LaserCom Cover Sheet St. Mary - 513345 (661) 947-3306 Rocky Aranda St. Mary’s Catholic Church 1600 East Avenue R-4, Palmdale, CA 93550 Tel. 661-947-3306 • Fax 661-947-8687 Parish Office Hours Monday: 1:00PM-7:30PM, Tuesday-Friday: 8:00AM-12:00 noon, 1:00PM-7:30PM, Saturday: 8:00AM-12:00 noon, 1:00-3:00PM Pastor: Monsignor Stephen Downes Associate: Fr. Ed Garcia Associate: Fr. Dennis Nobleza Associate: Fr. Loji Pilones In Residence: Fr. Tomas White Deacon: Elvys Perez St. Mary’s School 273-5555 Office of Religious Education 273-5554, FAX: 273-5525 Office Hours: Monday-Friday 7:30 AM-3:00PM Office Hours: Mon-Wed: 1PM-7:30PM, Thursday: 8AM-4PM Summer schedule from June-August, see inside Bulletin Youth Ministry/Confirmation 273-5554 ext.222 Sunday Mass Schedule/Horario de Misa Saturday Evening Vigil: 5:30 PM Sunday: 7:00 AM, 8:30 AM, 10:30 AM, 5:30 PM Misas en Español: Sabado 7:30 PM Domingo 12:30 Mediodia y 2:30 PM Confessions/Confesiones Saturday 3:30PM - 5:00PM & 6:30PM until 6:45PM Sabado 3:30 PM-5:00 PM y 6:30 PM hasta las 6:45 PM ———————————————– Weekday Masses/Misa Durante la Semana Devotions/Devociones Monday Through Friday: 6:30 AM and 8:30 AM Saturday: 8:30 AM Morning Prayer 8:15 before 8:30 AM Mass Adoration/Adoración: Wed. 6 PM-7 PM Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena: Wed. 7 PM Miraculous Medal Novena: Monday, 6:00 PM Rosary: after the 6:30 AM & 8:30 AM daily Mass Right to Life Rosary: Friday 12:00 noon Cenacle of Prayer for Vocations: Monday 5PM—6PM Holy Days /Dias Santos Vigil Mass~7:30 PM (English)~Vigilia Misa Ingles 6:30 AM, 8:30 AM, 6:30 PM are all in English and 7:45 PM (Spanish) Lake Los Angeles Mission At Lake Los Angeles School 16310 East Avenue Q Contact Karen Bateman: 274-2272 Sunday Mass: 8:30 AM (Bilingual) Our Lady of the Desert Mission 35647 87th St. East Littlerock, CA 93543 Contact: 944-1406 Sunday Mass: 8:30 AM (Español) 10:30 AM (English) Adoration/Confession: Fri./Viernes: 7-8 PM Acton Mission At High Desert Jr. High School 3620 Antelope Woods Road Contact: Irene Mullins 818-439-3960 Sunday Mass 8:30 AM (English) Page 2 St. Mary’s Catholic Church Un Mensaje De Nuestro Pastor, A MESSAGE FROM OUR PASTOR, FATHER STEVE PADRE STEVE (Rev. Monsignor Stephen N. Downes, Pastor) Today is Good Shepherd Sunday and the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. In the Gospel we hear Jesus speak of his caring for each person. He knows them, they follow him and he gives them eternal life. At the end of the Second Reading from the Book of Revelation we hear how God will lead his people to everywhere. Today we pray that each and every one will hear the voice of Jesus the Good Shepherd and follow in the path he leads us. We especially need gerous men to step forward and serve as priests in our Archdiocese. May God help us to know and live out our vocation as priest, brother, sister, deacon, lay man or lay woman so we can be filled with joy and the Holy Spirit in bringing God’s love and goodness to others. • • • • • • • † We welcome our Palmdale Knights of Columbus to the 10:30 AM Mass this Sunday. The Knights are dedicated to loving God and our Church and our nation. Second Year Confirmation Candidates and their Sponsors will celebrate the Rite of Acceptance for Confirmation at 5:30 PM this Sunday evening. We look forward to the celebration of their Confirmation on Saturday, May 19th. An important meeting for all leaders and volunteers involved in the Capital Campaign, “A Time to Build”, will take place this Tuesday, May. 1st, at 7:30 PM. The Children of the parish are celebrating their First holy Communion at this time. We ask your prayers