CABINET - 10 JANUARY 2008 PUBLIC FORUM BUSINESS A. PUBLIC FORUM REPRESENTATIONS NOT RELATING TO AGENDA ITEMS None received by the deadline. B. QUESTIONS FROM LOCAL RESIDENTS None received by the deadline. C. PUBLIC FORUM REPRESENTATIONS RELATING TO AGENDA ITEMS Item 5 - Report on the Abolition 200 activities in 2007 1. Cllr Richard Eddy - written statement. Item 6 - Home care project 2. Cllr Brian Price and Cllr Jackie Norman - written statement. 3. Cllr Jon Rogers - written statement. Item 7 - Parks and green space strategy 4. Cllr Gary Hopkins - written statement. 5. Alison Bromilow, Fraser Bridgeford, Hugh Holden, - written statement. 6. Cllr Tim Kent - written statement. 7. Steve Grainger - written statement. Item 8 - Arnos Vale Cemetery - approval to let contract for main restoration works 8. Richard Smith - statement - note: this will be based on the statement set out at appendix B of the Cabinet report. Item 9 - Commissioning adult social care services from the voluntary and community sector 9. Jeff Walker - written statement. 10. Pauline Markovits - written statement. Item 10 - Voluntary and community sector investment budget allocation of funding 2008/09 11. Pauline Allen - written statement. 12. Catrin Richards - written statement. 13. Sheila Phillips - written statement. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Cllr Lesley Alexander - written statement. Lorraine Horgan - written statement. Andrew Betteridge - written statement. Royston Pedwell - written statement. Cllr Tim Kent - written statement. Cathie Burton - written statement - note: this statement was originally presented to the Care and Communities Scrutiny Commission on 8 January 2008. Janet Booth and Andrew Booth - written statement. Mr S Martin - written statement. Paul N Jenking - written statement. Mrs P Cutter - written statement. Ann Nash - written statement. Kathe Jacob - written statement. Raymond Pedwell - written statement. Item 11 - Proposals to increase primary capacity - Ashley / Bishopston wards 27. Simon Davis - written statement. 28. Cllr Bev Knott - written statement. D. QUESTIONS FROM COUNCILLORS None received by the deadline. STATEMENT C1 Statement from Councillor Richard Eddy to Cabinet, for its meeting of Thursday, 10th January 2008 Agenda Item 5 - Report on the Abolition 200 activities in 2007 Leader and Cabinet The report on Abolition 200 activities on your agenda today highlights much of the good work which has been achieved in 2007, the bi-centenary of the abolition of the transatlantic slave trade. As someone who passionately feels that the history of our nation is too often neglected and ignored, I understand and support the Steering Group's desire that their efforts should directly inform mainstream work in the fields of education, community cohesion and cultural services. Nevertheless, the Conservative Group has real concern that the positive good which has come out of the Abolition 200 commemorations could be undermined if certain initiatives are seen as divisive, narrowly-focused and even, dare one say, self-indulgent. Excellent work such as the programmes to improve BME academic performance and extend the opportunities available to young people from the minority communities are to be commended. These must be built upon. I also welcome that greater attention will be given to pre-20th Century history. Sadly, last year very little attention seems to have been given to the work of the abolitionists themselves and, in particular, the tremendous contribution of the Royal Navy and the British Empire in suppressing slavery throughout the world. I hope that this significant omission will be corrected in the suggested educational programmes and materials proposed for Bristol's schools. Bristol has more recently faced up to,and recognised, the impact of its involvement in the slave trade and permanent memorials such as Pero's Bridge and the celebrated grave of Scipio Africanus at Henbury Parish Church has rightly emerged from relative obscurity. However, I am surprised to read of further proposals to rename Bristol streets and provide some other form of permanent memorial which could distract attention. At a time of straightened financial circumstances for both this Authority and its citizens, we need to look very carefully at the justification for additional expenditure and, particularly, any on-going commitment as envisaged in the proposed £250,000 funding of the proposed Legacy Commission. Moreover, when Bristol City Council is rightly seeking to build community cohesion, I am concerned that initiatives such as street-renaming may prove harmful to this objective. I hope the proposed Legacy Commission will bear these points in mind. COUNCILLOR RICHARD EDDY LEADER, CONSERVATIVE GROUP Cllr Richard Eddy ask for tel fax e-mail Date Ian Hird (0117) 92 22384 (0117) 92 23842 ian.hird@ 15 January 2008 Dear Councillor Eddy CABINET - 10 JANUARY 2008 - PUBLIC FORUM STATEMENT - AGENDA ITEM 5 - REPORT ON THE ABOLITION 200 ACTIVITIES IN 2007 Further to the public forum statement which you submitted to the 10 January Cabinet, please find attached, for your information, a copy of the relevant Cabinet decision record. As you know, Cllr Hammond responded to the comments set out in your statement, prior to the Cabinet taking their decision. For your information, this can be viewed via the webcast of the meeting, available on the Council's website Yours sincerely Ian Hird Democratic Services Team Leader 1 STATEMENT C2 Statement to Executive Member Adult Community Care, Cllr Peter Hammond regarding his report, Cabinet, Item 6, Home Care Project, on Jan. 10th 2008. As the Liberal Democrat members of the Adult Community Care Select Committee set up to investigate the Value for Money aspects of Home and Residential Care, we ask you in your presentation of this report to give answers to the outstanding questions raise by the Select Committee and please make clear your intentions regarding the following: Para 2. Could you please indicate to whom and when most of the 10,000 hours increase in contact time will be delivered? Para 9. Optimum Efficiency. Para 13 states the optimum target for the HCBU is 180 FTE. HCA’s i.e. 6,660 CONTRACT hours, delivering 4,400 CONTACT hrs per week, an efficiency of 66% Referring to Appendix 2, Page 15, Point 4: This states that after creating STAR there will be approximately 300 staff in the HCBU; these should ultimately be delivering 6500 hours with non-contact time (travel, sickness, meetings) set at 15% i.e. 85% efficiency. Would you please explain how this can be achieved as I had to given up when trying to match this with 180 FTE or 193 FTE based on conversion of staff to FTE’s used in Para.13 and taking into account holidays and waiting time. Referring to Appendix 1: Why do you not include the 17 FTE OOH HCA and the 15 SHCA as delivering contact time? Para 10. Why is the agreement with the trade Unions not included in the appendices of the report? Regarding Sickness and Downtime, the Select Committee has been trying to get monthly data over a couple of years since we were set up in July 2006. Is it available to us now? Para. 11. Are the Home Care Assistants of the STARS to do the Assessments and Reviews? Para 12. It refers to using the same ratio of staff to hours delivered. Taking this to be the same as in Para 13, 80 FTE, 2,960 Contract hrs, would deliver 1,955 contact hours, an efficiency of 66%. Referring to Appendix 1, Task Group 3, Para 2: This agrees that 1900 hrs of Contact time is required for STAR but it can be delivered by 70 FTE, 2,600 Contract time, an efficiency of 73%. This difference results in a 14% difference in the number of staff required and is independent of the rate of referrals. Which is the agreed Optimum Efficiency? Para 18 Referring to appendix 3 Is it correct for 7% and 3.4% to be applied to everything, even what has been paid for, when calculating the overheads and FRS 17 adjustment for pensions? Are the hours quoted under STAR team meant to be Contract or Contact Hrs? Referring to Appendix 4. How are the 07/08 overheads calculated since they are neither the 7% (overheads only) nor 10.4% (overheads + FRS 17 adjustment) as indicated in Appendix 3. Noting that the HCBU/Independent Sector split of Contact Time is quoted in the top table for: 06/07 as 7794 / 8873 contact hrs. i.e. 46.8% / 53.2% 07/08 as 6032 /11410 contact hrs. i.e 34.6% / 65.4% The report indicates the latest split to be 28% / 72% split, based on HCBU providing 6,500 contact hrs of the 23,000 total. By requiring the maximum number of HCA employed being set at 180 FTE (Para. 18); Do you agree that based on delivering total of 33,000 contact hrs, with HCBU reaching optimum