F e b r u a r y 8 t h - F i f t h S u n d a y o f O r d i n a r y T i m e St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church “This is the time of fulfillment. The Kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel’” ~ Mark 1:14 It is time to order or renew your Magnificat please see page 8 for more information. Es tiempo de ordenar o renovar su Magnificat por favor consulte la página 8 para obtener más información. 293 H Street, Chula Vista, CA 91910 phone: (619) 427-0230 fax: (619) 427-5786 Web: www.strosecv.com Welcome to St. Rose Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time St. Rose Staff ____________________________ Reverend Luke Jauregui Pastor/ Párroco Rev. Alexander De Paulis Associate Pastor/ Vicario Deacons (619) 427 - 0230 Charlie Frice (Ext. 117) Greg Smyth (Ext. 110) John Gabbard (Ext. 145) Juan Buenrostro (Ext. 556) Gerardo Márquez Hispanic / Deaf Ministry Jeff Saavedra School Principal/ Principal de Escuela (619) 422-1121 Sister Patricia Weldon OSF Josie Advento, Jackie Carmona Religious Education, K - 8th (619) 426-6717 Vincent Dao Confirmation & Youth Ministry (619) 427-0230 Sister Patricia Weldon OSF Denise Jantz Sr. Dolores Social Outreach (619) 427-7637 Rosy Vasquez Marketing & Development (619) 427-0230 Joseph Advento Music Dir. & I.T. Administrator (619) 427-0230 Patti Favela Business Manager (619) 427-0230 Cory Chavez, Adilene Trujillo, Adrianna Ceja-Melvin Office Staff Maggie Reynoso Capital Campaign Manager 2 In the first reading, Job complains to God that his life has come to ruin and he hopes for relief from the burden. In short, he cries out to God that he is overwhelmed wishing that he was dead or that he had never existed. In the story of Job, it is clear that he is a good man who has experienced, unfairly, great trials and loss at the hand of Satan. Job laments in despair of his suffering, which he knows is undeserved. At this point in the story, Job is responding to a friend who explains that if he were to offer supplication and recompense for what he must have done then God would bless him again. Job’s explanation is clear that his suffering is undeserved for he had never lost his loyalty to God, how can he repay what he never took? The story of Job speaks of the many losses and sufferings we experience in our own lives. That is the loss of health due to cancer, heart failure, or a child born with a fatal genetic disorder; or the loss of children due to gang violence or a car wreck can leave parents and family in despair; or very recently the loss of work and the foreclosure of your house all leads a person to question, “What have I done to deserve this?” Often when disaster strikes it is not our fault, which has caused it; but simply the result of evil, which roams an imperfect world looking to test and destroy our faith in God. At these depressive times we will make a choice: either we will be swallowed up by our grief, or we choose the God whom we do not see. Choosing grief provides no answer and gives only darkness and loss of everything. Whereas choosing faith in God provides hope in the resurrection and the glory of eternity. It is because of our faith in the resurrection that we can look at the miracle of Jesus healing Simon’s mother-in-law with great interest. It is here that we see what God provides for us in the sacrament of the “Anointing” for those who are gravely ill. The motherin-law is healed, and then serves the family and guests. In the same way, the Anointing of the sick provides healing in two ways. First, the sacrament at times provides the miracle of physical healing, but not necessarily every time. Physical healing does not always occur because it is rarely effective in the service and promotion of the faith. If our loyalty is dependent on the reception of physical miracles then when God’s response to our request is other than expected our faith fails and dissolves. For that reason, the sacrament of the Anointing is for healing of our soul, rooting out the demons, which devour and destroy our spirit. Those anointed shortly before facing judgment are ensured salvation and mercy for their souls the sacrament has made them whole. Then those who are anointed and are essentially close to God can serve friends, family, and the Church by their prayer. We are never ready to face disaster and loss; however our choice to accept God’s healing grace will raise us on the last day into His divine presence. St. Rose of Lima Church bienvenidos a St. Rose Quinto Domingo de Tiempo Ordinario En la primera lectura, Job se queja con Dios de su vida que se ha convertido en ruinas y espera un alivio a esa pesadumbre. En resumidas cuentas, le clama a Dios diciendo que esta abrumado y desea estar muerto o nunca haber existido. La historia de Job deja claro que el es un buen hombre que ha vivido grandes pruebas y