T TIM MBE ER BRID DGES S LILLEHAMMER 4 TIMBER BRIDGES - Ver.4 – September.2013 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................. 5 FJELL-LEET BRIDGE ........................................................................................................................ 6 SUNDBYVEIEN BRIDGE ................................................................................................................... 7 SKOGSRUD BRIDGE .......................................................................................................................... 8 HANSABRIDGE KALMAR ................................................................................................................ 9 DALEN BRIDGE ................................................................................................................................ 10 KJØLLSÆTER BRIDGE. ................................................................................................................. 11 FRETHEIM BRIDGE ........................................................................................................................ 11 TOMASJORDNES SOUTH ............................................................................................................... 13 ØYO FLYOVER BRIDGE................................................................................................................. 14 ULNES BRIDGE ................................................................................................................................. 15 DALSELV AND STEINDAMMEN BRIDGES ................................................................................ 16 KIKUT SKI BRIDGE ......................................................................................................................... 17 SØRE ÅL PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE .................................................................................................. 18 THE «MILLBRIDGE» ....................................................................................................................... 19 MASTER DRAWING FOR WOODLAND ROAD BRIDGES ...................................................... 20 STEIEN BRIDGE ............................................................................................................................... 21 MOUMBEKKEN BRIDGE................................................................................................................ 22 DYRENDAL BRIDGE........................................................................................................................ 23 KINOVEI BRIDGE ............................................................................................................................ 24 NORSENGA BRIDGE ....................................................................................................................... 25 RÅDE RAILROADSTATION BRIDGE .......................................................................................... 26 BRIDGE OVER RIVER ETNA ......................................................................................................... 27 OTHER BRIDGES THAT SWECO HAS DESIGNED .................................................................. 28 LILLEHAMMER 5 TIMBER BRIDGES - Ver.4 – September.2013 Introduction SWECO hold a high competence on timber bridges and structures in general. Every bridge shown in this brochure has been designed by Sweco and our collaborating partners. The road bridges are calculated according to traffic loads given by the Norwegian public roads administration (NPRA), and are built (or to be built) in connection with public and private roads in Norway. These bridges have an expected service life of 100 years. Most of Swecos bridge engineers in Norway are situated in Lillehammer, Lysaker and Bergen. Especially in Lillehammer many projects have been carried out in cooperation with NPRA region east – which is the centre for timber bridges in Norway. Timber bridge projects have also been carried out with other NPRA regions, local authorities, estate developers, consultants and architects all across Norway. The last two decade’s successful priority on timber bridges have resulted in numerous bridges across the country. Timber bridges have been built in coastal areas, in urban environments, in a military training ground, on woodland roads, over railroads, highways and rivers etc. The technology developed in Norway has made it possible to realise some of the most exiting projects worldwide. These projects have all contributed in confirming timber as a competitive alternative to concrete and steel. Sweco can also design simple, modern and reasonably priced timber deck bridges for woodland-roads or low-traffic roads. Even though there are few timber bridges in Norway of this type at the moment, they are expected to become more popular in the near future. This presentation is made by Sweco. Pictures and illustrations are produced by us or our collaborating partners. Anyone may copy and use this presentation as a whole. If anybody wants to use parts of this presentation in another context, please contact us! Sweco Norway AS Fåberggt. 