planica FIS World Cup Ski Jumping Final Klub Planica 15. - 18. 3. 2012 Club Planica Klub Planica C A N D I DAT E planica 2017 FIS NORDIC WORLD SKI CHAMPIONSHIPS THE FUTURE OF NORDIC SKIING Planica je gostila že šest svetovnih prvenstev v poletih, organiziranih je bilo že na desetine tekem svetovnega pokala v smučarskih skokih in poletih. Povezanost narave in športa je v Planici naravnost idilična. V to prelepo alpsko dolino, se ob vsakoletnem športnem prazniku valijo trume navdušencev, ki z glasnim navijanjem spodbujajo vse udeležence tekmovanja. Tudi marca 2012 bo tako. Zato ne zamudite spektakularnih planiških poletov in bodite priče nastajanju novega nordijskega centra! Planica has already hosted six Ski-Flying World Championships as well as numerous World Cup events in both ski jumping and ski flying. The harmony of the nature and sport in Planica is idyllic. Every year, this tradiitonally popular event is visited by thousands of sports fans who come to the breath-takingly beautiful Alpine valley to cheer on all the competitors. We will all be here again in March 2012. Join us for the spectacular Planica ski flights, and witness the creation of the new Planica Nordic Centre. Klub Planica Planica, največji slovenski športni praznik, bo ponovno gostila najboljše letalce sveta od 15. do 18. marca 2012. V dolini skakalnic, ki velja za zibelko smučarskih poletov, se vsako leto zbere več kot 60.000 športnih navdušencev. Planica remains Slovenia`s largest sports event, next time again taking place in March 2012. In the valley of ski jumping hills, noted as the cradle of ski flying, more than 60.000 sports fans gather each year. Klub Planica Klub Planica Poseben čar predstavlja ogled tekme v sklopu Kluba Planica. Ta prestižen klub vam omogoča, da Planico začutite na poseben način in spoznate majhne skrivnosti, ki ta dogodek naredijo tako poseben. Obenem se vam ponuja enkratna priložnost, da naredite nepozaben vtis na vaše poslovne partnerje, nagradite najboljše sodelavce, stimulirate ključne ljudi v vašem poslu. Attending the event within the Club Planica framework offers a particularly memorable experience. This prestigious club enables you to experience Planica in a distinct fashion, and discover the small mysteries that make this event so special. At the same time, it represents an excellent opportunity to make a lasting impression on your business partners, reward your best employees, or stimulate key individuals within your business. Klub Planica Klub Planica Cenik Klub Planica 2012 • četrtek, 15.3.2012 možnost zakupa celotnega Kluba • petek, 16.3.2012 200 € • sobota, 17.3.2012 250 € • nedelja, 18.3.2012 200 € Vrednost vabil Klub Planica 2011 vključuje oglaševalski prostor na velikem ekranu prireditvenega prostora. Cene so na osebo in ne vključujejo DDV. Pricelist Club Planica 2011 • Thursday, 15.3.2012 • Friday, 16.3.2012 • Saturday, 17.3.2012 • Sunday, 18.3.2012 possibility to rent the entire Club 200 € 250 € 200 € The price of the Club Planica 2012 invitations includes advertising space on the big screen at the outrun of the hill. Prices per person, VAT not included. Klub Planica Klub Planica Članstvo vam omogoča: • organiziran prevoz Kranjska Gora - Planica - Kranjska Gora, • rezerviran sedež na klubski tribuni, • rezerviran prostor v klubskem šotoru, • voden ogled skakalnice, odlično pogostitev na tribuni in v šotoru. Za večje skupine vam pripravimo poseben prostor v šotoru, opremljen v stilu vašega podjetja. Membership includes: • organized transport Kranjska Gora - Planica - Kranjska Gora, • reserved seat on the spectator stand, • reserved spot in the tent, • guided tour of the ski flying hill, excellent treating on the stand and in the tent. For larger groups, a special location in the tent can be prepared in the style of your company. Klub Planica Planica 2017 Ambasador Planice 2017 Petra Majdič Naša najuspešnejša smučarska tekačica vseh časov. Nosilka bronaste medalje z ZOI Vancouver 2010, dobitnica srebrne in bronaste medalje na svetovnih prvenstvih. 24 zmag v svetovnem pokalu, dvakratna dobitnica malega kristalnega globusa v skupnem seštevku sprinta. S svojo sproščenostjo in srčnostjo bo ime Pla-nice ponesla v svet. Ambassador of Planica 2017 Petra Majdič Our most successful cross-country skier of all time. She is the bronze medal holder from the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympic Games and the winner of silver and bronze medals at the World Championships. She has also had 24 victories in the Cross-Country World Cup and was twice the winner of the Small Crystal Globe in the overall sprint. With her easygoingness and courage, she’ll carry the name Planica around the world. Klub Planica Planica 2017 Ambasador Planice 2017 Dr. Franci Petek Doktor geografije, ki je zaznamovan s smučarskimi skoki. Poleg zmage v svetovnem pokalu, ki jo je dosegel leta 1990, je njegov največji uspeh zagotovo naslov svetovnega prvaka v smučarskih skokih. S svojim značilnim nasmehom bo poskrbel, da bo kandidatura za svetovno prvenstvo v Planici prežeta z veseljem. Ambassador of Planica 2017 Dr. Franci Petek A Doctor of Geography who is known for his incredible ski-jumping ability. In addition to winning the World Cup in 1990, his biggest success was certainly earning the title of Ski Jumping World Champion. With his characteristic smile, he will ensure that Planica’s candidacy for the World Championships will be infused with joy. Klub Planica OK Planica 2012 Podutiška 146 1000 Ljubljana Slovenija Tel: +386 1 513 68 45 Faks: +386 1 513 68 10 email: Tel.: 031 732 214 September, 2011 Foto / Photo: arhive / archive Planica Oblikovanje / Design: Artika Tisk / Printed by: Tiskarna Gorenje planica FIS World Cup Ski Jumping Final
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