8. CONNECTION DIAGRAM : ac, 3Phase, 4Wire, CT PT Operated Trivector Static Energy Meter OPERATION AND INSTRUCTION MANUAL ac, 3Phase, 4Wire, 3x63.5V, CT PT Operated, Class 0.2S Static Energy Meter (for ABT application) RS232 RS485 1 IN 1 OUT 2 IN Y 2 OUT 3 IN B 3 OUT NIN N N OUT RS232 Port Rx Tx Vcc GND RS485 Port 1/21, Asaf Ali Road, New Delhi -110002, India, Phone : 91-11-23234411, 23234811 Fax: 91-11-23232639, Email: hpl@hplindia.com, Website: www.hplindia.com Due to continuous development, specification and features are subject to change without prior notice. GI D RE HPL ELECTRIC & POWER PVT. LTD. X E X A B A = Data (+) B = Data (-) ABT SAMPLE METER TERMINAL BLOCK S T ER UKAS QUALIT Y MANAGEMEN T 003 HPL Electric & Power Pvt. Ltd. India 6. Table of Contents TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION OF METER : 1. Enclosure : Engineering plastic 2. Display : Backlit LCD display Large digit size 10 mm x 5 mm 1. General Information ..................................................................... 2 2. Front View/Panel Description ..................................................... 2 3. Technical Features ...................................................................... 3 3. Protection Index : IP51 4. System : ac 3 Phase, 4 Wire 5. Inputs : a. Current Rating : -/1A or -/5A Starting Current : 1mA for -/1A, 3.1 Energy Registers ............................................................... 3 3.2 Maximum Demand & MD Integration Period ....................... 3 3.3 Maximum Demand Reset .................................................... 3 Rated : 3x63.5V 3.4 Load Survey ...................................................................... 3 Variation : -20% to +15% 3.4.1 Block Load Profile Parameters ............................... 3 c. Rated Frequency: 50 Hz 5mA for -/5A b. Voltage 3.4.2 Daily Load Profile Parameters ................................ 4 3.5 Power Fail Record ............................................................. 4 3.6 Time of Day (TOD) ............................................................. 4 3.7 Display Details .................................................................... 4 3.7.1 Auto Scroll Mode .................................................... 4 3.8 4. Variation : ±5% 6. Class of Accuracy : Class 0.2S for Active Energy & Class 0.2S for Reactive Energy 7. Applicable Standards 7. : IS 14697 : 99 INSTALLATION : 3.7.2 Push Button Mode .................................................. 6 a. Refer to the connection diagram shown in the manual. 3.7.3 Test Display Mode .................................................. 7 b. Ensure that the cable connections are properly connected as per connection Occurrence Tamper ID ....................................................... 8 diagram. Communication ............................................................................ 9 4.1 Communication Interface ................................................... 9 4.2 Programmable Parameters ................................................. 9 4.3 Data Collection ................................................................... 9 5. Tamper Threshold Limits ............................................................. 9 6. Technical Specification of Meter ............................................... 10 7. Installation .................................................................................. 10 8. Connection Diagram .................................................................. 