Cover Sheet Church of St. Raphael-Holy Angels 3500 South Broad Street Hamilton, N.J. 08610 Bulletin # 911176 Weekend of January 8, 2006 Contact Usha @ Ph#609-585-7049 Or Fax#609-585-5876 With any inquiries. Thank you. Just a reminder that morning Masses originally at 6:45 and 8:00 am are now combined to 7:30 am. Thank you. Usha. Page 1 Sunday January 8th Solemnity, Epiphany of the Lord MASS INTENTIONS Monday, January 9, 2006 7:30 a.m. -Karen Grenger, Theresa Mundt & Family Caemella Gresko, John & Pearl Persi 7:00 p.m. - Lucille Stone, Children & Grandchildren Tuesday, January 10, 2006 7:30 a.m. - William Neaton, M/M Paul Zimmer Clelia Altobelli, Rosary Altar Society 7:00 p.m. - People of the Parish Wednesday, January 11, 2006 7:30 a.m. - Ida Caggana, Naomi, Michael, Michele & Lisa Caggana Karen Grenger, Brian & Jackie Dzbenski 7:00 p.m. - Holy Name Society Thursday, January 12, 2006 7:30 a.m. - Richard H. Mieler, M/M Robert D. Foley Rachel Claude, Mass of Thanksgiving 7:00 p.m. - People of the Parish Friday, January 13, 2006 7:30 a.m. - Peter Gregory Murphy, M/M R. Foley, John Margicin 7:00 p.m. - People of the Parish Saturday, January 14, 2006 8:00 a.m. - Carmella Tillone Gresko, Denise & Mike Pierro Eva Kleitsch, The Spildener Family 5:00 p.m. - Jerry Giles, Neighbors Sunday, January 15, 2006 7:30 a.m. - People of the Parish 8:30 a.m. - George Southard, Lawrence Rober 9:30 a.m. - Jerry Giles, Louise Foley Clelia Altobelli, John & Marge Troiani 10:30 a.m. - Shanee Voorhees, Brenda & Dennis Hefernan 11:30 a.m. - James Mohr, Holy Name Society 5:00 p.m. - Carmella Gresko, John & Anna Marie Dzbenski ST.RAPHAEL-HOLY ANGELS 2007 MASS BOOK Please be reminded that the 2007 Mass Book will be open on Monday, January 9, 2006. Individuals will be limited to seven [7] Mass Intentions for announced Masses. All are encouraged to participate in Masses for the Purgatorial Society. We wish to remind everyone that names on the Healing list will remain in the bulletin for two more weeks after which time they will be removed, unless you have called the Rectory to request otherwise. We ask that you continue to inform us if you would like your name to remain, to be added or deleted from the Healing List. Please pray for the sick, hospitalized and homebound of our parish. Dymphna Agos Coleen Murphy Eleanor Mycock August Angioletti Stanley Myslinski Alice Aquilino Alfonso Napoleon Candy Barth Clara Napoleon Dolly Barbalace Linda Nasuti Alberta Beforce Fay Natcher Vincent Beforce Robert O’Boyle Robert Benson Elizabeth O’Neil Alex Bencivengo Charles Papiez Whitney Bivens Phyllis Pelke Michael Bridge Ray Pental Faye & Shane Briel Janet Peterson Nancy Brokofsky Rita Pisano John Catana Joseph Pizzutti Nicholas Cirillo Elaine Ragano Anthony Davis Russell Paolini Josephine De Marie Bunny Posner Josephine Di Santis Regina Procell Jason Dzbenski Raymond Pyontek Robert Esposito Rocco Ranalli Anthony Fabrizio Carl Reinhardt Jr. Tony Feldenzer June Reinhardt Loretta Ferri Mary & Louis Revesz Helen Finn Anne Rzeminski Doreen Forberg Paulette Schmitt Tony Fratticcioli Ray Sabat Rev. J.C. Garrett John Sagui Kathy & Robert Gaskill Michael Serenelli Joy Marie Grietzer Gabriella Fasoli Sizemore John Hartmann Patricia Smith Claire Hofmann Marilyn Snider Paul Hohman Chris Somma Jack Hornyak Matthew Sutton Anthony Intorelli Carol Szabo Fr. Eugene Keenan Florence Tangery Michele Kelly Concetta Testa Pat Kelly Dharma Johnson Thamis Peter Kernast Katie Thomas Jim Kicinski Stan Thompson Joseph Krawiec Samuel Trombino Fran Kujalowicz Margaret Tylus Michael Kupetsky Hanna Tyrasinski Anna Kuprian Ann Van Arsdale Carrie Laird Jody Veranese Heather Nicole Laird Chuck Vickey Marion Lanzoni Irene Von Groten Cindy Lins Patricia Walter John Margicin Erwin Weber Samuel S. Marrone James Widmann Ferdinand Mather Sr. John Witbeck Margaret McBride Helen Wolosyn Anna Modica Frances Womack Faye Moore Jeanette Worthington Fred Morelli Martin Zimmerman Anna Rose Mucci John Zubricky Page 2 January 8th 2006 - We three kings of orient are, Bearing gifts we traverse afar... Music Notes Pastor’s Notes JESUS IS LORD! Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, On this Feast of the Epiphany, we celebrate a decisive moment in God’s plan of salvation: the revelation of his Son to the Gentiles. From that moment, the privileges reserved for the chosen people were made available to everyone. Through that God –ordained star, the light of Christ shone for all the world to see. The magi saw that star from their distant lands, and their hearts were so stirred with anticipation that they set off immediately to follow it. And at the end of their journey, they found the manifestation of God in a human baby. Not only were the magi moved to give him expensive gifts, they immediately worshipped Jesus. Thus began the wondrous procession of people from every land to the throne of God. Now, all nations could be drawn to the light of a King who rules in love and righteousness. This is how deeply God longs to draw all people to himself. He didn’t wait for word of mouth or early Christian evangelization to spread the good news beyond the boundaries of Palestine. Instead, he set a sign in the heavens that caught the attention of wise men from far away, representatives of all the nations that had yet to know of the love and mercy of God. How like the Lord to call out to his people! Even today, he draws each of us back to him in subtle, and sometime not-so-subtle ways. As we come before God at Mass today, we too are being invited out of the “distant land” of life in this world and into Jesus’ heavenly kingdom. Our hearts can be stirred as we seize the opportunity to love and adore Jesus. From all time, God has called you to share in his life. Make sure you open your heart to him and respond to the invitation he is offering. Let us pray: “Jesus, I give you my heart in worship and adoration. You are my King, and in you I find love, justice, and righteousness. I will follow your light in my heart. I will acknowledge your kingship in all that I do. Amen.” In Jesus and Mary, Father Jeff Kegley Pastor From St. Raphael’s Music Ministry… All rehearsals have resumed at their regularly scheduled time. This is a wonderful time to give choir a try...there is a vocal group for every age { Cool Kidz For God– Gr.2-5, Heavens Echo– Gr.6-12, Adult Choir– ages 18+ } and two[2] handbell choirs for ringers, not singers! All are welcome… come and praise God in song! CD’s are still available… please see Lori or Rob after any Mass for purchase, or leave a message at the Rectory. From Holy Angels’ Music Ministry… A limited number of Fr. Sam’s Farewell CDs is still available. For rehearsal times and CD purchase, contact : Dawne Mechlinski @ 732-974-2528. St. Raphael-Holy Angels Food Pantry With the winter months upon us, we expect an increasing number of individuals and families to visit our pantry to seek food assistance. As always, we ask for your continued support so that we can meet the needs of our neighbors. Just one can of soup can make a meal for an individual; a box of pasta and a jar of sauce can make a meal for a family, so with just a small donation, you can make a positive difference. Upcoming “Reach Out Saturdays” are on Saturday, Jan. 21st & Feb. 4th from 9 to 11am. All types of non-perishable food items are always needed, and can be placed in the designated bins that are located at the church entrances (both church locations). Perishable items can be brought to the pantry on “Reach Out Saturdays” between 9am and 11am. Monetary donations are also appreciated and may be deposited in the marked boxes inside St. Raphael Church. Page 3 Field and fountain, moor and mountain, following yonder star…. IN THE WORDS OF HIS HOLINESS POPE BENEDICT XVI The Mother of God, and World Day of Peace You may call the Parish Rectory at 585-7049 if you would like to make an offering of candles or flowers in memory of a loved one. St. Raphael’s Altar Candle this week… Joseph & Carmela Domino Requested by John & Rose Crucili "We Must Open Ourselves to the Truth" Dear Brothers and Sisters! Holy Angels Altar Candle this week… In memory of Nancy Stolz Requested by Sister Please note that flower offerings will resume the week of January 7th 2006. On this first day of the year, the Church contemplates the heavenly Mother of God, who holds in her arms the Child Jesus, source of all blessings. "Hail, holy Mother, you have given birth to the King who rules heaven and earth for ever and ever." The announcement of the angels in Bethlehem echoed in Mary's maternal heart, filling it with wonder: "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men with whom he is pleased!" (Luke 2:14). And the Gospel adds that Mary "kept all these things, pondering them in her heart" (Luke 