PROGRAM PROGRAMME 1 ČETRT STOLETJA MEDNARODNIH LUTKOVNIH SREČEVANJ V MARIBORU Poletni lutkovni pristan je Lutkovno gledališče Maribor pod umetniškim vodenjem Tineta Varla začelo prirejati z mislijo na kakovostno lutkovno ponudbo v času poletnih počitnic. Festival se je začel (leta 1990 na Lentu) skromno: z eno tujo in štirinajstimi slovenskimi lutkovnimi predstavami. Že prihodnje leto je število tujih in domačih predstav naraslo skoraj na trideset, z znatnim deležem predstav iz tujine. Hitro se je pričelo tudi sodelovanje s prireditelji podobnih festivalov po Sloveniji in v tujini. Izmenjava programa je omogočila veliko pestrejši program; gostili smo nekaj izjemno kakovostnih predstav, ki so danes uvrščene v lutkovne antologije: Baročna opera bratov Forman iz Prage, Ali Baba in štirideset razbojnikov Naivnega gledališča iz Liberca, Prinašalci semen Stephena Mottrama iz Velike Britanije, Uglasite si vilico, Hopla, kaj je v bubi in Vse, kar ima perje, leti Gledališča Drak iz Hradca Králové, Flamingo Bar Franka Soenhleja iz Nemčije, Gledališče Buchty a Loutky s Češke z njihovimi predstavami, Stuffed Puppet Theatre z Nizozemske s predstavama Salome in Vampir, gledališče Wilde in Vogel iz Nemčije s Hamletfantasie, Gledališče Meiningen s Kositrnim vojakom, Green Ginger iz Velike Britanije s Frank Einsteinom, špansko gledališče Bambalina s predstavo Kraft, Yael Rasooly iz Izraela s predstavo Paper Cut, Kraljica barv iz Erfurta, švicarsko lutkovno umetnico Margrit Gysin z njenimi predstavami, Gledališče Refleksion z Danske in še veliko drugih. Na festivalu so se zvrstile predstave z vsega sveta: Kitajske, Japonske, Tajske, Združenih držav Amerike, Mehike, Čila, Kolumbije, Brazilije, Irana, Izraela, iz večine evropskih držav, vsako leto pa tudi izbor najboljših slovenskih lutkovnih predstav. Sprva je bila glavnina festivalskega programa namenjena samo predstavam, sčasoma pa se je program širil tudi na spremljevalne lutkovne dogodke: ustvarjalne delavnice, razstave in lutkovne delavnice, kjer so otroci v enotedenskih delavnicah ustvarili lastno lutkovno predstavo. Festivalska prizorišča so se selila z Lenta v atrij mariborskega gradu, na vrt kavarne Astoria, na Rotovški trg in končno znova na Lent v novo lutkovno hišo v Minoritih. Ob tem so bile številne predstave na ogled tudi na mestnih ulicah in trgih, v mestnem parku in v Umetnostni galeriji Maribor. Časovno je festival doživel razvoj od dogajanja skozi vse poletje do bolj zgoščene oblike, ki je živa še danes in zajema avgustovske sobote in vsebinsko najbogatejši zadnji konec tedna, ko je na ogled glavnina festivalskega dogajanja. — Katarina Klančnik Kocutar 3 A QUARTER OF A CENTURY OF INTERNATIONAL PUPPETRY MEETINGS IN MARIBOR The original idea at the Puppet Theatre Maribor under artistic director Tine Varl of bringing the Summer Puppet Pier to life was to organize a rich and outstanding variety of puppetry events during the summer holidays. The origins of the festival in 1990 were quite modest, with one foreign and fourteen Slovenian puppetry performances at a single location on Lent. Already the very next year, the number of foreign and domestic performances grew to almost thirty, with a significant share of foreign performances. The organizers of the Summer Puppet Pier also quickly started cooperating with organizers of similar festivals in Slovenia and abroad. The exchange of programme contents allowed for a much more diversified programme and the invitation of several highly-regarded performances that are nowadays part of puppetry anthologies: Opéra Baroque by the Forman Brothers from Prague; Alibaba and the Forty Thieves by The Naive Theatre Liberec; The Seed Carriers by Stephen Mottram from the UK; Do-re-mi-fa Salt above Gold, Wow! Who is it?, and The Flying Babies by the Drak Theatre from Hradec Králové; Flamingo Bar by the German Frank Soenhle; Theatre Buchty a Loutky from the Czech Republic with their performances; Stuffed Puppet Theatre from the Netherlands with their performances Salomé and Vampyr; the German Figurentheater Wilde & Vogel with A Hamlet Fantasy; The Brave Tin Soldier by the Meiningen Theatre; Frank Einstein by Green Ginger from the UK; the Spanish Bambalina theatre group with their performance Kraft, Yael Rasooly from Israel with her performance Paper Cut; The Queen of Colors from Erfurt; the Swiss puppetry artist Margrit Gysin with her performances; the Danish Refleksion Theatre, and many many more. The festival hosted performances from all over the world, including China, Japan, Thailand, the United States, Mexico, Chile, Colombia, Brazil, Iran, Israel, and most European countries, while also hosting a yearly selection of the best Slovenian puppetry performances. At first, the main focus of the festival was exclusively on performances; the programme gradually expanded to include accompanying puppetry events, such as creative workshops, exhibitions, and puppetry workshops, where children created their very own puppetry performance in one-week workshops. The festival settings moved from Lent first to the atrium of the Maribor castle, then to the garden of the Astoria coffeehouse and to the Rotovški Square, then finally back to Lent into the new puppet theatre premises in the Minorites. Numerous performances were also staged on city streets and squares, in the city park, and at the Maribor Art Gallery. Time-wise, the festival gradually transformed from an all-summer event into the more condensed form it holds today, including Saturdays in August and the event-packed last weekend of the month when most of the festival happenings take place. — Katarina Klančnik Kocutar 5 ŽOGICA MAROGICA RDEČA KAPICA SREČANJE Z LUTKARJI NEPOSLUŠNI KOZLIČKI ROCKY IX TRIJE DOBRI PRIJATELJI DELAVNICE PU PRODUKCIJA DELAVNICE GLASBATORIJ SIE7E POLETJE ŠIVILJA IN ŠKARJICE TURLUTUTU VEČEROV PIKNIK / LIKOVNA USTVARJALNICA VOLK IN LAKOTA JAM – LUTKOVNI KONCERT TITERETÚ TRIJE PRAŠIČKI IN VOLKOVI LUTKOVNA USTVARJALNA DELAVNICA JURI MURI V AFRIKI PLEŠE USTVARJALNA DELAVNICA PLAŠČ ŠTIRJE MUZIKANTJE CHOLSTOMER – ZGODBA O KONJU LIFE OF MARY ZAKAJ SE OTROK KUHA V POLENTI TJULNJEVA ŽENA V ČASU FESTIVALSKEGA DOGAJANJA 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 38 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 39 6 7 SPECKLES THE BALL LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD BEHIND THE CURTAIN THE DISOBEDIENT LITTLE GOATS ROCKY IX ANIMAL TRAIN WORKSHOPS POOH PRODUCTION OF THE WORKSHOP MUSIC LAB SIE7E SUMMER THE SEAMSTRESS AND THE SCISSORS TURLUTUTU VEČER PICNIC / ART WORKSHOP THE WOLF AND THE HUNGER JAM – PUPPET CONCERT TITERETÚ THE 3 LITTLE PIGS AND THE WOLVES CREATIVE PUPPETRY WORKSHOP JURI MURI IN AFRICA DANCES CREATIVE WORKSHOP THE OVERCOAT THE FOUR MUSICIANS KHOLSTOMER – THE STORY OF A HORSE LIFE OF MARY WHY THE CHILD IS COOKING IN THE POLENTA THE SEAL WIFE DURING THE FESTIVAL EVENTS Sobota, 9. avgust, 19.00, Zunanji avditorij LGM / Lutkovno gledališče