for the children and their families. New statues of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus will be placed in our Church this week. The statues are visual reminders and help in our prayer to Mary during May, the month of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and of God’s love for us in the Sacred Heart of Jesus. In preparation for the building of the new Parish Hall, meeting rooms and Parish Offices, the demolition of the Old Church has begun. The stained glass windows have been removed and placed in storage-many will be on display in the New Hall. More information will be found in today’s bulletin. All are invited to join in filling the Rose Bowl in Pasadena on Saturday, May 19th from 6 - 9PM to pray the timeless prayer of the Rosary for peace in our world and for the strength and unity of families everywhere. St. Mary’s will provide a bus to take parishioners to the Rosary Bowl on May 19th. Please call the Parish Office as the deadline for reservations is May 1st. Scripture Readings for next Sunday (the Fifth Sunday of Easter) will be: Acts of the Apostles 14:21-27; Revelation 21:1-5; John 13:31-33, 34-35 (Rev, Monsignor Stephen N. Downes, Pastor) Hoy es el Domingo del Buen Pastor y el Día Mundial de Oración por las Vocaciones. En el Evangelio es cuchamos a Jesús hablar de su cuidado por cada persona. É los conoce, ellos le siguen y Él les da vida eterna. AL final de la Segunda Lectura, tomada del libro del Apocalipsis, escuchamos cómo Dios conduce a su Pueblo a las “fuentes del agua de la vida… y enjugará de sus ojos toda lágrima…” Dios llama a los hombres y mujeres, gente como Pablo y Bernabé, ustedes y yo, para llevar su amor y su esperanza a la gente en todas partes. Hoy oramos para que todos y cada uno escuchemos la voz de Jesús el Buen Pastor y lo sigamos por el camino que Él nos muestra. Necesitamos especialmente hombres que den un paso al frente y decidan servir como Sacerdotes en nuestra Arquidiócesis. Que Dios nos ayude a descubrir y vivir nuestra vocación como Sacerdotes, Hermanos Religosos, Hermanas Religiosas, Diáconos, Laicos comprometidos. De esta manera seremos colmados de gozo y del Espíritu Santo, y llevaremos el amor y la bondad de Dios a los demás. • • • • • • Damos la bienvenida a nuestros Caballeros de Colón de Palmdale, este Domingo en la Misa de 10:30 AM. Ellos están comprometidos a amar a Dios,a nuesta Iglesia y a nuetra nación. Los Candidatos del Segundo Año de Confirmación y sus padrinos celebrarán el Rito de Aceptación para este Sacramento este Domingo a las 5:30 PM. Esperamos con gozo el 19 de mayo en que celebrarán su Confirmación. El martes 1º de mayo a las 7:30 PM se celebrará una reunión con todos los líderes y voluntarios que han ayudado en la Campaña Capital “ Es Tiempo de Construir”. Los niños de la Parroquia están celebrando el Sacramento de su Primera Comunión en este tiempo del año. Les pedimos que recen por ellos y sus familias. Esta semana se colocarán en la Iglesia las estatuas nuevas de la Santísima Virgen María y del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús. Estas imágenes son recordatorios vivos para nosotros, que nos ayudan a dirigir nuestra oración . A María, como nuestra Madre amorosa en el mes de mayo, que la Iglesia dedica a honrarla y el amor de Dios manifestado a nosotros en el Sagrado Corazón de Jesús. Como preparación para la construcción del nuevo Salón Parroquial, salones para reunions y oficinas parroquiales, ha comenza do ya la demolición de la Iglesia antigüa. Los vitrales con imágenes religiosas serán removidos y guarados, muchos de ellos serán puestos en exhibición en el Salón