Cover Sheet

Cover Sheet
Church of St. Raphael-Holy Angels
3500 South Broad Street
Hamilton, N.J. 08610
Bulletin # 911176
Weekend of April 2, 2006
Contact Usha @ Ph#609-585-7049
Or Fax#609-585-5876
With any inquiries.
Thank you.
Please note- [4] four inserts to follow. Please
print back to back.
Thanks, Usha
Page 1
Sunday April 5th 2006
Fifth Sunday of Lent
Together, we pray for the sick, the hospice,
hospitalized and homebound of our parish:
Monday, April 3, 2006
7:30 a.m. - Special Intentions-Blessed Mother, Mary
William J. Walsh Sr., Wife & Family
7:00 p.m. - Rosary Altar Society
Tuesday, April 4, 2006 7:30 a.m. - Olin A. Storch, M/M Robert D. Foley
7:00 p.m. - Michael Szymanski, Gertrude Lawton
Wednesday, April 5, 2006
7:30 a.m. - Bernard Dzbenski, Holy Name Society
- Marie Clendening, M/M Howard Bolton
7:00 p.m. - Viola D. Mihalyi, Edith Franko
Thursday, April 6, 2006
7:30 a.m. - Veronica Maziarz, Lou & Eileen Papp
7:00 p.m. - Peter Murphy, The Southard Family
Friday, April 7, 2006 [First Friday]
7:30 a.m. - Marie Sinatra Barber, Corri Wyragh & Linda
- Mary Raymond, M/M Al Fallone
9:00 a.m. - Mass with the School Children
7:00 p.m. - Jeffrey Koba, Mom & Dad [Stations]
Saturday, April 8th, 2006 [Vigil:Palm Sunday]
8:00 a.m. - Clifford Provost, Christine & John Zaggi
Keith Derrico, Gail & Gary Turner
5:00 p.m. - Joseph Lee Goettler, Family [SR]
Sunday, April 9th, 2006
[Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion ]
7:30 a.m. - Celia Altobelli, Chester Monti [SR]
8:30 a.m. - Floyd Cimino, Wilma Cimino [HA]
9:30 a.m. - Gerald Giles, Annie Ritz[SR]
10:30 a.m. - For the People of the Parish, [HA]
11:30 a.m. - Veronica T. Pollack, M/M Ronald Pollack [SR]
5:00 p.m. - Daniel G. Danko, Sr., Family [SR]
Eucharistic Adoration, Mass
and Stations of the Cross
Every Friday, St. Raphael Church
will have Eucharistic Adoration
from 6:00pm to 7:00pm
followed by evening Mass at 7:00pm.
During the Lenten Season, we will have
Stations of the Cross at 11:00am with the school
children [when school is in session]
and also after the 7:00pm Mass.
Every genuine human love is a reflection of
the love that is God himself, to the point where the First
Letter of St. John says: “The man without love has known
nothing of God; for God is Love.”[1 John 4:8].
Pope John Paul II: Words To Live By –
Homily at Central Park, New York City, October 7,1995
Dymphna Agos
August Angioletti
Alice Aquilino
Robert Benson
Whitney Bivens
Fred Bogdan
Michael Bridge
John Cairo
Jean Cairo
John Catana
Carl Catanese
Nicholas Cirillo
Anthony Davis
Joan De Lorenzo
Josephine De Marie
Larry Driver
Jason Dzbenski
Robert Esposito
Anthony Fabrizio
Tony Feldenzer
Loretta Ferri
Helen Finn
Rev. J.C. Garrett
Mary Gusz
John Hartmann
Madison Hernandez
Claire Hofmann
Paul Hohman
Jack Hornyak
Sandy Iglesias
Dana Infantine
Anthony J. Intorelli
Linda Iorio
Jennifer Jimmerson
Fr. Eugene Keenan
Pat Kelly
George Kmetz
Joseph Krawiec
Marie Lee
Page 2
John Margicin
Patti Menichelli
Margaret McBride
Anna Modica
Fred Morelli
Anna Rose Mucci
Jan Niedermaier
Anatoli Gischlar
Robert J. O’Boyle
Albert Paul
Phyllis Pelke
Janet Peterson
Bunny Posner
Elaine Ragano
Regina Procell
Ray Pental
Rocco Ranalli
Evelyn Ranalli
Carl Reinhardt Jr.