Maribor / Jan Malík Saturday, 9th August, 19:00, External Auditorium LGM / Puppet Theatre Maribor / Jan Malík ŽOGICA MAROGICA 3+ SPECKLES THE BALL 3+ Režiser Tine Varl Director Tine Varl Avtorja likovne podobe Anton Jezovšek in Zdeněk Bauer Set designers Anton Jezovšek and Zdeněk Bauer Avtorja glasbe Bojan Adamič in Boris Rošker Composers Bojan Adamič and Boris Rošker Igralci Miha Bezeljak, Barbara Jamšek, Danilo Trstenjak in Elena Volpi Actors Miha Bezeljak, Barbara Jamšek, Danilo Trstenjak and Elena Volpi Babica in dedek že dolgo živita sama, zato si močno želita punčko ali fantka. Nenadoma skozi okno prileti žogica, ki ju nagovori. Oba sta presrečna in odhitita po mleko in kruh za lačno žogico. Ta ostane sama, skozi okno pa jo opazi zmaj Tolovaj. Vabi jo, naj gre z njim, saj se veseli, da se bodo njegovi mali zmajčki lahko igrali z njo. Žogica se sprva brani, ko pa po nesreči razbije lonček in se zboji babičine in dedkove jeze, se hitro oprime zmajevega repa in skupaj odletita … Granny and Grandpa have been living alone for a long time, and would very much like to have a boy or a girl to keep them company. All of a sudden, a ball flies in through the window and speaks to Granny and Grandpa. They are both happy as can be and hurry off to get milk and bread for the hungry ball. As Speckles is left alone, Brigand the dragon notices her through the window. He invites her to go with him so that his little dragons could play with her. Speckles is hesitant at first, but when she accidentally breaks a small pot and fears Granny and Grandpa’s anger, she quickly grabs onto the dragon’s tail, and off they fly ... 8 9 Sobota, 16. avgust, 19.00, Zunanji avditorij LGM / Mestno gledališče Ptuj, Gledališče Labirint in Društvo lutkovnih ustvarjalcev / Brata Grimm Saturday, 16th August, 19:00, External Auditorium LGM / Town Theatre Ptuj, Theatre Labirint and Association of Puppeteers / Brothers Grimm RDEČA KAPICA 3+ LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD 3+ Režiser Saša Jovanović Director Saša Jovanović Avtorica likovne podobe Urša Nina Cigler Set designer Urša Nina Cigler Avtorica glasbe Mateja Starič Composer Mateja Starič Igralka Tina Oman Actress Tina Oman Ena najbolj priljubljenih pravljic je enostavna in preprosta, hkrati pa nenavadna in večplastna. Je zgodba o odraščanju in prevzemanju odgovornosti. Rdeča kapica ni poslušala izkušenejših od sebe, zato jo je požrl volk. Na srečo pa je mimo prišel lovec in poskrbel za srečen konec, kakršen se za pravljico tudi spodobi. One of the most popular fairytales of all time, Little Red Riding Hood is a simple and uncomplicated story, though at the same time unusual and multi-layered. It is a story about growing up and accepting responsibility. Little Red Riding Hood never listened to advice from those more experienced than herself, and ended up getting eaten by a wolf. Luckily, a hunter came along and brought a happy ending, as is only proper in a fairytale. Četrtek, 21. avgust, 9.30, Lutkovno gledališče Maribor Thursday, 21st August, 9:30, Puppet Theatre Maribor SREČANJE Z LUTKARJI BEHIND THE CURTAIN Zveza prijateljev mladine Maribor že vrsto let pripravlja zabavne, ustvarjalne in poučne počitniške dejavnosti. Že drugo leto združujemo moči in odpiramo vrata mladim, ki med počitnicami zahajajo v Dom ustvarjalnosti mladih, da si ogledajo gledališče in lutke. Spregovorili bomo o tem, kako nastajajo lutke in kako predstave. The Maribor Friends of Youth Association has been organizing fun, creative and educational summer holiday activities for years. We come together for the second year in a row and open the doors to our theatre and puppets to young people who visit the House of Creativity of Youth during summer. We will discuss how puppets and performances come into existence. V sodelovanju z Zvezo prijateljev mladine Maribor In cooperation with the Maribor Friends of Youth Association 10 11 Sobota, 23. avgust, 19.00, Zunanji avditorij LGM / Gledališče Buhtli in lutke, Praga, Češka Saturday, 23rd August, 19:00, Ext. Auditorium LGM / Theatre Buchty a Loutky, Prague, Czech Rep. NEPOSLUŠNI KOZLIČKI 3+ THE DISOBEDIENT LITTLE GOATS 3+ Režiser Vít Brukner in ekipa Director Vít Brukner and team Avtorica likovne podobe Bára Čechová Set designer Bára Čechová Avtor glasbe Vít Brukner Composer Vít Brukner Igralci Vít Brukner/Marek Bečka, Radek Beran in Kristina Beranová Actors Vít Brukner/Marek Bečka, Radek Beran and Kristina Beranová Ah, ti poredni kozlički. Tako dolgo nagajajo, dokler jih ne poje volk. Ampak mama koza jih seveda ne bo pustila v volkovem trebuhu. Kaj pa volk? Utopil se je? Mekeke … pridite in poglejte. Neodvisno, alternativno gledališče Buhtli in lutke goji povsem samosvoj lutkovni izraz že od leta 1991. Skoraj štirideset predstav za otroke in odrasle navdušuje domače občinstvo in gostuje po festivalih v tujini. Gledališče velja za enega najboljših na Češkem. Oh, these naughty little goats. They keep nagging until they’re eaten by a wolf. But mommy goat won’t leave them in the wolf’s stomach, of course. And what about the wolf? He drowned? Meeh meeh ... come and see. The independent alternative theatre Buchty a Loutky has been curating their very own distinctive puppetry style since 1991. With almost forty titles for children and adults, they inspire their domestic audience and perform at numerous festivals abroad. They are considered by many to be one of the best Czech theatres. Lutz Edelhoff Sobota, 23. avgust, 21.00, Mala dvorana LGM / Gledališče Buhtli in lutke, Praga, Češka Saturday, 23rd August, 21:00, Small Hall LGM / Theatre Buchty a Loutky, Prague, Czech Republic ROCKY IX 15+ ROCKY IX 15+ Režiser Radek Beran in ekipa Director Radek Beran and team Avtorica likovne podobe Bára Čechová Set designer Bára Čechová Avtor glasbe Vít Brukner Composer Vít Brukner Igralci Vít Brukner, Marek Bečka in Radek Beran Actors Vít Brukner, Marek Bečka and Radek Beran Zgodba govori o žalostnem boksarju, njegovih prijateljih in sovražnikih. Rocky je junak. Morda ni najbolj inteligenten, je pa srčen in poln sanj o svoji zmagi. Kot piše Jiří Kříž v svoji oceni predstave: »Vse je kot prava ameriška drama, a nič nima smisla, celo neumno je, ampak hkrati prekrasno, duhovito in v duhu češke tradicije.« Predstava Rocky IX je gostovala že po vsem svetu: od Japonske, Združenih držav Amerike, Kanade, Mehike in seveda po Evropi. This is a story about a sad boxer, his friends and his enemies. Rocky is a hero. He might not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but he is valiant and full of dreams of his victory. Jiří Kříž writes in his performance review: »Everything is like a real American drama, nothing makes any sense and it is even quite stupid – yet at the same time, deliciously witty and fully in the spirit of Czech tradition.« Rocky IX made countless guest appearances all over the world, including Japan, the United States, Canada, Mexico, and of course Europe. 