Parroquial. Encontrará más información en el boletín parroquial de hoy. • Todos están invitados a asisir al Rosario en el Tazón de las Rosas en Pasadena, el sábado 19 de mayo, de 6:00 a 9:00 PM. Para meditar en esta oración de siempre por la paz en nuestro mundo y por la fuerza y unidad en las familias en todas partes. Santa María tendrá disponible un autobus para llevar a todos los que quieran ir al Rosario de las Rosas. Por favor llamen a la oficina de la Parroquia para hacer sus reservaciones el día 1º de mayo que es el ultimo día. † Las Lecturas de la Sagrada Escritura para el próximo Domingo ( V Domingo de Pascua) serán: Hechos de los Apóstoles 14: 21-27; Apocalipsis 21: 1-5; Juan 13: 31-33, 3435. Fourth Sunday of Easter Page 3 NOTES ON A NEW PARISH HALL NOTAS SOBRE EL NUEVO SALON PARROQUIAL The Archdiocese of Los Angeles has signed the construction contract for the new Parish Hall, meeting rooms and parish offices. Work has already begun in preparation for the demolition of the old Church. Next week we hope to have the calendar of construction activities and the date of completion of the new buildings (possibly in February or March, 2008). The Archdiocese expects our parish to repay the loans for all the construction – of $13 million. Your faithful and generous fulfillment of your pledge to the Capital Campaigns of 2003 and 2005 is all important. This is your parish. The parish must pay its bills and meet its debts. Your generous giving helps our parish grow and serve the Lord and all people. (Some doors, ceiling fans, light fixtures, etc., from the Old Church are now available for sale to anyone interested. Please call Rocky at the Parish Office at 947-3306 as soon as possible.) La Arquidiócesis de Los Angeles ha firmado el contrato de construcción del nuevo Salón Parroquial, salones para conferencias y oficinas parroquiales. El trabajo de preparación para la demolición de la Iglesia antigüa ha comenzado. Esperamos tener un calendario de actividades de la terminación de nuestros nuevos edificios la próxima semana, (que suponemos que sea posible para febrero o marzo del 2008). La Arquidiócesis espera que nuestra Parroquia haga los pagos de los préstamos para toda la construcción – de $ 13 millones. El fiel y generoso cumplimiento de su promesa hecha a la Campaña Capital de 20032005 es sumamente importante. Esta es su Parroquia. La Parroquia tiene qué pagar los recibos y las deudas. Su generoso regalo ayuda a nuestra Parroquia a crecer y servir al Señor y a su pueblo. Algunas puertas, ventiladores de techo, lámparas de la Iglesia antigüa están a la venta, por si alguien está interesado en comprarlos, por favor llamen a Roquel Aranda a la oficina parroquial al 947-3306, lo más pronto posible. . IS THE LORD CALLING YOU? Could the Lord be calling you to the Priesthood? The need for priests in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles is great. Our Archdiocese has 287 parishes and 350 active Archdiocesan priests (a third between the ages of 65-75). We ask for prayers that God may call more men to serve our Archdiocese in the ministerial priesthood. We pray for men who are generous in their service, willing to offer their lives and all their gifts for God’s greater glory and for the good of God’s people. Anyone interested? Please call a priest of the parish at 947-3306. To the Sacred Heart of Jesus Compassionate heart of Jesus, graciously listen to our prayers. We ask of you a great grace for the Church and the Salvation of Souls: send us holy priests! Looking at the tired and weary crowd, that were like sheep without a shepherd, you said; “The harvest is abundant but the laborers