155 2615 LILLEHAMMER NORWAY Contact: Structural engineer Rune B. Abrahamsen Tlf. +47 92652912 mail: rune@sweco.no Contact: Structural engineer Gunnar Veastad Tlf. +47 95429303 mail: gunnar.veastad@sweco.no Contact: Structural engineer Trond Egil Nyløkken Tlf. +47 99693849 mail: trond.egil.nylokken@sweco.no LILLEHAMMER 6 TIMBER BRIDGES - Ver.4 – September.2013 Fjell-leet bridge Location Employer Bridge consultant Architect Year of construction Bridge type Length / Longest span Road width Structural system Over four-lane highway, E6, north of Oslo airport NPRA Region East Sweco Norway Sivilarkitekt Morten Løvseth 2010 Road bridge for private road 48,6 m / 44,3 m 4,1 m Asymmetrical truss with intervening glulam deck plate. Extensive use of weathering steel LILLEHAMMER 7 TIMBER BRIDGES - Ver.4 – September.2013 Sundbyveien bridge Location Employer Bridge consultant Architect Year of construction Bridge type Length / Longest span Road width Structural system Over four-lane highway, E6, north of Oslo airport NPRA Region East Sweco Norway Sivilarkitekt Morten Løvseth 2010 Road bridge 61,4 m / 42 m 9,0 m Truss with intervening glulam deck plate. Trusswork mirrored on either side. Extensive use of weathering steel LILLEHAMMER 8 TIMBER BRIDGES - Ver.4 – September.2013 Skogsrud bridge Location Employer Bridge consultant Architect Year of construction Bridge type Length / Longest span Road width Structural system Over four-lane highway, E6 at Tangen in Hedmark county. Similar bridge north of Oslo airport as well NPRA Region East Sweco Norway PLAN Arkitekter AS 2009 Road bridge 49 m / 37 m 7,5 m Three-hinge arches with intervening glulam deck plate. LILLEHAMMER 9 TIMBER BRIDGES S - Ver.4 – September.2013 Hansab bridge Kalmar Location Emplo oyer Bridge e consulta ant Year o of constru uction Bridge e type Length h / Longe est span Road width Structural syste em C Compound d Hansa City – Dj urängen over m motorway E22 in Kalmar,Sw K weden N NCC Sweden S Sweco No orway, Sw weco Swe eden and d FMC 20 013 P Pedestrian n and bicycle bridg ge – desiigned fo or snow-c clearing vehicle v 23 38,5 m / 50,4 m 4 ,5 m A combina ation of sttress-lam minated T-beam de eck (axis s 1 – 7) an nd cable--stayed bridge b w with glulam m deck (a axis 7 – 1 11) LILL LEHAMMER 10 TIMBER BRIDGES - Ver.4 – September.2013 Dalen bridge Location Employer Bridge consultant Year of construction Bridge type Length / Longest span Road width Structural system Over the railroad at Lademoen in Trondheim. Kruse Smith Sweco Norway 2012 Pedestrian and bicycle bridge – designed for snow-clearing vehicle 99 m / 18 m 5,5 m (2,5 m pedestrian lane and 3 m bicycle lane) 7 span continuous stress-laminated glulam deck plate. Accoya used in handrails. LILLEHAMMER 11 TIMBER BRIDGES S - Ver.4 – September.2013 Kjølls sæter bridge. Location Emplo oyer Bridge e consulta ant Archite ect Year o of constru uction Bridge e type Length h / Longe est span Road width Structural syste em O Over the Rena R rive er in Åmo t county N Norwegian n Defence Estatess Agency y S Sweco No orway P PLAN Arkitekter AS S 005 – 2006 20 R Road bridg ge. Desig gned for m military lo oads. “T The world d’s strong gest timbe er bridge” 15 58 m / 45 5m 6 ,3 m er truss. U Underlying g continuous timbe C Concrete deck d platte installe ed on slid de be earings for f free lo ongitudina al translation LILL LEHAMMER 12 TIMBER BRIDGES - Ver.4 – September.2013 Fretheim bridge Location Employer Bridge consultant Architect Year of construction Bridge type Length / Longest span Road width Structural system Over Flaom river in Flåm, Aurland. Aurland county and Prosjekttjeneste AS Sweco Norway and DBC Bygg AS PLAN Arkitekter AS 2006 Road bridge with sidewalk 38 m 6,0 m Three hinge arch bridge with tie rods. Stress laminated timber deck. Arches tilted inwards. LILLEHAMMER 13 TIMBER BRIDGES - Ver.4 – September.2013 Tomasjordnes South Location Employer Bridge consultant Year of construction Bridge type Length / Longest span Road width Structural system Pedestrian bridge over local road in Tromsø Tomasjordnesset AS Sweco Norway 2006 Pedestrian bridge – designed for snowclearing vehicle. 