12 13 Nedelja, 24. avgust, 19.00, Velika dvorana LGM / Gledališče Waidspeicher, Erfurt, Nemčija / Chris Wormell Sunday, 24th August, 19:00, Great Hall LGM / Waidspeicher Theatre, Erfurt, Germany / Chris Wormell TRIJE DOBRI PRIJATELJI 3+ ANIMAL TRAIN 3+ Režiser Christian Georg Fuchs Director Christian Georg Fuchs Avtorica likovne podobe Kathrin Sellin Set, costume and puppet designer Kathrin Sellin Avtor glasbe in zvočne podobe Fritz Bauer Composer and sound designer Fritz Bauer Igralec Paul Günther Actor Paul Günther Strojevodja nekega jutra v palcih začuti ščemenje. Takoj ve, da se bo zgodilo nekaj velikega. In res – na njegov vlak se stlačijo gospa Mroževka, gospod Medved in gospa Slonica. Vsi se odpravijo nakupovat v veliko mesto … Gledališče Waidspeicher je bilo ustanovljeno leta 1979 kot lutkovno gledališče v okviru Städtische Bühnen Erfurt. Od 1993 deluje pod novim imenom v čudovito obnovljenem starodavnem skladišču. S svojimi lutkovnimi predstavami za otroke in odrasle veliko gostuje na festivalih po vsem svetu. One morning, the train driver feels a certain tingling in his toes. He immediately knows something big is going to happen. And indeed it does – Mrs Walrus, Mr Bear and Mrs Elephant all squeeze onto his little train. And off they go, on a shopping spree in the city ... Waidspeicher Theatre was founded in 1979 as the puppet theatre department of the Städtische Bühnen Erfurt. Since 1993, the theatre has been operating under a new name in the wonderfully renovated antique warehouse. With puppet performances for both children and adults, the theatre is a welcome guest at numerous festivals around the world. Od ponedeljka, 25. avgusta, do petka, 29. avgusta, od 10.00 do 12.00 From Monday, 25th August, to Friday, 29th August, from 10:00 to 12:00 OTROŠKA LUTKOVNA DELAVNICA 5+ PUPPETRY WORKSHOP FOR CHILDREN 5+ Mentorica otroške lutkovne delavnice — Sabina Šinko Mentor of the puppetry workshop for children — Sabina Šinko Že vrsto let v okviru Poletnega lutkovnega pristana otrokom ponudimo možnost počitniškega ustvarjanja. Skupaj z njimi izberemo zgodbo in jo pod mentorskim vodstvom pripeljemo od izdelovanja lutk, vaj na odru … do nastopa pred občinstvom. Vsako leto izberemo drugačno lutkovno tehnologijo in se preizkusimo v igri, animaciji ter izzivamo svojo domišljijo. For a number of years now, we have been offering children the possibility of spending their holidays in a creative way within the framework of the Summer Puppet Pier. Guided by our mentors, the children choose a story, create the puppets, practice on stage, and perform in front of an audience. With a different choice of puppet technology each year, we test the waters of acting, animation, and the limits of our imagination. Število udeležencev je omejeno, zato zbiramo prijave na e-naslov: The number of participants is limited, so send your registration via email to: Od ponedeljka, 25. avgusta, do petka, 29. avgusta, od 16.00 do 18.00 From Monday, 25th August, to Friday, 29th August, from 16:00 to 18:00 DRUŽINSKA DELAVNICA FAMILY WORKSHOP Mentorica družinske delavnice — Nika Bezeljak Mentor of the family workshop — Nika Bezeljak Družinske delavnice so novost, ki jo uvajamo v program Poletnega lutkovnega pristana. Pri ustvarjanju preproste lutkovne predstave vsak družinski član postori to, kar zmore in kar ga veseli. Posvetili se bomo igrivi, ustvarjalni poti in morebitnemu cilju – kratki predstavi. Family workshops are a brand-new part of our Summer Puppet Pier programme. In the creative process of a simple puppet performance, each member of the family does what they can and what they enjoy. We will focus on a playful, creative journey towards the eventual goal – a short performance. Število udeležencev je omejeno, zato zbiramo prijave na e-naslov: The number of participants is limited, so send your registration via email to: 14 15 Boštjan Lah Petek, 29. avgust, 17.00, Vetrinjski dvor v sodelovanju s ŠPAS festom / Lutkovno gledališče Pupilla, Lendava Friday, 29th August, 17:00, Vetrinjski dvor in cooperation with the ŠPAS Fest festival / Puppet Theatre Pupilla, Lendava PU 3+ POOH 3+ Režiserka Rita Bartal Kiss Directress Rita Bartal Kiss Avtorica likovne podobe Sabina Šinko Set designer Sabina Šinko Avtor glasbe Viki Rab Composer Viki Rab Igralca Petra Kavaš in Vitomir Vratarič Actors Petra Kavaš and Vitomir Vratarič Pu je predstava o medvedku, o tistem, ki živi v stoletni hosti in ima najraje na svetu med. In svoje prijatelje, seveda: pujska, zajca in osla. Skupaj rešujejo uganke kot: kako preslepiti roj čebel, kako zvabiti slona v past, kako pogostiti zmerom lačnega medvedka in katero darilo lahko razvedri velikega žalostnega osla? Lutkovno gledališče Pupilla slovi po prisrčnih, likovno inovativnih predstavah. Pooh is a performance about a bear – about that one bear who lives in the Hundred Acre Wood and who loves honey more than anything else in the world. Except perhaps his friends, of course: Piglet, Rabbit, and Eeyore the donkey. Together, they solve many mysteries: how to outsmart a swarm of bees, how to lead an elephant into a trap, how to feed the ever-hungry bear, and how to find a gift that would cheer up the big gloomy donkey. Puppet Theatre Pupilla is wellknown for its cute, visually innovative performances. 16 17 Petek, 29. avgust, 18.30 pri Minoritih Friday, 29th August, 18:30 at the Minorites PRODUKCIJA OTROŠKE LUTKOVNE DELAVNICE 3+ PRODUCTION OF THE PUPPETRY WORKSHOP FOR CHILDREN 3+ Mentorica otroške lutkovne delavnice Sabina Šinko Mentor of the puppetry workshop for children Sabina Šinko Otroci se družijo ves teden in ustvarjajo svojo predstavo. Po spoznavanju gledališkega procesa, ustvarjanju lutk in vajah na odru pride še zadnja preizkušnja – srečanje z občinstvom. Prisrčno vabljeni! Children keep each other company all week and create their very own performance. After getting familiar with the processes involved in a theatre, having created puppets and practiced on stage, they brave their final challenge – meeting the audience. You are warmly invited! Petek, 29. avgust, 19.00, Zunanji avditorij LGM / Mestno lutkovno gledališče Split / Ksenija Zec in Saša Božić Friday, 29th August, 19:00, External Auditorium LGM / Split City Puppet Theatre / Ksenija Zec and Saša Božić Sobota, 30. avgust, 9.00–11.00 in 16.00–18.00, ob Dravi pred LGM / Ymedioteatro, Španija Saturday, 30th August, 9:00–11:00 and 16:00–18:00, next to the Drava river in front of the LGM / Ymedioteatro, Spain GLASBATORIJ 4+ MUSIC LAB 4+ SIE7E 5+ SIE7E 5+ Režiserja, koreografa in dramaturga Ksenija Zec in Saša Božić Directors, choreographers and dramaturges Ksenija Zec and Saša Božić Režiserji in avtorji likovne podobe Ymedioteatro Directors and set designers Ymedioteatro V sodelovanju z igralci Nikšo Arčaninom, Milano Buzolić - Vučico, Petrom Konkojem in Markom Petrićem In cooperation with the actors Nikša Arčanin, Milana Buzolić – Vučica, Petar Konkoj and Marko Petrić Igralci Álex