IowaGrants 1 of 18 Application 32740 - CDBG Water/Sewer 55769 - City of Mount Pleasant Jay Street Sanitary Sewer Replacement CDBG Status: Not Awarded Signature: Tracey Lamm Submitted Date: Submitted By: 2012-12-18 04:15:20 Tracey Lamm Applicant Information Organization Information Project Officer AnA User Id TRACEY.LAMM@IOWAID First Name* Tracey Lamm First Name Middle Name Last Name Title: Email:* Address:* 211 N. Gear Avenue Suite 100 City* West Burlington Iowa City Phone:* Organization Southeast Iowa Regional Planning Name:* Commission Organization Regional Planning Commission Type:* Tax ID: DUNS: Organization Website: Address: 211 N. Gear Avenue, Suite 100 52655 State/Province Postal Code/Zip West Burlington Iowa 319-753-4306 Phone City Ext. Program Area CDBG of Interest* Fax: Agency Phone: 319-753-5107 Fax: Benefactor Vendor Number 319-754-4763 52655 State/Province Postal Code/Zip Ext. Cover Sheet-General Information Authorized Official Name* Steven Brimhall Title* Mayor Organization* City of Mount Pleasant Address* 220 W. Monroe Street City/State/Zip* Telephone Number* Mount Pleasant Iowa 52641 City State Zip 319-385-1470 4/4/2013 10:29 AM IowaGrants 2 of 18 E-Mail* Fiscal Officer/Agent Name* Susan Coffey Title Grant Administrator Organization* Southeast Iowa Regional Planning Commission Address* 211 N. Gear Avenue Suite 100 City/State/Zip* West Burlington Iowa 52656 City State Zip Telephone Number* 319-753-4302 E-Mail* County(ies) Participating, Involved, or Affected by this Proposal* Henry County Congressional District(s) Involved or Affected by this Proposal* 2 Iowa Senate District(s) Involved or Affected by this Proposal* 42 Iowa House District(s) Involved or Affected by this Proposal* 84 Congressional Map District Map District Map Applicant Information Applicant* City/County/COG* City of Mount Pleasant Mount Pleasant Henry Southeast Iowa Regional Planning Commission City County COG Don't have a DUNS #? Click here to apply. * 884521493 DUNS # Contact Information Project Engineer* Warner Engineering Associates, Inc. Firm Name * James Warner, P.E. Name/Title * 102 S. Saunders Avenue Address * * Mount Pleasant Henry 52641 City County Zip 319-385-4180 319-385-4401 Phone Fax E-mail 4/4/2013 10:29 AM IowaGrants 3 of 18 Elected Official * Mr. Steve Brimhall Salutation First Name Last Name Suffix 220 W. Monroe Street Address Address 2 * * Mount Pleasant Henry County 52641 City County Zip 319-385-1470 319-385-1466 Phone Fax E-mail Address Project Information Provide the address for City Hall for all area-wide benefit projects. Project Address* Jay Street Address * Mount Pleasant Henry County 52641 City County Zip Check all that apply: Applicant received CDBG Funds. If prior CDBG funds received, please identify the program, year and amount? Applicant has received no prior funding. Yes Applicant will contract for administration. If applicant will contract for administration, please identify the entity: Applicant will administer grant If the applicant plans to administer the grant, please describe applicant's administrative capacity. Project Activity Will any activites be conducted in a 100-year flood plain?* No Will project activity include demolition of a standing structure?* No If yes, is the structure occupied? Year structure was built Is this project identified in an Iowa Great Places agreement?* No If this is a wastewater project, provide date of the project initiation meeting with DNR. 07/12/2012 Projects included in an Iowa Great Places agreement within three years of submission of this applications entitles the applicant to additional consideration. The Department of Natural Resources requires project initiation meetings for all w astew ater projects before they w ill review the project plans and specifications. Completion of this meeting prior to submitting the CDBG application will be an indication of readiness to proceed. 4/4/2013 10:29 AM IowaGrants 4 of 18 Will a delay in the contribution of local effort be necessary?* No If yes, until what date? If the local funds for your project are from another outside agency (i.e. USDA_RD or IDNR) and you anticipate a delay in the receipt of those funds, you may consider requesting a delay of local effort. This w ill allow you to draw CDBG funds for project costs until the local funds are secured. A delay of local funds can be granted until a specified date (not to exceed two months following the project bid letting ) or until two-thirds of the grant amount has been drawn down, whichever comes first. Proposed end date* 10/14/2014 (All contracts w ill be 18 months unless you anticipate a shorter schedule) Project Purpose Sewer Activity Descriptions Water Activity Descritpions Budget Activity Row Activity Activity Description Activity 1 55 - Sanitary Snipe Run Sewer Interceptor Improvements Sewer Performance Targets CDBG Amount Local Amount Total Activity Amount Total CDBG Amount Total Local Amount $580,000.00 $1,500,000.00 $2,080,000.00 $580,000.00 $1,500,000.00 Activity 2 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Activity 3 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Activity 4 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $20,000.00 $0.00 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $0.00 Enginering, 181 Testing, Administration Administration Administration, Inspection Totals $600,000.00 $1,500,000.00 $2,100,000.00 $600,000.00 $1,500,000.00 Sources of Local Funding Row Source of Local funding Source 1 DNR/SRF Amount Local Funds Secured? Date Local Funds Will be Secured $1,500,000.00 Yes Source 2 $0.00 Source 3 $0.00 Source 4 $0.00 Construction Cost Detail Row Item Description Item 1 Snipe Run Interceptor Sewer $900,000.00 Item 2 Pavement and Sidewalk Replacement $800,000.00 Item 3 Estimated Quantity Estimated Cost $0.00 4/4/2013 