pérdidas injustamente de la mano de Satanás. Job lamenta con desesperación su sufrimiento que sabe que no es merecido. En este punto de la historia, Job está respondiendo a un amigo que le dice que si ofrece suplicas y compensación por lo que ha cometido, Dios lo bendecirá de nuevo. Con la explicación de Job queda claro que no merece su sufrimiento porque nunca ha perdido su lealtad hacia Dios. ¿Cómo puede el compensar por lo que nunca tomó? La historia de Job se refiere a todas las pérdidas y sufrimientos que tenemos en nuestras vidas: la pérdida de la salud debido al cáncer o fallas cardiacas, un bebé que nace con un defecto genético mortal; la pérdida de los hijos debido a la violencia de las pandillas o a un accidente automovilístico deja a los padres y a la familia en desesperación; o en estos tiempos la pérdida del trabajo o el embargo de una casa conduce a la persona a cuestionarse, “Qué he hecho yo para merecer esto?” Muchas veces cuando nos pega el desastre no es por culpa nuestra, sino simplemente es el resultado de la maldad que anda suelta en un mundo imperfecto buscando como poner a prueba y destruir nuestra fe en Dios. En estos momentos deprimentes debemos tomar una decisión: o nos dejamos consumir por nuestro dolor, o escogemos al Dios que no podemos ver. Escoger el dolor no nos conduce a una respuesta y solo nos lleva a la obscuridad y a la pérdida de todo, mientras que escoger la fe en Dios nos proporciona esperanza en la resurrección y la gloria de la eternidad. Es por nuestra fe en la resurrección que vemos con gran interés el milagro que hizo Jesús al sanar a la suegra de Simón. Aquí vemos lo que nos brinda Dios en el sacramento de “Unción” de los gravemente enfermos. La suegra queda curada y se pone a servir a la familia e invitados. De esa misma manera, la unción de enfermos sana de dos maneras. Primero, este sacramento a veces propicia el milagro de una sanación de salud corporal, pero no necesariamente cada vez que se imparte. La sanación corporal no siempre ocurre porque raramente es efectiva para el servicio y promoción de la fe. Si nuestra lealtad depende en la recepción de milagros físicos entonces cuando la respuesta de Dios a nuestras plegarias es otra, nuestra fe falla y se disipa. Por esa razón, el sacramento de unción es para sanar nuestra alma, sacar a los demonios que devoran y destruyen nuestro espíritu. Aquellos que son ungidos poco antes de enfrentarse al juicio final son asegurados la salvación y la misericordia para sus almas. El sacramento los ha hecho completos. Los que han sigo ungidos y están cerca de Dios pueden servir a sus amistades, familia y a la Iglesia con sus oraciones. Nunca estamos listos para enfrentarnos a desastres y pérdidas, pero nuestra decisión de aceptar la gracia sanadora de Dios nos levantará en el último día hacia Su presencia divina. St. Rose of Lima Church As members of Christ’s Body, the Church, we have a share in His prophetic, priestly & kingly mission. “Sharing in His prophetic mission, we come to know Christ and make Him known. Mass Times Weekdays: Monday - Friday 6:15 am & 8 am Thursday: 6:30 p.m. - (Español) Saturday: 7:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. (Vigil) 6:30 p.m. (Español) Sunday: 7:00 a.m., 8:30 a.m. 10:00 am. (sign language) 11:30 a.m. 1:15 p.m. - (Español) 5:00 p.m ______________________________ Eucharistic Adoration Fridays in pastoral center chapel: 8:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Sacraments Baptisms & Weddings Call the Parish Office (619) 427-0230 Reconciliation Saturday: 8-9 am (Or by appointment) OFFICE HOURS Monday 1:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Tuesday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Closed 12:30-1:30 for Lunch) 3 Parish News and Activities Mass Intentions ____________________________ Saturday, February 7th 7:30 am - Maria Prado 5:00 p.m. - Anne Hedderson 6:30 p.m. - Alicia Garcia Sunday, February 8th 7:00 am - Margaret Girffin 8:30 am - Benny Pascua 10:00 am - Pedro Tydingco 11:30 am - Pedro & Veneranda Amog 1:15 pm - Georgina & Jorge Elizalde 5:00 pm - Edward R. Valencia Monday, February 9th 6:15 a.m. - none 8:00 a.m. - Pedro Costo Tuesday, February 10th 6:15 a.m. - Eli Albert 8:00 a.m. - Maria Teresa Madero de Verduzco Wednesday, February 11th 6:15 am - none 8:00 am - none Thursday, February 6th 6:15 am -none 8:00 am - Maria Teresa Madero Verduzco Friday, February 6th 6:15 a.m. - none 8:00 a.m. - none If you would like to offer a Mass for a loved one that has passes away please contact the parish office. 