Mary & Louis Revesz
Helen Sabo
John Sagui
Paulette Schmitt
Michael Serenelli
Natalie Severino
Matthew Shea
Dorothy Smith
Chris Somma
Concetta Testa
Katie Thomas
Stanley Thompson
Kevin Tucci
Felix Tuccillo Sr.
Patricia Walter
James Widmann
Helen Woloszyn
Madelene Woodrow
Frances Womack
John Zubricky
We pray for the deceased and their families Emma Gomola
Rose Krieg
Anne Rzeminski
Ferdinand Scaccetti
Lord who throughout these forty days, for us did fast and pray...
Music Notes : We welcome all of
Pastor’s Notes
you to consider an invitation to be part
of our music ministry. No experience
necessary...just a love for our Lord and
a desire to praise Him in song! See Lori
after most Masses, or call the rectory
and leave a message.
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Jesus used the image of a wheat grain falling into
the soil and dying in order to yield much fruit (John
12:24) as a striking illustration of the meaning and purpose of his own life and death. In nature, a seed must
give up its life and die in order that new seeds can come
forth; in the life of the Spirit, the same principle applies.
The way of spiritual growth is always life through death.
That is why Jesus spoke of himself as a seed that would
die in order to yield much fruit.
Jesus, participating fully in our human nature,
shared our experiences of suffering and obedience. He
learned obedience through what he suffered (Hebrews
5:8) for he, like us, sometime found it difficult to do the
Father’s will (Luke 22:242-44). Even so, Jesus never
hesitated to put aside his own will, his own desires, in
order to do the will of his Father (John 6:38). Through
Jesus’ complete obedience, even to the point of death, the
Father made him the source of salvation and life to all
who will embrace his pattern of obedience and selfgiving. By freely giving up his human life, Jesus has
brought forth an immense harvest of spiritual life for all
As his followers, we too are called to bring forth
a spiritual harvest. Jesus set aside his own will and submitted instead to the Father’s will; we have to put aside
our own desires and yield our will to Jesus. Even though
God call us to die to ourselves, we must not try to do so in
our own strength. We can never hope to overcome our
self-life and do God’s will through sheer determination
and moral effort. Rather, only God’s grace can overcome
the strength of our self-life.
Jesus, now glorified because of his obedience,
wants to communicate his new life to us- the promised
law of the new covenant which the Spirit will write on our
hearts. If we cry out earnestly to Jesus to reproduce in us
(by his Spirit) his own self-giving and obedience, he will
enable us to let go of our self-centered desires, plans and
ambitions. As we yield our wills to his, Jesus will impart
his life to us, conform us to his own likeness, and help us
to bear a rich harvest.
In Jesus and Mary,
Father Jeff Kegley
The Combined Music Ministry of
St. Raphael-Holy Angels
Cordially invites you to attend a concert entitled
“Journey to the Cross in Sacred Song”
Sunday, April 9th 2006 at 7:00PM
St. Raphael Church
The concert will include seasonal music, hand bells, and
the Adult Vocal Groups. This is a wonderful opportunity to focus on the Passion, Death and Resurrection of
our Lord Jesus through song and prayer as Holy Week
We hope you will join us.
St. Raphael-Holy Angels
Fall 2006 Trip To Italy!
The parish of St. Raphael-Holy Angels is sponsoring
TWO [2] pilgrimage trips to Italy.
September 9-17,2006 includes Rome, Assisi, Sienna and
Florence. November 1-11, 2006 includes Rome, Assisi,
Florence, Padua and Venice.
Call Sister Sandra at the rectory - 609-585-7049
for information and reservations.
St. Raphael-Holy Angels Food Pantry – Please Help!
On Saturday, April 8th, the parish food pantry staff had
planned to distribute Easter holiday meals to our neighbors
who come to us for assistance. As the area food bank was
closed for the week to facilitate its move to a larger facility,
we are in great need of many items to put the meals together.