10:29 AM IowaGrants 5 of 18 Item 4 $0.00 Totals $1,700,000.00 Professional Fees and Permits Description Estimated Cost Final Design $120,000.00 Construction Administration $210,000.00 Permits/Archaeological Survey $50,000.00 Legal and Bonding Fees $0.00 CDBG Administration $20,000.00 Other (Please specify below) $0.00 Totals $400,000.00 Related Construction Costs Description Related Construction Estimated Cost Real Property/Easements/Acquisition $0.00 Contigencies $0.00 Other (Please specify below) $0.00 Totals $0.00 Other Narrative If other professional fees or permits, please describe: If other related construction costs, please describe: Preparer Date Prepared: 7/2/2012 Estimates Prepared by: James Warner, P.E. Address/Phone/E-mail: 102 S. Saunders Avenue, Mount Pleasant, IA 319-385-4180 LMI Benefit Chart Row Activity 1 Project Activity (as listed on the budget) 55 - Sanitary Sewer Improvements Total Persons Served 8751 Total LMI Persons Served LMI Benefit 5551 63.0 4/4/2013 10:29 AM IowaGrants 6 of 18 Activity 2 0 Activity 3 0 Activity 4 0 Totals Source of LMI Benefit Information Provided Above (Check one) Local Income Survey Yes Special Census 2000 HUD Census Data Note: 2010 Census CDBG Percentage of Low & Moderate Incomes For Cities & Counties has not been released. Please use 2000 Census data available on our web site at Other If Other, please specify Beneficiary Race/Ethnicity Chart Racial/Ethnic Group Number of Persons - Each Group White Number of Persons - Hispanic Origin 539 Black/African American 13 Asian 3 American Indian/Alaskan Native 2 Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 4 American Indian/Alaskan Native & White Asian & White 6 Black/African American & White American Indian/Alaskan Native & Black/African American Other Multi-Racial 4 31 Sub-Total 571 31 Totals 571 31 Number of Users Row Number of Residential Users Water Sewer 2960 2577 User Fees & Revenues Row Water Fees Sewer Fees Current average monthly residential bills $24.00 $24.00 Projected average monthly bill with CDBG funds $26.00 $26.00 4/4/2013 10:29 AM IowaGrants 7 of 18 Projected average montly bill without CDBG funds $27.00 $27.00 Rate Increase Month/Year of last water rate increase October 2012 Month/Year of last sewer rate increase July 2012 Bond & Debt Information City only, do not include county/school district levies Current Tax Levy* $12.00 /$1,000 of assessed value Bonding Capacity* $19,756,362.00 5% of assessed valuation Current General Obligation Bond Indebtedness* $8,680,000.00 Detail of Existing Debt Row Debt Type (Rev. Bond, GO Bond, Other) Purpose Issue Date Water Utility Debt 1 Revenue water treatment plant 4/2/2012 Issue Amount $2,950,000.00 Water Utility Debt 2 $0.00 Water Utility Debt 3 $0.00 Water Utility Debt 4 $0.00 Sewer Utility Debt 1 Revenue Refinance Sewer Improvements Sewer Utility Debt 2 SRF Sewer Utility Debt 3 SRF 2019 $9,611,000.00 2025 Inflow/Infiltration Study $356,000.00 2012 Jay Street Planning $250,000.00 2013 Sewer Utility Debt 4 All Other Debt 1 Year of Retirement $0.00 Revenue Diesel Generation Plant 5/2009 $3,600,000.00 All Other Debt 2 $0.00 All Other Debt 3 $0.00 All Other Debt 4 $0.00 2017 Outstanding Debt Total outstanding water utility debt (GO Bonds, Revenue Bonds $2,912,000.00 and other debt): Total outstanding sewer utility debt (GO Bonds, Revenue Bonds $2,280,000.00 and other debt): 4/4/2013 10:29 AM IowaGrants 8 of 18 Project Feasibility Narrative Project Feasibility Narrative What community needs will this project address?* Prepare a brief narrative describing the proposed project. The City of Mount Pleasant has several issues with inflow and infiltration in the city's sanitary sewer system. The city has made several efforts to curtail the problem, but it remains an issue, especially in the Snipe Run Sewer-shed, the city's worst area for inflow-infiltration overloading of the sanitary sewer system and the storm sewers. This causes backup of water into basements and overflows from the sewers. The Snipe Run Sewer-shed is also the cities central collection system and among the oldest sewer infrastructure in Mount Pleasant. The sanitary sewers in the Snipe Run Sewer-shed are in bad condition from installation methods and deterioration over a century of use. Pipe conditions that make the proper operation and maintenance of the sewers impossible include: Broken Pipes Misaligned joints that catch debris in the wastewater and sometimes create backups; Improper taps for service lines, sometimes protruding so far into the pipe the cleaning equipment or camera cannot pass or inspect the tap Sagging flow lines allow water to stand in the pipe Manholes made of brick that frequently cause clogging Sewer locations under residences - a situation unique to the Snipe Run Sewer-shed exists because the sewers were constructed along the waterways where they could serve the most area and installation required less digging; people were allowed to construct homes over the sewers, and there are no recorded easements that allow work in the back yards to do proper maintenance or repairs of the sewer without disturbing the neighborhood, buying those homes, and relocation of the residents. The city's Northeast Lagoon cannot provide adequate treatment, so effluent quality does not always comply with Water Quality Limits of the NPDES Permit. Most difficulties are related to the influent volume and rainfall causes inflow and infiltration into the sewers resulting in large volumes of influent, which overloads the lagoon. While weather cannot be controlled, there are options for covering the lagoon and the volume of wastewater going into the lagoon can also be controlled. What specific outcomes will result from completion of the project?