of 4,400 and STAR increased to 3000 hrs per week (say 50 new referrals each week) you will achieve a split of: 7,400 / 25600 contact hrs i.e 23% In House & 77%. Independent Sector. Para 29. Is there a possibility that the self-funders will be able to buy from the Local Authority? Para. 32. Where are the clear milestones and indicators identified? When do you anticipate the STAR and LTCS will be established ? Para 43. What is the turnover of Service User in Home Care? Para. 48. Have you been able to quantify the pay enhancement and other terms and conditions of in-house staff compared to the independent sector so that they could be allowed for in any comparison. Appendix 2 appendix 1 Aim of WG Para 2 g) Why no linkages to key services? Why was link with Very Sheltered Housing ruled out? Methodology 4 What was the outcome of the consideration of establishing a special ‘Workforce Efficiency Sub Group’ Key Issue 2 Unfortunately the projected outcome for the HCBU is less home care hours and the same unit cost as at 2006. Cllr’s Jackie Norman & Brian Price Cllr Brian Price & Cllr Jackie Norman ask for tel fax e-mail Date Ian Hird (0117) 92 22384 (0117) 92 23842 ian.hird@ 15 January 2008 Dear Councillors Price and Norman CABINET - 10 JANUARY 2008 - PUBLIC FORUM STATEMENT - AGENDA ITEM 6 - HOME CARE PROJECT Further to the public forum statement which you submitted to the 10 January Cabinet, please find attached, for your information, a copy of the relevant Cabinet decision record. In responding to your statement at the meeting, Cllr Hammond suggested that it would be appropriate for you to liaise direct with the Adult Community Care department in relation to the various questions set out. For your information, the webcast of the meeting is available on the Council's website Yours sincerely Ian Hird Democratic Services Team Leader 1 STATEMENT C3 I would be grateful for the opportunity to raise a number of concerns at the Cabinet meeting tomorrow. Unfortunately, as previously stated, starting the meeting at 4pm causes problems for people in full time occupations. First it is vital that we develop and expand the Home Care Service in the city. We do not currently provide sufficent Home Care service in the city, and a substantial expansion in number of hours supplied is needed. Second, the very high (and rising) cost of in-house service is highlighted in Appendix 4 In 2006/7 it was 25.46 for in house services and 14.25 for independent sector In 2007/8 it had risen to 31.00 for each hour of care in the in-house service whilst the independent sector cost per hour had dropped to 14.12. When quizzed on this trend at Care and Community Scrutiny Commission on Tuesday this week, Cllr Jeff Lovell, Asst Cabinet member for Adult Community Care who had chaired the home care stakeholder working party suggested we "crossed our fingers" to hope for reduced costs for the in-house service. He did point out that there had been an agreement with the Trade Unions to deliver efficiency savings, new flexible contracts, better management of sickness, etc, but there is clearly a big gap in costs, and no clear assurance that that gap will narrow. Despite requests, we have not seen the agreement struck with Trade Unions, although that clearly has a major material bearing on the service. Third, we are unclear why the costs are so high for the in house service. We have repeatedly asked for a breakdown. It has been offered, most recently to me on Friday, but has not yet materialised. Finally we need to know what monitoring will take place on service levels and cost of service, and what action is being taken to address the costs. It is not clear where the extra money is coming from to pay the high costs of this service, but one might speculate it is coming from the closure of all 13 council residential care homes? Cllr Jon Rogers Cllr Jon Rogers ask for tel fax e-mail Date Ian Hird (0117) 92 22384 (0117) 92 23842 ian.hird@ 15 January 2008 Dear Councillor Rogers CABINET - 10 JANUARY 2008 - PUBLIC FORUM STATEMENT - AGENDA ITEM 6 - HOME CARE PROJECT Further to the public forum statement which you submitted to the 10 January Cabinet, please find attached, for your information, a copy of the relevant Cabinet decision record. As you know, Cllr Hammond responded to the comments set out in your statement, prior to the Cabinet taking their decision. For your information, this can be viewed via the webcast of the meeting, available on the Council's website Yours sincerely Ian Hird Democratic Services Team Leader 1 Statement to Cabinet, 10 January 2008 STATEMENT C4 Parks and Open Spaces Strategy I should by now be used to this administration twisting, turning and deceiving, but the Parks and Open Spaces Strategy really takes the biscuit. All parties agree that there needs to be investment in Bristol parks and a secure source of funding to pay for not only the capital improvements, but also quality upkeep. It was also very positive that the Bristol Parks Forum agreed, however reluctantly given that their members fight to preserve open space, to the principle of some lower quality open land being sold off to pay for the improvements. They though, along with everyone else, were mislead. I was present when on 15 September a clear undertaking on funding was given by the Executive Member, Rosalie Walker, to a well attended meeting of the Parks Forum. The pledge, that 80% of land sales money would return to parks was clear and was minuted. This pledge had not been removed when the matter came in front of Environment Scrutiny in October. Detailed figures were given to park user groups and their acquiescence was bought with these promises. This Cabinet must now remove this report, apologise to the Parks Forum and the Bristol public, and if they do indeed propose the £102,000,000 sell off then they need to be honest, re-consult and be clear about the effect this will have upon our City. Councillor Gary Hopkins Cllr Gary Hopkins ask for tel fax e-mail Date Ian Hird (0117) 92 22384 (0117) 92 23842 ian.hird@ 15 January 2008 Dear Councillor Hopkins CABINET - 10 JANUARY 2008 - PUBLIC FORUM STATEMENT - AGENDA ITEM 7 - PARKS AND GREEN SPACE STRATEGY Further to the public forum statement which you submitted to the 10 January Cabinet, I am writing to formally confirm that the Cabinet deferred taking a decision on this item. For your information, the webcast of the meeting is available on the Council's website Yours sincerely Ian Hird Democratic Services Team Leader 1 STATEMENT C5 This is a public forum representation statement for the cabinet meeting agenda item 7 Parks and Green Spaces Strategy. I wish to speak at the cabinet meeting. Alison Bromilow -------------------------------------------------------------------------------We welcome the adoption of this Strategy that will support the much needed improvement of Bristol's Parks and Green Spaces. However we are very concerned about the failure to comply with the Executive Member's commitment to Bristol Parks Forum members to ring fence 80% of the capital raised from disposals. We do not consider the financial aspects of the strategy, the Section 106 contributions and the proposal for ring fencing only 50% minimum of disposal income, are sufficiently robust to avoid legal challenge from developers about the level of Section 106 contributions. The result of the reduced reinvestment from disposals and the reduction of Section 106 income will necessitate a far greater level of land disposals . We consider that the implied 100% increase in the level of land disposal is unacceptable. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Capital investment. Whilst we welcome the commitment to ring fence capital from disposals of open space, it is clear that the level of investment proposed will not be sufficient to fund the Strategy without disposal of much greater areas of existing open space than will be compatible with the city's core aims of a high quality environment, with Bristol to be a green capital in Europe, sustainable development and meeting the needs of the residents of Bristol now and in the future. [Bristol's Core Strategy] The draft strategy that was the subject of the recent consultation, envisaged £30m contribution from developers and £36m from sale of green space towards the £87m capital investment required. We regret to note that, despite concerns raised about disposal of green space, the report to Cabinet now envisages only £15m from Developers Contributions, with a corresponding increase to £51m from land sales. If the percentage contribution from land sales decreases from 80% to 50% and the contribution increases from £36m to £50m then value of land that will need to be sold off will be increased from £45,000,000 to £100,000,000 over DOUBLE the original proposal. This is a very significant change to the original proposal. A full report on the feasibility of this level of land disposal is needed before the cabinet can approve the financial provisions of the strategy. In addition the report also envisages the £4.2m pa of life cycle costs being funded from capital contributions. This would require contributions from the land sales to the value £2.4m pa, which would necessitate further disposals. This is not acceptable. If the council justifies the sale of public open space to raise funds to improve the quality and facilities of the remaining public open space, then the full income [with a small administration cost deduction] should be reinvested into that public open space until the strategy standards are attained. If less than the full amount is invested directly into public open space improvements the council is indicating that this is all that is needed to meet the need for improvement. This could be used by developers to argue against the S106 contributions, further reducing the available funding for public open space improvements. Section 106 The revised figures for Section 106 contribution rate have reduced the developers contributions from around £1300/ person to £928/ person, so there is a reduction of about 1/3 from planning obligations income. In addition, the contribution rate has been set at 50% of the actual cost of providing the minimum standard of recreational facilities. Circular 05/2005 sets out the requirements for Section 106 contributions from developers. There is provision in the circular for asking for a financial contribution or for asking for land to be allocated to provide open space for the development. One of the four tests sets out the requirement for a direct correlation between the amount of contribution required and the impact of the development. There is no provision within the circular for asking for less than the full cost. At present a contribution of 50% of the cost of open space is requested from developers. The levels were set from the National Playing Field Association standards. The 50% figure was arrived at because it was considered that developer contributions would not be for new facilities but for the improvement of existing facilities, in addition it was felt that the full cost was above contribution levels from comparable local authorities and may be challenged. Now the Parks and Green Spaces Strategy has been written, fully worked out costings have been arrived at and can be justified. The Bristol Standard costs are approximately 2/3 of the present NPFA level of full cost. The figures used to calculate the S106 contributions use the minimum quantity standard in isolation. They do not take account of the distance standard or other constraints that mean that greater areas per capita have to be provided in practice to meet this standard. In addition, the figures are based on the provision of the minimum not the optimum quantity of open space. The method of calculation should be reviewed to take account of these factors. To offer a reduction of 50% is no longer justifiable. The contribution should be the full cost as set out in Circular 05/2005 because there is no provision within the circular for asking for less than the full cost. As public open space can only be sold off once, the council owes a duty to the citizens of Bristol to ensure that this income is invested in accordance with the aims of the strategy and that the legislation concerning developer contributions is used to its best effect. We ask that the Executive Member's commitment to re-invest 80% of disposal income is reinstated by the Cabinet and that the Section 106 provisions and the capital ring fencing provisions are redrafted to reflect the council's aspirations embodied in the Parks and Green Spaces Strategy. Fraser Bridgeford, Chairman, Hugh Holden, Vice Chairman, Alison Bromilow, Bristol Parks Forum Alison Bromilow, Fraser Bridgeford & Hugh Holden Bristol Parks Forum ask for tel fax e-mail Date Ian Hird (0117) 92 22384 (0117) 92 23842 ian.hird@ 15 January 2008 Dear Ms Bromilow, Mr Bridgeford & Mr Holden CABINET - 10 JANUARY 2008 - PUBLIC FORUM STATEMENT - AGENDA ITEM 7 - PARKS AND GREEN SPACE STRATEGY Further to the public forum statement which you submitted to the 10 January Cabinet, I am writing to confirm that the Cabinet deferred taking a decision on this item. For your information, the webcast of the meeting is available on the Council's website Yours sincerely Ian Hird Democratic Services Team Leader 1 Cllr Tim Kent, Liberal Democrat Councillor for Whitchurch Park Ward 106 Hengrove Lane, Bristol. BS14 9DQ 0117 300 5645 Statement to Council Executive Re: Parks Strategy Dear Executive Members, I am very disappointed at the changes that you have made to the financial aspects regarding the use of money from disposal of sale of land. The changes you propose will mean to finance the programme in this strategy will involve disposing of over £100 million of parkland; double to what had previously been proposed. The question has to be asked how much parkland will be left after your massive sell off of our parks? As ward Councillor for Whitchurch Park I fear for the future of green spaces in my ward. These areas desperately need improvement and investment but this strategy seems to deliver a far more bleak future of selling it off for more housing. Bristol’s jewel in its crown is its green open spaces. The amount that we have needs to be treasured. It does need investment but this cannot be at the total sacrifice of what we are trying to protect. I am greatly concerned that the online report that I and the public rely on to read your plans is missing Appendix 7 which includes all of the maps of your future plans. Where is this land you plan to sell off? What is your proposals for local parks, green spaces and play areas for our city? These plans seem to be shadowed in secrecy and people deserve to know if you intend selling off their local park or closing their children’s play area. Yours, Cllr Tim Kent Lib Dem – Whitchurch Park Ward. Printed by Azimuth Print Ltd, Chipping Sodbury, Bristol. Published and Promoted by Tim Kent, 106 Hengrove Lane, Bristol. BS14 9DQ. Cllr Tim Kent ask for tel fax e-mail Date Ian Hird (0117) 92 22384 (0117) 92 23842 ian.hird@ 15 January 2008 Dear Councillor Kent CABINET - 10 JANUARY 2008 - PUBLIC FORUM STATEMENT - AGENDA ITEM 7 - PARKS AND GREEN SPACE STRATEGY Further to the public forum statement which you submitted to the 10 January Cabinet, I am writing to confirm that the Cabinet deferred taking a decision on this item. For your information, the webcast of the meeting is available on the Council's website Yours sincerely Ian Hird Democratic Services Team Leader 1 STATEMENT C7 Dear Ian, I'd be grateful if you could put forward the Wildlife Trust's views on the above item as a Public Forum item at tomorrow's meeting. 'we fully support the Parks and Green Spaces Strategy but we are also concerned at the failure of the Strategy to comply with the Executive Member's commitment to Bristol Parks Forum members to ring fence 80% of the capital raised from disposals. We do not consider the financial aspects of the strategy, the Section 106 contributions and the proposal for ring fencing only 50% minimum of disposal income, are sufficiently robust to avoid legal challenge from developers about the level of Section 106 contributions'. We recommend that the Cabinet support the views of the Parks Forum as set out in their separate statement'. Steve Grainger, Chief Executive Avon Wildlife Trust Steve Grainger Chief Executive Avon Wildlife Trust ask for tel fax e-mail Date Ian Hird (0117) 92 22384 (0117) 92 23842 ian.hird@ 15 January 2008 Dear Mr Grainger CABINET - 10 JANUARY 2008 - PUBLIC FORUM STATEMENT - AGENDA ITEM 7 - PARKS AND GREEN SPACE STRATEGY Further to the public forum statement which you submitted to the 10 January Cabinet, I am writing to confirm that the Cabinet deferred taking a decision on this item. For your information, the webcast of the meeting is available on the Council's website Yours sincerely Ian Hird Democratic Services Team Leader 1 STATEMENT C 9 Dear Ian, I am Chair of the Southmead and North Bristol Service User Network, which is having its Adult Community Care Grant aid ended from March 2009. As a resident of Bristol, living at 98 Gordon Road, Whitehall, Bristol BS5 7DP, I would like to raise the following at the public forum part of the Cabinet Meeting to be held on 10th Jan 2008. Could you please confirm receipt of this email. I would like to question the process by which the Adult Care Department