Lessons with Keith Hanson At JOURDAN’s Bridge Club in Delray Beach 4801 A-16 Linton Blvd., Delray Beach 33445 KEITH HANSON is a National Champion player and the author of “THE ART OF BIDDING”, “FINGERTIP BRIDGE”, and “BRIDGE BASICS”. He is co-author of “WINNING BRIDGE INTANGIBLES” with Mike Lawrence, and “CARD PLAY FUNDAMENTALS” with Easley Blackwood. Keith once taught college bridge classes for credit. His many South Florida students acclaim his methods and his easy presentation. I = Intermediate: IA= Intermediate/Advanced: For fairly experienced players who want to improve and update their game. For experienced players who want to raise their game to a higher level. SUMMER 2015 LESSON SCHEDULE COURSE NUMBER Class Dates Days of Week Time of Day Course (Description on reverse) 322 June 3-8-10-15-17 Wednesday & Monday 9:30 AM IA Better Competitive Bidding Thursday & Tuesday 9:30 AM I $100 for 6 lesson series or $20 per class. Monday & Friday 9:30 AM & 22 222 June 4-9-11-16 -18 Intermediate Brush-Up & 23 Class Fees 122 May 4-8-11-15-18 & 22 B Beginner Bridge Check to Ora Lourie Keith has an abbreviated schedule during the summer. All classes are 6 lessons. All class dates listed above. To Register: Complete the stub below and mail with your check payable to KEITH HANSON or ORA LOURIE to the above address. No confirmation will be mailed, nor will your check be cashed until after the first class. Come to Jourdan’s when your first class is scheduled. Jourdan’s is located in the northeast corner of Linton Blvd. and Military Trail in Delray Beach. NAME COURSE NUMBER STREET CITY PHONE ZIP CHECK AMOUNT INTERMEDIATE BRUSH-UP - How to play a no-trump contract, no-trump bidding and the Jacoby Transfer convention, opener’s rebid 1, opener’s rebid 2, when and how to finesse, pre-emptive bidding 6 LESSONS, $100 BETTER COMPEITITVE BIDDING- When to make a take-out double, responding to a take-out double, how to advance an overcall, the negative double, how to bid soundly but also boldly, opening in 3rd and 4th position 6 LESSONS, $100
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