* The City of Mount Pleasant will be able to comply with the NPDES Permit , discharging treated water that meets the Water Quality Limits, while providing good, cost-effective sewer service for the residents and businesses of the community. How has the number of beneficiaries been documented?* The beneficiaries of the project are the residents and businesses that are located within the Snipe Run Sewer-shed area of Mount Pleasant. The number of beneficiaries has been determined by a count of the residents and businesses in this geographically defined area by the City of Mount Pleasant. This information was taken from US Census data and sewer user information collected by the City of Mount Pleasant. How has the LMI benefit been documented?* The City of Mount Pleasant has conducted a Low to Moderate Income Survey using guidelines specified by the Iowa Economic Development Authority. The survey results indicate that there are a total of 3,010 households in 4/4/2013 10:29 AM IowaGrants 9 of 18 the project area. The number of households contacted for the survey was 335. The city received an 84% response rate to the survey and it was determined through the data collected that 63.44% of those surveyed are below the LMI income threshold. This number indicates the City of Mount Pleasant is eligible to receive Community Development Block Grant funds for the sewer project outlined in this application. How soon will the project proceed if an award is made?* Considerable planning has taken place over several years regarding this project. Provided all environmental and archeological clearances are met, and construction permits issued - the construction of the project is scheduled to begin in October, 2013. If applicable, has a specific site been determined for the project?* Yes Will there be acquisition of property related to the project?* No Is there documented local planning/citizen support for the project?* Yes Are there formal studies by outside agencies that support the project?* Yes Describe the project owner's capacity to operate/maintain the project and continue its viability after CDBG assistance. For a stormwater project, address how any green infrastructure will be maintained, if applicable.* City personnel are responsible for all maintenance activities and record keeping. All regular maintenance/supply expenditures are controlled by the City Clerk and Public Works Director, and submitted to review and approval by the City Council at regular monthly meetings. Approval of capital improvement expenditures is the sole responsibility of the City Council. Public hearings, competitive bid procurement, and IDNR construction permits and approved plans and specifications are required for all wastewater projects. The city provides sewer service for a minimum plus use fee. The City may need to revise their sewer rate structure based on IDNR recommendations to provide for debt service for this project. The City does have a public water system, thus meters are available. Monthly sewer bills are mailed to users. Unpaid bills are assessed an additional charge. Sewer revenue funds are deposited into the Sewer Utility Account, which includes regular bills, rental deposits, and arrears with interest. Project Milestones Environmental Assessment/Request for Release May, 2013 of Funds Land acquisition (if applicable) N/A Completion of final plans and specifications May, 2013 Construction permit issued June, 2013 Bid/contract award date August, 2013 Construction Start Date October, 2013 Construction Completion Date October, 2014 4/4/2013 10:29 AM IowaGrants 10 of 18 Project Impact Narrative What is the potential economic/community development impact of the project on the area? For a stormwater project, what size or quantity of rainfall event (i.e, 100-year storm, first 1.5 inches of rain, etc.) will the green and/or gray infrastructure manage? Green infrastructure utilizes practices like bioswales and pervious surfaces, and gray infrastructure utilizes curb, gutter, storm sewer pipe, etc.* If you are applying for a stormwater project that utilizes green infrastructure, please also reference the Green Infrastructure Tip Sheet for further items to discuss in the narrative. The project has the potential to greatly improve a large area of sanitary sewer for the community of Mount Pleasant. The Snipe Run Sewer-shed encompasses some of the oldest sewer infrastructure in the community. The replacement of the collection system will greatly improve the sewer system and assist Mount Pleasant with meeting Water Quality limits of the NPDES Permit. The project will allow Mount Pleasant to have a stable, functioning sewer system which will be of great benefit to the community and the economy of Mount Pleasant. Who will be the project beneficiaries?* The project beneficiaries will be the residents and businesses located within the Snipe Run Sewer-shed and also the residents of the entire Mount Pleasant community. This project is located in the Snipe Run Sewer-shed, which is the central portion of the cities sanitary sewer system and also the oldest infrastructure. The benefits of this project will stretch beyond the immediate project area. Have cooperative approaches/sharing with other area communities been considered?* The proposed project will address sanitary sewer deterioration in the Snipe-Run Sewer-shed in Mount Pleasant. Because it involves eliminating overloading of the current sanitary sewer system it is not feasible or an option to consider cooperative approaches/sharing with other communities. Why are CDBG funds essential to the project?