Please consider donating an item such as potatoes, vegetables, gravy, pie crust mix and filling, juice, canned fruit,
muffin/biscuit mix, etc. You are asked to bring these items
next week when you come to Mass, and place them in one of
the designated bins that are located at the Church entrances.
Also GREATLY NEEDED are perishable items such hams
and/or turkeys to complete the meals. Please do not place
perishable items in the bins as they will spoil; rather,
please bring them directly to the pantry on Wed. evening,
April 5th, from 7pm to 8pm, or on Sat. morning, April 8th,
from 9am to 10am. Monetary donations are also greatly appreciated, and can be placed in the designated boxes located
in St. Raphael Church. With your help, we can make this
happen. God bless you for your generosity!
Page 3
Teach us with you to mourn our sins, and close by you to stay..
Pope to Join Rosary in Memory of
John Paul II
Event to relive last moments of his life.
Pope Benedict XVI will join the rosary that will be
prayed in St. Peter’s Square this Sunday night to commemorate the last moments of Pope John Paul II’s life.
The Polish Pontiff died at 9:37pm on April 2, 2005. Some
60,000 people had gathered in the square that night to
pray the rosary for the dying Pope. Shortly after, at the
end of the Marian prayer, Archbishop Leonardo Sandri,
substitute of the Secretariat of State, announced to the
world that “our Holy father has returned to the Father’s
House”. The crowds, visibly moved, intoned the Salve
Regina followed by prolonged applause. Most of the
faithful knelt down, many with tears in their eyes. These
memories will be relived with the rosary, presided over
by Cardinal Camillo Ruini, the vicar for Rome. Beginning
at 8:30pm, the choir of the Diocese of Rome, directed by
Monsignor Marco Frisina, will accompany the prayer
with Marian songs and the reading of texts of Karol Wojtyla, according to a communiqué issued today by the Vicariate of Rome. “At 9:00pm, the Holy Father, Benedict
XVI, will appear at the window of his study and the Holy
Rosary will be prayed”, it added.During the prayer, passages will be read, taken from John Paul II’s apostolic
letter “Rosarium Virginis Mariae” and other of his magisterial texts.
Around 9:37pm, the time of John Paul’s death, Pope
Benedict XVI will address the faithful present and will
conclude the prayer with the apostolic blessing. On Monday, a Mass marking the first anniversary of John Paul’s
death will be celebrated in St. Peter’s Square. Pope Benedict XVI will preside over that Mass at 5:30pm. That
Mass is being celebrated on Monday since April 2nd this
year falls on a Sunday of Lent, which takes liturgical
precedence. In addition, Pope Benedict XVI will remember his predecessor at a meeting with young people of
Rome, on Thursday, April 6th, in St. Peter’s Square. The
pilgrim Cross from Cologne, Germany, will be received,
in the context of this year’s celebrations of World Youth
Day, which will be held at the diocesan level on Palm
MAY 18, 1920 - APRIL 2, 2005
APRIL 23RD, 2006
10:30 AM MASS
Weekly Collection for Mar. 25th & 26th
1st collection
- $ 16,686.05
School endowment
- $ 2,707.85
Children’s envelopes - $
- $ 19,584.75
Thank you
for your generous contributions to your parish!
All BINGO Participants - In observance of Good Friday
of the Lord’s Passion on Friday April 14th, there will be
NO BINGO in our parish center at St. Raphael.
PARISH RECTORY OFFICE - In celebration of Easter
the Parish Rectory Office will be CLOSED on Good Friday
through Easter Monday. We will re-open on Tuesday, April
18th. Thank you for your understanding. May we use this
season of Lent to prepare ourselves for the great Easter
feast of Eucharist.
BULLETIN ARTICLES - The Easter Edition of our
Church bulletin [weekend of April 16th] is due in to our
publisher by Saturday, April 8th 2006. In kind consideration of this deadline, please submit all your articles for
publishing, no later than Friday, April 7th 2006.You
may send these via Fax# 609-585-5876
E-mail -
or simply drop them off at the rectory office.
We also encourage you to visit our website
to view and keep informed of parish and community events
and to review the weekly bulletins.
