Document 269864

InfoWorks CS to ICM – Culture Shock?
Neil McClung
Presentation Content
1. Example Study Background
2. Hydraulic Modelling
Importing & Enhancing CS Model
Sewer / Surface Linkage
River Modelling
2D Surface
2D Runoff
Simulation & Analysis
3. Software / System Setup
4. Review of Issues / Learning Points
Example Study Background
South West Water (SWW) – Strategic Planning
DEFRA Programme ‘Making Space for Water’
5 Integrated Urban Drainage Studies
Clarify stakeholders, responsibilities and promote co-operation
Locate drainage issues, impact of urban flooding and causes
Identify cost effective solutions / Integrated funding mechanisms
DEFRA Surface Water Management Planning ‘Wheel’
Truro, Cornwall
Hydraulic Modelling
Enhance & Integrate Existing Models
SWW InfoWorks CS model
Build Detailed Catchment-wide Surface Model
Undertake Detail Risk Assessment
Impact of climate change on urban flooding
SWW sewer network performance & capacity
EA flood zones & Flood Maps for Surface Water
CCC critical & vulnerable infrastructure
Hydraulic Modelling
Existing SWW InfoWorks CS Model
Additional Data
SWW MasterMap Data
Other drainage records
New InfoWorks ICM Model
Entire urban area & flood plains
Tide gate & river flood protection dams
Detailed 2D surface model
1D runoff integrated with some 2D direct runoff
Importing & Enhancing CS Model
Efficient / No dramas (as you’d expect)
Node ground level interpolation speedy
3D visualisation useful in identifying survey
errors in original CS model
Sewer / Surface Linkage
Gully representation important
Usefulness of Google Street View
Inference of other gullies using MasterMap® data
River Modelling
Steep (but achievable) learning curve for traditional CS
Consideration for the filtering effects of converting the
LiDAR to a DTM where river banks dominated by
Interrogation of the ‘realism’ of interpolated bank
heights assists simulation calculations
Interpolated river reach cross sections can be spurious
when connecting sewer outfalls
2D Surface
Can develop major 2D components efficiently &
precisely from OS MasterMap®
However, beware of geometry issues in
MasterMap® (e.g. overlaps)
Careful consideration of the creation, directly or
indirectly, of elements below the minimum
settings which may increase meshing times
Reasonable proficiency in GIS technique helps
Roughness zones not always necessary – heavy
on simulation times
Simplicity (where possible) is the Key
1D, 2D & 1D/2D Runoff
Subcatchments should to be spatially defined
Rain gauge boundaries can be used to apply 2D
rainfall to selected areas of a 2D zone only
However, will need to consider what to do with
your 1D subcatchments
2D runoff simulation intensive
Alternatively, could create 1D subcatchments
from OS MasterMap
Model Simulation & Analysis
2D Simulation Parameters
2D Runoff Simulation Times
Instability Chasing
More places to uncover problems in ICM
Scenario testing useful
Power of Scenarios
GPU Cards
Software / System Setup
Standalone vs. Workgroup database
Local vs. Remote simulations
Storage on local machine or server
IT department need to be onboard
Permissions and access
Data flow across the network
Local Folders
Review of Issues / Learning Points
A firm understanding of the provenance of the CS model needed
Creating the 2D surface components from MasterMap® efficient &
Importance of GIS / geometric precision for 2D
Integrating 2D runoff into 1D subcatchments not ideal... but is
2D direct runoff weighs heavy on simulation speeds
Can never have enough gully information (although you knew that
Interpolated ground levels can be misleading
But more importantly – ICM is more fun than CS! ☺
Thank you
Some Possible Directions for the Future
Multiple Interacting 2D zones?
Automated 2D polygon generation from MasterMap?
Goal seek analysis?
ICM export to CS?
Standard gully headloss defaults?
2D meshing using multi-threading?
For Further Information: