Ronny Reich and Eli Shukron Guy D. Stiebel The Editorial Board Teddy Kollek, In Memoriam Teddy Kollek: The Last Optimist Teddy and Jerusalem vii ix xi xiv Hebrew-Language articLes The early periods Rachel Elior Benny Arubas and Haim Goldfus Hanan Eshel Mount Zion is the Navel of the Earth The Site at Binyanei ha-Uma and Its Role in the Settlement Network Surrounding Jerusalem “Bethar was captured and the city was plowed”: Jerusalem, Aelia Capitolina and the Bar Kokhba Revolt Meir Ben-Dov From King Solomon to Suleiman the Magnificent: 2,500 Years of History in Jerusalem in the Light of Archaeological Excavations in the Shadow of the Temple Mount Dan Barag A Personification of Jerusalem on Coins of Antiochus IV Epiphanes Hillel Geva Estimating Jerusalem’s Population in Antiquity: A Minimalist View Oren Gutfeld The Planning of Byzantine-Period Jerusalem’s Streets Ben Gordon The Byzantine Residential Quarter South of the Temple Mount Shlomit Weksler-Bdolah Reconsidering the Byzantine Period City Wall of Jerusalem Yair Zakovitch From Destruction to Redemption, from Curse to Blessing: Name-Derivations of “Zion” Oded Lipschits and David Jerusalem in the Persian and Hellenistic Periods in Light of the Yehud Stamp S. Vanderhooft Impressions Gaby Mazor Concerning the Urban Plan of Aelia Capitolina: Colonnaded Streets, Monumental Arches and City Gates Eilat Mazar Jerusalem—4000-Year-Old Capital in the Light of Recent Archaeological Excavations Ehud Netzer The Antonia—Its Initial Location and Form Avi Solomon The Aqueduct from Etam to the Temple in Light of the Qumran Scrolls David Amit Remains of Jewish Settlements from the Second Temple Period near Teddy Stadium, Jerusalem Zohar Amar and The Meaning and Function of the Perforated Sarcophagi and Ossuaries Found Boaz Zissu in Jerusalem and Its Surroundings Avraham Faust Jerusalem’s Hinterland and the City’s Status in the Iron Age Joseph Patrich The Second Temple and Its Courts. A New Proposal for Locating Them on the Temple Mount Orit Peleg Artists and their Works at the Necropolis of Second Temple Period Jerusalem Amos Kloner and The Eastern Cardo of Aelia Capitolina Rachel Bar-Natan Perez Reuven A Statue of an Eagle with a Medallion containing a Monogram Found on the vi Temple Mount 1 14 Ronny Reich and Eli Shukron Guy D. Stiebel The History of the Gihon Spring in Jerusalem 211 “A Light Unto the Nations”—Symbolic Architecture of Ritual Buildings 219 21 29 44 50 66 79 88 102 106 116 125 134 144 152 When Did Jews Begin to Pray at the Western Wall? Jerusalem’s Jews under Seljuk Rule Symbols, Landscape and Ideology in Mamluk Jerusalem “A Light Unto the Nations”—Symbolic Architecture of Ritual Buildings 219 Dan Bahat Shimon Gat Nimrod Luz Milka Levy-Rubin and Rehav Rubin Amit Re’em Myriam Rosen-Ayalon When Did Jews Begin to Pray at the Western Wall? Jerusalem’s Jews under Seljuk Rule Symbols, Landscape and Ideology in Mamluk Jerusalem The Early Cartographic Tradition of the Holy Land and the Origin of the Crusader Maps of Jerusalem On Crusader Graves and Burial Customs in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher The Contribution of Archaeological Research to the Study of Islamic Jerusalem 235 239 248 255 Between the Temple Mount and the Church of the Holy Sepulcher 289 Knock Knock, on Heaven’s Doors The Talpiyot Neighborhood during the Mandatory Period Jewish Holy Sites and Pilgrimage in Western Jerusalem, 1948–1967 Eyewitness to the History of Jerusalem Mission, Education, Welfare, Hospitality and Science: German Catholic Institutions in Jerusalem Prior to the First World War A Multi-Ethnic Neighborhood: The Synagogues of Beit Yisra’el in Jerusalem The Voice of Silence—On the Spirit of Jerusalem Jerusalem during Israel’s Tenth Anniversary Events (April 1958–May 1959) The Struggles over Jerusalem The Development of Ottoman Jerusalem: The Case of the Siloam Pool The Development of the Hotel Industry and Tourist Accommodations in Mandatory Jerusalem A View from the High Commissioner’s Residence The Exodus of Jews from the Shimon ha-Tzadik and Siloam (Kefar haShiloah) Neighborhoods and their Environs during the British Mandate Period A Modern Herod—Teddy Kollek’s Contribution to the Building and Preservation of Jerusalem The Nicanor Tomb Cave on Mount Scopus: A Precedent for Mount Herzl 299 312 331 339 354 Gideon Avni and Jon Seligman Ariella Amar Yehoshua Ben-Arieh Doron Bar Dov Gavish Haim Goren Reuven Gafni Ariel Hirschfeld Asaf Selzer Shlomo Hasson Amnon Cohen Koby Cohen-Hattab Ron Fuchs Yair Paz David Kroyanker Yair Shapiro 165 173 English Summaries of Hebrew Articles The Burial of Jesus in Light of Archaeology and the Gospels 412 427 444 454 1* 9*–24* Color plates 1–8 184 193 following 462 ERETZ-ISRAEL 28 (KOLLEK VOLUME) 528 pages; 27 × 21 cm., numerous illustrations, hard cover; Price: $64 ($48 to IES members). 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