Page 4
As you with Satan did contend, and did the vict’ry win...
Parish Events…
CCD - Tuesday, April 4, 2006
Grade 3 - 4:00 PM to 5:00PM
Grades 6 & 7 - 7:00 PM to 8:15 PM
The Holy Name Society– Our next scheduled meeting
will be on Wednesday, April 12th in the parish center.
All men of our parish are encouraged to join us in this
spiritual organization. Our purpose is to love, defend,
praise, honor and evangelize the holy name of Jesus
CCD - Wednesday, April 5, 2006
Grades 1 & 2 - 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Grades 4 & 5 - 7:00 PM to 8:15 PM
CCD - Sunday, April 9, 2006
Kindergarten - 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM
Family Centered Program
[FCP] -Sunday, April 2, 2006 - 9:30 AM to 12:00 Noon
You can reach The Religious Education Office @ 585-3848 from 9am to 12:00noon and 1:00pm to 3:00pm, Monday to Friday.
{ Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults}
This coming Saturday, April 8th, the RCIA Candidates
will experience their Pre-Triduum Retreat. It will be a
major preparation time for those who will be receiving
their Sacraments at the Easter Vigil. It will be presented
by the RCIA Team and will be held at the St. Raphael Holy Angels Spiritual Center [the former convent] beginning at 12:30PM. Topics include: The Rosary; Forms of
Prayer; Guided Prayer & Meditation; Choosing a Confirmation name; Practice for receiving Communion; and
Preparation for & receiving of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. At the conclusion of the Retreat, everyone will
attend the 5:00PM Mass together. Please
continue to pray for our friends who will be
joining our faith Community at the Great
Vigil of Easter! We thank them for their
faithfulness and for the example of commitment they have shown to us.
The Elderberry Club– Our next meeting will be on
Wednesday, April 5th 2006.All reservations for the
Spring Luncheon on Wed. April 19th must be turned at
this meeting.
On April 24th, we will be going to the Renault Winery for
lunch. After lunch we leave for Harrah’s Casino. The cost
of the trip is $39.00pp and you receive $20.00 back from
Harrah’s Casino.
Also, on May 4th, we will be going to Hunterdon Hills
Playhouse for lunch and the show “Born Yesterday”. Cost
of this trip is $60.00pp.
If you are interested in either of these two trips, please
call 585-6842 or 585-6035.
The Rosary-Altar Society– Our next meeting will be on
Monday, April 3rd. As usual, we will begin praying the
Holy Rosary at 6:40pm followed by Mass at 7:00pm.All
women of the parish are encouraged to participate in this
spiritual organization dedicated to offering praise and
honor to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Please join us!
S’elahsong Music Ministry - We are seeking a talented
lead guitarist and a versatile keyboard player to join our
ministry. Interested? Call Ed Parma at 609-915-3502 or
e-mail him at
We are also planning a Medjugorje Pilgrimage from August 10-20,2006. Call Jeff Reil at 609-890-0287 or e-mail
him at
Social Concerns: Mercer County Geriatric CenterOur Easter Bingo for the residents will be held on Tuesday, April 11th 2006. Meet on the second floor of the center [Hamilton Ave. near the intersection of Klockner Rd]
at 6:15pm. We will be finished around 8:00pm. Lots of
VOLUNTEERS [including our wonderful students] are
always needed and appreciated. Please call Kathy Wooley
at 585-4307 if you would like more information.
St. Raphael-Holy Angels Women’s Retreat– MARK
YOUR CALENDARS! Our next retreat will be held next
year on the weekend of April 27-29,2007. Plan now to put
that time aside for the wonderful experiences of retreat
with other women from our parish Faith Community.
Gennesaret, a retreat experience for the seriously ill–
Have you ever wanted to make a retreat, but have been
unable to because of illness or disability? Consider the
Gennesaret Retreat at the Vincentian Renewal Center in
Princeton on the campus of St. Joseph Seminary. It is free
of charge and will be held on May 19,20&21, 2006.For
more information call:
Hilare Reinold[732-566-7237] or
Mary Lou Merrritt[732-290-9248]
Page 5
O give us strength in you to fight, in you to conquer sin...