4 Father Luke would like to invite you on a pilgrimage SHROUD OF TURIN & ITALY Turin/ Siena/ Pisa/ Assisi/ Cascia/ Rome Fr. Luke Jauregui, Spiritual Leader April 22 to April 30, 2015 religious education & school Confirmation News Upcoming: Year 2 Classes: February 19th Year 1 Classes: Febrary 12th & 26th Social Services Noticias de Confirmación Here are a few of the locations you will be visiting: *Basilica of Our Lady of Christians *Siena: Cathedral and Duomo and the Basilica of St. Francis *Basilica of St. Dominic $3595.00 Land & Air from San Diego (per person/ double occupancy) Additional Information or brouchers: Best Catholic Pilgrimages 1-800-908-BEST (2378) OR info@religious-travel.com Therese More, group organizer TO OBTAIN A PACKET WITH MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CALL THE PARISH OFFICE OR EMAIL (adilene@strosecv.com) El Padre Lucas le gustaría invitarlos a una peregrinación SUDARIO DE TURÍN E ITALIA Turín / Siena / Pisa / Asís / Cascia / Roma Padre Lucas Jauregui, Líder Espiritual 22 abril-30 abril, 2015 Aquí están algunos de los lugares que va a visitar: *Basílica de Nuestra Señora de los Cristianos *Siena: la Catedral, el Duomo y la Basílica de San Francisco *Basílica de Santo Domingo $ 3,595.00 Terrestre y Aereo de San Diego (por persona / ocupación doble) Obtenga información adicional o folletos: Best Catholic Pilgrimages 1-800-908-BEST (2378) o info@religious-travel.com Theresa More, organizadora del grupo PARA OBTENER UN PAQUETE CON MÁS INFORMACIÓN POR FAVOR LLAME A LA OFICINA PARROQUIAL O EMAIL (adilene@ strosecv.com) St. Rose of Lima Church Próximamente: Clases de segundo año: febrero 19 Clases de primer año: febrero 12 & 26 Are you interested in baptizing your child? Here are the requirements: • Parents and godparents need to be registered at a church. • If you are not registred at a parish and want to register with us please come to the parish office or register online. Registration is a 4 week process. • Both parents and godparents need to attend Baptismal Classes, dates are listed below. (Call the office to register for these classes.) ¿Está usted interesado en bautizar a su hijo/a? Estos son los requisitos: • Los padres y padrinos necesitan estar registrados en una iglesia. • Si no está registrado en una parroquia y desea registrar con nosotros por favor venga a la oficina parroquial o regístrese en línea. El proceso de registro es de 4 semanas. • Tanto los padres como los padrinos tienen que asistir a las clases de bautismo, las fechas se muestran a continuación. (Llame a la oficina para inscribirse en estas clases.) English (must attend both dates) Time: 10 am February 1 & 8 March 1 & 8 Spanish Horario: 11 am febrero 15 no clases Baptism will not take place during the following date range: February 18th to April 4th. ____________________________ Sister Dolores Outreach Sack Lunches Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9am - 11:30 am Food Distribution Monday, Wednesday, Friday 3pm - 4:30 pm Clothing Mondays 9am - 11am Thrift Store Wednesdays 10am - 2pm Saturdays 8am - 2 pm Sundays 9am - 3 pm For Question about Sister Dolores Outreach please call: Sister Patricia Weldon OSF Denise Jantz (619) 427-7637 Catholic Charities Immigration Social Services (619) 498-0722 Bautismo no se llevarán a cabo durante el siguiente intervalo de fechas: Febrero 18 al 04 de abril St. Rose of Lima Church 5 Youth & Young Adult News World Youth Day 2016- Krakow, Poland Tuesday, February 10th- Information meeting at 6:30 pm-7:30 pm in the youth room. We will be going to Poland where Pope Saint John Paul II was born. We will be united with other Catholics around the world to meet Pope Francis for Mass and visting other sites around Poland. Día Mundial de la Juventud 2016- Cracovia, Polonia Martes, 10 de febrero - Reunión de Información a las 6:30 pm-7: 30 pm en el salon de jovenes. Vamos a ir a Polonia, donde nació el Santo Papa Juan Pablo II. Nos uniremos a otros católicos de todo el mundo para encontrarse con el Papa Francisco para la misa y visitar otros sitios alrededor de Polonia. Young Adults Calendar of Events * Bible Study - Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. in Multi-Purpose room or Library. * Swing Dancing - Feb. 21st in the parish hall. Ministries & Groups Ash Wednesday Schedule- Horarios Del Miércoles de Ceniza English Masses with Ashes - Misas en inglés con cenizas 6:15 am: Mass - Misa 8:00 am: Mass - Misa 9:30 am: Mass - Misa 12:00 pm: Liturgy of the Word - Liturgia de la Palabra 5:00 pm: Mass - Misa Spanish Mass with Ashes - Misa en español con cenizas 6:30 pm: Mass - Misa Spanish Liturgy of the Word with Ashes - Liturgia de la Palabra con cenizas en Español 7:00 pm in the hall 8:00 pm in the Church *** For upcoming events at St. Rose, around the Diocese, and much more information about the St. Rose of Lima Young Adult Ministry, visit our website at: http://srlcvyam.weebly.com/ Hispanic Youth Group El grupo de Jóvenes en el Espíritu Santo los invita a que nos acompañen a nuestra reunión todos los viernes de 7 a 9 pm en la biblioteca del De Flores Center. Este viernes 13 de febrero tendremos