* The City of Mount Pleasant has completed several improvements to its sanitary sewer system over the past 50 years that come close to a $25 million investment, with little to no assistance from grant funds. Property taxpayers in the community have borne all of the cost of all previous sewer infrastructure improvements. Sewer user fees will need to be raised in order to complete this project with the help of CDBG funds. To complete this project without the assistance of CDBG funds will place too high of a burden on property taxpayers in the Mount Pleasant community. How would the project affect current and future land use patterns?* The City of Mount Pleasant has a solid land use plan in place. This project will not affect current land use patterns as it will provide repairs to the current sanitary sewer system in the Snipe-Run Sewer shed. There is no plan with this project to increase the capacity of the current sanitary sewer system - which could have an impact on future land use patterns. Is the site within the city limits?* This project is located within the city limits of Mount Pleasant. The site for this project is Jay Street in Mount Pleasant. The Snipe Run Sewer-shed includes some of the oldest portions of the Mount Pleasant community. The earliest sewers in this part of the system were likely built before 1920. Is the project appropriate for the community’s size, including expected population trends?* The project is not an expansion of the current sanitary sewer system, but rather a project to address inflow and infiltration issues in the current sanitary system, specifically for the Snipe-Run Sewer-shed. This project is not being undertaken in order to increase the current system capacity and there is not excess capacity being 4/4/2013 10:29 AM IowaGrants 11 of 18 planned for this project. The population of Mount Pleasant has been projected to remain steady over the next several years. Will the project have significant excess capacity?* The project has been sized to be of maximum benefit to the Snipe Run Sewer-shed and does not include excess capacity in order to promote future development. The project is being proposed in order to replace an area of sanitary sewer infrastructure that has become most troublesome to repair and maintain for the community of Mount Pleasant. How well is the project targeted for maximum impact on a geographic area/specific group?* The project is located along Jay Street in Mount Pleasant. The replacement of the sanitary sewer in this location will have the greatest impact upon the Snipe-Run Sewer-shed area in Mount Pleasant - which is the location of some of the oldest sewer collection infrastructure in the entire community. This area is the central service area in Mount Pleasant. This location was selected because it has the greatest need for replacement and because the area identified for replacement will have the greatest impact on the community. Were other options explored? Describe options considered and why they were rejected.* The City of Mount Pleasant considered five (5) options before deciding upon the best course of action for this project. All of the alternatives for this project are listed here - including the project that this application is based upon: 1. Expansion of the lagoon - The Lagoon is close to Big Creek and any expansion of city property would be in the flood plain and some environmental issues could be signficant, including: a. potential discoveries of Native American or Pioneer discoveries in the area; b. proximity of the site to residential development and limitations on expansion with clearance requirements to inhabited buildings; c. the adjacent property is remnant of a large farmland tract acquired for highway construction, used to mitigate wildlife habitat, and could not easily be acquired for lagoon use; d. the aerated lagoon treatment process as a continuously discharging system is unlikely to always meet the stringent Water Quality discharge limits on Big Creek, particularly as it is currently affected by inflow and infiltration. 2. Pump all wastewater from the Lagoon site back to the 'new plant' so the lagoon could be abandoned - a. the waterwater pumped by the Hamlin Street Lift Station would all be repumped at least doubling the cost of transporting that sewage; b. a new pumping station at the lagoon would be an big expense, made even more expensive if stormwater going to the lagoon is repumped back to the new plant; c. the cost of a forcemain from the NE Lagoon to a sewer on the system with the capacity to handle that additional flow would be huge, possibly requiring a forcemain to the transportation sewer draining directly to the Heather Branch Lift Station, without any specific routing a distance of at least four (4) miles. This option would allow for the treatment of all wastewater at the new treatment plant with the need for only one NPDES permit and the savings of operating and maintaining the NE Lagoon system would be significant. However the cost to transport all of the water that is now transported to the NE Lagoon would be huge. The cost to build a large lift station and enough forcemain to transport the sewage back to the community can easily be projected to exceed $2.5 million. The operating cost of the lift stations will continue and the city would still have a worn out interceptor sewer on Snipe Run. 3. Pump from the Hamlin Street Lift Station to the "new plant" - a. this option would still require replacement of the Jay Street interceptor to carry sewage from the collector sewers in the south half of the Snipe Run Sewer Shed, and the cost to build a smaller interceptor on Jay Street would not be substantially less than extending the 24" gravity sewer at the Hamlin Street lift station. There is not much advantage to this alternative because it still requires reconstruction of the Jay Street interceptor and the Hamlin Street Lift Station to continue to operate. 