to his harvest.” You are the harvest master, you are the mystical gardener who sanctifies the vineyard with your blood. You have formed the Church like a blooming field wherein you gather the flowers of holy virtues and the fruits of good works. Gentle Jesus, you hunger and thirst for souls but your heart is saddened by the lack of good laborers. People remain in the darkness of sin, many are lost; children and the youngsters cry for need of Laborers who will save them and lead them to you. For this we pray: Send, O lord, holy priests to the Church and to the whole world. Amen. St. Mary’s School (661) 273-5555 First Communion for our Second Graders We wish our second graders the best as they prepare for their First Holy Communion to be held at our church on May 5, 2007 at 2:00 pm. Let us pray for our students, their parents, and families that they will continue to be guided and blessed as they take this big step in their lives. Congratulations Pack #693 Congratulations to our cub scouts, boy scouts and leaders of pack #693 for placing Third overall in the Antelope Valley 2007 Annual Camperee. Pack #693, which is sponsored by St. Mary’s, won several #1 events. We are proud of this accomplishment! School Registration for Kindergarten through 8th Grade Applications are available for the 2007/2008 school year. There is a $15.00 application fee at the time you pick up your application. When applying for St. Mary’s Kindergarten program, children must be 5 years old by December 1, 2007 and are encouraged to be 5 years of age by September 1, 2007. You may pick up the application between the hours of 8:30 am and 3:30 pm. For more information, please call the school office at (661) 273-5555. Fourth Domingo de Pascua Page 4 SUNDAY June 3rd, 11am-6pm St. Mary’s Parish Picnic (at school grounds) DOMINGO 3 de Junio 11 am-6 pm Sta. María Picnic Parroquial (en la sala de recreo de la escuela) Games for Children & Adult Entertain- Juegos para los niños y Entretenimiento ment, (Fearon-O’Connor Irish Dance, St. Mary’s School, Lady Latina Girls, Dolores Craig Dance Studio, St. Mary’s Fil-Am Youth Dance Group, Our Lady of Peace Folklórico, Park Ranger Dave Numer) para los Adultos, (Fearon-O’connor Danza Irlandes, Escuela de Sta. María, Lady Latina Girls, Danza del Estudio Dolores Craig, Grupo Danza Jovenil Fil-Am, Folklórico Nuestra Sra. de Paz, Guarda Bosque Dave Numer) Clown, Balloon Artist, Free Balloons, Free Face Painting, Piñatas, Ping-pong, gold fish toss, Raffle, prizes, & much more! GREAT FOOD!!! Birria, Churros, Corn on the cob, cotton candy, Hamburger, Hotdog, Nachos, Popcorn, Tostadas, Pupusas, SNO-Cones, Tacos, Tamales, Egg Roll, adobo, pancit (Noodle), Pork, BarB-Q, Soda & Budweiser beer!! $1.00 Parish Raffl e Ticket! Prizes st nd 1 - $1,000.00 2 - $500.00 rd 3 - $250.00 (Drawing at end of Parish Picnic at 6:00pm. Winners need not be present) Parish Picnic Meeting will be held this coming Thursday May 3, 2007 Rm#6 at 7:30 pm. Everyone welcome to attend our agenda, final food both assignments for various ministries participating. This will be our second general meeting in organizing this event. ¡Payasos, Artista de Globos, globos gratis, pintura facial infantil gratis, Piñatas, rifa y premios y mucho mas! ¡Comida Sabrosa! Birria, Churros, Elotes, algodon, Hamburgesas, Hot dogs, Nachos, Palomitas, Tostadas, Pupusas, elados, Tacos, Tamales, Egg Roll, Adobo, Pancit, Lechon, B. Q. Sodas Y cerveza Budweiser!! $ 1.00 por Boleto de la Rifa Premios 1er - $1,000.00 2do - $500.00 3er - $250.00 (los ganadores de la rifa seran selecionados al fin del picnic , los ganadores no tienen que estar presentes) A