by t J G-tOf· 1'1.. Edison High School Intervention Math Class Name: 'I.{ c..., 2<.~ (.0- 2()7J& 11J:.,..... 'l-J;~~ ------------------------Date: ---------- 6-Step Strategy to Critical Thinking o i\ stratcgy dcsigncd to rcducc the risk of mistakes while solving standardizcd 1118th problems. 1 2 Idcntify t\VO k:cy words. Idcntify thc gencral math topic and/or sub-topic involved. 1 4 3 Makc sense of the problcm by l IdcntifY thc drawing a picture, writing a formula, I answcr that does 110t makc allY organizing information, or any othcr scnsc and idea that may motivatc your brain to figurc out thc problcm. explain why. (NS) ') 3 L.. ; 4 5 Identify the "evil " answcr or "trap" (cxpeeted 111 istakc) and cxplain why. (EA) 5 I 6 Choose the corrcct answcr from the rcmaining two and cxplain wlly thc iI1corrcct onc docs not work. 6 I 1 ;\ em of po p conLclil1 s 12 OUllCCS. LstinlaLc 110W IllJIlY Olillces of pop arc lIIC I (' ill a C(lSP' of e'l can s of po p? r : \. \ l)O II) , 2 6 O UV\cr,'j -'---1 G u ~1 6 Cr.- D. o '-, v, c .r.. .r S "/ ( 1.J .-----,•. ---.,-----~.- -.- \ 9. 'I I) -----.' c, +" f'{\U-\~I --------_...- 12-, . A I-{ 0<" I-{ r.\' - (' '" - ", \". 5 '\ . \ C-- ,-' \ \ • nl\ tl .~ ,- - - - -_ __. 1 _ ._ 2 l(a Lie is ~oing Lo buy a nOLeiJook fOl' $ 1.98, two pens that cost 99 cen ts eaell, fuur c(lIlcJy b;;w.; thaL cost '19 cents each, and a pack of pencils for $1.49 . \lVllich is the best estirnJle o f hrYN much money sile will spe nd at the store? \,-J~._\)_ ~_ ~_?~ , . ') b ., _r~ (l cP I ~ \'I"~~ ()'l } .' -\ t t (. S C, (;,(J(J ~I ~~~ ~ Lj-:j qj 0 '1~~q--Tex V \ItI\~ (j L. q I u,\ <..) , .'..{ I 5~Ol f D. t 7- s' -a ::,::> --r\F-) " \ < [WI ;, I r b·· I ... 1. V' V I . ~' ""~ ) --------- .. 3 1\'11. Towne drove from Minneapolis to Albany, l'-levv York, a ci isLan ee of l 25'7 Iniles Ir he aver,1geci ~)O miles pCI' hO ll l', about how long did the trifJ tak e'? /I _C_1 / ' "; ,_) (.. 1 1<1? Q' Yo(· '\ J ~ . 'r's' O,(J \ \~ 2. ') hd U 'r S 5'0 /1 c ,-s I) () . I - D. /; - \ - - ----- ._-_. 0'-' I" '-f~ ~J' \ . . Ie I i S-Q..y\(C 'U jj ,,~ -. ~ 260 II: J\). l 1 1\ C ~JI1 ?il n. \ iJ U () U C d ilS C t/\ ()[ pu p CU I1La ill '; 1(' OUI1 Cfo.:; . E:o tirntlLc how rl\,lIlY oun ces of IJOp (II e lilel c in (] c ase o f of p Op 7 p,v . J) 20 () mM:--Y<DV~,, ~o,,~T--- ~;: .j l..)' ,\ ({: ) . I of 2 L{ I G '1 c C. 3 06 ~ ~o t l1e n J h \.. 0 \.J.'f\ ('..tJ' < Ii" C o r,'''- __ I ~I._~' I __.. _.. i___...__ _ II '.C. , ( \, h _~ < I I -! ,. j ' ::= r~ ~I' .~I. ' I.' \ , -~ n C'" \ r\'\ ~ S ( c < I C\ (' <>-) <:!) (J ., .. ~ -: "") \ rt) .( CO:jl '19 CCI 1t S eac h, and a pa c k of pencils fOI' $1.49. VVhich is l:",VI.. 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(" 5 0 - --- ---- ~~ D D -\;' ''2~L' ~- ::'-:r 100 --::-:-.:=, l) ' 7 S \'1 ()\/I ~ I I i _ -' r '2-50 ;, ?-;;v I I ! n _ . e, \,:;. 1 · \ <.J Y"' S -1'-- )-' ( ' (. 1(' ,"f\ f ' .' I ~ ~ \( . L. ~ ' j . ". . , '\J '\ "2 -\ \" . ~ \~~ D. DO V.. ~\ U'··"..' I I; . 2_ /. U/' I t) cJ U ~ U \. ) '"1 - ~ 'N)/ c.:,hr1v (_ )( 3) . 1,0 \.11: :' V j I ; I \ .;) J~ {' F1 ", (,I. , \ I' ~- '( .•. ., '.-, ,"\ Common Assessment Map Social Studies Secondary Sample Essential Standard(s): Timeline: (Unit) GE. 01, 4 weeks Understand and use geographic information using a variety of scales, patterns of distribution, and arrangement. GE O3, Locate, identify and explain changes in countries over time GE 04, Locate, identify and explain changes in countries over time GE 05, GE 08, Apply geographic tools to identify change in a place over time, and to infer reasons for the change. HS 05 Analyze and evaluate, the impact of economic, cultural or environmental factors that result in changes to population of cities, countries, or regions. Knowledge Reasoning Performance Skills Locate/identify major geographic Evaluate impact of concepts migration Identify major geographic locations on Analyze early a world map civilizations innovations and Identify examples of movement impact on society Vocabulary: movement, colonialism, Evaluate early imperialism, region, place, location, civilizations