Walla Walla Community College CS 110 Syllabus Greene CS 110 Fall 2010 I. COURSE INFORMATION Course No.: CS 110 Quarter: Fall 2010 Credits: 5 Course Title: INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS AND APPLICATIONS Instructor: Robin Greene Site: http://staff.wwcc.edu/robin.greene Office Hour: 7:30 AM daily Office: 1120C Virtual/Other Office Hours: 1:00 PM Daily & By Appt. Email: robin.greene@wwcc.edu Phone: 509.527-4699 FAX: 509.527.4572 II. TEXT AND MATERIALS Before starting the course, you will need: All students need to activate their Student CC webmail account. Student Email - students will be sent class information to their CC webmail account. Microsoft Office 2007 Introductory Concepts and Techniques, Premium Video Edition, Shelley Cashman Series, Shelly, Cashman, Vermaat, ©2009, published by Course Technology, Cengage Learning. ISBN: 0324826842 textbook + This text has both Windows Vista and XP info. Web site: Learn It Online or http://oc.course.com/sc/off2007/index.cfm Software required: Windows XP/Vista/7 and MS Office 2007. ** For a great deal on this software click here or go to our bookstore! Storage device for saving files (any of the following: preferred flash drive /thumb drive, CD-R, CD-RW DVD-R, DVD-RW, etc.) III. WHAT YOU WILL LEARN IN THIS COURSE This is a hands-on course where you will learn to use a computer to practice the most commonly used Microsoft programs including the Windows operating system, Internet Explorer for navigating the Internet, and the four most popular programs within the Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Access). You will also learn about integrating these applications. You will learn to be an intermediate level user of the Microsoft Office Suite. Copyright © 2007 Pearson Prentice Hall Page 1 of 5 Walla Walla Community College CS 110 Syllabus Greene Within the Microsoft Office Suite, you will use Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access. Microsoft Word is a word processing program with which you can create common business and personal documents. Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program that organizes and calculates accounting-type information. Microsoft PowerPoint is a presentation graphics program with which you can develop slides to accompany an oral presentation. Finally, Microsoft Access is a database program that organizes large amounts of information in a useful manner. IV. ATTENDANCE Students should be present and punctual for all classes. Regular class attendance will maximize your computer skills for your personal and professional future. There are in class assignments that can only be done in class. V. LAB RULES OF CONDUCT Be respectful of your fellow students at all times. No food or drink is allowed in the labs. You must complete your own work. VI. COURSE POLICIES Disability Accommodations - Students with a learning disability need to discuss their situation with the Disability Support Services Department. Contact Claudia Angus, Ph.D., Coordinator of Disability Support Services, at 527-4262 or email claudia.angus@wwcc.edu Cheating - It is expected that students will conduct themselves with integrity. If you cheat or assist others in cheating, you violate a trust. Cheating includes but is not limited to the following: copy files or lend your storage device to another student copy answers on exams complete work for someone else turn in assignments that have been used in other classes purchase or sell assignments or exam materials If you cheat, some or all of the following actions will be taken: You will receive a lower point score possibly a zero for that particular assignment or exam. You may receive a failing grade for the class Copyright © 2007 Pearson Prentice Hall Page 2 of 5 Walla Walla Community College CS 110 Syllabus Greene A report of the incident may be forwarded to the Dean of Student Services. The Dean may file the report in your permanent record and/or take further disciplinary action. VII. EVALUATION AND GRADING You will be evaluated based on your combined performance on homework assignments and exams. NO late work will be accepted. The Course Schedule at the end of this syllabus will enable ease of tracking assignments, and you can keep a record of your progress and grades. Check off completed items and record your score. You can see our class Grade Sheet throughout the quarter containing your current scores and grades on the K drive. Be sure to give yourself time to do your work. Time management is the key to success with your classes. Your ability to understand and follow the directions in class and in the text will be an essential component for successful completion of the projects/homework. You will then be tested on those skills. Tests will be given at the end of each application. Unless prior arrangements are made, no makeup tests will be given. I will use the CC email to send out information – Please check your email often. For additional help check instructor office hours at the top of this document. Grading Scale Percentage of Possible Points 95-100% 90-94% 87-89% 84-86% 80-83% 76-79% 72-75% 68-71% 64-67% 61-63% Below 60% Copyright © 2007 Pearson Prentice Hall Grade A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D F Page 3 of 5 Walla Walla Community College CS 110 Syllabus Greene Assessment 1. Mandatory tests are scheduled during the quarter. No makeup tests will be given. Students with valid reasons Policy: (approved by the instructor) can make pre-arrangements with the instructor. Homework assignments are listed in the Course Schedule. Assignments must be submitted on time. No Late Work! Early is good. 2. Assignments submitted after the last date established by the instructor will not receive credit. 