs of the inner city. Martin House challenges poverty and racism with a number of programs to improve conditions in its inner city neighborhood, such as housing, adult classes, a clothing store, and youth programs. Our Parish has been asked to supply gifts for 6 families from the Martin House ministry. Gifts may be placed in gift bags or wrapped, but the ornament must be firmly attached to the package. ** Santa’s Helpers will be needed on Monday 12/19 through Wednesday 12/21 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. to help with the enormous task of sorting the gifts for distribution. If you have even an hour or two to spare, and would like to assist with this wonderful project, please call 585-3848. Rosary Altar Society EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS… The regular monthly meeting of the Rosary Altar Society has been rescheduled to Monday, December,12th, after the 7:00 pm Mass. The Rosary will be recited at 6:40 pm. After the Mass there will be a short meeting. Sign-up sheets are posted in the Altar Servers’ Sacristy at St. Raphael and the Sacristy at Holy Angels for you to volunteer to serve at the Christmas Masses. Please stop by and sign-up while there are still openings. I am also asking any available Hospital EMs to sign-up for the Christmas Day 9:00 am Mass at Holy Angels and the New Year’s Day 9:30 am Mass at St. Raphael. Please call Ed Burke at 585-5101 with any questions. Thank you! Everyone is invited to our Christmas Program and a Dessert Buffet. Please bring a dessert to share, and drop it off at the Parish Center before Mass. All are welcome and we look forward to seeing you! Page 6 Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel The Church of St. Raphael-Holy Angels 2005 Christmas Schedule St. Raphael-Holy angels music ministry Christmas Concert Sunday, December 18th 2005 7:00 PM @ The Church of St. Raphael -Christmas Eve St. Raphael Church Children’s Pageant @ 3:30 p.m. Children’s Liturgy @ 4:00 p.m. Mass @ 6:00 p.m. & 8:00 p.m. Musical Prelude @ 11:30 p.m. Midnight Mass @ 12:00 a.m. Holy Angels Church A Christmas Candlelight Mass w/Baroque Music @ 5:00 p.m. Musical Prelude @ 8:30 p.m. Vigil Mass with choir, timpani, horns and flute @ 9:00 p.m. CHRISTMAS DAY St. Raphael Church Mass @ 7:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m. & 11:30 a.m. Holy Angels Church Mass celebrated with choir and trumpet @ 9:00 a.m. The sacrament of reconciliation Celebrated every Monday through Friday @ 7:30 p.m. [ after the 7:00 p.m. Mass ] and On Saturday from 3:45 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. Page 7 Shall come to Thee O, Israel St. Raphael-Holy Angels New Year’s Eve Dinner Dance Saturday Dec. 31st, 2005 In the Parish Center 7:00 pm to 1:00 am Dinner served at 7:30 pm MENU: Salad[each table], Cavatelli w/broccoli, Rigatoni w/vodka sauce, Stuffed Loin of Pork, Eggplant Parmigiana, Chicken Francese, Roast Potatoes & Glaz Carrots Rolls – Butter – Coffee – Tea – Desserts Free Beer, Wine & Soda, B.Y.O.B. Bubbly at Midnight – Continental Breakfast Food catered by ROSA’S RISTORANTE Music by D.J. LOU COSTA JR. Hats – Noisemakers Price $40.00 pp Make checks payable to St. Raphael-Holy Angels Church Let’s ring in the New Year with our priests Fr. Jeff and Fr. Tom For reservations call Rose Crucili @ 609-585-6170 For seating preferences let us know when you make your reservations. Tables of 10 preferred -only 350 reservations accepted !!Deadline for reservations is Saturday Dec. 24th 2005 Reservations for non-parishioners are accepted on a limited basis. Donations Are Being Collected For Our Troops Heading Overseas WHO:Assemblyman Bill Baroni is spearheading a donation drive for our troops. DONATION ITEMS : Toiletries [ soap, razors, shaving cream, shampoo, toothbrushes, toothpaste, hand wipes, etc ] SUBMIT ITEMS TO : 