2:19). Like her, the Church also keeps and meditates on the Word of God, applying it with the different and changing situations she finds on her way. Contemplating Christ, who came on earth to give us peace, we celebrate with the new year the World Day of Peace, which began by decision of Pope Paul VI thirty-eight years ago. In my first message on this occasion, I wanted to take up this year a constant theme in the magisterium of my venerated predecessors, beginning with the memorable encyclical of Blessed Pope John XXIII, "Pacem in Terris": the theme of truth as the foundation of authentic peace: "In Truth, Peace" is the motto that I present for the reflection of every person of good will. When man allows himself to be illuminated by the splendor of truth, he becomes interiorly a courageous architect of peace. The liturgical time we are living gives us a great lesson: To welcome the gift of peace we must open ourselves to the truth that has been revealed in the person of Jesus, who taught us the "content" and at the same time the "method" of peace, that is, love. God, in fact, who is perfect and subsistent love, revealed himself in Jesus, assuming our human condition. In this way he has also indicated to us the way of peace: dialogue, forgiveness, solidarity. This is the only way that leads to authentic peace. Let us turn our gaze to Mary Most Holy, who today blesses the whole world showing her divine Son, the "Prince of Peace" (Isaiah 9:5). With trust, let us invoke her powerful intercession so that the human family, by opening itself to the evangelical message, Please pray for the deceased of our parish Andrew C. Maruska Jr. the "content" and at the same time the "method" of peace, that is, love. God, in fact, who is perfect and subsistent love, revealed himself in Jesus, assuming our human condition. In this way he has also indicated to us the way of peace: dialogue, forgiveness, solidarity. This is the only way that leads to authentic peace. Let us turn our gaze to Mary Most Holy, who today blesses the whole world showing her divine Son, the "Prince of Peace" (Isaiah 9:5). With trust, let us invoke her powerful intercession so that the human family, by opening itself to the evangelical message, might spend the year which begins today in fraternity and peace. With these sentiments I express to all of you here present, and to all those who are united to us through radio and television, my most cordial wishes for peace and goodness." [The Holy Father then greeted pilgrims in several languages. In English, he said:] I greet all the English-speaking visitors present at today's Angelus, and in particular the many Pueri Cantores, whom I thank for their beautiful signing at this morning's Mass in St. Peter's Basilica. I wish all of you a New Year full of joy and consolation of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Through the intercession of his Blessed Mother, Mary, may Christians everywhere have the courage to be promoters of forgiveness, reconciliation and peace! VATICAN CITY, JAN. 1, 2006 Page 4 YOUTH CORNER … O, star of wonder, star of night, star of royal beauty bright... RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Urgently Needed !! 1] 3rd Grade Asst. Teacher Tuesdays - 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM 2]Co-Cathecist to assist with the FCP on 1st and 3rd Sundays. CCD - Tuesday, January 10, 2006 Grade 3 - 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM Grades 6 & 7 - 7:00 PM to 8:15 PM CCD - Wednesday, January 11, 2006 Grades 1 & 2 - 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM Grades 4 & 5 - 7:00 PM to 8:15 PM CCD - Sunday, January 15, 2006 Kindergarten - 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM Catholic Underground Join us on January 13th, 2006 as Catholic Underground welcomes St. David the King Music Ministry in St. Vincent de Paul’s Church basement/auditorium, 555 Yardville-Allentown Rd., Yardville, NJ. We will feature great music, fellowship, good coffee and refreshments in a traditional coffee-house setting - with a difference! The evening begins with a Holy Hour of Adoration, Evening Prayer and Benediction with live music at 7:30pm followed by our feature performers starting around 8:45pm. Catholic Underground is open in 2006 every Friday of the month except for May, June, July and August and admittance is free. For more information, directions