LET’S GET STARTED • Everybody needs a clicker. • Do not press the Ch or ?. • Only your first answer is counted. UT Southwestern Medical School What is the best thing you can do to be healthy? 1. Avoid sweetened drinks. 2. Eat fruits and vegetables. 3. Get physical acHvity each day. 4. Limit serving sizes. 5. Eat breakfast. 0% 0% 0% 0% ts a t f ru i Ea sw id A vo ow Answer N ee te ne d d r in ks n G d . ve et p ge hy ta sic bl es al ac . tiv ity Li e m a. it . se rv in g s iz e Ea s. t b re ak fa st . 0% 10 They are all important! Healthy Food + Exercise = Health for Fun GETTING ENOUGH Today’s topic? FRUITS AND VEGETABLES You will learn Are fresh fruits and vegetables best? How many fruits and vegetables are enough? How can you get enough fruits and vegetables to keep you healthy? How many fruits and vegetables do you eat each day? 1 2 3 4 5 or more 0% 0% m or 4 e 0% 5 or 0% 3 ow Answer N 0% 2 0% 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 10 How many fruits and vegetables should you eat each day? 0% 0% r m or I e do n’ t k no w. 0% 4 0% 5 o ow Answer N 0% 3 0% 2 1 2 3 4 5 or more I don’t know. 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 10 How many fruits and vegetables should you eat each day? 1 17% 17% 2 17% 17% 3 17% 17% 4 17% 17% 5 or more 17% 17% I don’t kn... 17% 17% First Slide Second Slide How can you eat more fruit and vegetables? • Eat them with every meal or snack. • Eat them instead of sweets or chips. • Try them in the cafeteria. It’s easier if you have them with breakfast lunch supper snacks It’s easy! • Add 1 fruit or vegetable each day for a week. • Add another fruit or vegetable each day next week. • Taste new fruits and vegetables. What do you remember? How many fruits and vegetables do you plan to eat each day? 1 2 3 4 5 or more 0% 0% 5 o r m or e 4 0% 3 ow Answer N 0% 2 0% 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 10 How many fruits and vegetables do you plan to eat each day? 20% 1 20% 20% 2 20% 20% 3 20% 20% 4 20% 20% 5 or more 20% First Slide Second Slide What’s the best way for you to get more fruits and vegetables? 1. Ask for them with meals. 2. Ask for them with snacks. 3. Ask for them in the cafeteria. 4. I don’t know. A sk . no w ’t k on fo rt he Id th e m in w ith m fo rt he sk A ca . ... sn m ea w ith m fo rt he sk A ow Answer N .. ls . 0% 0% 0% 0% 10 See you at your table!!! UT Southwestern Medical School Content by Linda Michalsky, PhD, RD, LD Design by UTSW Biomedical Communications Roshni Nelson Elizabeth Smith Image Sources http://www.pachd.com http://visualsonline.cancer.gov http://bodyandsoul.nih.gov
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