Sample pole decoration What is “2011 Harlem Holiday Lights”? The 125th Street Business Improvement District (BID)’s streetscape initiatives are rooted in the desire to improve and beautify 125th Street. Our goal is to promote the district as a premier destination to visit, work, shop, and do business. Corporations and organizations can sponsor the 2011 Harlem Holiday Lights program and tie this opportunity into their overall marketing efforts. Harlem Holiday Lights Program The Harlem Holiday Lights Program is a locally driven effort that represents th H l the Harlem Community Spirit. It supports the 125 C it S i it It t th 125th Street BID’s goals of St t BID’ l f promoting 125th Street as a vibrant cultural center and continuing the revitalization of 125th Street as the commercial and artistic heart of Harlem. The 125th Street BID seeks to maximize the value of the 125th Street Corridor by initiating efforts that solidify its identity as Harlem’s primary cultural district. Bringing the holiday spirit to 125th Street and enhancing the streetscape by lighting up 125th Street from river to river represents one of these efforts these efforts. The 125th Street BID is a 501(c)(3) not for profit organization. All contributions are tax deductible. Become a Sponsor This year This year’ss decorations will include thirtysix skyline streamers decorations will include thirty six skyline streamers that will be draped across 125th street from pole to pole between 1st and 12th Avenues. Sponsor a streamer and have your company’s name displayed in lights on a specially designed pole decoration name displayed in lights on a specially designed pole decoration. Your company’s name can be visible to up to 226,660 people in cars, vans, buses, subways, commuter rail, and on foot that visit this hub of culture, shopping, business, and f pp g entertainment every day for 47 days. The 125th Street BID is a 501(c)(3) not for profit organization. All contributions are tax deductible. Presenting Sponsor Present Harlem Holiday Lights 2011 $30,000 • Entire program will promote your company’s name (“Harlem Holiday Lights presented by [your company’ss name] Lights presented by [your company name]”)) • Three pairs of pole decorations with your company’s name on them (six poles total), installed at your preferred locations along 125th Street visible to over 200 000 people each day visible to over 200,000 people each day • Mentioned at Lighting Event • Company promoted through BID website for six months • Logo on all promotional items, including invitation to event, invitation to community and BID Newsletter to community and BID Newsletter • Logo on Harlem Holiday Lights Sponsor Page on BID Website for 1 year • I l d d i 2011 H l Included in 2011 Harlem Light It Up Promotional Video Li h I U P i l Vid The 125th Street BID is a 501(c)(3) not for profit organization. All contributions are tax deductible. Platinum Packages SSponsor a skyline streamer across 125 k li 125th Street and get your company’s S d ’ name in lights! Double Platinum Skyline Package $11,250 • One pair of pole decorations connected by a skyline streamer of O i f l d i db k li f th lights across 125 Street • Company promoted through BID website for one year • Logo on all promotional items, including invitation to event, invitation to community and BID Newsletter invitation to community and BID Newsletter S Sample pole decoration l l d ti • Included in 2011 Harlem Light It Up Promotional Video • Logo on Harlem Holiday Lights Sponsor Page on BID website for one year These customdesigned signs with your name will be a three year commitment. Your company’s name will be displayed in lights for three holiday seasons along 125th Street. name will be displayed in lights for three holiday seasons along 125 Street. Platinum Skyline Package $8,250 • One pole decoration with your company’s name in lights beside a skyline streamer • Company promoted through BID website for six months Company promoted through BID website for six months • Logo on promotional items, including invitation to event, invitation to community, print ads, and BID Newsletter • Logo on Harlem Holiday Lights Sponsor Page on BID website for 1 year These customdesigned signs with your name will be a three year commitment. Your company’s g g y y p y th name will be displayed in lights for three holiday seasons along 125 Street. The 125th Street BID is a 501(c)(3) not for profit organization. All contributions are tax deductible. Gold and Silver Packages Gold Sponsorship Package $1,900 Gold Sponsorship Package $1 900 Sponsor a skyline streamer across 125th Street • Company logo added to Harlem Holiday Lights Sponsor Page for 1 year • Logo and mention of sponsorship in print ads Logo and mention of sponsorship in print ads • Logo and mention of sponsorship in BID Newsletter Silver Sponsorship Package $850 p p g $ • Company logo on Harlem Holiday Lights Sponsor Page on BID website for 1 year The 125th Street BID is a 501(c)(3) not for profit organization. All contributions are tax deductible. 125th Street Fast Facts • 125th Street is a two mile long center of commerce, culture, entertainment art development and history which attracts more entertainment, art, development, and history which attracts more than 800,000 visitors each year. • 220,218 people live within a one mile radius of 125th Street • The 125th Street corridor is well served by MTA bus routes, with a total of 18 routes traversing the corridor or along the intersecting north‐south avenues. • 125th Street is serviced by 10 subway lines that are accessible at four subway stations, with an average weekday ridership of over 63,547 and an annual ridership of 23 514 470 people and an annual ridership of 23,514,470 people. • Approximately 9,847 passengers arrive or depart the Harlem 125th Street MetroNorth Station on a typical weekday. The 125th Street BID is a 501(c)(3) not for profit organization. All contributions are tax deductible. Sponsorship Application • • Deadline to submit application and check: October 17th, 2011 Organization/Business Name: ____________________________________________________ Business Address: ___________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ • Contact Person: _______________________________________________________________________ • Title: ____________________________________________________ • Phone number: _________________________ Email: __________________________________ Sponsorship Package Selection (check one): ___Presenting Sponsor ___Double Platinum Skyline Package ___Platinum Skyline Package P S D bl Pl Sk l P k Pl Sk l P k ___Gold Sponsorship Package ___Silver Sponsorship Package If you are interested in being a Sponsor for the 2011 “Harlem Holiday Lights,” please mail this form to: 125th Street BID, Attn: Sunshine Bracey; 360 West 125 Street BID Attn: Sunshine Bracey; 360 West 125th Street, Suite #11, New York, NY 10027 Street Suite #11 New York NY 10027 Or email to / fax to 212‐678‐5136 Please make checks payable to the 125th Street BID. The 125th Street BID is a 501(c)(3) not for profit organization. All contributions are tax deductible. About the 125th Street BID The 125th Street Business Improvement District (BID) is a tax assessment district with defined boundaries and is managed by assessment district with defined boundaries, and is managed by the 125th Street District Management Association, Inc. (DMA). The District serves one of the most historical and dynamic business corridors in New York City. The recent surge of commercial activity has positioned it for significant growth. i i h ii di f i ifi h The not‐for‐profit organization has become a leader in sustaining business growth for 125th Street. The DMA is funded primarily business growth for 125 Street. The DMA is funded primarily from an additional tax assessment collected from the property owners from Morningside to Fifth Avenues on 125th Street. The 125th Street BID is a 501(c)(3) not for profit organization. All contributions are tax deductible.
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