4. Gravity Interceptor Sewer from Hamlin Street Lift Station to the 24" Interceptor allows diversion of influent to the Hamlin Street Lift Station to the Saunders Branch Lift Station; b. replaces the undersized and deteriorated Snipe Run interceptor from the existing 24" near Green and Locust to Madison and Hamlin intersection; c. a big price tag but probably the most cost effective solution; d. still have gravity sewer flows to the NE Lagoon, but considerably reduced and less inflow and infiltration is likely because the gravity sewer is PVC pipe with gasket joints; e. save operating costs of the Hamlin Street Lift Station by shutting it down; f. with flows considerably reduced to the NE Lagoon, the feasibility of pumping that wastewater back to this gravity sewer to flow to the plant is far more feasible, so the city would have only one plant and one permit and one discharge to manage and monitor. 5. Build the gravity sewer from Hamlin Street Lift Station to the 24" interceptor at Green and Locust, as proposed in Option #4, plus build a new Northeast Lift Station to intercept the remainder of the flows to the NE Lagoon and pump back to the Hamlin Street Lift Station site - a. all flows would go to the new plant; b. a big price tag, but the cost effective portion of this alternative would be the elimination of operation costs of the NE Lagoon and the Hamlin Street Lift Station; c. use the Hamlin Street forcemain with reversed direction of flow to save money and transport the wastewater back to the new interceptor. After careful consideration, the City of Mount Pleasant chose option #4 as the solution to this issue. 4/4/2013 10:29 AM IowaGrants 12 of 18 How does the project promote orderly, compact development?* The replacement of the Snipe Run Interceptor system does not represent an expansion of the current capacity of the Mount Pleasant sewer system. The project will replace deteriorated infrastructure and does not encourage development, but rather will stabilize the current interceptor system. Survey Tabulation Results Is the Survey Tabulation Results required?* Yes Month and year the survey was conducted September, 2012 Description of the survey method Mailed out survey went to every other household. used Total number of households in the project area 3010 Number of households in the project area that were contacted (include contacts with no answer) 335 Total number of households in the project area should equal the number of households contacted unless a random survey was done. If the two numbers do not equal, please explain. A random survey was completed for this project. Number of usable responses 284 Percent of households responding 85.0 How many persons were below the LMI income figure? 394 How many persons were above the LMI income figure? 227 Percent of persons below the LMI income figure 63.45 Percent of persons above the LMI income figure 37.0 Total number of persons in the project area 8751 Total number of LMI Persons benefiting 5552 MUST BE 80% TO BE VALID (For community-w ide benefit projects, use 2010 census population figure.) If respondents were asked other questions in addition to income, provide a breakdown of responses by number and percent of the total responding. In addition to the income, respondents were asked if they would be in favor of the City of Mount Pleasant pursuing the project and of the 387 households responding, 386 indicated they were in favor of the project. Community Development and Housing Needs Assessment 4/4/2013 10:29 AM IowaGrants 13 of 18 Community Development and Housing Needs of LMI Persons* The City of Mount Pleasant along with the Mount Pleasant Chamber Alliance have been working for the past year to improve the housing stock of the community in order to benefit the low to moderate income population and the expected population in the future. Community members, city staff, Chamber staff, Council of Government staff met with a developer recently to discuss the need in Mount Pleasant for more multi-family housing that would be affordable for lower wage earners. A local manufacturer of marketing materials will be substantially increasing the payroll and the average wage being considered is $9/hour. This makes the need for safe, adequate housing important for the community. Transit opportunities for the workforce were also discussed at these meetings. Other Community Development and Housing Needs* The City of Mount Pleasant has received grant funding in the past in order to improve the available housing stock, specifically multi-family housing units. The city continues to work toward improved quality, affordable housing for all residents of Mount Pleasant. The city is also served by the Southeast Iowa Regional BUS service. The City continues to find ways that its residents can utilize SEIBUS service for their transportation needs. Planned or Potential Activities to Address Housing and Community Needs* The city plans to seek out all forms of grant assistance that will provide incentives for property developers to invest in increasing the communities availability of affordable housing. The City also has a plan to address the communities infrastructure by applying for CDBG funding when appropriate. Date assessment was prepared* 10/21/2011 Location where assessment was prepared* Mount Pleasant Area Chamber Alliance Number of local residents participating* 15 Procurement of Engineer Please provide the information requested below regarding the procurement of the engineering firm. Name of newspaper notice was published in Mount Pleasant News Date of publication 09/15/2011 Date letter sent to engineering firms requesting qualifications 09/15/2011 List of engineering firms receiving letter request for qualifications Shive-Hattery, 2834 Northgate Drive, Iowa City, IA Jim Warner, Warner Engineering Associates, 102 S. Saunders Avenue, Mount Pleasant, IA Derick Anderson, McClure Engineering Co., 705 1st Avenue N, Fort Dodge, IA