11 -1- - 10 - 4. COMMUNICATION : 1. GENERAL INFORMATION : 4.1 Communication Interfaces : Three communication interfaces are as follows: a. Optical Port (9600 bps) b. RS232 Port (9600 bps) c. RS485 Port (9600 bps) d. Simultaneous Communication can be performed with : (i) Optical & RS232 (ii) Optical & RS485 4.2 Programmable Parameters : Programmable parameters via communication are as follows: a. Date and Time b. Demand Intergration Period c. Profile Capture Period (Load Survey Integration Period) d. Time of Day (TOD) e. Date of Billing 4.3 Data Collection : Following data can be collected via communication: a. Instantaneous parameters (At the time of meter reading). b. Block Load Survey (For last 30 days). c. Daily Load Survey (For last 30 days). d. Billing Parameters (For last 12 billing). e. Power ON/OFF Events. (20 Nos.) f . Transaction Events. (10 Nos.) g. Tamper Events. (200 Nos.) a. Meter measures active, reactive & apparent energies in forward and reverse direction & in all four quadrant kWh and kVArh pulse output LEDs available on front panel. b. LCD with backlight feature and LCD segments for indicating presence of voltage in each phase separately are available. c. Push Buttons are provided for scrolling the display parameters as well as for display during Power failure. d. Internal battery provided to view display and collect data during power failure. e. Rugged polycarbonate casing makes it a good insulator and so no external “EARTHING TERMINAL” is required. f . RTC with battery backup is used for time keeping with calendar of 100 years. g. Definition of quadrants used in this documents are as follows: Quadrant 2 kW export kVAr import (capacitive) Q1 Q2 kW - Å kVAr + Æ S Q kW - Å kVAr - Å 5. TAMPER THRESHOLD LIMITS: THRESHOLDS FOR TAMPER EVENTS 1. MISSING POTENTIAL a. Voltage in tamper phase b. Current in tamper phase 2. VOLTAGE UNBALANCE a. All Voltage b. Diff. b/n Phase Voltage 3. CT POLARITY REVERSAL a. Voltage in tampered phase b. Current in tampered phase c. Power factor 4. CURRENT UNBALANCE a. All Voltage b. Diff. b/n Phase Current Occ. Limit Occ. Time Restoration Limit 5 minutes <70% Vref >5% Ib Q4 >70% Vref Diff. >10% of highest Voltage 5 minutes 5 minutes >70% Vref <2% Ib >5% Ib 6. LOW PF PF<0.5% 80 b c d e. Push Button (Forward) : Display Mode Selection/Forward Scroll 1 80 15 minutes >70% Vref >5% Ib Ignore PF>0.6% a d. Active Energy (kWh) Pulse Indication 15 minutes 15 minutes a. LCD c. Reactive Energy (kVArh) Pulse Indication >70% Vref Diff. <20% of highest current 5 minutes Quadrant 4 b. Optical Port (with sealing provision) 5 minutes 15 minutes 5. CT OPEN a. Voltage in tamper phase b. Current in tampered phase c. Current in other phase/phases 0 >70% Vref >5% Ib (In forward direction) >0.1 >70% Vref Diff. >30% of highest current Quadrant 3 2. FRONT VIEW/PANEL DESCRIPTION : >70% Vref Diff. <5% of highest Voltage >70% Vref >5% Ib (In reverse direction) >0.1 kW import kVAr export (capacitive) 5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes 2 40 e f . Push Button (MD Reset) : MD Reset (with sealing provision) f g g. Push Button (Backward) : Display Mode Selection/Backward Scroll h h. Push Button (Battery) : To be used for display in absence of mains supply i i. RS232 Port (with sealing provision) j. RS485 Port (with sealing provision) j k k. Terminal Cover (with sealing provision) -9- kW + Æ kVAr - Å kW export kVAr export (Inductive) Restoration CompartNo. of Tamper Time ment No. Events(Occ.+Rest.) >75%Vref >5% Ib kW + Æ kVAr + Æ P Q3 TAMPER EVENT Quadrant 1 kW Import kVAr Import (Inductive) -2- 3. TECHNICAL FEATURES : 5. High Resolution kVArh Quadrant 1 3.1 ENERGY REGISTERS : The meter measures following energies. 0005.4180 K VArh 0008.5121 K VArh 0006.1241 KVArh h i. Fundamental Only : a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. Active Energy Import Active Energy Export Apparent Energy Import Apparent Energy Export Reactive Energy (Quadrant 1) Reactive Energy (Quadrant 2) Reactive Energy (Quadrant 3) Reactive Energy (Quadrant 4) Reactive Energy High (V>103%Vref) Reactive Energy Low (V<97%Vref) Reactive Energy Low (V<70%Vref) Reactive Energy Between (97%Vref<V<103%Vref) 6. High Resolution kVArh Quadrant 2 h 7. High Resolution kVArh Quadrant 3 h 8. High Resolution kVArh Quadrant 4 -3- KVArh 0020.1230 KWh h 9. Total Import kWh (Fundamental + Harmonics) IMPORT ii. Total (Fundamental + Harmonics) : a. Active Energy Import b. Active Energy Export Note : Total energies are provided only on display. All the calculations are based on fundamental only energies. 