human/environment interaction, interdependence, isolationism, globalization, policy, military, political, social, economic, hastened, flowering of civilization, conquest, revolution, enlightenment ideas, social injustice,…. I can statements: (Break down the learning targets from above into student-friendly statements) I can locate/identify major geographic concepts I can analyze early civilizations innovations and impact on society I can evaluate early civilizations innovations and impact on society. I can identify examples of movement I can evaluate impact of migration Product Describe Assessment and Timeline Pre-assessment Learning Targets All Method Analysis and Intervention When will we analyze it? What kinds of interventions may be used? Student Response: What will students do with the data? Use the preassessment to compare to the summative assessment Review and discuss in class to plan interventions for those who don’t get it Students will receive a list of “I can” statements and they will begin to check off when they complete and understand. Team will review results and plan lessons for 1 or 2 I can statements that seemed to be the most critical for success on the standards. Formative Assessment 1: (add as many rows as needed) I can analyze early civilizations innovations and impact on society I can evaluate early civilizations innovations and impact on society. Students will read a text describing the innovations of an early civilization. 4 multiple choice questions will see if they can analyze. A short paragraph will ask them a question to evaluate. The team will score a sample of responses using the rubric provided by the state. Then, individual teachers will score the rest of the assessments and bring the scores of all students to the table. Finally, students will be categorized based on their score on the evaluation section—those students who really get it; those who somewhat get it; those who really struggle. Together, we will design activities for each of these groups. Then, we will all go back to our classrooms and implement the response as a differentiated lesson. Students will not get their scores back immediately. Instead, they will work in groups to identify the strengths and weaknesses of sample paragraphs (from previous years or other classes). Then, they will get their own paragraphs back and they will write another draft. Formative Assessment 2: Summative Assessment all Selected response and short essay Receive a grade J: _ oJ -' " ~) n= -, - '-.- ' I.:": --:;;" "" 'f) v Q. 0'; t, .' . J -- -' i: --," C . ~~ " 'C "- ~' ~------------~ > >.. ~ ~ ~ ~ c: ~ I ·. ', i ' .. ' .. ~ -l....... ., \ ~ ;;. [7; =..::; ' , I ,t.l: .-. !.. - -', C ~ ~ Q (l t...> ; S 1 i " .; ~ \1.. o ~ ~ 4,. . ') C:~PJ?~ ~. '1'1 (("':"9 11 c'-' "('I (I!':; ~'-V i'V'G"-11 0'01\((-0 C-.:i\? I c" j!\ ~ ;X"1.'::L '~--rr6 i ~ ~ . v~ J foc' '1 l,cl..": . \ c ~ j'VI.L.:CV' U\~ Icc:;i.kU 1;:) qq roo y ,j/'A'i/c,{- CI \ • '1~ > "i _ I . IIJ! . j 'J . ..... .~ ',. i". / l: 'J e ",' i i ,J)' 5 ;., 1'1 /-(}/ ' / ~ lfo5c r J . /-G ? 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I (U 1£ ,- ,"!l ,-\ r r; -- ~.; 'll6' :~ bel 1 1\ f\ \ ;' - Cc of pop'? '- _._,- ___._--_ __ _-,- . InC} if\ cOl1Lclil~S 1 (~ OUI1CCS . [stimaLc ilow I1lJI1Y ounces of pop arc tilele ill a casp of C;111 of pop (~ii C~IIl :) ( > l_J V\ 1).266 c. l-') ....... .. ,._. +'1["tAtl ~ c .. G u ~1 \9- ';I f) Lr ~) ~. ~::lr .~-- f;~- . :-~--- ~---r~ /"------. c., . r ' -, <: ! (') 0. () L, D - ". V, r -- A, i ,r 1. _'~ I C ~_ I Il: I, j" s .\ _ I --~--:----,-- C. ,~ (-I ~n I \. . .-. f.x • \ - , 1.·~ ( ,,.:)t::, C Uo Q--.:::::, _ .... ... - \-. C1 ~' +C\ q ffV\t(). ~ I '~L ~ f" VU 5~O'C I L~: ~ II 11~ ~-.. 3 .-·-·-· I .. _ __'. \ ' 11- . I~i ' , f' J-< I'11" I.t-. ! ~\ I: D ~ -to rI,' , );;, ,\-" C . 'J 0 f. ' ,I 1 b i7. )'! \ ~n I -3 0!1 q\ \ /' c.-.S ·c [.( \~· - ·- r---·-·----·- UQ I 1 '. . \ ( ·~·t;f~~;J--1 .' C_f ~. \ :> -:::. \.\ \,.~ ~ i o kt .____.____. J / i c..~.' 1 _. ~ , J'" i .'1: " · _I I.l ~ 1\11. 10lvnc dl'Ove flom ~,!inneapolis to /\lbaI1Y, r\l ew '(olk, a ciist31lce of 12::;7 mile s. If 1102 h (), .. (\ I.)