Each year, the Church gives to us the gift of Lent, a season of grace and humility with many opportunities
to grow stronger and closer in faith and with our Lord. It is a time to re-examine our lives and seek ways in which we
can be spiritually renewed, looking always to God for guidance and His bountiful mercy.
Our Catholic Catechism invites us to learn of and prayerfully observe The Five Precepts of the Church :
1] To attend Mass on Sundays and on Holy Days of Obligation and rest from servile labor.
2] To confess your sins at least once a year.
3] To receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist at least once a year, during the Easter season.
4] To observe the days of fasting and abstinence established by the Church.
5] To help to provide for the needs of the Church.
Pray that we will all come together as a parish of God’s people to grow in strength of virtue during this Holy Season.
April, 13 2006
Morning Prayer - 9:00 am @ St. Raphael Church
Mass of the Lord’s Supper - 7:00 pm @ St. Raphael Church
Adoration until midnight
April, 14 2006
Morning Prayer - 9:00 am @ St. Raphael Church
The Passion of our Lord - 3:00 pm @ Holy Angels Church
And 7:00 pm @ St. Raphael Church
April , 15 2006
Morning prayer and blessing of the Easter food - 9:00 am
@ St. Raphael Church & Holy Angels Church
8:00 PM @ St. Raphael Church
April, 16 2006
Mass @ 7:30am, 9:30am and 11:30am @ St. Raphael Church
Mass @ 8:30am and 10:30am @ Holy Angels Church
Please note: No evening Mass on Easter Sunday
Page 6
As you did hunger bear and thirst, so teach us gracious Lord...
St. Raphael’s Lucky Number Calendar winning numbers
Week ending Saturday, April 01, 2006
Date of Winning Number
Winning Number
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Monday, March 27, 2006
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Friday, March 31, 2006
Saturday, April 1, 2006
April 7th
April 13th
April 14th
April 17th-21st
12:30 Dismissal
12:30 Dismissal
No School - Good Friday
No School - Easter Vacation
St. Raphael School PTA is holding our bi-annual used
clothing drive. We are collecting all wearable clothing
[Men’s, Women’s, and Children’s], shoes, and accessories [Handbags, Belts, Scarves, Ties and Hats], also soft
household items [Bedding, Curtains, Tablecloths, Towels], and stuffed animals. Please drop off these items [in
bags] at the front of St. Raphael School, 151 Gropp Ave.,
Hamilton, NJ, on Saturday May 20, 2006 from 8:00am to
11:00am. The American Used Clothing Corporation will
then pick them up. Our school will earn 10 cents per
pound. If you have any questions, you may call Karen
Arizini at 609-265-2775. On behalf of our school staff,
students and faculty, we thank you for your kind support.
St. Raphael School Computer Camp
FRIDAY, APRIL 28TH,2006 - 7:05PM
The student selling the most tickets will throw out the first
pitch of the game. The second and third highest student seller
will attend batting practice with the Thunder Team in October
of 2006.Tickets are $9.00 each. Reserve yours now as they are
going very fast! Any questions, call Karen Elliott at 585-0642.
Return the order form below, with payment, to the rectory
marked PTA. Ticket pick-up after all Masses on April 22&23–
All Purpose Room [checks payable to St.Raphael School PTA].
NAME: ________________________________________
# OF TKTS:___________CASH_____ CHECK_______
Are you looking for something to do
this summer ? Do you want to have fun ?
Then you want to be at the
St. Raphael Computer Camp !
Activities include Fun Fridays in a great game room, and
trips. In addition every camper gets a free tee shirt.
Classes are held in a safe and air conditioned environment. A registration fee of $30.00 is due by April 28th.
The camp also offers before care from 7am to 9am and
after care from 2pm to 5pm everyday. Camp dates are
from July 3rd through August 11th and camp hours are
9am to 2pm.
For an application call Ms. Sandra Poole @ 585-4155.