have used in deciding which voluntary sector organisations should face cuts or cessation to their funding from the City Council In particular I would like to question the decision to send out notices on 24th December, after the last posting date before Christmas and at the commencement of a long holiday period before people will be returning to work, leaving only days for groups affected to offer a response. I would also like to question the rationale that cuts are being made to grant aided groups as the council is moving towards Commissioned only work. This factually incorrect as the the council is at this moment negotiating new grant aided schemes with voluntary sector organisations. I would further argue that a move towards commissioning will wholly disadvantage front line user groups as we do not have the infrastructure or staffing resources to compete against larger organisations. In essence we are not playing on a 'level playing field'. This whole process has left self help groups who are solely reliant upon grant aid from the City Council in a state of confusion and distress. Yours sincerely, Jeff Walker Chair, Southmead and North Bristol Service User Network Jeff Walker Chair, Southmead and North Bristol Service User Network ask for tel fax e-mail Date Ian Hird (0117) 92 22384 (0117) 92 23842 ian.hird@ 15 January 2008 Dear Mr Walker CABINET - 10 JANUARY 2008 - PUBLIC FORUM STATEMENT - AGENDA ITEM 9 - COMMISSIONING ADULT SOCIAL CARE SERVICES FROM THE VOLUNTARY AND COMMUNITY SECTOR Further to the public forum statement which you submitted to the 10 January Cabinet, please find attached, for your information, a copy of the relevant Cabinet decision record. For your information, the webcast of the meeting is available on the Council's website Yours sincerely Ian Hird Democratic Services Team Leader 1 STATEMENT C10 Statement to Bristol City Council Cabinet 10.1.08 Re Commissioning adult social care services from the voluntary & community sector From Pauline Markovits,Treasurer, Bristol Survivors Network I am writing to query the proposal of Adult Community Care to concentrate only on commissioned services. Like similar groups in Bristol, we provide trusted support to vulnerable people for a very small amount of money (approx. £2,000). We would urge you to set aside a proportion of funding to groups such as ours We have only known for a few days, through reading cabinet papers, that BSN has been evaluated as being in the red zone and so caught up in the proposed £300,000 of cuts from '07 to '09. As I currently deal with post to our mailbox, I have unfortunately been unable to consult with many members. Wendy Fabro's letter to me, received on 5th January, points out that as we are a User Group of people who have used mental health services that self-(peer) advocacy, user involvement and education do not fit their strategic priorities. The fact that we work towards improving mental health services and provide information on both voluntary and statutory Services in our monthly newsletter and on our website, means that individuals who may otherwise be isolated can feel supported and informed. We also are involved in promoting good practice in Care planning, through individual members involved in training; in informing members of initiatives which may help to improve their quality of life. Next month we are running a workshop together with Bristol Mind and the Two Way Street to help people write their own Advance Statements. At one time we were funded through Mental Illness Specific Grant alongside the move to community care. It has now been suggested that officers work with us to find alternative funding, possibly from Community Development, even though no solely mental health groups are currently funded by them. In supporting groups such as ours, you would be specifically promoting the White Paper outcomes in improving health, emotional wellbeing and the quality of life of mental health service users. Pauline Markovits Treasurer Bristol Survivors Network ask for tel fax e-mail Date Ian Hird (0117) 92 22384 (0117) 92 23842 ian.hird@ 15 January 2008 Dear Ms Markovits CABINET - 10 JANUARY 2008 - PUBLIC FORUM STATEMENT - AGENDA ITEM 9 - COMMISSIONING ADULT SOCIAL CARE SERVICES FROM THE VOLUNTARY AND COMMUNITY SECTOR Further to the public forum statement which you submitted to the 10 January Cabinet, please find attached, for your information, a copy of the relevant Cabinet decision record. For your information, the webcast of the meeting is available on the Council's website Yours sincerely Ian Hird Democratic Services Team Leader 1 STATEMENT C 11 Dear Cabinet Members I am contacting you in my capacity as Treasurer of Colston’s Afterschool Playscheme (CAPS). We provide afterschool care for 66 children from 55 different families (~14% of the pupils at Colston’s Primary School). I understand that the Council Cabinet is meeting on 10 January 2008, to discuss the Community Development Investment Budget (Policy, Performance and Equalities Division) for FY 08/09. I was shocked to learn that Council Officers are recommending that the funding to Bristol Association for Neighbourhood Daycare (BAND) be cut from £90K to £0. As a group that has received support from BAND in the past, we are concerned about the implications of this decision for the service we offer, and for other similar service providers across the city. CAPS has received support from BAND since 1986 (when CAPS was set up). This takes various forms: • our insurance is arranged through BAND • CRB checks for our staff are arranged through BAND • training for our Playworkers • training for our Management Committee • help with policies • help with fundraising to name but a few. Please consider reinstating funding to BAND. Failure to do so could threaten the services offered by groups such as CAPS, which play a vital role in the local community. Yours sincerely, Pauline Allen (Honorary Treasurer, CAPS) Pauline Allen Honorary Treasurer Colston's Afterschool Playscheme ask for tel fax e-mail Date Ian Hird (0117) 92 22384 (0117) 92 23842 ian.hird@ 15 January 2008 Dear Ms Allen CABINET - 10 JANUARY 2008 - PUBLIC FORUM STATEMENT - AGENDA ITEM 10 - VOLUNTARY AND COMMUNITY SECTOR INVESTMENT BUDGET ALLOCATION OF FUNDING 2008/09 Further to the public forum statement which you submitted to the 10 January Cabinet, please find attached, for your information, a copy of the relevant Cabinet decision record. For your information, the webcast of the meeting is available on the Council's website Yours sincerely Ian Hird Democratic Services Team Leader 1 STATEMENT C 12 Dear Councillors, I am writing to you in respect of the recommendation before you today from your Community Development officers, to cut funding to BAND Ltd for the year 2008-09 to £0. The effect of such a cut would be severe for the organisation and for the more than 200 groups who currently access the services BAND offers. The funding currently part funds 5 posts (2.4 FTE): Co-ordinator, Administrator, Fundraising & Marketing, Support & Development. These posts are essential for the work undertaken for Community Development and for enabling us to tender for and undertake other work, supporting the development of the sector. This other work includes: - Supporting the development and sustainability of childcare places created at private, voluntary, independent and maintained sector settings. The continued rollout and service development of the Extended Schools and Children’s Centres initiatives. The delivery of a comprehensive training programme. A CRB check service for paid and voluntary staff. Further development of long-term contract procurement. I ask that given the above points, you consider re-instating Community Development funding to BAND for 2008-09. If this is not possible, I would like you to give due consideration to a 3 month rollover of funding which would allow the organisation to prepare a strategy of service and staff cuts if necessary. Yours sincerely Catrin Richards Chairperson Bristol Association of Neighbourhood Daycare Ltd (BAND Ltd) Catrin Richards Chairperson Bristol Association for Neighbourhood Daycare ask for tel fax e-mail Date Ian Hird (0117) 92 22384 (0117) 92 23842 ian.hird@ 15 January 2008 Dear Ms Richards CABINET - 10 JANUARY 2008 - PUBLIC FORUM STATEMENT - AGENDA ITEM 10 - VOLUNTARY AND COMMUNITY SECTOR INVESTMENT BUDGET ALLOCATION OF FUNDING 2008/09 Further to the public forum statement which you submitted to the 10 January Cabinet, please find attached, for your information, a copy of the relevant Cabinet decision record. For your information, the webcast of the meeting is available on the Council's website Yours sincerely Ian Hird Democratic Services