\(_ '\0 ( \ L.. 1(" 5' ~. -_._._-_. , \ ~ 2')' l/ lo,-,'r5 . ~ - . -- - - ~ . r-- _ ._ --D. 50 c ..,..----_... t)OUV'S ", / (. ./_ I ( , f) /1 ' rI [ R.. .I\r~ r 'U ,-:, ,Y J '(.{ lI :0 ( \ I~ Ie [/ (l\'C IZl (j cd SO mile s pel' hOlll, (JiJout h ow 10119 did the llip take'? \ :S;' i~ !, IS ~Ioing "5 _c, <"f (\ Q. to buy a notebook for $ 1.98, two pens that cost 99 cents each, fOll1 GIIlC]'! 1.1,115 that cost ·19 C81'1ts CJcil , and a pack of pencils for $1.49. VVh ich is thc bcst csLiIllJtc or 11 0 W Inuch Illoney she will spend a t tile stan: 7 {'.. /-\ . ~"1.'<' 1.- : l) f'C 1-- I ___ , '" ~ . .. ~ -" ( , ,_ \:.--, '\; \ __ • I u I L. "-. . II- - '".---~-.- ._r i~ "'1 C' (I.-:J ( .J I t-. ....-- c1.J')Yl \ Ivv, ''It' ' ! .... _ _.•_ -1 o d ~ -- -- \ 2 I<:ltic ._ r a . " / (l /'0 ' ' .c_ / uU / /' ']" I / I --_.... -.- . . lJ f-S _--_._- ~---- ~ (~ :..J b, h 1 0 ' " --:> ~ , “I am a physically educated person.” THE STANDARDS I AM FIT National Standard 4 I CAN MOVE CORRECTLY National Standard 1 I CAN PLAY FAIRLY National Standard 5 I PARTICPATE REGULARLY National Standard 3 I VALUE MY HEALTH & FITNESS National Standard 6 I CAN TRAIN ME & OTHERS National Standard 1 Exceeds Standard Meets Standard Does not meet Standard 2 1 0 -Has shown consistent improvement/maintenance of personal fitness throughout class. -Understands & consistently applies biomechanical principles -Can correct errors -Has shown inconsistent improvement of personal fitness throughout the class -Has not improved personal fitness during the course of the class. -Understands & consistently attempts application of biomechanical principles -Can correct errors -Does not understand or apply biomechanical principles -Participates actively in classroom activities -Demonstrates cooperation and communication consistently -Peer mentor or helper to others -Helps distribute and collect equipment -Leader and example of socially responsible behaviors -Actively participates each day in class. -Makes up all missed PE days -Participates actively in classroom activities -Demonstrates cooperation and communication consistently -Respects others, rules, and equipment -Demonstrate appropriate and socially responsible behaviors -Participates each day in PE -Makes up missed PE days -Creates problems in activities -Does not include all students -Disrespectful to others, rules, & equipment -Understands and demonstrates a commitment to wellness in a variety of ways. -Participates & encourages others to be a part of wellness both in and out of class -Can design a wellness plan focusing on balance for total personal wellness. -Understands and demonstrates a commitment to wellness in the classroom. -Is involved in class in a variety of ways demonstrating a positive attitude toward wellness. -Can identify weaknesses in personal wellness and can write a plan that focuses on personal wellness development. -No evidence of commitment of a healthy lifestyle. -Does not participate regularly. -Does not participate each day in PE -Does not make up missed days - Does not show understanding on how to write a plan to develop personal wellness. Physical Education Rubric for Success promotes lifelong physical activity. BHHS Physical Education Syllabus Lisa Summers,, #709-7847 Greg Bert,, #709-7848 Overview: Our PE classes are designed to enhance or maintain fitness levels as well as develop and refine motor skills through various activities. It is our goal to develop physically educated people. We want our students to have the skills, knowledge, and values of leading a healthy and fit life through adulthood. In order to do this our students will be taught, trained, and assessed in these areas to learn if they have met, exceeded, or failed to meet standard. Physical education students will be introduced to many different fitness activities, sport/leisure games, training principles, fitness concepts throughout the semester. Fitness testing will be administered throughout the semester; 20 meter Pacer, mile run, sit ups to failure, push ups to failure, and