3. Assignments submitted through personal email will be accepted and replied to, but all class information will be found using your WWCC email account. 4. Assignments submitted for grade, are assumed to be the best work of the student. Students are not allowed to resubmit corrected homework assignments. 5. The instructor will be available to help students on their assignments until the time of submittal. 6. The instructor may vary work assigned during the quarter. All assignments are required to have your NAME, Class, Time, DATE, and Assignment in the header or footer. (See Helpful Instructions file) Assignment includes the Section, Project, Page. Example for the 1st Word Project assigned: Student Name CS 110 8:30 9/29/2010 Word Prj CH1 pg. WD 3(Learn to Ride). Learn It Online go to the online companion site, click on the section on the left choose Learn It Online and do the Practice Test. Once complete type in your name at the bottom and submit for grading. Copy your test, paste it in Word, put your header on the document, save it, then send me your test. Do not select “Take Another Test” at the bottom of the submitted test, it works better. Access is the one application that you must zip prior to sending. The tables do not have headers – so you need to put your name in as a field name on each table. All Work and TESTs must be received on or prior to the due dates assigned. Early submission is good, late will not be accepted. Check off dates below is the last day the work will be accepted. ***Week 6 is the starting of ACCESS! - Access files will get caught up in our filter, so you must Zip your files prior to sending – see helpful hint file In Access students are required to add their names to the list of field names on all tables, and then use this field in all queries. Open the database, go to the Design view of the table and add your full name as a field name. Copyright © 2007 Pearson Prentice Hall Page 4 of 5 Walla Walla Community College CS 110 Syllabus Greene VIII. COURSE Schedule & ASSIGNMENT SHEET Example Course Outline & Assignment Sheet: Wk Read and Perform Steps Homework & Tests Page# Check off Date Possible Points 1 Introduction to Computers (first chapter) Learn It Online Practice Test* COM 39 9/24 10 Windows Vista (front of text) or Windows XP (App F) link -Here Learn it Online Practice Test* W Vista 67 9/24 10 For either Vista or XP In the lab 1-4 For ?s Send in all answers & a Win Vista 68-72 or APP 105111 9/24 20 (5 pts each) Print Scrn of #4 or APP 105 If you have Windows 7 Tell me!! - The Chapter Project is the work you do in the chapter, step by step, starting on page 3 to the end of the chapter. Be sure to be able to do a print screen (See Helpful Hints file) for showing your completion of work that cannot be emailed or saved. * Learn It Online: Use the http://oc.course.com/sc/off2007/index.cfm?action=home site to do your Practice Tests for each chapter. Click on the section and chapter After you complete the skill, submit for grading, copy, then paste into a Word document, put in the class header and email to robin.greene@wwcc.edu ** (below) Word and other app instructions: (Files needed are on the text website.) pg WIN VISTA 72. Do the step by step instructions from the book and as you complete a project send me an email with the project attached. Each time you are instructed to print in the text – you will need to include a file of the material at that time. If your action is a step you need to do a print screen of the action or skill and include that in your email. Name the step or print screen by the chapter and project number, page number, and objective/skill. Attach the entire completed project and any additional files in one email. In the Lab – At the end of all chapters there is an In the Lab section. You are to do the assigned lab and turn the completed work. Some times what you are asked to do cannot be saved in your file – so do a print screen of it and paste it at the end of the paper, sheet or in a Paint file. When in doubt use the print screen key and send it in with your work. If you have a problem – sometimes sending a print screen is the best way for me to see what you are trying to do or at what point you are at. Week 2 Read and Homework Perform Steps to Turn In **Word Ch 1 Creating and Editing a Word Document Learn It Online Practice Test Ch1 Project (Learn to Ride) Page Check off Possible Points WD 63 9/24 10 Ch 1 9/24 5 # Week 6 is the starting of ACCESS! - Access files will get caught up in our filter, so you must Zip your files prior to sending – see helpful hint file Copyright © 2007 Pearson Prentice Hall Page 5 of 5
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