Modeling of extracellular potentials recorded with multicontact microelectrodes Gaute T. Einevoll

Modeling of extracellular potentials recorded with
multicontact microelectrodes
Gaute T. Einevoll
Norwegian University of Life Sciences, 1432 Aas, Norway
E-mail address:, web:
Large-scale extracellular electrical recordings using various types of multicontact microelectrodes have become
a common tool for investigating neural activity at the population level. Here we present results from several projects in our group aimed at elucidating the link between recorded extracellular potentials and the underlying neural activity. We further present several new methods for analysis of such multielectrode data including the inverse
current source-density (iCSD) method and laminar population analysis (LPA).
1 Introduction
Mathematical modeling relies on experimental data to
make progress, both to constrain and to test the models. For neural network models the dominant experimental method in vivo has so far been single-unit
extracellular recordings: when a sharp electrode is
placed sufficiently close to the soma of a particular
neuron, the recorded potential reliably measures the
firing of individual action potentials in this neuron.
This information is contained in the high-frequency
part of the recorded potentials. The low-frequency
part, that is, the local field potentials (LFP), has
proved much more difficult to interpret and has typically been discarded.
Other experimental methods, particularly methods that measure population-level activity in vivo,
are needed to facilitate development of biologically
relevant cortical network models, cf. Fig. 1. Largescale electrical recordings using various types of multielectrodes, i.e., electrodes with many closely spaced
contacts, are one such option. As techniques for such
recordings are rapidly improving, there is a need for
new methods for extraction of relevant information
from such data. Several projects in our group have
been aimed at elucidating this link between recorded
Fig. 1. Illustration of the concept of multimodal modelling: predictions from a candidate model should be tested against several types
of measurement modalities. Here we focus on the link between neural activity and extracellularly recorded potentials, both the highfrequency (MUA) and the low-frequency parts (LFP).
Fig. 2. Illustration of forward-modeling scheme for the simple
situation with a current dipole stemming from excitatory synaptic
activation of a single neuron at an apical synapse (dark triangle in
A). The synaptic transmembrane current (I1(t)) at the position r1
corresponds to a “sink”. The equally sized return current (I2(t)=I1(t)) , corresponding to a “source”, is here for simplicity assumed
to go through the soma membrane positioned at r2. In the forwardmodeling scheme the electrical properties of the extracellular medium is represented by the electrical conductivity σ (panel B), and
the extracellular potential at a position r is given by the simple formula shown in panel C. Panel C further illustrates the extracellular
potential generated by such a sink-source pair at various spatial
positions following an example activation of an excitatory synapse.
7th Int. Meeting on Substrate-Integrated Microelectrodes, 2010
extracellular potentials and the underlying neural activity. Some of them are briefly outlined here.
2. Modeling of extracellular potentials
Extracellular potentials in the brain are in general due
to complicated weighted sums of contributions from
transmembrane currents, and the potentials can be calculated by a combination of compartmental modeling
providing the transmembrane currents following neural activity and electrostatic forward modeling using the
quasistatic version of Maxwell‟s equations [1-5]. In
Fig. 2 this forward-modeling scheme is illustrated for
the simplest possible situation giving a non-zero extracellular potential: If, say, a pyramidal neuron receives
synaptic input current through an apical synapse and
all current is assumed to leave the neuron through the
soma, one is left with a neuronal sink-source pair.
From charge conservation it follows that all current
that enters a neuron, must leave it as well, so the sink
and source currents must have equal magnitudes at all
times. Together they constitute a current dipole. In
general, the return currents following activation of a
single synapse will be more spatially distributed.
However, the scheme generalizes straightforwardly to
the case of a multicompartment neuron, cf. Fig. 3, or a
population of such neurons [3].
Fig. 3. Illustration of forward modelling scheme for a multicompartment neuron with N compartments. In our projects we have
used the simulation tool Neuron ( to
calculate the transmembrane currents In(t) and then evaluated the
formula for the extracellular potential in MATLAB or Python
3 Extracellular signatures of neural
In Fig. 4 we show as a first modeling example the
calculated extracellular signature of an action
potential. We observe that both the magnitude and
shape of the extracellular spike vary strongly with
position (note the varying scales used for positions
Fig. 4. Example of calculated extracellular signature of an action
potential generated by a layer-5 pyramidal neuron. Traces show
extracellular potentials in 5 ms windows around the time of spiking
at various positions in the vicinity of the neuron. Upper inset shows
corresponding intracellular action potential recorded in the soma.
Extracellular conductivity σ has been set to 0.3 S/m. A sharp electrode positioned as illustrated would measure the extracellular potential depicted in the lowest inset circle. The numbers in the circular insets refer to the depicted measured spike widths. Adapted from
close to and far away from the soma). For example, at
the position of the illustrated sharp electrode, 100 µm
left from the soma center, a characteristic waveform
with a sharp downward “sodium peak” followed by a
slower upward “potassium peak” would be recorded.
Far above the soma an opposite waveform would be
recorded, a positive peak followed by a shallower
negative peak. Another important qualitative feature
immediately apparent from Fig. 4 is the inherent highfrequency attenuation of the extracellular spike with
distance from the soma, i.e., spikes far away from the
soma are blunter than spikes recorded close to soma.
The spike in the lower circular inset are, for example,
narrower than the spike in the upper circular inset.
This low-pass filtering effect follows from the passive
electrical properties of the neuronal mebrane.
In [2] we investigated in detail how neural morphology and electrical parameters affect the shape and
size of extracellular action potentials. This is important as it determines how easy it is to record spikes
from different types of neurons with extracellular electrodes.
