A continuation of the Audrey Grant Beginning Bridge Series MONDAY MORNING WORKSHOPS March 16, 23, 30- Fee- $45 for the series 3 perfect classes For the beginning & intermediate Bridge playerPopular Conventions- BLACKWOOD (Slam going hands, Asking for aces, & kings) STRONG 2 CLUB OPENER, THE X-FACTOR what does the X card mean? Included in classes: Hand-out sheets, Pre-dealt hands to re-enforce each lesson, weekly review sessions hand analysis no partner necessary Please register in advance: Register with instructor Jane Dober at Janedober@gmail.com 1 NEW BEGINNING BRIDGE CLASS OFFERED THROUGH SAN CLEMENTE RECREATION CENTER BEGINNING BRIDGE CLASS AND GAME WHEN: APRIL 28, 2015 –JUNE 16, 2015 TUESDAY MORNINGS 9:30-11:30 WHERE: NEW VENUE-DANA HARBOR BRIDGE CENTER 24921 DANA POINT HARBOR DR ST. B130 COST: $80 THIS CLASS WILL TEACH STUDENTS THE NEW MODERN BRIDGE BIDDING SYSTEM AND WILL PROVIDE FOR THE OPPORTUNITY TO EARN MASTER POINTS BY PLAYING A REAL GAME AND WILL ALSO OFFER INTENSIVE WORKSHOPS TO REGISTER GO TO WWW.SAN-CLEMENTE.ORG CLICK ON CLASSES; CLICK ON REGISTER ON-LINE; CLICK ON ADULT PROGRAMS; CLICK ON RECREATION OR CALL 949 361-8264 FOR INFORMATION CALL INSTRUCTOR DAE LECKIE 949 427-3284 ACCREDITED ACBL BRIDGE TEACHER AND DIRECTOR 2 MENTOR MAGIC A NEW & EXCITING MENTOR “1 ON 1” PROGRAM FOR THE NLM PLAYER WHO WANTS TO move up from the 0-299, or 0-499 game and PLAY WITH A MENTOR ON MONDAY & THURSDAYS in the limited masterpoint games. This spring program is open to 10 NON-LIFE-MASTERS who feel they are ready to play in a more advanced game, on a regular basis. Please sign-up for this NEW PILOT PROGRAM, that begins in April- 2015 For more detailed information or to put your name on the list, PLEASE email Janedober@gmail.com 3 7:00 –10:00 PM …No Partner Required Easybridge III+ - Monday Evenings 7:00 – 10:00 PM ish No Partner Required -come at 6:45 if you need one. March 2 – Distribution is your friend. March 9 – Okay, Not Always. March 16 – Understanding partner’s wants and needs. March 23 – Be patient with your power. March 30 – Arrive at the station just in time. For more information, email: sallypelmear@cox.net. 4 LESSON 9:00AM 0-99 GAME 9:30 AM $9.00 FEE NO PARTNER NEEDED March 6 New Minor Forcing March 13 Finessing March 20 Reverses March 27 Fourth Suit Forcing Instructor: Dae Laekie For information contact daeleckie@gmail.com 5 Each session begins at 9:00 am with a lesson. After the lesson we play hands that support the lesson with a Mentor at each table for critique. When game is over there are hand records available. The following schedule is for this session. The fee continues to be. $9. If you stay to play the same afternoon, your reduced card fee is only $5. You can sign up for individual sessions. You will not want to miss any of these teachers or lessons. We are continuing to use Barbara Seagram's book, 25Bridge Conventions You Should Know. OGUST RESPONSES TO WEAK TWO-BIDS…. MARCH 12 Marshall Pearlman…teaching WHEN IS PARTNERS BID FORCING? …. MARCH. 26Th Alan Gailfus…teaching DOUBLES…. APRIL 19TH LOOSING TRICK COUNT…. APRIL 23RD PLEASE EMAIL SHARON RIPPY @ fleurpdlur@cox.net if you are planning on attending. Please include your partners name if you have one and both of your Master Points. Anyone is welcome, with any amount of Master Points. You do not have to be a member of Dana Harbor Bridge Center to participatej 6 $80
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