p r i l 29, 2007 The Rosary Bowl: Save the date A World at Prayer is a World at peace: A Rosary Celebration will be held on Saturday evening, May 19, 2007 at the Rose Bowl. A collaborative venture of the archdiocese of Los Angeles and Servant of God Father Patrick Peyton’s Holy Cross Family Ministries, The Rosary Bowl, a multicultural celebration, will be an evening of prayer & music. Also, there is some seating available for the disabled. St. Mary’s will arrange for a bus to take parishioners to the Rose Bowl. Please come to the Parish office to sign-up & pay $20, which includes transportation and a sandwich lunch. The deadline is May 1st. Page 5 ALTAR SERVERS We will meet Friday, May 4th meeting in the Church at 7PM. All altar servers English & Spanish please come. ATTENTION LADIES Its time to start preparing for the Annual Silent Retreat. The Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart (of Los Angeles) have reserved the weekend of May 4, 5, & 6 for our parish. For more information or reservation call Emelda Smith (661) 533-9561 or Betty Wirick (661) 273-2660 MAGNIFICAT (Catholic Women Ministry) El Tazón Del Rosario: Aparte la fecha Un mundo en oración es un mundo en paz: una celebración del Rosario se llevará a cabo la tarde del sábado 19 de mayo de 2007, 6-9 p.m., en el Rose Bowl. El Tazón del Rosario, evento que se llevará a cabo gracias a la colaboración entre la Arquidiocesis de Los Angeles y Holy Cross Family Ministries (fundada por el Siervo de Dios P, Patrick Peyton), sera una celebración multicultural acompañada de música y oración. Habra algunos asientos para las personas disabilitadas. Nuestra Iglesia de Santa María organizo un autobus para los parroquianos que gustan de acompañarnos al Rose Bowl de Pasadena. Es importante ir a la oficina parroquial dar su donative para reservaciones, el ultimo dia es el (1 de Mayo). El costo es $20 que incluye el transporte y almuerzo de sandwich. There will be a meeting to determine interest in forming an Antelope Valley chapter of Magnificat. The meeting will be held at Blessed Juniper Serra Parish Center, Tuesday, May 1, 2007 Room 6 at 10 AM. All women are welcome to attend & please pray so our Lord may guide us to serve where he wishes us to serve. For more information please call Rita 661-943-6402 Jeannie 661-9435424 Daphne 661-943-9869 or Page 6 Fourth Sunday of Easter IMPORTANT INFORMATION Office Schedule for Thursdays May 3, 10, 17 & 31 will be from 1 - 3:30 PM after 3:30 we will be having 1st Communion Practices. 1. 2. 3. All Children making First Communion before classes end need to continue coming until the week of May 7th, 2007. REGISTRATION FOR RETURNING STUDENTS FOR THE 2007-2008 SCHOOL YEAR WILL BE DURING THE MONTH OF MAY. PARENTS WILL RECEIVE RE-REGISTRATION PAKCETS THE LAST WEEK OF APRIL. REGISTRATION FOR NEW STUDENTS FOR THE 2007-2008 SCHOOL YEAR WILL BE DURING THE MONTH OF JUNE. FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE PICK UP A FLYER LOCATED IN THE VESTIBULE AREA OF THE CHURCH. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. 2. 3. Todos los niños/as que harán su Primera Comunión antes que terminen las clases necesitan seguir viniendo hasta la semana del 7 de Mayo del 2007. REGISTRACIONES PARA ESTUDIANTES QUE REGRESARAN EN 2007-2008 SERAN DURANTE EL MES DE MAYO. LOS PAPAS RECIBIRAN EL PAQUETE DE RE-REGISTRACION LA ULTIMA SEMANA DE ABRIL. REGISTRACIONES PARA NUEVOS ESTUDIANTES PARA EL AÑO 2007-2008 SERAN DURANTE EL MES DE JUNIO. LOS PAPAS RECIBIRAN EL PAQUETE DE RE-REGISTRACION LA ULTIMA SEMANA DE ABRIL. LEARNING MOMENT Our Parish children are preparing to receive the Holy Eucharist