99 m / 31 m 3,0 m Intervening three-hinge arches. Stress laminated timber deck. The bridge deck curves 90º in the horizontal plane! LILLEHAMMER 14 TIMBER BRIDGES - Ver.4 – September.2013 Øyo flyover bridge Location Employer Bridge consultant Year of construction Bridge type Length / Longest span Road width Structural system Over Highway 7 and the railroad to Bergen close to Geilo. Norwegian National Rail Administration and the municipality of Hol Sweco Norway 2010 Pedestrian bridge – designed for snowclearing vehicle. 95,0 m / 14,0 m 3,0 m Nine span stress-laminated glulam bridge. The bridge deck curves 90º in the horizontal plane! LILLEHAMMER 15 TIMBER BRIDGES S - Ver.4 – September.2013 Uln nes brid dge Location Emplo oyer Bridge e consulta ant Archite ect Year o of constru uction Bridge e type Length h / Longe est span Road width Structural syste em Fv 261 in Valdres, V over the Slidre fio ord N NPRA Oppland S Sweco No orway P PLAN Arkitekter AS S 003 20 R Road bridg ge 10 05 m / 35 5m 8 ,5 m T Three hing ge arch bridge b witth tie rods s. S Stress lam minated timber decck. LILL LEHAMMER 16 TIMBER BRIDGES - Ver.4 – September.2013 Dalselv and Steindammen bridges Location Employer Bridge consultant Year of construction Bridge type Length / Longest span Road width Structural system Over small creeks in Løten, Hedmark The municipality of Løten Sweco Norway 2008 Road bridge – for secondary roads Dalselv bridge: 6,316 m Steindammen bridge: 6,517 m Both bridges: 4,515 m Stress laminated glulam deck plates. Dalselv bridge is skewed 24°. LILLEHAMMER 17 TIMBER BRIDGES - Ver.4 – September.2013 Kikut ski bridge Location Employer Bridge consultant Year of construction Bridge type Length / Longest span Road width Structural system Diagonal crossing over highway 40 near Geilo Veidekke Sweco Norway 2006 Ski bridge designed for snow groomer. 42 m / 18 m 5,0 m Three span stress-laminated glulam bridge. 40 years service life LILLEHAMMER 18 TIMBER BRIDGES S - Ver.4 – September.2013 Sø øre Ål p pedestrian bridge Location Emplo oyer Bridge e consulta ant Year o of constru uction Bridge e type Length h / Longe est span Road width Structural syste em O Over Fred drik Colletts road in n Lilleham mmer T The munic cipality off Lilleham mmer S Sweco No orway 20 006 P Pedestrian n bridge – designe ed for sno owcllearing ve ehicle. 2 7 m / 23 m 3 ,0 m T Three-hing ge arch bridge b witth interve ening sttress-lam minated gllulam decck. LILL LEHAMMER 19 TIMBER BRIDGES - Ver.4 – September.2013 The «millbridge» Location Employer Bridge consultant Architect Year of construction Bridge type Length / Longest span Road width Structural system Beneath old Kongsvinger bridge in Hedmark. NPRA Region East Sweco Norway PLAN Arkitekter AS 2007 Pedestrian bridge – designed for snowclearing vehicle. 53 m / 11,5 m 3,0 m Stress-laminated glulam bridge deck. The deck is curved in the horizontal plane. LILLEHAMMER 20 TIMBER BRIDGES - Ver.4 – September.2013 Master drawing for woodland road bridges Location Employer Bridge consultant Year of construction Bridge type Length / Longest span Road width Structural system On private or public roads characterised as woodland roads. Norwegian Forestry extension institute. Sweco Norway 2008Road bridge From 2 m to 16 m 3,7 m Stress-laminated glulam deck or stresslaminated sawn timber deck. LILLEHAMMER 21 TIMBER BRIDGES - Ver.4 – September.2013 Steien bridge Location Employer Bridge consultant Architect Year of construction Bridge type Length / Longest span Road width Structural system Highway 3 over river Glomma in Alvdal NPRA Region East NPRA Region East with Sweco assistance PLAN Arkitekter AS 2014-2015 Road bridge – 88,0 m / 88,0 m (possibly to be the world’s longest timber bridge span for road bridge) 9,0 m + 3,0 m exterior sidewalk Wooden network arch with concrete deck. Alternatively timber truss. LILLEHAMMER 22 TIMBER BRIDGES - Ver.4 – September.2013 Moumbekken bridge Location Employer Bridge consultant Year of construction Bridge type Length / Longest span Road width Structural system Highway 111 over the creek Moumbekken in Fredrikstad. NPRA Region East. Sweco Norway 2014 Road bridge. Full traffic load 25,4 m / 7,3 m 9m Underlying timber truss with stresslaminated glulam deck LILLEHAMMER 23 TIMBER BRIDGES - Ver.4 – September.2013 Dyrendal bridge Location Employer Bridge consultant Year of construction Bridge type Length / Longest span Road width Structural system Over Svartelva river in Rissa in SouthTrøndelag Trønder Energi Sweco Norway 2013 One - lane road bridge. Limited