List of engineering firms submitting qualifications 4/4/2013 10:29 AM IowaGrants 14 of 18 Jim Warner, Warner Engineering Associates, 102 S. Saunders Ave., Mount Pleasant Veenstra and Kimm, 3000 Westown Parkway, West Des Moines Iowa Date engineering firm selected by governing board 06/13/2012 Name and address of engineering firm selected Jim Warner, Warner Engineering Associates, 102 S. Saunders Ave., Mount Pleasant, Iowa 52641 Required Attachments Attachment A PDF of the original newspaper publication and Affidavit of Publication evidencing the newspapers name and date published Description File Name Type File Size Affadavit of Publication City of Mount Pleasant Jay Street Public hearing noticeAffadavit.pdf Project pdf 290 KB Minutes of public hearing Public Hearing Minutes City of Mount Pleasant Jay Street Jay St PublicHearingMinutes.pdf Sewer Project pdf 791 KB Completed HUD Disclosure Form 2880 (Applicant/Recipient Disclosure/Update Form). Download the form from /documents/huddoc?id=2880.pdf HUD Disclosure Form 2880 City of Mount Pleasant pdf 39 KB Map of proposed project site or service area City of Mount Pleasant Jay Street Sanitary Sewer Project MPProjectAreaMap.pdf Area Map pdf 3.2 MB Documentation that the Public Notice has been posted in three (3) places within the community, and names of posted areas listed, signed and dated by municipality (if applicable) huddocMP2013.pdf Department of Natural Resources Notice of Violation and/or administrative Order Federal Assurances Signature Page. Click here for the form. Federal Assurances Signature FEDERALASSURANCESSIGNATUREPAGEMP2013.pdf pdf Page Documentation of commitments from other funding sources or documentation that applications have been submittd to tother IUP for City of Mount Pleasant IUP-MP.pdf funding sources (i.e., USDA-RD, IDNR) 49 KB pdf 182 KB DNR inspection reports or correcspondence that indicates a need for the project (if applicable) Copy of current rate ordinance for water/sewer utilities Water and Sewer Rate Ordinances City of Mount Pleasant SewerRateOrdianceMP.pdf pdf 55 KB City of Mount Pleasant LMI Survey Instrument Mount Pleasant LMI Survey.doc doc 48 KB Facility Plan for wastewater projects or Preliminary Engineering Report for water projects **If over 25 pages, please mail hard copy to: Iowa Economic Development Authority Attn: Barb Harvey 200 E. Grand Ave. Des Moines, Iowa 50309 Documentation of local planning/citizen support Documentation of formal studies by outside agencies that support the project If LMI survey completed, please upload Income Survey Instrument Other Attachments 4/4/2013 10:29 AM IowaGrants 15 of 18 File Name Description File Size Brinshore visit--Introductory Letter.doc (366 KB) Letter documenting housing and community needs planning for the City of Mount Pleasant. 366 KB Procurement Policy.pdf (123 KB) City of Mount Pleasant Procurement Policy 123 KB Resolution2012-79.pdf (22 KB) City of Mount Pleasant Resolution Approving CDBG Application for the Jay Street Sewer Project 22 KB Citizen Participation Checklist Statutory Requirements (All CDBG Applications) Part I – Public Noticing Requirements Public Notice met (Not less than 4 days and no more than 20 days)* Yes Published in a newspaper of general circulation* Yes Affidavit of Publication and copy of publication uploaded?* Yes Documentation that Public Notice was posted in three public No places is uploaded * Documentation includes dates and places posted* No Held prior to governing body’s final action regarding the filing of Yes the application* Public Notice states: Specific grounds for the public hearing* Yes Date of Public Hearing 10/24/2012 Time of Public Hearing 7 p.m. Hearing Location Mount Pleasant City Hall, 220 W. Monroe City/Zip Mount Pleasant 52641 Part II – Public Hearing Requirements Minutes of public hearing are uploaded* Yes Was the need for the activities identified?* Yes Was the funding of the proposed activites and the sources of funds explained?* Yes Was the date the CDBG application will be submitted provided at the meeting?* Yes Was the amount of the requested federal funds provided at the Yes meeting?* Estimated portion of federal funds that will benefit low- and moderate-income persons was stated?* Yes 4/4/2013 10:29 AM IowaGrants 16 of 18 Location of proposed activities stated?* Yes Were plans to minimize displacement of persons and businesses resulting fo funded activities discussed?* Not Applicable Were plans to assist persons actually displaced discussed?* Not Applicable Were the nature of the proposed activities discussed?* Yes Minority Impact Statement Question # 1 1. The proposed grant programs or policies could have a disproportionate or unique POSITIVE IMPACT on minority persons. * No If YES, describe the positive impact expected from this project Indicate the group(s) positively impacted. Question # 2 2. The proposed grant project programs or policies could have a disproportionate or unique NEGATIVE IMPACT on minority persons. * No If YES, describe the negative impact expected from this project. If YES, present the rationale for the existence of the proposed program or policy. If YES, provide evidence of consultation with representatives of the minority groups impacted. Indicate the group(s) negatively impacted. Question # 3 3. The proposed grant project programs or policies are NOT EXPECTED TO HAVE A DISPROPORTIONATE OR UNIQUE IMPACT on minority persons. * If YES, present the rationale for determining no impact. Yes The completion of this project will be of equal benefit to all of the citizens located within the project area and the citizens of the entire Mount Pleasant community. However, the benefit will not be greater for any minority person or group. Certification I hereby certify that the information on this form is complete and accurate, to the Yes 4/4/2013 10:29 AM IowaGrants 17 of 18 best of my knowledge.