Team Leader 1 OLDBURY COURT OUT OF SCHOOL CLUBS OLDBURY COURT YOUTH CENTRE DELABERE AVENUE FISHPONDS BRISTOL BS16 2ND TEL: 0774 7650 611 9th January 2008 STATEMENT C 13 STATEMENT TO THE CABINET – 10TH JANUARY 2008 I am writing regarding the recent decision re: Community Development Investment Budget (Policy, Performance and Equalities Division) concerning funding awards for 2008 -09, which the Council Cabinet meets to consider on January 10th. I was shocked to learn that the officers’ recommendation is to cut funding to BAND from approximately £90,000 to £0 and that the appeal against this decision has been rejected. As a group that has received a lot of support from BAND in the past we are extremely concerned about the implications of this decision for the service we offer and for other similar service providers across the city. BAND has supported us for 19 years since our scheme opened in 1989, they have given us much valued support with applying for grants, with issues arising with Health and Safety, help with finding suitable Insurance companies and with legal issues, our staff participate in regular training programmes . BAND also provides help with our OFSTED inspection, CRB checks and are always a wealth of information and endless support in all situations regarding childcare. Our scheme is one of the oldest and largest in Bristol we have a 64 place After School Club, a 24 place Breakfast Club and a 40 place Holiday Club, as well as a 24 place Nursery and we are extending our services even more with a Baby unit which will open in April ’08, are schemes are very well attended and we have only been able to expand with the help BAND we provide quality, low cost childcare for over 200 families within our local community. We are a non profit making Community Group and the impact on our group should you not reinstate BAND’s funding and therefore increase charges are made for their facilities, would be catastrophic. Therefore I strongly urge you to review the officers’ recommendation and consider reinstating funding to BAND. Failure to do so could seriously threaten services delivered by local groups across the city, which having been supported by BAND for up to 30 years play a vital role in community cohesion and development. Yours sincerely Sheila Phillips Co-Ordinator Oldbury Court Out Of School Club Oldbury Court Out Of School Clubs Registered address: Oldbury Court Youth Centre, Delabere Ave, Fishponds, Bristol BS16 2ND Registered in England & Wales, Company Number 05337412, Charity No. 1112646 Sheila Phillips Co-ordinator Oldbury Court Out of School Club ask for tel fax e-mail Date Ian Hird (0117) 92 22384 (0117) 92 23842 ian.hird@ 15 January 2008 Dear Ms Phillips CABINET - 10 JANUARY 2008 - PUBLIC FORUM STATEMENT - AGENDA ITEM 10 - VOLUNTARY AND COMMUNITY SECTOR INVESTMENT BUDGET ALLOCATION OF FUNDING 2008/09 Further to the public forum statement which you submitted to the 10 January Cabinet, please find attached, for your information, a copy of the relevant Cabinet decision record. For your information, the webcast of the meeting is available on the Council's website Yours sincerely Ian Hird Democratic Services Team Leader 1 STATEMENT C 14 Statement for Cabinet 10 January 2008 Community Development Investment Budget funding awards 2008/9 I was very disappointed to learn that it is the Officers recommendation that the support to Band should be cut from £90,000 to nil. Band is very supportive of groups that are providing a child care service to the community by helping with Ofsted inspections, funding, health and safety, policy and many other services. They have helped many organisations in my ward and in particular have been a lifeline for the Oldbury Court Out of School Clubs. This group provide an after school club, breakfast club, holiday club, nursery and are shortly to add a baby unit to the list, all very necessary services in this pocket of deprivation. If the funding is cut then Band would have to increase their charges which would have a knock on effect on the organisations that work so hard to provide much needed help to deprived areas. I therefore ask that you overturn the Officers recommendation to remove the funding to this excellent organisation which does so much to support local and vital groups across the city. Lesley Alexander Ward Councillor – Frome Vale Cllr Lesley Alexander ask for tel fax e-mail Date Ian Hird (0117) 92 22384 (0117) 92 23842 ian.hird@ 15 January 2008 Dear Cllr Alexander CABINET - 10 JANUARY 2008 - PUBLIC FORUM STATEMENT - AGENDA ITEM 10 - VOLUNTARY AND COMMUNITY SECTOR INVESTMENT BUDGET ALLOCATION OF FUNDING 2008/09 Further to the public forum statement which you submitted to the 10 January Cabinet, please find attached, for your information, a copy of the relevant Cabinet decision record. For your information, the webcast of the meeting is available on the Council's website Yours sincerely Ian Hird Democratic Services Team Leader 1 STATEMENT C15 The cut to the farms grant will cause severe consequences, it will reduce the hours the farm will be open to the public, and the community, also it will impact on the partnership with organisations that was agreed to move the farm forward . An appeal has been made against this decision, as ward councillors, members of the farm steering group I hope you will support the farm in this process . Lorraine Horgan Vice Chair Lorraine Horgan Vice-Chair Hartcliffe Community Park Farm ask for tel fax e-mail Date Ian Hird (0117) 92 22384 (0117) 92 23842 ian.hird@ 15 January 2008 Dear Ms Horgan CABINET - 10 JANUARY 2008 - PUBLIC FORUM STATEMENT - AGENDA ITEM 10 - VOLUNTARY AND COMMUNITY SECTOR INVESTMENT BUDGET ALLOCATION OF FUNDING 2008/09 Further to the public forum statement which you submitted to the 10 January Cabinet, please find attached, for your information, a copy of the relevant Cabinet decision record. For your information, the webcast of the meeting is available on the Council's website Yours sincerely Ian Hird Democratic Services Team Leader 1 STATEMENT C16 Hartcliffe Community Park Farm Dear Executive Member, It will be a severe blow to the community, school users and colleges plus students who use the farm for education. Cutting the farms grant will mean a cut back on the amount of days the farm will be able to open . With the amount being offered three days will be what we will be able to offer to the community , schools and colleges. Andrew Betteridge Director Andrew Betteridge Director Hartcliffe Community Park Farm ask for tel fax e-mail Date Ian Hird (0117) 92 22384 (0117) 92 23842 ian.hird@ 15 January 2008 Dear Mr Betteridge CABINET - 10 JANUARY 2008 - PUBLIC FORUM STATEMENT - AGENDA ITEM 10 - VOLUNTARY AND COMMUNITY SECTOR INVESTMENT BUDGET ALLOCATION OF FUNDING 2008/09 Further to the public forum statement which you submitted to the 10 January Cabinet, please find attached, for your information, a copy of the relevant Cabinet decision record. For your information, the webcast of the meeting is available on the Council's website Yours sincerely Ian Hird Democratic Services Team Leader 1 STATEMENT C17 Hartcliffe Community Park Farm Dear Executive Member As a director of Hartcliffe Farm I urge you the Executive Members to support our Project to drive the farm forward not backwards. A grant of 27,000 will allow the farm to open to the public seven days a week, 20,000 will only allow us to open three days , a part time farm Royston Pedwell Director Royston Pedwell Director Hartcliffe Community Park Farm ask for tel fax e-mail Date Ian Hird (0117) 92 22384 (0117) 92 23842 ian.hird@ 15 January 2008 Dear Mr Pedwell CABINET - 10 JANUARY 2008 - PUBLIC FORUM STATEMENT - AGENDA ITEM 10 - VOLUNTARY AND COMMUNITY SECTOR INVESTMENT BUDGET ALLOCATION OF FUNDING 2008/09 Further to the public forum statement which you submitted to the 10 January Cabinet, please find attached, for your information, a copy of the relevant Cabinet decision record. For your information, the webcast of the meeting is available on the Council's website Yours sincerely Ian Hird Democratic Services Team Leader 1 Cllr Tim Kent, Liberal Democrat Councillor for Whitchurch Park Ward 106 Hengrove Lane, Bristol. BS14 9DQ 0117 300 5645 Statement to Council Executive Re: Agenda Item 10 Dear Executive Members, As the ward councillor for Whitchurch Park I am concerned about the considerable cut in the grant for Hartcliffe Community Park Farm which sits in the heart of my ward. I have worked closely with the farm, partners and council officers over the last couple of years and we are now at the stage where the farm is showing real improvements. They exceeded visitor targets set last year and continue to attract young people to