for the First Time; this is a learning time for them and for all of us. Here are value practices that we need to remember as our children are watching us do what they are expected to do during Sunday Mass. GENERAL INSTRUCTION OF THE ROMAN MISSAL (GIRM) The general instruction of the Roman Missal (GIRM) is an official document from the Vatican that contains the Theology of Basic Liturgy. The GIRM gives precise instructions in how Mass is celebrated. This is information that YOU as God’s people must do during Mass Silence: Must be observed before Mass starts, after each Bible reading, after the Homily and during Communion until everyone has received it. Common Posture: Must be observed as a sign of unity by all the members of the Christian Community united by the Sacred Liturgy (this means:standing, kneeling, proper seating. # 42) Kneeling: Must be observed after “Holy, Holy, Holy” song and the great “Amen”, of the Eucharist Prayer. Exceptions may apply in special circumstances such as example: 1. where there are no kneelers available such as in our three Parroquial Mission facilities; the Pastor by council petition will then decide the posture appropriate at the Eucharist Prayer. Those who do not kneel must observe a profound bow when the priest genuflects after consecration. 2 . Physical impediment ( health issues or age) Standing: The assembly needs to stand to receive Holy Communion and to remain standing during Communion until all have received it; after communion everyone may sit or kneel down to give thanks in silence. Profound Bow: Needs to be observed during the Creed, or Profession of Faith where we pronounce: “by the power of the Holy Spirit….and became man." The Head Bow: Parishioners need to bow down their heads as a sign of reverence, before receiving the Body of Christ and again before receiving the Blood of Christ. If you cannot receive Communion come with your hands crossed on your chest to receive a blessing. This will show the Priest or Minister that you cannot receive Communion. INSTRUCCIONES GENERALES DEL MISAL ROMANO (GIRM) Este es un Documento official del Vaticano que contiene la Teología básica de la Litúrgia. El GIRM nos da instrucciones precisas de como celebrar la Misa. Esto es lo que TU como pueblo de Dios debes hacer durante la Misa. Silencio: Debe observarse antes de que empiece la Misa, después de cada lectura de la Biblia y de la Homilia y durante la Comunión. Postura Común: Esta debe observarse como un signo de unidad de toda la Comunidad que se unen por medio de la Litúrgia. (Postura común significa Ponerse de pie, arrodillarse, sentarse corectamente, etc. Arrodillarse: Después del canto “Santo, Santo, Santo” y hasta en gran “Amen” de la Oración Eucarística. Excepciones puedan dares bajo circunstancias especiales como: 1. Donde no hay reclinatorios como en nuestras tres Misiones; Donde el Pastor por petición del Concilio decide la postura apropiada durante la Litúrgia Eucarística. Los que no se arrodillan deben hacer una profunda inclinación de la cabeza cuando el Sacerdote hace la genuflección después de la Consagración. 