* Name of Person Submitting Certification. * Steven Brimhall Title of Person Submitting Certification* Mayor Application Information: Item Yes or NA Is the DUNS# provided? Yes Is flood plain information provided? Yes Demolition of a standing structure information provided? Yes If No, Date Requested Date Received 12/06/2012 12/24/2012 Is the grant amount requested at Yes or below the amount allowable? Is administration line 10% or less of CDBG amount AND of total Yes cost? Is Racial/Ethnic chart filled out? Yes Is the breakdown of construction cost detail and professional fees Yes & permit estimates completed? Is applicant financial information sheet completed? (water/sewer fund and projects AND Yes community facilities storm sewer projects) Is operating budget completed? (community facilities projects Not Applicable only) Is project location map included? Yes Is CEO signature in federal assurances page? Yes If a joint application, is assurane Not Applicable page for each entity included? Is community needs assessment included and less than 3 years Yes old? Is disclosure statement completed and signed? (If Yes on Part 1 Question #2, then Parts II and III must also be completed) Yes Are copies of the utility rate ordinances included? (Water/Sewer only) Yes Does the application file contain a copy of the official certified budget form fromthe Department Not Applicable of Management? (water/sewer fund projects AND community facilities storm sewer projects) Does the application contain the Green Development Plan and Not Applicable Checklist? (community facilities 4/4/2013 10:29 AM IowaGrants 18 of 18 projects only) Is the Green Streets Criteria proximity map for new construction included? (community facilities projects only) Not Applicable Public Hearing Item Yes or NA Is public hearing noticed uploaded? Yes If No, Date Requested Date Received If No, Date Requested Date Received 12/06/2012 12/18/2012 If No, Date Requested Date Received Is the publication date no less than 4 days but no more than 20 Yes days prior to the hearing? Are public hearing minutes uploaded and includes notice date? Yes Engineering: Item Yes or NA Is the engineer procurement form completed? Water/sewer fund projects only Yes Is preliminary engineering report included and signed? Yes (Water/sewer fund projects only) Computations: Item Yes or NA Are computations in Project Activity Chart correct? Yes cross-check total budget with total on cost estimate sheet: Reason for Not Awarding If not awarded, reason : Based on the information presented, there were concerns that the project would not proceed in a timely manner. Other Reason for not awarding: Decline Letter: 4/4/2013 10:29 AM October 21, 2011 Mr. David Brint Brinshore Development, LLC 666 Dundee Road, Suite 1102 Northbrook, Illinois 60062 RE: Welcome to Mount Pleasant, Iowa Dear Mr. Brent: On behalf of the Mount Pleasant Area Chamber Alliance and the people of Henry County, Iowa, I want to thank you for visiting our county and region. The recent merger of Alaniz, LLC and MetroGroup Corp. has brought a rush of excitement to Mount Pleasant. Among our most important employers when they were separate, these two companies together form a powerful engine for economic growth. The good news does create some challenges, albeit desirable ones. The City of Mount Pleasant simply is unable to meet the workforce demands of an expanding Alaniz MetroGroup Marketing Services with its current population. As a result, a new wave of residents is already arriving. The difficulty becomes providing housing for these men and women that is safe and attractive. Anticipating several years ago that a housing shortage could occur, city and county leaders identified an excellent location for a multi-family apartment complex on countyowned property near two U.S. four-lane highways, a city park, and one of Mount Pleasant’s largest grocery stores. That this site is within one mile of Alaniz MetroGroup only increases the advantages. Local officials are now committed to identifying a development partner with the expertise and resources to build and operate a housing complex that will make the entire community proud. Brinshore Development, with its knowledge of southeast Iowa and reputation for success, was foremost on our list, and we look forward to working with your organization in the near future. Please call my cell phone, 319.537.1550, or reach me by email,, with any questions. Sincerely, Kiley Miller Executive Vice President 124 South Main Street • Mount Pleasant, Iowa 52641 • 319-385-3101 phone • 319-385-3102 fax • U.S. Census Quick Facts 2010—Mount Pleasant, Iowa People QuickFacts Population, 2010 Population, percent change, 2000 to 2010 Population, 2000 Persons under 5 years, percent, 2010 Persons under 18 years, percent, 2010 Persons 65 years and over, percent, 2010 Female persons, percent, 2010 Mount Pleasant 8,668 -0.9% 8,751 5.8% 21.1% 15.3% 47.3% Iowa 3,046,355 4.1% 2,926,324 6.6% 23.9% 14.9% 50.5% White persons, percent, 2010 (a) Black persons, percent, 2010 (a) American Indian and Alaska Native persons, percent, 2010 (a) Asian persons, percent, 2010 (a) Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander, percent, 2010 (a) Persons reporting two or more races, percent, 2010 Persons of Hispanic or Latino origin, percent, 2010 (b) White persons not Hispanic, percent, 2010 85.7% 4.3% 0.4% 4.4% 0.3% 2.5% 6.7% 82.2% 91.3% 2.9% 0.4% 1.7% 0.1% 1.8% 5.0% 88.7% Living in same house 1 year & over, 2005-2009 Foreign born persons, percent, 2005-2009 Language other than English spoken at home, pct age 5+, 2005-2009 High school graduates, percent of persons age 25+, 2005-2009 Bachelor's degree or higher, pct of persons age 25+, 2005-2009 Mean