Ramos, Meri Fernández in Santos Sánchez Actors Álex Ramos, Meri Fernández and Santos Sánchez Scenografka in kostumografka Zdravka Ivandija Set and costume designer Zdravka Ivandija Avtor glasbe Damir Šimunović Composer Damir Šimunović Glasbatorij je razburljivo potovanje v svet klasične glasbe. Deček Marko noče več v glasbeno šolo. Toda njegovi prijatelji mu pokažejo, da je glasba vse okrog nas in skriva neslutene možnosti igre. Marko najde svoje skrite talente in se pridruži koncertu v čudežnem Glasbatoriju. Predstava govori s sodobnim gledališkim jezikom, ki ga otroci zlahka prepoznavajo in jih odpelje v svet domišljije. Music Lab is an exciting voyage into the world of classical music. Marko, a boy, decides that he doesn’t want to go to music school anymore. However, his friends point out to him that music is all around us and that it holds undreamt-of possibilities of playing. Marko discovers his hidden talents and joins the concert in the miraculous Music Lab. The performance speaks through a modern theatrical language that is easily picked up by children and leads them into a world of imagination. Majhno gledališče na vsega sedmih kvadratnih metrih ponuja desetminutne predstave brez besed. Na miniaturnem odru se zgodijo največje sanje. Majhne duhovite predstave govorijo o večnih temah, pripovedujejo pa jih z vsakdanjimi predmeti, ki čudežno oživijo pred našimi očmi. Ena najbolj zanimivih španskih lutkovnih predstav v zadnjih letih kroži po evropskih festivalih in žanje pohvale občinstva in strokovnjakov. This tiny theatre of no more than 7 square meters offers 10-minute performances without words. The miniature stage gives rise to the biggest of dreams. Short, witty performances speak of eternal topics, telling their tale through everyday objects that magically come to life in front of our eyes. One of the most interesting Spanish puppet performances of the past years is making its rounds at European festivals and reaping praise from audiences and experts alike. 18 19 Boštjan Lah Matej Povše Sobota, 30. avgust, 10.00 in 12.00, Minoritska kavarna / Lutkovno gledališče Maribor Saturday, 30th August, 10:00 and 12:00, Minoritska Cafe / Puppet Theatre Maribor Author of the idea and directress Nika Bezeljak Sobota, 30. avgust, 10.00, Umetnostna galerija Maribor V sodelovanju z UGM / Sobota, 30. avgust, 17.00, Vetrinjski dvor V sodelovanju s ŠPAS festom / Društvo lutkovnih ustvarjalcev in Gledališče Lalanit, Ljubljana / Dragotin Kette/Katja Povše in Iuna Ornik Saturday, 30th August, 10:00, Maribor Art Gallery In cooperation with UGM / Saturday, 30th August, 17:00, Vetrinjski dvor In cooperation with the ŠPAS Fest festival / Association of Puppeteers and Theatre Lalanit, Ljubljana / Dragotin Kette/Katja Povše and Iuna Ornik POLETJE 1,5–4 SUMMER 1,5–4 Avtorica uprizoritvene predloge in režiserka Nika Bezeljak Avtorica likovne podobe Nina Šulin Set designer Nina Šulin ŠIVILJA IN ŠKARJICE 3+ THE SEAMSTRESS AND THE SCISSORS 3+ Igralka Metka Jurc Actress Metka Jurc Režiserka Katja Povše Directress Katja Povše Poletje je tretje v nizu štirih gledaliških doživetij v Minoritski kavarni. Minoritski zajček predstavlja svoj domek in razkriva vrt, obarvan v aktualni letni čas. Igralka v vlogi zajčka otroke popelje skozi celostno gledališko doživetje z izbrano slovensko avtorsko in ljudsko poezijo. Summer is the third performance in a series of four theatrical experiences in the Minoritska Cafe. The Minorite bunny presents his little home and reveals his garden, always decked in colours of the current season. The actress slips into the role of the rabbit and leads the children through a wholesome theatrical experience incorporating a selection of original and folk poetry. Avtorica likovne podobe Maja Peterlin Set designer Maja Peterlin Avtor glasbe Andrej Žibert Composer Andrej Žibert Igralka Iuna Ornik Actress Iuna Ornik Na nekem gradu živi pridna šivilja Bogdanka in dela za nečimrno grofico. Bogdanki dela družbo le majhen ptiček. Ta ji nekega dne podari škarjice, ki kar same režejo in krojijo, če le uporabiš prave besede. Ko grofica zagleda čudežne škarjice, si jih nasilno prisvoji in Bogdanko spodi z gradu. Toda … ali grofica pozna prave besede za čarobne škarjice? In a castle somewhere far away lives a good, diligent seamstress named Bogdanka who works for a vain countess. The only one keeping Bogdanka company is a little birdie, who one day gives her a pair of scissors that do the cutting and tailoring all by themselves, if only you use the right words. When the countess sees the magical scissors, she snags them and chases Bogdanka out of the castle. But – does the countess know the right words for the magical scissors? 20 21 Sobota, 30. avgust, 11.00, Mala dvorana LGM / Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana in Centre de Créations pour l’Enfance, Tinqueux, Francija / Hervé Tullet in Matija Solce Saturday, 30th August, 11:00, Small Hall LGM / Ljubljana Puppet Theatre and Centre de Créations pour l’Enfance, Tinqueux, France / Hervé Turllet and Matija Solce TURLUTUTU 2+ TURLUTUTU 2+ Režiser Matija Solce Director Matija Solce Igralka Maja Kunšič Actress Maja Kunšič Lutkovna miniaturka iz kovčka za najmlajše temelji na dogodivščinah Turlututuja, lika, ki ga že več let razvija priznani francoski ilustrator in avtor Hervé Tullet. Turlututu je živahen, navihan in prisrčen lik, ki iz slikanice stopi na oder in se takoj izgubi. Na poti iskanja se gledalci znajdejo v domišljijskem svetu, kjer se začnejo dogajati čudežne gledališke stvari. Otroci postanejo akterji predstave, v kateri z režijskimi, interpretacijskimi in tehničnimi domislicami zaživi lutkovnost v vsej svoji razsežnosti. This miniature out-of-the-suitcase puppet performance for the youngest audience is based on the adventures of Turlututu, a cartoon character which the renowned French illustrator and author Hervé Tullet has been working on for years. Turlututu is a lively and adorable little rascal who steps out from the picture book onto the stage and immediately gets lost. As he is trying to find his way, the audience find themselves in a fantasy world where miraculous theatrical things happen. The children themselves become the actors of a performance where directing, interpretational and technical ideas all bring the very essence of puppet theatre to life in all its glory. Sobota, 30. avgust, 15.00–17.00, Lutkovno gledališče Maribor Saturday, 30th August, 15:00– 17:00, Puppet Theatre Maribor VEČEROV PIKNIK VEČER PICNIC Tokrat bodo otroci na Večerovem pikniku ustvarjali na temo predstave Šivilja in škarjice. Mentorji iz Lutkovnega gledališča Maribor jih bodo popeljali skozi različne materiale in ustvarili lutko. This time, children at the Večer picnic will get creative on the topic of The Seamstress and the Scissors. Mentors from Puppet Theatre Maribor will lead them through various materials and help them create a puppet. Sobota, 30. avgust, 16.00, pred Lutkovnim