7th Int. Meeting on Substrate-Integrated Microelectrodes, 2010
In another study [4] we correspondingly investigated the LFP, i.e., the low-frequency part of the extracellular potential, generated by synaptic activation
of single pyramidal and stellate neurons. The resulting
shape and size of the LFP waveforms were essentially
found to depend on everything, e.g., neuronal morphology, position of active synapse, and position of
recording electrode. Also the LFP is found to be lowpass filtered due to the intrinsic dendritic filtering effect described above for the extracellular spike. Any
theory aiming to explain the apparent power laws seen
in LFP or EEG signals must thus include this effect
4 New analysis methods
4.1 iCSD method for estimation of currentsource density
The forward modeling scheme described above has
also allowed for the development of new methods for
analysis of multielectrode data. One example is the
inverse current-source density (iCSD) method [6-8], a
method for estimation of the current-source density
(CSD), i.e., the net density of transmembrane current
entering or leaving the extracellular medium, based on
LFP recordings. The principle behind CSD estimation
is illustrated in Fig. 5.
In the traditional CSD method with laminar
LFP recordings, the CSD is estimated as the double
spatial derivative of the LFP in the vertical direction
[6]. This inherently assumes the CSD to be constant in
the two horizontal directions, a requirement not fulfilled for, e.g., the cylindrical CSD distribution shown
in the middle panel of Fig. 5. In the iCSD method
prior knowledge about, e.g., the horizontal spread of
the activation or spatially varying extracellular conductivities can be built into the estimator. The
Fig. 5. Illustration of principle behind current-source density (CSD)
estimation. An apically excited columnar population of cortical
pyramidal neurons (left) will give a characteristic CSD pattern with
an approximately cylindrical sink positioned above a cylindrical
source (middle). This CSD distribution sets up an LFP that is
measured by, in this case, a linear-array (laminar) multielectrode
inserted perpendicular through the column. The challenge of CSD
estimation is then to infer the true underlying CSD distribution as
accurately as possible.
Fig. 6. Illustration of origin of stimulus-evoked laminar electrode
data analysed by use of laminar population analysis (LPA) [9]. A
laminar electrode is inserted into a barrel column and the appropriate whisker is flicked (panel A). Characteristic single-trial results
for the low frequency band (LFP; < 500 Hz) and the high-frequency
band (MUA; > 750 Hz) are shown in panel B. Adapted from [9]
superiority of this approach under the condition of columnar activation was demonstrated in a comprehensive forward modeling study [3]. Here a synaptically
activated population of about 1000 layer-5 pyramidal
neurons, mimicking an infragranular population in the
barrel column, was investigated. The traditional CSD
method was, unlike the appropriate designed iCSD
method, found to predict spurious sinks and sources.
Fig. 7. Illustration of principle behind laminar population analysis
(LPA) [9]. Firing of action potentials in population a (see upper
panel) is reflected in the MUA signal via Ma(z)ra(t) where Ma(z) is a
characteristic MUA depth profile, and ra(t) is the population firing
rate. This firing rate also gives a contribution to the LFP signal
given by La(z)(h*ra(t)) where La(z) is a characteristic LFP depth
profile, h is an exponentially decaying temporal kernel with a delay
term (see bottom equation), and „*‟ represents a temporal convolution. La(z) reflects the morphologies and positions of the neurons in
the populations that population a project to. The full mathematical
expansion of the MUA and LFP signals in terms of contributions
from laminar populations are shown in the rectangular frame.
7th Int. Meeting on Substrate-Integrated Microelectrodes, 2010
4.2 Laminar Population Analysis (LPA)
The CSD is easier to interpret than the LFP, but this
measure cannot distinguish between contributions
from different neuronal populations. We thus developed the so called laminar population analysis (LPA)
to interpret stimulus-evoked laminar-electrode data
recorded from rat barrel cortex in terms of contributions from a set of laminar neuronal populations [9].
See Fig. 6 for a brief description of the experiments.
In LPA the trial-averaged MUA and LFP signals are jointly modeled using a physiological constraint: the MUA is assumed to reflect the firing rates
of the laminar populations while the LFP is assumed to
be due to postsynaptic activation following the observed population firing, see Fig. 7. (The applicability
of these assumptions was later supported by the model
study reported in [3]). As illustrated in Fig. 8 the direct
outcome of an LPA analysis of a data set is MUA
(panel A) and LFP (panel B) population profiles, as
well as population firing rates (panel C). In [9] we also
introduced a template-fitting analysis of the estimated
LFP population profiles allowing for estimation of the
synaptic connection pattern between the identified
laminar populations (panel D).
Fig. 8. Results from LPA: MUA (A) and LFP (B) population profiles, and population firing-rates (C). In combination with a template-fitting analysis, the synaptic connection pattern between the
populations can also be inferred (D). Example data from [9].
4.3 Extraction of population rate models
As illustrated in Fig. 9 the extracted population firing
rates using LPA can in turn be used to identify intracortical and thalamocortical network models [10], the
latter also requiring simultaneous recordings of thalamic firing activity recorded in the homologous barreloid . This is important as network models with demonstrated biological relevance are scarce.
I thank Klas Pettersen and Henrik Lindén for help with
the figures. Projects supported by Research Council of
Norway (eScience, NOTUR, NevroNor).
Fig. 9. Illustration of principle behind population firing-rate model
extraction from multielectrode recordings [10]. Step 1: Population
firing-rates are estimated from MUA data using insights from forward modelling [2,3]. Step 2: Firing-rate models are estimated by
fitting with extracted population firing rates.
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PLoS Computational Biology 5, e1000328
7th Int. Meeting on Substrate-Integrated Microelectrodes, 2010