volunteer at the farm. The Soil Association, a major partner of the Farm, has written to the Council opposing this cut. The report clearly shows that Hartcliffe Farm has significantly improved its position from last year. Yet it is the only Farm facing a 1/3 cut in its budget. The report states that the farm is in a semi rural location. It is on the edge of the city. But within 300 yards are 5 Council tower blocks. A city farm is not about fields but about challenging practical experiences for young people and education of where our food comes from and what is healthy food. Hartcliffe Community Park Farm serves the most deprived community of all the farms and is a vital resource into reaching out to young people and bringing them together with older members of the community. The only other reason for the cut given is that it had a low score - this is correct but it has significantly improved over the last year and has only scored 7 points below the other 2 city farms that are being offered £15,000 more. The farm has continually outperformed targets set for it and currently has over 1000 visitors each month. It will not be able to continue this improvement if this cut is carried out. These are the only two reasons that have been produced to justify this radical reduction in funding. This reduction seriously endangers the viability of the farm. It is currently open to the public 7 days a week but the grant reduction would force the farm board to reduce their one full time post to part time meaning the farm could open for no more than 3 or 4 days a week at most. This would be a terrible blow to the community and those children that currently volunteer at the farm in constructive activities. I ask the Executive to agree that the grant for Hartcliffe is at least equalised with that of the lowest other funded farm at £27,000 (a reason given for cutting two other farm projects in the report). This would be an equitable solution allowing the farm to remain open full time. Yours, Cllr Tim Kent Lib Dem – Whitchurch Park Ward. Printed by Azimuth Print Ltd, Chipping Sodbury, Bristol. Published and Promoted by Tim Kent, 106 Hengrove Lane, Bristol. BS14 9DQ. Cllr Tim Kent ask for tel fax e-mail Date Ian Hird (0117) 92 22384 (0117) 92 23842 ian.hird@ 15 January 2008 Dear Cllr Kent CABINET - 10 JANUARY 2008 - PUBLIC FORUM STATEMENT - AGENDA ITEM 10 - VOLUNTARY AND COMMUNITY SECTOR INVESTMENT BUDGET ALLOCATION OF FUNDING 2008/09 Further to the public forum statement which you submitted to the 10 January Cabinet, please find attached, for your information, a copy of the relevant Cabinet decision record. For your information, the webcast of the meeting is available on the Council's website Yours sincerely Ian Hird Democratic Services Team Leader 1 Kathie Burton Operations & Resources Director Soil Association ask for tel fax e-mail Date Ian Hird (0117) 92 22384 (0117) 92 23842 ian.hird@ 15 January 2008 Dear Ms Burton CABINET - 10 JANUARY 2008 - PUBLIC FORUM STATEMENT - AGENDA ITEM 10 - VOLUNTARY AND COMMUNITY SECTOR INVESTMENT BUDGET ALLOCATION OF FUNDING 2008/09 Further to the public forum statement which you submitted to the 10 January Cabinet, please find attached, for your information, a copy of the relevant Cabinet decision record. For your information, the webcast of the meeting is available on the Council's website Yours sincerely Ian Hird Democratic Services Team Leader 1 STATEMENT C 20 Hartcliffe Community Park Farm. Lampton Avenue, Hartcliffe, Bristol Dear Sirs/Madam, Re: Funding Application I am writing on behalf of Hartcliffe Community Park Farm to appeal against the decision to cut the amount of funding granted to the project for the year 2008 - 2009 At this particular time the funding requested it is of the utmost importance to support the farm in this crucial stage of its development. We are now in the position and in full agreement to elect partner organisations to the board of directors, this will be happening today (9th January 2008). For certain partners it is vital that we are in the position to ensure that for the immediate future the farm is a viable project and will be supported through the early stages of a developing program with them. We are also in the position of having an approved project with the Big Lottery Fund, although we lost out in the final vote for the Peoples Millions we have been assured that the project will be supported through other funds, the process of re-applying is in process. This funding will be jeopardised if the amount of matched funding is reduced and the function of the farm and its services restricted. A reduction of funding would immediately restrict the opening hours of the farm, this will immediately affect user groups and the use of the facility. It could particularly affect our relationship with the Colleges, schools and special groups, as they also have schedules and timetables to accommodate. We are also developing a program of free play sessions and family workshops. The reduction in funding would also put at risk the installation and work with the small animal unit from The Park in Knowle and the plans for the unit to come on site along with the user groups that they work with. We have reached a turning point in our approach to the way the farm is to be developed through the next year and the shaping of its future as a vital community asset. We are also developing a program of free play sessions and family workshops. I sincerely hope that your committee will reconsider its decision to restrict funding for the year 2007 – 2008 and commit to the Farm, its new partners and the community in supporting a new and fresh start. Yours faithfully Janet Booth Andrew Booth Voluntary Director Voluntary Director Janet Booth & Andrew Booth ask for tel fax e-mail Date Ian Hird (0117) 92 22384 (0117) 92 23842 ian.hird@ 15 January 2008 Dear Janet Booth & Andrew Booth CABINET - 10 JANUARY 2008 - PUBLIC FORUM STATEMENT - AGENDA ITEM 10 - VOLUNTARY AND COMMUNITY SECTOR INVESTMENT BUDGET ALLOCATION OF FUNDING 2008/09 Further to the public forum statement which you submitted to the 10 January Cabinet, please find attached, for your information, a copy of the relevant Cabinet decision record. For your information, the webcast of the meeting is available on the Council's website Yours sincerely Ian Hird Democratic Services Team Leader 1 STATEMENT C 21 As a Director of Hartcliffe Community Park Farm, I feel that if we don't get the funding it would mean cutbacks in the farms opening times, and a valuable Community Resource would be lost. The Farms visitor numbers have more than doubled this year, as a resort of better feedback through more events and more birthday parties. We will also be bring new Partners on Board this coming year, and hope it will be for the best. Mr S Martin Director Mr S Martin Director Hartcliffe Community Park Farm ask for tel fax e-mail Date Ian Hird (0117) 92 22384 (0117) 92 23842 ian.hird@ 15 January 2008 Dear Mr Martin CABINET - 10 JANUARY 2008 - PUBLIC FORUM STATEMENT - AGENDA ITEM 10 - VOLUNTARY AND COMMUNITY SECTOR INVESTMENT BUDGET ALLOCATION OF FUNDING 2008/09 Further to the public forum statement which you submitted to the 10 January Cabinet, please find attached, for your information, a copy of the relevant Cabinet decision record. For your information, the webcast of the meeting is available on the Council's website Yours sincerely Ian Hird Democratic Services Team Leader 1 STATEMENT C 22 Dear Mr Hird, We are writing to you on the advice of Councillor Chris Jackson, who we have made representation to regarding the level of funding for our organisation - the Mede Community and Learning Centre. 1. Our original application for funding was adjusted downwards by the Council on the basis that in it we did not adequately express the range of work undertaken by the Mede. We were informed on Friday 7th December that our application for full funding had failed. 2. We tried to contact Helen Ball’s office as to why our request for funding was adjusted, and spent the whole of 11th, 12th, and 13th December trying to speak with someone at BCC. When we initially tried to contact Helen Ball we were told to phone Gillian Douglas – but she was unavailable. We were then referred to phone Jane Houden – but she was off sick for the entire week. Therefore we couldn’t speak to anyone until her job-share partner Hewell Caddy came in on Thursday afternoon on the 13th. We followed this ‘telephone trail’ over three days in an attempt to get further information to enable us to make an accurate appeal. In desperation we emailed Hewell Caddy on 13th December requesting information of the area within our application where we had failed to convince the Council of our need, and which was of utmost importance to our appeal. 