sit and reach as required in the Tumwater School District. Methods: This course will operate with the integration of fitness, motor skills and active participation. Information will be covered each week (principles, safety, history, rules, strategies, and concepts). The course will depend largely on small and large group participation. Materials and supplements will come from Five for Life, Well-Pro, Fitnessgram, current textbooks, videos, district power standards, Washington State Essential Learning Requirements, and National PE Standards and Guidelines. Guest speakers, utilization of technology, in-class and take home assessments, tests, and projects are to be expected. Grading: A= 6/6 standards met F= less than 3 standards met B= 5/6 standards met **Students & Parents can check grades on Skyward The Physical Education Department at BHHS promotes lifelong healthy choices. BHHS Health Syllabus Lisa Summers,, #709-7847 Greg Bert,, #709-7848 Overview: Students are required to take a semester of health; within the freshmen PE/Health year, semester of health, independent study at BHHS, or online BYU. Concepts, values, and principles in the following areas will be addressed and assessed; health and fitness, nutrition, stress management, drug and alcohol education, sex education, conflict resolution, goal setting, disease prevention, and first aid/CPR. Students will be tested on health-related cognitive concepts. Students will also be required to take Washington state classroom-based assessments in health and fitness. Methods: The course will depend largely on small and large group participation. Materials and supplements will come from Five for Life, Well-Pro, current textbooks, videos, district power standards, Washington State Essential Learning Requirements, and National Health Standards and Guidelines. Guest speakers, utilization of technology, in-class and take home assessments, tests, and projects are to be expected. Grading: A= 3/3 standards met F= 0 standards met B= 2/3 standards met **Students & Parents can check grades on Skyward C= 1/3 standards met “I am a health educated person.” THE STANDARDS Exceeds Standard Meets Standard Does not meet Standard 2 I AM HEALTHY & FIT National Standard 1 I KNOW WHAT I AM MADE OF National Standard 1 I CAN MAKE HEALTHY CHOICES National Standard 2, 3,4, 5, 6,7 I VALUE MY HEALTH & THE HEALTH OF OTHERS National Standard 2,7,8 -Can design workouts and training sessions for others and self based on principles and concepts -BHHS Personal Trainer Certification -Able to identify, and explain functions of systems of the body -Is an example and leader of promoting and applying healthy practices to promote health and prevent disease, -Understands and sets SMART goals -Demonstrates ability to make appropriate nutritional choices -Able to analyze choices in personal health -Demonstrates commitment through organizations or clubs (communicate to public) -Understands and applies principles and practices each day -Evidence of commitment to wellness (improvement on fitness tests, maintains logs, & journals, etc.) -Participates & encourages others to participate in club, PE Nights, local events ST -CERTIFICATION IN 1 AID/CPR 1 -Can design workouts and training sessions for others and self based on principles and concepts 0 -Able to identify, and explain functions of systems of the body -Applies healthy practices to promote health and prevent disease - Does not show understanding on how to apply principles and concepts in creating training sessions and workouts for self or others -Cannot identify, and explain functions of systems of the body -Does not promote healthy practices -Does not apply healthy practices -Understands and sets SMART goals -Demonstrates ability to make appropriate nutritional choices -Able to analyze choices in personal health -Does not set SMART goals -Is not able to understand how to choose and make healthy choices with nutrition, sleep, hydration, personal relationships, drugs, stress-reduction, and resolving conflicts -Understands and applies principles and practices each day -Evidence of commitment to wellness (improvement on fitness tests, skills tests, keeps and maintains logs & journals, etc.) ST -1 AID/CPR -No evidence of commitment of a healthy lifestyle. -Does not participate regularly. -No improvements shown on fitness tests, concepts tests, &/or skills tests Chapter 10 Audit Algebra; South High School Analyze your test item by item. Identify and write down what learning each item assesses. Describe the learning in whatever terms you want. If two or more items address the same learning, use the same terms to describe that learning. Renumbering the test 9 10 11 8 14 15 12 13 18 19 16 Item # based on draft test 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. Objective (see objective numbers below) 3 2 (by degree) 2 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 6 4 – Is it too hard? Will they freak out? A goal next year that they won’t be scared of a problem like this… Draw a picture to help…. “the box model” 8 5 5 7 7 18 11 11 -- delete 11 (delete – like 19) 11 15 15 11 --delete 15 (and 14) 12 15 13 Factoring Chapter Test Factoring Chapter Test NEW 9x+54 Organize the learning targets into a test plan. Transfer the information from Step One to this chart. Objective 1. Adding and subtracting polynomials 4 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 2 1 1 5 1 Classify by degree and number of terms Writing polynomials in standard form Multiplying polynomials Multiplying binomial times a binomial Multiplying a monomial times a polynomial 7. Using the zero product property to solve equations 8. Finding the area of a rectangle 9. Do the four some things…… “modeling polynomials in different forms” 10. Writing quadratic equations giving the roots 11. Factor trinomials 12. Greatest Common Factor 13. Factor by grouping 14. Multiple step factoring 15. Solving quadratic equations by factoring 16. Identify and factor perfect square trinomials 17. Factor difference of squares 18. Finding x intercepts of a quadratic equation and the vertex Item #s # of points 2 1 0 (add #15 from Chapter test) 0 (Extra Credit #31 and 32) 3 1 1 1 (included in Object. 15, too) 4 0 0 1 Question your test plan: Is this a representative sample of what you taught and what you expected students to learn? Does the number of points for each learning target represent its relative importance within the whole? If not, which ones are out of balance? Does the number of points for each learning target represent the amount of time you spent on it relative to the whole? If not, which ones are out of balance? Are some learning targets over-represented? If so, which one(s)? Are some learning targets under-represented? If so, which one(s)? Are some of the important learning targets you taught left out? If so, which one(s)? 4. Adjust your test plan. As needed, adjust the numbers in the “# of points” column on the previous page to reflect the amount of time you spent teaching each learning target and each target’s relative importance to the content as a whole. As needed, add or delete learning targets to reflect what you taught and what you deemed most important to learn and assess. 5. Audit your adjusted test plan against your list of outcomes. Which outcomes are represented? Are any under- or over-represented on your test plan? 6. Draw conclusions about your assessment. What does this tell you about the matches among what’s written in your curriculum, what you taught, and what you assessed? *Need to reorder test items to help the thinking of students – reordered English Language Arts 6 – 12 Power Standards 6th grade English Power Standards • The students will o analyze, make inferences, and draw conclusions about theme. o identify, explain, and analyze figurative language in all texts. o develop the initiative to become life-long readers. o actively participate in class discussions in which they paraphrase major ideas and support with evidence, elaboration, and examples. o ask open-ended research questions in order to develop and gain knowledge. o correctly use and understand a variety of sentence types, while also ensuring the use of appropriate grammar, punctuation, and spelling. o work productively with others in teams. o adhere to proper audience etiquette in both formal and informal settings. 