3.2 MAXIMUM DEMAND AND MD INTEGRATION PERIOD : The demand is monitored during each demand interval set with 15 minutes integration and the maximum of these demand is stored as maximum demand along with date & time. Demand integration periods of 15, 30 minutes are programmable. 3.3 MAXIMUM DEMAND RESET : It is possible to reset the MD in following three ways. a. MD Reset Button : On pressing MD reset Button continuously for 5 seconds, “ ”on display indicates MD has been reset successfully. Only one manual MD reset operation shall be possible in any given 15 minutes. The MD reset button shall be ignored if a manual MD reset operation has already occurred within 15 minutes. b. Communication driven reset : It shall be ignored if communication driven reset option has already occurred with in 15 minutes. c. Automatic resetting at the end of pre-specified date and time of each calendar month (e.g.00:00 hrs. of 1st day of each month). 3.4 LOAD SURVEY : The following load survey parameters are provided for last 30 days. 3.4.1 BLOCK LOAD PROFILE PARAMETERS (INTEGRATION PERIOD 15 MINUTES) : a. Real Time Clock - Date & Time b. Phase wise average Current c. Phase wise average Voltage d. Active Energy-kWh (Import) e. Active Energy-kWh (Export) f . Net kWh (Import-Export) g. Apparent Energy-kVAh (Import) h. Apparent Energy-kVAh (Export) i. Reactive Energy-kVArh (Quadrant 1) j. Reactive Energy-kVArh (Quadrant 2) k. Reactive Energy-kVArh (Quadrant 3) l. Reactive Energy-kVArh (Quadrant 4) m. Demand kW (Import) n. Demand kW (Export) o. Demand kVA (Import) p. Demand kVA (Export) q. Average PF (Import) r. Average PF (Export) s. Average Frequency (Hz) t. Coded Frequency (00-99) Load survey integration periods of 15, 30 minutes are programmable. 0004.3218 h 0018.1231 10. Total Export kWh (Fundamental + Harmonics) EXPORT KWh h Note : Following icon shall be displayed to show status of various condition as given below. i. “ ”, “ ” , “ ” enunciator indicates presence of the respective phase. ii. Presence of “ iii. “ ” Appear whenever Communication take place. iv. “ ” Icon shall blink on display if meter cover is opened. v. Battery Mode : All Display Mode parameters are available in battery mode. vi. Scroll Lock/Unlock : ” and Blinking of “ ”, “ ”, “ ” indicates reversal of current of respective phase. a. To Scroll Lock/Unlock the desired parameter, press Scroll Button for 8 seconds. b. The Meter shall return to auto scroll display mode if the scroll lock is inactive & push button not operated for 60 seconds. c. If scroll lock is active then display will unlock automatically after 10 minutes. *3.8 . OCCURRENCE TAMPER ID SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS : a. If Missing Potential has occurred in R phase, display shows “ PH-FAIL ” b. If Missing Potential has occurred in Y phase, display shows “ PH-FAIL ” c. If Missing Potential has occurred in B phase, display shows “ PH-FAIL ” d. Voltage Unbalance has occurred, display shows “ u l -u ” e. If CT Reversal has occurred in R phase, display shows “ C - EU ” f . If CT Reversal has occurred in Y phase, display shows “ C - EU ” g. If CT Reversal has occurred in B phase, display shows “ C - EU ” h. If CT Open has occurred in R phase, display shows “ C - PE ” i. If CT Open has occurred in Y phase, display shows “ C - PE ” j. If CT Open has occurred in B phase, display shows “ C - PE ” k. If Current Unbalance has occurred, display shows “ ” l. If Low PF has occurred, display shows “ l -pf ” -8- 8. Cumulative Reactive Energy High (V>103%) 00008.982 KVArh 9. Cumulative Reactive Energy Low (V<97%) 00006.827 KVArh 10. R - Phase Voltage THD% 0.0 11. Y - Phase Voltage THD% 0.0 12. B - Phase Voltage THD% 0.0 3.5 POWER FAIL RECORD : Power On/Off event is recorded whenever power goes off for more than 5 minutes. 0.0 13. R - Phase Current THD% 14. Y - Phase Current THD% 0.0 15. B - Phase Current THD% 0.0 MD 16. Last Reset Maximum kVA Import IMPORT 0.952 KVA 01.08.13 17. Last Billing Reset Date & Time occ 09.09.13 17.01 3.7.3 Test Display Mode : Test Display Mode always displays following parameters using forward button & backward button. Parameters in Test Display Mode Typical Screen Shots 0020.1230 1. High Resolution kWh Import IMPORT EXPORT IMPORT EXPORT -7- 3.7.1 Auto Scroll Mode : Auto Scroll Mode always displays following parameters with scrolling time of 10 seconds. These parameters are also available in mode 1 using forward & backward scroll button. Typical Screen Shots Parameters in Auto Scroll Mode @ 1. Display Check IMPORT EXPORT KWh K VA h MD X10000 K VVA r h z T.8 123456 2. Meter Serial No. 09.09.13 3. Real Date & Time h 0018.1247 4. High Resolution kVAh Export t-xxx.XX h 0020.1240 3. High Resolution kVAh Import KWh h 0018.1231 2. High Resolution kWh Export 3.7 DISPLAY DETAILS : As soon as the meter is powered On, it shall show the Version Number of the firmware. Then it will move to Auto Scroll Mode of display. There are three modes of display: 3.7.1) Auto Scroll Mode (Mode 1) 3.7.2) Push Button Mode (Mode 2) 3.7.3) Test Display Mode (Mode 3) l -pf 19. Last Tamper Occurrence Date & Time* 3.6 TIME OF DAY (TOD) : Default 8 TOD Zones timings are given below : TOD “1” - 00:00 Hrs. to 03:00 Hrs. TOD “2” - 03:00 Hrs. to 06:00 Hrs. TOD “3” - 06:00 Hrs. to 09:00 Hrs. TOD “4” - 09:00 Hrs. to 12:00 Hrs. TOD “5” - 12:00 Hrs. to 15:00 Hrs. TOD “6” - 15:00 Hrs. to 18:00 Hrs. TOD “7” - 18:00 Hrs. to 21:00 Hrs. TOD “8” - 21:00 Hrs. to 00:00 Hrs. Firmware Version Number 00.00 18. Last Tamper Occurrence Type* 3.4.2 DAILY LOAD PROFILE PARAMETERS : a. Real Time Clock - Date b. Cumulative Active Energy-kWh (Import) c. Cumulative Active Energy-kWh (Export) d. Cumulative Apparent Energy-kVAh (Import) e. Cumulative Apparent Energy-kVAh (Export) f . Cumulative Reactive Energy-kVArh (Quadrant 1) g. Cumulative Reactive Energy-kVArh (Quadrant 2) h. Cumulative Reactive Energy-kVArh (Quadrant 3) i. Cumulative Reactive Energy-kVArh (Quadrant 4) j. Cumulative Reactive Energy High (V>103%Vref) k. Cumulative Reactive Energy Low (V<97%Vref) l. Cumulative Reactive Energy Low (V<70%Vref) m. Cumulative Reactive Energy Between (97%Vref<V<103%Vref) n. Total Tamper Count o. Power Fail Count 17.01.37 KVA h 00020.123 4. Cumulative kWh Import h IMPORT -4- KWh Typical Screen Shots 5. Cumulative kVArh Quadrant 1 00005.418 6. Cumulative kVArh Quadrant 2 7. Cumulative kVAh Import KVArh 22. R - Phase Voltage 00008.512 KVArh 23. Y - Phase Voltage 00020.124 KVA h 24. B - Phase Voltage 63.50 V Typical Screen Shots IMPORT pf 8. Average Power Factor Import IMPORT 9. Maximum Demand in kVA Import IMPORT 10. Cumulative Maximum Demand in kVA Import IMPORT V Typical Screen Shots 63.50 V Typical Screen Shots 1.000 5.000 25. R - Phase Current aug A Typical Screen Shots MD 0.952 KVA 1.905 KVA 27. B - Phase Current KWh 28. Instantaneous PF (Lag/Lead) 00018.123 11. Cumulative kWh Export 63.50 5.000 26. Y - Phase Current A Typical Screen Shots MD 5.000 PF A 1.000 EXPORT 12. Cumulative kVArh Quadrant 3 00006.124 KVArh 29. MD Reset Count 13. Cumulative kVArh Quadrant 4 00004.321 KVArh 30. Instantaneous Frequency 14. Cumulative kVAh Export 00018.124 KVA h EXPORT 2 f pf EXPORT 16. Maximum Demand in kVA Export EXPORT 17. Cumulative Maximum Demand in KVA Export EXPORT f 18. Last Block Average Frequency 1.000 Push Button Mode : Push Button Mode always displays following parameters using forward button & backward button. Typical Screen Shots 20. Signed Net kVArh High (V>103%) KVA 1.905 KVA -5- MD X10000 K VVA r h z T.8 123456 2. Meter Serial No. MD 5.23 3. Cumulative Meter Off Duration POFF H Typical Screen Shots 50.000 hz aug KWh 100 4. Instantaneous Average Percent Voltage 5. Instantaneous Active Power with Sign (+/-) 0.952 KW 0.234 KVArh 6. Instantaneous Reactive Power with Sign (+/-) 0.000 K VAr 1.234 KVArh 7. Instantaneous Apparent Power 0.952 K VA h 21. Signed Net kVArh Low (V<97%) IMPORT EXPORT MD 0.952 -1.112 19. Last Block Net kWh Transmitted with +/- @ 1. Display Check aug hz 3.7.2 Parameters in Push Button Mode 15. Average Power Factor Export 50.000 -6-
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