3. He eventually phoned us on the afternoon of 13th December informing us that the only grounds that we could appeal on were that the Council had misunderstood ‘a significant part of our application’; there might have been other grounds but we were unable to ascertain this, and felt limited by the official form. So our appeal had to be submitted without important facts and with us being in the dark as to what was required by council officers. 4. We submitted our appeal on 17th December, (the day before the deadline) with as much additional information as we could supply, but as far as we can ascertain, this appeal has failed to get us increased funding sufficient to enable to Mede to remain open. The Council should be aware of the fact that the Mede Centre is umbilically joined to Holy Cross Parish Church and any closure will have a direct impact on the church’s continuance. Therefore we would like the opportunity to address the next Cabinet meeting, which we believe to be on Thursday 10th January, to try to convince them of our need for additional time to make a cogent application. To this end can you please advise us at what time the meeting takes place and where. Sincerely, Paul N Jenking Chair of the Mede Management Committee. Paul N Jenking Chair Mede Management Committee ask for tel fax e-mail Date Ian Hird (0117) 92 22384 (0117) 92 23842 ian.hird@ 15 January 2008 Dear Mr Jenking CABINET - 10 JANUARY 2008 - PUBLIC FORUM STATEMENT - AGENDA ITEM 10 - VOLUNTARY AND COMMUNITY SECTOR INVESTMENT BUDGET ALLOCATION OF FUNDING 2008/09 Further to the public forum statement which you submitted to the 10 January Cabinet, please find attached, for your information, a copy of the relevant Cabinet decision record. For your information, the webcast of the meeting is available on the Council's website Yours sincerely Ian Hird Democratic Services Team Leader 1 STATEMENT C 23 Hartcliffe Community Park Farm I think that if we don't get the funding for the Farm, a Community Resource could be lost, cutback will need to be made, forcing us to a 3 day week. this would mean a reduction in visitor numbers, which have been doubled this year. Also with partners coming on Board the Farm needs to move forward not back, and hope it will be for the best. Mrs P Cutter Mrs P Cutter ask for tel fax e-mail Date Ian Hird (0117) 92 22384 (0117) 92 23842 ian.hird@ 15 January 2008 Dear Mrs Cutter CABINET - 10 JANUARY 2008 - PUBLIC FORUM STATEMENT - AGENDA ITEM 10 - VOLUNTARY AND COMMUNITY SECTOR INVESTMENT BUDGET ALLOCATION OF FUNDING 2008/09 Further to the public forum statement which you submitted to the 10 January Cabinet, please find attached, for your information, a copy of the relevant Cabinet decision record. For your information, the webcast of the meeting is available on the Council's website Yours sincerely Ian Hird Democratic Services Team Leader 1 STATEMENT C24 I was dismayed to hear the news about the proposed cut in funding to Hartcliffe Community Park Farm, and wish to bring to your attention what a valuable local resource I consider it to be. I have been visiting the farm for almost 7 years and feel that at present it is at its most buoyant. There have been lots of improvements, repairs, repainting,reorganising etc happening recently and this activity has created an air of 'moving forward in a very positive way' They were unfortunate to be pipped to the post in their bid for funding from 'The peoples millions' so it is a crushing blow to now have the local authority threatening to reduce their funding also. As a work experience placement officer, who specialises in the seeking and negotiation of suitable work placement for students, of all ages, with learning difficulties and/or disabilities, I view the Hartcliffe Community Farm as an essential resource as it provides my students with a unique opportunity to have a taste of animal care in a supportive setting. The Farm Manager, Rocky Pearce, is always willing to provide a valuable opening for a disabled student to do some worthwhile jobs around the farm, such as, cleaning and clearing out the rabbit's, guinea pig's, hen's, chicken's, duck's and pig's living quarters and the well stocked aviary. He also kindly provides the necessary support and encouragement to help them to get the most from their experience. Over the years he has provided numerous such opportunities for my students from the Bedminster, Hartcliffe, Brunel and Lawrence Weston sites of the college. At present I have a local student who attends every Wednesday morning and derives an enormous benefit from doing outdoor work. He takes medication for ADHD and has great difficulty fitting into the busy, noisy college environment, but really looks forward to the tranquillity of the farm. His enjoyment is such, that he has been attending for a whole year in term time, he works really hard and has rarely missed a day. He has helped with a whole variety of jobs e.g. cleaning out ponds, hutches and pens, assisting with painting and repairing fencing and bottle feeding lambs. I have recently reviewed his progress and he has declared that he wants to continue as he really feels that he is learning new things all the time. He is accompanied by a college support worker so that the farm manager does not need to be responsible for him. I am happy to lend my support to any process that ensures continuing funding for this valuable local community resource. I hope that this Email contributes in some small way to the overwhelming and obvious need to keep the Farm financially viable and open to the community Ann Nash Work Experience Placement Officer City of Bristol College, Foundation Education Faculty Ann Nash Work Experience Placement Officer City of Bristol College Foundation Education Faculty ask for tel fax e-mail Date Ian Hird (0117) 92 22384 (0117) 92 23842 ian.hird@ 15 January 2008 Dear Ms Nash CABINET - 10 JANUARY 2008 - PUBLIC FORUM STATEMENT - AGENDA ITEM 10 - VOLUNTARY AND COMMUNITY SECTOR INVESTMENT BUDGET ALLOCATION OF FUNDING 2008/09 Further to the public forum statement which you submitted to the 10 January Cabinet, please find attached, for your information, a copy of the relevant Cabinet decision record. For your information, the webcast of the meeting is available on the Council's website Yours sincerely Ian Hird Democratic Services Team Leader 1 STATEMENT C25 STATEMENT TO CABINET: KNOWLE WEST COMMUNITY SAFETY TEAM I am Kathe Jacob, manager from Knowle Safe, a grass roots community safety organisation in Filwood, South Bristol. Last month we went through a local prioritisation process to guide future spend of Neighbourhood Management funds and local partnership budgets. Local residents voted us as a top priority for continued funding. This week we heard that our funding from the Council would end on March 31st. The list of those projects which received funding did not accurately reflect the needs and wishes of our community who believed they had a say in these decisions. Furthermore, the list of successful projects was not accompanied by the rationale or criteria on which the decisions about funding were based. Knowle Safe is a part of Knowle West Development Trust. Although we receive core support, we are an independent deliverer of high quality services, and we seek funding for all our project work in our own right. The loss of our services means the loss of many valuable outcomes for the area. We work in an innovative way, using community development approaches to tackle anti social behaviour, resolve resident tensions, address local issues and improve facilities. We are NOT just another Council community safety team. For example, we have coordinated and led the following actions with residents: 120 households benefited from the clearance of waste and gating of back lanes in Novers Park. 8 residents have now been trained in restorative justice and are preparing to tackle low level ASB incidents 2 mediations have taken place in the last 3 months and resulted in amicable agreement and no police involvement 19 youngsters have worked at the Revvs Young Mechanics Club in the last 3 months, and learned to repair and build motorbikes 8 street parties took place this year and this involved an average of 30 people at each party along with countless children. They promoted community pride and harmony, and lessened friction between neighbours wherever they took place. 