2 . Impedimentos Físicos de salud o edad. De Pie: La asamblea debe permanecer de pie para recibir Comunión y permanecer de pie durante todo el tiempo de Comunión. Después que todos han recibido deben sentarse para dar gracias en silencio. Profunda Inclinación de la Cabeza: Debe observarse durant el Credo o Profesión de Fé cuando pronunciamos las palabras: “Por el poder del Espíritu Santo….y se hizo hombre." Inclinación de la Cabeza: Los fieles deben inclinar la cabeza como signo de reverencia antes de recibir el Cuerpo de Cristo y una vez más al recibir la Sangre de Cristo. Si no puede recibir Comunión, puede recibir una bendición al cruzar sus brazos frente a su pecho le indicará al Sacerdote o Ministro que usted no puede recibir Comunión. A p r i l 29, 2 0 0 7 “Yo te he puesto como luz de los paganos, para que lleves la salvación hasta los últimos rincones de la tierra”. — Hechos 13:47b Page 7 “I have made you a light to the Gentiles, that you may be an instrument of salvation to the ends of the earth.” — Acts St. Mary’s Youth Ministry News T.I.G.H.T. Together In God Helping Teens April Schedule : 29- Youth Mass “People are made to be loved and things are made to be used. That's why there's so much chaos in the world... people are being used and things are being loved". (Anonymous) Tonight let us touch base on Forgiveness. What is easier: to forgive or be forgiven? Let’s see what the Bible says, Society says, and what we’ve done in our lives to make this process happen. Join us tonight in the Conference Center from 6:30– 8:30 p.m.. ***Don’t forget….Youth Mass will be on the 29th of this Month, so please come and show your support! World Youth Day 2008 Australia If you have any interest in joining this 2 week voyage in July of 2008 please call Marisela for further information. 661-273-5554 or email VÉÇy|ÜÅtà|ÉÇ axãá *Please take note that the Sex Education class has been moved to Monday, April 30 from 6-8 p.m. in the Church. Level II– Rite of Acceptance will be at the 5:30 Mass on April 29th!!!! In case you need a reminder Level II: Confirmation Rehearsal is Thurs. May 17 from 6-8. Confirmation is Sat. May 19 at 10:30 a.m. April 28 Vigil Masses 5:30 PM † Grayden Burza 7:30 PM † Rosa Maria Lopez April 29 Fourth Sunday of Easter 7:00 AM † Jose Manuel Hernandez 8:30 AM Bernice Guzman (Healing) 10:30 AM Knights of Columbus Corporate Communion 12:30 PM Olivia & Luis Baca (15th Wedding Anniversary) 2:30 PM Candelario Rodriguez (Birthday) 5:30 PM † Roland Thibault Littlerock 8:30 AM Marta & Teresa Alcaras (Birthday) 10:30 AM Anne Hathaway (Healing) Lake LA 8:30 AM Sister Mary Clare (In Thanksgiving) Acton 8:30 AM † Larry Gilligan Weekly Mass Intentions Mon. April 30 6:30 PM Bernice Guzman (Healing) 8:30 PM † Maria Valdovinos Tue. May 1 6:30 PM Bernice Guzman (Healing) 8:30 PM † Jose Trinidad Ramirez Wed. May 2 6:30 PM Bernice Guzman (Healing) 8:30 PM † James E. Cooksey Thurs. May 3 6:30 PM San Judas Tadeo (Thanksgiving) 8:30 PM Yanina Cholody Fri. May 4 6:30 PM † E. W. Ives Jr. 8:30 PM † Sarah Ellen Butler Sat. May 5 8:30 AM Kathleen Vaughn (Birthday) If you wish to request a Mass, please come to the Parish office at least 3-6 months in advanced. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Si gusta de pedir una Misa, por favor de pedirla con 3-6 meses de anticipación Page 8 A p r i l 29, 2 0 0 7 PARISH MINISTRIES Altar Society Annabelle Farmer 609-2744 meet Mon. at 12PM & Thursday at 9AM to help out with Environment & Art of our church R.C.I.A (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) For information and Inquiry classes please speak to Debbie Castillo at 538-1985. CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP Meet Tuesdays: 7:00 P.M. in the Church. MINISTERIOS PARROQUIALES BAUTISMOS, FUNERALES, UNCIÓN DE LOS ENFERMOS Ó COMUNIÓN PARA LOS ENFERMOS LLAME A LA OFICINA DE LA PARROQUIA 947-3306 CONFIRMACIONES, PRIMER COMUNIONES, EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA llame a la oficina de Educación Religiosa 273-5554. CURSILLOS DE CRISTIANDAD Roberto & Linda Acosta 942-3958. Leader, Celia Cedillo 272-6880. For prayers call Norman at 949-3330. ENFERMOS QUE ESTÁN EN CASA oficina