una platica sobre “Como puedo ser un mejor hermano con mi prójimo?” /Caridad Fraternal. Esperamos que puedan acompañarnos! The Hispanic Youth Group of “Jóvenes en el Espíritu Santo” invites you to join us every Friday night to our meetings from 7-9pm in the Library of De Flores Center. This Friday Feb. 13 we’ll have a talk about “ How can I be a better brother or sister in Christ with my neighbor?” We hope you can join us! Seniors For The Fun of It. Wed. Feb. 11th 2015 at 12:30-3:00 pm in the Parish Hall PLEASE NOTE THE DATE CHANGE. All seniors are invited to attend a get acquainted pre-Lent pot luck on Feb 11th in the Parish Hall. Please call one of the following persons to make your reservation. Peg: 421-7891 or Toni: 420-3626 . Meat, and drinks will be provided, dessert or a salad (enough for eight) would be appreciated. Thanks to those of you who already signed up at the last meeting. All those attending the last meeting had a fun afternoon. Several games were played and all seemed to find their niche. Please consider joining us. Phase 10, Tripoli, Scrabble were among some of the games being played. If you would like to start a bunko group let us know. I’m sure we can get some people together for that. St. Rose of Lima Church 6 Mass Time & Office Hours In observance of President’s Day there will only be a 9:00 am mass on Monday, February 16th. The Parish Office will be closed and reopen Tuesday, February 17th at 1:30 pm. En observación del Día de los Presidentes sólo habrá una misa de 9:00 am el lunes 16 de febrero. La oficina de la parroquia también estará cerrada y reabrirá el martes, 17 de febrero a la 1:30 pm. St. Rose of Lima Church 7 Ministries & Groups Ministries & Groups Our Lady’s Living Rosary WE NEED YOUR HELP! At this weekend Masses February 7th & 8th before the final Blessing, we will have guest speakers Frank & Trudy Bonack , who will give a brief presentation on “ Our Lady’s Living Rosary”. They will explain how thousands of individuals or families around the world, pray one decade daily. They will inform us where and how this simple beautiful devotion started. Anyone interested in signing up can stop by our table after Mass and receive a schedule. Help us keep our parish tidy; please pick up your tissues and other disposables and keep our books straightened up, so that our volunteers and St. Rose School students spend less time cleaning. Cleaning of Church Loft NECESITAMOS SU AYUDA! Attention all ministries if you have any items in the Church Loft, please remove as soon as possible. We plan on cleaning out this area on February 21st. Ayúdanos a mantener nuestra parroquia ordenada; por favor recoja sus pañuelo de papel y otros materiales desechables y mantenga nuestros libros en orden, para que nuestros voluntarios y estudiantes de la Escuela Santa Rosa pasan menos tiempo limpiando. Limpieza del Desván de la Iglesia Atención a todos los ministerios, si ustedes tiene artículo en el desván de la iglesia, por favor removerlos lo antes posible. Planeamos limpiar esta zona en el 21 de febrero. Whispering Winds 33rd annual Dinner Dance Gala The Whispering Winds 33rd annual Dinner Dance Gala, “Believe With All Your Heart”, will be held on Saturday, Feb. 28, 2015 at the beautiful San Diego Marriott Marquis and Marina. This evening will feature special guests, a silent auction with sports memorabilia, incredible hand-made items, restaurant certificates and much more. Our live auction items include many fabulous vacation getaways! Join us for an elegant evening of great food, music and dancing! Reservations and information at www. whisperingwinds.org. Legion of Mary The Legion of Mary of St. Rose of Lima would like to invite all the auxiliary members to its appreciation luncheon on February 21, 2015 at 12:00 p.m. at the Parish Hall. We wish to thank all of you for your support and prayers during the past year. Parishioners who would like to become a Legion of Mary member or an auxiliary member are also welcome. Please call Christina Sandoval at (619) 422-4643 for more information.Alianza de los Dos Corazónes Sister Dolores Social Outreach Now is the time to do your early spring cleaning! Our outreach program is in great need of Men’s gently used clothing, blankets, and socks. You may drop your donations at the Social Outreach office on Monday mornings from 8:30-11:00am. Thank you for your help. It is greatly appreciated. 8 St. Rose of Lima Church Ahora es el momento de hacer su limpieza de comienzos de primavera! Nuestro programa de ayuda a la comunidad está en gran necesidad de ropa ligeramente usada para hombres , mantas y calcetines. Usted puede dejar sus donaciones en la oficina de Ayuda Social los lunes en la mañana de 8: 30-11: 00 am. Gracias por su ayuda. Es muy apreciada. St. Rose of Lima Church 9
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