live load (8 tonn axle load) 38 m / 38 m 3,5 m Truss bridge with intermediate stress laminated deck of sawn timber planks LILLEHAMMER 24 TIMBER BRIDGES - Ver.4 – September.2013 Kinovei bridge Location Employer Bridge consultant Year of construction Bridge type Length / Longest span Road width Structural system Over Sandvikselva river in Sandvika The municipality of Bærum Sweco Norway Not decided (Sketches only) Pedestrian bridge. Designed for road traffic (Bk10 -50) 57,7 m / 42,6 m 8,4 m Truss structure with intermediate stress laminated glulam deck. Creosoting of the timber is not necessary due to the roof. CLT panels in roof. Accoya in parts of the structure. LILLEHAMMER 25 TIMBER BRIDGES S - Ver.4 – September.2013 Nors senga bridge Location Emplo oyer Bridge e consulta ant Archite ect Year o of constru uction Bridge e type Length h / Longe est span Road width Structural syste em H Highway E16 E over the railro oad in K Kongsving ger N NPRA Reg gion Eastt. S Sweco No orway P PLAN Arkitekter AS S 015? 20 R Road bridg ge. Full trraffic load d 94 4,5 m / 54,3 m 9 m roadw way + 3,5 m sidew walk G Glulam tru uss bridge e with ste eel crossb beams a nd glulam m stress-llaminated d deck. LILL LEHAMMER 26 TIMBER BRIDGES - Ver.4 – September.2013 Råde railroadstation bridge Location Employer Bridge consultant Architect Year of construction Bridge type Length / Longest span Road width Structural system Over the railroad at Råde station Norwegian National Rail Administration Sweco Norway Løvseth + Partners AS 2013 Pedestrian bridge 18,75 m / 18,75 m 2,5 m Glulam truss bridge with roof. Minimalized use of pressure treated timber. LILLEHAMMER 27 TIMBER BRIDGES - Ver.4 – September.2013 Bridge over river Etna Location Employer Bridge consultant Architect Year of construction Bridge type Length / Longest span Road width Structural system Over the river Etna in Etnedal Kruse Smith Sweco Norway Letnes Arkitektkontor AS 2013 Pedestrian bridge 25,0 m / 24,0 m 3,5 m King post bridge with intermediate stresslaminated timber deck LILLEHAMMER 28 TIMBER BRIDGES S - Ver.4 – September.2013 Otther bridges th hat Sweco has designe ed Otnes s pedestrian bridge. 16,5 m lo ong plateb bridge ove er creek. R Rendalen (2013) Bø øråa, Skvalafoss, Flo ombekken n and Hvittsten bridg ges. Road dbridges over o streams. Ak kershus co ounty (201 12) B Bøeseter Skibridge. S 19 m long g platebrid dge over road. r Noreefjell (2008 8) Bryn nsåa North h and South. Pedesttrian bridg ges over streams. s Ø Øyer comm mune LILL LEHAMMER 29 TIMBER BRIDGES S - Ver.4 – September.2013 Dalerås sen bridge e. Road brridge overr E134. Nedre Eikerr (2000) To omasjordn nes Nord. Pedestria an bridge over local road. Tro omsø (200 05) Maurs sæth bridg ge. Pedes strian bridg ge over hiighway 7 at a Hardan ngervidda (2007) Steinsm moen bridg ge. 28 m beambridge over river. Gausd dal (2010) LILL LEHAMMER 30 TIMBER BRIDGES S - Ver.4 – September.2013 Tang gen bridge e. Roadbridge over tthe Oslo-T Trondheim m railroad . Stange (2002) Lukm mo bridge. Platebridg ge over ra ailroad in Sør-Odal S ((2002) Bliiksland brridge. 25 m long tru uss structu ure over ra ailroad. H obøl (2015 5?) L Løkenportten bridge e. 50 m lon ng platebrridge overr railroad. Nes (2010 0) LILL LEHAMMER 31 TIMBER BRIDGES - Ver.4 – September.2013 Stampen bridge. Roadbridge over river Brumundda. Brumunddal (2008) Bekkedal bridge. Pedestrian bridge along highway 4 over stream. Oslo (2002) Klokkarjordet and Hellingvegen bridges. Stress-laminated plates. Hol (2008) Master drawing for woodland road bridges – Norwegian Forestry extension institute LILLEHAMMER 32 S - Ver.4 – September.2013 TIMBER BRIDGES Neso oddveien bridge. b Pedestrian b bridge ove er road. Oslofiord ro oad system (2000) Må åna pedesttrian bridg ge. Pedesttrian bridg ge over highway 233. Oslofiord road s system (20 000) Be eston bridge. Roadb bridge ove er highway y 23. Oslo ofiord road d system (1999) ( Bjørnli bridg ge. Roadb bridge ove er highway y 23. Oslofiord road d system (1999) ( LILL LEHAMMER 33 TIMBER BRIDGES - Ver.4 – September.2013 Setre bridge. Roadbridge over highway E6. Eidsvoll (2011) Breivang bridge. Pedestrian bridge over road. Tromsø (2014?) Harpviken and Trekvarten bridges. Roadbridges over highway E6. Ringsaker (2020?) Hundorp bridge. Replacement of existing deck using CLT panels. 200 m long. SørFron (2010) LILLEHAMMER 34 TIMBER BRIDGES - Ver.4 – September.2013 Næringa bridge. Roadbridge with T-beam deck over river. Trysil (1999) Veenslivegen bridge. Pedestrian bridge over stream. Løten (2005) LILLEHAMMER
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