2ND ANNUAL GOLF OUTING - May 19th, 2006
St. Raphael-Holy Angels Parish
Sports Association
We are pleased to announce the opening of our annual
Fundamentals are the Key basketball camp to be held in
the gym at the St. Raphael campus. The camp will run
for five separate weeks, June 19-23, June 26-30, July 3-7
(except the 4th of July), July 10-13 and July 17-21, from 9
am to 3 pm (plus free before and after care). This program
is open to boys and girls in grades 2-8 and will feature
clinics by Ewing HS coaching legend Emil Wandishin
and Nottingham High’s Nate Webber & Mike Kelliher. For more information and a brochure, contact
Vince Peroni, Parish Athletic Director, at 585-5479.
Registration - 7:30AM
Shotgun Start - 9:00AM
At Cream Ridge Golf Club, Cream Ridge, N.J.
Entry Fee - $110.00 per golfer includes 18 Holes of Golf,
Continental Breakfast, Cart, Tee Gift Package, Lunch,
Cocktails, Dinner, Awards and Door Prizes.
Important: Deadline for entry-April 7th . Return form below with payment to the school, 151 Gropp Ave. Trenton, NJ
Att”n: Hope Costa. For more information call Hope at
609-581-8926 or 609-585-7733.
Page 7
I will attend. Enclosed is my check of $110.00
I am unable to play golf but I will support this event...
Attend dinner for $50.00 at Cream Ridge Green’s Café
Be a hole sponsor for $100.00 - Name on hole sign.
To die to self and always live by your most holy word...
Community Events...
Divine Mercy Parish, 201 Adeline Street Trenton, New Jersey 08611
NOVENA OF PREPARATION - April, 14 – April, 23, 2006
Fri., April 14
3:00 PM
– Passion Service, Prayer & Chaplet
7:00 PM
– Stations of the Cross, Prayer &
Chaplet (Polish)
Sat., April 15
7:00 PM
– Solemn Easter Vigil, Prayer only
Sun., April 16
7:00 AM
– Holy Cross Church, Mass, Prayer only
8:30 AM
– St. Stanislaus Church, Mass, Prayer only
9:00 AM
– SS Peter & Paul Church, Mass, Prayer only
10:15 AM
– Holy Cross Church, Mass, Prayer only
12:30 PM
– Holy Cross Church, Mass, Prayer only (Polish)
Mon., April 17
7:00 PM
– Mass, Prayer & Chaplet
Tues., April 18
7:00 PM
– Mass, Prayer & Chaplet
Wed., April 19
7:00 PM
– Mass, Prayer & Chaplet
Thurs., April 20
7:00 PM
– Mass, Prayer & Chaplet
Fri., April 21
7:00 PM
– Mass, Prayer & Chaplet (English & Polish)
Sacrament of Reconciliation (confessions) to follow
Sat., April 22
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament after the 8:00 AM Mass
4:30 PM
– Mass, Prayer only
Sun., April 23
2:00 PM
– Divine Mercy Service
3:00 PM
– Mass and Eucharistic Procession
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament after the 10:15 AM Mass – Holy Cross Church
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament throughout the afternoon.2:00 PM – Stations of the Cross, Rosary, Chaplet & Prayer
3:00 PM – Mass and Eucharistic Procession. The relic of St. Faustina will be venerated by the faithful after all Masses.
Diocesan Charity & Justice Convocation
Saturday, April 29,2006
9:00am to 4:00pm
Holy innocents Parish, Neptune, NJ
For more information call 609-394-5184
Ext 162 and leave a mailing address on the
voice mail. To receive a brochure, send an
e-mail to with
“CJC Brochure” on the subject line.
Fr. Martin H. Padovani
Presents [2]Bestsellers!
“Healing Wounded Relationships” and
“Healing Wounded Emotions”
Is a priest member involved in pastoral work with
the Divine Word Missionaries. He is a therapist
specializing in individual, marriage, and family
therapy and is in demand as a speaker on various
topics related to religion and phychology. For book
order information call 1-800-321-0411.