110 children attended an area wide football tournament in the summer. A full colour community directory has been compiled for the area listing all groups, facilities and services Our upcoming work includes tackling the notorious “Black Path” of Inns Court, and enabling our community justice work to reach fruition. Our work provides a unique community development approach to tackling communtiy safety and crime issues. The loss of our funding jeopardises all our work and the strong relationships built up with a network of residents. Our work is complementary to the staturotry sector and agencies we work with. This work was achieved with only 2 full time workers and part time admin support. We ask the Cabinet to reconsider the decision not to fund Knowle Safe. We believe that the outlying estates of Bristol must receive proper attention in line with the scale of need. Kathe Jacob Knowle West Community Safety Team ask for tel fax e-mail Date Ian Hird (0117) 92 22384 (0117) 92 23842 ian.hird@ 15 January 2008 Dear Ms Jacob CABINET - 10 JANUARY 2008 - PUBLIC FORUM STATEMENT - AGENDA ITEM 10 - VOLUNTARY AND COMMUNITY SECTOR INVESTMENT BUDGET ALLOCATION OF FUNDING 2008/09 Further to the public forum statement which you submitted to the 10 January Cabinet, please find attached, for your information, a copy of the relevant Cabinet decision record. For your information, the webcast of the meeting is available on the Council's website Yours sincerely Ian Hird Democratic Services Team Leader 1 STATEMENT C26 Hartcliffe Community Park Farm Dear Executive Member. As the director of the farm it is the funding that helps keep this farm open to the public, if the funding is cut we will have to close to the public four days a week that leaves only three for public use. the schools and colleges that use the farm for education purposes and NVQ2 qualifications will only be able to use the farm three days a week. this will put pressure upon us and the board of directors to keep the farm afloat. we are trying hard with partners such as the soil association to move the farm forward, common sense will say to give the grant and to keep the farm moving forward. Raymond Pedwell Director Raymond Pedwell Director Hartcliffe Community Park Farm ask for tel fax e-mail Date Ian Hird (0117) 92 22384 (0117) 92 23842 ian.hird@ 15 January 2008 Dear Mr Pedwell CABINET - 10 JANUARY 2008 - PUBLIC FORUM STATEMENT - AGENDA ITEM 10 - VOLUNTARY AND COMMUNITY SECTOR INVESTMENT BUDGET ALLOCATION OF FUNDING 2008/09 Further to the public forum statement which you submitted to the 10 January Cabinet, please find attached, for your information, a copy of the relevant Cabinet decision record. For your information, the webcast of the meeting is available on the Council's website Yours sincerely Ian Hird Democratic Services Team Leader 1 STATEMENT C 27 This is addressed to: Mr Ian Hird (Council)Mrs Janet Bremner (Chair of Governors at Sefton Park School)Mr Jon Rogers (Councillor)My wife was given a newsletter whilst picking up our daughter from Sefton Park School nursery this afternoon and I am concerned. It mentions on the reverse side of the A4 newsletter that the council will be discussing increasing the capacity of Sefton Park school campus. Details can be found under item 11 of the full cabinet agenda My primary concerns are: (1) Parents of Sefton Park children were informed of these plans 3 days before cabinet are going to meet to discuss it. This does not allow for any meaningful analysis by local parents of the proposals or an opportunity to feedback comments. I understand that the details of the agenda were posted on the council website on the 2nd January and in the Evening Post on the same day - this is not a satisfactory method of communication and consultation. (2) It is clear that these plans and options have been discussed and investigated over the last x months, but there has been no communication with local people. I would also like to have confirmation that the new classrooms and other new build pupil facilities: (1) will comply with the BB93 (acoustics) regulations. (2) will be used by all years and not just one year or set of years. This would allow all children with levels of hearing impairment to benefit from better acoustic classrooms and other facilities. I would also challenge the following areas of the report being submitted: (1) There is mention that amalgamating Elmfield Primary school into Sefton Park would be too costly. It is my understanding that the primary barrier was the lack of onsite classroom space and drop off space for taxis bringing hearing impaired children to the school. If the campus is expanded could amalgamation still be a viable option? (2) How did the housing developments on the Brunel site get the go ahead if the proposed new school site appears not be suitable for the needs of the local community? How can such a decision be prevented from happening again. (3) If Storegap do not appeal or are unsuccessful in their appeal to build a Sainsburys store in the local area what will happen to this large area of land? If planning permission is sought to build yet more houses/flats then the schooling issue will grow yet again. Surely this is an excellent site for a new school and the close proximity to Ashley Down should not really be an issue. Could my questions be answered and my concerns raised at cabinet; within the council planning and education departments and with the school governors. Many thanks Simon Davis Simon Davis ask for tel fax e-mail Date Ian Hird (0117) 92 22384 (0117) 92 23842 ian.hird@ 15 January 2008 Dear Mr Davis CABINET - 10 JANUARY 2008 - PUBLIC FORUM STATEMENT - AGENDA ITEM 11 - PROPOSALS TO INCREASE PRIMARY CAPACITY - ASHLEY / BISHOPSTON WARDS Further to the public forum statement which you submitted to the 10 January Cabinet, please find attached, for your information, a copy of the relevant Cabinet decision record. For your information, the webcast of the meeting is available on the Council's website Yours sincerely Ian Hird Democratic Services Team Leader 1 STATEMENT C 28 Statement to Cabinet, 10 January 2008 Primary Provision in Bishopston There should have been increased Primary provision in the Bishopston area long since. Families with young children have had to put up with uncertainty and delay, and have too often been offered places unacceptably far from home. Now we have two solutions, one which was decided by Cabinet the year before last and one that has surfaced in the last four weeks. This last, the Sefton Park proposal, has come immediately for a decision without any chance for evaluation apart from those who propose it. The need is urgent and as the Primary Review says 'immediate action is required'. If the new scheme is to meet the need, concerns must be addressed: 1. Is there a firm decision for the Youth Centre to move to another site? If so, is the site available in the time frame, where will the cost fall? 2. If the Elmfield Primary is no longer to be sited within the Sefton Park site but somewhere in the Fairfield School catchment area, has a firm site been identified or is there a risk that the Sefton Park site may still be needed? 3. It has been said that the Sefton Park extension can be managed by September 2009. How firm and manageable is this? The need for places has been increasingly evident for years but it is only fairly recently that actual solutions have been proposed, and a decision must be expedited with confidence that it can be delivered. 4. It is not clear from the report why the Sefton Park proposals are more expensive than the Brunel scheme, or where the extra funds are to come from. 5. An adequate management structure, taking into account received best practice and bearing in mind the needs of innovative federation structure, must be designed and afforded. 6.What is the position concerning the Brunel playing field and if it is not to be used, will it revert to the college for them to make use of it. What in fact are Cabinet's future plans for this land? What it boils down to is this - which scheme will be the best and most practicable way to solve the problems which will alleviate the concerns of local parents. We have had no time to examine the issues and can only hope that the Sefton Park proposals do stack up, if they are decided upon. Councillor Bev Knott Cllr Bev Knott ask for tel fax e-mail Date Ian Hird (0117) 92 22384 (0117) 92 23842 ian.hird@ 15 January 2008 Dear Cllr Knott CABINET - 10 JANUARY 2008 - PUBLIC FORUM STATEMENT - AGENDA ITEM 11 - PROPOSALS TO INCREASE PRIMARY CAPACITY - ASHLEY / BISHOPSTON WARDS Further to the public forum statement which you submitted to the 10 January Cabinet, please find attached, for your information, a copy of the relevant Cabinet decision record. For your information, the webcast of the meeting is available on the Council's website Yours sincerely Ian Hird Democratic Services Team Leader 1
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