2239 Whitehorse– Mercerville Road. Suite E Hamilton, NJ WHEN : Until Noon on December 19th Please Note To ensure that your articles and announcements for our bulletin is published on time, please make your submissions no later than 12 noon on Tuesdays to Page 8 We also encourage everyone to keep abreast of activities within our parish by visiting our website at Wait for the LORD with courage— Psalm 27 Community Events… Sacrificial Offering- week ending, Dec. 3-4 1st collection 2nd collection Children’s Envelopes Total New! A 7-week Course On Prayer Are you hungering to meet God in a peaceful silence? Would you like to learn practical ways to pray? St. Veronica’s Office of A.C.T.S. will be offering a 7-week course on Prayer using scripture. The course “ Lord Teach Me How To Pray “ will look into what prayer is, how we can learn to pray in a peaceful silence, how does God speak to us in prayer and how we can become more open to hear Him. It will also offer practical suggestions on how to pray alone or in small groups. Fr. Brendan Williams will be conducting some of the evening classes which will begin on Thursday January 12th, 2006 @ 10:30am or 7:30pm at the Spiritual Center located on 670 Hulses Rd. Howell, NJ. A fee of $15.00 pp will cover materials and registration deadline is Jan. 5th,2006. For more information or to register call Pat Irvine @ 732-364-2936. $ 14,660.20 $ 2,484.45 $ 101.15 $ 17,245.80 Thank you for your generosity! PTA Lucky Number Calendar Raffle Winning Numbers Sunday, December 04—901 Monday, December 05—673 Tuesday, December 06—504 Wednesday, December 07—166 Thursday, December 08—469 Friday, December 09—171 Saturday, December 10—337 Advent Musical Concert Join the Church of St. Ann as we celebrate the Advent season. The St. Ann Youth Choir presents “Preparing for the Season” which includes our Christmas Cantata, ”Arise, Shine” on Sunday Dec.!8th@3pm in the Main Sanctuary. Join us as we prepare for the coming of Christ! Social Concerns Mercer County Geriatric Center-We will have our Christmas Party and Bingo for the residents on Tues.Dec.13th from 6:158pm. Lots of volunteers [including our wonderful students] are needed to help with Bingo and refreshments and to distribute calendars, cards and gifts. 2006 Calendars -Have you started receiving more calendars than you need? Are you getting new CHRISTMAS CARDS from organizations through the mail? Please place your unneeded calendars/cards in the baskets found in the entrance areas to the church. These will be distributed to area nursing homes and the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen. Call Kathy Wooley at 585-4307 for more information on the above two [2] events. All Day Eucharistic Adoration On Thursday Dec.15th, the Poor Clare Nuns will have Adoration from 9:30am-5:00pm in their Chapel@ the Monastery of St.Clare,150 White Pine Road, Columbus, NJ,08022. Call 609324-2638 with any questions. Simbang Gabi Advent Mass This is a uniquely Filipino custom dating back from the year 1660 and begins 9 nights before Christmas Eve. In the Philippines, families make their way to church in the dark to attend dawn Mass.Bishop John Smith will be the celebrant on Dec.16th@7pm for the first Evening Mass at St.Ann Church in Lawrenceville. Fr. PJ Alindogan will celebrate Mass on Dec.17th@6:30pm at St. Raphael Church and Fr. Vince Gartland will celebrate Mass on Dec.18th@7:00pm at St.Ann Church in Lawrenceville. Call Elsa Antiola@609-581-9154 for more details. Songs for the Christmas Season Widows and Widowers Dance-The Mercer County chapter of Widows and Widowers will hold its monthly dance social on Friday December 23rd@ 7:30 pm at the Knights of Columbus on 1451 Klockner Road, Hamilton, NJ. Refreshments will be served and all widows and widowers are invited to attend. Dance socials are held on the 4th Friday of each