GAP. June 2, 2003 VAPOR CLOUD EXPLOSION, SAMPLE CALCULATION INTRODUCTION Sample calculations of vapor cloud explosion loss estimates are given using English input units only. In some cases, units from both English and the SI system are used in the same equation. This is due to the availability of data from the sources indicated. Both probable maximum loss and catastrophic loss estimates are illustrated. SELECTION OF MAXIMUM CREDIBLE SPILL A review of the various processes in a plant may reveal a number of possible large spill sources. The spill chosen for the probable maximum loss prediction may be different from the choice for the catastrophic loss potential prediction. Materials used as fuels and the failure of a major storage tank must be considered in estimating the catastrophic loss potential. Probable Maximum Loss Assume that a plant has four reactors in series, each contain 10,000 gal of cyclohexane at 250°F (121°C) and 250 psig (264.7 psia). The source of the cyclohexane is a 10,000 gal day tank at essentially atmospheric pressure and temperature. Instrumentation has been provided to shut down the reactor feed pump upon abnormal low pressure in the reactor train. Therefore the maximum credible spill for the probable maximum loss is 4 × 10,000 = 40,000 gal. The loss prevention person must decide if the pre-reaction and post-reaction process storage should be considered in determining the maximum credible spill. Catastrophic Loss Potential A 250,000 gal sphere is located in the tank farm and is used to store liquefied petroleum gas (assume propane) to be used as fuel. The maximum credible spill for the catastrophic loss potential is 250,000 gal of propane. CALCULATION OF WEIGHT OF MATERIAL IN SYSTEM Probable Maximum Loss Since the material in question exists in the system as a liquid, equation 4 will be used to calculate the weight of the material spilled: W L = ρVL From Gallant,1 Volume 2, page 157, Figure 41-5 the liquid density ρ of cyclohexane at 250°F (121.1°C) is 0.675 g/mL. The volume of the liquid spilled VL is 40,000 gal. GAP Guidelines A Publication of Global Asset Protection Services GAP. June 2, 2003 Therefore, W L =8.35×0.675×40,000 WL =225,450lb Catastrophic Loss Potential Since the material in the sphere exists as a liquid, equation 4E will be used to calculate the weight of the material spilled: From Gallant, Volume 1, page 6, Figure 1-6, the liquid density ρ of propane at 70°F (21°C) is 0.50 g/mL. The volume of the liquid spill VL is 250,000 gal. Therefore: W L =8.35×0.50× 250,000 W L =1,043,750lb CALCULATION OF QUANTITY VAPORIZED Probable Maximum Loss Since, from Gallant, Volume 2, page 154, Table 41-1, the atmospheric boiling point of cyclohexane is 80.8°C (177.4°F), Equation 5 will be used to calculate the weight of vapor WV formed following the spill: WV = W L C pm (T1 −T2 ) ∆Η υ From Gallant, Volume 2, page 157, Figure 41-1, the liquid heat capacities C p at various points between 80.8°C (177.4°F) and 121.1°C (250°F) are as follows: T Cp °C (cal/g-°C) 080 0.502 085 0.508 090 0.514 095 0.521 100 0.527 105 0.534 110 0.541 115 0.547 120 0.553 GAP Guidelines 2 A Publication of Global Asset Protection Services GAP. June 2, 2003 C pm is calculated as a geometric mean and is 0.527 cal/g°C. From Gallant, Volume 2, page 146, Figure 41-2, the heat of vaporization ∆Η υ at boiling temperature T2 (177.4°F) (80.8°C) = 85 cal/g. Therefore: WV = 225,450×0.527×(121.0 − 80.8)(o C ) 85 WV =W =56,191lb Catastrophic Loss Potential From Gallant, Volume 1, page 10, Table 1-1, the normal boiling point of propane is -44°F (-42.1°C). Since this is less than 70°F (21°C), assume that 100% of the spill will vaporize. Therefore: WV =W L =W =1,043,750lb CALCULATION OF ENERGY RELEASED Probable Maximum Loss The equivalent energy W e (short ton TNT) of the vapor cloud explosion will be calculated from equation 6E: We = W ∆H c f 4 × 106 Values of ∆H c are found in Perry,2 Page 3-156, Table 3-207. For cyclohexane ∆Η c = 18,846 Btu/lb. In NFPA Handbook,3 Section 5, Chapter 11, ∆H c = 43,450 kJ/kg (net) = 18,692 Btu/lb. The explosive yield factor f is 0.02. Therefore: We = 56,191 × 18,846 × 0.02 4 × 10 6 W e =5.3 tons TNT GAP Guidelines 3 A Publication of Global Asset Protection Services GAP. June 2, 2003 Catastrophic Loss Potential The equivalent energy W e (short tons TNT) of the vapor cloud explosion will be calculated from equation 6E: We = W∆H c f 4×10 6 From Perry, Page 3-155, Table 3-207, H c for propane is 19,929 Btu/lb. In NFPA Handbook, Section 5, Chapter 11, H c = 46,360 kJ/kg (net) = 19,944 Btu/lb. The explosive field factor is 0.02. Therefore: We = 1,043,750 × 19,929 × 0.02 4 × 10 6 W e = 104 tons TNT OVERPRESSURE CIRCLES From Figure 1, the following overpressure circle diameters are obtained for the probable maximum loss where W e = 5.3 tons TNT: 1 psi = 1400 ft 2 psi = 860 ft 3 psi = 700 ft 5 psi = 520 ft From Figure 1, the following overpressure circle diameters are obtained for the catastrophic loss potential where W e = 104 tons TNT: 01 psi = 3700 ft 02 psi = 2400 ft 03 psi = 1800 ft 05 psi = 1400 ft 07 psi = 1200 ft 10 psi = 1000 ft GAP Guidelines 4 A Publication of Global Asset Protection Services GAP. June 2, 2003 CALCULATION OF CLOUD SIZE Probable Maximum Loss The diameter of the vapor cloud formed W L (lb) from spilling of cyclohexane with WV (lb) vaporizing will be calculated from equation 13E since a 10 ft high cloud is assumed: Dc = 7.017 W Mυ From NFPA 325M,4 the flammable limits (% volume) of cyclohexane are 1.3% to 8%. Therefore υ , the fraction of the cloud volume at the midpoint of the explosive range, is calculated from equation 11: υ= 1.3 + 8 = 0.0465 2 × 100 The molecular weight Μ of cyclohexane from Gallant, Volume 2, Page 154, Table 41-1 or from the NFPA Handbook, Section 5, Chapter 11 is 84.16. Therefore: Dc = 7.017 56,191 = 841 ft 84.16×0.0465 Catastrophic Loss Potential The diameter of the vapor cloud from a spill of W pounds of propane will be calculated from equation 13E since a 10 ft high cloud is assumed: Dc = 7.017 W Mυ From NFPA 325M, the flammable limits (% volume) of propane are 2.2% to 9.5%. Therefore, the fraction of the cloud volume represented by vapor when the entire cloud volume is at the midpoint of the explosive range υ is calculated from equation 11: υ= 2.2 + 9.5 2 × 100 = 0.0585 The molecular weight M of propane from Gallant, Volume 1, Page 10, Table 1-1, or NFPA Handbook is 44.094. Therefore: Dc = 7.017 1,043,750 = 4464 ft 44.094 × 0.0585 GAP Guidelines 5 A Publication of Global Asset Protection Services GAP. June 2, 2003 DETERMINATION OF DAMAGE Appropriate overpressure circles and cloud diameter are drawn on a plan of the plant. See Figures 1, 2 and 3 of this appendix for an illustration of these circles. As indicated in GAP., minimum damage within the various overpressure circles are as follows: • • • • Within the 5 psi circle - 100% Outside the 5 psi but inside the 3 psi circle - 70% Outside the 3 psi but inside the 1 psi circle - 40% Tables I and II are used considering the equipment and structures involved to arrive at a more precise estimate if one or more particular pieces of high value equipment may change the rough estimates given above. A d m in W a re h o u s e C o m p o u n d in g M a in t U tilitie s W o rs t C a s e L o s s P o te n tia l C lo u d S h o p W o rs t C a s e L o s s P o te n tia l C e n te r P ro c e s s P ro c e s s T a n k F a rm P r o b a b le M a x im u m L o s s A n d M a x im u m F o r s e e a b le L o s s P o te n tia l C e n te r A n d C lo u d Figure 1. Cloud Size Approx. Size: 1 in. = 450 ft GAP Guidelines 6 A Publication of Global Asset Protection Services GAP. June 2, 2003 A d m in W a re h o u s e C o m p o u n d in g M a in t U tilitie s S h o p 1 P ro c e s s 2 P ro c e s s 3 5 T a n k F a rm Figure 2. Estimated Probable Loss Overpressure Circles Approx. Size: 1 in. = 450 ft A d m in W a re h o u s e C o m p o u n d in g M a in t U tilitie s 1 S h o p 2 1 0 7 P ro c e s s 3 5 P ro c e s s T a n k F a rm Figure 3. Catastrophic Loss Potential Overpressure Circles Approx. Size: 1 in. = 450 ft GAP Guidelines 7 A Publication of Global Asset Protection Services GAP. June 2, 2003 REFERENCES 1. R. W. Gallant, Physical Properties Of Hydrocarbons, Volumes 1 & 2, Gulf Publishing Company, Houston, TX. 2. R. H. Perry, D. Green, Perry’s Chemical Engineers’ Handbook, 6 edition, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, NY. 3. NFPA Handbook, 16th edition, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA. 4. NFPA 325M-1984, Fire Hazard Properties Of Flammable Liquids, Gases, And Volatile Solids, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA. th GAP Guidelines 8 A Publication of Global Asset Protection Services
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