gledališčem Maribor Saturday, 30th August, 16:00, in front of the Puppet Theatre Maribor LIKOVNA USTVARJALNICA 3+ ART WORKSHOP 3+ V počitniškem času se radi povezujemo z Umetnostno galerijo Maribor, saj je pomemben del lutkovne umetnosti prav likovna podoba. Lutkovne umetnosti ni brez lutk, brez oblik, barv in materialov. In prav oblike, barve in materiali so doma tudi v Umetnostni galeriji Maribor. Lutkovna predstava gostuje v galeriji in likovna ustvarjalnica pri nas v gledališču. We are happy to cooperate with the Maribor Art Gallery during summer holidays, as visual design is a particularly important part of puppet theatre. There can be no puppetry without puppets, without shapes, colours, and materials. And it is precisely shapes, colours, and materials that are at home at the Maribor Art Gallery. A guest puppet performance is held in the Gallery, and our theatre hosts the art workshop. V sodelovanju s časopisno hišo Večer V sodelovanju z Umetnostno galerijo Maribor 22 23 In cooperation with the Večer newspaper In cooperation with the Maribor Art Gallery Sobota, 30. avgust, 18.00, Mala dvorana LGM / Jakub Folvarčný, Češka Saturday, 30th August, 18:00, Small Hall LGM / Jakub Folvarčný, Czech Republic VOLK IN LAKOTA 5+ THE WOLF AND THE HUNGER 5+ Avtor in igralec Jakub Folvarčný Author and actor Jakub Folvarčný Avtor je študiral na Finskem in tam dobil navdih za svojo predstavo. Zato ni naključje, da se dogaja temnega zimskega večera in da je volk lačen. Kje bo našel hrano? Seveda znova ni naključje, da se v pravljici znajde Rdeča kapica in potem se pojavijo še kozlički. Lutke so nastale iz predmetov, ki jih je poiskal na ulicah Helsinkov, zato svojo zvrst imenuje »punk lutkovno gledališče«. Predstavo je odigral že v sedmih državah v sedmih različnih jezikih. Folvarčný studied in Finland, so it comes as no surprise that Finland is also the inspiration from for his performance. No coincidence, then, that his performance takes place on a dark winter’s evening and that the wolf is hungry. Where will he find food? And the fact that Little Red Riding Hood and the little goats appear in his fairytale is no surprise either, of course. As he manufactured the puppets from objects he found on the streets of Helsinki, he calls his genre »punk puppet theatre«. He already performed his play in seven countries in seven different languages. 24 25 Sobota, 30. avgust, 20.00, Zunanji avditorij LGM / HUPS! Madžarski študentje lutkarstva, Budimpešta, Madžarska Saturday, 30th August, 20:00, External Auditorium LGM / HUPS! Hungarian Puppeteer Students, Budapest, Hungary JAM – LUTKOVNI KONCERT 3+ JAM – PUPPET CONCERT 3+ Avtorji in igralci Spiegl Anna (harmonika), Hoffer Károly (violina), Czupi Dániel (saksofon), Szolár Tibor (tolkala) in Fehér Dániel (kitara) Authors and actors Spiegl Anna (accordion), Hoffer Károly (violin), Czupi Dániel (saxophone), Szolár Tibor (drum) and Fehér Dániel (guitar) Predstava JAM je uspešno zlitje lutkovnih prizorov iz znanih pravljic, v različnih lutkovnih tehnikah, z živo glasbo. Lutkarji sami pravijo, da ustvarjajo za vse starosti gledalcev – od 0 do 100 let. Ustvarjalci so lansko leto končali študij lutkarstva na oddelku za gledališče in film na Univerzi v Budimpešti. Službujejo v Lutkovnem gledališču v Budimpešti in Gledališču Kolibri, vendar ob tem z veseljem ustvarjajo še v svojem gledališču HUPS! JAM is a successful fusion of puppet scenes from famous fairytales in different puppetry techniques with live music. According to the puppeteers themselves, they create performances for audiences of all ages – from 0 to 100 years. The creators have completed their studies of puppetry at the University of Theatre and Film Arts in Budapest. Even though they are employed at the Budapest Puppet Theatre and the Kolibri Theatre, they are happy to be creative in their very own theatre, HUPS!. Nedelja, 31. avgust, 10.00–13.00 in 16.00–19.00, ob Dravi pred LGM / Itinerània company, Španija Sunday, 31st August, 10:00–13:00 and 16:00–19:00, next to the Drava river in front of the LGM / Itinerània Company, Spain Nedelja, 31. avgust, 10.00, Zunanji avditorij LGM / Gledališče HePp TrUpP, Madžarska Sunday, 31st August, 10:00, External Auditorium LGM / HePp TrUpP Puppet Theatre, Hungary TITERETÚ 5+ TITERETÚ 5+ TRIJE PRAŠIČKI IN VOLKOVI 3+ THE 3 LITTLE PIGS AND THE WOLVES 3+ Avtorji zamisli Itinerània Company in Sandra Sardà Authors of the idea Itinerània Company and Sandra Sardà Režiserja in igralca Jankó Schneider Viktória in Éva Nagy Directors and actors Jankó Schneider and Viktória Éva Nagy Avtorji postavitve Furti Coromina, Paco Hernández, Sandra Sardà in Carmen Rodríguez Authors of the equipment Furti Coromina, Paco Hernández, Sandra Sardà and Carmen Rodríguez Avtor likovne podobe Mari Takács Set designer Mari Takács Prevod naslova pomeni »ti si lutka«. Nenavadna lutkovna postavitev postavlja pred preizkušnjo vse, ki si želijo zlesti lutki pod kožo. Gledalci postanejo lutkarji z vsem svojim telesom in prevzamejo vlogo, ki sicer pripada igralcem. Velike roke, ki jih gledalci animirajo, so narejene iz lesa in železa, gledalci pa lahko vidijo tudi mehanizme, ki omogočajo natančno in usklajeno gibanje. Translated into English, the title of the performance means »you are the puppet«. This unusual puppet performance poses a challenge to all who wish to get under the puppet’s skin. The audience become puppeteers with their entire bodies and assume the role that is usually reserved for actors. The gigantic hands that are animated by the audience are made from wood and iron, and the audience can observe all the mechanisms that enable the precise and coordinated movement of the hands. Avtor glasbe Béla Ágoston Composer Béla Ágoston Zgodba o treh prašičkih je znana, a v lutkovni upodobitvi madžarskega gledališča malenkost drugačna. Je napeta, duhovita, skoraj brez besed in z veliko glasbe. Mlada ustvarjalca sta končala študij lutkarstva na Akademiji za gledališke in filmske umetnosti v Budimpešti in ustanovila svoje malo gledališče, ustvarjalno pa sta povezana tudi s številnimi lutkovnimi gledališči na Madžarskem. Za svoje predstave sta prejela že kar nekaj nagrad na lutkovnih festivalih doma in v tujini. The story of the three little pigs is a well-known tale, but HePp TrUpP’s puppet adaptation takes a little twist. The performance is tantalizing, witty, almost without words and with lots of music. The young creators have completed their studies at the University of Theatre and Film Arts in Budapest and established their own little theatre. Even so, they are creatively connected to numerous Hungarian puppet theatres. Their performances have already received a number of awards at domestic and foreign puppetry festivals. 