travel time to work (minutes), workers age 16+, 2005-2009 78.4% 8.3% 11.1% 85.6% 22.2% 13.3 83.4% 3.8% 6.4% 89.6% 24.2% 18.3 Housing units, 2010 Homeownership rate, 2005-2009 Housing units in multi-unit structures, percent, 2005-2009 Median value of owner-occupied housing units, 2005-2009 Households, 2005-2009 Persons per household, 2005-2009 Per capita money income in past 12 months (2009 dollars) 20052009 Median household income 2005-2009 People of all ages in poverty - percent, 2005-2009 3,365 65.0% 25.2% $92,600 3,565 2.36 1,336,417 72.9% 18.7% $115,800 1,215,970 2.36 $24,189 $38,740 15.9% $25,060 $48,052 11.4% Business QuickFacts Total number of firms, 2007 Black-owned firms, percent, 2007 American Indian and Alaska Native owned firms, percent, 2007 Asian-owned firms, percent, 2007 Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander owned firms, percent, 2007 Hispanic-owned firms, percent, 2007 Women-owned firms, percent, 2007 Mount Pleasant 828 F F F Iowa 259,931 0.8% 0.2% 1.1% F F 20.5% 0.1% 0.9% 25.5% Manufacturers shipments, 2007 ($1000) Merchant wholesaler sales, 2007 ($1000) Retail sales, 2007 ($1000) Retail sales per capita, 2007 Accommodation and food services sales, 2007 ($1000) 849,909 42,779 185,962 $21,130 20,289 97,592,051 41,068,338 39,234,649 $13,172 4,737,719 124 South Main Street • Mount Pleasant, Iowa 52641 • 319-385-3101 phone • 319-385-3102 fax • Geography QuickFacts Land area in square miles, 2010 Persons per square mile, 2010 FIPS Code Mount Pleasant 8.51 1,019.0 54705 Henry County Iowa 55,857.13 54.5 19 Counties (a) Includes persons reporting only one race. (b) Hispanics may be of any race, so also are included in applicable race categories. FN: Footnote on this item for this area in place of data NA: Not available D: Suppressed to avoid disclosure of confidential information X: Not applicable S: Suppressed; does not meet publication standards Z: Value greater than zero but less than half unit of measure shown F: Fewer than 100 firms Source: US Census Bureau State & County QuickFacts 124 South Main Street • Mount Pleasant, Iowa 52641 • 319-385-3101 phone • 319-385-3102 fax • U.S. Census Quick Facts 2010—Henry County, Iowa People QuickFacts Population, 2010 Population, percent change, 2000 to 2010 Population, 2000 Persons under 5 years, percent, 2010 Persons under 18 years, percent, 2010 Persons 65 years and over, percent, 2010 Female persons, percent, 2010 Henry County 20,145 -0.9% 20,336 5.8% 23.2% 16.0% 48.8% Iowa 3,046,355 4.1% 2,926,324 6.6% 23.9% 14.9% 50.5% White persons, percent, 2010 (a) Black persons, percent, 2010 (a) American Indian and Alaska Native persons, percent, 2010 (a) Asian persons, percent, 2010 (a) Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander, percent, 2010 (a) Persons reporting two or more races, percent, 2010 Persons of Hispanic or Latino origin, percent, 2010 (b) White persons not Hispanic, percent, 2010 92.1% 2.2% 0.3% 2.3% 0.1% 1.6% 3.8% 90.1% 91.3% 2.9% 0.4% 1.7% 0.1% 1.8% 5.0% 88.7% Living in same house 1 year & over, 2005-2009 Foreign born persons, percent, 2005-2009 Language other than English spoken at home, pct age 5+, 2005-2009 High school graduates, percent of persons age 25+, 2005-2009 Bachelor's degree or higher, pct of persons age 25+, 2005-2009 Veterans, 2005-2009 Mean travel time to work (minutes), workers age 16+, 2005-2009 84.9% 4.5% 6.4% 88.1% 19.7% 1,598 17.4 83.4% 3.8% 6.4% 89.6% 24.2% 245,653 18.3 Housing units, 2010 Homeownership rate, 2005-2009 Housing units in multi-unit structures, percent, 2005-2009 Median value of owner-occupied housing units, 2005-2009 Households, 2005-2009 Persons per household, 2005-2009 Per capita money income in past 12 months (2009 dollars) 2005-2009 Median household income, 2009 Persons below poverty level, percent, 2009 8,280 73.0% 15.7% $94,200 8,028 2.44 $23,838 $43,887 15.8% 1,336,417 72.9% 18.7% $115,800 1,215,970 2.36 $25,060 $48,065 11.8% Business QuickFacts Private nonfarm establishments, 2009 Private nonfarm employment, 2009 Private nonfarm employment, percent change 2000-2009 Nonemployer establishments, 2009 Henry County 517 13,492 11.9% 1,258 Iowa 80,971 1,283,769 1.5% 195,410 Total number of firms, 2007 Black-owned firms, percent, 2007 American Indian and Alaska Native owned firms, percent, 2007 Asian-owned firms, percent, 2007 Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander owned firms, percent, 2007 Hispanic-owned firms, percent, 2007 Women-owned firms, percent, 2007 1,547 F F F F F 23.4% 259,931 0.8% 0.2% 1.1% 0.1% 0.9% 25.5% 124 South Main Street • Mount Pleasant, Iowa 52641 • 319-385-3101 phone • 319-385-3102 fax • Manufacturers shipments, 2007 ($1000) 889,862 Merchant wholesaler sales, 2007 ($1000) 90,587 Retail sales, 2007 ($1000) Retail sales per capita, 2007 Accommodation and food services sales, 2007 ($1000) Building permits, 2010 214,737 $10,665 22,246 18 Federal spending, 2009 138,341 Geography QuickFacts Land area in square miles, 2010 Persons per square mile, 2010 FIPS Code Metropolitan or Micropolitan Statistical Area Henry County 434.33 46.4 87 None 97,592,05 1 41,068,33 8 39,234,64 9 $13,172 4,737,719 7,607 28,948,52 5 Iowa 55,857.13 54.5 19 (a) Includes persons reporting only one race. (b) Hispanics may be of any race, so also are included in applicable race categories. FN: Footnote on this item for this area in place of data NA: Not available D: Suppressed to avoid disclosure of confidential information X: Not applicable S: Suppressed; does not meet publication standards Z: Value greater than zero but less than half unit of measure shown F: Fewer than 100 firms Source: US Census Bureau State & County QuickFacts 124 South Main Street • Mount Pleasant, Iowa 52641 • 319-385-3101 phone • 319-385-3102 fax •
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