Parroquial 947-3306. ST. MARY’S FILIPINO-AMERICAN COMMUNITY Praying the Rosary in homes every Saturday. For scheduled visitation of the of the Blessed Virgin Mary Statue, call Zeny Bautista 273-3561 & Ross Catalla 2850850 . ROSARY AND MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA In the Church every Monday at 6:00 PM and after 6:30AM Mass. ST. MARY’S CRAFTY SENIORS Meet every other Monday at 9AM in the Conference Center. Call Marshall and Lou Sullivan at 268-1373. ST. MARY’S PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL & ASSEMBLY Usually meet 1st Monday of the month at 7:30 PM Pres.: Tucker Evans 267-0730. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Meets every Wednesday from 9:30-12:00 noon in the Prayer Room. Call to make appt. 947-2257 VOCATIONS TO PRIESTHOOD OR RELIGIOUS LIFE Contact Priests at 947-3306. ALTAR SERVERS Michelle Carrillo: 269-2392 MATRIMONIOS Por cita solamente con 6 meses de anticipación. Se require tomar algunas clases 947-3306. QUINCEAÑERAS Cita con 6 meses de anticipación, María Luna 273-5554 R.I.C.A. RITO DE INISIACIÓN CRISTIANA DE ADULTOS Cesar y Alba Noriega 272-1509 o Blanca Alcantar 265-7510. GRUPO DE ORACIÓN EL BUEN PASTOR Reuniones todos los viernes de 7PM-9:30 PM -Iglesia. Cesar y Alba Noriega 272-1509 Y El Buen Pastor Grupo Juvenil Carismatico: Jose y Elvira Cova 274-4960 los viernes 7pm - en el Salon parroquial. “RENOVACIÓN” Grupo Carismatico y Crecimiento/JESUS MAESTRO de Littlerock: Jueves, 7PM-9PM. Armando & Lucila Rosales: 944-6829. ASOCIACION GUADALUPANA Guadalupe o María Méndez 285-6215. SENIORS DE SANTA MARIA Marshall y Lou Sullivan 268-1373. LEGION DE MARIA Maria Garcia 274-8909. RESPECT LIFE Crisis Pregnancy & Infant Loss etc. 24 Hour Hot-Line: CONCILIO PASTORAL & ASAMBLEA GENERAL La reunión general es el primer lunes de cada mes en el salón Parroquial, 7:30 PM-9 PM. Todos PARISH FACILITIES RESERVATIONS Contact the Parish Office: 947-3306. los ministros tienen que ser representados. Pres.: Tucker Evans 2670730. 942 BABY LEGION OF MARY Meet Mondays at 7:00 PM call Ursula Garcia 2858152. NAIM CONFERENCE Support group for Catholic widows/widowers. Edie 947-8795. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 273-4737 Meetings every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month. Grand Knight: John Nemeth 273-8016. GRUPO CARISMATICO PEREGRINO DEL ROSARIO Y ORACION DE JESUS Reuniones los sábados 7:00 PM. llame Antonio & Margarita Ceron 9473188. GRUPO DE ORACIÓN JESUS EL NAZARENO Reunen en la Iglesia los miercoles a las 7:30 PM. Carmen Melero: 722-2802. SAN VICENTE DE PAUL Cada miercoles de 9:30-12:00 PM en el cuarto de YOUTH MINISTRY COORDINATOR MARISELA DIAZ 273-5554 EX. 222 oración 947-2257. A.V. MINISTRY WITH YOUNG ADULTS Married or single Young Adults 18 to 39. Emily Amado: 946-7808. RESPETO A LA VIDA Embarazos en crisis, llame las 24 horas 942-BABY, ó a Carmen 285-3059. Rosario todos los viernes a las 12 PM, en la Iglesia. CUB SCOUTS Meet Thursdays for boys grades 1st-5th contact Anthony ENCUENTRO MATRIMONIAL ANTONIO & YOLANDA IBARRA 533-9291 Provenza 265-0690. Girl Scouts Bertha Castellanos 860-3026 Cenacle Meets Mondays 5pm - 6pm praying for priestly vocations Billie/ Manalang Servillana at 723-7988. MINISTERIOS HISPANOS Ministros de Eucaristia- Juan & Martha Corona: 265-0533, Ujieres-Julio Y Nancy Ortega 285-2471, Lectores-Maria Lopez: 274-4792, Monaguillos-Ana Ramos Montenegro: 274-0559 Coro~Victor Zacarias: 272-0825 Sociedad del Altar Arlene Duran 947-4464 lunes 12PM y jueves 9AM Llame si gusta de ayudar con la limpieza y arreglos de la Iglesia.
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