26 27 Miha Sagadin Nedelja, 31. avgust, 11.00, pri Minoritih / Lutkovno gledališče Maribor Sunday, 31st August, 11:00, at the Minorites / Puppet Theatre Maribor LUTKOVNA USTVARJALNA DELAVNICA CREATIVE PUPPETRY WORKSHOP V Lutkovnem gledališču Maribor že vrsto let razvijamo pedagoške programe, s katerimi otrokom približujemo lutkovno umetnost. Program 101 lutkovna fizika pripelje mlade ustvarjalce v jedro lutkovnega ustvarjanja. Material se pod njihovimi rokami spremeni v lutko in ta potem oživi po želji svojega ustvarjalca. Otroci bodo ustvarjali z mentorico Darko Erdelji. For a number of years now, we have been developing various pedagogical programmes at Puppet Theatre Maribor in order to bring the art of puppetry closer to the children. The 101 Puppet Physics programme leads the young creators right to the core of creative puppetry. The material transforms into a puppet right under their hands, which then bursts into life according to the wish of its creator. The children will get creative under the guidance of mentor Darka Erdelji. 28 29 Nedelja, 31. avgust, 17.00, Velika dvorana LGM / Plesni teater Ljubljana v sodelovanju z Lutkovnim gledališčem Ljubljana / Ivana Djilas po zgodbi Toneta Pavčka Sunday, 31st August, 17:00, Great Hall LGM / Dance Theatre Ljubljana in cooperation with Ljubljana Puppet Theatre / Ivana Djilas based on the story by Tone Pavček JURI MURI V AFRIKI PLEŠE 3+ JURI MURI IN AFRICA DANCES 3+ Režiserka Ivana Djilas Directress Ivana Djilas Koreografinja Maša Kagao Knez Choreographer Maša Kagao Knez Avtorica likovne podobe Jelena Proković Mask and costume designer Jelena Proković Avtor glasbe Blaž Celarec Composer Blaž Celarec Soustvarjalci in izvajalci Blaž Celarec, Jose – Joseph Nzobandora, Maša Kagao Knez in Vito Weis Co-creators and performers Blaž Celarec, Jose – Joseph Nzobandora, Maša Kagao Knez and Vito Weis Juri Muri se noče kopati in pobegne v Afriko, v kateri spozna, da človek »… lahko najde gostoljubno in odprto ljudstvo, ki ga sprejme in ga poduči, kaj je v življenju prav in narobe, kaj je zabloda in kaj predsodek, in ne nazadnje, kako pomembno je biti čistoče vzor, ne le telesne, tudi tiste notranje, ki tke pristne prijateljske vezi« … pravi o pripovedi svojega očeta Saša Pavček. Zgodba oživi s pomočjo afriških ritmov, žive glasbe, lutk nenavadnih velikosti in veliko plesa. Juri Muri does not want to bathe and escapes to Africa – once there, he realizes that one »… can find a hospitable and open people who accept him and teach him what is right and what is wrong in life, what is delusion and what is prejudice, and ultimately how important it is to be a role model of cleanliness, not only of the bodily kind, but also of that inner cleanliness which weaves the true bonds of friendship,« says Saša Pavček about the story of her father. Srečanje lutkovnih akademij in šol Meeting of Puppet Academies and Schools Nedelja, 31. avgust, ob 18.00, pred Lutkovnim gledališčem Maribor / Zveza prijateljev mladine Maribor Sunday, 31st August, 18:00, in front of the Puppet Theatre Maribor / Maribor Friends of Youth Association Nedelja, 31. avgust, 21.00, Velika dvorana LGM / Umetniška akademija Osijek, Hrvaška / Nikolaj Vasiljevič Gogolj Sunday, 31st August, 21:00, Great Hall LGM / Academy of Arts Osijek, Croatia / Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol USTVARJALNA DELAVNICA CREATIVE WORKSHOP PLAŠČ 15+ THE OVERCOAT 15+ Režiserka Tamara Kučinović Directress Tamara Kučinović Mentorica Maja Lučić Mentor Maja Lučić Asistentka Katarina Arbanas Assistant Katarina Arbanas Avtor likovne podobe Alen Pavlović Set designer Alen Pavlović Igralci Matea Grabić, Ivana Gudelj, Lidija Kraljić, Selma Mehić, Martina Stjepanović, Justina Vojaković Fingler, Dina Vojnović in Tvrtko Štajcer Actors Matea Grabić, Ivana Gudelj, Lidija Kraljić, Selma Mehić, Martina Stjepanović, Justina Vojaković Fingler, Dina Vojnović and Tvrtko Štajcer Akakij Akakijevič in njegov plašč sta nagovorila študente, da so iz Gogoljeve novele ustvarili presežno predstavo. Ta je prestopila okvirje običajne akademijske produkcije in že večkrat navdušila občinstvo. Lansko leto je osiješka akademija uspešno gostovala na našem festivalu s predstavama Pekel na zemlji in Čarovnik iz Oza. Akaky Akakievich and his overcoat have inspired the students to transform Gogol’s short story into a superlative theatrical performance which transcends the regular bounds of academic productions and has already thrilled audiences on multiple occasions. Last year, the Osijek Academy successfully gave a guest performance at our festival with two performances, Hell on Earth and The Wizard of Oz. V sodelovanju z Zvezo prijateljev mladine Maribor Zveza prijateljev mladine Maribor že vrsto let razvija programe ustvarjalnih delavnic. Noben material jim ni tuj in kar naprej preizkušajo kaj novega. Tako s pomočjo izkušenih mentorjev v Domu ustvarjalnosti mladih veliko otrok razvija svoje ročne spretnosti in ustvarjalnost. In cooperation with the Maribor Friends of Youth Association The Maribor Friends of Youth Association has been developing creative workshop programmes for years. They are no stranger to a wide variety of materials and are constantly testing new concepts. Their programmes at the House of Creativity of Youth provide many children with a chance to test their manual skills under the tutelage of experienced mentors. 30 31 Urška Boljkovac Srečanje lutkovnih akademij in šol Meeting of Puppet Academies and Schools Ponedeljek, 1. september, 17.00, pred LGM / Gledališče Kuglica, Ljubljana Monday, 1st September, 17:00, in front of the LGM / Kuglica Puppet Theatre, Ljubljana ŠTIRJE MUZIKANTJE 3+ THE FOUR MUSICIANS 3+ Avtorica priredbe in režiserka Irena Rajh Author of the adaptation and directress Irena Rajh Avtorica likovne podobe lutk Jerica Cvetko Puppet designer Jerica Cvetko Scenografka Vesna Gabaj Set designer Vesna Gabaj Avtor glasbe Marjan Kunaver Composer Marjan Kunaver Igralca Marjan Kunaver in Matevž Gregorič Actors Marjan Kunaver and Matevž Gregorič Ostareli osel, potepuški maček, zavržen pes in pred nožem pobegli petelin se srečajo na cesti. Sklenejo, da bodo kot Štirje muzikantje skupaj nadaljevali pot v mesto. V gozdu jih dohiti noč in luč jih pripelje do hiše, v kateri stanujejo razbojniki. »V slogi je moč,« pravijo junaki in sklenejo pregnati razbojnike … Znana pravljica govori o pogumu in zvijačnosti, s katero živali premagajo močnejše od sebe. An old donkey, a stray tomcat, an outcast dog, and a rooster who barely escaped the knife meet on the street. They decide to continue together towards the town as the Four musicians. As night catches up with them, a light leads them to a house inhabited by robbers. »Unity is strength,« say our heroes, and decide to chase away the robbers … A well-known tale, it speaks of courage and cunning through which the animals defeat those stronger than themselves. 