Pastoral Skills Seminar For Parish Leaders
All who minister in the Diocese of Trenton are warmly welcome to attend a series of sessions designed to empower the
skills of all who are involved in pastoral ministry. The schedule for this program is as follows:
Wednesday, April 26th 2006
Addiction: What Every Minister Needs to Know
Wednesday, May 24th 2006
Collaboration in Ministry: The Body of Christ at Work
Saturday, June 24th 2006
Boundaries: Safeguarding Life
Wednesday, July 19th 2006
Family Systems, Parish Systems: Honoring the Whole
Wednesday, August 9th 2006
The Self of the Minister: Sharpening the Saw
Saturday, September 23rd 2006
Boundaries: Safeguarding the Life of the Minister and the Ministry
Saturday, November 4th 2006
Power and Powerlessness: Being Rooted in Clarity
The seminar is sponsored by the Office of Parish Life and there is no cost to attend. All sessions are held in the Pastoral Center from 9:30am to 2:00pm. If you plan to attend, please register one week prior to the session date by calling
609-406-7400 ext. 5605. Please bring a brown bag lunch and we look forward to seeing many of you there!
Page 8
And through these days of penitence, and through your Passion tide...
Teen and Young Adult Events...
Are you are a teen or young adult with instrumental or vocal talents driven by a genuine
desire to serve God through song? If so, contact Rob MacReynolds or see him in
person after the music Mass @ 5 pm on Sundays with the card below.
ph: (732) 685 -7944
NAME: _____________________________________________
PHONE NUMBER: ____________________
AGE: _________________
FAMILY E-MAIL: ________________________
detach and return
INSTRUMENT(S) PLAYED: ___________________________
HOW LONG? ____________
HOW LONG? ____________
Are you a Catholic, single woman between the ages of 18 39? Do you think that God may be calling you to a religious vocation? If you are interested, or even just a little
curious to know more about religious life, then
“One Week A Shepherd”
may be just the program for you. Come see what it is like
to be a Good Shepherd Sister for one week. This program
will run from May 28th to June 2nd, 2006 in Wickatunk,
New Jersey. This is the third year that this retreat is being
offered and is truly a mission experience for women seeking interest in religious life. For additional information you
may contact Sr. Debbie Drago at 732-946-0515 or . You may also visit the web site at Deadline for application is
May 5th, 2006.
Page 9
For evermore in life and death, O Lord with us abide...
Monday, April 3, 2006
Tuesday, April 4, 2006
Grade 3
4:00PM - 5:00PM
Grade 6&7
7:00PM - 8:15PM
Heaven’s Echo
Grades 6-12
5:30PM - 6:45PM
Adult Recreational Volleyball
Parish Gym
7:30PM - 9:30PM
Contemporary Ensemble
St. Raphael’s
7:45PM - 9:15PM
SR Parish Center.
Wednesday, April 5, 2006
Grades 1&2
4:00PM - 5:00PM
Grades 4&5
7:00PM - 8:15PM
Cool Kidz for God
Grades 2-5
5:30PM - 6:45PM
Thursday, April 6, 2006
Afternoon Bells
St. Raphael’s
2:30PM - 3:45PM
Evening Bells
St. Raphael’s
5:30PM - 6:45PM
St. Raphael Adult Choir, Holy Angels “Voices As One”& “Angels of Faith”
7:30PM - 9:30PM [Combined Rehearsal]
Charismatic Prayer Meeting
St. Raphael’s
Friday, April 7, 2006
Lucky Number Drawing
SR Parish Center.
Saturday, April 8, 2006
SR Spiritual Ctr/ Field
11:30AM - 1:00PM
Young Adult Ministry [Catholic Underground] St. Vincent DePaul Church 7:30PM
Adult RCIA - Retreat
St. Raphael
12:30PM [Convent]
Reach Out Saturday
St. Raphael
9:00AM - 11:00AM
Sunday, April 9, 2006
9:30AM - 10:30AM
Altar Candles this week…
St. Raphael-Holy Angels
Prayer Line
For St Raphael Church
In Memory of Aldachiso & Bernadina Pontani
and Tomasso & Maria
Req. by The Costantini Family
For Holy Angels Church
In Memory of Joyce Ellen Pullman
Req. by Family
If you are in need of prayer, call
Please continue to reserve your candle offerings for
Holy Angels Church in memory of your loved ones.
All candle offerings for St. Raphael Church
have already been reserved.
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