and band schedules, call 609-588-4177 or 609890-0287 or visit our website @ Family Centered Program [ FCP] -Sunday, January 15, 2006 - 9:30 AM to 12:00 Noon You can reach The Religious Education Office @ 585-3848 from 9am to 12:00noon and 1:00pm to 3:00pm, Monday to Friday. Page 5 PRO-LIFE NEWS... Westward leading, still proceeding, guide us to Thy perfect Light. SPIRITUAL ADOPTION PROGRAM ANNOUNCEMENT NEW JERSEY RIGHT TO LIFE Is “It” a Baby? (Life 1-Number 3)- We celebrate the Incarnation at Christmas recognizing Jesus’ birth. We celebrate the Annunciation of His birth each year just 9 months before Christmas on March 25th. When did He become a baby? Was it on Christmas Day or the Annunciation? Abortionist advocates tried for years to convince us that the baby in the womb was not a baby and they tell pregnant women that “it” is not a baby. Why lie? They favor the use of “fetus” as if “it” is not a baby because even after 40 million abortions, they know that a mother and father abhor killing a baby. The word of God, Jesus, because a baby in Mary’s womb as her egg was mysteriously fertilized by the Holy Spirit and Mary’s baby, Jesus, grew as do all babies ,in her womb until Christmas when He became visible to all. We learn this in our faith but it is truth of science that the result of the mother’s egg being fertilized is a new baby. The Jesus we welcome at Christmas was alive for 9 months inside Mary, just as you and I were in our mother’s before our own incarnations. We also honor the Holy Innocents at this time of the year remembering those tiny babies put to death by Herod who sought to eliminate Jesus. Our world needs to seek forgiveness for all the holy innocents put to death since 1973. For more on the New Jersey Right to Life visit us @ Are we trusting enough in God’s care ? Every pregnancy and birth is a risk. Who knows what lies ahead in the future for mother or father or child ? Sickness, death, unemployment ? We cannot fully predict these things. While using all our human ingenuity to plan a family, on occasions we must simply leave the rest in the hands of God. [Taken from “ Together For Life ” by Joseph M. Champlin] Three Months What a miracle your spiritually adopted baby is ! If her mother’s womb had a window, you could see her squint, swallow, and move her tongue. If her palm is touched, she will respond by making a fist. Pray that the Lord of Life moves the heart of her mother to give her the most precious gift of all– the gift of life. Please pray daily the Prayer of Bishop Fulton Sheen: Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I love you very much. I beg you to spare the life Of the unborn child that I have spiritually adopted Who is in danger of abortion. Amen On behalf of all the unborn babies who cannot speak for themselves, thank you to all those who agreed to participate in the spiritual adoption program. From the office of Family Life/Respect Life And Youth & Young Adult MinistryThe St. Raphael-Holy Angels Life Teen in collaboration with the Diocese of Trenton Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry invites you to witness to the sanctity and dignity of every human life by joining us on a pilgrimage to the National Basilica and our Nation’s Capital for the annual Vigil March for Life. We depart by early afternoon, Sunday Jan.22nd 2006 and return late evening on Monday, Jan.23rd 2006. The cost is $50.00 pp which includes food money, transportation and lodging. We will be staying at St. Bernard’s Church in Riverdale Park, Maryland. The Life Teen Staff will provide the necessary supervision and chaperones for this trip. In addition, we also invite parents to join us and help chaperone. Space is limited and deadline for registration is Jan. 9th or until all seats are taken. For registration forms and more details log on to or contact Tom McMullin at the rectory by calling 609-585-7049. Page 6 Diocese News - Born a King on Bethlehem’s Gold I bring to crown Him again... PARISH NURSES SPIRITUALITY DAY The Office of Family Life/ Respect Life is sponsoring it’s first one day event on Health Spirituality for each county in the Diocese. This day defines spirituality related to health and healing within the Catholic tradition. The first one is scheduled for Sat. Jan. 14th, 2006 at Epiphany Parish, Brick, NJ. For more information please call 609-406-7400 Ext.5592 or 5594. SHARE