32 33 Ponedeljek, 1. september, 18.00, Velika dvorana LGM / Umetniška akademija v Bratislavi, Slovaška / Po motivih dela Zgodba o konju Leva Nikolajeviča Tolstoja / Peter Tilajčík in Katarína Aulitisová Monday, 1st September, 18:00, Great Hall LGM / Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava, Slovakia / Based on The Story of a Horse by Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy / Peter Tilajčík and Katarína Aulitisová CHOLSTOMER – ZGODBA O KONJU 15+ KHOLSTOMER – THE STORY OF A HORSE 15+ Režiserji Katarína Aulitisová, Peter Tilajčík in Peter Tilajčík Directresses and mentors Katarína Aulitisová, Peter Tilajčík and Markéta Plachá Scenografka Ivana Macková Set designer Ivana Macková Mentorica za likovno podobo Markéta Plachá Mentor for set design Markéta Plachá Igralec Peter Tilajčík Actor Peter Tilajčík Takoj ko je prišel na svet, je bilo jasno, da je drugačen. Kar mu je vzela narava, je premagal s svojo vztrajnostjo in pogumom. Zgodba o konju, ki je živel za trenutek – za ljubezen. As soon as he came into the world, it was clear that he was different. What nature had denied him he overcame through perseverance and courage. The story of a horse who lived for the moment – for love. Dear audience! Welcome to the annual Burkograd Derby! What the Vatican represents to Christians, Mecca to Muslims, and Hollywood to actors, that is Burkovňa to horseracers. Srečanje lutkovnih akademij in šol Meeting of Puppet Academies and Schools Srečanje lutkovnih akademij in šol Meeting of Puppet Academies and Schools Ponedeljek, 1. september, 19.00, Klub KGB, Vojašniški trg 5 / DAMU, Praga, Češka Monday, 1st September, 19:00, Klub KGB, Vojašniški trg 5 / DAMU, Prague, Czech Republic LIFE OF MARY 15+ LIFE OF MARY 15+ Režiser Matija Solce Director Matija Solce Igralci Kateřina Dvořáková, František Hnilička, Tomáš Hron, Dan Kranich, Sára Märcová, Tereza Nádvorníková, Veronika Popovičová, Lucie Valenová in Matija Solce Actors Kateřina Dvořáková, František Hnilička, Tomáš Hron, Dan Kranich, Sára Märcová, Tereza Nádvorníková, Veronika Popovičová, Lucie Valenová and Matija Solce »Ljudje! Odrešenik je tu! Oddajte mu vse svoje premoženje in dosegli boste nebeški mir!« Časi se spreminjajo. Vsi smo prodajalci, odjemalci, prekupčevalci, podkupovalci. Svet je pokvarjen, če si dober. A dober, če si tat. Dober tat. Črna komedija o kozi Mary gradi humor prek ritmičnosti osemčlanskega zbora igralcev, animatorjev, pevcev in improvizatorjev, študentov slovite lutkovne akademije DAMU iz Prage. Zvočni, glasbeni in besedni impulzi so rdeča nit gledališko-glasbene kompozicije, v kateri se zvrstijo velike mimične lutke, igra s papirjem in ročne lutke. »People! The Savior is here! Hand over all your possessions and you shall reach heavenly peace!« Times are changing. We are all sellers, buyers, resellers, bribers. The world is corrupt if you’re good. But it’s good if you’re a thief. A good thief. This black comedy about a goat named Mary builds humour through the rhythmic harmony of the eight-man ensemble of actors, animators, singers, and improvisers – students of the famous DAMU puppetry academy in Prague. Auditory, musical and spoken impulses are the guideline of this theatricalmusical composition involving large mimic puppets, paper play and hand puppets. 34 35 Ponedeljek, 1. september, 20.00, Velika dvorana LGM / Umetniška akademija v Bratislavi, Slovaška / Po motivih A. Veteranyi Klára Jediná in Katarína Aulitisová Monday, 1st September, 20:00, Great Hall LGM / Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava, Slovakia / Klára Jediná and Katarína Aulitisová based on motifs by A. Veteranyi ZAKAJ SE OTROK KUHA V POLENTI 15+ WHY THE CHILD IS COOKING IN THE POLENTA 15+ Režiserka Katarína Aulitisová Directress Katarína Aulitisová Avtorici likovne podobe Dorota Sykorjaková in Markéta Plachá Set designers Dorota Sykorjaková and Markéta Plachá Igralka Klára Jediná Actress Klára Jediná V življenju dekleta z bujno domišljijo visi na nitki veliko reči, predvsem pa razmerja v cirkuški družini. Junakinja je odrasla ženska, ki pa ni pozabila ničesar od svojih otroških fantazij, strahov in idej. Zakaj se otrok kuha v polenti ni vprašanje, ampak odgovor. In the life of a girl with a rich imagination, many things hang in a delicate balance – but the relationships in a circus family most of all. Though our heroine is a woman grown, she hasn’t forgotten any of her childhood fantasies, fears, and ideas. ‘Why the child is cooking in the polenta’ is not a question – it’s the answer. Srečanje lutkovnih akademij in šol Meeting of Puppet Academies and Schools Ponedeljek, 1. september, 21.00, Klub KGB, Vojašniški trg 5 / Umetniška akademija v Bratislavi, Slovaška / Po motivih inuitskega mita Monday, 1st September, 21:00, Klub KGB, Vojašniški trg 5 / Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava, Slovakia / Based on motifs from Inuit mythology TJULNJEVA ŽENA 15+ THE SEAL WIFE 15+ Avtorica zamisli in igralka Lucia Pohronská Author of the idea and actress Lucia Pohronská Režiserka Katarína Aulitisová Directress Katarína Aulitisová Mentorica za likovno podobo Markéta Plachá Set design mentor Markéta Plachá Avtorica likovne podobe Mária Stanko Nekoč je bil čas – in znova pride – ko bo nebo belo, bel bo sneg, bele bodo sanje, bela upanja in bela razočaranja. Veter zavija tako močno, da odnaša besede v neznano. Svež zrak zamrzne misli in te grejejo ob ognju, da bi vedeli, kaj je bilo izrečeno. Tu je v belih, gostih laseh mame Anuluk živel Afun. Predstavo je navdihnila knjiga Clarisse Pinkole Estés Ženske, ki tečejo z volkovi. Predstave, namenjene A children’s jury will rate Set designer Mária Stanko otrokom, bo z zlatimi the performances aimed at zvezdicami ocenjevala children with golden stars, In times long past – and times to come – the sky is white, the snow is white, white dreams, white hopes and white disappointments. The wind howling so furiously, carrying the words away into the unknown. The biting air freezes thoughts; these are warmed up at the fireplace to know what was said. Here, in the thick, white hair of mother Anuluk, lived Afun. The performance was inspired by the book Women Who Run with the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estés. otroška žirija. Predstavi, and the performance ki bo dobila največ receiving the most stars zvezdic, bo podelila will be awarded the nagrado MAČEK IZ ŽAKLJA. CAT FROM THE BAG award. 