month. For more information call Marilyn @ 609-587-8959 or Regina @ 609-585-3453. Angels Have Wheels -All Medicare recipients should now be aware that if they suffer from conditions such as arthritis, cardiovascular disease, and respiratory disorders, and have difficulty walking or propelling a standard wheelchair, they maybe eligible to receive an electric wheelchair paid for by Medicare. Need more information? Call Gregory @ 1-800-810-2877. Volunteers Needed! -Volunteers are needed to deliver hot nutri- tious meals to the people in the Greater Trenton/Ewing area who are homebound due to illness. Please join this highly rewarding ministry. Mobile Meals of Trenton/Ewing, 546 Bellevue Avenue Join us! Call (609) 695-3483* On Friday, Dec. 30th St James Church@29 East Paul Avenue in Trenton will sponsor the 40 voice Schola Cantorum@7:30pm under the direction of Richard M. Loatman. Tickets are available at the door or in advance by calling 609-393-4403 for $10 regular admission and $5 for senior citizens and children under 12. Inter-faith Memorial Service– The 18th annual candlelight service for those who have lost loved ones through suicide will be held on December 11th 2005 @ 3:00 pm at Unity Church by the Shore, 3508 Asabury Avenue, Neptune, NJ. For additional info call Joanne Murphy @ 732-363-1710 or Peggy Farrell @ 732-462-526 Christmas Dinner/St. Michael CampusSt. Michael Senior Citizen Club, 1130 Brunswick Avenue, Trenton is sponsoring a Christmas Dinner on Dec. 18th@1:00pm in the Church Hall. Open to the public, tickets are $15.00 pp and children 12 and under are free. The menu consists of chicken or ham along with all the trimmings. For tickets and info call Irene@ 609-588-9019, Jo@ 609-393-8574 or Trudy@ 609-8827350. Deadline for purchase is Tuesday, December 13th,2005. Page 9 - This week at SAINT RAPHAEL– HOLY ANGELS Event Location Time Information Tuesday, December 13, 2005 Heaven’s Echo and High School Music Ministry Children’s RCIA Adult Recreational Volleyball Contemporary Ensemble Bingo St. Raphael’s SR Convent Parish Gym St. Raphael’s SR Parish Center. 5:30PM 6:30PM 7:30PM 7:45PM 8:00PM Wednesday, December 14, 2005 CCD Grades 1 & 2 Cool Kidz for God & Awesome Angels St. Raphael’s St. Raphael’s 4:00PM – 5:00PM 5:30PM — 6:45PM Thursday, December 15, 2005 Afternoon Bells Evening Bells Charismatic Prayer Meeting Adult Choir St. Raphael’s St. Raphael’s St. Raphael’s St. Raphael’s 3:45PM 5:30PM 7:30PM 7:45PM Friday, December 16, 2005 Lucky Number Drawing Bingo SR Parish Center. SR Parish Center. 7:00PM – 8:00PM – Monday, December 12, 2005 – – – – – – – – – 6:45PM 7:30PM 9:30PM 9:30PM Religious Ed.—page 5 5:00PM 6:45PM 9:15PM Saturday, December 17, 2005 Sunday, December 18, 2005 Sign Interpreted Mass CCD Kindergarten Adult RCIA Holy Angels St. Raphael’s St. Raphael’s 8:30AM Mass 9:30AM – 10:30AM 11 :30AM – Religious Ed.—page 5 and Prayerful Best Wishes To DENNIS HEFFERNAN & BRENDA HEFFERNAN This Sunday, December 11th 2005, the faithful of our Diocese will gather together in the Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption, Trenton to celebrate Mass as Bishop John Smith commissions 17 new lay ecclesial ministers. In the group of candidates is our very own Dennis Heffernan and his wife Brenda Heffernan. They are among the second group to have completed the diocesan Institute for Lay Ecclesial Ministry program. ILEM is a 3-year program, initiated in our diocese in 2002 and operates with the Office of Parish Life in collaboration with the USCCB. The entire parish family of St. Raphael-Holy Angels joins together to wish Dennis and Brenda a future of Hope, Joy, Love and Faithfulness in proclaiming God’s word to His people. Please read the complete story in the special edition of The Monitor of December 8th,2005. Page 10
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