YOUR FAITH WITHOUT LOSING YOUR HEAD Intensive Training for Catholic Evangelization Discover the Catholic approach to evangelization. Develop practical skills for sharing faith and the message of Jesus in everyday life. Seek the power of the Holy Spirit for reaching out one-to-one, small and large group setting. This 9 session Saturday training course includes prayer, individual reflection, presentations, readings and suggested field trips. These will be held at the Church of the Visitation [Rectory Room C.], Brick, NJ from 9am to 3pm. The first session will be on Jan. 21st and is entitled, “ God’s Call to Share Our Faith With Others”. Come see what the popes and bishops have to say about Catholics and evangelization. To register call 609-406-7400 Ext.5590 FRANCIS HOUSE OF PRAYER The Francis House of Prayer is a retreat center in the Diocese of Trenton. We offer directed retreats, days of prayer, and spiritual direction available throughout the year to the people of God. The next offering will be on Tuesday January 10th, 7:00pm 8:30pm and is entitled “A New Understanding of the Sacrament of Reconciliation”. For the full schedule of January offerings or to register, please call: S. Marcy Springer SSJ at 609-877-0509 or E-mail Please note that cell phone collections will begin on this weekend January 7th & 8th You may deposit your phones into the boxes provided to you in the vestibules of both St. Raphael and Holy Angels Churches. Thank you for your help. WORLD MARRIAGE DAY CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH Please join us in beautiful Spring Lake on the ocean as we come together to celebrate Marriage as a gift and sacrament. World Marriage Day, which coincides with Valentine’s Weekend, will be commemorated in a very special way this year for all married couples in the Diocese of Trenton. Please call the Office of Family Life/Respect Life at 609-4067400 ext. 5573 to attend the brunch to be held on Sunday, February 12th, 2006 at The Breakers Hotel, Spring Lake, NJ from 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm. The cost is $45.00 per person.. Also, a limited number of rooms are available if you wish to spend the weekend at The Breakers. For room reservations please call Shannon at 732-4497700, mention you are from the Diocese of Trenton, and ask for the special room discount for those attending the Page 7 King forever ceasing never, over us all to reign... ATTN: ALL HIGH SCHOOL TEENS Movie Night @ St. Raphael – Holy Angels 3500 S. Broad St. Hamilton, NJ 08610 th Sunday January 15 after the 5pm Mass @ 6:15pm Join us in the Convent for: A Faith Based Movie Pizza & Refreshments Games after the Movie For more info call Tom at 609-585-7049 or email me at Page 8 O Christ the uncreated Light, to you be glory praise and might Parish and Community Events… Sacrificial Offering - week of Dec.31 to Jan. 1 1st collection/New Year’s Day - $ 18,580.80 Children’s envelopes -$ Total - $ 18,718.25 Flower Collection - $ 6,641.80 Hamilton council #6213 K of C Basketball Free Throw 137.45 Hamilton Council #6213 Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship will take place at St. Raphael’s Gym on Sat., January 21, 2006 between 10:30AM & 12:30PM. The free throw is open to boys and girls between the ages of 10 and 14 yrs old. Each youngster may compete in only one council competition. For further information contact : Jim Weigand @ 609-581-8668 PTA Lucky Number Calendar Raffle Winning Numbers Facing the Future Together Sunday, January 01—952 Monday, January 02—121 Tuesday, January 03—474 Wednesday, January 04—579 Thursday, January 05—193 On Friday, January 13,2006 @ 7pm RWJ Hamilton Center for Health & Wellness on Quakerbridge Road in Mercerville will host a lecture by Susan Piver entitled “The Hard Questions for Adult Children & Their Aging Parents” . At this lecture, Susan Piver will help stimulate discussions between parents and children on their fears, needs and feelings on aging and death. Tickets are $15 pp and can be obtained by calling 800-483-7436 or by logging on to . Social Concerns ROSARY ALTAR SOCIETY Mercer County Geriatric Center– January Bingo for the residents will be held on Tues, 01/17/06 from 6:15 to 8:00 PM. NOTE that this is a ONE TIME ONLY change of our normal Bingo activity from the 2nd Tuesday to the 3rd Tuesday of the month. Lots of volunteers [including our wonderful students] are