7th grade English Power Standards • The students will o use structural analysis (suffixes, prefixes, Latin roots) to determine the meaning of words o compose effective paragraphs with appropriate sentence structure and conventions o adjust rate and reading strategies according to purpose (fiction, recreational reading, analytical, nonfiction, and research) o independently analyze literature for both literal and inferential meaning o choose an appropriate prewriting strategy for writing an essay (i.e. Venn Diagram, KWL, etc.) o use elements of the writing process to compose texts o determine, locate, and explore valid and reliable sources to address a research question 8th grade English Power Standards • The students will o o Use various strategies to compare and contrast the components of a work Identify and analyze literary elements in a work English Language Arts 6 – 12 Power Standards o Analyze various characterization techniques in order to more fully understand the meaning of a work o Develop a vocabulary based on works studied o Read a variety of works including both classic and contemporary works o Correctly cite sources from a variety of media 9th grade English Power Standards • The students will o analyze, make inferences, and draw conclusions about major themes o analyze the effects of diction and imagery in poetry o read and discuss a self-selected literary work from different genres o make inferences and draw conclusions about a text using textual evidence o write more complex sentences focusing on sentence structure, sentence combining, and diction o determine whether or not an electronic source is credible and/or appropriate for what is being researched o identify and analyze literary elements in various texts 10th grade English Power Standards • The students will o thoughtfully reflect in order to consider alternatives, justify answers, weigh evidence, and support ideas. o effectively use reading and writing as tools of expression and communication on both a personal level and to a larger audience. o understand how to make an effective argument. o draw valid conclusions from a text. o evaluate the role of syntax and diction and the effect of voice, tone, and imagery on a speech, literary essay, or other forms of literary non-fiction. o evaluate how messages presented in media reflect social and cultural views in ways different from traditional texts. o use intentional strategies meant to persuade the audience. o use elements of the writing process (planning, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing) to compose grade-appropriate text. English Language Arts 6 – 12 Power Standards 11th grade English Power Standards • The students will o respond to a question or issue with an assertion and evidence from the text. o research a topic, develop a thesis based on that research, and support the thesis with evidence from various cited sources. o use vocabulary appropriate to a particular mode of response (ie descriptive, persuasive, informative, etc). o analyze an author or speaker’s style in both written and verbal responses. o recognize a valid argument through the analysis of rhetorical strategies. o share their responses to a work with a group of their peers and both give and receive feedback to improve their writing. 12th grade English Power Standards • The students will o create a professional resume o write formal essays in a variety of styles including: business, literary analysis, personal narrative, and expository. o understand and create writings in blank verse and iambic pentameter o read Shakespeare and recognize universal themes relevant today using the original text o recognize archetypal images through both world literature and contemporary society o create poetry in a variety of forms and then identify, analyze, and present poetic elements in contemporary poetry
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