36 Od 9. avgusta do 1. septembra – v času festivalskega dogajanja From 9th August to 1st September – during the festival events VEČERKOV KOTIČEK VEČERKO’S SPOT V sodelovanju s časopisno hišo Večer Večerko je prijatelj otrok in ima pripravljenih veliko zabavnih in poučnih nalog. V času pred predstavami in po njih se le pomudite v Večerkovem kotičku in si razgibajte počitnice s Poletnim Večerkom. UPORABA LUTKE V TERAPEVTSKE IN DIDAKTIČNE NAMENE Predstavitev projekta Izvajalec — Kulturno umetniško društvo Moment Na voljo bo slikovna predstavitev ter gradiva usposabljanj in pilotnih projektov, ki so bili izvedeni v okviru projekta ‘Izdelava lutke, lutka in lutkovna igra kot terapevtski in didaktični pripomoček’, ki ga KUD Moment razvija z različnimi terapevtskimi, pedagoškimi in produkcijskimi organizacijami, v vključitev pa vabi vse zainteresi-rane organizacije, delovne terapevte, pedagoške delavce, umetnike in druge. (Projekt delno financira Evropska unija iz Evropskega socialnega sklada prek Ministrstva za kulturo RS.) LUNIN SEN Prostorska postavitev In cooperation with the Večer newspaper Avtorica — Nina Šulin Večerko is a friend of children and brings many fun and instructive tasks. You are welcome to visit Večerko’s spot before and after the shows and spice up your summer holidays with Večerko. Lutke živijo v predstavah, živijo pa lahko tudi v posebnih prostorih in na drugačen način. Nina Šulin se kot umetnica giblje med gledališkimi predstavami kot ustvarjalka likovnih podob (lutk, kostumov, scenografij), ilustrira in deluje kot mentorica. V Lutkovnem gledališču Maribor podpisuje likovno podobo Letnih časov v Minoritski kavarni, ustvarjalno sodelovanje v projektu Studio MaMa in je avtorica dveh prostorskih postavitev na Poletnem lutkovnem pristanu (2010 in 2012). USING PUPPETS FOR THERAPEUTIC AND DIDACTIC PURPOSES Project presentation Performer — Culture and Art Association Moment A display of visual representations, training materials and documents from pilot projects that were developed as part of ‘Puppetmaking, puppets and puppetry as a therapeutic and didactic aid’ – a project being developed by KUD Moment in cooperation with various therapeutic, pedagogic and production organizations, and where all interested organizations, occupational therapists, pedagogic workers, artists, etc. are invited to participate. (This project is partly funded by the European Union from the European Social Fund through the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia.) 25 ZLATIH ZVEZDIC Razstava fotografij izbranih nagrajenih predstav Poletnega lutkovnega pristana Ena od posebnosti in dragocenosti Poletnega lutkovnega festivala je otroška žirija. Ta vsako leto ocenjuje predstave, namenjene otroškemu občinstvu, z zlatimi zvezdicami. Vsak od petih članov žirije podeli vsaki predstavi od ene do pet zvezdic; le redke predstave prejmejo vseh 25 zvezdic. Na koncu festivala izberejo samo eno kot dobitnico glavne nagrade – mačka iz žaklja. S pomočjo fotografij se bomo sprehodili po spominu na predstave, ki so najbolj iskreno nagovarjale otroško občinstvo. 38 39 THE MOON’S DREAM Space installation Author — Nina Šulin Although puppets live in performances, they can also lead their lives in a different way in special spaces. As an artist, Nina Šulin is constantly moving between theatre performances as a visual designer – puppets, costumes, stage design – illustrator, mentor and much more. She designs the visual image of the four seasons in the Minoritska Cafe and is a creative contributor in the Studio MaMa project as well as the author of two space installations at the Summer Puppet Pier in 2010 and 2012. 25 GOLDEN STARS Exhibition of photos from selected award-winning performances at the Summer Puppet Pier One of the distinct and invaluable features of the Summer Puppet Pier is the children’s jury. Each year, this jury rates performances aimed at a children’s audience by awarding golden stars. Each of the five jury members gives each performance a rating of one to five stars. Only extraordinary performances receive all 25 stars, and at the end of the festival, only one performance is voted as the receiver of the main award – the Cat from the Bag. The photos will take us on a stroll down memory lane through the performances that have most sincerely addressed the children’s audience. Festivalski partnerji Festival Partners — Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana, Mednarodni festival Lutke — Zavod za kulturo in promocijo Lendava — Festival Emonska promenada Ljubljana — Mini teater Ljubljana: Festival Mini poletje — Trnfest Ljubljana — Festival PUF Koper — Ljubljana Puppet Theatre, Lutke International Festival — Institute for Culture and Promotion Lendava — Emona Promenade Festival Ljubljana — Ljubljana Mini Theatre: Mini Summer Festival — Trnfest Ljubljana — PUF Festival Ljubljana Organizacijski odbor Organising Committee Katarina Klančnik Kocutar, umetniška vodja — LGM Jason Smith, vodja tehnične službe — LGM Aja Kobe — LGM Elena Volpi — LGM Ajda Rooss — Mednarodni festival Lutke Irena Rajh Kunaver — Trnfest in Emonska promenada Ljubljana Maja Bavdaž — PUF Koper Robert Waltl — Mini poletje Ljubljana Katarina Klančnik Kocutar, artistic director — LGM Jason Smith, technical director — LGM Aja Kobe — LGM Elena Volpi — LGM Ajda Rooss — Lutke International Festival Irena Rajh Kunaver — Trnfest and Emona Promenade Festival Ljubljana Maja Bavdaž — PUF Koper Robert Waltl — Mini Summer Ljubljana Prijave na festival Poletni lutkovni pristan 2015 Participation in the 2015 Summer Puppet Pier Festival Na festival se lahko prijavijo poklicna lutkovna gledališča, neodvisne lutkovne skupine in posamezniki, ki naj poleg osnovnih tehničnih podatkov pošljejo še promocijski material, fotografije in posnetek predstave. Organizacijski odbor bo na festival povabil predstave po izboru selektorjev. Festival bo predstave odkupil. Prijave sprejemamo do 31. 12. 2014. Participation in the festival is open to all professional puppet theatres, independent puppet theatre groups, and individuals. In addition to the basic technical data, we ask the applicants to submit additional promotional materials, photos, and a recording of their performance. The organising committee will send out invitations for the performances that were subsequently selected by the selection committee. The selected performances will be purchased by the festival. Applications must be submitted by 31st December 2014. 40 41 Festival omogočajo / Festival made possible by Testing d.o.o. 42 ORGANIZATOR ORGANISED BY Lutkovno gledališče Maribor Vojašniški trg 2 A, 2000 Maribor, Slovenija Puppet Theatre Maribor Vojašniški trg 2 A, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia Direktorica in umetniška vodja Mojca Redjko Managing and artistic director Mojca Redjko Umetniška vodja in koordinatorka festivala Katarina Klančnik Kocutar Artistic director and head coordinator of the festival Katarina Klančnik Kocutar T 02 228 19 70 F 02 228 19 78 E S T + 386 (0)2 228 19 70 F + 386 (0)2 228 19 78 E W PROGRAMSKA KNJIŽICA PROGRAMME BOOKLET Urednica — Katarina Klančnik Kocutar Lektorica — Metka Damjan Prevajalec — Dušan Rabrenović Oblikovalec — Blaž Krump Tiskarna — Evrografis Naklada — 600 izvodov Editor — Katarina Klančnik Kocutar Proofreader — Metka Damjan Translator — Dušan Rabrenović Designer — Blaž Krump Press — Evrografis Print run — 600 copies brezplačen vstop na prireditve za predstave v dvoranah lgm prejmete pri blagajni gledališča brezplačno vstopnico all events are free of admission for performances taking place in the halls of the lgm, free tickets are available at the theatre box office 44
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