always needed and appreciated. Please call Kathy Wooley @ 585-4307 if you would like more information. Widows and Widowers Dance-The Mercer County chapter of Widows and Widowers holds its monthly dance social Friday, January 27th @ 7:30 pm at the Knights of Columbus on 1451 Klockner Road, Hamilton, NJ. Refreshments will be served and all widows and widowers are invited to attend. Dance socials are held on the 4th Friday of each month. For more information call Marilyn @ 609-587-8959 or Regina @ 609-585-3453. Angels Have Wheels -All Medicare recipients should now be aware that if they suffer from conditions such as arthritis, cardiovascular disease, and respiratory disorders, and have difficulty walking or propelling a standard wheelchair, they maybe eligible to receive an electric wheelchair paid for by Medicare. Need more information? Call Gregory @ 1-800-810-2877. Mobile meals of Trenton/Ewing-Volunteers are still needed to deliver hot nutritious meals to the people in the Greater Trenton/Ewing area who are homebound due to illness or age. We need both regular {weekly} volunteers and substitutes. All new volunteers receive an orientation and are trained by staff and an experienced volunteer. Please join this highly rewarding ministry. Mobile Meals of Trenton/Ewing, 546 Bellevue Ave. Thank you for all your help. Call [609] 695-3483. Please be reminded that there will be no meeting in January. We will gather again in Church on Monday, Feb. 6th 2006 @ 6:40 pm to begin praying the Rosary. Mass will follow as usual after which we will have a brief meeting. Everyone is invited to remain for food and fun with Bingo and our Wine and Cheese party. We hope to see all of you there. “The Rosary is a powerful prayer for peace, for families, and for contemplating the mysteries of Christ’s life ’’ Pope John Paul II ELDERBERRY CLUB The Elderberry Club is open to all senior citizens of our parish community. Members meet at 1:00 pm in the Parish Center on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month. All parishioners 55 years and older are welcome to join. HOLY NAME SOCIETY Our mission and the purpose of our being as Holy Name Society members is to Love, Defend, Praise, Honor and Evangelize the Holy Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. We meet on the 2nd Wednesday of each month from Sept. to May for the 7:00PM Mass, after which follows our monthly meeting. Our next Mass and meeting will be on Wednesday January, 11th 2006. This spiritual organization is open to all men of the parish and we encourage you to join us. Page 9 - This week at SAINT RAPHAEL– HOLY ANGELS Event Location Time Information Tuesday, January 10th, 2006 Heaven’s Echo and High School Music Ministry Adult Recreational Volleyball Contemporary Ensemble Bingo St. Raphael’s Parish Gym St. Raphael’s SR Parish Center. 5:30PM 7:30PM 8:30PM 8:00PM Wednesday, January 11th, 2006 Cool Kidz for God & Awesome Angels St. Raphael’s 5:30PM — 6:45PM Thursday, January 12th, 2006 Afternoon Bells Evening Bells Charismatic Prayer Meeting Adult Choir St. Raphael’s St. Raphael’s St. Raphael’s St. Raphael’s 2:30PM 5:30PM 7:30PM 7:45PM Friday, January 13th, 2006 Lucky Number Drawing Bingo SR Parish Center. SR Parish Center. 7:00PM – 8:00PM – Saturday, January 14th, 2006 2nd Grade Retreat [ Puppet Show ] All Purpose Room 10:00PM - 12:00 noon Sunday, January 15th, 2006 Adult RCIA Monday, January 9th, 2006 Go your way in peace. Be of good courage. Hold fast to that which is good; Render to no man evil for evil. Strengthen the fainthearted, Support the weak, Help and cheer the sick, Honor all men, Love and serve the Lord; And may the blessing of God Be upon You and Remain with you forever. [GloucesterCathedral] – – – – – – – – 6:45PM 9:30PM 9:30PM 3:45PM 6:45PM 9:15PM 8:30AM St. Raphael-Holy Angels Giving Tree Committee We sincerely thank all parishioners who gave so generously to this year’s program. Due to your kindness, 83 families from our area had a brighter Christmas holiday. The recipients were overwhelmed by the generosity shown to them by our parishioners, and are sincerely grateful. A special Thank You is extended to our Confirmation candidates and the other volunteers who helped with the enormous task of sorting and delivering the gifts. Without your help, this program would not have been possible. Page 10
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